#mclll honeymoon
pequenaotaku · 1 year
Imagens Amor Doce Love Life Ep. 17
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mrs-veilmont · 1 year
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Don't worry I'm obsessed with you too... like 10 years straight
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sammyjomcl · 1 year
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melodyalanaroster · 1 year
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Here's all of the shirtless Nathaniel sprites that I pulled from the Honeymoon episode!
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bunnymachine · 1 year
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Spicy 🌶️
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queenthevampire · 1 year
Honeymoon - Nath
Finalmente a lua de mel veio e apesar das imagens +16 perderam a chance de umas imagens mais bonitas já que esse é dado como o ep de encerramento.
Gastei cerca de 860 PA e pode chegar até 1000 dependendo das escolhas.
A fada está no Caminho Selvagem, no objetivo Cheguem ao vulcão antes do anoitecer.
Lembrando que tenho o guia completo da rota do Nath no LL vou deixar o link do guia da lua de mel abaixo.
> Honeymoon - Nath (jogandocomaqueen.blogspot.com)
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magic-belodie · 1 year
MCLLL Episode 17 Rayan
I finished Rayan’s route of MCLLL episode 17. It cost me 844 AP. I got Rayan’s illustration. Here is the link to his illustration because of NSFW: https://magicbelodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/1427-4446b332e9ceb50e1688630333.jpg Here is the summary:
You start this episode on a plane. You are just waking up. Rayan is sitting next to you on the plane. Rayan kisses you and you two look out the window. You two could see a group of lush islands. Rayan and you are going to spend here 15 days. The flight lands, you pick up your luggage, and a limo brings you two to the hotel. The hotel you two are staying is the same from episode 5 alternate life Kentin. Darma welcomes you two and brings you both to the honeymoon suit. At the last minute, Rayan and you changed plans to go here instead of the Mediterranean region. Your Aunt told you about her trip and stay here. It just sounded like the place to go. Rayan and you are very happy with the room. You two deserved this after the year you have been through. You two kiss tenderly. After that long flight, you could use a shower. After you get out, Rayan goes in. You are both now only in your underwear. You suggest to Rayan to get a little massage. But when Rayan sees you like that, he wants to do something else. You think Rayan's right. He wants you to close your eyes. You close your eyes and Rayan puts your eye mask over your head. You are left in the darkness. It heights your other senses. You feel his hands move over your body, undoing your clothes. Rayan guides you towards the bed. There, his hands go over your body while he whispers in your ear; that you wanted a massage. He starts kissing your neck well, massaging your breast. The kisses go lower on your body. You open up your self to him. You don't know how long he keeps desiring you, you are totally lost in the dark. Rayan goes up again. His hand move back to your breast. Then he starts to kiss your breast. You can't take it anymore. You take off your eye mask. And pin him on the bed and go sit on top of him. You find the right rhythm and you both come undone. You both collapse on the bed and tell that you love each other. The night starts to fall. You two order room service and go to sleep. The next day starts after a perfect night of sleeping. You two go downstairs for breakfast. While you are eating, you see Darma. He asks if you two are enjoying your stay. You two are, everything is perfect. He also reminds you two that the hike to the Volcano leaves in an hour. You both finish your breakfast and go back upstairs to get ready. There you get to choose your outfit. There is only one outfit to pick. Then, you decide also to bring the water bottle with you. Rayan and you go downstairs. There you notice that you forgot your phone. But you have no time to go back upstairs. Rayan and you go on the bus. It takes you both to the start of the hike. There, a guide welcomes you with instructions. Then you two start the walk. While you two are walking, the guide talks about the surroundings. You get to take a break when you can see the volcano. It is beautiful. Rayan and you are holding hands. You two wish to be alone. Rayan sees a path and you two start walking it. You both find your own little paradise. Rayan and you are hugging under some trees. You enjoy this moment a lot, but it is better to get back to the group. You two try to find your way back. But when you are back, the group has already left. You don't hear their voices anymore. Rayan takes out his phone. He has no network. But you have to find the group and start walking. You two have to continue the direction you took. Then you suddenly hear a voice. You both think it is the guide. Turns out it were parrots. You think you need to find a safe place. But it is too early for that, maybe you can still find the group. Rayan and you walk further. You have come to this place for the fourth time. Conclusion, you two are lost. It is already four o'clock. Three hours left until the sun starts to go down. Rayan sees it more likes a game. You make him clear how serious the situation is. Rayan and you need an overview of the place. You two decide to go back to the place with the beautiful view. There you see the volcano again. It is better to go there than