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So I gave her a fan name.
Do y'all wanna know what it is?
Too bad. It's Eileen.
#rayman#rayman the animated series#it means little bird#she's gonna appear in my raytas continuation that I'm working on rn
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Boondi ka rayta with tamatar kheera pyaaz>>>
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Girl Dinner (malai kofta kadhai paneer mix veg 6 tawa roti veg rayta veg pulav aur side me ice cream)
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I have recently started Dming, and this is what happened in one of the one shots I made the gods Hírtae and Rayta are made up, their names being backwards and somewhat switched around,
With the one shot two players showed up, so I introduced an NPC named Zymoria—a dark elf Warlock with Hírtae as his earthy patron, the very god the party seeks to prevent cultists from raising. Heading to the nearest cult hideout, they encountered a bridge by a lake, wisely opting for the bridge (I added a twist with a lurking Leviathan in the lake). As they reached the bridge's midpoint, a shocking revelation unfolded—the entire structure was a mimic, prompting them to battle and overcome it.
Continuing their quest, they reached the cultists' meeting spot, patiently waiting until nighttime. As darkness fell, Zymoria, propelled out of a tree by magical forces, disclosed his rejection by his patron and revealed his new identity as a Warlock Cleric multiclass. When the cultists finally convened, the party was ambushed, uncovering Zymoria's betrayal. Despite the odds, they emerged victorious, aided by the timely intervention of Rayta, the water goddess, who healed their wounds.
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speaking of the rayman cartoon. as i am the only one who does. um. i was watching sonic boom the other day and. idk something about the way they interact with these standardised villagers. the way their society is like portrayed i guess. and these guys are a little quirky and stand out but help people and.... idk. i feel like this is what raytas could have become if it actually had episodes. or was made like 20 years later.
rayman boom.
#rayman walked so sonic could. run#i mean sonic runs anyway but i'm sure he's grateful for the effort#perryramble
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Ahappeï Ahkete Ahlahaë Ahnukeë Ahpara Ahsupaï Ahsureë Ahurlyï Ahyrlo Akahsy Akesnuë Akkepa Aknakaë Akonsy Akotnyü Akselo Alalreë Alatsuë Alhope Allenuë Alosroë Alsulaï Alyhtoë Alytheë Anenla Ankasuë Annara Anroso Antonaï Apalro Apekha Apenpy Aportoü Appuseï Apreru Apsasoë Apsepy Apupluï Apynpu Arnate Arpato Arrekeë Asarruë Astepa Asukraï Atalry Atanra Atothyï Atraheë Atruty Ehesty Ehheheï Ehhohu Ehhony Ehoslo Ehsakaë Ehsose Ehtepaï Ehutroë Ekasru Ekehhuü Ekesto Ekpetuë Ekytka Elaklaë Elhute Elnaruë Elotluü Elotpe Elrunuë Elyhle Enhele Enloro Ennasyï Enpopeü Enynnyü Epekre Eplyto Epsope Epynny Eranreë Eretpe Erleleë Ernusoë Ernutoë Ersoneë Erytso Esekho Esloto Esnehe Esryna Esupkuü Esytteü Etahreë Ethanaë Ethatoï Etheneë Etkoky Etonku Etysluë Haatyl Hahoyl Hanayt Haopot Haroyrt Hasyun Haynalt Heeset Helaoh Heunuh Hoaheln Hoaterf Hoenok Hoenup Hoepel Honeet Horoot Hoykulk Huapek Huasern Huatar Huatot Huetyn Huhaarf Husyyls Huysyrk Hyakun Hyasys Hyokyh Hyorop Hyularm Hyusylf
