#ray gardener
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Down the Rabbit Hole- Chapter 11
Fandom- Angels of Death, Satsuriku No Tenshi
Ships- Zack Foster x Original Female Character
Warnings- Swearing
Summary- Robin Reyes is a fucked up girl, from a young age she was molested by doctors and sometimes her mother's boyfriend. With her mother's abuse getting worse and worse the girl snaps and kills them both. While on the run she gets approached by a group of people claiming they know a place where people like her could kill, legally. All she needed to do was follow the rules.
When Robin meets Rachel she realises that she wants to try her hand at a normal life despite how abnormal she is and when she meets Zack they gradually warm up to each other until she realises who she wants that normal life with.
Word Count- 2722
After a few minutes of silence, Zack felt something move under his feet, "Hey, it feels like something rang under my feet. That means I can move right?" Zack grins, wading out of the water. Robin wrung out her dress to the best of her abilities, it was now just damp and Zack handed her back her Apron which she also squeezed out.
"Guess we should head back to the hole, right?" Zack asked Robin, who was attempting to pull her damp dress onto her body. Aside from that, she was uncharacteristically quiet. Zack had only been with her for a short time, but he was used to her obnoxiousness.
"Oi, Dumbass, you alive in there? Helllooooooo?" He kept tapping the blonde repeatedly, trying to get her to say something. He doesn't like one-sided conversations. He realised it had to be to do with what she told him, or her crying. Maybe she thought he would kill her? In a normal situation, he absolutely would but he related to shitty adults abusing, manipulating and scaring their children, he knew it all too well.
"If it means anything, you're still the same annoying ass girl that giggles too much, that ain't gonna change anytime soon, so quit your moping, it is almost more annoying than your normal mood. Not sure if this'll help any but I know what it's like to get fucked up by adults who think they're better than you."
Robin smiled a bit at that but she still looked upset. "Ughh, don't give me that look, you look like Rachel when you smile. Fuckin' dead eyes, the both of you." In retort to that, Robin tilts her head to the side, managing the deadest look possible and dropping to her knees.
"Please... Kill me." She looked at Zack dead in the eyes before he began to giggle like a maniac, that was when she finally lost it. She got up and they finally began to walk to the hole.
The second they left the first room however, the lights began to flicker. Maybe five or six times before Robin spoke up. "Looks like some dipshit forgot to pay the electricity bills" Zack giggled, that was the sort of thing he'd say. As annoying as Robin is, it was nice to have someone on the same wavelength.
When they get into graveyard 2, Zack runs straight up to the hole. "She still isn't back? What the fuck is inside there anyway? If that bitch is going to bolt on me-" Zack was interrupted by Robin groaning loudly.
"She won't, remember? She wants you to kill her. She won't bolt until you do." Zack nodded, pacing back and forward in front of Rachel's grave as he sorts through his thoughts.
"What the hell is up with her anyway? She won't run, she's all emotionless... It is fucking creepy." He thinks for a moment and then continues. "Yeah, it would be boring as fuck killing her. Maybe when she is frolicking around like a gleeful little dipshit, then I'll kill her." Robin sits down on a neighbouring tombstone with an equally thoughtful expression.
"Not necessarily, you saw her back there, if it wasn't for the dead eyes she almost looked alive." Zack raised an eyebrow. "What? I said almost." Zack stops his pacing while letting out a loud groan.
"Fuck sake, this is driving me mad!" As if on cue, or to purposely piss off Zack further the lights flickered. "Ugh, not again." Robin got up from her seated position when an odd feeling ran through her body as if she was being watched. She stood next to Zack as they both looked around the room, the lights flickering once, twice, three times and then a fourth before totally blacking out.
Robin felt herself freaking out at how dark it was, she knew she could handle the dark, she got over it shortly after killing the Doctors at the asylum but that still didn't help the gnawing feeling that something was about to go wrong. "Oh, are you FUCKING serious!?" She heard Zack yell to her left. "IT'S PITCH BLACK!"
The two killers tried navigating themselves into corners so they won't get jumped but ended up slamming into each other. "Watch where you're going, dipshit." Robin hissed at the taller boy.
