#rayan mclll
otomelavenderhaze · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about the cave dialogue in which Rayan talks about Chloé, his ex wife, therefore I went back to read whole scene back from University Life episode 8, because what Rayan describes in episode 17 of LL is too diferent from that UL episode and from everything I could remember about it.
It's not to say that I caught some sort of insane discrepancy and AHÁ!
It's more because I find it interesting and I thought maybe others would find it interesting as well. So first I wanna show you what Rayan says in episode 8 of UL (which I never translated before until this post):
In my playthrough of it, back in the day, I asked him directly if he have a wife, which he answers yes first and then the proceeds to talk about it...
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"And she will forever be my wife. But the last time we saw each other was seven years ago. Already… seven years… My wife, Chloé, died seven years ago. In a terrorist attack. Some savages came in shooting. No fixed target. In shop windows, in people and even in children."
"There were many wounded, and fortunately few dead. But Chloé is one of those who didn't survive… All that happened seven long years ago. It took me time. At first I didn't want to move. I wanted to keep everything, the smallest memory."
Now why I am showing this 4 panells?
This is important to understand how she died, how sad Rayan showed us to be about her death and his attachment towards Chloé.
He even goes as far to say:
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"We met in high school and we got married at 23, in a hurry. We didn't tell anyone. But I'm not going to lie to you and say that everything was all roses."
Candy asks him, how so?
"We often quarreled. We stayed together for a long time, we didn't get to know anyone but each other and, sometimes, we even doubted. But when she left… I was torn apart."
Now we will never know why they used to fight, what made them marry so young and so quickly to the point where he implies they didn't even had a wedding ceremony.
Which makes this difficult to understand what compelled both of them to take such actions - maybe they they were just impulsive, but without a reason behind such impulsivity it's hard to tell if it was warrant or not.
But then, the actual panel that made me do this post in the first place eventually comes up in that same conversation with Candy:
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"I loved her with all my soul. Before anything else, she was my best friend. But, sorry… I opened up too much…"
And I believe he did, regardless of anything else, because it makes sense for Rayan's character to marry someone for love.
That's the kind of "person" he is, that's why when he falls for Candy, he's ready to assume so many risks and even later talks about leaving his job for her just so they could have a less tense relationship.
This sets up him to be someone that would intensily love another person and do everything for them - they being Chloé or Candy.
I could say this is actually the point of that whole conversation: to show that he isn't someone that takes love lightly or shallowly, which helps us readers to trust his intentions and to believe that, yes, for love he would indeed be honorable, truth and passionate, instead of a player or a man that just wants to have fun with one of his students.
Not mentioning that he presents himself as a tortured soul that lost a wife tragically and never fell in love ever since, but falls in love for you, the reader, because you're special and irreplaceable, is something very flattering and, even, I dare say, romantic.
Meow meow is sad and you're the only one who can fix that for him.
Personally, I don't like how mcl writes grief, I don't think they know how to dose it without losing their hand, so it comes off as shallow for me, but I guess it serves as another thing: Chloe was loved by Rayan, but Candy needs to be special. The player needs to feel special.
Which brings us to this part of the conversation:
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"Every women had something of her own. I saw her everywhere. And yet, it's been seven years. Since then, I have been unable to get involved with another woman, in a new relationship. Even in a simple friendship."
"Until… I met you. I don't know… For the first time, I met someone who has none of her. For the first time, I felt entitled not to think about her."
I understand why in an otome game is important to get the romance right and make the player feel compelled to play the character's route, after all, who wouldn't want to feel special, even if it's only on a game - that's why we have so many MCs or main characters in videogames that are heroes, that cares of others or the place they belong to.
However, I will say, maybe they should've worded it differently, maybe it's not so much about feeling entitled to not think about her, but when I realized, I wasn't searching for her traits on you, I wasn't thinking about her anymore, I was ready to move on. But this is just how I would've done it, just so it would come from Rayan the agency of the "healing" - in another words, he had healed himself before he met Candy and falling in love with her was just another evidence of that.
Which brings us back to episode 17 of Love Life, our Honeymoon episode (and pay attention to the parts that I will mark in blue):
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"Y'know, I honestly didn't think I would get over losing her. And then after you got in my classroom and into my life. So, yes, I should have a star up there shining for me. Because, with you, I understood the meaning of true love. And it wasn't the same of what I had with Chloé."
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"Sometimes, I think, if the story/timeline was another, if I had met you first before I met her... She and I would've been simply friends, without anything else between us. If fate hadn't been so cruel with her, it would've ended like that anyway, actually. I think she would have been happy to see me so happy these days."
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"Just like I would have been in seeing her meeting someone else just as important as you're for me. And when I think of her today, is in this way: as a friend that left too soon. And that, of course, I still get a little with my heart tight. She was someone wonderful/beautiful. There's still some of her in me. But, when I met you, I was like a ghost."
Only Rayan to friendzone the dead.
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"Thanks to you and our love, she just became a beautiful star, just like my father..."
At first I thought he was saying that he never really loved Chloé and that Candy made him realize that (How? Don't ask me, he doesn't say how), but thinking about this post and re-reading everything made me rethink my first impression of it.
It's not so much that he didn't loved Chloé, but admittedly, and for reasons that Rayan didn't say, he thought love was something else and he thought he loved her because of that notion, and then his notion of love changed because he met Candy and now he thinks that love is truly what he feels for Candy.
I, as someone that played all of his route, can't really say or even figure out how he would've come up with that reasoning.
Was it because for the first time ever, he had put someone else on his top priority, or at least in a more important position than his reputation and career (which he deeply cares for)? But wasn't he a passionate person to begin with? So isn't it natural for him, once he was sure he fell in love for Candy, to put her as his top priority?
Was it Candy presence alone in his life, simply being there, what made him create that notion? How she taught him that?
I don't know, because the way they fell in love was pretty quick and pretty normal I would dare say - normal not in the sense of, he was her teacher, normal in the sense there was nothing remarkable about their dates, the way they sneak around or in their conversations.
I think if he had realize that falling in love with someone new meant that he had "healed" from his past trauma, that he only had feelings for her because he was ready to have feelings for someone again and the sense of normalcy and easiness he felt in being with her was all he ever wanted after going through so much sadness and heartbreak, then, it would make more sense and sound more realistic, maybe?
But again, they wanted to spin that Candy was special, she needed to be the one that changed him, that was like gravity to him and he could not resist the pull of her.
