#raw garlic assaults my tongue like nobodies business
stubz · 2 days
"Remember to check with a teacher or one of the gardeners before eating what you pick from the gardens." calls out teacher Max.
The youngling centre was on a field trip visiting the ships indoor public garden that grows both flowers and vegetables from a variety of different planets. Younglings took joy in sharing and showing their friends vegetables and plants from their own respective planet. Even the teachers, Max and Kim, were happy to tell them about earth's plants.
"Wow, what's that Emira?"
"It's a glass flower!" she chirps holding up a beautiful flower with the petals and stem translucent. "They're my favorite flower!"
"So pretty! Can you...eat it!" the human grins.
"No!" the avian giggles. "You can't eat it! But my Maemae says you can use the roots for tea that helps tummy aches."
"I'll have to remember that." he nods, wearing an utmost serious and thoughtful face. The nearby gardeners chuckle.
"You should!"
"I shall-!"
All heads whip to the south of the garden. At the very end of it is Ezshi screaming and waving their little tail and arms frantically. Beside them is Pollix, Zyz, and Tarlak huddling around a Kim kneeling on the ground grabbing her throat.
"Mr Max you stay h-" the gardeners watched as the human sprinted as fast he could to the other side of the gardens. Seconds later the younglings followed suit with Emira leading them, flapping her little wings as fast as she can.
"KIM! KIM WHAT'S WRONG?!" he skids to a stop beside her grabbing her shoulders to examine her.
The human shakes her head, face red, opens her mouth to speak only to go into a coughing fit. Her right hand at her throat, her left pounding her chest.
"What happened?? Did you eat something?? Kids what did she eat?!" later he'll apologize for shouting but right now he can't help it. Right now he's going through every lesson he's had about what to do when one eats something harmful/unknown to their species.
"I-I don't know! Tarlak gave it to her!" Zyz cries, tears streaming down their little snout.
"Tarlak, buddy, what did you give her??" the little Simia's lips quiver as he stares at the still hacking Kim.
"Tarlak, focus. What did you give her? What planet plot was it from?" Max grabs his shoulders, making him look solely at him and not Kim.
"...earth...it-it was from earth. This." he hands over a half eaten white plant bulb.
"...Kim's fine kids." he sighs flopping over onto the dirt. The adrenaline immediately leaving his body.
"What! What is it?!" they all cry.
"It's garlic."
For a moment there is silence save for some sighs of relief from the human children. And then.
All the younglings scream and wail. Most like Emira, however, simply cling to the human silently crying.
"...what?! Kids! She's not dying."
" 'm not...dying." Kim rasps, finally done coughing.
"Garlic is poison! It's how my Maemae's uncle died!" Emira wails.
"I heard one garlic clove can kill a hundred rextalians!" Ezshi frets.
"What are you talking abo...oooh. Thiosulfate."
"Thio-whatnow?" Kim coughs, spitting out a piece of garlic she frees from her cheek.
"Reason why most animals can't eat garlic and onions. Including most other non-earth species."
"...Oooh! Okay learning time! Listen up kids. Humans can eat garlic! Got it? Humans can eat garlic and other foods like garlic, our body breaks it down and stuff."
"But you choked and your face turned red!"
"Because the taste is very strong. It's like lemons. Basically I took a giant bite out of a lemon."
"...Ooooh!" cries out the younglings now understanding that their teacher is not dying.
"Wait why did you take a giant bite out of garlic?" laughs Max.
"I didn't know if was garlic or an onion and Tarlak's dad uses onions for to make a bug repellent...don't judge me I've never seen garlic in that shape before!"
"Why didn't you ask a gardener?"
"They're all the way on the other side of the field! Just-shush!"
"I'm never letting you live this down. Now help me stop the human kids from doing some kind of garlic challenge. I see Anthony and Piper eyeing them."
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