#ray palmer headcannon
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unknown-salvatore · 5 years ago
Dating Ray Palmer/The Atom would include.....
Ray Palmer x Female reader
Warnings ⚠: None really, 13+, lowkey mentions of smut, nothing too graphic, my first headcannon😁
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First of all...
He is a very tall man.
So no matter how tall you are, you will be small compared to him.
Homeboy loves and I mean LOVES cuddles
You make him the big spoon but he likes to be the little spoon
Because he is soft boi™ also
Jealous! Ray every time anyone flirts with you
Cause he has his insecurities
That results in you having to comfort him with kisses and chocolates and movies and MUSICALS!!!!!
If you didn't love musicals before dating him, well then you definitely love them now
Him being just as invested in your interests
Supportive in everything you do
He's your personal cheer boy anytime everytime
When you go to a mission without him, he is worried 24/7
After Kendra he thought that he won't be able to find love
Until you that is
You both share the same energy even tho he is more optimistic that you can ever be
He loves you with every fibre in his body
And that body
He's hot let's be honest
And he's strong
He can definitely just lift you up like an adult picks up a child
And he loves doing that too
Because you wrap your legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders everytime
Whenever you're sad, you just go and find him and hug him
He is a teddiest teddy bear
And of course he returns the hug no matter what he is doing
Cause for him, you are the most important thing in his life
He cannot see you have even the slightest inconvenience
And if you get hurt while fighting,
He literally runs at Flash speed to the waverider so Gideon can fix you
Never leaves your side if something bad happens
If you are healing, then he refuses to leave you
Until Sara knocks him out or Nate forces him to eat something
You having to stand on your tippy tippy toes just to kiss his cheek
And you love kissing his cheeks
Weekly date night in if you're both free
Listening to him when he goes all science nerd
Cause it's cute you know
And he just then stops mid sentence because he knows that you aren't paying attention to what he is saying but to what he is doing
Like his expression and the twinkle in his eyes because he knows so much and is even more passionate to learn more in that field
And he leans down to kiss you
And that kiss is filled with so much love that your knees just wobble
He is horny like every other man to walk this earth
And his approaches to seduce you are quick and random
And it works everytime
And it's not like you ain't not horny for him either
You'll be busy trying to read something and you then feel you hair being moved to a side and soft but firm kisses on you neck and shoulder and collar bone
And his hands move from over you shoulders to waist to hips to thighs to..... Well you know where ;)
And that's it
You have sex then and there
He isn't one to ask that often
So everytime you get a chance, you have sex
And with that many people in the waverider you definitely make use of every opportunity you get
If you are the one to seduce him then
You find him in his lab and go and stand behind him
And you then run your hands over those broad fucking shoulders and then take them down his torso whilst kissing his temple and neck
Occasionally biting his ear
And if you are impatient then you just moan his name in his ear and he won't be able to concentrate on what he was doing because you and your naked heavenly body occupies his mind
He might seem like a top
But he is secretly a bottom
A power bottom most of the time
During sex he loves to wrap his hands around you
And hand holding everytime
Neck kisses and boob grabs everytime
His favorite deed is making you feel good
He is more of a giver than receiver
Prefers being marked than making you because he is scared that it'll hurt you
If you bite your lip while fucking, he leans in and asks you to bite his shoulder so you don't harm yourself
After you have sex and are tired, cuddles and snuggles and all that cute shit
Surprises you with breakfast in bed
Raymond Palmer is one of the most perfect boyfriend anyone could ever ask for
I love him
And now I'm soft cause of him 🥺🥺
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hibiscuswrites · 4 years ago
🌺Hibiscus Headcanons🌺
How the boys react when they find out you have a stuffie 
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(Not daddy kink related, just having a stuffie that you love.) 
John - He thinks it's adorable, and it warms his heart. "Are you going to introduce us, my dear?" He's definitely planning to take a picture of you with it once you fall asleep. He's already thinking about what stuffie he's going to buy you next. Might have someone from the project make you one that's custom that way, you're the only one alive that has that specific stuffie and no one else. 
Jacob - He thinks it's cute. He's all about strength and being tough, but when at home, he likes for you to be comfortable and as soft as you want to be, and seeing that you sleep with a comfort item does something weird to his heart. He probably doesn't actually ever mention it outright, but he does little things to show he doesn't mind, like sitting it upright in the bed if it ever falls over. He probably gets you a little wolf and paints a little red cross on the head. 
Joseph - He finds it endearing and just watches you with a smile on his face. He inquires about it. How long have you had it, do you have more, what is its name, boy or girl, he wants to know it all. It's a part of you which makes it important to him, and as his wife, he wants to know everything about you that he can. If you pray with him before bed, don't try and tell me that he doesn't also hold your stuffies hand when he holds yours. "Let us pray." Then he reaches over and gently pushes the stuffies head to bow.
Eli - He thinks it's the cutest thing, but he also doesn't draw too much attention to it in the sense of referencing it. The stuffie just suddenly gets treated as an extension of you. When he tucks you in, he tucks the stuffie in too. Same as how he adjusts your hair or your clothes and things like that, he will adjust the stuffie if he sees something off. Maybe a folded ear or a crooked bow? He fixes it silently, pats it gently, and then goes about his business.
Rio - He might tease you ever so slightly, but it's all in good fun and he would never do it if he saw you were sensitive about it. He's just more playful about it. He definitely asks the stuffie for agreement if you're ever discussing anything in the room before bed. "Right? That's what I thought." 
Billy - Like John, he's immediately thinking about how can spoil you in regards to the stuffie. He wants to get you one that is specifically from him, and then slowly try to make that one your new favorite. I can also see him get you a special cleaner or soap for it. He thinks it's sweet, and he appreciates that you let him see a side of you that some would consider vulnerable. "I'm still your favorite though, right?"
Frank - It softens him. You're already the only person he feels entirely safe with and seeing that you will nurture even something that isn't real makes him fall a little more in love with you. He definitely cuddles with you, the stuffie sandwiched between the two of you. 
Sy - He thinks it's adorable and he entertains it. He also is one who talks to it. "Lookin' a little rough there. You'd never pass inspection like that." Then he smoothes the fur down wherever it's sticking out of place. Takes on a more firm role when it comes to having to clean it and you're being reluctant. 
Ray - He teases you just a liiiittle, but never to be mean. He jokes about it getting all the love when he's away or home too late to fall asleep with you. "Don't try and steal my girl or it's gonna be an issue." He might jokingly buy it little outfits meant for dogs or newborns and dress it up to let you find it. 
Geralt - He also finds it endearing. "What's this, little one?" He deals with such dark, evil, malicious things all day, seeing that not only are you the soft part of his day, but you're even softer than he knew and that makes him love you even more. 
Spooky -  He's playful but sweet about it. "What's that mamas?" He probably uses it to make you laugh sometimes by using it as somewhat of a ventriloquist dummy, having conversations every now and then. 
