#re: rules and regs
flores-desyatov · 17 days
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*Also among the list of approved international competitions are all the grand prix events.
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info from this document
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never-was-has-been · 2 years
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Interesting article (long read) on the Rail system's safety measures re: transport of Highly Flammable contents vs. the train's braking system that went into use in 1868 and is still used today in Ohio…
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prongsfish · 6 months
@croptopjames / 1,015 words / happy bday jfp <3 - nsfw but fades to black
Regulus thought he might die, honestly.
This couldn’t be allowed. It was surely against the rules. Regulus wasn’t exactly sure what rules he was referring to (Laws against public indecency, maybe?), but somebody had to stop James Potter.
He knew exactly what he was doing, too. Chest puffed out, arms crossed, and leaning against the wall, all while idly rolling his wrist, the red cup in his hand moving in circles. Regulus couldn’t see into the cup, but assuming it wasn’t yet empty of beer, he thought the liquid sloshing around inside was likely reminiscent of the feeling inside his stomach. His smile too, of course, betrayed his self-satisfaction. The glint in his eyes said that he knew just how much he was affecting the other party-goers.
Regulus huffed over the man’s ridiculously large ego and tried not to think about how, at that moment, he was the perfect example to prove it justified.
And he definitely wasn’t thinking about the strip of brown skin between the top of his jeans and the hem of his shirt, which was much too small for him. The skin that was covered by it was only barely less inappropriate as he may as well have not been wearing a shirt at all with how tightly it clung to the contours of his defined torso.
He looks ridiculous, Regulus thought, like he’s wearing a kid’s t-shirt. He ignored the contrasting reaction his body seemed to be insisting on, but still couldn’t bring himself to tear his eyes away.
“Jesus Christ, mate, try not to drool,” Barty said from beside him. Regulus scowled but didn’t so much as glance over at him, despite having no clue when he got there. “I’ve seriously never seen you look this desperate. I’m a bit worried you’ll combust.”
“Shut up.” He replied through gritted teeth. Barty just sighed and pet him roughly on the back.
“Alright, whatever, I’m gonna go see if Dorcas has found anything stronger to drink yet. Have fun with your ogling.”
Regulus didn’t bother answering, instead taking a sip of the drink he’d been nursing for a while by then. He wasn’t exactly sure what was in it, but Pandora made it, so he wasn’t worried. Any other of his friends and he wouldn’t have dared touch it.
James had been talking to people most of the night and had only been on his own like that for a few minutes. Regulus watched him as he watched everyone else, had been watching him all night, really, but appreciated that he was standing still now. He swore that the man couldn’t stay in one spot for more than thirty seconds.
He didn't know why he felt caught out, then, when James' eyes finally wandered over to him, smirk widening to find Regulus’ eyes already trained intently on him. He wasn’t exactly being subtle, and James had been watching all around the room, of course he’d look his way eventually. If his brain hadn’t been occupied with… other details and he’d thought about it, he would’ve expected it.
He wouldn’t have expected James to then push off the wall and start walking towards him, though.
“Hey Reg,” He said once he was close enough to be heard over the music blasting around them. God, he looked so full of himself. Disgustingly pleased. It made Regulus’ blood burn.
“Potter,” Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t take that tone with me after I caught you staring.” James wasn’t that much taller than Regulus, but the handful of inches between them meant he looked down at him when they spoke. It definitely did not make Regulus’ stomach flood with butterflies.
“I was simply astounded by your ridiculous attire. I don’t quite know what you were going for there, but it’s a bit of a train wreck.”
“Y’know it’s useless lying to me, baby. It’s written all over your face what you’re really thinking.” God, his voice was good. Deeper than usual, and thick and sweet as syrup. Did he just call him baby?
“And what exactly, would you say, I’m thinking?” Regulus narrowed his eyes, staring directly into James’ own.
James' free hand lifted to rest lightly on Regulus’ hip, just grazing the side of his waist. He tried to hide the way he sucked in a breath, but James’ grin told him he was unsuccessful.
“Similar to what I am, surely.”
Regulus swallowed hard. He wouldn’t give in this easily. “What would Sirius think about you touching his little brother like this, hm?”
James just exhaled a laugh. “Sirius isn’t here right now.” His grip tightened slightly as he leaned forward to murmur only inches away from his face and Regulus couldn’t resist how his eyes snapped down to watch how muscles both covered and uncovered by his shirt shifted. “Don’t change the subject.”
Alright, maybe Regulus would give in that easily.
