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scourgefrontiers · 4 months ago
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today's warmup featuring two ocs i havent drawn in forever: sariel and rayza!
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obsidian-lantern · 7 months ago
Hey, so do you have more drawings of those 4 characters you posted from Siren's universe? And maybe a bit about them. Like, I see stuff about all your other characters, but I have never seen anything of those 4. Pretty please?
Yes I do, quit a lot actually. First one is a young man named Ebenezer Elwood, (17-20 years of age) Lived most of his life in the City of Aakhan. He grew up with his family who are Leonights. He was recently blessed by the Divine himself (LEO) becoming a muse. He later met with a mage named Nadira. Eben, amazed by her knowledge, asks if she could teach him to become a stronger mage. Nadira is hesitant at first but decides to take him under her wing and teach him.
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Next is Nadira Rayza Age: In her mid 50s (Using blood magic to stay in her prime) An X-White Mage with a dangerous curiosity for forbidden magics. Hiding in the deserts she studies and creates blood runes in an attempts to gain grate power. Later adopting a young mage to study under her wing.
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Then we have Hakon (Age early to mid 30s), A Munite on the search for an answer to brake a terrible curs pleased on him by his own people. A practicing doctor branded a witch after being blamed for starting a pelage that killed many in his town. Now dabbling in the dark arts for answers.
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And lastly we have Celio A young avian boy (about 7 years old) who was abandoned by his mother in the middle of the deserts. He was found by the Divine BEK who granted him muse hood, now welding the ability to manifest light into physical objects. He is then later rescued from a Halfblood auction by Nadira and is currently under her care.
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I have more drawings of them but this is what I can fit in a post TuT
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zaxde · 10 months ago
Ayuda hice esto desde ayer y por fin lo terminé uwu
Hasta tuve que investigar el significado de cada nombre 😭
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Sabían que Wayra es Quechua es viento :V?
O que rayza es reina en árabe xd
Borsha es una sopa rusa XD
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lyrics365 · 7 months ago
This Style
[Текст песни “Этот Стиль”] [Интро] Rayza Столько всего произошло (Произошло, произошло) А я всё помню This is a long process It takes a lot of effort We’ll get there step by step And reach our final goal (Ай-ай) [Куплет] Чувствуешь этот стиль? Я поджигаю фитиль Костёр летним вечером, пыль От тебя запах ванили Глаза твои цвета печали Будем вместе? Едва ли Но самому уйти – к этому нужно прийти Но я…
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llewtalehcar · 2 years ago
Thursday, May 25th, 5:08PM
As quartas podem ser o dia em que eu fico mais exausta mas as quintas são os dias em que eu fico mais triste/estressada (às vezes eu não sei dizer se eu tô triste ou estressada, as duas coisas parecem muito).
Porque apesar de eu milagrosamente gostar das aulas de hoje (menos quando tem Rayza hueheuehue) é dia de começar a arrumar a casa e o dia em que ela tá mais bagunçada, e a casa bagunçada me desgasta horrivelmente.
E pra completar, fui comprar produtos de limpeza no mercado voltando da faculdade e meu cartão não passou porque eu só tinha 8 reais na conta e eu tava sem internet no celular pra verificar 😃
As humilhações diárias do pobre.
Ainda bem que Deus provê né.
Não sei direito ainda o que vou fazer pra limpar a casa sem os produtos, mas vou dar um jeito. E hoje tá super frio e chovendo, um ótimo dia pra mexer com água 😃
Mas isso não é exatamente uma reclamação, embora pareça. Eu tô feliz porque deu pra comprar shampoo e condicionador e porque o último horário foi cancelado. Yay! (Tomara que esteja tudo bem com a professora, é claro, porém, yay!)
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smileyjart · 4 years ago
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Merry Christmas too all,and to all a good night ^^
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cerinamroths · 5 years ago
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The Longest Day in Chang’an Episode 33 - Tan Qi
I’m still just a servant to you, right? In the end, you still think that I can become nothing... if I leave you right?
If you’re busy, then I’ll do it. 
Li Bi!! I will serve you no longer. From now on, I won’t follow your orders! We’ll part here!
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scourgefrontiers · 1 year ago
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a BUNCH of ocs from various stories :] basically the main characters/faces of each story!!
in order:
hero (one way dream), epsilon (alien love), rayza (step)
proton (villain + school), parallax (legend), jack (pretty accident)
roseflare (blessed), terra (glowfade), patoto (mirrors)
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chinesemovieposter · 7 years ago
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themarieofcb · 7 years ago
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Differences - 10. (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/gpNN2wSpLH Her family is used to money & riches. Will they accept someone without it?
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denizthe · 3 years ago
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Rayza Vasque
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llewtalehcar · 2 years ago
Tuesday, May 23th, 3:35PM
Eu tenho um sério problema controverso onde eu sou irresponsável e me sinto péssima por ser irresponsável e sofro por causa disso, mas continuo sendo irresponsável.
Depois de tomar uma birra completa da aula de Rayza, eu simplesmente decidi que não ia mais ler os texto que ela passa. Aí hoje na primeira aula eu decidi me sentir muito culpada por não ter lido os textos que eu decidi que não ia ler.
Aí passei metade da aula do laboratório jogando fireboy and watergirl no computador com Élica. Também me senti um pouco culpada por isso, mas não exatamente.
E agora estou digitando isso ao invés de prestar atenção na aula, mas também não estou me sentindo exatamente culpada porque não era como se eu fosse aprender muita coisa se eu realmente estivesse prestando atenção porque enfim. Ainda é aula de Rayza.
Mas eu preciso urgentemente estudar pra apresentação de amanhã. Porque ser irresponsável ok, porém humilhação pública é uma coisa a que eu não quero me submeter.
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fi-wardsword · 4 years ago
YOU HAD TO GO AND MAKE MY ENTIRE MONTH YOU-- YOU-- A U G H FI LOVING HOURS ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💞💞💞💞❣❣❣❣❣💟💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❤❤❤💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
AAAAAHHHHH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT!!! 💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜 YOU DESERVE LOTS OF HEARTS AND FANART!
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scourgefrontiers · 2 years ago
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a slight redesign for rayza up next!
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sidneiart-blog · 5 years ago
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smileyjart · 8 years ago
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Set of cute widduw chibis , they are so cute. Alice and rayza
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