#ravenclaw kuroo tetsurou
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usagirln12003 · 7 months ago
Tetsurou Kuroo: Hogwarts AU
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Tetsurou Kuroo is a Pureblood wizard that was born on the 17th of November 1971 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1983, being sorted into Ravenclaw House.
He has a Rowan wand with a Dragon Heartstring core.
His Patronus is a Black Cat.
His favorite subject is Potions and his least favorite subject is Herbology.
He was one of the Ravenclaw Prefects of his year and one of their Beaters from his fourth year onward with him becoming the captain in his sixth year.
Kuroo has a laid-back yet scheming personality and is considered a "provocation expert" by many. He would actively provoke others and is unrelenting when dishing out snide remarks. This is demonstrated in the way he angers Tsukishima when the younger Ravenclaw maintained a nonchalant attitude toward quidditch during training. However, Kuroo is kinder and more genuine than what his exterior image conveys. After realizing he has overstepped a line, Kuroo seeks out and apologizes to Daichi about the provocation. Later on, proving that while he is a "provocation expert," sportsmanship is still important to him. He also cares and respects the Flying professor, Keishin Ukai, immensely.
According to Kenma, Kuroo was a shy and withdrawn kid who first moved into his neighborhood when he was eight years old. He was quiet in front of strangers and awkward around Kenma at first, despite the two being close in age. Both of them bonded over video games and eventually practiced quidditch together. Slowly, Kuroo began to come out of his shell as the two got increasingly involved in the sport. He became a much louder and energetic person, made new friends at school, and started going out to play soccer with the other kids.
Kuroo is also shown to be a highly observant and intuitive person when it comes to both quidditch and other people. Even as a kid, he was incredibly mindful of Kenma's quiet, withdrawn personality, and had the sense to not drag him out to do something the boy didn't have any fun in doing. In matches, his attentive nature as a Beater proves to be extremely lethal for Ravenclaw's opponents. He quickly tracks down and analyzes every move of the Chasers, allowing him to hit the bludger at a successful angle and destroy the momentum of the opposing team.
Around his teammates, Kuroo is a reliable, strong captain, often responsible for lifting the spirits of the team when they are feeling down using sly quips. He seems to derive enjoyment from facing strong opponents and hides his frustration with sharp smirks and boisterous remarks, all the while scheming strategies to break down the opposing team.
Despite seeming sly and cool on the outside, Kuroo possesses a silly side that is on display when he belts out in loud obnoxious laughter and engages in frivolous conversation with his best friend Bokuto. Kuroo also seems to either see himself as more of an old man or people only a year or two younger than him as children, as shown when he proclaims "Ah, youth" after seeing Inuoka and Hinata interact together and talking with Tsukishima.
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usagirln120 · 9 months ago
Tetsurou Kuroo: Hogwarts AU
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Tetsurou Kuroo is a Pureblood wizard that was born on the 17th of November 1977 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1989, being sorted into Ravenclaw House.
He was supposed to attend Beauxbatons but after his father moved for work, he ended up attending Hogwarts with his childhood friend Kenma and their eventual best friends Kotaro Bokuto and Keiji Akaashi.
His family and the Daishou family have been fierce enemies for centuries and while he and the Daishou in his year had a fierce rivalry, they did not actually want the other dead unlike the rest of their families.
Unlike the rest of their families, he and Daishou actually believed in the return of the 15 Dark Lords of the Wizarding World's Underground and choose to become members of Makarov's Army because of this.
He eventually participated in the Battle of Hogwarts which he survived but he lost a lot of friends both during and after the battle, with some dying and others cutting off all contacts with him after it was revealed that Kuroo's father was a Death Eater.
Kuroo was completely unaware about this and he was also temporarily arrested because of it, spending a week in Azkaban before the Ministry concluded that he was innocent and set him free but this experience greatly traumatised him.
He eventually started working in the Department of Magical Sports and eventually became the head of it, and got married to Kenma who he adopted two daughters together with.
He has a Beech wand with a Dragon Heartstring core.
His Patronus is a Black Cat.
His favorite subjects are Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts.
His least favorite subjects are Divination and Herbology.
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 5 years ago
Knowledge and Ambition
tw: Cursing, anxiety, insecurities, bullying/gossiping
Word count: 6.75k
Genre: Fluff, mild angst
Pairing: Ravenclaw Kuroo x Slytherin Female Reader
AN: It’s September 1st, aka the first day of school at Hogwarts! I’ve been procrastinating on this fic for like a month or so, so I forced myself to finish this at 3 AM LMAO.
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The sound of turned pages stuttered by scratching quills clung to the darkness as flames flickered around the room. You kept blinking, eyes drying from how long you’ve been focused. A sigh, and you slumped against the back of the chair. You had been sitting in this dark corner for the past three hours, pouring over text after text as you tried to wrap your head around the contents. Another sigh left you as you re-read what you wrote, dipping your black quill into the blue ink to make corrections. “It’s almost curfew, wrap it up.” Madam Pince poked her head around the bookshelf, peering over her spectacles at the tower of books you had surrounding you. 
You pulled a note from your bag, standing up to give it to her. “I’m sorry Madam Pince, Professor Snape gave me permission to stay here past curfew.” She gingerly took the note from you, a scowl shadowing her face as she scrutinized it for legitimacy before turning on her heel with a huff to head back to her desk. Since you were already standing, you decided to stretch your legs and go look for that last text that should help push your claims about alternative ingredient usage and the degree of change to the potion. 
Snape had always liked you as a student, especially after third year. He had caught you switching out certain roots for other herbs which still ended up with perfect potions every time. Since then, you had to be honest with your professor. You wanted to impact the Potions community, whether as someone who created a new Potion or as someone who wrote the new standard textbook. You were fortunate enough that Snape preferred Slytherins, otherwise you might not have been afforded the same opportunity that he had granted. 
You sighed, (e/c) eyes scanning the shelves. Snape had recommended a very specific one. Its maroon binding caught your attention. With fingers reaching for it, they brushed against another hand. “Sorry!” You yanked your hand back, eyes following the hand up to the person. Looming over you was a familiar sight. Quidditch Captain, Prefect, and heart-throb of the school Kuroo Tetsurou stood over you. 
“Sorry, I should have paid more attention.” Kuroo pulled the book out, offering it to you. 
You shook your head, glancing back at your table. “It’s ok, you can use it.”
His hazel eyes followed yours, “are you sure? It must be important if you need this specifically amongst all the other ones.” 
You flushed, avoiding his eyes. “It’s not that important.” 
Kuroo’s finger dragged down the maroon binding. “I was just planning on doing some light reading.” He hands it to you, clearing his throat. “What are you working on?”
You offer him a small smile. “I’m working on a research paper.”
“On what?” He looked down at the book. “I’m assuming it’s something Potions-related.”
A soft giggle left you. “Yeah, I’m conducting research on alternative ingredients use in potions and the effects of using such alternatives.” Kuroo’s eyes widened. As he opened his mouth, Madam Pince hissed another demand for silence. A loud yawn overtook your features, eyes squeezing shut. Glancing at your watch, you clicked your tongue. “It’s getting late. I’ll probably finish whatever else I can in the common room.”  Kuroo frowned, he had just been about to ask if he could study with you. “Nice to meet you, Kuroo.” You scooped your books into your arms, cramming whatever would fit into your bag before sending him a wave. The maroon book felt heavy in his hands.  
“Are you looking at (Name)?” 
Kuroo flushed, whipping his head to face his best friend. Kenma just continued eating, not looking at Kuroo. “No.”
“Yes he is.” Yaku slid into the seat across from Kuroo.
“No I’m not!” 
“You’re blushing.” Kai sat across from the trio, smiling pleasantly at them. Akaashi sat beside him, flipping through one of his books as he ignored them. 
“Ok, maybe just a little bit.” Kuroo angrily stabbed a potato, chewing on it as he avoided his friends’ eyes. He couldn’t stop himself from peeking over at you every few seconds though. You were seated at the Slytherin table, throwing your head back in laughter as you teased your housemates. 
“Isn’t she known as the Cold Princess?” Akaashi inquired, still not looking up.
Kuroo glanced over at Akaashi then to the rest of the group when he heard them all agreeing. “‘Cold Princess’?”
“Yeah, heard she’s like super mean to everyone outside of her house.” Yaku commented, sipping his pumpkin juice. “Even some of her house-mates are scared of her.” 
Kuroo frowned, not seeing why they thought that. “She seemed pretty nice to me.” 
“Is that why you can’t keep your eyes off of her?”
“That’s besides the point.” Kuroo scowled, elbowing Akaashi. 
“Who knew we’d find a day where Kuroo Tetsurou would be smitten with a girl.” Yaku’s eyes sparkled with humour. “Let alone the Cold Princess herself.” Yaku and Kai laughed. 
“I’m not smitten!” Kuroo insisted. “She’s just...different.” 
“Didn’t think you’d go for a Slytherin though, Kuroo,” Kai remarked, eating some eggs.
Kuroo shrugged. “Y’know I don’t care about all those house rivalries outside of the Quidditch field.” 
Kenma snorted, “yeah cause all you care about is Quidditch.”
“And my education!” Kuroo argued. 
“How’d you meet her anyways?” 
He looked up to Kai. “I met her a few weeks ago in the library.” Kuroo pushed his food around on the plate, glancing between it and you. This time, you were patting a blonde male on the head. He didn’t recognize him, figuring that it was probably someone from your year. Was that your boyfriend? Kuroo wondered to himself. 
Kai hummed. “I see her in the library often. She always sits by herself.”
“Seriously?” Yaku glanced over at you. “I never see her.”
“She sits in the corner,” Kai replied. 
As the conversation changed to their homework, Kuroo blanked out. It had been a few weeks since that chance meeting between the two of you. He’d gone into the library most days since in an effort to talk to you, but he always found you buried in your books. Kuroo hated when people interrupted him in his readings, so he would just find a table where he could observe you - in the most nonchalant and least creepy way possible - to see if he could catch you before you left. Unfortunately, he hadn’t had much luck with that. He’d accidentally immerse himself in his own work, and by the time he took a break, you were either already gone or headed out the door. Hey, he was a Ravenclaw for a reason. Once he got into his reading, he was gone to the world. With a deep sigh, he resigned himself. If you guys were meant to be friends, it’ll happen. He should worry about his own work instead of a pretty Slytherin kouhai that he had only talked to for a few minutes.