He swayed forward, suddenly, hands moving up to cup his face and pulling him into a kiss. James’ lips reacted quickly, moving against his own, and his arm shifted around his waist to place his palm on his back. James’ tongue slid against Regulus’ lips and he opened them without hesitation, groaning into his mouth as they hurried to escalate. The sound seemed to spur James on some more, and he started walking them both away, speaking words at a time between devouring Regulus’ mouth with his own. “C’mon, baby, the- fuck- bathroom, this way.”
Normally, Regulus would've challenged his assumption he’d follow him into the bathroom, but this time he only nodded quickly and let James lead him away. Barty was right, he was acting like some common fucking whore. At this rate, if they hadn’t moved into the bathroom, James pushing him against the wall as soon as they were in, they really would’ve been at risk of trouble for public indecency.
As James' mouth left his, moving to trail hot kisses down his body as Regulus writhed above him, all he managed to get out between quiet gasps and moans was “Whatever you do, just, keep- ah-, the shirt, on.”
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capturecharlesau · 2 years
WELOME to Captured Charles AU !!
My name is Minnie! I’m over 18, I’m female, and my birthday is on April 17 :D I’m a happy go lucky person who is heterosexual and I LOVE EVERYTHING THSC :D
Hey! Here you can see my story in order so people can get caught up! :D
The main protagonists are: Reginald Copperbottom and Charles Calvin
The main antagonists are: Terrence Suave and Burt Su— erm I mean Curtis 👀
I hope you enjoy!! :D
There will also be a series of flashbacks in my story from either Reginald, RHM, and Terrence!
(Flashback) R = Reginald’s memory
(Flashback) R = RHM’s memory
(Flashback) T = Terrence’s memories
WARNING!! My story can be VERY dark at times read at your own risk!
Cover art for this was made by @rubyshot
Author for this story is me! My helper and co-creator is @jaytoons7 who helped me mold my universe and made this a reality!
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The following links are RE-UPLOADED from my last blog so I’ll be adding the chapter’s/links down here to get caught up in my story! :D
Chapter One: ✨ Captured Charles ✨
✨ Part 1: Courage… ✨
✨ Part 2: Uh oh…something’s wrong… ✨
Chapter Two: ✨ Why hello there… ✨
✨ Part 1: Oh hi Toppat Leaders! ✨
✨ Part 2: Svensson’s trouble’s ✨
✨ Part 3: Guess who’s here! ✨
Chapter 3: ✨ Guilty ✨
✨Part 1: Yeah, where is Burt? ✨
✨ Part 2: It’s stronger then you ✨
✨ Part 3: Rule through fear ✨
✨ Part 4: You did this ✨
✨ Part 5: My angel, my world… ✨
Chapter 4: ✨ London ✨
✨ Part 1: Capture Reg! ✨
✨ Part 2: Suave and Charm ✨
Chapter 5: ✨ Drunk nights ✨
✨ Part 1: Control ✨
✨ Part 2: Manipulation ✨
✨ Part 3: Lovey Terry ✨
✨ Part 4: Blinding Lights ✨
✨ Part 5: Hungry… ✨
✨ Part 6: I would never hurt someone…. ✨
From this point forward it is NOT a Re-Upload it is now a continuation :D 👇
Chapter 6: ✨ See through… ✨
✨ Part 1: Stolen ✨
✨ Part 2: Don’t make me!! ✨
✨ Part 3: Jealousy… ✨
✨ Part 4: (Flashback)R Swedish freak… ✨
✨ Part 5: Old memories… ✨
✨ Part 6: Stay here…. ✨
Chapter 7: ✨ Decision making… ✨
✨ Part 1: (Flashback) R Stupid Reg… ✨
✨ Part 2: Give ‘em hell! ✨
✨ Part 3: One true love… ✨
✨ Part 4: Loss of sanity… ✨
✨ Part 5: Doesn’t deserve… ✨
✨ Part 6: Found ya! ✨
✨ Part 7: Confessions ✨
✨ Part 8: Spread my wings…. ✨
Chapter 8: ✨ Better… ✨
✨Part 1: Mi amore… ✨
✨ Part 2: Teasing… ✨
✨ Part 3: Made of love… ✨
✨ Seeking ✨ (missed a page lol)
✨ Part 4: Before you do… ✨
✨ Part 5: (Flashback)/R Night after night… ✨
✨ Part 6: Forced… ✨
✨ Part 7: Boys a liar… ✨
✨ Part 8: Only human… ✨
✨ Part 9: Hypocrite… ✨
✨ Part 10: Psychotic… ✨
Chapter 10: ✨ PAY!!! ✨
✨ Part 1: (Flashback)/T You’ll see… ✨
✨ Part 2: You make me begin…. ✨
✨ Part 3: Look at what you did… ✨
✨ Part 4: A better idea…. ✨
✨ Part 5: Not around… ✨
✨ Part 6: It’s time… ✨
Chapter 11: ✨ People of the Pride (Part one) ✨
✨ People of the Pride (Part two) ✨
✨ Part 2: Once again… ✨
✨ Part 3: (Final Chapter) My name is Terrence Suave… ✨
Captured Charles: The Epilogue
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Wanna know what happens next? Will Sven execute Burt? How will the clan recover from Terrence Suave? Find out in the link below to lead you to my chapters to find out!