to stay in the jungle. You are going to use the phone as a compass. Rayan and you find a waterfall, there you see some fruit. You take the big hairy fruit. Rayan and you walk further. Then suddenly a small tiger moves a cross your path. Rayan stays calm and establishes our dominance by looking at it. You two start to count and clap at the same time. Rayan takes a step towards the tiger, and it goes away. You are really proud of Rayan. You both walk fast away and find some water. There you take a little break. Then you find your way to the volcano. At volcano, you find a cave you two can stay in. You two use Rayan's shirt as a filter for the water. So you two can drink. Then you two need to make a fire. You are going to collect some wood. You walk to some trees and take the lowest branches. It took you awhile to get some, but you found enough for a fire. Now you need to get the fire on. It was a good idea to take your bottle with you. With a stone, you cut off the end of your bottle and use it as a magnifying glass to get the fire started. It keeps on burning and you have fire. You are proud of yourself. The night starts to fall. Rayan stand up to watch the sunset. You go stand next to him. He wraps his arms around you. You two stay like this until sunset. Then you need to eat something. You look at the fruit you took with you. A monkey comes towards you, and you share the fruit with it. The monkey leaves. And Rayan and you go sit in each other's arms. You could have fallen asleep like this, but something keeps you awake. You go sit back, up again. The stars look beautiful. Just like a real painting. People used to think that those stars were souls from people who died. You ask if Rayan still thinks about his wife. He does, the story he has with you is beautiful. But Rayan believes that she shines a light from above up on him. You ask Rayan if he is still sad about losing her. No Rayan has recovered from that. And after that, you came into his life. Because of you, he knows what love really means. Rayan thinks that if his story has been different. That he met you before he met his wife. His wife and he would have been good friends instead of love. If fate wasn't so cruel, this would have happened either way. Rayan thinks that his wife is happy to see Rayan this happy right now. Rayan thinks now of her like a friend that has gone too soon. You wish you could have met her. But she is now a star up in the sky. You two hug each other in the light of the fire. Rayan and you must have fallen a sleep. The light of the sun wakes you up. The view of the sunrise is incredible. You were probably the first ones to seen it for a while. You stay hugging each other for a few minutes while enjoying the view. What should you do now. Rayan still has some battery left on his phone. He walks up to the volcano to get some signal and opens up a map to make a path back. You could lose signal again. But it is better than nothing. You start following the path. You two found the waterfall from yesterday. These means you are on the right track. Then you hear a sound. It is the sound of a motor from a car. You two run towards it and find a jeep with the guide in it. They were looking for you. You were not the only ones who were worried yesterday. The guide brings you back to the hotel. Darma is there waiting for you. He is so happy that you two are back. Because of what you went through, you don't have to pay for your stay and the extras you want to take. That was the least he could do. Darma brings you two back to the room. Rayan takes the first shower, and then you go in it. When you get out, you put on your bathing suit. Rayan is already in the swimming pool. You go sit on the side of the pool and take off your bathing suit in front of his eyes. Rayan swims towards you and stands between your legs. You two share a kiss and you get the illustration. His kisses go down your body. You open up your legs. Your fingers are lost in his hair. He keeps filling your desire while you lean backwards. He knows you by heart and knows how to please you. You let out a moan of pleasure. Rayan gets out of the swimming pool and goes to lie upon on you. Rayan looks so beautiful with the sun behind him. You kiss each other while he enters you. You both keep on kissing. With each movement, you feel his desire. You both come undone. He goes to lie next to you and keeps you in his arms. He will never let you go, the episode ends.
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otomelavenderhaze · 1 year
All my thoughts on the honeymoon episode (17) of mclll with Rayan.
Get 👏 yourself 👏 a 👏 fictional 👏 man 👏 who 👏 would 👏 face 👏 a 👏 tiger 👏 for 👏 you 👏 then 👏 ruin 👏 his 👏 plans 👏 and 👏 save 👏 his 👏 ass 👏 instead 👏
That's it. That's the review. Y'all welcome. I know I know very insightful, you don't need to thank me for it.
But no, while the episode was fun, chaotic, full of replayability, some cute and hot moments, I have good and bad things to talk about it and I have a lot of thoughts about certain scenes that I cannot simply move on with my life without talking about them at least once.
So let's do this, maybe my last review ever about any mcl related episode.
I will always welcome an episode that makes me remember why I fell in love for the set up, for the story and for the character (Li) in the first place and that honeymoon episode was that. It was the most fun I ever had since, buff, I don't know, I think University Life? Because I wouldn't have called Love Life a funny haha ride all the way through and I cannot remember the last time was giddy with the game like I was today.