“Miss (L.Name).” You look up at your professor’s voice.
“Yes, Professor Snape?” 
“Come to my desk at the end of class.” 
“Yes, sir.” Snape’s robes billowed as he turned, slinking back towards his desk. You turned back to your cauldron, waiting for your potion to change to orange. Carefully, you added powdered porcupine quills until your potion turned white. Today, Snape had your class brewing the Draught of Peace since it was one of the potions that would commonly come up during O.W.Ls. You sat back, stirring slightly before letting the potion simmer. It was a difficult potion only because getting it wrong would be dangerous. The wrong mix of ingredients, being heavy-handed with the porcupine quills or powdered moonstone could lead to irreversible sleep. The bell rang just as you added the 7 drops of hellebore. You observed your potion, satisfied. It had come out perfectly. Bottling two samples in a glass flask for Snape, you quickly cleaned up your cauldron and the area around it.
“Ugh, you’re so lucky (Name)!” 
You turned to your classmate, eyebrows furrowed. “And why’s that?” 
“You’re so gifted in potions.” Nishinoya, a Gryffindor in your class, glared at his potion. You stifled a laugh. His potion had somehow turned out an ugly chartreuse color. Even the fumes looked toxic as orange smoke billowed from it.
“What the hell did you do wrong this time, Nishi?” 
He threw his hands up in exasperation. “Fuck if I knew, to be honest.” He bottled it, wincing at the repulsive smell of his potion. 
You patted his back. “Well good luck with remedial potions.”
“Can’t you help me before it gets to that?” He whined. You and Nishinoya had been partnered in the third year of potions. Though you were typically more frosty, he had weaseled his way into your heart and became a close friend. Mostly by sheer persistence on his part. After all, who would willingly want to be friends with the Cold Princess of Slytherin? 
“You know I’m busy.” You dead-panned, waving your wand over the cauldrons so that the contents disappeared. Together, you and Nishinoya walked up to Snape’s desk. By now, the majority of your classmates had left. Snape glanced at your potions, his gaze sliding over to Nishinoya’s and his face contorted in disgust.
“Another T, Mr. Nishinoya.” Nishinoya’s cheeks flushed pink, grimacing. 
“I know, Professor.” His head hung low as he shuffled towards the door. “See you later, (Name).” 
You offered the Gryffindor a wave that he didn’t see before turning back to your professor. “You asked to see me, Professor?”
Snape cleared his throat. “Yes. As you know, I rarely offer remedial classes to students.” A sneer made its way on his face. “However, Professor Dumbledore has...implored me..to be kinder this term. So, I have offered remedial classes and tutoring for struggling students this semester. As one of the more competent potioneers in my classes, I would like to request your assistance as a tutor.”
“Me?” The door opened, his next class filing in. 
“That’s what I said, Miss (L.Name). Don’t make me take that back.” Snape’s eyes flashed dangerously as he began to put the flasks from your class away. “By taking on this task, I will be able to review the work you’ve assembled so far.” He cleared his throat, “and this would be a perfect opportunity for you to practice your teaching skills.” 
Your eyes sparkled. Being able to dabble in academia seemed like a perfect opportunity for you to figure out where you wanted your future to go. “Of course Professor. Thank you for the opportunity!” Snape gave you a stiff nod. 
“Now hurry up and get to class.” With a short bow, you spun on your heel to sprint out of the room. Your next class was Charms and you were most definitely going to be late if you didn’t hurry. Just as you reached the doorway, you collided into something tall and firm. 
You yelped, stumbling back only for arms to dart around and steady you. “Oh, it’s you!” You glanced up, recognising him. “Sorry, I’m in a rush!” With a blinding smile, you patted his arms before dashing out under his arms and down the corridor. 
“Get to your seat, Mr. Kuroo.” Kuroo’s head shot up, “and get that ridiculous look off of your face.” Pink crept up Kuroo’s face as he snapped his jaw shut, slinking towards his seat.
Snape began class, writing the instructions for the Potion for Dreamless Sleep onto the chalkboard. Yaku leaned over towards his housemate nudging him playfully, “you were staring again.” Pink turned to scarlet as Kuroo whipped around, shushing him. Yaku grinned, sitting back as he rewrote the instructions onto a piece of parchment. “She’s pretty.” Kuroo grunted in response, pulling out his ingredients. “Think she’s single?”
“Why are you so interested?” Kuroo snapped, glaring at the Keeper. “I thought you were scared of the Cold Princess.” Yaku just laughed, patting his back. 
“No reason, Kuroo. No reason at all.”      
“You’re late, Mr. Kuroo.”
“Sorry Professor,” Kuroo dipped his head. “Quidditch practice ran late today.”
Snape turned his nose, sneering. “Excuses do not belong in this classroom.” Snape turned on his heels, robes sweeping with the motion. “Hurry up then, or I will not grant you the extra credit.” Kuroo hurries into the classroom, glancing around at the dingy dungeon. He was glad that there were only eleven students. He froze, recognizing a familiar sight. Kuroo slips into the seat beside you, muttering a greeting to which you nodded in response. “With the exception of two students, you are all here because you have failed miserably to prove your worth in my class. However, this is your opportunity to redeem yourself.” Snape glowered at each and every one of the remedial students, sending chills down their spines. “Don’t squander it.” 
With that, he turned and walked to the blackboard, writing down the recipe for the Shrinking Potion. Placing the chalk down, he sends one final glare to the students before going to his desk. You step in front of the blackboard, smirking at the students. “This is a simple potion that any third-year should be able to do. Follow these instructions, and Kuroo and I will be walking around to provide you help should you need it.” More chills ran up the students’ back at your last words. It was obvious that you weren’t keen on helping them should they need it.
Kuroo pinched his nose, looking around the room. As he walked around, a tall grey-haired fourth-year Slytherin caught his attention. “Can you please help me, Kuroo?” He begged. 
“What seems to be the problem?”
The male winced as the potion billowed up green gas. “That,” he replied lamely. 
“You added the Shrivelfig too early,” Kuroo’s eyes widened, casting a charm to dispel the gas. “You’re going to have to start all over.”
“What?! I don’t want to,” he whined. The slamming of a book caused them both to flinch, both sets of eyes darting to Snape who glared at them. “Aren’t you a Ravenclaw? Help me fix this!” 
“You literally created poison gas,” Kuroo responded, pinching his nose.
Raising his wand to vanish the potion, a hand grabbed his wrist. “Lev, what did you do this time?” You pinched your nose with one hand as you stared at the potion.
“Something about Shrivelfig,” Lev muttered, crossing his arms. “I don’t see why I need to start over though!” 
Your face softened. “Look, Lev, this potion has become dangerous. Do you want to fail this class and potentially hurt your fellow classmates?” You glanced at Kuroo who pulled his arm away and tucked his wand back into his robe pocket. “If it wasn’t for Kuroo’s quick-thinking, the fumes would have overtaken the class and we would be in some serious danger.” You patted the male’s head. “Here, I’ll stay with you and make sure you do it right, ok? That way you don’t have to stay extra long.”
Lev perked up. “Okay! Thanks, (Name).” 
You grinned, before glancing back at Kuroo. “You can help the others now, Kuroo. Thank you for your quick-thinking.”
Heat crept up his neck as he shook his head. “It was nothing,” he replied dismissively. 
You raised an eyebrow but nodded. “Whatever you say.” You turned back to Lev, vanishing the potion. “Let’s get started then, shall we Lev?” Kuroo stood there for a few moments, watching with slight amazement as you carefully guided Lev through the procedures. You looked in your element as you sliced the caterpillars and showed the younger student the best way to peel Shrivelfig. Another student called for Kuroo’s attention, snapping him out of his stupor. As Kuroo proceeded to help the others, he couldn’t help but survey you in the corner of his eyes. Perhaps there was a softer side to the Cold Princess after all. 
Kuroo breathed a sigh of relief, stretching his shoulders. Due to the raging thunderstorm outside, he’d made the executive decision to cancel Quidditch classes. Exam season was coming up, and there was no reason to put his players’ health at risk if they could avoid it. Besides, they were doing pretty well this season. He walked up the stone stairs, following them to the library. As he entered, he couldn’t help the grimace that slid onto his face. It appeared that everyone thought to study today as the library was completely packed. He poked around, searching for an empty table only to find none. Kuroo sighed, contemplating whether or not he should go back to the dorms in order to study when he spotted you at your usual table. Luckily enough, nobody else had joined you at the table. 
Steeling his nerves, Kuroo began walking towards you. As he made his journey, he picked up some whispers as people threw dark looks in your direction. 
“Of course the Cold Princess would monetize an entire table.” A younger Ravenclaw scoffed.
“She threatened to hex me when I came too close,” a Hufflepuff whimpered. 
“Me too!” Another Hufflepuff whispered in response.
“She said that people ruin her concentration,” a Gryffindor sneered to his housemates.
Kuroo stopped by your table, waiting anxiously for you to acknowledge him. Your nose was firmly buried into your parchment, and after a few awkward minutes of waiting, it was obvious that you weren’t going to say anything. Clearing his throat, Kuroo said, “hi.” Internally, Kuroo was screaming. ‘Hi’? Is that really all he was going to say?
You jolted, looking up at him and blinking rapidly with weary eyes. “K-Kuroo?” You stammer, rubbing one of your eyes.
Kuroo adjusted his bag awkwardly. “Yeah.” He cleared his throat, gesturing to the other tables. “Everywhere else is full. Do you mind if I join you?”
You stare at him with sharp (e/c) eyes. Seconds dragged on, a cold sweat swept through his body and he was regretting every decision he had made since entering the library until you gave him a stiff nod. “Sure, I don’t see why not.”
Relief washed over him as he grinned. “Thank you so much, I promise I won’t be a bother.” You only gave him another stiff nod before you moved your books around to give him more space. Sliding into the chair beside you, Kuroo pulled out his Transfiguration homework.
The pair of you work in silence for an hour before you get up, stretching. Students flinched as you make your way down the shelves, burying themselves into their books or ducking behind empty aisles in order to avoid you. Just as quickly as you had gotten up, you had already plopped back into your seat. “Y’know, you’re a lot quieter than I expected,” you comment, flicking through the latest volumes you had pulled.
Kuroo glanced up, tilting his head. “What do you mean?”