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Character Bios (Get to know my versions of the characters and some OC’s
💜 Character Bio: Reginald Copperbottom 💜
♥️ Character Bio: Charles Calvin ♥️
💛Character Bio: Terrence Suave 💛
🧡Character Bio: Burt Curtis 🧡
💖Charecter Bio: Danny Felizima 💖
💙Character Bio: Sven Svensson 💙
🌟 💕 Everything about my Danny OC: 💕 🌟
🌟 Why Is Danny Felizima (my OC persona) so dark and bloody? 🌟
🌟 Danny’s shitfucked priorities :) 🌟
⭐️ Danny’s food priorities :) ⭐️
👔Captured Charles clothes:
Part 1: 👔 Charles, Reginald, Terrence, Sven, Burt, RHM 👔
The canon voices of my OC’s
🎙 Official OC canon voices 🎙
🎙 Danny Talking regular example as his canon voice The Weeknd 🎙
⬆️ Height chart ⬆️
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Want to know the origins of our many beloved THSC characters? The link below will show you links to different characters!
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contentment-of-cats · 30 days
Fic bit: An Axxilan's Progress: Political Correction
In the Empire there is a way to communicate the middle digit salute without actually making the gesture or otherwise conveying one's displeasure to those who might make one's career or life hard or end one's career or life altogether. Simply deny whatever request is forthcoming and append, 'Thank you and long live the Empire' to said denial. This makes it politically impossible to complain, though the request may be discreetly refiled at a later time. Likewise, one cannot open the request with the salutation lest one's motives for the request come under scrutiny. There's a line, sometimes invisible, always moving in relation to a variety of factors, and watching one's step is a survival skill.
Sartan of the Seventh is certainly a canny man, and uses such considerations and tactics to straight-arm Piett's (frequently) requested transfer to Death Squadron. Also in play are the rules and regs of the Imperial navy governing such transfers. The transfer is for a particular person at a particular rank from current post at current duty station to new post at new duty station. It stands to reason that as much as Vader wants Piett on the bridge of his warship, Sartan just as much desires to keep Piett where he is, doing what he does, and has worked out a strategy to keep it ticking over. This results in a game of tooka and skitteri between the Seventh on the Outer Rim and the First Fleet of which Death Squadron is a part. Sartan demotes, promotes, disciplines, medicals, and moves Piett around the Seventh at will.
Send the request to the White Widow? Piett's on the Chokehold.
Ask for the expedited transfer of Captain Piett? S.CP. Piett is now Senior Lieutenant Piett due to decking his admiral.
Ask for the transfer of S.LT. Piett? He's been promoted to Commander. Please resubmit with correct information re rank and station. Thank you and long live the Empire.
In other worse, fuck you very much in multiple positions with no lube and fuck the hoppalong you rode in on. He's mine and I am keeping him. Flit off.
Vader might use his regular tactics, but there are other issues to consider. Sartan, as mentioned, is a canny man. He is also Seswennan, meaning he's related to half of the IHC by blood and that includes the head of COMPNOR. He is related by marriage to the Tagges. During the ascent of the CIS, he was instrumental in bringing the independent sectors and their armed forces in on the side of the GAR. He worked closely with General Anakin Skywalker, and both were men who went out and Got It Done. Vader and the Jedi can agree on two things - distaste for sand and an appreciation for those who shut the fuck up and Get It Done. The Outer Rim and Wild Space need Sartan.
While an operation is under way to obtain Piett via good old-fasioned skulduggery, violence, and abduction, Sartan will crater the works out of pique. Vader just has to put something on offer that Sartan wants more than Piett.
And he is certain he knows just what... or who... that is.
"Get me Grand Moff Tarkin."
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jmagnabo92 · 8 months
Saw this and immediately had to show you.
This is from someone talking about Snape.
“He was a bright kid from a poor and dysfunctional home who got bullied by kids from well-to-do families, so he joined up with people who could help protect him from those bullies. At the age of 17 or 18, he and his school pals joined up for a cause they didn't fully understand (but believed it would improve their station), working as basically a slave for a crime lord and he got in way over his head. Once he recognized how much it would cost him, he did everything he could do make amends.