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“... It's just that, with you, I never got under the impression of playing any kind of game. Because I had a lot to lose. Before I met you, I had accepted to never love again. I didn’t want to ever risk lose someone ever again... And, above all, you came to enroll in my course. I looked up and knew that my certainties were worthless...” (episode 14 LL)
That's why I talked about his career before.
They set up Rayan to be someone that loves his work, that cares about his reputation and his career, if not, as he only thing he had since he moved away from his family and was living alone.
Risk it all for Candy was to show that he wasn't playing, he wasn't just trying to get a kick out of it.
And knowing how he got after when Marina actually got him fired, how much of a mess it made him, this put things even more in context, it shows that truly, risk it all for her was no joke, even thou, they used to be pretty reckless about it (never gonna forget their first kiss, crazy, both of them).
Which brings me to one of my favorite parts of dialogue in Rayan's route, episode 15 LL, the marriage proposal dialogue:
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"It’s funny... for a long time I thought that love was like a burning fire. And I even thought that, in my case, all that was left was ashes of it. Until I met you and I understood that I didn’t know anything. That I have got it wrong in my whole life. With you, I understood that love is like a stream/flow. A wave that breaks again and again without stopping. And that drags everything wherever it goes. You imposed yourself on me like an evidence. In the calm. I knew it right away. But I only understood it this well later on."
Think that love was like a burning fire: it lights up, it shines bright, it consumes itself, then it becomes ashes and there's nothing left of it.
Ouch, Rayan. 😢
Not to mention the destructive nature of fire, but I don't think Rayan or the person who wrote this scene thought it like that necessarily, I think it had more to do with how fragile and how it consume itself, which feels more how like I would expect from how Rayan described his relationship with Chloé before: intense, too quick to think everything through, the fighting, the feeling that it wouldn't last anyway.
Meanwhile Candy is like a strong wave or a strong stream, his love for her dragged everything with it: all his reasoning, his principles and scruples, the risk of losing his reputation, his career, AND breaking again and again, because it didn't matter if he had build any walls to keep her out in the begining, she somehow brought it all down.
Two kinds of love, one feeling less truth and lasting than the other.
While it would've better, in his head, to have remain just a friendship with Chloé, with Candy, there was no way for it to have ended just in friendship, it would always be more.
You can see the contrast between his feelings for Chloé and his feelings for Candy, how it was different and the key word should always be different.
It surprised me to see him talking about their wedding too, Rayan and Chloé married young and in a hurry (we will never know why), meanwhile, Rayan found Candy in a stage of his life when love wasn't even in the table and when it finally came back to the table, Rayan wanted everything, he wanted celebrate it having a proper wedding ceremony and all.
But those are little subtle things that they left out in the air, instead of saying it so clearly like they did so many times before.
Personally, I don't think would've make any sense for Rayan's character to haven't love Chloé, considering they built a life together before he even met Candy, the same way, I don't think we could've ever thought that Rayan loved Chloé more or even the same way he loved Candy.
Cuz, Chloé and Candy not only met him in different moments of his life BUT ALSO, they totally two different women, it would go without saying it.
But I guess, they wanted to make it even more screaming that it was the case, which I can understand why.
I mean, people thought that Rayan had really tried something with Marina, outside of his route: which for those people I always told it would be impossible.
It would go against what they presented to us about him during that first dialogue in episode 8 of UL and it would represent a contradiction in the writing itself. It would bend the rules that they set themselves to follow too grotesquely. Not to mention, MCL never gave other love interests to the Lis that stayed on the side lines.
Unless, of course, they had set things up that we would understand that Marina was such a special existence is moving like Candy - which, okay, I could've accepted it, but they didn't so. That's why I was so sure of it.
Y'know, have to read so much back in his route to make this post made saying goodbye to his route so hurtful but also so fulfilling, I always loved how they wrote him, despite having my criticisms, I am happy that I got to experience Rayan's route from the start to end.
If you haven't played his route like ever, I totally I encourage you to do it now that we got it all. xD
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Hi! How about some domestic and nsfw hc for Rayan? The sandy-skinned god deserves some love too 😆
Domestic Life with Rayan
N/A : This took a little while to write, sorry you had to wait dear !
Warning : NSFW under the cut
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Goes to the Cosy Bear Café every morning before heading to Anteros Academy to have a little chat with Candy and enjoy a cup of coffee with her (also if she needs to and that he has the time to do so, he helps her to put the tables outside)
Sometimes, when he’s done with his classes of the day, he comes to the Café and sit in corner, sipping on a drink, while he’s preparing his next classes, grading some of his students’s essays or simply reading a book
He always order something different to drink because he wants to try everything Candy put on the menu
Grocery shopping with Rayan is so funny because he has his little list and it always begins with him following it diligently but he’ll always end up wandering around the aisles (and Candy looses him in the supermarket)
He and Candy often end up buying everything but what’s on the list lmao
Loves perfumed candles, there’s dozen in their apartment (I JUST KNOW THIS, and if Candy looses him during grocery shopping, he's probably picking up some)
He likes cleaning days  and he’s very particular about the cleaning products he uses (once again he spends so much time in the supermarket choosing them)
He often puts on jazz or (modern) classical music in the background while he’s working or reading 
He knows all the tea about the neighbours and he shares it with Candy (he’s very good at small talk and at connecting with people, therefore my man end up being told everything that’s going on in the building lol)
Likes doing online shopping with Candy (whether it’s for him or her)
Watching documentaries (documentaries on Ancient Greece or just historical documentaries in general and that’s just a personal intake ‘cause I love these lol)  together while cuddling on the couch with Rayan combing her fingers through Candy’s hair
Actually, loves playing with Candy’s hair when they’re cuddling
Random compliments all the time (like complimenting her outfit or just tell her that she’s the most beautiful woman he met)
naps together became a habit, especially during more stressful times of the year
also sleeps in on Sundays and would probably make a brunch with Candy afterward
Rayan wearing his glasses when he reads or when he’s on his computer and Candy going feral because of this (sorry but the illustration of him for that Valentine’s Day event, LORD HAVE MERCY)
He’s often the one that organises the dates : he love trying new restaurant and I think he likes gastronomic cuisine since he finds it as tasty as it is pretty 
He also likes the kind of dates that allow him and Candy to show their creative side (like the date in one of the Valentine’s Day event where they went to a workshop to make perfume, that was so sweet btw) 
He likes to go out with Candy whenever they can but he also enjoys when they stay home together for some quality time
When it comes to oral, he’s a giver. He’s not really the one to tease but he likes taking his sweet time doing so
He likes to receive it too though and if Candy wants to get on her knees, he has no objections 
however he loves it the most when it happens in the morning (the morning wood oops) or at his office at Anteros during an unexpected visit 
About that, he may or may have not fucked Candy on his desk and it may have happened more than once (I had to do this one, I MEAN GUYS)
Candy trying on his glasses for fun and him realising he has a thing for this because she look so hot with them
Would moan but lowkey you know ? Like he isn’t that loud but he doesn’t restrain himself either (And I just know this man has a deep voice so it’d be music to Candy’s ears) 
However, he likes it if Candy gets loud and it makes him go even harder 
Praises. A lot of them. Also call her with pet names during sex (might let out a « good girl » and ahhhh)
he owns a copy of the Kama Sutra (I am not saying that he’s into that or anything - even though he really might -  but he definitely read it because well, as art enthusiast, of course he wanted to know a little more about the art of making love)
As much as he loves admiring Candy’s face, he loves backshots (because it allows him to hit it deep)
Breading kink ? (Maybeeee)
Despite all, I don't think he's really into being called Daddy (even tho he has that "Daddy aura", whatever that means, idk myself) because it'd make him think of that Freudian theory lol
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I'm sorry I am taking so long to post (I didn't expect to receive this much requests but I'm also glad to see that the fandom is still alive lol) but I'm trying my best to answer them all !
