wiitchiings · 5 years
Overheard in the Ravenclaw Commonroom
“technically, sleeping at night is just taking long naps in between daily tasks and routine. if you think about it, there’s no real difference between a nap and going to bed.”
“thanks, i hate it”
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apvrecium · 5 years
Day number 18 back at Hogwarts:
I set my bedsheet on fire while discovering old, not used spells.
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doublex2r17 · 5 years
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Gryffindor: Things always sort themselves out Ravenclaw: Excuse me but things don't sort themselves out, I sort things out thank you very much • • • #ravenclaw #ravenclawandgryffindor #ravenclawaesthetic #ravenclawquotes #ravenclawenergy #ravenclawprimary #ravenclawpride #ravenclawthings #ravenclawvibes #ravenclawstudent #gryffindor #gryffindoraesthetic #gryffindorhouse #gryffindorpride #hogwartshouseaesthetics #hogwartshousepride #hogwartshouses #harrypotter #harrypotterandthecursedchild (at Lyric Theatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8NosT5Aw9e/?igshid=1kvpaqhq4z509
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mayaan-gel · 6 years
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When you’re smart and you like art 🦅💙 Yoinked from @eeveestark13 #ravenclaw #ravenclawthings #witbeyondmeasure https://www.instagram.com/p/ButguFqBtfF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=moiibbd7g9f8
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lionheartslowstart · 3 years
Hogwarts Houses in Relationships
After re-reading my previous posting on this topic, I've decided I'm not happy with the original entry, so I'm going to rewrite it.
Once again, here is my take on what a relationship between the different pairings of Hogwarts Houses might look like.
Gryffindor and Gryffindor
Two peas in a pod. These two will crack up each other up and go on wild adventures together. They’ll most likely engage in “playful” competition, but will undoubtedly team up to cause mischief. Gryffindor couples will most likely spend much time together, as well as exhibit copious amounts of flirting and PDA, especially in the earlier stages of a relationship. At their best, two Gryffindors in love are the best of friends, affectionate, and extremely compatible. They’ll travel the world together, host lots of parties, and overall show everyone what “relationship goals” is supposed to look like. At their worst, however, Gryffindors can become co-dependent and will start bickering. Frequently, and in public. Too much of a good thing can quickly turn it sour. It’s important to remember you each need alone time. There’s nothing wrong with spending some time apart. If you give each other space, the relationship can blossom in ways you never imagined. The passion and spark remain in this pairing for a long time.
Gryffindor and Ravenclaw
The comfort-seeking independents. As these two houses are complete opposites of each other, they are most likely to have conflicting needs. Ravenclaw typically prefers quiet solitude, while Gryffindor prefers to go out with friends. This is not the couple who does everything together. If they try, Ravenclaw may begin to feel dragged around by Gryffindor, who is usually on the go and enjoys the company of others far more often, and Gryffindor could end up feeling bogged down by Ravenclaw’s more reserved demeanor. As a result, both people will begin to resent each other. The best way for this couple to work is for both people to understand and accept that their partner won’t always do what they want to do, and some of their needs should be sought outside the relationship. However, when they are together, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw get on swimmingly. They’ll influence each other positively and help each other become more well-rounded people. Gryffindor will show stoic Ravenclaw it’s okay to get in touch with their feelings, and Ravenclaw will open Gryffindor to intellectual pursuits and/or creative endeavors. It’s almost as if this relationship skips the passionate love stage and goes right to companionate. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw may spend significant time apart, but when they reunite at the end of a long day, they’ll feel like they’re truly coming home.
Gryffindor and Slytherin
An unlikely pair. Gryffindor and Slytherin are essentially two sides of the same coin; They’re both energetic, opinionated people. While this can make for scintillating conversation, it can also result in frequently butting heads. Gryffindors usually prefer to push things forward with strength and force. Men of action, so to speak. Slytherins are more likely to think things through, weighing every option before making a decision. Both methods have pros and cons, but of course, Gryffindor and Slytherin will each think their method is best. These two may struggle to understand each other, but that’s okay! You don’t have to understand someone to appreciate them. Instead of getting irritated and frustrated, try to see the value in the other person’s strategies. Slytherin could stand to trust their gut once in a while, and Gryffindor can learn a thing or two about controlling their impulses. You’ll most likely never operate in the same way, but having a partner who’s brain works so differently to your own can be a great thing. Neither of you will ever sugarcoat anything to the other, or be shy about telling your partner when they’ve done something wrong. As stated, conversations will be interesting. The two of you will never be bored. This couple is just as likely to go the distance as it is to crash and burn.