Would you like to be judged forever for the beliefs you had before you were 20?”
Well... this sounds exactly what they say about Regulus or Malfoy (Draco that is). I wonder if they say the same about all DE teens.
Personally, I think it's BS.
First of all, do we have any evidence that it was obvious or the reason behind the dislike from James/Sirius, that Snape was poor? Because I don't see that. It wasn't even obvious to them that he was poor, was it? Just by looking at him, you can't tell.
James/Sirius literally befriend the poorest person in class - Remus (which admittedly is a popular HC), but they've NEVER shown any elitism that the Purebloods in Slytherin do. There's no evidence, even grown up Sirius shows no elitism whatsoever towards Remus, the Weasleys or anyone else.
So, I don't think they targeted him because he was poor.
Secondly, he hated muggles as a child. He hated muggleborns throughout his teen years and DID NOT JOIN THE DEATH EATERS because of J/S. He literally joined them because he wanted to. He shared their ideals and he shared their desire to put wizards first because of his father - it had nothing to do with J/S or he wouldn't have joined pureblood that are far more elitist than they are.
Thirdly, there's A) no evidence about 'improving their station' - consider most that joined V were purebloods and already on top, and B) they all knew EXACTLY what was going on - everyone did. They were perfectly capable of knowing WTF was going on, what they were dealing with, and what the cause was - Voldemort never hid his goals for everything. The same teen that is intelligent enough to basically re-write potions and make spells that can kill with the intention to kill is intelligent enough to understand V's plainly laid out plans to rule over muggles. (It's not like V didn't make things obvious).
Lastly, he never would've changed sides if Lily's son wasn't targeted and she died. There's nothing to suggest that he stopped believing in pureblood elitism - in fact, his treatment of Hermione (a muggleborn) and Harry (a halfblood) show otherwise. But that's HC, as is anything that say 'he realizes the error of his ways' - just like Regulus he turned because someone HE CARED ABOUT was killed (or maimed in Reg's case). It literally nothing to do with realizing the error of his ways. In fact, if Lily dying hadn't happened - who's to say he would ever change sides. The fact that he gleefully passed on the prophecy and didn't care about condemning a child says he never would've.
As for the question at the end, I fully believe people can change but they have to change because they realize they were wrong and want to change because it's the right thing to do. I fully don't believe that's the case with Snape, just like it wasn't for Regulus. His treatment of his students -not just Gryffindors, not just Hermione, not just Harry (but that's a big reason) is not evidence that he didn't change, didn't want to change, and never believed he was wrong. He was just sorry it cost him Lily.
Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for the ask :)
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felixantares · 2 years
10 First Lines tagging game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
okay well I definitely don’t have ten and I don’t have any posted works, but I guess I can share some unposted stuff! thank you for the tag @the-francakes!! 💚
1. Somehow, in all his time fighting, Harry hadn’t given much thought to what would come after the war. Even when he had, he never thought he’d be sitting in the cold, watching dusty old ruins and missing the days spent chasing rumours of horcruxes across the country with Ron and Hermione – but that’s exactly where he found himself, sat in silence against a low wall with Ron as leaves tumbled past on an autumn breeze. [tear my heart out slow, my Tomarry time travel wip]
2. The door of Number 4 Privet Drive slammed shut behind Harry, cutting off Vernon’s demands that Harry come back and make Marge right again. He wouldn’t — she’d gotten what she deserved. Still, the satisfaction of seeing her panic did nothing to stop his hands from shaking as he dragged his trunk away from his aunt and uncle’s house. [honestly the first lines for build me no shrines (sing me no songs) are super boring. It’s a series re-write with Slytherin!Harry, some Snupin, some Regulus as Harry’s father, and a (large) sprinkle of Arthurian legend but it starts off just after Harry blows up Marge haha]
3. Peace at last. Here, away from judging eyes and expectations he could never measure up to, so far from those who could hurt him. His world was dark and cold, but it was his and he was finally, blissfully alone. [unnamed ghost!Reg fic 🥰 little ghost man just wants to be left alone but of course he gets pulled from his peaceful afterlife because I’m incapable of letting him be happy]
4. Tick tick tick tick… Pansy sat at her piano, the insistent beat droning through her body—forcing her rhythms, forcing her hands to follow. This was no romanticised, emotive, key-stroking practice session. This was war. Two different metres, two different hands, two months of work, and she still hadn’t conquered these few measly measures. [unnamed Pansmione murder-suicide fic. it’s got pianos and werewolves and extremely questionable medical practices!]