Clearing your throat, your eyes met his. “I mean that for someone as popular as you are, you sure are quiet.” 
A red glow warmed his features. “I wouldn’t say that I’m popular.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Ya sure about that? Because I’m pretty sure being a Quidditch Captain, Prefect, and a top-ranking student are all qualities of popular students.” 
At your comment, he raised his eyebrows. “Didn’t know you paid so much attention to me, kitten,” he teased. 
You glowered at the nickname. “Don’t call me kitten.”
It became routine for you and Kuroo to meet at the library now. It was very rare that either of you missed a session. Your dark corner was brightened by his presence. Once the clock rang a certain hour, you were already moving the stacks of books to the side to make room for the rooster-head captain as he slunk in after Quidditch practice. He’d used to come directly after, only for you to yell at him to go to his dorm and shower, which would end up delaying him by twenty minutes. With that extra time, you’d sneak into the kitchen and snag some food for you both. 
Your quill scratched the parchment as you took down more notes from the text. The wooden chair besides you creaked, but your eyes remained on the book. “Hello, Kuroo.” You flipped a page, scanning the text for more information.
“Hey kitten.” The soft thump of his bag falling onto the ground had you looking up.
“You look tired,” you noted, surveying his face. Eye-bags darkened his face, not helped by the shadows of the flickering flames. “Maybe you should sleep early today.”
Kuroo shook his head. “No, I really have to finish this paper.” He pulled out his Transfiguration book.
“Do you have patrol later?” You chewed on your bottom lip, brows furrowed. Kuroo nodded glumly. “Alright, skip it.”
“I can’t just skip patrol,” Kuroo laughed, sipping at the pumpkin juice that you’d smuggle in.
“You can if someone takes it for you.” You looked back down at your books. “I’ll do your patrol for you.”
Kuroo choked, coughing. “W-what?” Madam Pince threw him a disgusted look as she hmph’d at her desk. “You can’t do that.” You shrugged, leaning forward to ruffle his hair. Kuroo let out a soft yelp. “What was that for?” 
You pulled back your hand, carefully examining the hair. “For the polyjuice potion.” A few months ago, you’d decided to try your hand at brewing polyjuice potion on a whim. You hadn’t had a chance to use it yet, so this was the perfect opportunity. 
“Shh!” Madam Pince hissed, looking up over her books at you both. You folded the hair into a napkin, carefully tucking it into your robes.
Kuroo lowered his voice. “What do you mean polyjuice potion? Isn’t that against the rules?”
“Well it’s not exactly like I have a time-turner,” you rolled your eyes. “Nor am I a Metamorphmagus.”
“You don’t have to do that for me.” Kuroo surveyed you. For someone who was advertised as just another ‘big bad Slytherin’, you had such an incredibly soft side. 
You shrugged, pushing a sandwich in his direction. “Eat up.” You took a bite out of your own sandwich.
As you pulled your hand back, a warm weight dropped onto it. You swallowed, looking up. “Thank you.” His eyes sparkled. “I really appreciate you.”
Averting your eyes, your cheeks glowed. You hoped that the candle-light would hide it. “Just take care of yourself, rooster-head.” 
“I heard what happened.” 
You glanced up, grimacing. During potions, you had been helping Nishinoya only for his potion to explode everywhere. Snape ended up assigning him detention for the next month as well as remedial classes three times a week. You really weren’t sure how Nishinoya had fucked up his Wit-raising potion. But you’d walked away laughing, with admittedly terrible burns. You’d ended up teasing the boy saying that he needed to drink your wit-raising potion before he was allowed to speak to you again. 
“How are you doing?” Kuroo pressed. 
You let the utensils slip out of your fingers as you displayed your heavily bandaged hands up. “Miserable.” 
Kuroo’s eyes widened. “Madam Pomfrey couldn’t help?” You shook your head, frowning. There was still a residual stinging in your fingers. “Scoot over.”
“Only your hands are messed up, I’m sure you heard me just fine.” Kuroo waved his hands, forcing you aside. He took your seat, pulling your plate towards him.
“Kuroo, this is the Slytherin table, what the hell are you doing?” He shushed you, cutting up the meat on your plate. “Kuroo, I can take care of myself.” 
He fixed you with a hard stare, pushing the plate towards you. “Prove it then.” You glared at him, as you picked up the fork and knife. Pain coursed through your fingers but you simply bit your tongue, not wanting him to win. You focused on keeping your face blank, breathing deeper than you wanted. With sluggish movements, you sawed through the meat. Hazel eyes surveyed you, flicking between your hands and your face. 
“See?” You proclaimed, stabbing the meat and waving it in his face. He shrugged, holding his hands up.
“Whatever you say, Princess.” You glared at him, ice creeping through your heart. Eating it, you attempted to cut more meat only to drop the fork with a violent curse. It felt like someone had poured molten lava over your hands. Glaring at your fingers, you aggressively shoved the plate towards Kuroo who raised an eyebrow at you. “I thought you could do it yourself?”
“I didn’t quite hear that, kitten.” 
You rolled your eyes at the pet-name. “Just help me, Kuroo.” 
“I didn’t hear the magic word,” he teased, pulling the plate towards himself.
“Please,” you muttered, tears pricking at your eyes. Kuroo paused, taking a moment to pat you on the head.
“Of course, silly. I’m always here to help you.” You offered him a small smile, before whispers from the Ravenclaw table caught your attention.
“What’s Kuroo doing with her?” 
“Doesn’t he know that she’s a cold-hearted bitch?” 
“He’s gonna get his heart broken.” 
“Bet you she’s going to curse him behind his back.” 
“Or poison him.” They snickered.
More tears welled up in your eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this?” You asked, turning your face away from him. 
The clinks of cutlery stopped. “Do what?”
“Help me.” 
A hand grasped your chin, tilting your face up. He leaned forward, warm breath humming against your ear. “Keep your chin up, Princess, your crown is falling,” he whispered before he pulled back, brushing your hair aside. Scarlet roses bloomed in your cheeks. Cold Princess echoed in your mind. Kuroo cleared his throat, turning back to the plate, hiding his own pink flush. “Besides, you saved my ass the other week. This is the least that I can do for you.” 
 You chewed on your lip. Of course. He was returning a favor. Just a favor. Nothing more, nothing less. 
“I won’t be here tomorrow.” You looked up from the Honeydukes chocolate that he had brought you, tilting your head. “I have to patrol early, so I won’t be able to make this.” He gestured to the table. Your tower of books had slowly diminished in size, only a small stack remained. In between your rolls of parchment and his own books was an abundance of candies. You’d miss the Hogsmeade trip earlier that day due to another remedial lesson with Lev. Kuroo leaned forward, wiping away a bit of chocolate from the corner of your mouth.
“Don’t do that.” You whipped your face away, hoping that the darkness would hide the crimson glow. You cleared your throat. “That’s fine. It’s not like you’re of any help, you always distract me.”
“So I guess I should take back all this candy then,” Kuroo teased, reaching for it. You snatched it up, pulling it close to your chest. Kuroo let out a disgustingly loud bark of laughter causing you to cringe. Madam Pince snarled in annoyance at you both. 
“Keep laughing like that and I’ll use a Silencing charm on you,” you threatened, tucking the chocolates away into your bag. 
Kuroo reclined in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. “You say that, but you know you like it.” 
“Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night, Kuroo.” 
The next day, you couldn’t stop fidgeting. It was...too quiet. Of course, being in a library meant that it should be quiet. But you couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. The bell chimed, and like clock-work, you began shifting your books to the side. Mid-motion, you froze, eyebrows creasing as you frowned. Why were you moving your stuff? It’s not like anyone was joining you tonight. You cursed silently. Of course you’d gotten used to him. You vaguely remembered a Muggle psychology term: mere exposure effect. The more you became familiar with something or were exposed to it, the more you’d have a preference for it. You violently slammed the books back to where they were, earning another reprimand from Madam Pince. Studying by yourself just became excruciatingly difficult.
Meanwhile, Kuroo was absent-mindedly flying down the corridors. His long legs allowed him to stride down the halls in a dozen steps or so, forcing his partner to sprint in order to keep up. “Jesus, Kuroo, what’s got you in a hurry?” Bokuto, the Hufflepuff Prefect, puffed. 
“Huh?” Kuroo paused, only to have Bokuto slam into his back. “Oh lord, I am so sorry Bokuto.” 
The Hufflepuff winced, prying himself off of Kuroo’s back, rubbing his nose. “It’s fine.” Kuroo continued down the hall, slower this time. “What’s got you all distracted?” Kuroo shrugged, opening one of the classrooms and looking around. He shut the door with a sigh, before rushing down the hall once more, the slower pace already forgotten. Bokuto scurried after him. “Or should I say, who is on your mind?” 
At this, Kuroo whirled around. “What do you mean?” 
Bokuto bellowed with laughter. “I heard that you were talking to someone, but I didn’t know it was this serious.”  
“Shut up.” The dark halls did nothing to save Kuroo as he stepped into a pool of moonlight. 
“Aw, you’re blushing!” Bokuto cackled, bending over as his rambunctious laughter echoed in the halls.
“Shut up!” 
Bokuto wiped a tear away from his eyes. “You really like this girl, don’t you?”  
Kuroo huffed, blowing his hair up. “Maybe.”
The Hufflepuff clapped a hand over his back. “I’m rooting for ya.” 
“I’ll need it,” Kuroo muttered. He pulled himself out of Bokuto’s grip. “C’mon, let’s just finish this patrol.” 
“Alright, I’m off.” You waved to your housemates, picking up your books as you left the Great Hall. 
“Make sure you come watch me play, sweetheart!” Atsumu shouted after you, waving eagerly. You rolled your eyes, ignoring him. You rarely ever went to Quidditch matches, let alone to support someone. That’s something you’d reserve for romantic partners, not house-mates. The few times you’d gone were because Snape offered extra points to everyone who attended. You shook your head, taking a deep breath. 
It was just any other Saturday morning and you would be headed back to your sanctuary: the library. A voice called out behind you, thundering footsteps following. You turned, stopping in the middle of the doorway. “Good morning, Kuroo.” You offered him a small smile that he returned.
“Hey (Name)!” He hugged you, pulling you into his chest; your heart pounded against your own. He’s never hugged you before. “Will you be going to the match later?” Kuroo released you and you took a few steps back. 