"In case you didn't notice, I CAN'T!" Just as Robin was about to respond Zack stopped her. "Shhh. Who's there?" Zack called out as he clearly heard extra footsteps in the room.
"You grave desecrator." A child's voice? They have a child running this floor? The lights flicker back on, presumably controlled by the floor master. Robin looked down at the young boy, he couldn't have been older than 15 although she couldn't really tell due to the weird mask he was wearing. He had on some large blue overalls, oversized gloves and a red scarf and he held a large shovel in his hands.
"....Huh?" was Zack's reaction to the child that stood before them. He looked down at the child seemingly offended by the fact that whoever was running the joint thought that this kid could take him out.
"Howdy, Zack! ...Robin. The names Eddie." The young boy looked at the carnage that Zack has caused and sighed. "I had a nice spot for you with everyone else but you had to ruin your own grave? And Robin's? You are insane." Zack rolled his eyes, propping himself against his scythe, like always.
"Yeah, but don't you think mine was a piss-poor excuse of a grave? --No?" As quick as he could Zack lifted his scythe in preparation to attack Eddie but Eddie was faster. He switched out the lights and ran beside Robin before switching them back on. "...Damn you-"
Eddie looked forlornly down at Zack's grave and the hole. "Sorry, due to the circumstances yours was a bit of a rush job-- The hole is only half dug." Eddie's stance suddenly changes as he seemed very smug now. "But your tombstone is just fine, I'd say it fits you to a 'T' if you catch my drift." He proceeds to giggle in a creepy horror movie manner.
"How about I make YOUR grave instead?" Zack goes to attack the boy but gets stopped by Robin.
"Whoa Whoa Whoa I think fucking NOT, the little sod is just going to turn out the lights and then I'll be flayed!" Zack laughs at her comment.
"Two for the price of one!" He readies his blade again as the lights begin to flicker and dim and then it goes dark again, without a moment to spare Robin jumps out of the way just before she gets hit by the full force of his weapon. They flick back on again but this time Eddie is standing opposite the two adults with a grin peeking through the hole in his mask.
"Well, enough about you. I'm more interested in finishing that girl's grave, I'm in love." Zack looks at Robin, confused. Robin shook her head and gestured it towards the hole in the wall hearing Zack make a sound of acknowledgement. Eddie pouts and turns away from them. "It's always the same thing, making graves for murder victims day in and day out! It's boring! Sure making graves is my passion-- but the bodies that occupy them aren't quite as loveable. They lack beauty."
This was a bizarre situation. This murderous child just stood there talking about making graves. Robin and Zack looked at each other, at a loss as to what to do. They knew they would be too slow for the little shit but to be blatantly stood there with his back facing them was just a fucking death wish. Robin thought for a while that only Rachel would creep her out, but Eddie? Eddie is another story entirely.
He then turns to face them, finally. "But that girl! I want nothing more than to make the grave of my dreams for her. I think we are the same age too... I want to show her I understand! We are made for each other! That should be infinitely more beautiful than some sloppy and mangled up corpse! --Or should she desire it, sloppy and mangled would be fine too."
Robin started to back up feeling both awkward and freaked out by the little psychopathic crotch goblin in front of her, and by the look on Zack's face, she knew that he felt the same. They wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of dodge. Neither of them signed up for this shit.
Zack heaves. "Are you trying to make me hurl?" yeah, it was definitely gross. Eddie tilts his head to the side, taking a step toward Zack.
"What? My sophistication makes me the perfect match for her." He giggles once again. "Too bad I can't say the same for either of you. That is why the one taking her life will be me."
Robin frowns at being called unsophisticated. She was plenty sophisticated! She grips the pickax that was originally loosely dangling in her hands and looks at Zack. "Sounds like this little psycho doesn't know his place." They both ready their weapons and run towards Eddie. But before they get to him the lights go out and due to their agitation, they were both swinging their weapons with abandon. "OW! You hit me you bandage squandering machine!" Robin swung her pick in Zack's direction hoping to hit him in return.
"Fuck! I can't see my hand in front of my face." She clearly missed.
"No shit! That's why he switched off the lights Sherlock!" Then the lights switch back on and Eddie is gone. Zack walked over to the pipe that Eddie was standing on before he vanished and kicked it, crying out in pain and utter annoyance.