5. Remus let out a shuddering breath in the shadowed hallway of 12 Grimmauld Place. It was just a house, he reminded himself. Nothing to be scared of. [even as a shadow (even as a dream), a post-war wolfstar fic with ghost!Sirius and a haunted house]
6. Standing in front of a decrepit building that hardly deserved to be called a shack, Severus ran through a list of curses he might be able to get away with putting on Petunia. Running from wizards — really she should have known better. [unnamed little Severitus fic idea where instead of Hagrid, Snape gets sent to give Harry his letter]
none of these are posted or even finished because I’m actually allergic to finishing stories and also to putting them where people can see lol but uhhhh anyway, gonna tag @venom0usbarbie @allalrightagain @sandervansunshine @luxuriousmalfoy @lunapwrites and @black-sparroww (not ten but one for each wip anyway) hopefully I’m not tagging anyone who’s done it before!!
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lewisinho · 1 year
Ferrari fucked up his race in Singapore by leaving the fuel hose in his car during the pit stop 🙄
yup. and also you can't void an entire race just because one team cheated...that would open an entire pandora box of problems for many other races in which it was found that a team broke some rule or regulation (that might also include illegal benettons, 2019 ferrari engine, ad21, rb cost-cap breaches, fuel reg breaches in 2007 etc. the list is literally endless); it would set a precedent that could re-open so many controversies
also, as demonstrated by ad21, the judicial structure of the fia doesn't accommodate for such protests...
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slow-button-off · 2 years
That late TD was really a bad idea. I think they should have known when RB was the only team that did not fight it that much 😅 they knew their aero concept was too great. The easier following was really what made last year great, we started to have great overtaking again, such a waste if it’s not the possible this year. Maybe for a short term fix they’ll add more DRS zones.
We are once again in a weird place and with cost cap added it’s harder now for the teams to deal with those changes quickly to make the racing interesting again. (At least RB with their huge pace advantage can overtake anyone anywhere!).
sorry for the super late reply!
I mean Toto really really wanted the TD and was also the main guy from a team pushing the floor regs changes for this year.
IIrc RB and Ferrari were pushing against the floor regs change with the raised edges, but maybe I remember how much RB objected wrong.
Imo part of the problem is that that change to the floor regs came so late. Most concepts were already decided for 2023 and then the rules were changed and you can't just re-do the entire thing so the teams who were more affected didn't even really properly have a change to work it out that well.
I have to go back and watch Max in the first few laps more closely in Jeddah because I've seen people say that he also had a hard time following other cars in S1. And if he did have issues in a car that is much faster then that's not great.
But yeah with the outwash front wings and all that I am not surprised if it did actually get worse.
I also still think that both switching to ground effect cars and dumbing down the suspensions at the same time was maybe not that smart. Yes of course more sophisticated suspensions mean some times just have more knowledge and an advantage but it would give them more options of dealing with porpoising.
But anyway, at least the FIA seems to be aware of there potentially being a problem with dirty air.
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f1 · 2 years
Alfa Romeo reveal major change on new C43 as they target next level of performance in 2023
Alfa Romeo’s 2023 Formula 1 car, the C43, features several key modifications at the rear compared to its predecessor, the team’s Technical Director, Jan Monchaux, has explained. On Tuesday, Alfa Romeo presented their new challenger and new livery for the upcoming F1 season, as the Sauber-run operation look to build on a P6 finish in last year’s constructors’ standings. FIRST LOOK: Alfa Romeo show off 2023 C43 F1 car with striking new livery Although the car is described as an “evolution” over the C42, Monchaux oversaw “a major change of architecture” at the rear-end during the winter period, covering the suspension, gearbox, cooling layout, bodywork and more – all while taking into account ride height and diffuser rule tweaks. Speaking at Alfa Romeo’s car launch, Monchaux commented: “We identified areas where we thought there was still potential for us to unleash, potential we wouldn’t be able to unleash in the 2022 season. “We concentrated mainly on the rear part of the car, where we just wanted to be brave enough to do the next step in terms of pure development on the rear end, which opened the door to a lot of other solutions we couldn’t implement last year.” Offering up more details, he continued: “In effect, we decided to change the rear axis, redoing the rear suspension, and therefore the gearbox casing, which then opens the door to new layouts, especially on the [cooling] side, which once in place allowed us to develop the bodywork. “Last year – during the season – it was not possible, and