Holding up the book, you shook your head hoping that he didn’t see your flushed face. “No, Professor Snape gave me this book so I was going to work on it.”
“Aw that’s too bad, I was really hoping you’d come cheer for me.” Kuroo grinned before he draped a blue and bronze scarf around your neck. 
Your cheeks glowed like ripe apples, eyes wide. “Kuroo!” Your jaw dropped. 
“See you there!” With a cheeky smile, he waved running back towards his friends. 
An hour later, you found yourself walking down towards the Quidditch pitch. “Thought you didn’t go to Quidditch matches?” You crossed your arms, unamused. “And you’re wearing a Ravenclaw scarf? Talk about a traitor!” Osamu pinched your cheeks, tugging on it.
“Shut up, ‘Samu,” you scowled, shoving him away. “Are you finished yet?”
He shrugged. “Dunno why you even bothered to come.” He led you up the stands towards the Slytherin section. “Or why you’re sitting with us.”
“I’m a Slytherin!” You pouted, glaring at his back. Osamu just laughed.
“Yer still wearin’ a Ravenclaw scarf though. Don’t think I missed that display in the Great Hall.” He cackled as you slapped his back. “Didn’t know ya had a thing for the Captain.” 
You cleared your throat as you guys arrived at your destination. You greeted your house-mates, settling besides Osamu. “Why aren’t you playing, ‘Samu?” 
Osamu scowled, glaring at you. “Shaddup.” You chuckled, leaning back in your seat. Osamu was also on the team, but this year, the captain had decided to let more of the sixth and seventh years play. Atsumu was the only fifth-year on the team at the moment. You were grateful for the twins who had rapidly become your best friends since you’d started at Hogwarts. Both of them were ‘no-nonsense’ and didn’t care that you were plagued with nasty nicknames due to your ‘cold-hearted’ demeanor. 
“Ooh, look they’re starting.” As the match goes on, you can’t help but let your eyes trail the Ravenclaw captain. To say the least, you were impressed. He radiated a different energy from what he normally did during your late-night study sessions in the library. During those, he just seemed goofy and studious. But here, you could see the whole other side to him. The way he communicated with his team-mates, how happy he looked everytime one of their plays worked out, the satisfaction that seemed to completely fill him after he scored. He simply exuded a different type of confidence that you’ve never seen from him before. Your eyes widened with awe as he shuffled between the other Chasers, throwing the Quaffle to each other and thoroughly confusing the Slytherin chasers. As Kuroo scored, you couldn’t help the, “Whoooo, go Kuroo!” that escaped your lips.
Osamu jabbed you in the side, muttering, “traitor” but even that couldn’t wipe away the smile from your face. You were never interested in Quidditch, but maybe now you had a reason to be. 
The game quickly ended with Kenma snagging the Snitch out from Oikawa’s nose, leading to Atsumu flying towards the stands where you and Osamu were sitting. “Hey, ya made it sweetcheeks!” Atsumu cheered, hovering above your head in front of you. 
You cleared your throat. “Nice job out there, ‘Tsumu.” 
“I know right? I was definitely the star, wasn’t I?” He grinned. 
You pulled your cloak closer; it was getting late and cold. You desperately wanted to be back in the castle already. “If you were the real star, you would’ve won,” you shrugged. Osamu chuckled besides you as Atsumu squawked indignantly.  
“Oi, Atsumu!” Oikawa called, flying over. “C’mon, hit the showers. You can try to impress your girl later.” Oikawa patted your head, “hey there, (Name).”
“Hey Oikawa.” You offered him a small smile. “Sorry about the game. You did great out there though.”
“Thank you~!” He sang, flying lower so that he could pull you into a hug. You yelped at the sudden intrusion. “Lemme just have this moment of comfort,” he whined as you clawed at his arms in an attempt to struggle out of his grip. Defeated, you let the captain hang onto you, awkwardly patting his back. 
“You guys reek,” you muttered, looking away from the pair. “Go shower.”  
Finally escaping from the clingy twins and Oikawa, you let out a sigh of relief. You tugged your bag higher onto your shoulder as you made your way down the familiar path. Just as you were about to enter the library, a familiar voice called after you. Turning, your eyes widened. “Kuroo?” 
He slowed to a stop in front of you, winded slightly before he offered you a wide cheeky grin. “Hey there Princess!”
“What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be celebrating with your team?”
He shrugged, “I had to see my girl first.” 
Heat crawled up through your body. You cleared your throat. “Your girl?”
“Well yeah! Especially after how loudly you were cheering for me,” he teased. 
“And it’s Kuroo Tetsurou with the quaffle after a successful Sabryn steal from Miya Atsumu. He passes it to Sugawara Koushi, who passes it right back over Iwaizumi Hajime’s head. And Kuroo scores! Right through Matsukawa Issei’s finger-tips!” 
Kuroo did a loop, whooping before he soared beside Suga, giving the male a high-five. Mattsun grabbed the quaffle, putting it back into play. Kuroo smirked, darting off towards Atsumu who had the quaffle. They end up on the Ravenclaw side, with Iwaizumi attempting to score. Yaku successfully receives the ball, throwing it at Kuroo. “You’re playing better than ever today, Kuroo,” Yaku grins. “Better keep on impressing your girlfriend.” Kuroo scowled at the keeper. He hadn’t even seen you in the audience, who was to say that you were there at all?
Kuroo rolled his eyes, glancing over at Suga and Akaashi. Giving the males a curt nod, they enter the Hawkshead Attacking Formation. “Another Thimblerig Shuffle by the Ravenclaws! The Quaffle is bouncing around. Akaashi. Kuroo. Suga. Akaashi. Kuroo. And Kuroo takes the quaffle and scores once again! Slytherin does not look happy folks.” Loud cheers fill the stadium from the Ravenclaw, but as Kuroo flies back around the field, a lone cheer from the Slytherin section catches his attention. His head whips around, eyes widening at the sight. There you were, bundled up in his Ravenclaw scarf and actually cheering for him. Emotions flood his body, he hadn’t expected you to actually come or to actually wear his scarf. He couldn’t help the grin that slipped onto his face. Kuroo let out another loud whoop, before doing a heart-shaped loop in the air. A Bludger zoomed past him, drawing his attention back to the game. He’d have to deal with his emotions later. He had a game to win, and a girl to impress after all. 
You choked on air, averting your eyes. “Yeah well, you looked cool.” 
Kuroo grinned, “thanks kitten.”
You stared down at your book, fingers tracing the binding. “Anyways, your girl? I didn’t know you were serious.” 
It was his turn to avoid your eyes. “I mean! You were wearing my scarf,” he stammered. 
“You gave it to me,” you fired back, amusement flickering in your eyes as you observed him. Kuroo turns completely red at this, kicking at the stone floors awkwardly. You clear your throat, eyes softening. “Take me to Hogsmeade next weekend and we’ll talk about our relationship status then.” 
Relief floods his system as he eagerly nods. “I can make that happen.”
“Well good.” You smile, heading into the library only for Kuroo to follow you. “Again, don’t you have a party to get to?”
He shrugged, “rather spend time with you to be honest.” 
“Don’t let your team-mates hear you,” you grin as you guys make your way to your usual table. Kuroo just ruffled your hair, smiling as you both took a seat. After an hour or so of studying, you snapped your book shut. “Actually, let’s do something.”
He looked up at you, raising an eyebrow. “Like what?” 
You shrugged. “Find Hogwarts’ mysteries?”
Kuroo leaned back in his chair, a sly smile making its way onto his face. “Y’know, I hear there are some cursed chambers hidden in Hogwarts.”
“Breaking curses, treasure hunting? Sounds like my kind of date,” you smirk, packing your stuff away. Kuroo throws his head back in a boisterous laugh, only to be scolded by Madam Pince. You stood up, standing beside him before making your way out. “Y’know, you could have easily been a Slytherin,” you teased, bumping your hip into his as you held the textbooks to your chest. 
He smirked, slinging his arm over your shoulder as you both walked out of the library. “Why’s that?”
“You have more ambition than I do.” You shrugged his arm off of your shoulder. “You leave the library just as late as I do after coming here after your Quidditch practices and then heading straight to your Prefect duties. Hard-work goes hand-in-hand with ambition, Kuroo.” He plucked one of the books out of your hand. “Hey!”
“Well, Little Miss Slytherin, you could definitely have been a Ravenclaw.” Kuroo held the book over your head, flicking through the pages. “Your thirst for knowledge is never quite quenched.” 
You flush. “Well, a quest for knowledge is an ambitious one, isn’t it?”
He hummed, pulling the rest of your books out of your hands while ignoring your cries of protest. He tucks them into his right side, slipping his left hand into yours. “I guess us together makes the perfect Slytherin and Ravenclaw, doesn’t it?” Kuroo squeezed your hand, looking down at you. You grinned, giving him a light squeeze. Being together just felt right. He brought out your inner Ravenclaw, and you brought out his inner Slytherin. Knowledge and ambition went hand-in-hand, just like you and Kuroo.
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sugawara--san · 2 years ago
i'm a whore for hogwarts aus and i just keep thinking about muggleborn childhood best friends kuroo and kenma where kuroo turns 11 and gets this unbelievable letter and he really really shouldn't share the huge wizard secret with anyone but can't help telling kenma after a couple days max and then proceeds to mail a weekly update on literally everything about magic and hogwarts because he tells him everything but it works out anyways because a year later kenma gets his letter too
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onigiriomi · 5 years ago
haikyuu!! in hogwarts
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terushima yuuji and bokuto koutarou
terushima and bokuto are the party animals and pranksters. they are best mates and are rivals in quidditch. both are chasers and always keep count of how many goals they made during the match. “how many did you score?” “10.” “hah, i got 11 in.” “damn it.”. bokuto sucks in some subjects, but terushima’s always there to help him. terushima even made a bunch of flashcards for him on herbology. once pulled an all-nighter before an exam and ended up sleeping in the common room. the girls loved their disheveled hair.
shirofuku yukie and misaki hana
they look innocent, but always look for cute boys in the great hall. “hey, that slytherin boy, black hair, he’s cute.” “yukie, that’s the headboy.” “oh shit!”. misaki wakes shirofuku up every morning because she’s a heavy sleeper and always sleeps late. shirofuku’s a seventh-year prefect, which means on most nights, misaki goes to sleep first. hogsmeade visits almost every weekend to shop and drink butterbeer. misaki doodling on yukie’s notebooks and enchant them so they’d move. both of them braid each other’s hair.
ennoshita chikara and akaashi keiji
they’re quite popular amongst the ravenclaw students. juniors and seniors alike. ennoshita cheering akaashi up when he failed his quidditch try-outs. staying in empty classrooms to study and always forget the time. they only leave when a prefect comes to remind them. akaashi saving ennoshita a seat in the common room near the fireplace. lending each other books to read. they cried over arithmancy the night before its exam. “i’m really going to fail this.” “ugh, i don’t care anymore. i’ll just let the universe decide.”
kuroo tetsurou and oikawa tooru
sneaky, cunning bastards that everyone knows all too well. both are ridiculously ambitious. oikawa challenging kuroo to every single thing. they had an intense battle of frog chocolates eating contest. in the end, oikawa puked and kuroo had a bad case of stomachache that he literally had to go to the infirmary. oikawa is the loud quidditch captain and kuroo’s the charismatic keeper. hitting each other’s back before the match begins. “don’t fall from your broom, chicken-head.” “don’t get struck by lightning, dirt-face.”
