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sanctobin · 2 years ago
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« Le luxe n’est pas lié à la valeur des choses, rappelle Denis Montel. C’est une façon de penser. C’est le temps, l’exigence que l’on prend à bien faire les choses, pour s’inscrire dans la pérennité et pour satisfaire le confort des sens. Tous les programmes s’y prêtent. » Chez RDAI tout est rare : l’adresse, les locaux, la matériauthèque, l’organisation de l’agence, la méthode du travail, la sémantique, l’approche architecturale, le rapport au temps sous toutes ses acceptions, l’épaisseur des dossiers d’exécution… « Une nécessité, précise Julia Capp, puisque nous avons choisi de ne pas réaliser l’exécution de nos projets. » Primo parce qu’ils sont pour l’essentiel construits à l’étranger. Secundo parce que « nous ne sommes pas des démiurges. Nous concentrons notre énergie sur la conception, à laquelle nous portons un soin infini qui confine au dérisoire. Nous préférons donc confier à des experts la mise en oeuvre et l’assemblage de ce que nous avons dessiné avec tant de précision, parfois à l’échelle 1 ». from Archistorm
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goonersaurus · 1 year ago
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(baby pink kit + baby blue kit never happened/will happen so i had to draw it)
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aztr0punk · 11 months ago
if i had a king who transitioned i'd call her "your feminence"
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nikkiissleepy · 2 years ago
update: i CAN afford one (1) more node of tol
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shua-ssi · 5 months ago
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i l ov e yo u m o r e t h an y este rday. . .
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. . . an d i l o ve y o u les s th a n tom or row
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catgirlredux · 2 years ago
Hound Dogs
��… tomorrow we’ll meet your handler. For now, rest up.”
RDAI.vii.1156 stared down at its new body. Joining the military was considered the best route a Class-F citizen could pursue - free food, shelter, maybe even a few augments if you got lucky. But the Rapid Deployment Auxiliary Infantry unit felt less lucky and more confused. It signed up expecting to be given a gun and a pat on the back, not… this.
The arms were probably the strangest change. Skilled military surgeons had removed its forearms with a single blast of a laser that numbed its pain and severed flesh and bone at the same time. In their place, 1156 now wielded on each arm a single long, spider-like metal blade that extended all the way to the floor. The same happened to its legs, forcing the unit onto all fours. A reinforced spine kept it from collapsing onto the ground.
The rest of its body was covered in angular metal plates, designed to redirect and resist gunfire and protect the unit’s remaining flesh. Its face was likewise covered by an solid steel visor, vision and hearing substituted by an array of cameras, sonar, and radio scanners that fed information directly into its augmented brain. Its mouth remained uncovered but its teeth were removed and replaced with a new carbon fiber set. The chip in its brain repressed its discomfort so it didn’t try to claw off its own jaw.
A buzzer sounded and a tray carrying a bowl of nutrimeal slid out of the wall of the room. Unit 1156 stared it at, trying to figure out what to do - an injected concoction of hormones and suppressants had kept it comfortably dull, but somewhat muddled.
The word flashed up on the inside of its visor, glaring into its semi-redundant eyes - eyes now dedicated to receiving screen-fed orders. It obediently craned its head down and started chomping at the slop. It was starving - the accelerated healing process was effective but it sapped all the solider’s energy.
Even if its senses hadn’t been muted, the nutritional goop was flavorless. Nevertheless it found itself slurping away with abandon, licking the bowl clean, dignity cast aside. Its faceplate glowed white hot for a moment before cooling down again, singeing off specks of food that had flown astray in the unit’s feeding frenzy. This feature was meant to burn blood and dirt off so that it didn’t impair an RDAI’s sensor array, but it worked for dinner well enough.
The next day found RDAI.vii.1156 waiting in the main hangar, still slightly trembling on its spindly new legs. The thin, bladed design was perfect for chasing down enemy troops on the battlefield or pinning a straggler to the ground, but it was difficult to balance with even with the aid of the unit’s brain augments. A cord plugged into the back of its head kept it from wandering too far while feeding low-level electrical pulses that helped calm its nerves. It was waiting for its new handler - the soldier it would fight alongside, whose life it would dedicate itself to protecting. The bond between a handler and their hound (as the units were fondly referred to) was something truly unique, and though 1156 hadn’t planned to end up on this side of the relationship, it couldn’t help but feel excited.
It could feel her presence long before she actually entered the hangar. Perhaps it was merely the hormonal braindeck releasing waves of dopamine, but to the cyborg’s mind she was the most perfect being in the world. It could almost taste the draw of her augments to its own, pulling the two of them together like magnets. It knew that she felt it too. The connection between them was already established: the handler and the hunter, the owner and the dog.
It couldn’t quite remember what beauty looked like but it decided that she must be as close as one could get. Bent on all fours as 1156 was, it stood about half a meter shorter than her. Encased in a shiny automorphic techsuit, her body rippled with hidden energy ready to be unleashed at a moment’s notice. Her one eye shone, the other replaced by an implant that flashed rapidly as if to say, it’s finally you.
A technician standing by unplugged the unit’s tether and stuck in a thinner, double-ended wire. 1156 trembled as its handler grabbed the other end and slowly slotted it into a port on her neck.
The instant the plug connected, 1156 nearly collapsed from the tsunami of pleasure that struck it at full force. All Handler’s emotions, all her thoughts, her very essence flowed through its brain, and it could tell that she was experiencing the same influx of data.