the concept we had followed last year, we were of the opinion that [it] had come to a sort of plateau, and to unleash the next level of performance, we had to do all those changes that have been quite a journey for us, because it’s a big, big, complex part we had to re-do. GALLERY: Take a closer look at Alfa Romeo’s new car and new livery for the 2023 season “Then, evidently, all the rear-end work we see with the floor, alongside the new regs… so we’ve really been putting a lot of effort on the second part of the car, while the front will be successively developed during the season. “[It is] quite a change for us in terms of the bodywork and how we handle the hot air coming from the radiators, compared to last year’s car. It’s not a revolution, [as] similar solutions were on the grid already last year, but it’s something we couldn’t implement without a major change of the architecture.” Alfa Romeo’s 2023 F1 car sports a new red and black livery Alongside Alfa Romeo’s quest for performance, Monchaux added that reliability has also been a focus for the squad ahead of the new campaign, having seen points go begging on several occasions in 2022 due to component failures. “Throughout the course of the season, it also became relatively clear that we had reliability issues, so there [are] a lot of things we changed on the car, but also internally in terms of processes to address that topic,” said Monchaux. TEAM GUIDE: Alfa Romeo’s unique place in the F1 history books – and how they’re set for 2023 “Historically, we were always very strong with reliability, but last year somehow we lost a little bit what used to be one of our biggest strengths, so it was clearly one of the focuses, or one of the areas of major focus for us last winter.” He signed off: “The [new] car hasn’t run yet, so reliability is perfect! I assume it will stay as this. Touch wood, but I’m fairly confident we have left these issues behind us.” Alfa Romeo will shake down the C43 in Barcelona later this week, before all 10 F1 teams head to Bahrain for pre-season testing from February 23-25. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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lbibliophile-sw · 2 months
Corrie Guard Bingo - 2023 Masterpost
Bingo card started: June 2023 Fills posted: 12 (+4 completed unposted) Bingos completed: none Events cross-posted: Whumptober, Haunted clones week Bingos cross-posted: 212th bingo, 501st bingo
I was so excited when I came across this bingo (and right in time for whumptober too)! I've managed to fill half the prompts so far, and will continue into next year. Mostly drabbles (and mostly angst), but with a handful of longer ficlets.
Small displays of affection | Alternate Love Language (A03) | ficlet: 290w | Fox & batch Fox never meant to ghost his batch, but as Commander of the Coruscant Guard he is just so busy. Except his brothers are all leaders too; they know how to adapt battle plans to the situation.
Hard choices | Until the Music Stops (A03) | drabble | Fox & Palpatine The thing about Palpatine, is that he likes to toy with Fox, amuses himself by forcing Fox to choose between those he cares about. Fox plays along because the alternative is giving up.
Memory loss | Out of Clear Sky (A03) | ficlet: 660w | Fox Fox doesn't want to believe that the Jedi's acusations are true, doesn't want to believe that the kindly Chancellor he has spent the last two and a half years working for is actally a traitor. But then, Sith lightning is rather hard to argue against.
Injuries/sickness| Good Commanders Follow Orders (A03) | ficlet: 430w | Fox & Zontal (OC) Bi-beep. Bi-beep. The Chancellor is summoning his Marshal Commander, and will not be kept waiting. Said Commander is currently passed out in Zontal's medbay, hurt and exhausted, but he knows he has to let him go anyway.
[free] | Bloodgilt (A03) | drabble | Fox Fox is the most-decorated clone in the GAR. He knows his medals are as worthless as the cheap materials they are made from; as much a lie as the Repuplic that gives them.
Flimsiwork | RE: For Approval (A03) | drabble | Fox Sometimes there are advantages to being legally considered not a person.
GARv Corries | Safety Briefing (A03) | drabble | Fox & Rex Rex is transferred to the Coruscant Guard. The more things change the more they stay the same; it is not a welcome familiarity.
Masquerade | Need to Know Basis (A03) | drabble sequence: 600w | Fox The Coruscant Guard works on a need-to-know basis, and all too often, Commander Fox needs to not-know.
Breaking the rules | Guiding Lights (A03) | drabble | Fox & CG Sometimes Fox envies his brothers; when they die, they are free to march on. Fox will never leave.
Not in the reg manual | Standard Procedure (A03) | ficlet: 490w | CG The Coruscant Guard comes with unique challenges, so they develop rules and procedures to manage them. The blackout missions are just another item on the list.
Blackmail | Deal with the Devil (and the Devil is Winning) (A03) | ficlet: 415w | Fox & Palpatine Fox heard the claims Fives was spouting - chips and traitors - and did some digging of his own. But he is rather more selective about how he leverages the information.
Fox’s caf addiction | Decisions (A03) | drabble | Fox Sometimes the hardest part of Fox's day is coming off shift and having to decide what to do next. So he defaults to caf.