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minkipinkymingi · 6 years ago
Fanon Kuroo is a Slytherin, but canon Kuroo is a Ravenclaw, come at me
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makhaoto · 7 years ago
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casperrscapes · 2 years ago
haikyuu x hogwarts crossover fanfic rec list !!
hello!! i really like haikyuu, and i quite like harry potter, so it makes sense that i like haikyuu x hogwarts fics, doesn’t it? here are some of my favourites ones that i’ve come across!! (o゜▽゜)o☆
be careful, and check tags/warnings before reading!! 
this isn’t in any particular order. 
(i used the little moon phases to represent .5/.25/.75 of a star ( •̀ ω •́ )✧)
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sixth Time's the Charm by tsumekakusu (T) 2,068 words [kyouhaba] --- (aka How to say "I like you" in six different ways)
kyoutani is such a nerd, and we love him for that. oh, right, yahaba’s also a bit stupid at times... he’s very dense. they get together in the end though, so that’s what matters!!
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Love from the Quidditch Bleachers by sunablinks (NR) 5,271 words [sunaosa, bkg sakuatsu] --- In a wizarding world where everything fell into place because Suna Rintarou just wanted to know why everyone hated the Miya twins so much. ��Wanna sneak into the pantry later and grab food for a picnic at the Quidditch field tonight?”
this might actually be the first and only sunaosa fic i’ve ever read?? not cause i don’t like ‘em!! and honestly, i might read some more of these after how cute this one was... but anyways, this is such an endearing fic, and they’re so in love, and i just love this!! suna taking care of osamu is really cute :).
⭐⭐⭐🌖 stardust by InkCaviness (G) 1,415 words [kyouhaba] ---  Shigeru first meets Kyoutani during their Herbology class and he watches in fascination as the Hufflepuff with the permanent scowl and broad shoulders carefully handles delicate plants.
it’s very nice, fluffy fluff, what else can i say?? 
⭐⭐⭐🌖 Magicked by HoneyBeeez (T) 8,470 words [kyouhaba] check tags for this one!! --- Yahaba loves all things medicine, so he's basically a kid in a candy store when he's allowed to be an assistant at the Hospital Wing. He loves what he learns, what he does... the only thing that's a little troublesome is the patients, and even then, its only one patient: Kyoutani Kentarou.
oddly humorous?? also quite sad though... the ending fit kyouhaba so well!!
⭐⭐⭐🌘 Blood by darkbluebox (T) 20,215 words, 10/10 chapters [tsukiyama] ---  Words like "Muggle-born" and "Pure-blood" don't mean a lot when you're still a child, but everyone has to grow up sooner or later.
adjdakjdwka, why do tsukiyama work so well for hogwarts au angst??? this hurt me,,,, but also, why are they so dumb?? like come on!! 
⭐⭐⭐🌗 Show A Little Faith by minijhi (G) 13,872 words, 3/3 chapters [kuroken] --- “Why are you sending me a singing Valentine telegram?" Kenma asks, mouth flattened. "It’s six months until Valentine’s Day.” “I bought a dwarf over the summer to use as cupid.” Kuroo says. “I figured he could use some practice.” - Presenting Kenma as the Boy-Who-Lived, whose living becomes a lot more interesting when Ravenclaw Prince Kuroo Tetsurou starts sending him singing telegrams about defeating the Dark Lord.
kenma as the boy who lived is so jdakdjkad?? idk what to say. also, kuroo sending him valentines (not really valentines, but still) is so funny. 
⭐⭐⭐ The Love Potion Of The Century by mago_teung (M) 170,383 words, 45/45 chapters [daisuga, bokuaka, kagehina, tsukiyama, asanoya, iwaoi, kuroken, ushiten] check tags for this one!! ---  "Wait, give me a sec. I have 7 brain cells left." "I bet you 5 galleons professor Takeda and professor Ukai are smashing each other, right now as we speak." "That Akaashi-san doesn't seem like a Ravenclaw at all. I was so sure he was in Slytherin." "Wait, Sugawara is in Slytherin? ... I've been calling him Hufflepuff trash this whole time." "Guys, I just saw that Slytherin kid Tsukishima and the Hufflepuff Yamaguchi making out at Three Bro-hey, stop laughing! I'm serious!" "You think if I turn into an owl I won't have to do the exams?" "That bitch Oikawa got another love letter. Thinks he's the shit..." "Why are you crying? Stop it." "With how often Kuroo goes to the Ravenclaw tower, you would think he was one of them. Kinda sad though, he's stupid." "I'm telling my daddy about this! ... No, that's my father. I'm pretty sure I said daddy." 
this one is certainly odd!! it’s technically part one of a series, but i’ve only read this first one (and the last oneshot/spinoff/oneoff). it’s very... chaotic?? definitely not everyones cup of tea, and in hindsight, i can’t say i loved it that much. i definitely enjoyed it a lot more in the moment. the whole concept is completely stupid (literally everything happends because of a love potion), but if chaos is your thing, you might like this one!!
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Oh My! (You didn't know?) by mago_teung (T) 13,977 words [aofuta] --- "I like you! Get it through your thick skull!" ". . . okay?"
spinoff i mentioned above!! honestly, i like this one better than the main fic, haha. it’s very funny and sweet!! 
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Burning Deep, Burning Bright by jellyryans (ryankellycc), ryankellycc (NR) 28,031 words, 4 works [asanoya, kagehina, daisuga] might want to check tags?
this series is absolutely amazing. asanoya focused, but there’s a kagehina and a daisuga fic too!! it’s such a fun twist of the whole asahi and nishinoya fight that happened early on in haikyuu!! it’s so cool to see it in a harry potter au... not really a hogwarts au though, just a harry potter au in general. 
⭐⭐⭐🌗 As Well As You Know Me by Authoress (E) 8,542 words [daisuga, bkg hinayama, kuroyaku] very smutty, check tags!! --- There's nothing like a Gryffindor v. Slytherin match to get the blood pumping. Well, that is, except angry post-game sex, but Suga's a prefect, he would never instigate something like that, right?
umm... i don’t really like smut?? like, i don’t read a lot of it?? so i can’t say whether or not this is “good smut.” but, i like hogwarts aus!! and i loved the whole bit about house loyalty/pride, it was funny, and made a lot of sense considering actual lore of hogwarts!! 
⭐⭐⭐🌖 woo you by bishounen_curious (G) 755 words [daisuga] ---  Suga snickered. “You really have no idea why I’ve been practically stalking you for a week?”
suga has the confidince i’ll never have, i can only dream... and daichi’s oblivousness to why suga’s been “harrassing,” him is so funny,,, this is really just such a funny fic!! 
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Spellbound by orphan_account (T) 6,847 words [daisuga, bkg kuroken, iwaoi] --- Out of all the people Daichi had to fall for, it had to be a Slytherin. Their two houses were supposed to hate each other. To be fair, he was nothing like the stereotypes preached. He wasn’t snide, slimy or pompous. He was beautiful in an ethereal kind of way. He was almost ghostly pale, all innocent brown eyes and silvery-blonde hair. Sugawara Koushi, the boy who was even sweeter than his name suggested.
daichi being done with his underclassmen is so funny, i can’t!! this fic is definitely really funny, but it’s also just extremely sweet?? huge rec from me!! 
⭐⭐⭐⭐🌗 quidditch gloves, parchment, and custard cream by h_lovely (T) 12,450 words [matsuhana] ---  After class, Matsukawa finds Hanamaki in the tall cushy grass by the lake.
hajdkasdjakd, matsuhana > everything !! i love them so much gahhhh!! look at them!! look!!! and a freaking matsuhana hogwarts au??? ‘course i’m going to love it!!
⭐⭐⭐⭐🌗 snowflakes by arsenicjay (T) 3,622 words [bokuaka] --- Bokuto is a simple wizard with simple needs; a nice date, a little romance, and he's all good to go. Or, Akaashi and Bokuto spend a day in Hogsmeade just before Christmas.
they’re so ahdjakdj??? skrunkly?? little blorbos?? i love this sort of fluff,,, the cultural differences/references were really fun too!! 
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ don’t let this magic die by canvases (oilpaints) (G) 8,498 words [semishira] --- Shirabu and Semi don’t really get along. By some twist of fate, they wind up sharing a room at the Leaky Cauldron after running away from their respective homes. Both plan on cutting ties as soon as they return to Hogwarts, but cramped rooms have a way of getting even the coldest of people to open up, often in the most unexpected and magical of ways.
i love semishira with, like, my whole heart, and this was so good!! their development- and their banter is written so well!! it’s so funny!! and their dynamic?! chefs kiss. i love this fic so much :’). (if you couldn’t tell by the rating i gave this fic, i have huge bias towards semishira)
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Haikyuu at Hogwarts by Killthespare (T) 622,936 words, 5 works, ongoing [daisuga, asanoya, ushiten, kiyoyachi, yakulev, akisae, bokuaka, shoumika, amanai/ennoshita] ---  Pretty much as the title suggests: a Hogwarts!AU with Haikyuu. It's planned for 7 book series so definitely a longer series. This first few can be read out of order with only minor confusion (about as easily as the first few Harry Potter books can) but there is an overall series plot in addition to the individual plots of each story. As of the fourth book, the previous third story should really be read before the fourth or later books.
i really like this series!! the characters are all really well handled!! it unfortunately hasn’t been updated in a little while, but the author says that they’ll be updating dec.18-19, so now would be a great time to get yourself caught up on the series in prepreation for the next chapter!! i will say, the current book is bound to get interesting... 