The episode was short, very much what I was expecting... and very much gave me a misplaced vibe, it didn't feel like the last episode the big farewell that the wedding episode felt like. It actually felt like a spin-off half cooked, it very much felt like just a travel, not really a honeymoon (not that I had much of those in real life but well) and it felt goofy which y'know, mcl is known for.
And I am talking about the cave conversation.
I would say that the episode would be fun for replayability if you have NO ISSUE in spending around 4.000 aps for it, if not then you go ahead and have a good ride like I did, but I will not pretend it's very rewarding or even mandatory. It's not.
You gonna take some giggles and get ONE moment in the episode that's really worth it.
For Rayan depending in which alternative you picked you could've: learnt more about Chloé's and Rayan's relationship and how he feels about her death now that he married Candy, about Rayan's father that he never EVER talked about before or a very cute moment when he talks about how he felt when he first met Candy and how he struggled with his feelings.
I am a sucker for any piece of new information I get about him, so I had a blast with it.
It was a JOY finding out that every alternative would give me a new whole dialogue to explore and read, it felt like a bonus and it was the best thing about the episode, besides the tiger moment.
Which was wild, see Rayan telling Candy in a firm voice that "she never heard before him using" to not move and help with all yelling at the tiger to scare it off was WILD, my nerd bookworm man went alpha mode on that tiger and it was HOT. Hot damn. It was hotter than any sex scene. Yes, Daddy, protect us, you go off king, you can punch a tiger for sure, BIG DICK ENERGY IF EVER SAW ONE.
But I will tell you, make Candy actually take away the tiger's attention towards Rayan and try to attract it alone was hella cool too, Candy was BRAVE, even though when he got mad at her after she cried of stress and fear and then he comforts her and calls her his hero, IT WAS A SUCH NICE MOMENT. One of the beauties of having a lot of aps, free time and grief towards a route that is gonna be replaced in the next months.
So good.
Let's talk about what I didn't like then.
I don't like how the ilus can only be obtain if you get all the right answers but the game gives you too little of information about which answers are right and which are wrongs, it was very punishing, I don't get it.
I don't like how the ilus was locked away behind a sex scene at the end of the episode, there was no special moment of their first night as a married couple, it was no different from any other generic sex scene - I will admit, it's a pretty ilus, but at this point, feels like the same of all the ones I already got, there was no sexy lighting, no extra gloss over it no care for what it would be THE LAST ILUS OF THE GAME.
Felt lazy, there I said it. The episode being so out of place from the whole trio of Proposal Episode, Getting married Episode and then the Honeymoon Episode is ODD and off putting, it feels wrong, it feels like they didn't plan that shit properly and if that's the case it doesn't surprise me cuz I have been getting this for MONTHS now.
THEY GAVE UP. The new game is more important now. Screw us I guess.
And screw them too honestly. I hope the new game gets a better treatment from the bottom of my heart, but I doubt it strongly after so many years and GAMES of this and of this lazy shit they do, so probably it won't be any better...... I wouldn't know, cuz I am not gonna play it.
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Nice episode, despite it faults and everything else, I liked it.
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mrs-veilmont · 1 year
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we are lost in trees again but now.. I am using him as my pillow
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sammyjomcl · 1 year
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I want to keep on travelling with my blond angel !
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sammyjomcl · 1 year
This honeymoon got me quite tired 😆
I shared some screens of the best moments with Nath. Got nearly 400 screens so yeah, hope you will all enjoy this moment with your LI.
See ya!
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sammyjomcl · 2 years
Hoorayyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!
I am so happy...
Beemoov take my money and gimme my boy!!!!!!!
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sammyjomcl · 1 year
I still feel a bit weird thinking that the honeymoon is done. I am very happy that my baby got the adventure he enjoys so much. And some quality time 😜 but I already miss him 🥺
I was verrrryyyyy happy to have him talk about a few things, namely his therapy. What follows is just my opinion though, keep that in mind. Will Nath forgive his parents ? He says that he would rather try to understand them. His father in particular. So we can guess that his father grew up in a violent environment and as an adult, when his life started being tough, he resorted to violence as well. That is sad but I am proud that Nath is aware of that and that he wants to break the cycle. I am quite satisfied with this option. I do not feel that forgiving is the way to go but at least understanding leads to something more constructive.
The part about him being a f***boy during CL... meh, CL Nath is not my thing.
That's it for today :)
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sammyjomcl · 1 year
NSFW !!! 🔞
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sammyjomcl · 1 year
NSFW!!! 🔞
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sammyjomcl · 1 year
NSFW!!! 🔞
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Nath is like "so you like checking me out in secret huh?"
Dear hubby, I have eyes and you are so cute and gorgeous so what else can I look at when you're around?
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