fearandhatred · 29 days
let me 😏 wade 😏 through my comic folder to find a good marvel username lmao
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rdjrants replied to your post
“teamlronman: stardustparker: it’s that time of the day again ...”
THANK YOU i made a post about how starker is a pedophilic relationship and i got people defending it saying that it's not (technically it isn't because pedophilia means the child is not yet a teen so the more appropriate word is ephebophilia but either way it's fucking wrong lmao)
I was not the OP but for whatever reason tumblr notified me that you replied to that post... so here I am commenting on it. ;)
And honestly? I can not understand how somebody in their right mind would be defending this disgusting pedophile ship. Because yes, not to come across as rude or anything, but in my opinion:
Pedophilia noun         1. sexual feelings directed toward children.
Ephebophilia noun         1. the word used to try to make abuse towards adolescents less horrible sounding than it is         2. the word used to make perverts feel better about their sexual feelings towards children
That’s really all that word is. 
Also fun fact: if you try to look up the word in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it doesn’t actually exist. Which yeah... I dug a little further (not how I was planning on spending my morning btw, but oh well). Apparently the term was first used in a French book called Tares et Poisons: Perversion et Perversité Sexuelles (in English: Tares and Poisons: Perversion and Sexual Perversity).
I also ready a study called: “Looking at Ephebophilia through the Lens of Cleric Sexual Abuse” (Cimbolic, P., & Cartor, P. (2006). Basically as a part of the study the main reason to provide the distinction is to treat the perpetrators of this form of abuse more specifically and actually get them to... you know... not do it. (apparently the younger the age of the child, the lower the IQ of the perpetrator is).
There have been several studies that have shown a number of important differences between pedophiles and ephebophiles. Rossetti (1990) reports that ephebophiles were seen as more psychosexually mature when compared to pedophiles and have a better prognosis for treatment. Danni & Hampe (2000) found ephebophiles to be more reactive to stress when compared to pedophiles, and sexual behavior with minors was more likely to be in reaction to stressful events. They also found ephebophiles were more likely to be regressed than fixated in their offending style and this has been shown in other studies to be an indication of a more favorable prognosis (Groth et al., 1982). The fixated offender is conceptualized as someone with a longstanding sexual attraction to children and an absence of any movement towards relationships with adults (Holmes & Holmes, 2002). The regressed offender is someone whose sexual attraction to children is a departure from a more characteristic attraction to adults. The regressed offender’s behavior is typically precipitated by external stress (Gebhard et al., 1965). Recently, Cantor et al. (2005) reported that the younger the victim of child sexual abuse the lower the IQ mean age of the offender group and they go on to suggest that this could reflect an underlying deficiency of brain function in pedophiles when compared to men to who sexually offend other age groups. Thus, in our opinion, evidence supports the importance of distinguishing the pedophile from the ephebophile in that they represent two different and distinct sexual disorders of possibly different etiologies, but certainly of different prognoses which may therefore, have differing treatment implications.
Like literally! That’s the reason to distinguish! But if someone is using that term to distinguish in terms of shipping (like what Starker shippers keep on doing), they clearly do not see the problem!  And the study very clearly defines both as being equally abusive!
The study goes on to note that another reason for the distinction is because the increase in male abuse (as opposed to female abuse) coincides with the increase in age.
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Table 3 (John Jay College, 2004, p. 53) indicates the vast majority of alleged victims were between the ages of 11 and 17. Specifically, 5,016 or 50.9% of the victims were in the 11–14 year old age group and 3,394 or 27.3% of the victims were in the 15–17 year age group. If we combine these two groups it accounts for 81.8% of alleged victims of sexual abuse incidents reported in the study. Upon further examination if we consider the gender of the victims we see some very interesting patterns of abuse based on the interaction of age and gender of victims. For example, in the youngest group of victims, ages 1–7 there were a total of 487 incidents with 41.7% occurring against males and 58.3% against females. Of course this age category of victims would reflect offenders who would be classified as pedophiles. For the 8–10 year old age group we see a clear shift in victim gender, namely of the 1,390 sexual incidents 992 were committed against males accounting for 71.4% of the total. In the 11–14 year age group we see the largest number of total allegations numbering 5,016 of which 4,282 or 85.4% of that total were alleged to have been committed against males. For the 15–17 year age group of the 3,394 alleged incidents 2,892 or 85.2% of that number were alleged to have been committed against males. These data show that clerics who were alleged to have committed sexual acts against very young children, did so against predominantly young girls, but for those men who were alleged to have committed acts against the older children between the ages of 11–17 the overwhelming majority of victims were males. There were a total of 10,287 alleged incidents but 8,410 of these alleged incidents occurred in the 11–17 age group or 81.8% of the total of all allegations. In the 11–17 age group over 85% of all the alleged incidents involved males.