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magic-belodie · 7 months
When Do The LI Fall In Love From MCL Is Online!
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melodyalanaroster · 2 years
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My Candy Love Love Life Christmas 2022
I had to speed through this event due to my laptop causing me issue... I did try to spend time reading Nathaniel’s dialogue... It was sweet.
I love the illustrations! They’re very Christmassy and warm. I’ve been looking forward to a mistletoe illustration with Nathaniel for years!
The outfits are kinda... Meh. The Warm Awakening outfit is my favorite. I really love the drinks! The bank outfit has the best wig.
I have my candy in something similar to what I will actually wear on Christmas. Something comfortable with a Santa hat.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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Halloween isn't over yet! (at least not for me)
these event was really fun. The illustrations,the clothes,everything looks great.
but anyway,lets go to some headcanons!:
" When i jump in that horse with her
for a moment,i forgot about the end of the world.
we were running in the woods,fast,like nothing matter anymore. "
At first,them run away for the old wood house that the Vanhouters have.
it is a very big house,with a lot of space,it was great.
they plant,take care of the cows that had there,put fences with barbwire, and tried to survive the best they could.
it belong a good place,very calm. a zombie or two sometimes tried to entry there,but them killed the creature in a minute.
until after 3 years.
a invasion of zombies managed to pass the fences.
Rowenna and Priya think they were lost.
until Priya saw the horse behind the house.
the horse was calm,eating grass.
"that is our chance to survive!" Priya screamed and take Rowenna's hand.
they get on the horse and run away.
that was the moment of their lives.
after this event,they stayed in simple house that was a miles away from the old wood house.
Priya put the name of the horse of Hefestus.
a few months later,Rowenna saw Hana passing close there and screams to her.
when they see each other alive,they hugged it other and cried,as Priya and Castiel.
Hana and Castiel take Rowenna for the base them construct.
they leave there now.
" I saw the death close to my face.
At first,i got scared,but i get used to this as that feeling continued to become more and more present.
like feeling happy,or sad. it was something that i get used to this.
until the day that feeling past to the love of my life.
that i couldn't permit. "
Charlotte did no how to react.
she was paralyzed.
but Rayan was very chill about it.
he take all the care they need to survive,and run away for the city as fast as they could.
they find a abandoned cottage,and decided to stay there.
Rayan and Charlotte live a chill life there,training in case of zombie horde.
Charlotte became a good sniper and Rayan became a very good hunter.
after two years,the big zombie horde that they was always preparing in the case of this happen,came.
it was...much.
they thought they were going to die.
but that didn't happen.
an group of survivors saved they.
and,for they surprise,the leader is Hana and Castiel.
they leave there now.
" I never thought in bacome a leader.
neither in high school,or the university.
but suddenly,i became one.
at least my love is with me on that. "
Hana and Castiel was in the studio when this happen.
everybody was in panic,but Hana was strangely calm.
she analysed the situation and decided the best way of survive to that.
and she and Castiel put the plan in pratice.
the started to live in shed that was very far away from there.
Castiel and Hana used to go to this place to get some peace and have some inspirations to compose.
so the shed was equipped with a lot of thing they had.
they put traps close to the sheds,making trips to find provisions and training.
after an year,they find other survivors and started a group.
Hana,of course,became the leader.
and in the past four years,Hana,Rowenna and Charlotte met each other again.
everyone was living there,construing new houses,establishments and soon they are a village.
it was Hana and Rayan that find the cure.
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sallysigns · 2 years
oii vida vc poderia fazer layouts do rayan por favor?? 💗
Perdoe-me a demora, aqui está!
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pequenaotaku · 1 year
Imagens Amor Doce Love Life Ep. 17
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queenthevampire · 1 year
Honeymoon - Nath
Finalmente a lua de mel veio e apesar das imagens +16 perderam a chance de umas imagens mais bonitas já que esse é dado como o ep de encerramento.
Gastei cerca de 860 PA e pode chegar até 1000 dependendo das escolhas.
A fada está no Caminho Selvagem, no objetivo Cheguem ao vulcão antes do anoitecer.
Lembrando que tenho o guia completo da rota do Nath no LL vou deixar o link do guia da lua de mel abaixo.
> Honeymoon - Nath (jogandocomaqueen.blogspot.com)
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rico-the-nicoo · 2 years
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lostsoulm · 2 years
Yesterday i was watching Avatar for the 17th time while checking mcl summer event and a wild thought came to my mind.
What element would bend each mcl LI?
Please rt with your thoughts!
For me it is:
Castiel Fire
Like what else could he be lmao? He's got the pride, the looks and the personality. Also his colors are red and black, fire nation babyyy.
Nathaniel Air
Based on his hs arc, which talked a lot about freedom and wings i thought Air went well with him.
Lysander Air
He is an Air Nomad and ill fight whoever says something different.
Kentin Fire
His personality in hs gives very much enraged Fire bender lmao Zuko vibes tbvh.
Armin Water or Earth
Incredible, Armin is the love of my life and i can't really say which one suits him better. The Earth kingdom stereotype seems to go well with Armin personality, but i also can see him being the best Water bender the world had seen. I would need a fellow Armin lover to help me with this one tbh.