Hufflepuff and Gryffindor
The hopeless romantics. Both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor tend to be warm, affectionate people. As such, there will most likely be no lack of romance, though Gryffindor often expresses this through grand gestures, while Hufflepuff prefers small but frequent overtures. While you both communicate differently, those differences are actually pretty compatible. You don’t have to work hard to understand how the other communicates. This relationship is jovial and fun, and you most likely enjoy weekend getaways and coffee dates. The biggest pitfall is that Gryffindor is on the active side and likes to go-go-go, but Hufflepuff is a lot more relaxed and might even consider themselves a couch potato. Try to find compromise. Gryffindor doesn’t always have to be doing something, and Hufflepuff could stand to do a little more. It’s just as important to have routine as it is to find adventure. Otherwise, there most likely isn’t a lot of friction in the relationship. Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors tend to have a lot in common, maybe even more in common than any other house combinations. Once the two of you establish a balance and a rhythm, it’s fairly easy to maintain.
Hufflepuff and Hufflepuff
Ah, the snuggle bugs. Hufflepuffs in love can usually be found cuddling, nuzzling, or holding hands. They’re great at expressing their affection for the other person in a variety of ways, and will often go out of their way to make sure the other feels special and appreciated. Fights will be uncommon. However, that may be because Hufflepuffs aren’t great at communicating their own feelings. They can be people pleasers, and might be afraid of hurting each other. A Hufflepuff can be unhappy for a long time and no one will know. The relationship can only work long term if you both learn to be honest about your needs and feelings. That said, double Hufflepuff relationships usually last a very long time. Both people will put a lot of effort into the relationship, and make it a top priority. They don’t call it the house of loyalty and hard work for nothing! Just remember both of you have other people in your lives, as well as your own hopes, needs, and dreams. Being extremely similar can make for an amazing, comfortable relationship, but don’t lose your individuality.
Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw
Laid back, low maintenance lovers. Yes, both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw have their moments, particularly when it comes to hobbies, academia, career, or other passions. But in their social and personal lives, both houses tend to exist on the more relaxed side of the spectrum. This pair prefers quiet evenings at home, and doesn’t need to “perform” their affection for one another. There’s an existing trust because, why would you be dating if you didn’t like each other? Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw don’t always need to be talking, or doing anything really. They’re happy to just enjoy each other’s company. That said, because of the laid back nature and low energy of the two houses, romance can fade quickly in this relationship. Hufflepuff especially can grow needy after a while, as they tend to be a bit more affectionate than aloof Ravenclaw, who may not always understand Hufflepuff’s need for closeness. Whether it’s due to this pattern, or simply because both houses are usually more low-maintenance, a Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw pairing may not last long. Relationships do take effort, after-all. The good news is that, if you do break up, you’ll most likely remain friends. That’s not to say this couple can’t work. Not everyone is looking for intensity, and not everyone needs or wants their relationship to be their first priority. As long as you’re both on the same page, this union can be long-lasting and prosperous.
Ravenclaw and Ravenclaw
The anti-socialites. Ravenclaws show their affection differently. They buy each other books and make each other mix-tapes, or handmade crafts. This is the couple that reads silently together in bed before they go to sleep. That isn’t to say that Ravenclaws can’t be affectionate, but that affection, more often than not, stays behind closed doors. Especially since Ravenclaws tend to be private, reserved, and a bit anti-social. Unfortunately, that combined anti-social-ness can lead to isolation and seclusion, since neither of them has a partner to convince them to go out. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing on its own, but over time, it could result in this couple being sucked into their own world, maybe even losing friends. Just remember sometimes it’s good to leave the house, especially when it comes to preserving the other relationships in your life. When Ravenclaws do attend social gatherings (after hyping each other up to go, of course), they sure know how to make a splash. They’re the best dressed at every party, and there’s something effortlessly elegant about them. Ravenclaw couples can be extremely magnetic when they’re together, drawing attention and conversation more than they might individually. (Although, that could partially be because their friends are so curious as to what their relationship is actually like!) Double Ravenclaw couples will rarely fight, and overall are likely to have a happy, long-term relationship.