Sweeney - It's not that he doesn't understand it or like it, but I see him as treating it like what it is: a stuffed animal. I don't see him talking to it like he would a real thing, nor do I see him including it in your everyday lives, but I do think he would still look at it as something important to you and is respectful. He gives it to you if it's on his side of the bed when you go to sleep and picks it up from the floor when it falls, but that's as far as it goes. 
Miguel - He loves anything that you love, so if the stuffie holds a place in your heart, then it holds a place in his too. He treats it almost like a baby. When he picks it up, he grabs it under the arms and holds it in a cradle if you hand it to him. He makes sure that it's always clean and presentable. He talks to it, both when you're around and when you're not. "Te ves muy guapo/linda hoy."
@breanime​ Thanks again mama
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General taglist
@a-dorky-book-keeper @jigsawlover10 @titty-teetee @my-rosegold-soul @felicity-x0 @vibranium-soul @ateliefloresdaprimavera @preciousbarakat @elcococruz @glimmerglittergirl @hatterripper31 @lilac-tea-time @krysiewithak
Frank taglist
@tcailin-00 @bisexual-space-slut
Ray Merrimen taglist @effie365 @belle82devart  @lilac-tea-time @thickemadame @browngirldominion
Narcos taglist @visintaes
Rio taglist @belle82devart  @existentialvacuum  @hermionetriskatniss  @thickemadame @aria725  @glimmerglittergirl  @juul4jesus  @tashawar   @issa-lici-kuwonu  @tcailin-00  @gemini0410 @sweet-babyangel @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @uhlxis @breakingnewsin-no-oneasked @smoooore @asapkyndall @icyyy-diorr @woahitslucyylu @bisexual-space-slut @browngirldominion
FC5 taglist @belle82devart @gamer-purgatory @twistedinbliss​
Billy taglist @tcailin-00 @bisexual-space-slut @susceptible-but-siriusexual @thesandbeneathmytoes @thickemadame
Spooky taglist @gemini0410​ @lillict @smoooore​ @browngirldominion​ @namjoonwatcheshentai​
Witcher taglist @belle82devart​ @browngirldominion​
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draig-asec · 5 years ago
It’s late I’m in quarantine I haven’t slept for five days and rewatched Superman Returns for the first time in about 6 years earlier, so needless to say now I’ve been laying in bed for several hours thinking about Kryptonian Ray Palmer headcannons and now every few minutes my brain just screams WHAT IF RAY IS JUST KON-EL WHO DIDNT LAND IN SMALVILLE AND SOMEHOW HAD HIS POWERS SUPRESSED THERE FR NEVER EARNING HE WASNT HUMAN......
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smutfornerds · 6 years ago
C for Ray Palmer
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
If he makes a mess with it (on the sheets, either of your skin, hair, etc etc) he IMMEDIATELY runs to get something to clean it with so you don’t have to deal with it.
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lunardeity-astrid · 6 years ago
How They React To You Almost Dying On A Mission
Fandom: Dc Legends Of Tomorrow
Characters: Jefferson Jackson, Ray Palmer, Rip Hunter, Leonard Snart, Nate Heywood
A/N: I started off with a handful of male characters that really had a ‘magnetic pull’ to writing this specific headcanon for. In the near future (circa next year j.k), I will definitely write for everyone on the team. Anyways, Reblog, Comment, and follow me for somewhat regular updates. Also, the gifs are not mine. My dumbass isn’t good with how to do that. Promise I’ll learn.
taglist- @freehoagiehairdopeach
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Jefferson ‘Jax’ Jackson
-This boy is angry, for sure
-There is a possibility you could have been reckless but he holds your condition over his head.  
-Jax thinks he has all the power in the world and that he could have at least saved you
-He goes after the person truly responsible
-He wants this to end, after coming this close with you, he fights even harder
-Talks with the team about taking down the bad guy
-stays awake making multiple well thought out plans with Professor Stein
-Stays with you as you heal
-Talks about mechanics and how strong you are
-He comforts you with stories about previous missions
-the ones where things went right
-Keeps a level head(after his anger subsides and Gideon clarifies that you will be okay)
-Jax stays positive that you are going to make it
-”Y/n is the strongest person I know. She’ll make it.”
-When you wake up, he makes you promise that your okay and you’ll be careful next time
-He knew you’d be just fine
-But he still keeps an eye on you in the field.    
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Ray Palmer
-He is big time Worried
-Honestly trying his hardest not to cry  
-It’s just that you are so damn important to him and this can’t be the last time
-(Be honest, Ray is a softie but we love him)
-Constantly asks Gideon of your status
-”Mr. Palmer, it’s been ten minutes since you last asked.”
-Tries to create a medicine that will not only save you but give you powers (Shout out to my boi Nate)
-He stays to himself and is considered rude to the rest of the team
-Just immense stress
-If this happened to you for the sake of him, he takes extremely poor care of himself
-Drinking, not sleeping, bottling up his emotions
-When you wake, he kisses you so much
-He reassures you that everything is fine in the world
-He doesn’t tell you about the near death or his weird behavior
-the team doesn’t hold him to it either they know he loves you
-He is so glad that you are still alive and can fight another day.
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Leonard Snart
-SO he has this exolayer
-But when you are lying in the medbay, a very low survival chance, he falters
-He’s nervous and erratic
-See he hasn’t told you how he feels yet..so you dying isn’t ideal
-Snart doesn’t spend much time in the medbay
-Or with the team for that matter
-Vengeance is all he can think of  
-All in all, you were one of the only people who saw him as more than a thief, even if it annoyed him
-Snart tries to convince Sara to drop you off back in 2018
-His intention is to protect you
-He has that mindset that it should be him not you because you are the only pure person left in this world  
-And yet, you wake up ready to fight the son of a bitch who tried to put you in the ground
-He goes straight for the kiss, telling you not to scare him like that
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Nate Heywood 
-Initially, Nate thought of his bleeding uncontrollably as not a big deal
-But for you to be close to gone
-He freaks and flips his lid  
-Tells Ray that he has to create the same thing that caused his powers
-Nate will risk anything to save you
-He shuts down each time he thinks about losing you
-Similar to Jax, he has powers and can’t believe he didn’t prevent this
-”She has to live. Okay, she has to.”  
-He runs his fingers through his hair a lot
-Determined to get you well again
-When you wake, Nate has you stay on the waverider most missions
-He doesn’t think you can take another hit like that
-Honest, he can’t.
-He didn’t want to see you unresponsive
-And of course you tell him, ‘Now you know what that was like.”