Rayan Air *
Hyun Water *
Priya Earth *
Eric Fire **
* I didnt pay that much attention to their routes in UL so im basing my opinion in some characteristics i can remember, it might be really strange for the people that were following those LI lmao **Even more with Eric i didn't play LL and did not meet him so i just know that he's Nath boss and he has an interest in candy, nothing more😭
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mcldirara · 3 years
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otomelavenderhaze · 1 year
Cave dialogue a) Rayan talking about Chloe, his ex wife ~
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"Oh... You too can't sleep? Come here, sit with me. Let's enjoy the show."
Candy: (He didn't have to ask me twice. I snuggled in and we watched the celestial night sky).
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(I watched his stare get lost on the ocean of stars. He seemed to be in another place.)
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"When we see this, without any light pollution, how the first humans must have seen it…"
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"I can understand why they thought the stars as the soul of their dead. It was a bautiful tribute."
Candy: (I get it... So that's what going through his head that time. It doesn't surprises me why he looked a little sad) You... I know we never talk about this, but... Do you still think a lot about Chloe?
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"Of course. Our story (his and Chloe's) always gonna be part of me. And I can even not believe in anything..."
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"If our ancestors are right then, I know she's shining for me up there."
Candy: And... you get sad when you think about her? You need...
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"No, not even one bit. If today I am crying, it's out of joy."
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"Y'know, I honestly didn't think I would get over losing her."
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"And then after you got in my classroom and into my life. So, yes, I should have a star up there shining for me."
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"Because, with you, I understood the meaning of true love."
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"And it wasn't the same of what I had with Chloé."
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"Sometimes, I think, if the story/timeline was another, if I had met you first before I met her..."
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"She and I would've been simply friends, without anything else between us."
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"If fate hadn't been so cruel with her, it would've ended like that anyway, actually." (I think he means, they wouldn't have ended together anyway if she didn't die).
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"I think she would have been happy to see me so happy these days."
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"Just like I would have been in seeing her meeting someone else just as important as you're for me."
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"And when I think of her today, is in this way: as a friend that left too soon."
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"And that, of course, I still get a little with my heart tight. She was someone wonderful/beautiful."
Candy: I don't doubt you... I... it may seem like an inconvenience but I would have liked to have met her.
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"There's still some of her in me. But, when I met you, I was like a ghost."
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"Thanks to you and our feelings, she just became a beautiful star, just like my father..."
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"And all the anothers that make me understand, day after day, the lucky I had for being alive and have you by my side."
(He smiled to me. All that sadness seemed to have melted away from his features when he kissed me).
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itsyagirlrebelrose · 3 years
My Candy Love - Wedding: Eric final
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<3 and they kissed! that was so cute how Nathaniel cried tears of joy for them (non-nath route). :) Touching
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magic-belodie · 1 year
Summary of MCLLL Episode 17 of the dialogue from the choices that I didn't put in the illustration summaries
This summary only contains the dialogue that changes. I also put behind each choice the route of the Love interest that you can get this dialogue on.
Seems like a perfect introduction to me! (Hyun) Hyun and you are discussing what to do first at the hotel. Hyun suggests getting dinner in the restaurant. It seems like a perfect place to go. Hyun and you go to the restaurant. The view of the landscape there is perfect. You look at Hyun, he was already watching you. He still loves you and is so lucky that you crossed his path. Hyun could spend hours in your company. That is very sweet, but he should start eating. Otherwise, you are going to eat his food. Hyun is happy to share. You two have an amazing meal at the restaurant. And to think that it is only the first day. What a great idea! Let's hurry, if we want to take advantage of this sumptuous light. (Priya) Priya and you are discussing what to do first at the hotel. Priya suggests going to swim. You find it a great idea. Priya and you dive into the water. She swims towards you and takes you in her arms. Priya is so happy right now. And to think that it is only the first day. You two kiss while the sun starts to set. To be honest, I had a different kind of sport in mind. You shouldn't have provoked me with your little striptease... (Nathaniel) Nathaniel and you are discussing what to do first at the hotel. Nathaniel just jumped into the pool. You saw him undo his clothes and are in for something wild. Nathaniel comes with lightning speed out of the pool. He takes you in his arms and cares you into the bed. You both quickly take out all your clothes. Nathaniel lays next to you. You start kissing each other while your hands go over his body. Nathaniel takes the lead. You have to let out a few moans before he finally enters you. You let your hands wander in the sheet and close your eyes. It doesn't take long before you both come undone. You lay in Nathaniel's arms. Everything is perfect. Oh, don't worry! I'll enjoy you even better by being totally relaxed. (Rayan) Rayan and you are discussing what to do first at the hotel. You suggest getting a massage, while Rayan wants a wild moment. You tell him you would enjoy that even more after a massage. Rayan tells you that he never had a real massage. He means by a professional. He thinks that a massage from you isn't very conventional. You call them, they come up to your room. You lay next to each other while they are busy. Rayan asks himself why he waited so long. This is amazing. After the treatment, Rayan feels 10 years younger. But age doesn't matter to you, you will always love Rayan. You both go lay down on the bed and kiss. You fall to sleep in Rayan's arms. Okay, Mick. Let's go! We're here to enjoy ourselves, right? I'm going to heat up the jacuzzi. (Castiel) Castiel and you are discussing what to do first at the hotel. Castiel want to go into the jacuzzi. And you agree