Ravenclaw and Slytherin
The quiet rebels. While they are both thinkers, Ravenclaws are analysts, and Slytherins are strategizers, and as such, they see the world very differently. This can lead to interesting, engaging conversations, which can be pretty entertaining, for themselves as well as for anyone watching or participating. Ravenclaw and Slytherin feed off of each other, and take joy in expanding each other’s horizons, especially when it comes to philosophy, psychology, and the abstract. When they’re not engaged in rhetoric, they enjoy sitting in relaxed, comfortable silence. This couple delights in one another, no matter what they’re doing, which could be anything from sitting at home watching television, to a night out on the town. Due to the nature of the two houses, this couple probably enjoys a myriad of hobbies together, often introducing each other to new things and experiences. The risk in this relationship is that Ravenclaw and Slytherin both see themselves as intellectuals, and a competition of sorts can develop over time. Fights can break out, and both parties may feel the need to prove themselves, maybe even assert themselves over the other. Remember that there is not one way to be intelligent, and it’s more important to have fun than be “right.” In a harmonious Slytherin-Ravenclaw pair, these two will take the world by storm. They balance each other out in unexpected ways, and they’ll have fun doing it.
Slytherin and Hufflepuff
Opposites attract. A bit like magnets, these two. Slytherin and Hufflepuff are the total inverse of each other. Slytherin is cunning, strategic, and perhaps a bit blunt, and Hufflepuff is open, gentle, and always has the best intentions. Surprisingly, these two can make an excellent pair! Hufflepuff brings out the best in Slytherin, warming their icy heart and smoothing out some of their rougher edges. At the same time, Slytherin will help toughen up their Hufflepuff sweetheart, and teach them new ways to look at the world. Slytherin will help Hufflepuff take care of themselves, and Hufflepuff will show Slytherin it’s okay to be there for others, too. Both partners are fiercely protective of each other, albeit in different ways, and will go to great lengths to ensure the safety and happiness of the other. Be warned, however, that the very traits which endeared you to one another in the first place could end up driving a wedge. Hufflepuff may become irritated with Slytherin’s pliant moral fiber, as well as their seemingly cold, jaded attitude, and Slytherin may grow frustrated with what they see as rose-colored glasses, ignorance, and naiveté. In order to go the distance, you both need to recognize your way isn’t the only way. See if you can find the value in each others’ perspectives and ways of navigating the world. You two can help each other grow in ways you never imagined.
Slytherin and Slytherin
A true power couple. The Slytherin couple turns heads when they walk in the room. They’re charismatic and charming, and they know how to work a crowd. Slytherins stroke each other’s egos in a way only they can. They’ll relish in each other to the fullest extent, but they’re also fiercely independent. Each Slytherin in the relationship is their own, fully formed person, so there’s little to no risk of them collapsing into each other. They’re both happy to go about their individual business one day, then spend several hours together the next. The biggest risk here is that these two may turn their Slytherin ways on each other. One or both of them may begin to play games or manipulate their partner. Worse still is the fact that, as they are both Slytherins, they’ll both be hip to each other’s game, so to speak, and this will most likely result in a kind of feedback loop. Don’t fall into this trap. Effective communication is the key to any relationship, yes, including yours. As difficult as it may be for the mistrusting Slytherin, give your partner the benefit of the doubt. You’re a team, not enemies! On the plus side, Slytherins will understand each others’ darker aspects, and will appreciate the traits that others most likely would not. They’ll bond over various plans and goals, both shared and individual, and devise tactics (and schemes) to help each other deal with outside conflicts. This is a powerful couple, not to be trifled with!
Another helpful way (and a quicker way) to look at the various couples is to view each house in terms of how they navigate/view the world, and at what energy they operate.
Gryffindor: High Energy Doers
Hufflepuff: Low Energy Doers
Ravenclaw: Low Energy Thinkers
Slytherin: High Energy Thinkers
Even in these simple terms, you can totally picture the various interactions between each pairing of houses, right?
Which couples are your favorite? Which couples do you think might be the most successful, or doomed to fail? Which couples are the cutest? The most annoying? It’s fun to think about, isn’t it?
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wiitchiings · 6 years
Shit Ravenclaws Say
Ravenclaw: Your average pineapple, peeled and cut makes about 4.5 cups or 36 ounces of pineapple chunks. Cans of pineapple come in a variety of sizes the most common being 20oz and 46oz. Meaning a single pineapple generally won’t fill up a single can perfectly, which also means every time you eat a pineapple from a can somewhere someone else has the can that has the rest of that same pineapple. Meaning you can share a single fruit with a stranger from hundreds of miles away and I think that’s beautiful.
Gryffindor: How much sleep are you getting?
Ravenclaw: Not enough my guy.
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wiitchiings · 6 years
Just Ravenclaw Things(the homework addition)
Either doing all the homework in one hour and turning it in the next day, or throwing it on the floor and never looking at it again.
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wiitchiings · 6 years
Just Ravenclaw Things
When you’re having an argument and the other person looks it up online to prove you wrong, and it turns out you were right
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wiitchiings · 6 years
Overheard in the Ravenclaw Comonroom
“imagine if you could screenshot in real life”
“do you mean a camera”
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