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Rip Hunter
-He can’t risk losing you
-Rip has already lost everything else
-And yet he plays a poker face
-Deep down he regrets bringing you aboard the waverider
-Even though love was involved, it wasn't going to stop you from saving the world, even if it meant your life
-But Rip was that stubborn as well  
-Gideon is a wonderful doctor, but Rip is prepared to let you go
-He tells himself that you will die a legend
-And somehow that doesn’t make the situation less difficult
-Rip holds your hand..a lot
-He isn’t able to function as a captain because he feels a tad bit helpless, all because he really can’t help you  
-When you wake, he cries tears of joy
-He hugs you so hard it nearly hurts
-But nevertheless, both of you are secretly glad it isn't the last time 
(AlSO I didn’t write for him but enjoy this of my boi Constantine..But I will eventually) 
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lagggggomorph · 2 years ago
A small head cannon
In the pre-52 continuity, Jason’s resurrection is caused by a shattering of the multiverse, specifically, a version of Jason Todd who had gone through the same experience in Ethiopia and survived was merged with the Jason Todd who was dead and buried. From this, I have two teensie little harmless headcannons:
Jason Todd is haunted by his dead self. I mean the full thing, he can’t see his reflection in mirrors, only Robin’s bloody and battered face. He sees Robin curled up in corners of dark rooms in the middle of fiery debris. But smaller harmless things too. Whenever Jason is struggling to read, the anxiety to get up and do something starting to overwhelm him, Jason feels a small nudge at the base of his skull and sits back down and keeps reading. Entertainingly, one time during an argument with Bruce at the manor, a book flew off one of the shelves and brained Bruce right in the face. ( Bruce later searched the room one hundred times over to find an explanation while Jason went home, laughing quietly.)
Where did the other Jason come from again? I mean, for Jason to have two souls in him, there must be a missing Todd in another universe. During Countdown, while Donna, Kyle and Bob were searching for Ray Palmer through the multiverse, Jason kept quietly checking wherever he could on the status of his multiverse counterparts. Every universe is fruitless, all the Jasons are accounted for (usually dead) and by the last world Jason is just about done with all of it. Until, of course, he meets Bruce. The Bruce of this world seems to be the Bruce of his dreams, having killed the Joker after his Jason’s death. But after the first kill Bruce went on a crusade, killed every single rouge and villain on Earth, and in doing so, destroyed his soul. Because of this, this Earth is a paradise but Bruce is a psychotic shell of himself, and Jason realises that both of them never be happy at the same time. While Bruce was explaining his path to Jason, he mentions briefly, insignificantly, that after the explosion in Ethiopia he never found Jason’s body. It was Jason’s perfect world, and he wasn’t around to see it.
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hauntedmilkshakeghost · 3 years ago
Jill’s Distraction Sleepover
Hi friends! As most of you know the month of March is a really hard time for me and I like to be as distracted as possible during the latter half. I’m gonna be running this sleepover from March 21st to April 1st and it’s a doozy.
It’s going to be in 3 parts. A mini writing challenge, blurb requests, and headcannons
I’m posting this today (March 1st) so if you want to join the writing challenge you have the whole month to work it on it (although I’m not picky on deadlines) you can send in the other stuff too but it’ll posted when the sleepover starts
Mini Writing Challenge
The rules for this are simple. You’re going to send me a character and fluff or smut and I’ll give you a bingo square from one of my bingos (sexyerbingo or dating sim bingo) and a dialogue prompt! You’ll then write it and post it on your own account and I’ll reblog it on @hauntedmilkshakerecs and I’ll make a masterlist on this account as well. You can also ask for as many as you’d like ☺️
Character can be any on my write list or in the fandoms I write for OR from the following list of characters I read for
Lip Gallagher, Rick Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Daryl Dickson, Poe Dameron, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Thor, Loki, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sean Renard, Trubel, Monroe, Geralt, Jaskier, Rick Flag, Christopher Smirh (Peacemaker), Adrian Chase (Vigilante), Amelia Harcourt
Requests are for characters I write for that I specifically haven’t gotten requests for before! Fics will be minimum 500 words and will be posted every other Wednesday. Each character will get one request and it’s first come first serve. More details the better in your request
Characters include: Matt Casey, Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek, Joe Cruz, Adam Ruzek, Ethan Choi, Jim Street, Victor Tan, David ‘Deacon’ Kay, Chris Alonso, Daniel ‘Hondo’ Harrelson, Donna Troy, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Hank Hall, Ray Palmer, John Constantine, Jefferson ‘Jax’ Jackson, Eddie Diaz, Mateo Chavez, Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Robin Buckley
Some prompt lists to choose from (please send the full prompt when sending it). List 1. List 2. List 3. List 4. List 5
Also pretty simple. Send me any of the characters I write for and one of the following emojis and I’ll give you some headcannons!
🥀 for a headcannon of a kink
🌺 for a headcannon for how they are on vacation
🌸 for a headcannon on how they are on dates
🌼 for a headcannon of how they are with their kids
🌻 for a headcannon of your choice (specify the scenario)
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amayavittori · 4 years ago
You know how they say that technically the taller you are you should be colder because the warmth has more space to cover? What if that were true for the Spartans? Namely John. John just gives me vibes of a dad who’s always cold and can’t go anywhere without socks on.
So anytime Infinity is passing by a star or in the atmosphere of a sunny planet - and John just so happens to be on board - then it becomes a regular occurence to see him napping in some strange spot on S-deck, just quietly tucked away in a brightly lit corner. One day, another spartan wonders what the big deal is with this older spartan just lying around like that. He summons the courage to ask John one day but then he accidentally steps into the sunpatch and feels the warmth on his foot and just understands.
Next thing you know, Commander Palmer comes down to S-deck after a long day on the bridge and the entire length of the hall just has spartans sprawled everywhere with blankets and pillows from their rooms. Some of them are propped up against the wall and their heads limply lolled to the side. Thorne is laid out flat, Grant is draped over him in the most awkward position and Spartan Ray is using her leg as a pillows but they’re all dead asleep. It genuinely looks like some sort of nap bloodbath and she panics for a solid second before she realizes what’s going on. She can’t say anything because technically it is connected to the commons room and there are couches and lounge spots set up down the length of that hall anyway and they are allowed to hang out there.
Additionally, one day she steps onto S-Deck and finds Captain Lasky drooling on one of the couches there because he had a thirty minute break and needed to hide someplace that no one would think to find him.
So anyway, I headcannon that spartans are just big ol cats. Simple. They see a sunpatch and they have to take a nap right there.
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maximumwitchnight · 4 years ago
My headcannon is that Ray and Jeff Bazos are in direct competition and this came to my mind while listening to Bazos I.
Ray Palmer: *struggling to make something for the Legends to use on a mission.*
Y/N: *trying to bully ray into showing of his genius* 👏👏 “CEO ENTREPRENEUR BORN IN 1964 JEFFERY J E F F E R Y BAZOS!”