⭐⭐⭐🌘 in which tsukishima and yamaguchi win ten points for slytherin by deanpendragon (T) 3,990 words [tsukiyama]
very crack-y i’d say. i think what i originally said when i bookmarked this fic sums up my feelings about it quite well: “eeeeeeeee!!???”
(if you couldn’t tell, i really like short, fluff-and-no-plot sort of fics.)
this is shorter than i’d thought it’d be,,, i’ll probably end up continuing this post as i read more haikyuu hogwarts aus, but here are my recs for now!! 
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ellakittycat13-blog · 7 years ago
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This Harry Potter crossover is mah loooife! Kageyama should be in Slytherin, not in Ravenclaw!
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nghtwngs · 4 years ago
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dear reader,
we are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to view the mirror of erised, famous in the wizarding world for its ability to display to the beholder whatever their heart truly desires. please find enclosed a list of works that will show you what you see in the mirror. 
yours sincerely,
rin “rintsuru”
ravenclaw head girl
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march 14th - 20th ; tracked by: #hqmirroroferised
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of love potions (and other drugs) ; @akashies
fluff, comedy ; idiots to lovers
“everything you knew about kuroo tetsurou, you had learned against your will (or: you get paired on a potions project with kuroo and relearn everything you thought you knew about him.)”
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to be seen ; @doinmybesthere
fluff ; multiple endings
“reader has spent 6 years as kuroo tetsurou's little sister, so when romance calls will she wipe the slate clean, or choose someone who's always been standing on the (metaphorical) sidelines?”
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scentless amortentia ; @inumakiful
fluff ; bittersweet, slowburn
“during a potions class, y/n finds out she couldn’t smell the cauldron of amortentia in front of her. the mystery is later revealed when she meets famous slytherin, suna rintarou.”
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no one but you ; @itskoushi
angst, fluff, comedy ; pining, slowburn, exes to lovers
"you have history with miya atsumu; he was your first love and he told you that you were his too, so why weren’t you together anymore? after reminiscing about the love that you once had with atsumu, you find yourself sneaking out of your dorms to your old spot. much to your surprise, the same person you were still deeply in love with there too - maybe it was fate but you thought otherwise."
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because i'd give you all the years of my life ; @forgetou
light angst ; childhood friends to lovers, growing up
“sakusa and you, through the years. a series of episodes which highlight the growing friendship and burgeoning romance between you, a muggleborn thrown into the belly of the beast, and sakusa kiyoomi, who is about as patrician as patrician gets.”
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love to hate me ; @rintsuru
fluff, comedy ; rivals to lovers, slow burn
“whether it’s in class or on the quidditch field, oikawa tooru is your competitor, and an awfully annoying one at that.”
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induced infatuation ; @serowotonin
fluff, comedy ; love potion au, love triangle
“you don’t know who you are to tsukishima. friends? something more? he’s not too sure either. but when an accidental ingestion of a powerful love potion comes into the picture, you both have no choice but to find out how you really feel about each other.”
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new beginnings ; @tobioba
angst, fluff ; enemies to lovers
“kageyama tobio. he's pretty much the bane of your existence. the worst part about the whole situation though, is the fact that all your friends act like they know something about him that you don't...”
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rivalry ; @tooruluv
angst, fluff ; pining, slow burn, enemies to lovers
“your feud with hajime iwaizumi only escalated throughout your years at hogwarts; whether it was on the quidditch field or who would be the first to sit down in class, there always seemed to be some sort of raging competition between you two.”
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alphabet boy ; @colossalnova
fluff, angst ; childhood friends to enemies to lovers
“daichi sawamura is the one boy you’d rather get rid of; unfortunately, the universe seems to constantly want you two together.
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usagirln120 · 9 months ago
Kenma Kozume: Hogwarts AU
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Kenma Kozume is a Half-Blood wizard that was born on the 16th of October 1978 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1990, being sorted into Ravenclaw House.
He is a childhood friend of Tetsurou Kuroo and due to his shyness, he had a hard time making friends by himself so Kuroo was always the one who introduced him to people but that changed when Kenma meet the younger Hufflepuff Hinata who became the first friend that Kenma ever made on his own.
It was thanks to his friendship with Hinata that he decided to step out of his comfort zone and join Makarov's Army since he got really frightened at the possibility of losing Hinata during the Second Wizarding War due to his blood-status.
After that, he also participated in the Battle of Hogwarts which he survived thanks to his new skills in dueling which he had learned during his time with Makarov's Army.
After the Second Wizarding War was over, he shut himself away from the world due to his trauma until Hinata and Kuroo managed to let him heal enough so that he could start working in the Department of Magical Sports at the ministry alongside Kuroo.
He and Kuroo eventually got married and had two daughters together with the help of Kuroo's sister who was the girls' surrogate mother.
He has a Beech wand with a Unicorn Hair Core.
His Patronus is a Calico.
His favorite subjects are Muggle Studies and Transfiguration.
His least favorite subjects are Defense Against the Dark Arts and Flying.
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years ago
Pretty Smitten | Kuroo Tetsurou
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Harry Potter x Haikyuu!!
Summary ◇ it's like second nature for Slytherin's beater Kuroo to always find something to tease you about, until his best friends Bokuto and Tsukishima make him realize it might hide something more.
Genre ◇ hogwarts au! Slytherin! Cocky Kuroo x Hufflepuff f!reader, mentions of Bokuto,  Tsukishima, Hinata, Oikawa, Daichi etc...
◇ ◇ ◇
You duck out of the way just in time to evade the bludger that zips across your head, so close you feel it brush against your ear as your broom zooms you out of the way. The wind isn't making it easier as it tugs at your clothes, weighing you down while you keep on flying around the court with eyes as alert as a Hawk's for the disappearing snitch.
In truth, you don't really enjoy Quidditch all that much. It was merely due to the captain of the Hufflepuff Team, Daichi, who cornered you upon having accidentally caught sight of your flying skills one winter afternoon. He'd grown to be one of your close friends though, which always makea it hard to pull out and whenever you do mention that maybe it is time for the team to take in a new Seeker, he'd instantly change the subject.
And you wouldn't have been so adamant on trying to force your way out of the team. If not for a particular raven-haired Slytherin Beater.
Speaking of the devil. There he is, that familiar crooked smirk dangling upon his lips as he lazily flies over to you.
"Y/N, aren't you a little laid back!?" He calls out and you roll your eyes, pushing yourself forward to fly as past away as possible.
Too late. He catches up quickly enough, grin widening as he continues, "I know we said it's a practice match but come on, could've put some more heart into it."
Throwing him a scowl that would've scalded anyone but himself, you accelerate your speed. As expected, he follows, "so I heard from Kenma that you failed your Potions midterm. Not that I'm surprised really, you never really had a talent for--"
"How is that any of your business?" You mutter, adamantly fixing your gaze on Daichi so as not to accidentally push Kuroo off his broom.
What a nice thought indeed.
"Aha, that's where I come in. Fortunately for you, I am quite adept at Potions see. I could teach you," from your peripheral you notice him wriggle his brows and you roll your eyes, "for free."
Your knuckles turn white as they tighten around your broom handle.
"No thanks."
"You sure wanna pass this up?" He suddenly leans a little closer, smirk widening, "you could totally exploit this sexy brain of mine."
"What do you want from me, Kuroo?"
"Nothing much, just your dear old grumpy self," he replies cheerfully.
Your scowl deepens. But the offer is tempting. Potions is the only subject that you cannot get your head around and while you are aware of Kuro’s ginormous, self-inflated ego, you also know from a few of his classmates -- Daichi and Suga-- that he is quite the prodigy at Potions. 
But you don’t want to give him that satisfaction. You don’t want to give him more reason to get cocky and start another round of endless teasing where you’ll never hear the end of it. 
So you just press your lips together and mumble out a, "we'll see."
"Atta girl," and he waves a goodbye, but not before reaching over to ruffle your hair until your ponytail is barely hanging together, and you yelp in anger, having half a mind to really push him from his broom this time only to see him fly away just in time, that crooked chesire cat smile on his face. 
◇ ◇ ◇
"Hey hey hey,” Kuroo knows without looking that this voice belongs to none other than one of his two best friends, Bokuto Koutarou. It was a surprise really, that him and Bokuto had stuck together throughout all these years, considering that Bokuto was a Gryffindor, and him a Slytherin.
An arm drops onto his shoulder, his best friend’s grey strands tickling Kuroo’s cheek, “I saw Y/N today. She looked cute.” 
The Slytherin Beater snorted, “Cute is an overstatement.” 
“Ah Kuroo, seems you’re as oblivious as always,” Bokuto let out a heavy sigh as he plopped himself onto the library bench next to him, “do you realize that you spend more time in the library just so that you can see her?” 
“Bullshit. I come to the library to study,” the raven-haired man gestures towards his Defence of Dark Arts book currently sprawled out before him, which causes Bokuto’s eyebrow to raise in curiosity, “like hell you’re actually studying. Now tell me,” he leans closer, voice dropping to a murmur, “do you like her?” 
Kuroo’s brain actually backfires. He bursts out laughing, “what?!” he exclaims so loudly that it earns the pair a few glares thrown their way, to which they silently bow their heads in apology. 
Bokuto turns back to him, “Wow, Tsukki was right. You are thicker than you seem to be, despite that brain of yours.” 
"What?” Kuro frowns as he protests, “I’m not thick. And--you guys talk about me behind my back?!” 
“Of course we do,” Bokuto rolls his eyes as if it’s obvious before settling his chin into his palm, “especially since we’re curious as to why you enjoy spending your time with that little Hufflepuff mouse of yours--” 
“She’s not mine, and I definitely don’t enjoy spending time with her,” Kuroo can feel the heat travel all the way to his face, blossoming through his cheeks as embarrassment curls in his stomach, “I just--”
“You just like seeing her face.”
Both men turn towards the new alto to see the Ravenclaw prefect, Tsukishima, pull out a chair to sit himself opposite Kuroo before taking out his piece of parchment and ink. 
“Not you too?” Kuroo groans, head dropping to his book.
