#re: golden cheese
sleepingdeath-light · 8 months
Golden Cheese Cookie x Reader: The Truth will set you free!
Warning: angst, mentions of death, Golden Cheese finds out the truth. Cursing (only one word), references to Beast-Yeast episode 1
"(Y/N) Cookie, Golden Cheese Cookie needs time." a voice said. "I'm sure Golden Cheese Cookie would want to talk to you soon!"
"I understand, Hollyberry Cookie. To hear the truth about someone who.. Killed your entire kingdom. That must be a truth that would shock you to the very-"
"Golden Cheese Cookie would like to see you, (Y/N) Cookie."
Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Cacao turned to look at (Y/N) Cookie.
"Yes," Black Raisin Cookie responded, "And you alone."
"Alright, show me the way."
Golden Cheese Cookie was in her chambers in the Vanilla Kingdom, it was still gleaming as ever. She was sitting by the window, looking out on the horizon.
Black Raisin Cookie led (Y/N) Cookie into her chambers, and quietly closed the door behind them and left.
"Golden Cheese... Cookie? You said you wanted to see me?"
Golden Cheese Cookie, not facing her beloved, replied.
"Yes, yes, I called for your presence. Sit beside me." she said as she patted a spot beside her.
She sounded sad, destroyed. Something was bothering her, clearly. Golden Cheese Cookie and her consort sat in a comfortable silence. It was while before Golden Cheese could muster any words to speak.
"My treasure..." Golden Cheese Cookie finally whispered out, voice shaky, "Remember what I told you about White Lily Cookie?"
"The same cookie who you, along with the other Ancients, held dear? Your friend?"
"Yeah, her." she growled, but her voice uncharacteristically cracked.
At this point, Golden Cheese Cookie was crying. She hugged her sides as she cried, tears running down her face like raindrops in the rain.
"My friend... She crumbled my land, everything. My gold, my cookies, everything that was gleaming, EVERYTHING! SHE annihilated everything I had! I don't know whether I'm sad, confused, angry. Might be all of them, to be honest. She was our friend, we shared adventures together, our struggles together, and we were happy.. Together. Why would she do this to me? Why, oh why?"
Golden Cheese Cookie kept on crying. She was sad, reasonably so. She cried for a bit longer, until she felt a gentle, yet comforting touch on her cheek.
"Golden Cheese Cookie," her consort started, "I am sorry. I can never imagine a friend, someone you knew for so so long, destroying everything you have ever loved. I know you're probably not looking for answers, but, perhaps, just perhaps, it's more complicated than that. From what you have told me, White Lily Cookie does not seem the type of Cookie to willingly hurt her friends. Perhaps there's something more that we don't know."
Golden Cheese Cookie managed to stop crying, and finally turned to look at her beloved. She thought for a moment before responding, and sighed.
"You have a point, my treasure. Although that doesn't erase the fact that she, my friend, reduced my kingdom to crumbs, that would provide some context."
There was a brief moment of silence until Golden Cheese lifted her consort's hold from her face and kissed their hand.
"You are the only thing I have left." she pleaded sadly, "Please don't leave me."
She leaned over to her partner, nuzzling her head against their shoulder, sighing quietly.
"You know I would never leave you, my queen," (Y/N) Cookie smiled as they kissed her forehead.
"Now my question to you is," they said in a jokingly tone, "Do you plan on leaving me?"
Golden Cheese let out a snicker.
"Did you really ask that to your queen? Hell no, what's mine is mine FOREVER! Besides," she said as she lifts her head off of her beloved's shoulder to stare at them, lovingly, in the eyes,
"Who would I wake up with in the morning, take a lovely bath with, feast with my lovely Cheesebirds, give my lovely divine kisses to, and most importantly, who would rule my glorious kingdom alongside me~... When my kingdom comes back, of course."
"Hmm..." (Y/N) Cookie began to think.
"Exactly, no one!"
(Y/N) Cookie rolled their eyes, jokingly, but still have a genuine intention.
"Is my Ever Radiant Queen okay now? Would you like to be left alone?"
Golden Cheese Cookie huffed.
"Now that you're here... No. However, I thank you, for everything. You always keep me.. grounded in a way. Care to a bottle of wine with me?"
"Is it the good kind?"
"The 'good kind'? Ha! To think your queen would buy anything mediocre.. Impossible!"
She gave her beloved consort a quick kiss on the cheek as she carefully poured some wine into two delicate glasses.
"I would need some time to accept that, and.. Maybe forgive her."
"Take all the time you need, Golden Cheese Cookie. You have all the time in the world."
- Reaction anon
Thank you for sharing, reaction anon ^^
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little-cacao-agere · 4 months
okay question: Has little cacao ever had a sensory overload before? If so, what do the caretakers do to calm him down?
It has happened. So many times.
Dark Cacao has sensory issues, but he can usually do it on his own. But not when he's little. When it does happen, the slightest sensory input will cause him to hide. He will hide anywhere he can fit- under the bed, in a closet, behind an armour stand, anywhere. And despite his size, it's quite difficult to find him.
The ancients usually search for him together and when they do, they try to pull him back into (usually) their room where they can sort it out from there. Though, between Dark Cacao's insistence to have zero sensory input and the bickering among the other four, it only works about 50% of the time.
On the other hand, Dark Choco and the Second Watcher sit with him quietly until he calms down. Not only is this more effective on keeping an eye on him, it is in their preference to keep the citadel quiet.
Either way, it usually ends in extended play time to cheer him up.
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stonedcoast · 6 months
LotR Bowl, Part 2
Welcome back! This week I’m wrapping up the LotR Bowl cannabis pairings introduced last week. If you’re wondering what the LotR Bowl is, last week’s post can be found here. And I’m working on the strains of Hobbit-leaf analogs that I mentioned last week, so keep an eye out for that in the coming weeks.So, without any further adieu, I give you the cannabis pairings for The Lord of the Rings: The…
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sadly-in-active · 4 months
What type of yandere do you think the Ancients would be if they were one
Thank you for the idea anon <3
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Yandere Ancients x Reader
Summary: Oh, lookie, lookie here! It seems that you've managed to charm each and every ancient into loving you dearly...a bit too dearly perhaps. But that's just how they show their affections, right? Maybe that one cookie you were talking to the other day is alright and well and not dead in a closet?
TW: Stalking, manipulation, murder, threatening, not beta read and has never done yandere hcs before. Have fun pookies :D
(It goes from least scariest yandere to most)
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Hollyberry Cookie
She's definitely attached to you, thats for sure.
You know love bombing? Make it like she's sending a tactical nuke right towards your heart.
She's very clingy, but would allow you to go and do things on your own, you just have to tell her what you did and where you went. Oh, and who exactly you were with.
Hollyberry would never lay a finger on you in a harmful way. Why would she if she knows you'll never want to hurt her affectionate and adorable heart?
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Golden Cheese Cookie
She treasures you much, much more then any piece of gold or glittering item she could ever create in her kingdom. The kingdom would be worthless without you in it.
Golden Cheese would stalk you and your every move, sometimes even commanding the marzipan cookies to follow you and photograph your day.
Talking to someone that wasn't the Golden Sovereign? Consider them gone, turned to dust in mere seconds.
She's a goddess! Why would you not want to worship her as much as she does to you..?
It would almost make her sad. Luckily, her best option is to make you do it.
And how could refuse such godly words and beautiful voice?
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White Lily Cookie
She’s certainly worse then most of the Ancients. White Lily may just keep you inside the Faerie Kingdom at all times, perhaps even convincing Elder Faerie to keep you under house arrest. Although, she wouldn’t tell you specifically…
White Lily always had her eyes on you, the way you smiled at her words, how you hold her close and say how much you love her.
And she’ll convince you almost every time that you need her.
How could you refuse such a sad and pouty face she makes every time you want to doubt her? It’s almost pitying.
Knowing her goals and past, she would want you to reassure her that you love her, no matter what.
No matter what.
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Dark Cacao Cookie
He CANNOT lose you. Anything that you do must be monitored.
Hell, he may even want to use Affogato Cookie’s old spells to keep you under his watch, all agreeable and soft..
He has threatened you once or twice whenever you try to question his judgement, saying stuff like:
“My love, don’t fret. I’m only protecting you.”
But your fears and suspicions were confirmed after one of the Watchers you were talking to suddenly went missing the next day. All you did was say hello and made small talk…
You knew he lost a lot, of course he had the right to be protective over you.
Except being so overprotective and going so far as to…eliminate someone out of sheer jealousy?
You had caused this situation. This was worse then what Affogato Cookie did to the King, because you were doing it completely on accident.
So, to stop hurting anyone else, you just…accepted his love, remaining safe and unharmed within the citadel, avoiding everyone in case of another accident.
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Pure Vanilla Cookie
He was supposed to be a pure soul. Someone who’d never do anything horrible or wrong…
Yet when he met you, he instantly got attached. Why? Not even he could explain. You just had some sort of connection with him that made Pure Vanilla love you so dearly.