Ray Palmer:
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siriusblacksbxtch · 5 years ago
What I’ll write for;
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Severus Snape
Lucius Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Neville Longbottom
The Boys
Black Noir
The Deep
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
American Horror Story
Kai Anderson
Tristan Duffy
Will Drake
James Patrick March
Michael Langdon
Mr. Gallant
Xavier Plympton
Chet Clancy
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Ander Muñoz
Valerio Montesinos Rojas
Polo Benavent Villada
Dean Winchester
Arthur Ketch
Sam Winchester
DC Legends
John Constantine
Ray Palmer
Nate Heywood
Lucifer Morningstar
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Knives Out
Ransom Drysdale
(smut, fluff, angst, headcannons, anything really)
Feel free to request people not on the list, I’m up for anything these are just the people off the top of my head
(But don’t get mad if I say I can’t do them :))
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lovevalley45 · 5 years ago
can i double dip w/ some firestoner headcannons? (cause b is definitely gay, despite what phil wants us to believe)
homie i am Always Up for some double dipping
ig this is lowkey set in an AU where jax returned to the ship post s3 after martin’s retirement
(all my AUs for rarepairs seem to stop being canon compliant around the start of s4 n that’s not saying much bc i only have two udjdgsd)
ANYWAYS. behrad’s been the technician/sara’s unofficial right hand man since jax’s departure so they have to learn to work together
they have very different styles of fixing stuff; jax is a manual man n behrad kinda figures it out as he goes. this leads to many a minor disagreement over the best method to fix smth
who crushes on who first is the real question n i feel like behrad kinda falls first or at least realizes he’s got a crush first. it’s not too long tho until jax realizes he has feelings for him too but do they act on it right away? lol no
sara, Matchmaker Queen, catches on bc both of them make comments abt the other to her that make her go Hm. she keeps partnering them on missions
the mission that gets them together tho is when jax nearly gets hurt n behrad steps up to protect him with the air totem
side note it’s a travesty we never got to see behrad with the OG totem design, real shame
anyways, bros saving bros on missions, platonic but also so not
when the mission is over they have to do repairs on gideon n jax is kinda like hey. so like,,,, wanna date?
somewhere on the ship, ray palmer sits up in his bed in fear of more of his teammates dating each other especially when nate is still grieving amaya’s departure
anyways so that’s how they get together n everything’s fine, everything’s cool, firestoner 2020 phillip u coward
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years ago
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - October 5th, 2018
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them.
Angel multi-chapter WIP by @it-was-a-red-heeler - Oliver encounters a stripper by the name of Angel and is blown away. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15961898/chapters/37227686#workskin
Undisclosed Desires multi-chapter WIP by @green-arrows-of-karamel - People seldom show their true face to the world. Nobody knows this better than Felicity Smoak. She worked hard to get where she is and nothing, not even a nuisance like having a stalker, can stop her. When the threat proves to be more serious than she thought, Felicity is forced to hire Green Arrow Security. Her reluctance to have a bodyguard, shadowing her all day long, transforms itself into a —irrational, some would say— dislike for the man in charge of her safety. No other client had ever driven Oliver so crazy as Felicity Smoak does. That has nothing to do with her mesmerizing beauty or her astonishing intelligence but everything to do with her exasperating stubbornness. Honestly, he doesn't know what’s her problem is with him. If it wasn't because, Thea, his little sister, made him promise that he’d personally protect the woman, he would have quit months ago. It takes very little to ignite the fire between them. A single innocent comment can turn into an epic battle of vicious words, with the only purpose of irking each other. Everyone around them watches all happening from the front row. They ask themselves what will befall first… Felicity and Oliver killing each other, or realizing that they’re in love. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15808077/chapters/36794202
The Reason multi-chapter WIP by flipflops - Oliver is an Alpha and Felicity is an Omega....circumstances lead Oliver to find this out and a very bad time or maybe very good time... https://archiveofourown.org/works/15012431
Oliver the (Divorce) Lawyer multi-chapter WIP @someonesaidcake - Black tie, white shirt, grey suit... when Oliver put them on that chilly December morning, he hadn't planned on meeting her. 'Her' being Felicity Smoak, the sassy dark haired college student and daughter of his (only) client. This should be fun... https://archiveofourown.org/works/14823708/chapters/34304472
While You Were Sleeping by @lostolicityscenes -A continuation of When She Wakes Up. https://lostolicityscenes.tumblr.com/post/178461071976/while-you-were-sleeping
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!? multi-chapter WIP by @cruzrogue for Olicity trope-tastic award: Fake Marriage - This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride… https://archiveofourown.org/works/15025697/chapters/34832747
Queen vs Queen multi-chapter WIP by @muslimsmoak - Felicity Mignonette Renaldi Smoak has been handling being a princess pretty well so far. After all, she did only find out at the ripe young age of 15. Now, she is 21 and ready to take the throne of Genovia after being under the tutelage of her aunt. But there’s only one thing in her way, wait, actually two. Two things in her way: Oliver Queen, the hot young bachelor she danced with the night of her homecoming ball, who neglected to mention that he’s after her crown alongside his uncle Malcolm Merlyn, and the fact that she has to marry within 30 days if she wants to be Queen. Ray Palmer, Duke of Keystone is sweet, sensitive, intelligent and kind and seems like the perfect choice. But marrying and falling in love are two different things. A Princess Diaries AU  https://archiveofourown.org/works/15808065/chapters/36794172
DONE by @imusuallyobsessed -  Felicity only said yes to ARGUS protection because she thought it would keep William safe. But Diaz found them anyway. Now? The only one who can protect William is her. She's done playing games. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16104653
10 Rules of Rebounding multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - Oliver and Felicity start a sex relationship as rebounds for each other. What’s supposed to be just fun, soon gets complicated when it turns out that their work lives collide, Robert Queen fears their sexual relationship could threaten his company and an ex comes back into the play. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15403404/chapters/35749620
Find Your Faith by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Felicity's mother calls her out of the blue and, after a difficult conversation about the events surrounding Oliver's sudden incarceration, gives her advice on how best to approach the situation she's found herself in https://archiveofourown.org/works/16107146
Fall 2037 - A FiCON Headcannon by REDDuke62 - Oliver's quiet morning in the statehouse gym is interrupted by Thad DeWolfe the Third https://archiveofourown.org/works/16124756/chapters/37670732?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#comment_186445142
The Queen's Mage multi-chapter WIP by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Words have power, and mages, those with the aptitude to draw on that power, are few in number. Thus, their services are highly sought after by anyone who has exhausted all mundane means of solving whatever problem is plaguing them. Felicity is reminded of this fact the hard way when she is hired by Moira Queen, the Lady Starling, to find and return to her son Oliver, who fled his family home five years ago following the death of his father. With a threat hanging over her should she return without Robert Queen's heir, Felicity begins her search. When she finds Oliver, and ends up joining his vigilante crusade while she waits for him to decide whether to return home, the last thing she expects to do is fall in love with him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14617068/chapters/33781269