Kahuyn Kaolyk Keehorf Keepuln Keeror Kehuoln Kelyalt Kenoert Keolep Kesyalt Ketuylk Keukals Keukut Koerar Koetyrf Kohaot Kokuern Kosyult Koykelp Koytarn Kupuat Kuyhyp Kyynorm Lapuelk Laruor Lasaers Latuyt Lausulm Leeroh Leorer Leulurm Leylon Leyport Loanurs Loater Loupyk Lualelk Luaroh Luatyrp Luheark Luokelf Luoluh Lusoyl Luytarp Lyenurt Lykoul Lyleen Lysuurk Naeron Nakeul Naopuk Natoes Naykol Naysalk Nehyylm Nekaors Neluelt Neopat Nesaak Neylos Noekuln Noonels Nopyon Noseelm Nuanos Nuapark Nusaes Nuteut Nyaryp Nykael Nynooh Nyseyrk Nyusah Ohapsoë Ohholo Ohnynaë Ohosloë Ohtoke Ohykky Okennyë Okrekaë Olehneë Onalne Onhaseë Onorhyë Onytleë Opekny Opkepy Oporryï Oppyno Optyku Opunse Opupka Orasku Orekho Orelpaï Oresryë Orketoï Orokpa Orsukyë Orunpeë Oruptoü Orypha Oshepeë Oslote Othyku Otlohuë Otryry Otysteë Paateln Pahoalp Paleulk Paryoh Pataorm Payholf Peatel Peluel Peohus Peonylp Peularm Poaroln Poetyn Pohaolp Poseyrf Puenur Pukeerp Pupoern Pusyor Puuhern Puyhor Pyanek Pykoalp Raalyh Raekarm Rahouh Ranyut Rarayrm Rareart Raruuls Raytas Reaher Reanoln Reloyp Reunart Roepot Roeron Rohuyrn Rolyoln Roryyl Rosuen Rounur Ruatal Ruleorf Runaork Rupyylt Rutout Ruuhas Ruylork Ruylyrk Ruytuh Ryekyl Ryepyr Rynealn Rynyurk Ryseulk Rysuol Saakorp Saekal Seerels Seseek Seykark Sonyet Sotyyrt Soynor Suehuk Sueteln Suhealt Suhoers Suhyulm Suohyrf Suokok Supuus Suseyt Sylaerk Sysoyls Syteerm Syutulp Takoak Takoup Taloyrk Tekualt Teloern Teohorp Toluyrt Toohor Toosyr Topeals Toukar Tuelak Tukoyk Tuneup Tuolulp Tyalurm Tyepur Tyhearf Tyseyl Tysoet Tyuter Tyyreln Uhehpo Uhhopeë Uhtohe Uhyltyë Ukatty Uketnoï Ukluso Ukossa Uktuheë Ukurso Ulenroë Ulkasy Ulnene Ulpyhaë Ulunneë Ulypsaë Unahroü Unkahe Unorkuü Unpupaü Unreno Unsaho Unyhle Unyhlu Upelseë Upoploï Upynpa Upynraë Urhakeë Urkyty Urnehyë Urnohy Urulho Userty Usnekyë Usylpu Usylta Usyrsoï Utkyryë Yhlyka Yhotraë Yhryhoë Ykheky Ykohreü Ykosta Yksaku Yksoraë Ykynle Ykyskoë Ykytsa Ylalkeï Ylatpoü Ylertuë Yllukeü Yllupy Ylroku Ylroly Ylrutaë Ylsehe Yltylaë Ylupkyï Ylushy Ynahnoë Ynanty Ynepkuë Ynepraë Ynpesu Ynputuë Ynrory Ynsosa Ynuthoï Ynynsaë Ypatry Yphety Yphyhoü Yplupoï Yprahe Yprola Ypulroë Ypupny Yrenloü Yrlary Yrnatu Yrohho Yrukle Yryhty Yryple Ysatpe Yskele Yskyryë Ysnotaï Yssuhuï Ysykry Ytasheü Ytepna Ytetreë Ytkehe Ytkeroë Ytlekuü Ytpyny Yttuny Ytukka Ytylroü
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Ascend to the breathtaking Rayta Hills in Udaipur and witness panoramic views that will leave you spellbound! 🏞️🌄 Enjoy the serene landscapes and fresh mountain air. 🌿✨
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Nari ke patte ka testi rayta ki recipe, sheetal kitchen ki duniya. karem...