He definitely hurt you while you were sleeping once or twice, and the feeling of watching you thank him after healing you was…exhilarating.
His habits started from little cuts on your legs to full blown “love” bites and deep cuts on your arms and hands.
At first, you didn’t realize it was him, but after becoming concerned by how much it was happening, you decided to pretend sleeping and wait until something happened.
And it was an understatement that you were shocked.
It was more…terrifying, honestly.
And when you confronted him? He practically almost broke down crying, pulling on your clothes and begging for forgiveness and that he wouldn’t do it again.
Oh, how a King fell so far from purity, nobody will know.
Because after this incident, you forgave him. Surely he was going to stop? You loved him after all, of course he wouldn’t do it again..
And he didn’t. The reason? It’s because you’ve started to lose sleep now. At a concerning point…
Was that coffee in the air? No, just vanilla, as usual…
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My hype doodles when I first saw the leaks of Pure and Lily's Legendary costumes!!
I forgor about these but since someone asked if I would ever draw White Lily I think I should post these first. Pardon me as I was hyping in my mother tongue so let me translate them for you. It was just a very low-res leak, so I tried my best to interpret the details. Still, some are not very accurate to the actual costumes, so pardon me as well.
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"Calm!!! Breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out!"
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Hollyberry: "So now what do we do? I never imagine I can still go to my friends' wedding at this age!" Dark Cacao: "Just say you want to drink..." Golden Cheese: "LOL"
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"They're definitely Oberon and Titania ref you can't change my mind."
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Speak of Oberon and Ti- oops
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I noticed the stars on their forehead too I mean COME ONNNN
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"At this rate I support women's rights and women's wrongs damn it PV was so right to simp for her"
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"I wonder when will they... you know, "bake" some new life together"
And that was my delulu roughly 2 months ago :D lol you have NO idea how hyped I was I've been waiting YEARS for this lol
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petermorwood · 1 year
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As mentioned more than once, @dduane's Middle Kingdoms don't have potatoes. A frequent alternative is parsnips, and the fried cakes in that photo are the result of an experiment done earlier this week to see if parsnips can substitute for potatoes in our always-reliable potato cake recipe.
Yes, they can!
Here's @dduane's recipe.
First peel three regular-sized parsnips. then top and tail them.
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Chop them into chunks and boil them in about 2 pints (1 litre) of water.
Drain them and return to the pan: let them steam dry. Then, while still hot, mash them well with a hand masher and allow to cool completely.
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As mentioned further down, parsnips retain more water than potatoes even after steam-drying, so DON'T use a food processor or other power appliance for mashing or the result will be parsnip wallpaper paste. However, a processor is ideal for the rest of the recipe.
Put 2 cups (500g) all-purpose flour and ½ tsp salt into the processor bowl, blip the pulse switch to combine them then add 1½ tsp baking powder and blip again.
Now add 3 tablespoons butter and blip the pulse switch until the butter is completely worked in and the whole mixture has a cornmeal-y texture.
Now add the cooled mashed parsnips.
Process with the flour mixture, pulsing at first, then continuously, until the mixture comes together in a dough.
(If yours behaves the way our recipe did, no additional liquid should need to be added. The parsnips hold onto a surprising amount of water even after being steamed dry.)
Flour a work surface, roll the dough out about 1/3 inch (1 cm) thick, and use a sharp biscuit cutter to cut out into rounds. Then heat cooking oil in a frying pan to medium heat and put five or six of the cakes into the hot oil.
Fry until the cakes begin to rise a little (usually 4-5 minutes) and are going golden brown Turn and fry the cakes on their other sides for another 4-5 minutes. Test one for doneness: if necessary, turn the cakes once more and give them another 5 minutes or so.
Then cook the rest of the cakes in the same way. When they're done cooking, drain on paper towels until they're cool. Eat fresh or, to keep them, put them in a biscuit tin or other airtight container.
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They'll keep for a few days. The parsnip flavor mellows somewhat the day after you bake them.
Like their potato-cake cousins, they're very good split, toasted, buttered and topped with a slice of cheese or (and) salami. They also shine as an accompaniment to bacon or sausages; give the parsnip cakes a brief re-fry in the fat left from frying these, then serve alongside the fried meats, dressed with a splash of Worcester or HP sauce and maybe a dotting of Tabasco or similar.
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Our next experiment will be to make this recipe with the addition of some crumbled crispy bacon, grated cheese, grated onion or a combination of same.
The experiment after that will be to see if this can become parsnip bread in the same way as Irish potato farls. I think it will... :->
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moralesmilesanhour · 10 months
'cold turkey' except i re-wrote it
summary: exactly what the title says :) unsure what I'm referring to? check my masterlist linked in my pinned post!
A/N: Both the reader and Miles are college students here, so I guess you can imagine comic book Miles as well? But I'll be following the timeline of spiderverse so his mom's alive 🫶🏾 part one part two
“Uh-huh. Yeah. Tell him to turn the corner and I’m right there. Thank you so much, Jeff. Bye!”
You balanced your phone precariously between your shoulder and your ear as you slid the tray of uncooked mac and cheese into the now-heated oven. Shutting the oven door, you sighed and took the phone in your hand to check the time. 
Dinner was in five hours. 
The turkey was ready to be baked, but un-stuffed. The yams were uncooked, and the beans and stuffing had yet to be delivered because Jefferson Morales’ son had gotten lost on the way to your apartment. 
Though you’d lived only a couple houses down, you’d never formally met the boy. Different schools, and you were always swamped with extracurriculars anyway. His mother would give you a warm greeting sometimes after sending him off to school in the morning; you remembered her soft eyes and quick demeanor. The boy seemed to take after his father more, if you remembered correctly. He had a darker complexion and an awkward stiffness to the way he walked, as if someone had reminded him to straighten his posture.
You tapped your acrylics impatiently on the counter as you attempted to recall his name.
Milo…Michael..Milan…? Something like that. 
Whatever, you decided, He’ll tell me his name when he gets here.
As if summoned by your thoughts, the doorbell rang. You sighed in relief as you jogged over to the door.
“Y/N? I got your stuff!” a muffled voice called out from the other side.
Opening the door revealed a boy about your age - lean, and tall enough to take up nearly the entire door frame. His hair had miraculously stayed more or less the same after all these years, only now his afro had morphed into a high-top fade. 
He held several bags of groceries that hung off of both arms and grinned proudly at you, as if he hadn't arrived thirty minutes late.
“You Morales?” 
“Nah, that's my mom,” he joked, “I'm Miles.” 
You rolled your eyes and stepped aside for Miles to enter. 
“Well thank you, Miles, I really appreciate it,” you replied humorlessly, “But if you'll excuse me, I gotta get back to–”
When you reached out to take the bags, he raised them high above his head with ease like they were toys. Your head snapped up to see that his hazel eyes sparkled with mischief. 
“What are you doing?”
“I am terribly sorry, ma'am, but I cannot under any circumstances let you carry all these by yourself.”
“I'll manage,” you replied sharply. Miles raised an eyebrow, challenging you.
“You sure? ‘Cuz I smell smoke from your kitchen, and I feel like you might need the help.”
The smell in question wafted beneath your nose, and your eyes went wide.
“Shit–Fine, bring ‘em in, whatever!”
You spun around and bolted towards the kitchen with Miles following not too far behind.
Your eyes watered as soon as you entered. The oven blew smoke into your face when you opened it, but the fumes thankfully weren't black. 
Grabbing a pair of oven mitts from the counter, you carefully removed the hot tin from its fiery mouth, standing and setting it down in front of you.
The mac and cheese was a golden brown, with a few darker spots here and there. There must've been a piece of food or debris sitting in the oven that you'd missed that had burned instead.
Miles set down the bags of groceries and surveyed the kitchen, watching your stout figure scurry about, flipping switches and turning knobs.
“It's just you in here?” He asked.
“Yup,” you replied while chopping yams. “My sister was s'posed to be here to help, but she's stuck in traffic. So, here I am.”
An awkward silence settled in between you. Even without looking up, you could sense that Miles was still standing there. 
Finally, he spoke:
“You want any help with that?”
You set the knife down and turned to him with a hand on your hip, and tilted your head in amusement. 
“I dunno, Miles. Are you gonna keep standing there like a lost puppy if I say no?”
A grin spread across his face. “I'll make the stuffing!”
You returned to chopping. “Knock yourself out.”
After removing some of the plantains he'd bought, Miles rummaged through your fridge. There was garlic–thank God–and chili peppers. After grabbing those, he opened one of the cupboards and found a bottle of olive oil.
While he was painstakingly chopping veggies, he occasionally stole glances at you as you continued preparing the yams.
Your wide nose was scrunched in focus, occasionally pushing a stray box braid away from your face. Cute.
He accidentally caught your eye the next time he looked up, and you paused.
Miles cleared his throat, “N-nothing.” 
He turned away and poured the chopped ingredients into a bowl and combined them with the olive oil. 