Fear Wakes You Up multi-chapter WIP by @smoakmonster - In a world divided into factions, being Divergent means certain death. For years, Oliver has hidden his terrible secrets–masking his own Divergence within the chaos of Dauntless, covering up the sins of his father’s past that mark his body beneath tattoos, and pushing himself to overcome his nightmares through endless simulations. He’s biding his time until he can somehow save his sister back in Abnegation. But everything changes the day a new batch of transfers arrive. The day he meets her. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16058117/chapters/37490819
Hard To Find Love multi-chapter WIP by Mellowyellowdiamonds - Through a tragic twist of fate Felicity finds herself left with an orphaned young William Clayton. Keeping her promise to her friend, Felicity raises William diligently, loving him as if he were her own child, only to have Moira Queen storm into their lives several years later demanding custody of her grandson. Locked in a war with Moira Queen, things get complicated when Felicity finds herself developing unwanted feelings for William's biological father, Oliver Queen. At the same time she must try to manage her meddling 13 year old son, who has it in his head that if Felicity would just cooperate and fall for his father, everything would be right in the world. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15941786/chapters/37173917
Love and Little Cupcakes multi-chapter WIP by @christinabeggs - Felicity loved sweets so much that she paid no attention to her lovelife. Until Thea Queen came into her store wanting fabulous cupcakes for her sixteenth birthday. SO ADORABLE! http://archiveofourown.org/works/12400539/chapters/28216053
Rebels Connected multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Felicity Smoak is an escaped mutant on the run. Oliver Queen, leader of an underground safe house for mutants to call home comes to her rescue. Everything changes once he brings her into the organization and his life. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16014089/chapters/37369784
Home To You multi-chapter WIP by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Oliver Queen has never done what his family expected of him. He took a gap year after high school instead of going to college right away. He quit his fraternity sophomore year to join the student newspaper, switching his major from business to journalism. He became a photojournalist for a wire service instead of taking a place at Queen Consolidated. He went missing after six months instead of coming home for his sister’s twenty-first birthday. He survived five years of captivity in a war zone when everyone thought he was dead. He came home. But home didn’t have a place for him in it anymore. His parents were both dead, casualties of their own mistakes and a city they had turned against them. His sister was all grown up, the CEO of Queen Consolidated with a fiancé and a dog and a life of her own. Oliver didn’t belong in his old life, but there was nowhere else for him to go. He was a man without a home, without any way of finding one, until he stopped by the IT department of his sister’s company to get files off an old, battered memory card, and found a woman with curly blonde hair and bright, intelligent eyes chewing on a bright red pen and swearing at a computer screen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12613188/chapters/28734552
Life's All About Changes multi-chapter WIP by Crazyreader2468 - After agreeing to plead guilty to being the Green Arrow in order to get FBI assistance in capturing Diaz, Oliver finds himself in a supermax, a maximum security federal prison, serving a life sentence. As he struggles to become accustomed to life in prison, his family, friends, and teammates struggle to live without him, as well as continually attempting to find a way to get him pardoned. Will they succeed in obtaining a pardon and will Oliver survive until they do? Mostly AU from right before the ending of episode 6 x 22 and after most of 6 x 23. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14936172
From Somewhere Within multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - Their connection has always felt natural to them, safe and secure. But others tend to fear what they don’t understand, and as far as their enemies are concerned, the world isn’t ready to accept two people who can know each other the way that Oliver and Felicity do. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16009244/chapters/37356257
And So The Adventure Begins multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Felicity spent her first year of college focused solely on her studies. In year two, with the convincing of her best friends Iris and Sara, she lets her hair down a bit. Oliver spent his first year partying with his wingman Tommy and living up to the status that came with his last name. He realizes he should buckle down focus on the most important part: actual school. Oliver and Felicity meet, and even though they are on different ends of the spectrum, they don't realize that they can each bring out hidden parts of one another. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15800025/chapters/36771018
Pieces of Always multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356
Fictober #1 -"Can you feel this?" by @tdgal1 - a season 2 rewrite where Oliver's dreams come true! https://archiveofourown.org/works/16154804
| ONE | (Oliver the Footballer) multi-chapter WIP @someonesaidcake - Felicity Smoak had a plan; to save enough money to kick her monotonous job and start up the company of her dreams. She made good plans, solid plans, attainable plans. He was never part of her plan. His name was Oliver Queen, the reclusive Brazilian football star with a broken smile and a story to tell. He'd never planned on her either. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15005402/chapters/34779542
Fictober18 #2 - “People like you have no imagination" by @tdgal1 - Felicity accuses Oliver of having no imagination https://archiveofourown.org/works/16167668
Deep Water multi-chapter WIP by @it-was-a-red-heeler - A Season 7 Speculation fic. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15081917/chapters/34968092
If I Tremble multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - A collection of prompts and ficlets, with all the smut! Olicity sexy times are the best times. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15409122/chapters/35762643
// @emmaamelia95 // @mel-loves-all // @oliverfel4 // @green-arrows-of-karamel // @coal000 // @miriam1779 // @memcjo// @captainolicitysbedroom // @tdgal1 // @spaztronautwriter // @lalawo1// @quiveringbunny // @wrongshipper // @thebookjumper // @vaelisamaza // @myhauntedblacksoul // @lovelycssefan // @laurabelle2930 // 
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coldflashed · 7 years ago
Ray Palmer for the ask meme thing
*Injustice Announcer Voice* The AtomSexuality Headcannon: Literally doesn’t matter what you identify as. If you give the boy a flower he’ll take it as a marriage proposal, okay? Okay. Gender Headcannon: I tend to see Ray as cis? But I think FtM would fit him, too. But his brother probably picked on him a lot during the transition, so they don’t talk much (at all) anymore.A ship I have with said character: hnnnnng AtomWave. ColdAtom, too. Or ColdWaveAtom. Just… just put a Rogue on that boy, ok?A BROTP I have with said character: SteelAtom. Do I need to explain?A NOTP I have with said character: seeing as how I nearly gouged my eyes out when he dated Felicity Smoak, can we leave it at that?A random headcannon: Ray is a hardcore paleo/vegan. Mick always teases him about how he has no problem “eating his meat”. Everyone in the room gets uncomfortable. General Opinion over said character: protect my smol bean at all costs, he deserves the best.
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pride-rock · 8 years ago
Marvel Cinematic Universe Headcannons:
Laura Barton gave Natasha the arrow necklace as a birthday present, because they’re both the only women Clint has ever loved.
Stephen Strange was a medical student under Doctor Wu and was also present at the Bern News Years conference.
Christine Palmer was med school friends with Claire Temple, they used to work in free clinics at night, they got the nicknames Night Nurses.
Thunderbolt Ross attempted to put together a covert team of black ops, and consulted with Ray Schoonover who personally recommended Frank Castle.
Emil Blonsky’s parents were involved in the Red Room.