नारी का साग से खून की कमी होती है दूर
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Krishna Janmashtami special Krishna favourite meetha makhana rayta | cha...
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Of Eileen and Zippley: Part Two of a Raytas Continuation
After his encounter with the Beast Fairy, Rayman finds himself struggling to find his friends. But one encounter with a familiar face, as well as a new one, might lead him in the right direction.
Part One
Rayman hoped to never cross paths with Wolpenauct again.
Sure, he felt sorry for them, but something about them unnerved him, almost like Jano did all those years ago. Not to mention how harsh they were. And what was that about calling him the Glade's plaything? Yup, they definitely weren't as warm as, say, Ly or Betilla. Not everyone was going to appreciate him showing them kindness, he supposed.
It'd been a few days since he found his friends missing, presumably captured by Grub and taken back to the circus. Rayman had been traveling by foot nonstop since. He'd yet to see hint nor hair of the traveling circus, or even hear of Rigatoni for that matter. It was possible that they'd left Aeropolis, but did Rigatoni really rebuild his tent so quickly that he could travel that far that fast? Had he been stuck in Aeropolis all this time just as Rayman and friends had been? No, Rigatoni had some of Razorbeard's former henchmen at his side. They knew how to build flying ships from the ground up. Rigatoni and the others could be miles ahead by now.
Gods, this was frustrating! Rayman had no idea where to start or what he was even chasing. And this was assuming Lac-Mac and the others even were with Rigatoni at the circus and not in jail. In that case, maybe he'd gone too far. What if he could've just broken them out of jail earlier? Maybe they'd already been picked up by Rigatoni by now!
Rayman stopped and leaned against a wall to catch his breath. It was times like this Betina would tease him and tell him he sounded like Cookie. Just when he was thinking of the two of his friends was when he saw the short silhouette of a figure that reminded him of Lac-Mac, but smaller. The figure was limping, as far as Rayman could tell in the darkness of the night. Suddenly, a bright light shone on the figure, revealing its orange color, floppy ears, and stripes. The light came from a speeding car that the striped creature was too busy struggling to cross the road to notice.
"Hey, look out!"
As Rayman called to the creature, he rushed to his side. The creature noticed the car speeding towards him too late, letting out a shriek as he was about to be hit. However, just before the car could make contact did Rayman jump in front and push the creature out of the way. The impact of the car sent parts of Rayman flying, his head landing on and rolling off of the car's hood. The car screeched to a halt, the driver quickly stepping out of the vehicle with wide, horrified eyes as she assessed the damage she'd done. Her gloved hand over her heart, she breathed quickly and heavily while noting Rayman's hands, feet, and body dispersed all over the road.
"Oh, gods," she exclaimed, suddenly feeling very faint.
"Hey, it's okay," came a voice.
The driver snapped her gaze towards the hood of her car.
"Over here," uttered the voice again.
The driver stepped over to the other side of her car where Rayman's head lay. Rayman blinked up at her, definitely still alive. Suddenly, one of his hands hovered over and picked Rayman's head up by one of the tufts of his hair. Rayman recognized this now very confused and startled woman as being Grub's date from a few weeks ago.
"Fancy seeing you again," he remarked. "Excuse my appearance."
Rayman whistled and his other hand started to scoop up his shoes. As the hand brought his feet closer, Rayman nodded towards his limp purple body that laid limply several feet away.
"Uh, would you mind getting that for me?" he asked the woman awkwardly.
"Oh, uh… Sure."
The woman walked over to the body and hesitantly picked it up. She couldn't believe she was doing this; first she hit a pedestrian and now here she was putting him back together like some kind of toy! She brought the body back to where Rayman held his head up, once again shocked when the body just seemed to float back into place. Rayman let out a sigh of relief as his hand let go of his head and he "stretched" his feet just to test them out.