"Damn him, that little fucker!" He growled stomping towards the hole in the wall. "Hey get your ass over here!"
“SHIT! Can she not hear me?!” Zack exclaimed, squeezing his head through the gap in the wall to see if he could spot her. Spoiler, he couldn’t. “How freaking far did she go in?”
Zack flopped against the wall with a dramatic “Ugh.” Robin, who had been watching this temper tantrum had opted to stay quiet– mainly because she couldn’t be fucked to deal with him. The bandaged man in question began muttering “That grave-digging dipshit thinks he can outwit me?!”
“Please, outwitting you would probably be easier than stealing candy from a baby.” Robin scoffed, picking some dirt out from under her nails. You can only deal with his temper tantrums so long before you’re no longer afraid of dying.
Zack didn’t fail to send a glare in her direction but ignored her response to rant even more. “That punk, he’s in love with her and wants to kill her himself?” Zack visibly shivered in disgust. “The thought just makes me want to puke!”
“We can’t have her dying on us, she is the only reason we haven’t killed each other,” Robin pushed herself away from the grave she was leaning on to go over to Zack. “Besides- she did say something about another room in the back right-hand side. Maybe we could figure out where it is and get her?”
She could see Zack’s shoulders straighten as he stood up. “Wasn’t there a crumbling wall on the right side?” Robin shrugged as she wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings. “Might as well find out.” Zack concluded as he grabbed Robin's hand, successfully dragging her out of the room.
They both made it to the morgue and, sure enough, there was the crumbling wall at the back of the room where they found the key. Although for some reason, Zack didn’t see it. “Um… It isn’t here.” Robin shook her head letting out a heavy sigh. She shoved Zack to the side. “Oi watch what you’re fucking doing Wonderland! You almost shoved me in the water… Oh- I see it now.”
“dipshit.” Robin responded half heartedly, studying the crack down the center of the wall, “Hey! Rachel! Can you hear me?” Zack situated himself to Robins side, the narrow walkway making it impossible not to brush sides.
“RACHEL! FOR FUCKSAKE ANSWER.” He yelled through the wall. Rachel must be right back against the wall because they both heard a gasp of surprise from the otherside of the wall.
“Oh great the loud mouth is here.” Robin, nor Zack could completely discern what was going on behind the wall other than odd sentences. “Choose who your killer will be. Him– Or me.” The pair of killers nosily shoved their ears against the crack in the wall to get as much of the conversation as possible. But there was only silence on Rachel’s end, she seems to be considering his offer.
Eddie continues, “Oh my dear sweet Rachel, let me lovingly put you to death.” Robin can see the gears turning in Zacks head, she could also see the make believe smoke coming from his ears from the years his brain has been unused.
“HA! Sophisticated? MORE LIKE MEDICATED!” Robin gave Zack the only look she could muster up– Bewilderment.
“Zack- he called you unsophisticated like an hour ago and you’ve just thought of a comeback?” Zack shrugs and continues.
“You gonna kill her with that boring look on her face? What a fucking idiot!” Robin chuckled quietly, seeing Zack that worked up was hilarious to her. A few seconds of silence passes once more before they could hear Eddie speak from behind the wall.
“Can you two KINDLY shut up!? Rachel and I are talking!” Robin looked at Zack, her brow furrowed.
“What are we going to do? If Rachel accepts his offer I doubt we will get much further than this.” Zack puts his hand on her shoulder, a small knowing smirk on his face as if to say ‘trust me I got this’.
Zack raps his fist against the wall a few times, the echo of the hits filling the room. “Hey- can you hear me?” Silence. “I’m not talking to the grave-digging dipshit. I’m talking to YOU!”
“Me?” Rachel’s voice finally fills the air after what seems like an eternity.
“Yes. You. Listen up. Don’t think for one second you can die of your own will.” Zack moves Robin off of the small walkway and begins to charge at the wall. “There’s plenty of people in this building who would love to kill you.” Zack rams into the wall a few more times before continuing.
“But I’ll have that honour.” Zack pauses, seemingly in thought and smashes against the wall again. “I swear.. I swear to God.”