Jessica Jones stopped Trish Walker from trying to go to the battle of New York to report on it.
Christine Everhart is known to lie in her articles.
Obadiah Stane was Hydra.
The Arnim Zola database was also leaked into the internet by Natasha.
When stressed T’Challa sits alone with the frozen Bucky and talks to him about his problems as atonement for trying to kill him.
After the events of The Incredible Hulk, The Avengers and Age of Ultron, Bruce Banner is now scared of heights, for fear he’ll fall and Hulk out.
Extremis was a botched attempt at Super Soldiers.
AIM was Hydra funded.
Stark knows Coulson lives, he just wants him to stay away from The Avengers for fear of his life.
The Vision answers to Jarvis when Tony forgets.
Steve introduces himself to everyone he meets.
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smutfornerds · 6 years ago
Most likely to period sex?
Ralph, Ray, and Thawne.
Edit: I think any of them would these three I just thought would be more into it than any others.
send me “most likely to ___”
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smutfornerds · 6 years ago
A Rock & A Hard Place // Ray x Oliver x Reader (Pt 1)
A/N: ahhh! Part one of three(?) is here! Fair warning there’s no real smutty smut to this part, I just really had too much story to fit in this plot and felt it needed broken up in bits and given backstory. The wonderful and ever thirsty @defyinggrxvity gave inspiration for this with her Headcannon request for rivaling sugar daddies, so thank her for this lil mini series! Part two is partially written already and should be finished by tomorrow (but don’t hold me to it, my mom brain can only do so much lol) ENOUGH RAMBLING OMG enjoy!! 💕💕
It all started with a bouquet of flowers. So simple, such a small gesture from Ray in attempt to make your day brighter. The only con to this was that the same moment the flowers arrived so did Oliver, with your classic and favorite iced coffee in his hand. The sandy blonde made his way to your desk just as you slipped open the envelope attached to the stems. Over your shoulder he eyed the handwritten note with a scowl.
You look beautiful today. I don’t even have to see you to know that, but I’ll see you tonight. -RP
Placing the flowers gently on your desk you turned to Oliver and graced him with a warm smile. “Thank you, I need this today.” He handed you the drink and you immediately took a large sip before setting it down. His eyes darted to the flowers every few seconds, and he tapped his foot impatiently. Silently lifting the cup and taking another sip of the drink he’d given you, your eyes fell with a twinge of guilt. As if on cue, Oliver stepped forward to lean against your desk beside you. “Come have dinner with me tonight.” The tone of his voice was smoother now, and he slipped his hand around your lower back to place a kiss on your forehead. “Please?” With raised brows he searched your eyes for an answer before you spoke.
Ray flashed in the back of your mind, but Oliver’s strong hand on your back felt so warm and inviting and somehow convincing that you couldn’t resist. “I— Uh, yeah, sure..” That weight in your stomach grew as the guilt settled in. However Oliver didn’t let it live long, capturing your lips in a short but breathtaking kiss. His hand cupped your cheek and he took a deep breath in as he kissed you, as if to breathe you in and steal the air from your lungs. When he pulled away your eyes stayed closed for a moment and you simply licked your lips to linger in the feeling a second more.
The chuckle that left him snapped you back to the real world, and a cocky grin met you when you opened your eyes. “I’ll pick you up at 5?” He punctuated the rhetorical question with another quick peck before sliding his arm out from behind you. You simply nodded as he backed away, flashing that ever charming grin at you before turning fully. You felt your cheeks radiate pink before settling into your desk. Looking down you stared at the bouquet before you. You could tell Ray had hand picked what to put in, each being a different color of your favorite flowers. Before you let the guilt consume you, you pulled your phone out, texting Ray a cancellation as nicely and vaguely as you could.
Sent: The flowers are absolutely lovely, you’re the sweetest. Thank you. Could we reschedule though? Something came up.. I’m sorry.
Within minutes he’d responded, cordially accepting the apology.
Ray: Don’t apologize I’m just so glad you like the flowers. :) They are your favorites, right? tulips and dahlias? And of course, don’t worry about it. Any night. I’m always free if it’s for you. ;)
You smiled fondly at the screen before turning to finally get to work.
The day ticked by relentlessly slowly, finally releasing you from the clutches of the cubicle as you clocked out. Pulling into your apartment complex you hastily made your way to your door, mentally planning what to wear this evening. Little did you know it wouldn’t be an issue. Turning the key to the lock you noticed it already open, and for a split second your heart sunk thinking you’d left it unlocked in the morning in a rush to get to work. Once you stepped in however you realized it hadn’t been you. Sprawled across your apartment were what had to be thousands of rose petals, in all shades of reds and pinks. You stood in your door way absolutely stunned trying to wrap your mind around what you were seeing. From your right you hear a small cough, a clearing of the throat from your kitchen. Slowly you peek around the corner and gasp softly.
Before you stands Oliver, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit and tie, a garment bag slung over his shoulder. You’re speechless, so he takes the opportunity to speak. “First, welcome home.” He makes his way over to you and kisses your cheek gently. Without pulling away he lowers his voice as he speaks close to your ear. “Secondly, get naked.” Your heart skips a beat at his words and you feel a chill run up your spine. Oliver laughs softly before stepping back, holding the mysterious bag out to you. “And get changed into this. We’ve got to be there by 6.” Feeling the blood rush back to your brain you tilted your head as you took the rather heavy garment bag from his hands. “Where is there exactly?” You step forward further to lean into him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before he responds. “You’ll know when we get there.” He states while placing his hand on your back to usher you towards your bedroom to get dressed. “Now get naked.” He teases again, knowing he’s riling you up.
Stepping into your room you hang the bag on the back of your door, carefully pulling the zipper down. Your eyes widen at the sight of a beautiful red sequin dress, exactly your size, and practically made for your body. It was almost like a fairytale moment. However, until you couldn’t get the zipper up completely and had to ask for help. You cracked your door open and Oliver hopped up from the edge of the couch to finally set his sights on you. Instantly his eyes glazed over and he ran his tongue along his bottom lip as he took in every inch of you before meeting your eyes finally. “Care to help me?” You asked as you turned to show him the half-zipped back. A small noise between a groan and a whine left him and you giggled softly. “And zip it up, mister Queen.” Half turned you playfully glared at him and he shook his head as his hands briefly found your bare back.
Bringing himself close to you he planted a gentle kiss to your neck. “No promises..” he murmured against your skin as he played with the zipper, trailing it up and down teasingly before pulling it to the top. You huffed out a sigh. “As much as I’d love to,” you paused to turn around and place your hands on the collar of his suit jacket. “According to your time table, we’re about to be late.” Oliver sighed wistfully, taking a step back with your hands in his. “Just.. do a little spin for me..” His voice was raspy and lowered, and his eyes stayed locked on your body as you did as you were told. He hummed his appreciation for your figure before pulling you into his arms. His lips met yours almost instantly and you let out a sigh at how good he was, at all of this. Once he pulled away he took your hand to lead you down to the chauffeured SUV waiting for you outside.