"Thanks! That could've been really ugly," Rayman mused. "What's your name?"
"Eileen," the woman answered. "Hey, aren't you that sweet kid that delivered that singing telegram?"
"Yup! Name's Rayman. Hope you liked it."
"Your pitch needs work," Eileen remarked. "But your dance was adorable."
"Thanks! Now, if you'll excuse me…"
Rayman glanced behind himself, in the direction he shoved that creature. The creature was gone, probably having disappeared into the forested area on the other side of the road.
"I gotta find that little guy," Rayman explained as he began to walk away. "He looked hurt."
"Let me come with you," Eileen replied as she followed. "I almost hit him!"
"He couldn't have gone far."
Rayman and Eileen made their way into the woods, quickly spotting the striped creature. He was hobbling his way through, gulping when he noticed the two. He turned around and hissed, showing off his sharp teeth.
"Get back!" the creature exclaimed. "I… I bite!"
"Whoa, whoa! Take it easy," Rayman stated as he slowed his walking and put his hands up. "We don't wanna hurt you. We just wanna see if you're okay."
"Okay?" The creature cocked a brow and laughed. "I'm not okay, thanks for checking. You can go away now."
"You could've just said no thank you," Eileen remarked.
"Come on, let us at least look at your leg," Rayman urged, pointing at the creature's limp right leg. "You're not gonna get very far on it."
"I don't need your help," the creature hissed as he turned away. "I've been doing fine all by myself ever since I was dumped out here."
Rayman reached one of his hands up into the trees where he carefully traced the branches until he found one just big enough, then snapped it off. He then handed the branch to the striped creature, who observed it, puzzled, before snatching it.
"Who dumped you?" Rayman asked.
"Henry Antipasti," the creature replied. "I was working for him at the theater… Well, I was more like a slave."
"Hey, that's exactly what happened to me and my friends," Rayman gasped. "Then you must be one of those vuni vuni Wolpenauct told me about!"
"Who?" The creature cocked a brow. "Anyway, I don't know why I'm telling you guys my tragic backstory, but if you know Henry, I'd appreciate you pointing me in his direction so I can have a little… chat with him about how he treated me."
"Wait. Hold on a second," Eileen interrupted. "What's going on? Slaves?"
Rayman turned to Eileen, taking in a deep breath. Boy, this was going to be one heck of an explanation. Who knew if she'd even believe him? Well, it was worth a shot…
"Well, you know that guy you're dating, Grub? Well, he's been trying to arrest my friends and I and return us to this circus," Rayman began. "This Rigatoni guy put him up to it. You see, Rigatoni locked us up, in cages, and forced us to perform at his circus. Now he's got my friends and I have to get them outta there!"
Eileen couldn't believe what she was hearing. They did that? Kidnapped people and made them into entertainment for the masses? That couldn't be legal, surely. Could it? No, something else was wrong here.
"You, too?" she asked, looking at the striped creature.
"Uh-huh," the creature answered with a nod, leaning on the branch Rayman gave him. "All my life, until I got this."
The creature gestured to his bad leg. Eileen lifted her hands over her mouth.
"I don't believe it," she gasped. "I believe you, I just don't believe that someone would do that!"
"I just learned it happens all over," Rayman began. "A Beast Fairy told me creatures from forests get poached all the time. But they're gonna put a stop to it."
"Yeah, they're doing a great job so far," the striped creature remarked sarcastically.
"...But it's up to me to save my friends," Rayman continued, ignoring the creature's remark.
"I've heard enough. I'll help you," Eileen stated, earning surprised stares from both Rayman and the striped creature. "What? I will! Grub will know where this Rigatoni guy is and I can get it out of him. You two can stay at my place until we get to the bottom of this. You must be exhausted, and starving."