“Also, you might want to stop flirting with her while we’re on the Quidditch pitch,” Tsukishima continues nonchalantly without looking at him, long fingers turning through the pages to find the section he’s looking for, “I almost got my arm torn off by that Bludger, no thanks to you.”
"I wasn’t flirting with her.” 
“I don’t care. Just don’t do it during practice. It’s annoying,” the blonde smirked at Kuroo’s frustrated expression. 
“I was only asking whether she’d like some help with potions. Kenma told me she failed her last midterm. I was trying to be nice.” 
“Oh? Not because you actually wanted to spend more time alone with her?” Bokuto wriggled his brows suggestively, cackling like a crow when Kuroo responded by shoving his shoulder, “no! I don’t even see her that way. She’s not my type--”
“Oya oya oya, speaking of the devil,” Bokuto’s hand plonks onto Kuroo’s hair before twisting it in the direction of the library entrance. A second later, you appear looking a little disgruntled, if not mad.
Realizing that Bokuto’s hand is still weaved into his hair, Kuroo bats it away with more violence than necessary, which gets him a pointed look from Tsukishima’s golden orbs that he responds with a scowl of his own. But before he can voice out how annoyingly invested the pair seemed to be in his love life, he feels a hand tapping him on his shoulder.
Surprise causes him to frown at the sight of you. 
“If it isn’t my dear little Hufflepuff,” Kuroo’s mouth widens in that signature smirk while crossing his arms over his chest, “what can I help you with?” 
“Kenma told me that you’d be here,” you say.
“And I--” you bite your lip before averting your eyes and something in Kuroo stirs because goddamn he’s quite excited about what will fall from your mouth next. But he keeps his silence, waiting for you to battle it out with your pride, “I was wondering whether the offer still stands. For--tu--tutoring.” 
Your cheeks are blazing red at this point but Kuroo finds it somewhat adorable, what with the fact that you are dressed in an oversized Hufflepuff sweater that basically swallowa you whole. 
He forces his expression into a somewhat amused smirk, a little coy, just enough for you to get flustered, “what made you change your mind?” 
“My grades.” 
In the background, Tsukishima snorts. You flush a deeper red if that’s even possible.
“Alright, sure,” Kuroo grins up at you, mischief swimming in those golden feline orbs, “but on one condition.” 
“I thought you said it was free.” 
“I decided it’d be more fun to have you indebted to me.” 
Letting out a heavy sigh, you press your lips together, “what then? What do you want?” 
“I’ll let you know the details later,” he grins at you, “still haven’t figured it out yet.”
A few beats of silence pass between the two of you as you consider his offer, and he can certainly see the way your own pride measures up against your desperation, the way your orbs display your uneasiness as clearly as crystal water. It’s impossible for you to lie, but Kuroo hasn’t noticed how endearing it is, up until now.
And then, he hears Bokuto’s voice in the back of his mind: 
Do you like her? 
Kuroo blinks. Of course he doesn’t. Of course he doesn’t. 
He doesn’t. He does not.
“Fine,” your voice brings him out of his inner turmoil, “we have a deal.” 
◇ ◇ ◇
If someone had ever told you that one day you’d be sitting by Kuroo’s side to spend more than three hours sticking your noses into your Potion’s back, and actually enjoying it, you would’ve burst out laughing in their faces.
But that is exactly what you are doing right now. And no one is laughing. Definitely not you.
To be fair, Kuroo is not that bad of a tutor. He actually gets pretty into it once he calms down from his teasing high, which is quite a surprising feat considering that you have never seen him serious whenever you were around. It’s always about pricking you with his comments, saying stuff that will get under your skin just enough to get a reaction out of you. 
The first time you met up in the library, you had mentally prepared yourself so that you wouldn’t murder him halfway into the lesson. Your Hufflepuff counterparts had definitely been surprised, not just because your personalities and houses couldn’t have been more different if they tried, but because Kuroo had a reputation of a playful troublemaker, the kind that you usually stayed away from at all costs. 
“Are you sure this isn’t a trap, Y/N?” Your other close friend and classmate, Nishinoya Yu, had lifted his knife into the air with an aggressive swipe, “I can come with you and stab him if ever he does something--”
“Noya-kun I think I can stab him myself,” you reassured him through a mouthful of cereal. 
“Kuroo’s not all that bad,” Daichi had suggested tentatively, though you’d snorted in response. Yeah right, not all that bad? That was a word you could not associate with Kuroo Tetsurou. 
“If he pisses you off too much just ignore him,” Kenma had simply stated when you sought out his point of view on the matter, which seemed quite logical, a suggestion that you definitely took into consideration as you’d marched towards the library doors.
But all your efforts had been in vain. Sure, Kuroo had been his usual teasing self, ruffling your hair too many times that you could count and constantly snickering into his palm whenever you got your potions and terms all mixed up. But to your ultimate surprise, he’d been quite attentive to your needs and constantly fact-checked whether you’d understood the concept before continuing his explanation. More often times than none, you had found yourself gazing at his features as a realization settled deep into your mind; that Kuroo wasn’t all that bad looking after all, and that there was some kind of charm to his messy bed of raven hair and that smirk that seemed to infuriate you to no end. 
He’d even accompany you back to your dorm whenever you ended late albeit the fact that Slytherin and Hufflepuff weren’t that far apart. The chivalry touched you, despite it coming from the Slytherin Beater.
“Who would’ve thought the almighty Kuroo would be walking me to my door,” you comment on the first night it happens as you reach the said portrait leading to the Hufflepuff dormitory, “how surprisingly romantic of you.” 
You look up at him and your eyes can’t help but trace the span of his shoulders, taking note of his height and-- has he always been this tall? He’s a giant in comparison to your tiny figure of one hundred and sixty-three centimetres.
He merely chortles at your statement, “please, romance comes naturally to me,” he gestures his hands with extravagance to prove his point.
"Sure, big guy. If reciting off science puns at me counts as being romantic.” 
“Oi! They’re funny okay!? You laughed.” 
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re pitiful.” 
He shoves your head to the side playfully in response and you yelp, hands flying up to fix your ponytail for the nth time that night, “stop touching my head or I might think it’s your fetish or something.” 
“Even if it was, yours would be the last I’d be attracted to.” 
You chuckle, “try harder Kuroo. Your comebacks suck.” 
“Oh shut up midget.”
“Who’re you calling a midget?!”
Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been spending a lot of time in Kuroo’s presence that he grows on you, or maybe it’s the fact that he might not be as bad as you thought he was. But it turns out to be more comfortable to spend time hanging out with him, familiar in ways and yet exciting, thrilling. He’s a jungle of adrenaline and filled to the brim with jokes that are more lame than funny, and yet there’s some kind of comfort to know that he isn’t as unapproachable as you first thought him out to be. 
True to his word, Kuroo is quite brilliant at potions, and quite brilliant at sharing his knowledge in a way that actually makes sense. His natural flair of leadership and sympathetic understanding -- minus the jokes and the incessant teasing -- makes you wonder why he hasn’t been chosen as Quidditch Captain. 
When you ask your question out loud during one of your study sessions, Kuroo only smirks, “are you complimenting me?” 
“Just answer the damn question, Kuroo.”
"Jeez, aren’t you a little aggressive for a Hufflepuff?” he peeks at you from behind his raven bangs, “or should I call you..huffie puffie?” 
You flick his forehead and he yelps, “lame,” you deadpan, “answer me.” 
"They did ask me,” he says, leaning back to stretch out his long arms while you try not to focus on the sinewy veins of his forearms, “I refused.” 
His answer surprises you, “Why?” 
“Because Oikawa wanted it. You know him right?” 
Who didn’t know of Oikawa? He’s a walking prince, struts around Hogwarts like its’ his private garden with his endless servants in tow. 
"That’s it? That’s your reason?” 
“He’s my friend. Wouldn’t be fair to him if I stole the limelight.” 
“...are you sure you’re not secretly a Hufflepuff?”
“You mean a huffie puffie?” 
He ducks just in time to avoid your slap, cackling like crazy until one of the prefects swat you with one of their books upon passing by.
“No, I assure you I’m not a huffie puffie,” his smirk mellows out into a grin before his chin comes to a rest upon his palm, “and plus, I’m not cute enough to be in that house.” 
Heat springs through your cheeks. Is that a compliment or an insult? You’re not quite sure. 
You decide to play along anyway, “yeah you’re right. You’re not cute enough.” 
That does nothing to deter him however, as he keeps gazing down at you with those molten gold pupils half-closed with tenderness, almost lazy, which makes you feel like squirming in your seat. 
“What?” you bark out as you look away, “stop staring. You’re acting like a creep.” 
Chuckling and clearly not flustered by the fact that you’ve just caught him red-handed, the raven-haired Slytherin leans even closer, relishing in the way your face turns a bright scarlet. You lean away, slightly panicked, "wh--what do you think you’re doing?!”
“Oh nothing, just...” and with movements too quick to comprehend, you feel his fingers gently brushing against a stray strand of hair previously stuck to your lip. 
“So, as I was saying before you interrupted me,” and Kuroo proceeds to drone on about the equal amount of hair needed for the polyjuice potion, not minding the fact that you are practically burning as red as a fire engine while your heart seems to be racing like you’ve just an entire lap around the Quidditch field. 
I’m tired, you chant inwardly, I’m just tired. 
There’s no way your heart can be beating for someone like Kuroo Tetsurou.
◇ ◇ ◇
Kuroo is in deep shit and he knows it.
To be fair, he wouldn’t have been if not for an annoyingly stubborn Gryffindor paired with the dry sarcasm of a particular Ravenclaw that would constantly pass him subtle remarks about the indefinite amount of time he seems to be spending with a certain Hufflepuff Seeker.
“Did you tell her yet? When are you gonna tell her?! Can we be there?! Can we--” Kuroo groans and hides his face a little deeper in his arms at the breakfast table, knowing full well that reprimanding his friend will only cause the latter to double his volume. And granted, Kuroo does not want an audience, not this morning. Especially not when he is minutes away from facing you in the Quidditch field.
And as if that’s not bad enough, Tsukishima has this obnoxious smirk on his face ever since he’s joined them at the table, eating his cereal with unreasonable gusto for someone who finds eating troublesome.
"I’m surprised you figured it out this fast,” the said blonde had stated last evening as the trio sat, huddled around a makeshift magic fire in the Boy’s Prefect Bathroom. It had become their usual hiding spot over the years. 