The smell floated its way over to you. Interest piqued, you peered over his shoulder and watched his nimble fingers expertly peel several ripe plantain bananas, before tossing them in with the chili and garlic. Miles rolled up one of his sleeves to mash everything together, muscles flexing beneath his brown skin with every turn. You noticed a tiny smile ghosting his lips.
“Yes?” He asked. 
Miles hadn't so much as glanced up at you. Was it possible that you'd been staring so hard that you had gotten his attention telepathically?
Startled, you fumbled for an excuse. “You’re uh, really good at cooking. I'm impressed.”
The corner of Miles’ mouth quirked up.
“Sure you are.”
After filling the turkey with the finished mofongo, Miles slid it into the oven where it joined the yams, and shut the door.
The sound of knives hitting cutting boards no longer filled the air, leaving behind yet another silence. And time to kill.
Miles shuffled over to the sink to wash his hands, the sound of only faucet water rushing even more maddening. You decided to break the silence this time.
“So, how’s college? My mom said you went to New Jersey to study.”
“It's alright,” he shrugged as he grabbed a paper towel to dry his hands off with. 
You crossed your arms and grinned. “You givin’ me the parent answer. How's it really going?”
Miles threw the paper towel away, and gave you a lopsided smile.
“Fine. School's kinda whooping my ass, and winter break can't come soon enough. You?”
“Same here,” you sighed, unfolding your arms to rest them on the counter. “Med school ain't for the weak. Labs every five minutes.”
“You gonna be a nurse?”
“Surgeon,” you corrected.
Miles let out a low whistle, making your chest swell with pride.
“What do you study? You look like a student athlete.”
“Whoah, what does that mean?” He laughed and raised an eyebrow.
“That's not what I meant!” You giggled, catching the joke.
“Relax, I know what you meant,” Miles leaned against the counter opposite you. “I'm a physics major, if you must know.”
You nodded thoughtfully. Your guess was way off.
“Never met a future physicist before. Usually it's business, or poli-sci, or something.”
Miles winked, “I'm full of surprises.”
The gesture made your face grow embarrassingly hot. You'd think that spending enough time on campus would make you less susceptible to the charms of pretty boys with high-top fades, but old habits die hard. Still, you held your ground.
“You use that line on every girl?”
“I came up with that just now, so no. Flattered that you think it's good enough for me to have used it before, though.”
Just as you were about to respond, your phone vibrated in your pocket. It was a text from your sister:
“Coming over in 15. Don't forget the beans like last time 💗💗💗”
“Oh shit,” Your hand flew over your mouth. “We forgot the beans!”
You darted over to the cupboard where Miles had said he put the cans of beans in. Unfortunately for you, they had been stacked onto the shelf that you could never reach, hence why it was usually empty.
You stood on the tips of your toes anyway and tried to stretch your arm as far as it could go. When that inevitably failed, you considered climbing on top of the counter when Miles’ voice stopped you.
“I'll get it.”
“Nope,” you grunted, “it's fine–”
“Seriously, it's my fault for puttin’ ‘em up there–”
You turned, the smell of chili peppers and faint cologne hitting you instantly as your eyes met his.
Miles had already reached over your head, and was currently holding a can of beans in his right hand. 
Up close, you could see rows of full, dense lashes that curled upwards and away from his eyes in ‘c’ shapes. Your eyes then fell a bit lower, where a tiny scar ran across his left cheek that made you wonder about its origins. Did he fall off of his bicycle one day? Did he fight? Would it be rude to ask about it?
Meanwhile, Miles' gaze landed on your lips. They were glossy, lined with black and another dark, brown shade. He liked the shape of them. 
Before either of you could make any drastic decisions, the doorbell snapped you out of your thoughts. 
You moved from beneath the cupboard and let Miles keep the beans.
“You can cook those,” you directed as you left the kitchen. “My sister's here.”
Miles blinked and remembered where he was. “Right.”
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peacekeeperangel · 7 months
The CRK Pirate OC Challenge!
Hello everyone! So I've set up a little list of prompts for writing/drawing for all these Pirates I've been seeing wandering across my field as of late. But I'm going to make it a little more interesting.
If possible please either pick up four Six-Sided dice or use this dice generator and roll out a random number- that number will be your prompt! Cause pirates live on chance y'see?
If you take this challenge please do not read your options before you roll, but if you are uncomfortable with the result do go ahead and re-roll. Thank you and I hope you enjoy these prompts
1. Lunch! Your crew is having a meal in the ship’s mess. Do they behave themselves? What are they eating? BONUS: you show either the Cooking process or the cleanup
2. Dead End Race- your oc is sailing in competition with other oc pirate crews! (Bonus: What is the prize at the end?)
3. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Vanilla Kingdom! Costume swap for the win? (Note: If you don’t follow the CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll)
4. Soon May the Wellerman Come~ pick an appropriately sea-themed song for this prompt!
5. UNO REVERSO! Your OC has done a complete 180! What do they look/act like now?
6. Someone on the Crew has done a Naughty. How does your OC punish their sailor? 7. Sea Monster Attack! It’s up to your OC’s crew to save their ship. How does it go?
8. Your OC has gotten sick. Who looks after them and do they behave as a patient? BONUS: How’d they get sick anyway?
9. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Hollyberry Kingdom! Costume Swap for the win? (Note: if you don’t follow the CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll) 10. Someone needs to look after the Cannons. Does it go well or does it go poorly? 11. Bananas and Coconuts. No I will not explain further, your OC must deal with Bananas and Coconuts.
12. Your OC encounters a pool of water that turns everything it touches into solid gold. How did they discover it and how do they deal with it? 13. Your OC encounters a very snooty treacherous noble who has your OC dead to rights. How does your character Jack Sparrow their way out of this one?
14. Draw your OC as a human/meme. If you’re doing this as a writing challenge then you must write a story with as many dad jokes as possible!
15. Drinking Contest! Team up with a friend and have your OC’s in a drinking competition! Decide the winner by rolling a six-sided die, the winner will be whoever rolls higher! (Note: if you’re too nervous to ask anyone, please re-roll)
16. Your OC got into a bind and now must use their Charisma to escape. Are they successful or cringey?
17. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Dark Cacao Kingdom! Costume Change FTW? (Note: if you do not follow the CRK game/lore feel free to roll for a new prompt!)
18. Things are getting Lovecraftian around here. How does your OC cope with the squishy horribleness of it all?
19. A Captain must go down with their ship. Depict the last stand of your OC
20. Mutiny on board! What does your OC do? 21. Your Crew has Made it to the Golden Cheese Kingdom! Costume change for the win? (Note: if you don’t follow CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll)
22. GIANT BOULDER! AKA, your OC’s Indiana Jones moment. How do they handle it?
23. Depict your OC’s proudest moment.
24. Time for bed. Depict your OC sleeping (Bonus: Make it Wholesome/spicy as you see fit) EDIT BONUS: If you have Completed all 24 Prompts you must have the dreaded CABIN FEVER! Draw/write your OC concequences suffering Cabin Fever
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malsfefanfics · 13 days
OC Profile: Davi
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Art by @cringeyvanillamilk, edited to icon size by me.
"We're not exactly sure where he came from, but he's become a fine member of the monastery. Davi has the heart of a knight, but he has a laid back side as well. I get the feeling he keeps us all at arms length, though. I wish to know him better. He seems particularly awkward around Felix, Dedue, and is actively avoiding Seteth and Flayn." -- Dimitri about Davi.
Full name: Davi Valerio Nicknames: Dava (by children), Vi, Brat (by Graham, affectionate) Birthday: 19th of the Pegasus Moon, 1164 Age: 21 (Pre-Timeskip), 26 (Post-Timeskip) Crest: [REDACTED] Family: Unnamed mother (deceased), unnamed father (deceased), Rui (twin brother, deceased), unnamed grandfather (deceased), Graham Govain (Adoptive Guardian), Chliodna Govain (Adoptive Guardian) Nationality: Duscur Titles: Crepuscular Commander, Warrior of the Mind Voice Claim: Jonah Scott (Legoshi from Beastars)
Interests: Weapons training, the Opera, Religious Studies Likes: Horses, Choir Practice, Training, Dancing Dislikes: Most of Faerghus, Crests, Heroes Relics
Favorite Meals: Onion Gratin Soup, Grilled Herring, Fruit and Herring Tart Liked Meals: Saghert and Cream, Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Derdriu-Style Fried Pheasant, Disliked Meals: Garreg Mach Meat Pie, Country-Style Red Turnip Plate, Gautier Cheese Gratin
Tea Preferences: Chamomile, Cinnamon Blend, Almyran Pine Needles
Liked Gifts: Fishing Float, Exotic Spices, Floral Adornment, Book of Sheet Music Disliked Gifts: The History of Fodlan, Legends of Chivalry, Book of Crest Designs,
Lost Items:
Strange Book of Music: A notebook filled with unfinished sheet music. The lyrics are in a language you don't recognize.
Traditional Kilt: A garment fit for a warrior. An elaborately weaved design colors it like the twilight.
Suppression Charm: A charm meant to suppress magic power. You remember seeing something similar in a Crestology book.