"That's really kind of you," Rayman replied, not helping but to think of how great it would be to eat after how long he's been traveling. "What do you think, kid? Coming with us?"
The creature looked hesitant. He didn't want to depend on anyone, but… food did sound good right about now. And he had been sleeping on leaves and discarded cushions for some time now. So, he nodded with a hum.
"And what's your name, sweetie?" Eileen asked, kneeling to his height.
"My name's Zippley," he answered. "I guess I can tag along for now. I've got nothing better to do."
"Then we're a team," Rayman practically announced.
"Alright, Rayman. Zippley," Eileen urged. "Get in my car. It's getting late."
So, the trio made their way back to the car, where they drove back into the city. After the panic he's been through for the last few days, Rayman was just happy not to be alone.
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It's the stilt baby!!
AND MY GWORL!! I still have Rayta's head in my closet c:
I’ve been in such a huge mental fog and negative mindset lately.. I’m not searching for pity or anything like that.. but seeing the likes and reblogs, or lack there of.. really does get into the brain and make you regret all the things you can’t do..
So.. in an attempt to escape the dark, even just a little.. I’m trying to remember the things I can do, and what I feel I’ve made very well for being self taught for it all.
To anyone feeling the same way.. feel free to add what you feel you’re good at, and what you do that makes you proud of your abilities.








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Excuse me, excuse me madhu sir
I want to have all my luck, I somehow have really good luck recently and I certainly do not deserved it so I wish for you to have it (pleads Krishna he does so) you have gone through a lot and deserve free pain puri/golgappe for life
Also I have fallen in love with you
I do not know how to take compliments yet but ily this made me smile also do you know i learned how to make rayta today plus there were guests over and they complimented my chai im so happy today hehehe
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Rayta Hills #Udaipur Picture by @indiansaga21 . #udaipur #udaipurdairies #udaipurphotography #udaipurlakecity #udaipurvlogz #raytahills #rayta #udaipurblog #talent #indian_click #indianphoto #udaipurtravel #UdaipurMonsoon #world_photography_hub #shutterhubindia #shuttersofindia #green #greenery #naturephotography (at Rayta, Udaipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR-5YMfga00/?utm_medium=tumblr
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निर्जला एकादशी स्पेशल 💕... . In frame: ‘ aalu ki sabji, halwa and raab .. . . . . . #chitralahari #ekadashi #vrat #fastspecial #indianfoodbloggers #shotoniphone #phoneclick #aalu #aalukisabji #rayta #halwa #indianfoodrecipes (at NTPC Anta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA7lXDylt_-/?igshid=1oaupbv25ero5
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Work of Art Wednesday: As an artist Callum has made many amazing pieces of art over the years, family portraits and sketches of the most important people in his life. But now he finds that one of his greatest works of art is the sight of his beloved wife Rayla on her back heaving with pleasure and exhaustion, her belly round with a health soon to be born child, and a gentle stream of his seed flowing out from the lips of her pussy.
oh wow anon you know which brain cells to tickle
Callum has drawn many, many portraits of Rayla, both when she was just a would-be assassin and their odd companion, then as his girlfriend, then as fiancee, and finally as Lady Rayla, his wife.
But he has crafted a much more ikportant piece of work when one moonlit nigh Rayla clamped her legs around hic torso and asked him to pain her womb with his seed. And with each thrust, a picture a young boy or a girl was drawn in their mind, until finally it came in full colours with their orgasms, as Rayla's lips sapped the magical essence of his balls.
And with each month, that picture became clearer and clearer, as Rayta grew in size, brimming with happiness, though on many occasions she said she needed some more "finishing touches" from her artist..And Callum gladly finished, on her face, her lips, her breasts, and inside her pussy, watching as the glaze reflects either the cadlelight or the moon.
On one hand, he wished he could draw these lewd images, instead ofg having them just burn in his mind. On the other, he knew he can see them every night if he's done his husband duties...
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