The entire drive he kept his hand on your thigh, the slit of the dress just high enough for his hand to fit perfectly, almost like he’d measured it himself - he had. “Any hints about this dinner?” You asked after a few miles, and Oliver smiled with a pinch of mischief hiding in there somewhere. “It might be a bit more than just dinner..” He chuckled when your brows raised at the response, clearly not what you were expecting it to be. Before you had the opportunity to respond the car driver opened the partition to speak to Oliver. “Mr. Queen, we’re arriving to the gala now.” His words rang through your ears and you eyed Oliver with your mouth open. “Oliver Jonas Queen, you did not—“ you were interrupted by his lips quickly as his fingers laced with yours. “Aren’t you glad I brought you a dress?” He spoke against your lips, kissing you again once as the car pulled to a stop. Outside was a grand building, carpeted stairs and cameras catching your view. “Oliver I’m not.. I’ve never-“ Interrupted again by him opening the car door, he hopped out before helping you, walking past the paparazzi in a hustle before ascending the stairs and entering the gala.
The ballroom was packed full of people; government officials and diplomats, company CEOs and stock holders. The highest of high from the surrounding Tri-State area. If didn’t know better you’d think you were in a Bond movie. Oliver flaunted you around to a few tables full of people he had to chat up before finding yourselves a table of your own. A waiter brought around flutes of white wine and you accepted with a smile. “I’m more of a rosé girl..” you teased at Oliver, who to your disappointment was far from smiling. Seconds later a familiar voice sounded just behind you and you understood why. “I thought I remembered correctly, so I brought over this.” Turning, Ray stood maybe a foot away with a glass of pink wine just for you. He beamed his bright smile down at you as you glanced between the two men, Oliver’s hands tightly folded in front of him and his lips in an equally tight line. “Th-Thank you, thats..” you cleared your throat taking the drink that now matched your face hesitantly, gauging the way Oliver reacted to it. Ray only grinned wider, never once letting his eyes wander to Oliver.
Taking a rather large sip you looked back to your date of the night. “Uhm, Oliver I don’t know if you’ve met—“ He stuck his hand out in front of him, lips still tight together before he spoke. “Ray, right? Ray Plumber?” With a huffed laugh in response, Ray clapped his hand rather firmly to Oliver’s, before wincing at how strong the other man’s grip was. “Palmer, actually.” For a moment the two men just eyed each other. Before things got too heated you placed hands on both of their arms, forcing as sweet of a smile as you could. “As nice as this is, we should get back to the party..” Gesturing to Oliver to release his gaze he looked down at you and smiled brightly, letting his arm leave Ray’s grip and snake tightly around your waist, making sure to let his hand fall a bit too low on your hip to the side of you facing Ray. The raven haired male nodded and gave a half-assed wave to Oliver, eyes falling back to you. “Be sure to call me later, so we can set up that rain check.” He winked at you before turning and walking off, without acknowledging Oliver any further.
Looking to Oliver you caught him glaring daggers at Ray. You placed a gentle hand on his chest to acquire his attention. When he looked at you, your expression was already accusing. “You knew he’d be here didn’t you?” The question was left unanswered as Oliver dragged you out of the building. “Oliver—“ He stopped you on the top of the outdoor stairs, the paparazzi immediately zoning in on the two of you when they saw Oliver. With his lips beginning to curl into a smirk he grabbed you and kissed you, passionately and lustfully. The cameras snapped wildly around you, and seconds later you pulled back and ran for the car. Oliver was close behind after warding off the relentless photographers. Once in the car you slid far from him, arms crossed so your body language spoke for you. Oliver broke the silence by turning to you with a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry.” He started, and your eyes moved to him but you didn’t turn. “Did I know he’d be there? No.” You turned now, only to give him a look of disapproval. He sighed again, this time in defeat. “Okay, okay, yes.. I had a small suspicion he’d attend.”
You rolled your eyes and turned away from him again, but he placed a hand on your shoulder and regained your attention. “I just wanted to show you off.” Reluctantly your expression softened. Something about the way he looked at you had a way of doing that. Lips still pursed, you narrowed your eyes at him again. “You can do that without making me look like a tramp.” He noticed the hint of hurt behind your eyes and looked directly into them when he spoke up. “You, are far from a tramp.” Bringing one of your hands to his lips he kissed your knuckles gently. “Clearly you’re the lady, and I’m the tramp. And an idiot.” Slowly his lips tilted into a smile and you couldn’t resist the matching one that graced your lips. “You’re so lucky you’re a hot idiot.” You said as you squished his face in your hand, bringing him close to leave a soft kiss to his lips. A couple more kisses and miles later the SUV lulled to a stop outside your building.
Oliver happily walked you up to your door, but you stopped him with a hand to his chest when he tried to follow you in. He pouted slightly, trying to convince you by snaking his arms around your waist, but you resisted shaking your head. “No no no, nuh-uh, you don’t get to be rewarded for the stunt you pulled tonight.” By the time the last words left your lips his were ghosting them. He whined, capturing your lips in a slow kiss. His tongue curled around yours, and for a split second you’d forgotten he was in trouble. Reluctantly you broke away, pushing a few inches back from him with a pointed but playful look. “Goodnight, Oliver.” You smiled softly up at him and he sighed in defeat, nodding as he placed a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Sweet dreams, my lady.” His grin melted your heart like butter. You watched as his broad shoulders entered the elevator and waved to him as the doors closed.
Miraculously you managed to wake up in time for work the next morning. Brushing your teeth you heard your phone buzzing in your bedroom before it clattered to the floor. Rinsing your mouth out before checking it, your heart swelled seeing four missed calls from Ray. Dialing his number he immediately picked up. “Aha! There you are. You’re still home right?” A small laugh left your lips at his forwardness. “Good morning to you too. Yes, but I’m about to leave for work.” You could hear the smile in his tone. “Well lucky for you, you have a ride today. Come on down.” Before you could respond he hung up, leaving you filled to the brim with curiosity. Finishing up your makeup you hurried out the door, mind racing with what he could’ve meant. The moment you stepped outside your mouth gaped open. A few feet away at the curb stood Ray, hands in his shorts pockets leaning against a ridiculously shiny and expensive looking sports car. “I figured bring the cheap one.” He shrugged, the smile on his face forcing a giggle from your lips as you walked to him. The tall brunette slipped an arm around your shoulders, the other hand tilting your chin so he could easily place a gentle and sweet kiss to your lips. The lingering feeling had the butterflies in your stomach fluttering wildly. Once he’d pulled back you took a deep breath before opening your eyes, his cologne filled your senses and intoxicated you, or that might’ve just been the look he gave.