Starting Class: Commoner Preferred Class Path: Soldier/Monk --> Cavalier/Mage/Dark Mage/Priest --> Paladin/Wyvern Rider/Bishop/Dark Bishop/Warlock --> Wyvern Lord/Dark Knight/Holy Knight Strength: Lance Weakness: Heavy Armor Budding Talent: Faith Personal Skill: Merciful Pantheon - Increases nearby allies critical hit rates by 5% when their health is less than half.
Weapons Starting Levels:
Sword: C Lance: B Axe: E Bow: D Brawling: E Reason: D Faith: D+ Authority: C Heavy Armor: E Riding: D Flying: D
Base Stats:
HP: 30 Str: 12 Mag: 6 Dex: 7 Spd: 7 Lck: 6 Def: 8 Res: 8 Cha: 10
Learned Faith Spells: Heal (D) Nosferatu (D+) Recover (C), Seraphim (B), Aura (A) Learned Reason Spells: Thunder (D), Thoron (C), Bolganone (B), Excalibur (A), Agnea’s Arrow (A)
Recruit Requirements for Canon-Compliance AUs: 
Blue Lions: must complete the Paralogues "War for the Weak" and "An Ocean View", and have B or higher in Lances, Reason, and Riding
Golden Deer: must complete the Paralogues "Dividing the World" and "An Ocean View", and have C or higher in Faith and Flying
Black Eagles: must complete "True Chivalry" and "An Ocean View", have a B in Axes and Heavy Armor.
Black Eagles (Silver Snow): Must also have completed Ashen Wolves Paralogues and have a B in Swords and Authority
Potential Supports:
Ingrid (up to B)
Lorenz (Up to B)
Hilda (Up to B)
Raphael (Up to B)
Ignatz (Up to B)
Hanneman (Up to B)
Crit Quotes:
By the grace of the gods!
Ashes to ashes, as they say.
This is my vengeance!
You are not much of a challenge.
My mentor calls.
You're in my way!
You shall regret crossing blades with me!
God of War, guide me!
You are a disgrace!
Defeat Quotes:
Apologies, friends. I must fall back.
This is too much. We must retreat.
I....I won't die here....not now....
Ah...so this is what Rui felt that day...
I'm sorry, Graham. I failed....
Don't weep....I....made my choice....
Skill Level Increase Quotes:
This will aide my people well.
This blessing will serve me well.
Blessings by the God of Wisdom.
Now this is curious.
Insightful. Thank you.
Level Up Quotes:
To grow is part of life.
Blessed by the God of War.
I know I can do better.
The Gods are testing me.
Gift Quotes:
Liked Gifts: You found something truly magnificent. I am grateful.
Neutral Gifts: This is delightful.
Disliked Gifts: Perhaps you should take your curses elsewhere.
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roguephenon · 2 months
IV: The Delightful Tale of Sector Z and the Last Soopreme Leader, Numbuh Three
Link has been reestablished. Now resuming trans—
The Big Super-Computer-ma-bob apologizes for this inconvenience.
Please enjoy this supplementary operation report while database is reconstructed.
:Accessing way-back mission archives:
Now loading kids next door mission:
Operation: T.E.A*
*Warning. System has tagged operation designation as a duplicate. SYSTEM ADMIN, please rectify…
many, many, years ago
In space, no one can hear you scream.
Unless you were on Kids Next Door Moonbase.
There? People could hear you screaming out the wazoo.
Why, there was so much screaming going on there; it was practically white noise for Global Command. If there ever was a moment when there wasn't the lively chatter of a buhmillion kids from all walks of life communing on the base to end all bases, then it was either winter holiday break or something was terribly, horribly wrong.
At the moment, it was barely Thanksgiving. And given how quiet the Moonbase currently was, it was safe to say the silence was due to the latter scenario.
I.e. something bad was going down.
In docking bay eleventeen, a gaggle of operatives stiffly patrolled the area. Their movements were almost robotic, and their once bright eyes were now dull and listless as they meandered about, attending to some command with nary a fuss.
"Come on, guys! Snap out of it!" came a muffled shout from a holding cell. A fist pounded against the metal door, frantic eyes glaring out the tiny peephole. "You gotta fight it!"
The guard of the door, a random cafeteria working armed with a SCAMP rifle, narrowed her eyes at the door. "Be…quiet…"
Her tone lacked agency. Devoid of any emotion.
The prisoner redoubled their efforts, the door trembling under their futile efforts. "I got injured operatives and scared cadets in here, you jerk!" His voice was littered with panicked urgency. "One of them needs an inhaler! ASA-NOW!"
The cafeteria guard ignored him, focusing on her single-minded directive.
Suddenly, the docking bay lit up as a single SCAMPER hovered up to the loading terminal. Nearby, an out of place DOH-DOH Squad officer jerkily directed a gaggle science nerds to form up around the galley plank.
All children present crowded around the ship, the sights of their rifles steady against the hull's structural weak points.
The door to the SCAMPER hissed open, weapons humming madly in response.
"Don't…move," the kid in charge demanded of the unknown pilot. He glared. "State…your…business."
From the bowels of the ship, an accented voice cried, "Pizza delivery!"
"We did not order a…" the guard blinked, everyone looking down confused as a pizza box was chucked in the middle of their group. "…pizza?"
The cardboard lid slowly opened on its own, an angel choir sounding off as they all bore witness to the golden glory of the fabled Ninety-Nine Cheese New York Style Pizza.
Even in their mind-addled stated state, all operatives present couldn't stop their mouths from salivating.
Steam rose from the pie's crust as the cheese atop it began to boil and bubble.
The uncut, medium-sized pie exploded in a gooey burst of Parmesan, Asiago, and mozzarella. The force blew back all caught unaware, their bodies glued and trapped to nearby surfaces by hot, sticky cheese.
The way clear, a small figure cockily ambled out of the scamper. An African-American boy strutted onto the Moonbase proper, dressed in a worn, orange jumpsuit, the torso folded down to reveal the stretchy white jersey baggy against his chest. He kicked the toes of his Nike sneakers against the deck, pumping up his kicks for the inevitable butt-whooping he was about to dish out.
Jerome Kingsly used the nozzle of his blaster to adjust his shades, combing through his messy fro whilst his lips curled into a self-assured smirk. "Down in Brooklyn, we call that the Nine-Nine Special."
"Numbuh Nine-Nine! Over here!"
WARNING. This a long chapter. Please give yourself breaks :3
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sleepingdeath-light · 8 months
Golden Cheese Cookie x Reader: All that Glitters is Gold
Note: I'd always imagine how a proper introduction of Clotted Cream and Golden Cheese would go, I had to re-watch Odyssey to really get a feel. To PJ Simp, sorry if I completely butcher this lmao. It's my first time writing Clotted Cream. I'm pretty sure I butchered his character though, omfg 😭 like always, please excuse any errors and inconsistencies.
Takes place right before Beast-Yeast. At least.. It's supposed to. If Golden Cheese doesn't go to Beast-Yeast next week, fuck it we ball 😂
It was peaceful, at least for the time being, in Golden Cheese Cookie's chambers in the Vanilla Kingdom. Beautiful, transparent, shimmering golden veils hung over the king sized bed, even though a queen and her consort were inside it. They were watching television together, before Golden Cheese has to soon depart to Beast-Yeast.
"Ugh I hate this show, this show has too many plot holes." Golden Cheese Cookie said out loud. That comment earned a delightful laugh from her partner.
"Holes! Plot holes!" (Y/N) Cookie laughed, "Like holes in cheese!"
Ah, Golden Cheese Cookie always loved her beloved's laughter. It was like listening to a beautiful bird chirping in the morning. Golden Cheese never wanted to hear the end of it. She wanted her Kingdom to thrive in happiness and prosperity, and her partner was included.
"Golden Cheese Cookie, you're so funny!"
"Yes, yes!" she praised herself, smiling widely, "I am quite the comedian, if I do say so myself."
The couple's moment was interrupted when they heard a sudden knock on Golden Cheese's chambers.
"Urghhh," Golden Cheese Cookie groaned, "Who is disturbing me at this hour?"
She got up from her bed and went to the door. She opened the door to see Clotted Cream Cookie, Gingerbrave, and Financier Cookie.
"Hi Golden Cheese Cookie!" Gingerbrave said, "How are you doing?"
"Gingerbrave?" she asked, confused, "What are you doing here? Who are these Cookies?"
"This is Clotted Cream Cookie, and this his bodyguard Financier Cookie! He wanted to meet you, since he didn't get a chance to properly introduce himself to you."
Golden Cheese Cookie thought about it for a moment and quickly remembered something.
"That's right! You were that Cookie Hollyberry Cookie told me about! You were from... The Crème Republic?"
"Correct. I am a descendant of the Vanilla Kingdom, as condensed cream and vanilla flavoring flows through my dough. It's an honor to meet another Ancient Hero."
"It is an honor indeed!" she agreed, as prideful as ever. Her partner rolled their eyes in the distance.