with him and go hit it up. 3 minutes later, Castiel joins you, and he has champagne and two glazes with him. He asks if you want a glass. You can choose your answer. This moment together in the jacuzzi is perfect. You are sitting on his lap, his eyes look emotional. Castiel never thought he would be this happy. He is so lucky you two met. You are his only destination. You feel the same. Castiel and you kiss. Well, for the occasion, a glass! (Castiel) Castiel asks you if you want a glass of champagne. For this occasion, you want to. He hands you a drink. Gladly. And the waiter too, please, young man. (Castiel) Castiel asks you if you want a glass of champagne. You want one gladly and also one for the waiter. Castiel gives you a glass and takes one himself. Actually, I'll have a glass of mango juice. I want to keep my mind clear... (Castiel) Castiel asks you if you want a glass of champagne. You want to have a mango juice instead. Castiel gives you a glass of mango juice. I totally feel up to it, but to tell you the truth, I had other… activities in mind, rather than a walk! (Eric) Eric and you are discussing what to do first at the hotel. Eric suggests going for a walk. But you want to do another activity. Eric doesn't understand what activity you mean. So you look at him and drop your towel. You go stand in front of him and start to unbutton his shirt and take off his pants. He grabs your butt, and pulls you against him. You put him on a chair and go sit on him. He held your hips while you had your arms around his neck. You start kissing each other while you find the right rhythm. Then he suddenly stops you. Eric wants to change position. You go sit on the chair with your hands on the railing. Eric goes to stand behind you. Eric puts his hands on your hips. You let out a moan while he enters you again. You close your eyes to surrender to your feelings. Eric finds soon the right rhythm and you both come undone. You kiss passionately, to think it was only the first day. If we want a refuge, shouldn't we... try to build one? (Priya) We should build a hut, or any shelter, don't you think? (Castiel and Nathaniel) How about using the time we have left to build a shelter? (Eric, Rayan and Hyun) Your lover and you are lost in the jungle. You two have come to the same place for the fourth time. Maybe you two should build a refuge or some shelter. Your lover will tell that it is kind of impossible to build a shelter. What you really need is an overview of the place. So you two can find a place where you can stay for the night. We have to make a weapon to defend ourselves in the event of a bad encounter. (Eric, Nathaniel, Castiel, Hyun and Rayan) If we have to defend ourselves... Shouldn't our priority be to make a weapon? (Priya) Your lover and you are lost in the jungle. You two have come to the same place for the fourth time. You two need a plan for the night. Maybe you should make a weapon. It is better to find a hiding spot. You two should go to the breathtaking overlook.   We should make marks on our way to avoid retracing our steps inadvertently. (Priya, Hyun, Nathaniel, Rayan, Castiel and Eric) Your lover and you have found the breathtaking overlook. You two decide that it is better to go to the volcano than to stay in the jungle. You suggest making marks on your way. It won't bring you forward. But it will prevent you from going the wrong way. Eric will suggest using a phone as a compass. You will agree with him. We have to try to find a stream. (Eric, Castiel, Rayan, Hyun, Nathaniel and Priya) Your lover and you have found the breathtaking overlook. You suggest finding a stream. Your lover agrees and you two start to listen to the water and try to find. Except Eric, he suggests using his phone as a compass and you agree. Yeah… You're probably right. Oh well, we'll make up for it later, when we get back to the hotel. (Hyun) Hyun and you are walking through the jungle. You think that it is wise to get some food. Hyun doesn't want to try out his luck. You agree with him and don't get any food. When you find the waterfall, you will fall and hurt your angle. Hyun will help you walk to the volcano. Since you two didn't get any food, you two are hungry after making the fire. At the moment, you have nothing to eat. You two just wait until you try to fall a sleep.   Yeah, but we don't know when, or even if, we'll be rescued tomorrow. (Hyun) Hyun and you are walking through the jungle. You think that it is wise to get some food. Hyun doesn't want to try out his luck. You tell him that you have no idea when you will be rescued. You two will get hungry and die from it. Hyun tells you that the human body can go several days without food. The guide told that there are some dangerous fruits, it is better not to try. You give into to Hyun. Hyun and you walk further. When you find the waterfall, you will fall and hurt your angle. Hyun will help you walk to the volcano. Since you two didn't get any food, you two are hungry after making the fire. At the moment, you have nothing to eat. You two just wait until you try to fall a sleep.   True, but... we can't take risks. (Priya) Priya is suggesting getting some fruit. You are afraid that it is too dangerous. You have convinced Priya and won't get any food. Since you two didn't get any food, you two are hungry after making the fire. At the moment, you have nothing to eat. You two just wait until you try to fall a sleep.   I don't know if it will make enough noise, but it's worth trying, I guess... (Castiel) Castiel and you find some coconut shells. Then suddenly a monkey tries to take your camera. You scream, but now there are monkeys all around you. Castiel suggests making some noise with the shells. You are not sure, but it can't hurt to try. But he didn't just make noise, he tried to make a song with it. The monkeys like it and start dancing. No one is watching you. You secretly find their fruit stake and take enough from it for the night. Castiel will tell you that you have done well. He keeps playing some music, so you can get away, and then he joins you. Together you walk further. No... I don't think that's a good idea. They look super pissed off. I'm going to give them my camera... (Castiel) Castiel and you find some coconut shells. Then suddenly a monkey tries to take your camera. You scream, but now there are monkeys all around you. Castiel suggests making some noise with the shells, or throwing them at the monkeys. But you think it's better to give the monkeys your camera. Better to loos pictures then to lose your self. Castiel agrees with you. You put down the camera gently. Castiel and you run away, while the monkey gets the camera. Castiel and you run until you find the river. Because you ran away and didn't take any fruit with you. Castiel and you have nothing to eat after making fire. You two just wait until you try to sleep.