“Hop in, gorgeous.” Ray lowered his hand to your back and clicked a button on his key fob, letting the suicide doors of the vehicle float up effortlessly. He watched your expression as your brows lifted, and he chuckled a bit. “It doesn’t bite I promise.” He prompted as he helped you get settled into your seat. He climbed into the driver’s side and let the doors close on either sides of you. The interior of the car was immaculate. Black leather seating with red stitching, shiny black detailing across the dash. You’d never even touched anything this nice let alone rode in one. Ray caught your gaze and smiled fondly at you, before putting his eyes back on the road. He started the car with a roar of the engine, the sound sending a bit of a rush of adrenaline through you. Pulling onto the road the male sped off, but in the opposite direction of your offices. Throwing a look in his direction he spoke before you even asked any questions. “So, I may or may not have pulled a few strings..” he glanced at you with a playful smile tugging his lips. “And.. we’ll just say, you’re out sick today. Nasty head cold.” After he spoke he winked at you, the same way he’d done at the gala the night before that made your stomach do flips. “Ray Palmer I never pegged you as the kid that skips.” You arched a brow at him and he beamed. “You aren’t skipping.. you’ve got a doctors note.” Punctuating the last sentence with his foot pressing on the gas the engine roared again, shooting the two of you down the road and out of Star City.
Around you the industrial landscape slowly turned to trees and forrest, the road winding and curving and the air around you crisper the further Ray drove. Once away from the city he rolled the windows down a bit letting the wind rustle your hair. You giggled, looking towards him skeptically. “So, where are you kidnapping me to today?” The question made the man laugh, motioning with a head nod to the view in front of you. “I was thinking somewhere out there.” You turned, seeing the gorgeous lakefront come into your view. Ray grinned fondly at the way your eyes lit up and rounded a few more curves in the road before pulling off at a nearby pier. “I had a feeling you wouldn’t have packed swimming gear.” Pausing he reached to the small backseat and pulled out an incredibly small white bag. “So I took the liberty of picking out a suit for you. Don’t worry I got your sizes.” He beamed proudly handing it over to you. Peeking inside you saw a royal blue bikini, the top and bottoms both being held together by ties on the sides. “Do you like it? I know you love blue..” His words came out soft and you noticed a bit of a blush on his cheeks and you returned his smile quickly. “I love it, thank you Ray.” Closing the gap between you, you pecked a kiss to his lips, but he held you there for a moment longer. His warm hand cupped your face and neck as he took in every second of the kiss that he could.
Ray audibly groaned pulling away, his hand still resting in the crook of your neck. “C’mon, you can change inside.” The twinkle behind his eyes shot through you and almost made you miss his words. The doors to the car floated open and you stepped out, eyeing him questioningly. “Inside?” With a bit a head tilt you repeated him. Simply taking your hand he lead you down the shore of the lake to end of the dock. Coming into view was a crisp white houseboat, a man with a captain’s hat standing waiting near where the vessel was tied off. Ray glanced to you with a side smile. “Inside.” He points, causing you to laugh softly and his smile to spread fully across his face at the sound. Leading you to the boat, you give a courteous wave to the captain and Ray claps a hand to his shoulder with a nod. He brings you down to the bedroom below the main deck, hand motioning for you to change in the bathroom. “I’ll be out here.” He smiles and takes a seat on the edge of the mattress, bouncing a bit as you close the door behind you.
Thankfully this you can get on yourself, the stretchy fabric forming to your hips nicely and the top accentuating your chest. You were almost positive that’s why he’d picked it; the color was just a bonus. Stepping back to the room Ray brought his eyes to you and huffed out a sigh as he trailed his gaze around your body. “Wow.. you look better than I expected. And lemme tell you I expected you to look absolutely stunning like always, so this is just..” he stood and lightly placed his hands on your exposed waist. “Wow.” He repeated, this time much softer and while leaning down to follow it with a kiss. Pulling you to him, your skin felt hot against the fabric of his shirt. It was so easy for you to melt into his arms, the way he cradled you made you feel like the most delicate of flowers. Inching up on your tiptoes you nuzzled closer still, deepening the kiss with the added closeness. Ray hummed happily against your lips and fully wrapped his arms behind you. While his tongue played tag with yours his hand dipped to give your ass a small squeeze, causing you to squeal and abruptly break the kiss, Ray’s eyebrows shooting up but a silly and wide smile on his face. “I couldn’t help myself, I’m sorry..” he leaned back down to peck your lips before squeezing again. “But not for that one.”
Delivering the last line he grabbed your hand and you followed him back up to the main deck, to see that in the time you’d been below the captain had released the boat from it’s tether and was gearing up the engine to start taking it out on the lake. Ray brought you to the edge of the deck, leaning over to stare into the water beside you. “You ever jet ski?” He blurted as his eyes found their way back to your smiling face. Shaking your head you eyed him carefully. “No, but something tells me you’re gonna change that.” The words brought a playful smile to the man’s face and he shrugged. “If we get around to it, maybe.” His look softened and he turned fully to you now, leaning on his elbow against the rail. “Right now I kinda just wanna look at you.” He grinned, eyes darting back to your body and the bikini he’d chosen. “Knew that’d be a great choice..” he mumbled, and you wondered if it was mostly to himself, but that made it all the more adorable. A small huff of a laugh left you and you ran a hand through your hair, bringing his warm eyes back to meet yours again.
Seconds passed as he simply stared down at you. There was a glint to his eyes that you couldn’t quite place, but it made your stomach flip with anticipation as to his next move. Suddenly he took your hand and nodded the direction he pulled you, without a word. Hurriedly he brought you to the hill of the ship, the deck lowering to a seating area, which included a slide to the left of the vessel. Ray glanced at it, the look in his eye finally finding its source. You giggled again, tugging at his shirt. “If you wanna get me on that slide, I gotta see some more skin.” You teased, but were fully serious despite your wink. Ray grinned, immediately opting to pull the blue button up over his head rather than take the time to undo them all. He flexed a bit, waggling his eyebrows at you. “Better?” Your eyes roamed his upper body, the chiseled muscles stirring your thoughts to a less than innocent place. Nodding you stepped forward to place a hand in his chest, tilting your head up at him and batting your lashes sweetly. “Much, much better.” As you spoke you trailed your hand over the defined muscles of his torso, finally leaning in to place a gentle but tantalizing kiss to his jawline. An audible and deep sigh escaped his lips and you felt your lips curl at the edges.
One major thing that separated both the men in your life were their demeanors. Oliver had always been so powerful over you, in ways you didn’t even understand but had come to know were absolutely earth shattering. As for Ray, he was so easily had it was like a game to you how flustered and riled up you could get him before he finally breaks and gives in to the urges he has for you. And when he finally did, god did he know what he was doing. This exactly was your problem; two amazing men, but for such different reasons and such different effects on your heart and your senses. It was impossible to have just one.
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