“To God?”
“Uh huh!” Zack said breathlessly as he rams the wall again and again. “So make sure nobody gets to you first.” Zack and Robin wait with baited breath for Rachel to respond, and sure enough.
“Rachel?” Eddie’s soft-spoken voice cries out, he sounds worried– Frightened, even.
“Hit that wall as hard as you can!” Rachel yells out. Robin sees Zack take a few steps back, ready to charge the wall with all his might. He takes a few moments and runs straight into it. A loud crash came from the wall and suddenly the stone gave way and there stands Rachel with Eddie nowhere around.
Zack storms into the other side and starts hunting around “Where’d that fucking punk go.” Robin runs in after Zack and begins searching around the room herself, it seems to house all of the technical aspects of the floor like the heating and cooling systems.
“Why Rachel?? Is it so wrong to want to kill you?”
“Duh!” “Of course it’s wrong you fucking moron!” Both Robin and Zack exclaim.
“My my. He’s so vicious– Are you sure you want him to kill you Rachel? And what about Robin? She tortured her own family! Her own blood, Do you really think either of them will give you a clean death? I will do a pristine job! Let me!” Eddies voice filled the room but they couldn’t see the young boy anywhere.
“Shut the FUCK up! Show yourself so I can tear you apart!” Zack yells, kicking everything in sight.
“Rachel… You are mine to kill. Can you wait for me until then?”
#angels of death#fanfiction#Robin Reyes#down the rabbit hole#zack foster x robin reyes#zack foster x oc#zack foster#isaac foster x robin reyes#isaac foster x oc#eddie mason#rachel gardener#isaac foster#ray gardener#edward mason#fanfic#writing#writing fanfiction#satsuriku no tenshi#robin reyes#beginner writer#original character#original female character#ofc#oc#oc x canon#taking requests#manga
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lana del rey at the 2024 met gala after party
#she's a real life disney princess#sleeping beauty#met gala 2024#met gala#met gala after party#after party#high fashion#alexander mcqueen#lana del ray aka lizzy grant#lana del ray#lana del rey#may jailer#sparkle jump rope queen#girlblogging#coquette#hyper feminine#tumblr girlies#this is a girlblog#2014 tumblr#cinnamon girl#lizzy grant#girl interrupted#nymph3t#forest nymph#garden nymph#florals#garden of time#garden of eden#rose garden#faunlet
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#alien stage#alnst#alnst mizi#alnst sua#mizisua#heres all the sea creatures if anyones interested ->#sea angel sea butterfly manta ray stingray ribbon eel vampire squid bigfin squid nurse shark clownfish portuguese man 'o war moon jellyfish#betta fish neon tetra flying fish leafy seadragon anemone butterfly fish angelfish garden eel common sea star#brittle starfish pacific sea nettle spotted jellyfish purple striped jellyfish spotted lagoon jellyfish
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Press Garden Zone
#Press Garden Zone#Sonic Mania Plus#Sonic Mania#sonic the hedgehog#miles tails prower#knuckles the echidna#mighty the armadillo#ray the flying squirrel#Heavy Shinobi#Dragonfly#Juggle Saw#IceBomba#Woodrow#Asteron#Badniks
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This month's Sonic Pict from SEGA of Japan features Ray the Flying Squirrel enjoying the white snow and autumn leaves in Press Garden; and made a portrait of his friend, Mighty the Armadillo.
#ray the flying squirrel#mighty the armadillo#press garden zone#sonic mania#sonic pict#sonic channel#sega japan#sonic the hedgehog#sonic#sega#sonic news
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i need lily’s closet!!! 🤍










#sweetestgirlblogger#lily rose depp#girlblogger#sweetest girl in town#last girl on earth#girly stuff#girl interrupted#this is a girlblog#this is what makes us girls#the virgin suicides#fashion icon#fashion show#fashion#fashion inspo#kate moss#garden#rose garden dreams#rose quartz#lana del rey#lana del ray aka lizzy grant#burberry#dior lip oil#brandy melville#girlblogging#60s babydoll#diet coke#pink#sanrio#pinkcore#clouds
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Vector, Shadow, & Knuckles, do not enjoy your "aren't you a little too old to be trick-or-treating" comment.