Clotted Cream Cookie chuckled. "I heard that the Golden Cheese Kingdom is the land of eternal gold, and prosperity. I heard It perished during the Dark Flour War. I offer my deepest condolences, Golden Cheese Cookie. I would love to visit the Golden City someday. "
Golden Cheese Cookie went silent for a brief moment, a little bit ill at ease and tense.
"Ah I can't wait! My city of eternal gold will leave you in awe!" she said, sounding a bit, just a bit, dejected.
A cookie, dressed in the finest cloth, golden jewelry, and a beautiful crown, came up from behind Golden Cheese Cookie and lightly squeezed her hand out of comfort. Even though what she said was meant to be in anticipation and excitement, her tone indicated that she was a bit dejected.
"Oh...!" Clotted Cream Cookie said, concerned, "I... I did not mean to remind you of a terrible memory. I apologize."
"Oh yeah! Her kingdom is a bit of a sore spot to Golden Cheese Cookie." said Gingerbrave.
"Yeah," agreed with her consort, "But I'm pretty sure she knows you mean well."
Clotted Cream Cookie took notice of the new cookie standing beside Golden Cheese Cookie.
"Hm? Pardon me, but I believe I saw you after Golden Cheese Cookie arrived back here for our Beast-Yeast expedition. Who might you be?"
The consort turned to the Consul, "I am (Y/N) Cookie", they said, "Partner to Golden Cheese Cookie."
"Yep! And Golden Cheese Cookie loves them very much." replied Gingerbrave.
Golden Cheese Cookie, who wasn't feeling dejected anymore, hugged her partner's side with her arms, and leaned her head against her consort, crowns clanking as their crowns collided.
"Indeed I do! I love my consort. So loyal to their queen and their God, I don't know what I'd do without them! My greatest treasure.. " Golden Cheese said lovingly as she switched positions to give one of her consort's hand a kiss, while giving them a flirty look, while the other hand was still firmly grasped around their waist. The consort's dough went bright red.
Clotted Cream Cookie was damn well impressed. A relationship so open and happy, he couldn't deny that he himself wanted a relationship like that whenever he got the chance.
"I see. I guess that explains the crown and golden accessories. I wish you both a happy relationship. Their Majesties, if you don't mind me asking, how long have you two known each other?"
Golden Cheese Cookie was quick to respond. "A short while, but we're taking our time! Right now, I am very happy to have my consort by my side~"
Clotted Cream chuckled. "I see, it was nice to meet you Golden Cheese Cookie, and to you as well, Consort (Y/N) Cookie. I can not wait for us to talk again in more.. Untroubled circumstances."
- Reaction anon
Thank you for sharing ^^
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little-cacao-agere · 4 months
If it’s okay to ask, how did the ancients, Dark Choco and Second Watcher learn about Dark Cacao’s age regression? Did he tell them??
(warning, this is a long one)
No, he did not tell them. He couldn't bring himself to (not willingly anyway). After all, he's got this image of a strong warrior. He can't let the others down. Though, there were certain incidents in which his now caregivers did find out.
The ancients had learned when they were younger after a particular incident and Dark Cacao had simply shut down. He was silent and, to their memory, was rocking back and forth whilst clinging to his bag. Hollyberry was trying to communicate with him and Golden Cheese was trying to make him snap out of it while Pure Vanilla and White Lily were trying to figure it out using their medical knowledge. After several hours of what could only be described as utter chaos, Dark Cacao had come to his senses just enough to tell them he was regressing. More chaos ensued, but it worked out in the end.
The Second Watcher found out after a meltdown. For context, the kingdom was in a low point and Dark Cacao was, at the time, about five months pregnant with Dark Choco. the now very horrified Second Watcher had pushed him too much about his wellbeing and other matters and he broke down. The Second Watcher panicked and gave him a stuffie he frantically found that seemed to work in calming him. Dark Cacao was lying on him, a small paw from the plushie in his mouth, when the Second Watcher realised. His mother's days in psychology had given him the knowledge to recognise age regression well enough to know it when he sees it. Lets say Dark Cacao, after that, had very embarrassedly told him he wasn't always like that and he can usually repress his emotions better, to which he was met with nothing but kindness.
Dark Choco found out because he walked into the Second Watcher caring for a regressed Dark Cacao. He was around 12 years old at the time, so he was very confused as to why his big, strong, heroic father was playing with a bunch of toys in a onesie. The Second Watcher then had to explain the concept of age regression, and how to tell the difference between voluntary and involuntary age regression when he sees it. Fast-forward a few years, and he remembers the conversation and brings it up. Dark Cacao tries to deny it, but through persistence and over-stubbornness, they end up working it out and Dark Choco has become a new, excited, and very proud caregiver to his little father.
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harlowarchives · 1 year
❝ a 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐎𝐖 story!
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HI! omg ok, so this was originally published on wattpad because it wasn't getting any getting reads i gave up on it & left wattpad completely but... out of boredom i re-read it this weekend and was honestly in 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐞 so i decided to upload it here if u like this i'll do some more but i love you, enjoy! ⁀➷
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↳ listen to THIS PLAYLIST.
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𝐍𝐎 warning today, all fluff & language!
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Dawn was simply exhausted. She had been working all day at her job as a daycare worker with mostly 3-6-year-old kids from around 8:00 am to 1:50 pm. She walked down the street from her job towards the deli, picking up her usual chop cheese and pineapple Fanta with a pack of golden Oreos. Dawn waited for her food and had her usual conversation with her favorite deli guy, Max, who had been working there since she was seven. They had grown a tight bond and he called her "bestie" every time she walked in the deli to put a smile on her face when she'd had a rough day or wasn't in a good mood. Dawn shifted a bit, feeling a figure behind her as a person entered the store. She posted against the fridge waiting for her food to be ready as she glanced over at a tall Caucasian man with fluffy curly hair and deep blue eyes. She stopped herself for a second when he turned around to look back at her, releasing his hand from his pocket to give her a calm wave. After a second or two, it had finally registered that the man was someone familiar, Jack Harlow. "Nina! One chop cheese," Max called out, pointing towards Dawn.
“How much, bestie?" Dawn smiled. "15.98," he replied, returning the expression. "I'll pay for her," Jack called. Dawn began to blush. "Thank yo—" as Jack stopped her. "Least I could do when you look that gahdamn fine." Dawn was completely flustered, interrupting her daze. "You want anything else?" he asked, looking down at her small curvy figure, pulling $500 from his pocket. "I'm good," she said nervously. Jack then nodded, placing a $100 bill on the counter, then grabbing her bag and his bag across from it, smiling at Max as Dawn waved and they walked out of the store together. "Thank you, I really appreciate it," the short, curvy girl said, gifting Jack a warm smile. "No problem, I'm Jack," he replied, laughing as she peered at him.
“TRUST ME, I know.”
The two of them laughed for a bit while walking aimlessly down the street before Jack asked, "You tryna hit the park with me?" Dawn teased, furrowing her brow. "I don't know, stranger. Am I?" "Handsome stranger," Jack added as she rolled her eyes. "Hm, it wouldn't hurt. But if anything, I'm showing you around," Dawn said, pulling his wrists while grinning.
Dawn was a BIG talker the entire way to all of her favorite spots in the city, but Jack wasn't even short of entertained. There was a glimmer in her eye whenever Dawn started talking about Queens. She told Jack pretty much everything about herself, and he shared stories of him and his rugrat little brother Clay. Dawn made him feel extremely vulnerable because he'd never see her again. His secrets would never be used against him in a petty argument. Regardless, Dawn wasn't even the type - she was so warm.
The city streets were boiling. The children played outside - little girls playing double dutch, making dance routines while the boys raced each other down the streets and tripped the girls jumping rope. One of the little girls began shoving her friend, screaming to look across the street, running across the street towards Jack as others followed behind asking for pictures. As he laughed, scratching his head, embracing the kids, handing all of them 5 dollar bills, the kids were smiling and thanking him.
"Do you make that popping song?" a little girl questioned, as Jack nodded. "Yes, I do make the popping song," he smiled. "Momma said that's the devil's music," the girl responded, scrunching her nose, looking slightly disgusted. "Where's your mom?" he questioned while the girl pointed towards her mother sitting on the step, yelling at the kids who were misbehaving. "Give her this, tell her I make the popping song," he laughed, turning slightly red, passing the child an uncounted wad of cash as the little girl beamed running towards her mother handing her the money as the woman broke into tears, smiling. The boys and girls crowded around the mother and her children as Jack grabbed Dawn before the woman had a chance to see where the money had come from.
Dawn smiled, pulling Jack into a tight squeeze that was quickly returned she didn't have any idea what to say to him she let her actions speak instead, Jack walked towards a stand nicely located under a gazebo where three or four boys who all looked to be no older than 18 sold teddy bears, bouquets & fruit arrangements. He bought the largest bear available while Dawn just stood watching with a smile plastered across her face. Jack bought a card, standing in the corner writing a letter to Dawn for about 5 minutes before unzipping the bear and stuffing the letter inside. "You are so extra," Dawn added while cheesing, unzipping the bear reaching inside before Jack quickly popped her hand. "Read it later, Dawn!" he said placing his hand on his hip as she burst out into uncontrollable laughter. "Ok, Mr. Sassy, I'll wait," she sighed as he looked at her completely unamused.