Is there really a debate to be had? Already an ordinary bee sting hurts like crazy… (Priya) Priya and you try to get some fruit. But there are large bees looking creatures on the fruit bush. Priya asks you what you two should do. You think it is better to go. You don't want to test out their stings. Priya and you were so close to the goal. But you are probably right. Priya and you walk further to the volcano. Since you two didn't get any food, you two are hungry after making the fire. At the moment, you have nothing to eat. You two just wait until you try to fall a sleep.   Eww, those stink! Do they smell like… gas? But maybe that doesn't mean anything... (Nathaniel and Rayan) Your lover and you are trying to get some fruit. But you don't know which ones you should take. You suggest the fruit with the smell. We don't know if it is good, but we will find out tonight. You and your lover take the fruit with you. You still eat the fruit after making the fire, that dialogue goes the same. Those, maybe… They kind of look like little coconuts. But can we be sure..? (Nathaniel, Priya and Rayan) Your lover and you are trying to get some fruit. But you don't know which ones you should take. You suggest getting the coconut looking fruit. You two will find out tonight if the fruit is eatable. Your lover and you take the fruit with you. You still eat the fruit after making the fire, that dialogue goes the same. Do you think... that they are hungry? What should we do? Do we share our harvest? (Nathaniel) Nathaniel and you have come across an animal. It doesn't look that friendly. You ask your self if it is hungry. Nathaniel takes out one of his fruits and gives it to the animal. The animals start to eat it, and looks really cute. You stay watching for a few minutes before you continue your trip. Throw the fruit at them, Nath! They might be interested in it! We… we should run! (Nathaniel) Nathaniel and you have come across an animal. It doesn't look that friendly. You think you should throw fruit at them. Maybe then you and Nath can run away. You already started running. Nath goes after you and asks what you are doing. To Nath it didn't look like you two were in danger. Instinct came over you. You both have lost the path. It will take you half an hour to find it back. Nath leaves the food behind when you start running away, and he goes after you. You two have no food after making the fire. At that moment, you both stay hungry. And just wait until you try to fall a sleep. No, that's ridiculous! It's just going to upset it and it'll eat us alive. (Rayan) Rayan and you have come across a small tiger. Rayan tries to be dominant and make noise at the same time. You think that it is not going to work. Rayan is really surprised by your answer and turns his back to the tiger. You feel like that tiger could jump any minute on Rayan. But then suddenly a monkey jumps between Rayan and Tiger. The tiger goes after the monkey. It saved Rayan's life. You hope the monkey survives it. Rayan collapsed, you go over to him. He is okay, just a bit shocked. You two walk further together.  WAIT! I have an idea. HEY! OVER HERE! (Rayan) Rayan and you have come across a small tiger. Rayan tries to be dominant and make noise at the same time. But you start to make some noise on your own. The tiger turns towards you. It worked, it is not looking at Rayan anymore. The tiger comes closer to you. But you don't give it time and climb into a tree. You tell Rayan to do like you and also climb into a tree. The tiger comes closer but can't climb into the trees. The tiger looks very angry. You two stay in the trees for a while. Then a monkey climbs down from a tree. The tiger goes after it. You two have a clear path and get out of the tree and run away. After you two are safe, Rayan is happy and angry at the same time. Because the tiger came after you, it could have killed you, but you also saved Rayan's life. A real heroine. Together you continue your walk. Wait! Above all, don't move! It's still far away... Maybe it didn't see you. (Eric) Eric is trying to get coconuts from a tree. In the same tree, a snake has climbed and is blocking Eric's way down. You tell Eric not to move, maybe the snake hasn't seen him yet. Eric froze, but it turns out the snake has seen him. You tell Eric to jump. Eric fell backwards, he landed with a crash. You go over to him and ask if he is okay. Eric is, the flowers broke his fall. You were both scared. Eric tries to take you in his arms, but the flowers he fell in smell. You both start laughing. The snake has gone further up in the tree, it has already forgotten about you. When you have found the volcano, Eric will go for a swim to get the smell away. You need to find at that moment the wood and rocks for the fire. No choice! Jump! (Eric) Eric is trying to get coconuts from a tree. In the same tree, a snake has climbed and is blocking Eric's way down. You tell Eric to jump. He jumps down and land in some flowers. You go over to him and ask if he is okay.  You were both scared. Eric tries to take you in his arms, but the flowers he fell in smell. You both start laughing. The snake has gone further up in the tree, it has already forgotten about you. When you have found the volcano, Eric will go for a swim to get the smell away. You need to find at that moment the wood and rocks for the fire. I've racked my brain... but I really don't see anything we can do. Well… (Castiel, Nathaniel, Rayan, Eric, Priya and Hyun) Your lover and you have found a save place. You two need to drink. But you don't really have an idea how to filter it. Your lover and you will use a piece of clothing as a filter and drink from it. Do you mind bringing branches? There's a grove of trees over there. (Priya, Nathaniel, Castiel, Eric, Hyun and Rayan) Your lover and you need to make a fire. You ask your lover to get some branches for you. You will get some stones for the fire. Your lover goes into the jungle to find some wood. You stay in the gave and put some stones in a circle and keep one as a souvenir. Your lover comes back with wood under his/her arm. (There must be dead wood on the ground, I just have to look under the leaves.) (Castiel, Nathaniel, Rayan, Eric, Hyun and Priya) Your lover and you try to make some fire. You are in the forest to get some wood and try to take some dead wood from the ground. You get beaten by a plant on the ground. Your lover wants to save you, but you tell him/her to stay where he/she is. You free yourself and go back with some wood to your lover. We could use two branches and rub them together. (Priya, Eric, Nathaniel, Castiel, Hyun and Rayan) You and your lover try to make fire. You start to rub two branches together. It takes a very long time before something happens. But in the end you get the fire working. If you choose to take the sunscreen with you. You have taken your whole toilet bag with you. You find there in a nail clipper to make the branches shaper. It will make the fire go on faster. At least this trip will give us great memories for when we're old. (Hyun) Hyun and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. At least this trip will give you some great memories. Hyun doesn't look so happy after you said this. It's something his parents used to say against each other. We know what happened to them. But you want to stay at Hyun's side while you grow old. The divorce was really hard for Hyun. It is better now, but still weird. They all see each other a lot. But when the moment is over, they both go to their separate houses. And Hyun sometimes forgets that. On one side he wishes that his parents get back together and on the other side he wishes for them to be clearer about their break-up. You find it very good that they are still friends. Hyun just has a more radical conception of love. You like that about him. They were more friends than a couple in their relationship. The restaurant kept them together for a long time. But it makes Hyun appreciate more what you two have. And you survived this jungle. Next year, you two can climb the Mount Everest without a guide. You were just kidding. You two kiss in the light of the fire.