Ignore the fact that I'm... Very late with posting this.
#sth#team chaotix#vector the crocodile#shadow the hedgehog#espio the chameleon#charmy the bee#knuckles the echidna#mighty the armadillo#ray the flying squirrel#gravity falls#now time to tag the background characters!!!#tails the fox#cosmo the seedrian#cream the rabbit#cheese the chao#amy rose#sonic the hedgehog#big the cat#froggy#over the garden wall#halloween#if you can figure out who everyone in the blurry background is dressed as then you will get so many good vibes from me
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Закат над золотом заброшенного сада. Sunset over the gold of an abandoned garden.
#русский tumblr#Россия#осень#природа#заброшенный сад#фруктовые деревья#кустарники#травы#закат#облака#солнечные лучи#мои фото#Russia#autumn#nature#nature photography#abandoned garden#fruit trees#herbs#bushes#beauty of nature#sunset#sun rays#clouds#my photos#original photography#photographers on tumblr
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Dream World by James Coleman
#art#landscape#dreamscape#flower garden#flowers#purple aesthetic#blue aesthetic#painting#flower aesthetic#flowercore#purplecore#dreamycore#waterview#nature painting#naturecore#fairycore#nature aesthetic#sun rays#beautiful scenery#water scenery#lily pads#lavender#lilac
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#golden hour#art#aesthetic#nature#photography#love#lovers#sunsets#sunset#sun rays#sunlight#plants#artistic#gardencore#garden#interior decorating#interiors#soft pink#pink aesthetic#orange#light pink#pink#orange aesthetic#golden glow
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i want 15 rayrard Olive Garden AUs on my desk by morning. get to work soldiers.
#mcr#gerard mcr#ray toro#ray mcr#rayrard#gerard way#current mcr#Olive Garden gerard#this is absolutely an invitation to send me asks btw
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Down the Rabbit Hole- Chapter 8
Fandom- Angels of Death, Satsuriku No Tenshi
Ships- Zack Foster x Original Female Character
Warnings- Swearing, Child Abuse, PTSD, mentions of non consensual touching, mentions of underage. Please read at your own risk, this is a messed chapter.
Summary- Robin Reyes is a fucked up girl, from a young age she was molested by doctors and sometimes her mother's boyfriend. With her mother's abuse getting worse and worse the girl snaps and kills them both. While on the run she gets approached by a group of people claiming they know a place where people like her could kill, legally. All she needed to do was follow the rules.
When Robin meets Rachel she realises that she wants to try her hand at a normal life despite how abnormal she is and when she meets Zack they gradually warm up to each other until she realises who she wants that normal life with.
Word Count- 2584
Rachel walked around the table to go to the door opposite Danny and Robin. "Rachel... Are you going further? It's dark in that hallway so be careful. Oh and if you find what I'm looking for there, then please bring it to me."
"What're you looking for, Doctor?" Danny sighed, rubbing his eye lightly, eventually turning his back on Rachel.
"Did you really forget? Look at me with those beautiful peepers... I know you'll remember. But I'll give you a clue. 'My eye is Alexandrite.'" Robin looked around the operating room once again feeling like the meek little girl she used to be.
Robin decided that despite it all she was going to confront Danny. "So Danny. If your intention is to kill that girl you will be highly mistaken. She is my ticket out of here and I'll be damned if I let you kill her." She held her bat tightly as her body trembled from the immense fear she was feeling at that time.
"So there's your true intentions. I was wondering why such an accomplished serial killer like yourself decided to have a morality flip and help Rachel. But as apparent as you've just made it that clearly isn't the case." Once the words left his mouth, Rachel returned; In her hand she had a mason jar with a red glass eye.
"Here, Doctor." She handed him the eye.
"Rachel, what a lovely red glass eye. Still, you were close. Close but no cigar. I'll keep it though, okay?" He knelt to her level, roughing up her hair. She walked into the back room again without a second thought to get another eye.