Dawn and Jack had just roamed around the neighborhood for a while aimlessly talking about absolutely everything, things they wouldn't dare tell anyone else.
Dawn told Jack about every memory she'd made on the streets they walked, and he'd always had a similar memory of his hometown to share. After Dawn had complained about needing to rest her legs, he'd thrown her over his shoulder. Her body adjusted, resting her legs on his shoulders, her arms around his neck, gently stroking his chin, playing in his hair while he walked towards the park nearest to her house.
Dawn and Jack sat on the park bench feeding the birds the leftover bread from Dawn's sandwich. They'd laugh at the ducks who fought for food, pushing the others over. As the sky began to grey, Dawn rested her head on Jack's lap as he stroked her hair while she played with his loose yet tight moisturized coils. They had yet to break eye contact. Jack was entranced in her deep expanding brown eyes. 'Do you have a staring problem?' Jack scowled, rolling his eyes as Dawn laughed and pushed him. 'Bitch, da fuck you were looking at me first!' she snapped back, causing them to break out into even harder laughter.
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⁀➷ shortly 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑!
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Jack's fingers intertwined with Dawn's his varsity jack draped over her shoulders as the two walked up to her building. Jack licked his lips sucking his bottom stuck in her eyes like a tangled shoe lace.
Dawn began grinning at Jack opening her arms wrapping her arms around his chest placing his arms around her small waist, time sat still. They just hugged & hugged and hugged, until Jack layed a kiss on her forehead both of them cheesing "Thank you, Jack." Dawn said as he wrapped his hand around hers, "Thank you more, beautiful." clearing her hair out her face as the midnight breeze ran through her hair, he ran down the steps of the building before the girl blew a kiss at Jack that he quickly caught placing it in his pocket running off.
🏷️ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 ⁱ : @lexxlovesjack @iknowdatsrightbih @iheartharlow @livsters @honeyharlows @killatravtramp @jackmanduh
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Celebrating July 4th in Strange Times, Pt 1
I'm still recovering from the literal assault of a week we all just went through. And it's only Wednesday. Time to UNHOOK AND COOK.
I'm not thinkin' too clearly, but like i've often said here on this hellsite (meh): when in doubt, BAKE. And COOK.
I had no idea just why, but my old friend/landlord back in Austin came to mind yesterday, and as a result, this felafel recipe. His grandmother was Lebanese. His grandfather was Italian. And then my old friend who is second-generation Armenian immigrant came to mind, as well.
This felafel recipe is "authentic", and pretty basic to people who know, but to this heavily-breaded and chicken-fried Texas boy, it was a revelation.
Final confirmation the boy knows his felafel came from Chef roomie yesterday that they were, indeed, beatiful and tasty, with the homemade tzatziki as dunkin' sauce.
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So this occupied me yesterday, still over a dozen felafel balls left, and lots of tzatziki, and it hit me to celebrate in my own way by making an "All American" dinner that is a blend of food friends have all enjoyed in dinners past.
We'll have those heated, along with more dipping sauce, beside a batch of my oven-baked Italian meatballs, and oven-barbecued chicken thighs, with homemade barbecue sauce (goes great on the meatballs as well!), and my version of potato salad.
As far as dessert, I started today by making a batch of super-vanilla no-churn ice cream in the hottest part of the afternoon. Thought that might cause problems, but it's already setting, so that's good. I am also gonna make a coffee-chocolate sauce to go on top, along with a dollop of the red raspberry freezer jam I made last week.
OK: First things first,
Felafel Recipe
2 cups (dry measure) dried garbanzo beans
4 cups cold water
1 bunch parsley
5-6+ cloves garlic
1 large onion
2 tablespoons of cumin
1 heaping tablespoon of baking powder
3 tablespoons of flour
1 teaspoon salt
Pepper to taste
Put dried garbanzos and water in a medium-small bowl or 4-cup liquid measure pyrex cup. Cover and put in fridge at least over night. They will expand! Leave them for 24-36 hours, until they have at least doubled in volume.
After they have soaked, drain and put in food processor bowl, with regular blade. Put the rest of the ingredients in on top of the garbanzos. Chop the parsley in half first, spread the dried ingredients evenly.
Put the cover on and process, pulse at first, until you see the desired color and texture start to happen. Stop and scrape, then turn on and leave on until you get a grainy texture and STOP.
Transfer to another bowl, cover and refrigerate until you're ready to fry.
Tzatziki Recipe:
1 cup sour cream (or Greek Yogurt)
1 cucumber
Use the large grates on a cheese grater, grate the cucumber into a small bowl. Sprinkle liberally with about a teaspoon of salt. Mash it around, until you see the green liquid start for form. Take and strain, mashing the rest of the water and salt out. Mix with the sour cream and chill.
Fry the felafel into small (1 to 1 1/2") balls, using a teaspoon to help you form the balls. Drop them one at a time into the "chicken-frying hot" fat of your choice. Fry until a dark-golden brown. Serve with the Tzatziki as a dip. The felafel balls freeze and re-heat well.
I'll post the rest of it as it happens tomorrow. I think i've posted the ice-cream recipe before, this time basic vanilla, thus the coffee-chocolate sauce and raspberry jam.
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southfarthing · 1 year
I've been re-reading the fellowship of the ring, and these descriptions of food so far have me Yearning......
Pippin afterwards recalled little of either food or drink, for his mind was filled with the light upon the elf-faces, and the sound of voices so various and so beautiful that he felt in a waking dream. But he remembered that there was bread, surpassing the savour of a fair white loaf to one who is starving, and fruits sweet as wildberries and richer than the tended fruits of gardens; he drained a cup that was filled with a fragrant draught, cool as a clear fountain, golden as a summer afternoon.
(three is company, p. 109)
Tom Bombadil burst out laughing. 'Well, my little fellows!' said he, stooping so that he peered into their faces. 'You shall come home with me! The table is all laden with yellow cream, honeycomb, and white bread and butter. Goldberry is waiting. Time enough for questions around the supper table. You follow after me as quick as you are able!'
(the old forest, p. 159)
In a twinkling the table was laid. There was hot soup, cold meats, a blackberry tart, new loaves, slabs of butter, and half a ripe cheese: good plain food, as good as the Shire could show, and homelike enough to dispel the last of Sam's misgivings
(at the sign of the prancing pony, pp. 203–4)
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Imagine Me & You
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A Jake “Hangman” Seresin fic.
First time writing TGM fanfic - please be gentle.
Jake stumbles across a woman on base that seems to enjoy the finer things in life... just like the future he’d like to build - with her in it.
Chapter 2: Making Headway
“Hi Grandma,”  Mia smiled, stepping into Dorothea Thomas’ suite.
“Hello darling girl,” Dorothea was having a good day according to her aides. Dorothea Thomas was clearly where Mia got many of her physical attributes. The same golden-brown eyes, the same blonde hair and the same pronounced cupid’s bow. She was honored to share the features.
“How are you doing today?” She asked, taking a seat beside the matriarch and staring out at the rolling ocean.
It did take a small chunk out of Mia’s inheritance to keep her grandmother in this particular care facility, but it was worth it. She trusted the staff, her grandmother loved the ocean, and she could live as close to independence as possible.
As a woman who lived her whole life in the Midwest, she was thankful each day to see the coast.
“How can I complain?” Dorothea asked with a small smile as her granddaughter poured her a glass of iced tea.
The truth was, she could complain. She lost her husband to war, her son to a heart attack and used some of the prime years of her life raising her two motherless grandchildren. At least, for as long as she could.
“Jack is coming into town next week,” Mia said, taking a sip of her own tea.
“Oh, how wonderful,” Dorothea smiled serenely.
“We’ll be by to go to brunch and down to the water,” Mia said, holding her grandmother’s hand in her own.
“I always love when you come to visit, Lenora,” Dorothea sighed, patting Mia’s hand on top of her own. Mia simply smiled and gently rest her head against her grandmother’s shoulder.
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“Jack Jack,” Mia giggled, feeling as if she was glowing when her baby brother swept her off her feet in a big hug.
“Man I missed you, Mimi.” He said, burying his face in her neck. “Missed you more,” she insisted, rubbing her hand up and down his back. She opted for a pair of crisp white sneakers today, making their height difference even more apparent. “Have your suitcase?” She asked, peeking around his shoulder.
“I got it,” he said, lifting the Rimowa into the trunk of the Jaguar. “Can I drive?” He grinned.
“A promise is a promise,” she agreed, handing over the keys. She lifted the IU hat from his head, running her fingers through his fine blonde hair before replacing the cap. “How’s your elbow?” She asked as he opened the passenger door for her.
“Good, really good,” he insisted. “I’ll need to ice and heat while I’m here, but other than that, doing good.