Somehow, this story allows you to put things into perspective. We are lucky to be alive... (Hyun) Hyun and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. This story will put things in perspective. That is true. This morning, Hyun couldn't think how things would change. You two should make a wish. You look at the sky and there are no shooting stars. Don't you need that to make the wish work? That is not the kind of wish Hyun was talking about. Hyun was more thinking like a good resolution. If you two come back a life, you will swear to do. But if you come back, you have been through the hardest part. Tomorrow, help will come. Hyun knows, it's better to choose a credible resolution. But also something special like the day we just had. You choose to say that you want to go to Amsterdam and see the van Gogh museum. In your studies, you worked a lot with his work. He is one of your favorite painters. And one day you would see his art in real life. But it is too far away, and it costs a lot of money. And in the end it will always be pushed back. But Hyun promises you that the next vacation trip will be to the museum. But Hyun has one condition; no tourist expeditions. You are okay with that and are curious about Hyun's wish. Hyun wants to get back into dancing for good. You know, he has some really great moves. The dance he did in your room, you found it funny and sexy at the same time. And not to forget the wet t-shirt contest. He loved to dance when he was a teenager. Hyun hasn't talked about that much, and that is because he didn't like that he stopped. He loved it, but he wasn't very good. So he couldn't do it seriously. And then real life came in the way. But now he has some time left since his sisters are also in the business. He still has to decide which style he wants to do, when he is back. You tell him to just go with the flow. Hyun stands up and goes dancing and asks you to be his only dance partner and join him in lessons if he needs a partner. You agree. You two kiss in the light of the fire. What a day, right... It makes you reconsider quite a few things, don't you think? (Priya) Priya and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. This was an interesting day. It makes you think about things Priya was thinking about last year. She kind of misses social law a little. Crowstorm took all her time. And defending artists against who wants to exploit them fits Priya well. Priya wants to go back to it. The whole thing with Rayan shook it up. Priya regrets the most that she got corrupted by Renate. It was her idol, you understand it. But it is also the motivation why Priya wants to go back. Priya will probably meet Renate in court and then Priya could beat her. Priya wants to bring people real justice, instead of what Renate did. That is why when Priya goes back, she will always have one pro bono case. You remind Priya that you first have to finish your honeymoon. Priya has lots of energy for both. You two kiss in the light of the fire. We must still be a bit on edge. I've never been as stressed as I was today. (Priya) Priya and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. You have never been as stressed as you were today. For Priya, there has been a moment where she was more stressed. When she visits the Louvre for the first time. Priya never told you about this moment before. Because it was not very glorious. Priya was 16 Years old and lived in Belgium. She went there with school, and had all kinds of things in her head to do that weren't on the program. Tara, one of her classmates, had an aunt in Paris. They were both invited for dinner. At that dinner, Tara went to the bathroom and called with her aunts phone the teacher. She pretended to be the aunt and arranged that Priya and her could stay at her aunts house for the night. Tara and Priya said goodbye to Tara's aunt and got into a taxi. They were thinking about going to clubs the whole night. They were outside and saw that the Louvre was having a late night opening. Tara and Priya went into the museum. But it was already late, and they couldn't see much. So they came up with the idea to get locked in at night in the museum. Tara and Priya went to the bathroom and waited for the museum to close. After the museum closed, there wasn't much light to see. They used their phones as light. But they saw security right away. Priya and Tara realized that what they did was wrong. Maybe they would have been seen as art thieves and be moved from the country. So they tried not to get caught, and they succeeded. But when Priya thinks back now, she thinks that the guards were very easy on them and probably knew what was going on. The next morning, the light was turned on for cleaning. They manged to get out of the museum that morning. Priya and Tara never went again to the Louvre. Too afraid to be recognized. You realize that you are married to a burglar. Now there are no more secrets between you two. You two kiss in the light of the fire. What a day... I was constantly on edge because of the potential dangers... (Nathaniel) Nathaniel and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. It was quite the day. You don't know how Nath does it. Going undercover, thinking that everything could go wrong at any moment. Nath doesn't think about that, the only thing he thinks about is not getting caught. Plus, he always had Eric as back-up. He trusted him. You don't know what to say. You haven't talked much about Eric lately. It doesn't hurt Nath anymore. He can still see the beautiful moments. Eric was a friend and mentor to him. He does miss what Eric and him had. You think it is excellent that Nath looks at it in that way. Nath smiles and asks if he told you how they met. Nath was arrested by his coworker. They didn't have much against him. Nath was at the wrong place at the wrong time. The cell was overfull, and they hand caught Nath next to Eric's desk. Eric was playing chess on his computer. He didn't know much about chess. His wife suggested playing it. Nath gave him some tips that day. A week later, Eric saw Nath and Nath couldn't hide the stuff he had with him. But luckily, that is not what Eric was here for. Eric saw potential in him and offered him help. The rest of the story you know. You are happy with how this changed Nath's life. Nath and you give each other a hug. You two kiss in the light of the fire. Still... look how far we've come since Sweet Amoris! (Nathaniel) Nathaniel and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. You two have come far since sweet Amoris. Who would have fought that you end up here in this situation. Nath thinks about that a lot. What would have happened if you didn't come back into his life. Nath would have become a heartbreaker. Living on the street and in the gym. You are probably right. But without you, his world is empty. But Nath didn't seem lonely when you found him. How many women did he had at that time. Nath doesn't understand that you want to talk about that. He doesn't want to talk about it. But you are curious and start to count. But Nath doesn't really know the number. He was not in a good place at that time. Nath is ashamed of it. The only thing he tried was to forget you with those women. But he couldn't and from some of those women he didn't even know the names. He felt empty until he saw you again. When Nath is with you, he can be himself. You wish things had gone differently. But now you are with him until the end of time. Nath already knew back in high school that you were the one for him. He had to be who his parents forced him to be. But you were so happy, so free. He wanted to feel like that. Since then, he tried. You two kiss in the light of the fire. So, my darling, were you trying to run away from me? (Rayan) Rayan and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again and ask Rayan if tried to run away. You know very well that Rayan hasn't succeeded in that. And it is not like he didn't try. You were just joking, but now you are curious what he means. When you two met, it wasn't like there was a possibility for a relationship. It was even a little shocking. You don't know, You don't ask your self many questions. That is because Rayan pleased you very quickly. You start to like him from his first lesson. It was the same moment for Rayan. You remember the whole lesson and the encouragement after it. The same evening, Rayan was thinking about you, more than he should. Of course, back then he tried to lie to him self. Say like there was nothing going on. But after some time, Rayan had to admit. Your charm stimulated the relationship as your intellectually. Rayan felt like he was 15 again. But he wasn't and he was your teacher. He also had some strict principles in this area. But you both felt it and both couldn't run away from it. And now you two are here together in front of a fire on your honeymoon. You two kiss each other in the light of the fire.