"Robin, I know you're terrified right now. After all, I've read your documents; such a sad life, boo hoo." The doctor faked a pout pushing Robin against the wall roughly. "Despite the heterochromia, your peepers are stunning Robin. As much as I love Rachel's peepers I'd like to get to know yours more intimately."
Danny's face leans closer to Robin's neck as he takes in a breath of her scent. "You smell absolutely ravishing my dear." The doctor's hands brushed over Robin's pale arms down to her waist, gripping her tight. His head stayed in her neck sniffing loudly with a moan.
He shifted her blonde hair from her shoulder and harshly bites down on the side of her neck causing dots of blood to appear. The man licked up the blood whilst continuing to bite and suck Robin's neck leaving hickeys and blood across it.
Danny backs away Robin upon hearing Ray returns. "Here, Doctor." She handed him a blue eye this time. Danny giggles in amusement, sending a small annoying wink over to Robin who frowned in return wishing nothing more than to see his entrails coat the floor.
"Rachel, is this for me? You know I adore blue eyes. much like your own. But I don't need a blue one, to your peepers, this pales in comparison. For peepers blue, all I need is you." He gave Rachel a cheesy smile and dismissed her once more.
"Now that we are alone again..." He trailed off and stepped behind Robin gripping her wrists tight. I swear to god. He better not try anything. Danny's hands roamed her body grabbing at her skin all the while grinding himself against her back.
"You know, Robin. All those times you berated me, glared at me and clearly wished me dead. Oh, it just made me want to show you who's really in charge here. That while you are in my grasp you'll be entirely defenceless, unable to stop me from doing whatever I wish to that gorgeous body of yours, and those... Oh so lovely peepers." Danny moaned once more, gripping the woman's larger chest tightly.
"Rachel's eyes may be more beautiful. But alas she is just a child. So you'll have to do~" One of his hands travels further and further down from her chest causing Robin to tremble widely as tears streaked her face.
"Ge-get off of me, please." She sobbed quietly once more, reverting to the scared girl she used to be. She pushed away from him feebly but to no avail. The girl was too scared to do anything by this point a normal human’s fight or flight would've kicked in but her time at the hospital and the mental abuse has stopped that from being able to happen.
His hand made its way over her crotch and just as he was about to pull her dress up but he quickly pulled back due to the sound of Ray's footsteps echoing back into the room. Danny stepped away from Robin and back to his original position just as Ray walked into the room, this time with a green eye.
"Green...? Did you pick this out for me? Could I have slipped into your subconscious? You're getting warmer. But point your beautiful gaze at me. It's just me, Dr Danny." He gave her a caring smile with the same lips that had so carelessly violated Robin's skin. She thought of telling Rachel what had just occurred but then she remembered what the doctors had said to her years earlier.
"Now now Robin. You know not to scream or tell anyone, right? What will happen if you do?" The large pudgy doctor lent over Robin who was in her bed reeling in fright.
"That- That people won't believe me... Because you're a good doctor and grown-ups won't believe me..." Doctor [REDACTED] grinned at the meek young girl running his hand along her hair.
"And? what else?" He gives her a perverted smirk and begins to undress the young Robin.
"If I tell anyone they will believe you and then they won't make me better..." Robin mutters as the man then begins to undress.
"Good girl."
"Oh! I just realised! I was so careless. My glass eye is in a place that's locked!" His smile turned sinister as Danny faced the shaking woman. "And the key was in my pocket all along." He takes the key from his pocket while looking at Robin with a wicked grin on his face. He then hands the key over the Rachel.
"If it's alright with you I'd like you to find my eye. Won't you do that for me, Rachel?" Ray left once more. Danny waltzes back over to Robin whose once strong stance is now that of a small child. He grabs Robin's wrists and binds them together with a cable tie.
"Now now Robin, you know not to scream, right?" The doctor grinned seeing Robin's face become devoid of colour at the words he spoke. Danny giggled to himself as he dragged Robin over to a pipe in a hidden room.
"Danny, please let me go! I promise I'll be good, I won't tell anyone. Please!" He simply brushed her comment off, locked the door behind him and walked into the room that Ray has been going in and out of. "No... No- no no no no no no!" Robin thrashed about in the darkroom as her brain kept slipping in and out of her stowed away memories.