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xaracosmia · 6 months
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name / alias: Jessica age: 26 pronouns: she / they ooc contact: causalitymark on twitter other characters in xc: Raven (Path to Nowhere), Mai Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen), Sonetto (Reverse: 1999)
name: Langley age: 42 pronouns: she / her series: Path to Nowhere canon point: Post-Chapter 13 app triggers: Assassinations, murder, war
A war criminal, a lapdog, a “cold-blooded Melanosuchus”... Langley has been called many names throughout her life, but the one trait that has managed to stick throughout them all is a fear of her. Known for her ruthlessness, Langley will see that a goal, or as is often the case, a target, is met with finality. To her, no cost is too steep for the right cause. Anything that stands in the way of her course is set to be removed.
  On the other hand, those who have bonded with her will describe her as someone who ensures they are cared for. A kind person. In a world with perpetually winding turns, with psychic phenomenons overwhelming masses, catastrophes wiping out populations, and authorities who hold the sole pen over history, Langley provides a sense of safety to those taken under her wing. She finds no use in wasting the lives of good men and treats treats them as companions rather than pawns.
  Beyond these two sides of her, Langley as an individual is cunning, devoted, humorous, loves to break the rules and leaves all the paperwork for her subordinates to fill out. She’s quite lazy.
something your muse struggles with: Flexibility. Langley is an extremist who is unwilling to stray from her path once she’s decided even if she’s walking towards her death.
your muse’s greatest strength: Loyalty, and a desire to see world change.
history / background: 
  Born in Paradeisos, a young and defiant Langley had quickly escaped its suffocating grasp by enlisting in the military. She soon rose towards the highest rank of the navy as an admiral with her own fleet to command. All of that would change when BR-003 broke out during the navigation observatory incident, awakening Langley as a Sinner. The first use of her newfound power was pointed towards the peace negotiator of the war at that time, whom she insisted on killing in spite of orders.
  Records say that she had been court-martialed but no punishment had been established preceding her employment as the Head of the 9th Agency, an intelligence network working directly under Paradeisos. That is where the trail grows cold, and any other information related to her has been classified.
  After Chief wipes out BR-004 and is detained for interrogations, Langley uses her authority to release them in exchange for delivering them to BR-001, the first and most potent of all recorded Black Rings. Before Chief delves in, Langley presses her gun against the back of their head and places a Causality Mark on them, stating that she gives them liberty to do as they please, that she pardons their secrets, but will ensure this bullet finds its way inside their head should they ever endager DisCity. 
  With that, Chief sets out to successfully wipe out BR-001, earning Langley’s approval. In that time, Langley had also made arrangements to place MBCC under the 9th Agency’s authority and now oversees Chief as their superior.
  After a little more than a year passes, Langley herself is deployed within the re-awakened BR-002 to kill Parma, a target she had set her sights on for a long time. She turns her aim towards the rest of the Underground, meanwhile guiding her dearest subordinate, Chief, along their course among Paradeisos.
powers / abilities:
CONDITIONAL CAUSALITY: Langley is able to predict the conditions necessary to ensure her bullet hits any target marked with Causality. This, of course, may only be achieved if she fulfills all conditions.
inherent abilities: 
SINNER: A Sinner carries superior physiology to the ordinary human, allowing them greater physical strength and faster regeneration of their body.
items / weapons: 
PISTOL: It’s a shiny silver pistol that’s been customized to all hell to suit Langley’s tastes.
CANE: It’s a shiny silver cane with four snake ornaments coiled at the head, no of course it’s not a weapon, why would you think that? She’s an intelligence agent, not an assassin for goodness’s sake.
Here are the following features of her cane:
Darts coated in ricin. One of the ornaments acts as the trigger.
Knife. Slotted between the mechanism which shoots darts and the exterior, this is activated by pushing down on the head of the cane and retracts by pressing down on a surface that is greater than 5 on the Mohs Hardness scale.
Grappling hook. Also activated by a trigger, this sends the snakes sprawling into a four-pronged hook.