Makes you feel very small, huh? The universe is so mysterious... (Rayan) Rayan and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. The universe is so mysterious. These times make Rayan miss his dad the most. Rayan doesn't talk about his dad very often. Rayan's dad often said that he was just smart enough to realize his ignorance. Rayan drew inspiration from his dad's humanity. Rayan is smart himself. And he knows that and shouldn't be ashamed of it. Rayan is smart in culture. His dad was an astrophysical researcher. Because of his dad, Rayan wanted to do something in the university area. You ask Rayan if he was interested in the science, Rayan was. But the rebel in him made him choose art history. You ask how his dad took it. His dad supported him in what ever Rayan wanted to do. His dad had a great way of reading paintings. Rayan learned a lot from his dad. You would have loved to meet him. Rayan is sure that his dad would have liked you. You ask Rayan if he misses his dad a lot. But his mother misses his dad more. And if things are true, his dad is now in the sky as a star. You hug Rayan, and then he kisses you in the light of the fire.         Still, what a day. Can you imagine if... Well, if... We hadn't made it? (Castiel) Castiel and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. It was quite a day. What if you didn't make it. Castiel says that you shouldn't think about that. He would collapse on the spot. The only positive thing about it, is that he would have ended up by your side. But to think about how his parents would feel makes Castiel really sad. He is their only child. You tell Castiel not to think about it. Castiel and you two are safe here at the fire. You ask Castiel if he ever wanted brothers or sisters. Not really, it forced to build himself outside. With his parents not being home often. You ask Castiel if he missed them a lot. For most of the time it was fine, but he does wish they to be there on certain occasions. But Castiel did have a happy childhood. And they enjoyed great vacations together. And trusted Castiel to be alone so much. It gave him a lot of self coincidence. And this way, he had a lot of time for his music, and his first step to get a band. If Castiel could do it again, he wouldn't change much. The only thing Castiel did regret was leaving you after high school. It goes the same for you. But you found each other again. You two kiss each other in the light of the fire. So... You don't regret giving up your life as a single rock star to end up stuck here with me? (Castiel) Castiel and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. You ask Castiel if he regrets being here with you instead of being a rock star. He doesn't regret it. He would have done it all the same, except to find you sooner. You are curious what happened in those years that you two weren't together. But Castiel doesn't feel like telling. He also doesn't want to know what happened with your love life at that time. It is in the past. You tell Castiel to relax. Then he tells you, that there weren't many girls at that time. The only one that matters is you. Then you ask him when he fell in love with you. He didn't like you at first, you were on a mission for Nath. But he got to know you. You always had so much energy. Didn't let you comment around and still try to help others. You also didn't like him at first. You thought he was too sure of him self. But you got to know him, high school was just a step for him. One day he will grow up. But he already had responsibilities. Castiel took care of Demon. You were teasing Castiel a bit. Pancake and you are very lucky with Castiel. He has become the best version of himself. You two kiss each other in the light of the fire. 
You and your coffee... I'm going to end up believing that you only got close to me for that. (Eric) Eric and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. Eric thinks he could sleep if he could have a drink of coffee. You think that maybe that is the reason that Eric got close to you. Of course, who would otherwise help you close the café. He first did because he liked helping you. You ask him when his reason changed. Eric doesn't know exactly. It took a while before he gave into it. But there was one night he kept repeating the conversations you two had. He was trying to see that night if you felt something for him. It would make it easier for him to admit. Those little evening moments were also the moment that you started to feel something. After the dinner in the restaurant, Eric knew his life was going to change. But you were in a complicated situation at that moment in relationship with someone else. It was time for Eric to change, so he did something he thought he would never do. You both would regret it, if Eric didn't set that step. You two kiss each other in the light of the fire. When we met, did you imagine that we'd end up here, in this situation? (Eric) Eric and you try to sleep, but you both can't. You go sit back up again. You ask Eric if he thinks you two had ended up here, in this situation. It would have been this or a traveling circus act. Eric didn't imagine this, really. His sentimental horizon was darker back then. You ask if he still thinks about his last relationship. Eric doesn't and isn't sure what that says about him. You understand him. They were married for years. The only thing that tied them together was their home. They could never make each other happy and didn't spend much time together. Eric still hopes that his ex has found happiness. But now that he is with you, he knows what happiness really is and very happy that the last relationship ended. You ask if it really was that bad. Eric has to think a bit and then says that happiness is something to be experienced. It can't be planned. You know you two can drift apart, but to hear Eric's story. Eric and Melissa build their story on a misunderstanding. They met to mutual friends and shared some interests. Melissa thought it was great that he was an inspector and loved his field stories. And Eric liked to tell them to Melissa. So they got married. The problem is that having a detective boyfriend is exciting and original. But detective husband isn't. She wanted children, and he didn't because it wouldn't work with his job. Eric stayed on the same line as before the marriage, but Melissa changed after it. Eric tried to change two, but he couldn't. Arguments became their daily life. He needed you, it is that simple. You two kiss each other in the light of the fire.
Perfect! That means we're on the right path! And don't worry, I still have enough energy left... (Hyun) Hyun and you are trying to find your way back after sleeping a night in the jungle. You two have found the waterfall from yesterday. You are on the right track and Hyun asks you if you need a break. Yesterday you felt and hurt your angle. But since you are going on the right track, you have enough energy to keep walking. So Hyun and you walk further. Good... Because my ankle still hurts. (Hyun) Hyun and you are trying to find your way back after sleeping a night in the jungle. You two have found the waterfall from yesterday. You are on the right track and Hyun asks you if you need a break. Yesterday you felt and hurt your angle. You rest a bit, but then you hear the sound from the jeep. Hyun and you run towards it. I'm exhausted, I only want one thing: to sleep! (Priya) I think we deserve a good night's sleep! (Nathaniel) I'm exhausted... I think I'm going to enjoy the best night of my life. (Hyun) Your lover and you are back from the jungle. Your lover suggests having a wild night, but you feel more like sleeping. He/she totally understands. You two go lay in the bed with your arms around each other and the episode ends. You can take my spot, if you want. (Eric) Eric and you have come back from the jungle. You are siting in the bad tube. Eric wants to join you. You tell him he can take your place, you want to sleep. Eric understands and goes with you to the bed. You two lay in each other's arms and the episode ends. 
Aren't you tempted by a good nap instead? (Rayan) Rayan and you are back from the jungle. Rayan is swimming in the pool. While you are laying on a pool seat. You ask Rayan if he wants to take a nap. Rayan would enjoy that. But maybe you first want to get in the pool. You join him in the pool for a while. After getting out, you go sit on a chair together. Let the sun dry you up. You both feel totally happy here in each other's arms. The episode ends.     I'm sorry, but I only want one thing: shower and then sleep! (Castiel) Castiel and you are back from the jungle. You went into the shower. Then Castiel joins you, but he is not here for the shower. You are sorry, but you just want to shower and then sleep. Castiel understands and waits his turn. After both your showers, you lie in each other's arms on the bed. The episode ends.
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melodyalanaroster · 2 years
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My Candy Love Love Life: Easter 2023
As usual, I shot through this event. The dates were cute... I always have a soft spot for Nathaniel and his stuff.... I see my love in game so little these days that I’m very hungry for more content with him...
Not gonna lie... While Nathaniel’s and Castiel’s illustrations are usually my favorites, Rayan’s is this time! The easy, relaxed, cuddling... I love it!
Obviously, the Sweet Hunt outfit is my favorite this time. I do wish there were plain versions of the hair... But I’ll probably stick to this version for a while... It looks really close to how I try to make my IRL hair look like....
I was not a fan of the bank outfit this time.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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i have to admit: this music event is stunning!
the clothes,the illustrations,the event (except for the minigame)is awesome! I loved edit those illustrations,and they become one,if not,my favorite edits!
i don’t have any headcanon for this event,but i have a bonus illustration bellow:
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