"You know the rules, girl. When you misbehave you go to the hole so stop your whining, you did this to yourself." The scrub nurse grabbed the cowering girl by the hair and threw her into the darkroom without a care in the world.
Tears trailed down Robin's cheeks as she pulled and pulled on the cable ties as they cut into her wrists. Her breathing uneven as she began to have a mental breakdown as the memories she had locked from herself resurfaced.
Robin shivered in the darkroom as hours, maybe even days went by, the door only opened once so the nurse could throw in a stale piece of bread and dirty water to the child. After another day or so in the hole, she began to smell something rotten and as her eyes finally entirely adjusted to the darkness she saw where the smell was coming from.
In the corner of the room lay a child's body, no older than 8 or 9. At this point in time, it had rapidly decomposed due to the dampness of the room. Sections of bone were visible already thanks to the increasing amount of fly larva and other insects crawling in and out of it.
"AAAHHHH. LET ME GO. I WANT TO SEE MOM AND DAD!" Robin was snapped from her mental chambers at the sound of Rachel crying out practically the same thing she did. What did he do to her? Robin yanked harder and harder on the cable ties to stop Danny from doing anything to her only way out.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WHY'D YOU LOOK SO HAPPY DANNY!?" She finally hears the unmistakable laugh of the B6 owner. Fuck! Robin then looked down at her shoes and remembered something her father had taught her. She unbuckled one of her shoes and slipped the piece of leather through the cable tie eventually making a sawing motion with the lace when it finally snapped in two. Now the next barrier, the door.
"BETRAYER ALERT-- The Sixth-floor's master has attacked the Fifth-floor's master. This is a violation of the rules. Along with Rachel and Robin, The betrayer is hereby a sacrifice." Robin heard a loud cuss followed by the sound of breaking glass.
"Okay, okay. You can do this Robin..." The woman muttered looking around the room for something to break the handle with. Low and behold there was a metal clipboard in the room. She grabbed it and smacked down on the door handle, on the fourth hit her hand slipped down the metal causing a wide gash to open up on her hand. After a couple more hits the door finally opens.
"Are you okay?!" Robin looked down at the small girl who stood curiously in front of the door she had left from, but something seemed off about her. She seemed less alive. They both exited the room with Robin stretching her body out which made a satisfying crack. When they got to the glass wall it was indeed shattered.
They got to the elevator and saw B6 trying to pry it open with his scythe when Ray went to say something Robin stopped her with a giggle. With the mental trauma she just went through it was needed. "Ugh this thing won't budge, NOT EVEN IF I BEAT ON IT, What the hell am I going to do?" He stresses, pacing up and down.
Now Robin was able to get a better look at him. He was about 6 foot, short shaggy brown hair, his body was covered head to toe in bandages. Ray grew tired of watching him hit the door and walked up to him. "Who the hell are you?" He asked, turning to face them. He stepped closer to Robin causing her confident facade to quickly melt as she took a small step away from him. "What're you doin'- Showing up like you own the damn place, huh!?" Robin looked up at the man and finally noticed that he also had Heterochromia. He had one black eye and one yellow-gold eye.
He frowned and held the blade of his Scythe against Robin's throat but then Rachel stepped in, "U-Ummm... I've got a favour to ask." She looked so small compared to the two killers. Zack tilted his head slightly in confusion, his scythe still flush against Robin's neck. "Please... Kill me..." Robin's head snaps to the side to face Ray without much thought when she feels a sharp pain across her neck.
"Ray what the fuck! Why do you suddenly want to die!?" Robin took another step back from B6 and grips her neck, staring at Rachel as if she was the crazy one. As it turned out Robin wasn't the only one when B6 jumped back against the elevator in shock and Vomits on the floor near the elevator.
"Don't ask me to do creepy shit like that. Just get that dumbass to do it! I ain't got time to deal with crazy bitches like you two," He exclaims pointing at them and then pointing solely at Ray. "If you're going to spew creepy shit like that, how about getting this damn door open!?"
"That is a good point, Ray." Robin nodded in agreement while blood from her hands and wrist seeped into her gloves and the blood from her neck slowly soaked her white collar. Ray found out what she needed to do and left Robin with B6.