“I’m so happy you’re here.” She sighed as he started up the car. “Come on, I got everything to make your favorite dinner.”
The drove in peace, chatting excitedly about everything they could since seeing each other last over Christmas in Indiana. Mia had flown out to IU, helped re-stock Jack’s college house he shared with four of his baseball teammates and cooked Christmas dinner for the group of misfits who weren’t able to go home for the holidays.
“Classes are going good?” Mia asked, stirring the spicy pasta sauce on a low simmer.
“Really good,” Jack nodded. “My last year will be pretty light so I can focus on my senior capstone and job hunting.” He said, smearing a wipe of goat cheese on crusty bread.
“Good, Jack, I’m proud of you,” Mia smiled, “and baseball?” She asked.
“It’s going okay,” Jack shrugged. “I think I can get a few combine invites, but I don’t want to rely on it.”
“Smart man,” she nodded.
“How about you? You’re settled, you’re living the life here?” He asked, leaning against the kitchen counter top and watching as she carefully poured heavy cream into her saucepan.
“I think so?” She shrugged. “I don’t see it as permanent, but I enjoy it for right now.”
“Is it weird? Working for the military?” He asked, grimacing softly.
“A little,” she laughed. “I don’t know, sometimes I feel separate from it because one, I’m not enlisted or a pilot, but two, I’m also pretty removed from all the procedure and formality.” She shrugged. “We can go visit the base this week – there’s going to be an airshow for families that I thought could be cool. My boss said he’d give us a tour of the base.”
“That would be dope,” Jack nodded.
“Okay, need you to drain the noodles, please,” she said, tapping him gently. They worked seamlessly together around the kitchen, two peas in a pod that relied on each other more than anyone would ever know.
She didn’t know what she’d do without her Jack.
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Jake Seresin’s eyes tracked the two blondes that hopped out of the vintage Jag.
He had been in and out of base for the past few weeks on assignment and working with some of the young guns before returning to Miramar for a two-month assignment.
Drawing the short stick, he was asked to attend and oversee today’s airshow, which would take place a few hours from now.
Seeing Mia was like a breath of fresh air. She hadn’t been running laps through his mind for weeks, but she had been strutting in those heels for certain.
“Hangman,” in a rare moment, Jake was caught off guard as he whirled around to see Lt. Gen. Bozek.
“Buzzer,” Jake replied.
“Welcome back,” he greeted as they shook hands. “Glad to be grounded for a bit?” He asked, standing in front of the large picture window beside the aviator.
“Grounded no? But not bouncing around for a short while will do me some good,” His eyes flicked back out to where Mia was adjusting a small leather backpack – her companion helping her shorten the strap.
“I see Mia’s brother arrived in town,” Bozek commented, watching Jake out of the corner of his eye.
“Brother?” Jake asked more to himself than anything else.
“Good kid – plays baseball at Indiana,” Bozek elaborated. “They’re close – she gives me regular updates on him. They’re pretty much it as far as family goes.”
Who knew Bozek would be a fountain of information?
“I could introduce you, if you’d like.” He offered.
“Appreciate it, but we’re old friends at this point,” Jake smirked.
“Make good decisions,” Bozek called out as Jake departed the administrative building. “I always do,” Jake said confidently.
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“Snow cones should be available in more public places,” Jack said, finishing up his treat and tossing the paper cone in the trash nearby. “So what kind of planes are here?” He asked, draping his arm around his sister’s shoulder. She was centering a nice shot on her iPhone as he asked.
“Honestly I have no idea, I couldn’t tell you the difference between any of these.” She admitted. “They kind of all look the same to me.”
“Helps to have a professional around,” Jake said, rounding on the pair. “Hello, Jake Seresin,” he stuck out his hand for Jack to shake.
“Jack Thomas,” The height difference was off by just an inch or two – but still hovered around the clouds over Mia’s head.
“Hi Lieutenant Commander,” Mia said, leaning into her brother’s side. “This is my baby brother, Jack.”
“As you can see, graduated from being a baby many years ago,” Jack bumped her shoulder.
“Pleasure,” Jake nodded.
“You’ve been out and about, right? I feel like it’s been a moment since I’ve seen you.” Mia commented.
“Unfortunately that’s classified information,” Jake replied, a tight grin on his face.
Jack’s eyes darted back and forth between the pilot, who was zipped carefully in his flight suit, and his older sister. It was nothing new watching men sniff around his big sister, and this man was no exception.
Jake was aware of the man’s observance.
“Are you flying today, Lieutenant Commander?” Mia asked, tucking her phone back in her pocket.
“Just here for safety,” Jake commented. “We’ll have a few of our young guys doing the showcase.”
“But they’ll be flying the planes you normally fly?” She asked.
“Demonstrations today include my usual aircraft, an F-18 Super Hornet, an E-2 Hawkeye and an F-35 Lightning,” he listed off. “We’ll have some jumpers as well.”
“Do you jump?” Mia asked, genuinely curious.
“Only if the occasion calls for it.” Jake replied. “Ejecting will take about and inch and a half off of your height as your spine compresses.” He explained, watching her eyes widen just a bit. “Sick,” Jack commented.
“How long are you in town for?” Jake asked.
“Just for the week,” Jack replied, “I’m in school and had a small break,” He explained.
“Baseball, right?” Jake asked, aware of Mia’s eyes on him. “What position?”
“Short,” Jack said. “Started at third as a freshman and migrated over.”
“I’ve got a cousin that plays professionally in Houston,” Jake commented. “Is that the plan?”
“Jack is finishing up school to be an engineer,” Mia said, beaming with pride.
“Lots of great opportunities in the Navy,” Jake raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No, no, no,” Mia said, throwing her arms around her brother and hugging him tight. “This is not a recruiting session.”
“It could be,” Jake countered.
“It’s not,” she was firm.
“Appreciate the offer,” Jack laughed.
“Is there a plane you need to go get into?” Mia asked.
“Grounded for a while now, don’t you worry,” Jake said. “Enjoy your visit, sir.” He extended his hand out to Jack once again, noting how the student’s handshake was just a bit stronger than their first. “See you around, Mia,” he said with finality.
Jack waited until the Lieutenant Commander was out of earshot.
“What’s his deal?” He asked, the sound of a plane approaching in the distance.
“What do you mean?” Mia said, ambling forward alongside her brother.
“He’s intense,” Jack commented.
“You think so? Didn’t notice,” she shrugged.
“You guys hook up?” He asked.
“Jackson Thomas!” She laughed, “no we did not hook up!”
“Well, he’s trying,” Jack shrugged.
“Come on, let’s find you another snow cone.” She rolled her eyes.
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Even though he was 21 and well within his legal rights, it was still weird for Mia to see Jack drinking in a bar. Even more so now that he was tearing it up with the Top Gun pilots, playing pool and joking around with levity she didn’t get to see him have too often.
“You going to be able to carry that giant man home?” Bobbi asked, grinning as she watched the Top Gun pilots hoot, holler and leap on your brother as he sunk a shot.
“I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again,” Mia laughed.
“Okay, two IPAs and a French 75 for the lady,” Bobbi’s friend Tina set down the next round of drinks. “Moose over there will have to get his own, but I think the boys have him covered,” she tilted her head back toward Jack.
Tina was nice – she worked off base but was married to one of the Top Gun instructors and had been at Miramar for a few months.
“I think they’re living the frat boy college fantasy they never got,” Bobbi commented, making Mia laugh.
“Jack doesn’t get to blow off steam too often, either,” she took a long sip of her cocktail. “Between practice, games, traveling, workouts and class, Indy’s got him pretty booked.”
“All the more power to ‘em,” Tina clinked her glass against Bobbi and Mia’s.
“So Mia, you’re cute and young and single, and I’m old and haggard and locked down – how are you blowing off steam?” Tina asked.
Mia giggled, stalling with another sip of her drink.
“Not currently blowing off any steam – or anyone for that matter,” she winked, making Bobbi and Tina laugh.
“Babes you’ve got the pick of the litter,” Tina insisted loudly. “Your heels are high, your tits are perky and that dress is really doing something.” She elaborated.
“First of all, thank you, you’re so kind,” Mia smiled, “but hooking up with someone on base? I work here!” She insisted.
“Uh yeah, that’s like the whole point,” Tina said, looking pointedly over at Bobbi. “Nowhere else on earth, are you going to find a smorgasbord of men like this.” She said, waving her drink around. “They’re hot, they’re young, they’re eager to please and have something to prove – I’m not saying you’ve gotta marry ‘em, though I did, but it’s worth considering.” She insisted.
“Tina I love when you wax poetic about me,” The ladies looked up to see an unfamiliar face.
“Roost!” Bobbi and Tina hopped out of their seats to give the mustachioed man a firm squeeze. He was more than happy to take them up in his arms.
“Mia this is Rooster,” Bobbi introduced.
“Hi Rooster, I’m Mia,” the blonde smiled widely, sticking out her hand.
“What are you doing here?” Tina asked, taking her seat again as Rooster hovered near the table.