They stood there for what seemed like forever, its faceplate lights flashing in sync with her vitals node. The only sound was the slight clinking of metal on concrete as 1156 shifted from talon to talon. Her designation was RDI-H.2054, she was a Class-E civilian who was recruited at age 8, she had been trained as a handler for 11 years, but 1156 was her first hound of her own. She liked the color green, she hated morning training, she had been deployed overseas on a scouting mission just three months ago. The unit’s brain felt overloaded with information and yet more kept flowing in.
It saw vague images, faces of people that it didn’t recognize yet felt so familiar - Handler’s family? It saw the fire of war, the smiles of fellow soldiers, it felt her heartbeat, her brainwaves, her every breath. For a split second, the hound and the handler were not separate but rather a single entity, one soldier in two bodies, sharing their memories. 1156 felt its Handler’s cybernetic eye and her prosthetic leg, and she likewise felt its spindly new form and armor plating.
RDAI.vii.1156 felt 2054 about to scream and roared out in sync. Its twisted metallic vocal chords, designed specifically to instill fear in the enemy, pierced the air in the hangar with an unearthly screech which neither overwhelmed nor surrendered to its keeper’s voice but rather merged with it in a feral harmony.
Blood spewed down the dog’s chin and through crevasses in its armor. It spit out a chunk of flesh with strands of muscle tangled in its reinforced teeth. As it stepped back from its prey, its pointed blades withdrew from within the dead footsoldier’s chest. The unit’s faceplate sizzled, burning away blood and viscera and turning its vision bright red for a moment. It let out a fierce howl, launching itself forwards with a speed unmatched by any two-legged infantry.
Just behind it, its handler finished off a tank pilot attempting to crawl away from its craft. The hound’s many sensors highlighted the remaining stragglers on the battlefield, and 2054 assessed the remaining threats as she ran. She spotted a wounded soldier training their scope onto her companion and raised her weapon, disintegrating the enemy’s face with a single clean blast. The hound bayed its gratitude before finishing its run, speeding between rocks and debris and eliminating the last few soldiers.
One, two, three, blood gushed from their chests as 1156 pounced on them, puncturing their lungs and tearing out their throats in quick succession. RDI-H.2054 watched and basked in the adrenaline - her brain had not been upgraded to manage her auxiliary’s entire suite of sensors, but they shared many core sensations. They both felt the rush of war, the warmth of blood on their faces, and most of all an immense wave of satisfaction and even euphoria. Nothing felt better than killing together - an entire battalion laid to waste at their hands gave them a jolt of dopamine that felt better than orgasm.
They were never awarded for their feats, nor did they feel the need for any such recognition. Deep in their programming they didn’t fight for any cause or nation, or even for their commanding officer. They fought merely to tear and bite alongside each other, to see the fear in their enemies’ eyes and feel their life drain out at the will of the hound of death and its handler.
Standing together in the remains of a decimated army, they surveyed their work. The air smelled of blood and the familiar scent of plasma-scorched air. 1156 playfully rammed its armored face into its handler’s chestplate, grunting and drooling red down her torso. She laughed and rubbed the top of its head, sending microscopic ripples of pleasure down its spine.
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poisonblossoms12 · 5 months ago
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twig-gy · 3 months ago
like literally why did i do that
no i would never be weird about steve cobs. shut up
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rubysapphrald · 2 years ago
knuckle tattoos that say DANGE RDAYS
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sanctobin · 2 years ago
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Hermès Waikiki Besides telling the Hermès story, the store’s design embraces the legacy of the Hawaiian islands with a climbing garden wall, echoing the lushness of the surrounding environment. The façade allows for sunshine and light to burst through each level. Natural bamboo elements throughout the boutique bring the full range of Hermès collections to life in a warm, intimate setting. The flagship store features 3 levels of sales grossing over 10,000 sqft and a grand staircase with an adjacent 35′ tall nature wall. The store is the #3 volume store for Hermes in the US (after NY & Beverly Hills) and features an exclusive collection of Filipe Jardim accessories. Designed by Montes Laudano Architects and built by @DCCRevealed, this is the first store in Latin America that shows the new design concept of the Parisian house, which was carried out by the Cartier International team, in collaboration with the 4BI & Associés office in Paris under the command of the architect set designer and designer Bruno Moinard who also designed the interiors of the Cartier Foundation.
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dovey28 · 5 months ago
ber i keep thinkjng theres a cat stuck in my room and then i realize just the lambs slamming into my door or rats un the walls because its rainy. anothe rday in the life of dovey28. thank god i am not president i would be too busy for my rats in my walla or my lambs in mh doors.
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pinchbees · 1 year ago
hey you're cool :)) have a good day
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geckosoddysee · 1 year ago
hey guys, i made a blog exclusively for my art, go follow it <3
BUT TO BE CLEAR, im still gonna use this blog, for video positng, sketch posting, art loving, talking, im here, but my art will be mainly put on my art blog, but imma update yall with sketches here and ofc keep my other blogs in activity <3333
I even posted somwe stuff
my twitter got suspended for no reqason so thats why rday 1 and 2 of my october art are posted on the 3rd cuz they were initially on tweetor
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my-lemontine · 2 months ago
rday, i will no longer be providing al
With a heavy heart, I make this statement. But on satu
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overyouuu · 2 months ago
3ad rday shd3wa
ard 3ala shnu?
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ultimatebottom69 · 1 year ago
She deserves kisses to me she perfectly encapsulate how a teenager who was privileged all their lofe and never had consequences would act.
Also that's her whole ass arc as usual. One day she is evil syndicate associates. The othe rday she gush about ladybug and tries to do the good thing.
The problem is the qriters don't want to let the characters evolve or introduce new characters that are actually interesting. So we are stuck with a pseudo-vilain who is supposed to be a love rival but from what i have seen she doesn't even love Adrien or cares that much.
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i don’t really like chloe but i felt like this fit 😭
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