Also please note: all of these children, whether they’re age 1 or age 17, are referred to as victims. So basically, when looked at through a scientific lens, the word “ephobiphilia” literally exists to  1) Better treat the offenders so that they will stop victimizing children 2) To protect young males from this abuse because they have been singled out more than young female are!
So I guess if I were to re-define the word (as I did at the top of this post), it’d have to look more like:
Ephebophilia noun        1. the word used to distinguish types of abusive behavior so that the perpetrator can be treated        2. the word used to bring awareness to and protect the increasing number of male sexual abuse victims 
But sure, Starker shippers: use “ephobiphilia” instead of “pedophilia” to make your disgusting abusive ship seem less abusive. But studies very clearly are proving you wrong.
The bottom line?
Starker is abusive, and if you are using a distinction in terms that exist to protect abuse victims in order to justify your ship, you are only proving just how disgusting and abusive your ship is.
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fearandhatred · 29 days
god now that deadpool and wolverine has taken over my life i am regretting so much that i revamped my old marvel account into this one... granted it was abandoned for like 6 years but i should have just created a new one lol
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fearandhatred · 4 months
for the ask game! 🍓📚☁️
hii thank u for the ask!! 🍓 has been answered <3
☁️: what made you choose your username?
it's taken from a little life!! one of my favourite books. when i revamped my account from a marvel one (rip rdjrants you were so good to me) to a good omens one i didn't want a fandom specific username, so i just opened the book and chose whatever first caught my eye lmao
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📚: what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
omg i can't share it because it's a poem i'm intending to use for a fic i have not written LOLL (kinda i just typed it out at like 3 am last night idk if it'll stick) but the last WORD i typed is "bluebell". no context just that one word
the last note i can share is an A-Z list of things to do with my friend except we are not creative at all so we haven't thought of some letters lmaoo
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ask game
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fearandhatred · 3 years
happy birthday tony stark i miss u so much
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fearandhatred · 4 years
finished daredevil in 4 days and now i have nothing left to live for anymore. everything feels empty
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fearandhatred · 6 years
pepper: hey tony, you and steve aren't dating, right?
tony: haha nope
peter: *whispering* hey mr. stark what's the thing that bees make
tony: uh... honey?
steve: yes sweetie?
steve: fuck
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fearandhatred · 6 years
imagine if spiderman: far from home was 2 straight hours of just the camera focusing on a pile of dirt
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fearandhatred · 6 years
hey so it's kinda likely that tony and pepper will have a child in avengers 4 right? well a boy would be great but i swear to god if i get to witness tony stark with a fucking baby girl i am going to combust right there in the motherfucking cinema
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fearandhatred · 6 years
the date that tony mentioned he and pepper were going to get married [august 27th] is the date that rdj and susan downey got married i am going to scream
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fearandhatred · 5 years
i just watched endgame please do not talk to me for the next six months
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fearandhatred · 6 years
steve: making my way downtown, walking fast
wanda: last one there has to hold stark's hand
steve: walking slower
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fearandhatred · 6 years
i’m probably the last one to notice this but i was watching iron man again for the third time and when tony asked yinsen if he had a family, yinsen responded “i’m going to see them when i leave here”, and he wasn’t lying. we all know that he was never going to follow through the plan with tony, but he had already expected to die even before he had met tony. he never wanted to try to escape that place. tony’s plan of escape was just helping him to meet his family faster. fuck
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fearandhatred · 6 years
did vision have a dick and could it vibrate
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fearandhatred · 6 years
rest in peace tony stark
he’s not dead i just want marvel to let him catch a fucking break
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fearandhatred · 6 years
kidnapper, addressing a video camera: i will kill tony stark if you don’t-
tony: *slides five dollars across the table* do it
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