“Eight weeks in Miramar,” he explained. Mia found that to be the norm – not saying why someone was on base, but rather, how long they’d be there.
“Just in time for summer,” Bobbi winked.
“Mia, what’s your story?” He asked, dropping his sunglasses down onto the collar of his vintage band tee. A cold beer appeared in front of him on the table.
“Mia is a lawyer, sexy, single, and working for Lt. Gen. Bozek,” Tina said, making Mia laugh. “Her little brother is over there, seeing how much Mezcal the new recruit class can take.” She tilted her chin back.
“Are we husband hunting?” Rooster asked? His eyes flicking over the cleavage her sweet little floral dress was showing off and down to the ring on her left hand. “That’s not going to help.”
“One, I am not husband hunting!” She laughed. “This is my dad’s ring.” She explained, “I mean, sized down about six times, but it just makes me happy.” She shrugged.
“I’ll drink to that,” Rooster said, tapping her glass with his.
“What are we drinking to? My accomplishments?” Bobbi knew it was a matter of time before Hangman showed up.
“Hangy, you big shit.” Rooster laughed, giving his former teammate a big hug. “Have you met Mia?” He asked, that damn mustache twitching just enough to tip off Jake.
“We’re keenly acquainted,” Jake said, his hand finding a resting spot on the back of her chair. Rooster’s grin became even more salacious.
Jake Seresin was not the type to pick up on-base girls at a bar.
Mia clearly was not an on-base-at-a-bar type of girl, but rather, just Jake’s type that wandered right into his snare.
How fortunate for Jake, and how fun for Rooster – and how much more fun for Tina and Bobbi that were watching it all unfold in front of them.
Though Rooster and Hangman were friendly now, they had a sordid past, and it still rang off-key to see them be chummy with one another even now.
“Y’know, Mia, Rooster also drives a classic car,” Bobbi said, raising a brow as she took a drink.
“Also?” Rooster asked, intrigued. “What’re you steering, Mia?”
“It’s a ’73 Jag XKE,” Jake answered, “right Mia?”
“That’s right, Lieutenant Commander,” she nodded. “Convertible.”
Rooster whistled low, “think you could take me for a joy ride sometime?” He prompted. Jake could feel his pulse tick in his neck.
“Depends, what ya go?” She asked.
“First gen blue Bronco,” he replied. “My dad’s back in the day,” he elaborated.
“Hey Roost, where’s my husband?” Tina asked.
“He was just wrapping up when I left, can’t imagine he’d be too far behind now.” Rooster explained.
“We were just talking about how Mia’s husband hunting,” Tina chimed in. She had been watching Jake observe Mia for the last five minutes.
“I’m not husband hunting,” Mia insisted, rolling her eyes, though the smile stretched across her face betrayed her expression.
“Baby, we don’t even have to husband hunt,” Tina insisted. “We can hunt just for a night, like true lionesses.” Mia burst into giggles with a shake of her head.
Rooster watched as the exchange went on between the two women, his eyes darting over to Jake, whose hand tightened on the back of her chair.
“Mia, I’m just saying, if you don’t use it, it closes up,” Tina said. “Hand to God.”
“What’s that? I think I hear my brother calling for me.” Mia laughed.
“That’s right, baby girl, you go dive into that man pool,” Tina cheered as the petite blond hopped down from her seat and grabbed her cocktail before heading off to check on Jack.
“Tina,” Jake hissed, sending the woman into a spurt of laughter.
“Calm down, Hangman,” Bobbi laughed, “she’s not going to take any of them home.”
“Mia!” Jack cheered, causing the ten men around him to parrot his excited call.
“Hi Jack Jack, how are we doing over here?”
“Mimi, these are my new friends,” He said, gesturing to the group. “Fellas – and Bridger – this is my sister, Mia.” He introduced.
“Pleasure,” she smiled with a shy wave.
“Mia works on base as a lawyer because she’s smart as fuck,” Jack explained.
“Mia, you play pool?” A man in glasses, blue pants and a coordinating t-shirt asked, “Rewind” stitched over his heart.
“Oh, absolutely not,” Jack laughed, caging his sister in his arms. Rewind simply laughed, eyeing up the shorter of the two Thomas siblings before prowling around the other side of the table.
“Mia really seems more like a darts person to me,” Jake said, arriving alongside the table. Jack noticed how the pilots straightened up just a bit in the Lieutenant Commander’s presence. “Jack,” he greeted with a tilt of his head and a peace offering of another drink.
“Jake,” Jack said, gladly accepting the beer. “And you’re right,” He said, tilting his head back toward the set of dartboards hanging on the far wall. “Mia’s a ringer.”
“I am not,” Mia said assuredly, looking over at Jake.
“She lies,” Jack said simply. “She was on our high school archery team.” Jake’s brows raised just enough to show his keen interest.
“Show me what you got, Thomas.” He insisted, ushering her over to the board.
“Wait, Mimi, some of the guys are going over to a house off base,” Jack said quietly. “Would you mind if I go? They wanna play COD.” Mia looked a little worried.
“Who’s driving there?” She asked.
“I am!” Bridger spoke up, the lone woman in the group. “I’ve not been drinking, Ma’am.” She insisted.
“Jack you don’t know these guys,” Mia said quietly.
“He’s safe, Mia,” Jake insisted. “They’re good kids, and Bridger is responsible. They wouldn’t let a single thing happen to Jack, would they?” He asked, raising his volume and looking around at the group.
“Couldn’t be safer than with a bunch of pilots!” She heard called back.
“Okay, but please text me if plans change,” Mia’s worry placated by Jake’s words. “We leave for Del Mar at 11 sharp tomorrow morning,” she reminded.
“I’ll be home by 10,” he pressed a kiss to her temple before taking off with the group – another batch of pilots happily filling in their spots.
“If something happens to him, I’m holding you personally responsible, Lieutenant Commander.” She gave Jake a pointed look, taking up her first red dart in her hand, and without setting down her cocktail, hit inner circle. Jake gulped softly. Their kids would be beautiful and athletic.
I’ll let you hold me regardless.
“Y’know, Jake rolls off the tongue a little easier.” He goaded, picking up his own green dart and landing it just to the right of Mia’s.
“Mm, you don’t really strike me as a Jake,” she said, using his own words against him.
“And what do I strike you as?” He asked, watching as her dart sailed through the air with precision.
“A Lieutenant Commander.” She replied, smirking.
“She’s got jokes,” he smiled back, throwing his next dart. “I bet it’s nice having your brother in town.”
“It’s amazing,” she smiled, taking a drink of her cocktail. “He’s my best friend. Do you have siblings?”
“I have a sister back in Austin,” he replied, “She’s there with my nieces.”
“Sweet,” she smiled, checking her phone to see that Jack was live-texting her his trip to negate her worry. There was clearly nowhere for her to keep her phone on her person in that dress. A wispy wonder that fell to the top of her thighs and showed off her breasts that he calculated would the perfect handful in his palms. He wondered if her nipples were the same pouty pink as her lips. “Do you get to see them much?”
“Usually four or five times a year – goddamn Mia.” He laughed as she hit dead bullseye. He caught the tail end of a cocky little smirk from her and it set his skin on fire.
“Hangman’s getting schooled,” A recruit called out behind them. He resisted the urge to raise his middle finger.
“That’s the third person I’ve heard call you Hangman.” Mia commented, sliding her phone on a nearby tabletop.
“Callsign,” he shrugged simply.
“And what’s the story behind it?” She had picked up a thing or two from Lt. Gen. Bozek.
“Wish I could tell you it’s some raucous story, but it’s from another lifetime ago.” He replied.
“Back when you were one of them?” She asked, tilting her head back toward the mixed group of service khakis and blue checks.
“Back when I was one of them,” he nodded, a shy smile on his mouth – a new look for him.
“Back when you were out hunting for the night,” she laughed, tilting her head toward a young pilot who was doing his best to lay down some game on a local girl over by the jukebox.
“Relentless,” Jake said with a shake of his head. A fresh French 75 appeared at her side. Mia looked around until her eyes landed on Rooster, who toasted her from back at the table with Bobbi and Tina. Jake tracked, none too pleased. Rooster sent him a wink as well. That fucker.
“If I have one more, I’m not going to be able to drive home,” she said, taking a sip of the drink nonetheless. There was just something about a bright, lemony cocktail.
“One of us will make sure you get there safely,” Jake reassured.
“Are all of these beers in your meal plan?” She asked, recalling his meal-prep-101 grocery cart.
“Why, you think I’m falling out of shape?” He asked, allowing her to trail her eyes down his obviously well-kept body. His white shirt strained just so across his chest and biceps and trailed down to the blue slacks that were held up by the size of his thighs and a brown leather belt.
“No, I think you’ll be okay,” Mia said airily. “I think I’ll go… check on Bobbi.” She turned to walk away from the high-top.
“You’ve got one more throw,” Jake said. Mia turned, picking up the lone red dart, once again, hitting inner circle without breaking stride. Jake had to laugh. She was something else. But he did notice the way her eyes lingered on his arms.
He was making headway.
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