"Damn you look like shit." He says out of nowhere looking Robin up and down namely at her wrists and neck. She was just hoping he didn't see the fucking hickeys and bite marks. she raised an eyebrow at him and smirked weakly.
"Not lookin' so hot yourself considering you just puked." He rolls his eyes all the while having a challenging look on his face.
"Says the one who looks like she's bled out half her fucking blood." Robin was about to retaliate once more when Ray returned, the elevator behind Zack was open.
"You opened the elevator didn't you?"B6 asked with Robin muttering 'no shit sherlock' under her breath which just made him glare at the woman. She got the picture and stepped away from him.
"Yup that's right," Ray responded completely monotone since her encounter with Danny. Robin then realised that the encounter fucked them both up. B6 starts to laugh like a fucking maniac... Oh wait, he is... 'Oh wait, so am I...' Robin thought.
"Hey, didn't you say earlier you wanted me to kill you? Well, I'm such an idiot, so yeah. Let's work together to get the hell outta this place. Then once you're frolicking outside with a stupid grin plastered on your face. I'll... I'll kill you." He agreed with a creepy-ass grin on his face.
Ray's eyes lit up for a moment and then widened. "Wait, Really?"
"Well, that is... If you behave." He brushed his bandaged fingers down the edge of his scythe. Despite the fact that Robin's deep-seated trauma had rendered her almost useless she couldn't help but giggle at this. B6 looked at the woman clearly annoyed from her giggling but then let out a quiet chuckle himself, leaving poor Rachel confused at what was funny.
The two girls went to step into the elevator when B6 spoke up again. "Hey, I got two rules. Rule 1- No fucking around and rule 2- No prancing around all merry like. I got a big problem with fuckers who look too happy. Whenever I see them, I can't help but kill them."
Ray just looks up at him with those dead-looking eyes. "Whatever you say." B6 rolled his own and stepped into the elevator.
"Well, with that dead look in your eyes I probably ain't gotta worry. Anyways, what are your names." He turns his head to look at them. Rachel being the first to speak up.
"My name is Rachel, Rachel Gardner."
Both girls introduced themselves to the serial killer in front of them. He looked shocked for a moment but eventually grinned at the two girls and completely turned around to face them, throwing his scythe over his shoulder.
"And I'm Zack, nice to meet ya!"
#angels of death#fanfiction#Robin Reyes#down the rabbit hole#zack foster x robin reyes#zack foster x oc#zack foster#isaac foster x robin reyes#isaac foster x oc#eddie mason#rachel gardener#isaac foster#ray gardener#edward mason#fanfic#writing#writing fanfiction#satsuriku no tenshi#robin reyes#beginner writer#original character#original female character#ofc#oc#oc x canon#taking requests#manga
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Me when I finish 🎀
#cottage aesthetic#cottage garden#lana del ray aka lizzy grant#coquette#lana del slay#cottage kitchen#girlblogger#girlblogging#hyper feminine#lana is god#im just a girl#heart glasses#girl blogger#girlblog#cinnamon girl#lizzy grant#girlhood#girlcore#female rage#fem fatale#the feminine urge#hyper fem#princess coquette#coqette#coquette angel#this is what makes us girls#girlblog aesthetic
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#bubbles#sparkle#nature photography#nature#moment#balloons#happy#aesthetic#moments#green#garden#vintage#vintage photography#sun#sun rays
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The rise and fall of a tight-knit family 💥💥💥
#ORIGINAL MEME BY ROWANSTERDOTCOM!!!#he got hit with my critically acclaimed yassification ray#the proportions a little funky but it is also 4:30am for me 💔#I listened to pink pony club the entire time I drew this#falsettos#falsettos fanart#marvin falsettos#marvin falsettos fanart#marvin gardens#marvin gardens fanart#robin's art
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I gave up on this sketch 3 weeks ago because it has anatomy and composition Problems, but I also couldn't stop thinking about it so here it is anyway 🍝🥖
#dakt draws#Yours to Own on Blu-ray#sonic fanart#sonic movies#somic boom#sonic the hedgehog#the olive garden references will never not be funny to me#and you know what?#I've never had a bad experience there
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