Mobility, for actual limping on her part.
starting ability: Conditional Causality
starting item: Cane
she is trans, and also so beautiful, and so scary, and my dream woman
i’m sorry there’s so much packed into the cane, i promise she rarely uses it for anything other than her messed up leg
discord id: 9thagency
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signalwatch · 8 months
High School Movie Watch: Bottoms (2023) Watched:  01/19/2024 Format:  Prime Viewing:  First Director:  Emma Seligman Selection:  Me Pal AmyC had rec'd this one broadly to facebook over the summer, and I'd been curious.  And since, I'd heard in drips and drabs that this movie was really funny, but I didn't know anything about it other than "it's a high school comedy, but not like that".  And, honestly, I'm gonna pause you here and say: go in cold on this one, because if you know anything ahead of time, you're doing yourself a disservice.  Just go check it out I'll also throw in:  I want to re-watch this almost immediately, because (a) it was really solid, and (b) I know I missed about 1/4th of the jokes because there's weird little visual things all over the place and throw-away lines left and right that are hysterical.   So, what is it? I've noted through my old podcast series on high school movies, that the movies about high school that *feel* like high school to me are the ones that exist in some heightened reality that's reflecting back the experience like a funhouse mirror.  I don't really mean, like, wacky high school hang movies, but, say Heathers or Brick.  Movies that soak in the absurdity of being a young person governed by the arbitrary rules and regs of a public school, enforced by of dubious credentials to be in charge of anyone.  And, of course, the absurdities of teen relationships, platonic as well as romantic. This falls into that category - a movie taking place in a high school where the teachers have no motivation and don't know their subject, and the only real reason school exists is to be a place where football happens (at my high school it felt like those things were band, choir and drill team, but whatevs).   Two high school senior lesbians - who are not together, but who are best friends - want to spend their senior year getting laid.  But they consider themselves unattractive and untalented, and have nothing to offer.  But as we all do, at least one of them wants to start the school year as a new person on a mission.  To get with hot chicks. Things get off to a bad start, but through their friend Hazel, who seems distracted at best and maybe not right in the head at worst, a rumor is out they spent the summer in Juvie.  Leaning on their new reputation, the girls decide to start a fight club so they can get to know hot girls.   You know, the more I try to explain it - and this is the first maybe ten minutes of the movie - the less I think I'll do it any justice.   Here's what you should know:  this movie has Marshawn Lynch as a history teacher going through a divorce.  The football players *always* wear their uniforms.  Watch the background *constantly*, because shit is happening back there.  Punky Johnson shows up for five minutes and you will wonder why SNL doesn't know what to do with her.  There's one girl in braces who made me laugh every fucking time she opened her mouth.   The movie was directed by Emma Seligman, who still isn't even thirty and this is her second feature (she's gonna be fine, I'm guessing).  She also co-wrote with star Rachel Sennott, who is hysterical. This was an inadvertent intro to Ayo Edebiri, who I think just won an Emmy for The Bear.   I saw Elizabeth Banks was on as a producer and was like "oh, of course".   Anyway, go watch the movie and get back to me.   https://ift.tt/5AtgjZd via The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/1qc4sLm January 19, 2024 at 11:59PM
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darlingshittalk · 10 months
Wait I'm hella lost. I've seen some pretty wild prosthetics on some reg dainties that look nothing like their other leg, and afaik the only rules for them are that they can't have a line to separate foot from hoof and they can't glow. It's still bs to have restrictions at all imo, but I don't think it's as bad as people are saying, unless something changed recently?
And re: the ref sheet dainty... there's really only so much you can do when minors are required to have plain white socks on BOTH legs, prosthetics or otherwise. The reason why her prosthetic leg looks similar to her other leg in the adult design is probably due to laziness rather than a rule.
not sure if anything has changed recently, I keep a safe distance from the community overall. Like another anon mentioned, the prosthetic dainty being beside the dragon dainty implies that they’re a CB dainty. I feel if you’re going to make an intro ref sheet for your species you shouldn’t get lazy with it because it will cause confusion down the line, as shown on this blog.
Restricting prosthetics is also really shaky territory, and if there were to he restrictions they should line up with regular cb restrictions (elemental prosthetics as an example).
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Thanks for the tag @wanderingbandurria and @mkaugust ! This look like so much fun!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles?** Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!! **I'll mark which ones are art
1. Art: Regulus
2. Art: LB-TC but Reg
3. Art: MerMay Sirius
4. Art: MGK - Re
5. Art: Lë Lêõ smüt (yes it has the funky letter lol)
6. College AU - Nothing Ever Makes Sense
8. weekendprompts
9. SW AU Mermen
10. SS ;)
11. FBI Agent in the Computer BUT MAKE IT GAY
Oh wow I think that's it? Okay idk who to tag so here's goes nothing...
@achliegh @pawfulsofmischief @euphorial-docx @impishtubist @allhalloweve @futurebicon @thebattlehamster @rhabarberjunge @fuckboyregulus @remixloonylupin @confusedkade
Sorry if I double tagged people!
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Neopronouns: R
Full list of neopronouns found on the survey beginning with R.
raw beef/raw beef
red panda/red pandas
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