Kuroo had opted for sipping onto his beer as he recalled the particular moment where he’d felt like he was floating on cloud nine. It had been that very morning itself where you had just gotten back your Potions test and without an ounce of hesitation, had bounded up to the Slytherin table during lunchtime, for once not minding the fact that there were a troop of Slytherins engulfing the raven-haired man on each side.
“Kuroo!” You’d shouted with such enthusiasm that your voice was almost unrecognizable, “Kuroo!” 
But Kuroo had recognized it, turning just in time to catch your excited figure in his arms. Surprise flitted over his face at your bold move but it didn’t seem like you cared at that particular moment, practically squealing while shoving your test in his face. 
“I did it! I got a B minus! That’s the best I’ve ever done in Potions so far!” you babbled in excitement, “you should’ve seen Snape’s face!” 
“Uh--that’s great, Y/N--” good lord, his hands had slipped onto your waist, right along your hip bone and his breathing stuttered at how close you were, “g--good job.”
At this point you had probably realized your compromising position but before you could scramble out, a teasing alto rung through the air:
"Got yourself a girlfriend, Tetsurou?"
Both your heads snapped at none other than Oikawa, whose eyebrows were raised in amusement, a smirk painted over his lips. You pinked as Kuroo barked out, "shut it, Oikawa."
"S--Sorry," you moved away so quickly that coldness swooped in through Kuroo's fingers, though he wished he could pull you right back.
And that, that had been like a slap in the face. Cold reality rushing through him as his heart throbbed.
Uh oh.
"Don't be such a wimp Kuroo," Bokuto'a alto brings him back to reality and Kuroo blinks, faced with none other than his best friend's grin, "where'd your confidence go now that you actually have a chance?!"
Kuroo doesn't bother replying. It's hard enough to face you without melting in a puddle of heat, how is he supposed to confess at this rate?
As the trio make their way to the Quidditch pitch, the Slytherin Beater’s eyes easily found you amidst the swarm of Green and Mustard yellow and he raised his hand up in mock salute, heart melting slightly at the shy nod you replied him with before looking away, cheeks flushed.
So cute.
“Now now, Tetsu-chan, not the time to be flirting with your girlfriend,” he feels a hand slap him on his back a little too harshly, causing him to throw a scowl at his Captain. Oikawa merely pulls out his tongue in response, before motioning him to take his place.
He forces your face out of his mind while climbing onto his broom, momentarily closing his eyes to focus on the cheerful chants coming from the bleachers. The Quaffle is thrown into the air, followed by the whistle. 
He kicks off so quickly from the ground that he’s a mere blur of silver and emerald zipping through the air, bat at the ready while his eyes dart back and forth. Kuroo spots a Bludger heading straight for one of his chasers and quickly veering off in the same direction, he swings his bat back, lunges forward--
The distant ache reveberates through Kuroo’s arm, but the smirk of satisfaction is obvious on his face. He proceeds onwards, forcing himself to keep his concentration on the balls so that his thoughts aren’t invaded by your presence, by the way you smile, or the blush on your cheeks--
Focus! He shakes his head. He swears he could use a good bashing on the head. He’ll never hear the end of it with Oikawa if he doesn’t do his job right.
A yell tears through the pitch.
“Watch out!” 
Kuroo’s head whips around on instinct. He doesn’t even have time to react as he spots the Bludger flying from the other end of the pitch and heading straight towards--
No. Blood drains from Kuroo’s face. He doesn’t think, doesn’t even second-guess his movements. He pushes forward onto his broom against his protesting muscles, against the voices that shout out his name in protest as the entire pitch turns into a cacophony of horrified yells and cries to get out of the way, get out of the way before--
A sickening crunch is heard and horror strikes him straight in the chest the moment he sees your body crumble, lips parting in a silent scream. 
Kuroo’s heart shatters into a million pieces.
◇ ◇ ◇
It’s so warm. You don’t feel like waking up. But instinct kicks in and you groan, an echo of pain jogging through every muscle in your body. It feels like you’ve just been run over by a truck and forcing your eyelids to peel open against the drowsiness, it takes a few seconds for you to register that this isn’t your room. 
Fresh laundry sheets, the sound of disinfectant in the air...This is no doubt the Hospital Wing.
You try to sit up but a muffled groan echoes through your throat when pain flares up on your right side. Jesus christ, you did really get run over by a truck. 
That’s when your gaze suddenly falls upon a mop of dark raven hair, feel the warmth of a calloused palm holding onto your free hand. 
And suddenly, you’re wide awake.
With the dark emerald cape hanging off his back and with his tousled bird’s nest of hair, it’s almost shockingly obvious that this is Kuroo. His face is currently buried in his other arm, which gives you the courage to reach out to gently rest your hand upon his head.
As if sensing your movements, the said raven-haired Slytherin lets out a soft groan of his own. Your hand instantly whips away and you watch, with a mixture of confusion and surprise, as his golden orbs blink away the sleep before they slowly come to focus. 
His breath hitches as you murmur out, “hey?” 
"Y--You’re awake?” He murmurs so low you barely make sense of his words, and before you can respond, the man has grabbed hold of your hands before bringing them to his lips, “Jesus christ, Y/N, I--I seriously thought--”
Your pulse only quickens, heart tugging with emotion when you catch sight of the wetness in Kuroo’s golden orbs. What? 
What is going on?
This Kuroo is not the one you are used to, looking like he’s unraveling at your very feet. In any normal circumstances, you would’ve definitely taken this advantage to tease him mercilessly, but that’s clearly impossible. You can’t do that to him, not when he’s gazing down at you like you’re worth a thousand paintings.
The thought makes your heart quiver in your chest. Warmth curls through your stomach.
“What...” you rasp out, “happened?”
“A bludger. Came out of nowhere. Headmaster thinks it got tweaked somehow, some stupid prank,” he is searching your eyes, reading your facial expressions like he’s worried you might drop dead any second. 
“Kuroo," you call him gently, “I’m fine.” 
And to your utmost surprise, the raven-haired Slytherin’s eyes flutter towards your hands, lips peppering a rain of kisses along your knuckles. They leave a trail of heat that causes your breath to hitch in the back of your throat, “Wha--”
“I thought I'd lost you, Y/N. Don't--" his voice chokes up, gaze running up to lock with yours, "don't ever scare me lile that. Fuck, kitten, what would I have done--"
Your own breath hitches. Your eyes grow wide.
Kuroo seems to realize the same thing, hand slapping over his mouth in shock.
"What--" you splutter out. Suddenly, all your pain is forgotten, "did you call me?"
Kuroo swallows thickly as the silence settles between you two.
Then, he breaths in slow and squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, before opening them back to lock eyes with yours.
What swims in his golden feline pupils makes your breath catch.
"I like you," he murmurs, "I've liked you for a while but was too much of a coward to say it. And I guess-- seeing you so hurt scared me. I don't think I've ever been so scared before."
Your skin is basically burning at this point, a volcano of feelings bursting inside you that makes you want to crawl into a hole and hide there forever. But Kuroo's eyes, despite having the slightest tinge of blush littering his cheeks, is still latched onto your features. Unwavering, probing. Questioning.
He likes you.
He likes you.
"You mean--like? As a--"
"More than a friend," he simply says.
Your mouth opens into a small silent Oh.
You don't know what to say. What to do.
Because in truth, if you really have to be honest with yourself, your heart definitely beats for this particular Slytherin. For god knows whatever reason, he’s been on your mind and in your heart for a few weeks now. 
You wish to say something. Anything. But your throat is dry. You cough it out, swallow and slowly let out a soft breath before your orbs slowly flutter to your lap, to your hands that Kuroo has grasped so tenderly in his hold.
“The feeling--” you gulp back your pride, “the feeling is mutual, I guess.” 
You don’t have to look at Kuroo to know that there’s a huge grin that blossoms across his face and not even a second later you’re rewarded another rain of kisses upon your knuckles. Gasping slightly at his boldness, his grin mellows out into that teasing smirk you know so well, though it does bring about a few butterflies roaming through your stomach.
“Ooh, mutual now is it?” Kuroo’s smirk broadens like a cat about to go for a chase and you squirm in your bed, hating how quickly the tables have turned, “weren’t you the one blushing like an idiot just a few seconds ago?!” you splutter out as a miserable defence.
He merely cackles though, leaning in so close that you yelp, “remember about my condition for tutoring you?” 
He’s so close that your noses bump into each other. It doesn’t help your heart from running an erratic race inside your chest.
You scramble for coherence, “w--what about it?”
“I figured out what it is.” 
You try -- and fail -- to lean away when Kuroo’s hand slips up to cradle the side of your cheek, and your body reacts like wildfire, troops of butterflies erupting in your stomach at his tender caress.
“Let me kiss you?” Kuroo mumbles out with a hoarse alto, so hoarse it makes you shiver and your toes to curl in delight, spurred on by the words that have just left his mouth.
Gold pupils meet yours. Then, your head dips into a shy nod.
Kuroo’s mouth is warm, and soft, and pleasant. He kisses you slowly, gently, like he’s afraid you’d run away if he pressed on too quickly. You’re not used to it, but you feel like it can grow on you. The way your body relaxes into the kiss has the raven-haired man more confident. His thumb traces your cheek while he slants his head a little more to capture your bottom lips with his own, sucking slightly. 
You gasp at the sensation and he smirks -- just barely -- and proceeds to kiss you a little deeper. Deep enough, firmly enough that you can’t help the whimper that escapes you.
“Cute,” Kuroo mumbles against your lips, retracting so that you can breathe. You haven’t realised up until now, that your hands have made their way to the back of Kuroo’s cloak to tug him closer, or how the said man is literally half-sprawled across your hospital bed. 
That is, until you hear a certain voice shout out:
“Oya Oya! What do I see here?!” 
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ladysunamireads · 2 years ago
Let's! Quidditch!?
Let's! Quidditch!? by mangoranpo
“Is it too early for a snitch-check? Kageyama and Hinata are nowhere to be found…”
“They're there!” Yachi points to two lone figures hovering high above the rest of the players. 
“Having a heart-to-heart in the clouds, I suppose,” Lev remarks, and everyone laughs. 
Past all the nonsense and action, Kageyama and Hinata remain frozen mid-air, scouring the grounds below for that glint of gold — their sliver of hope.
“You're not getting bored, are you?” Kageyama asks, a hint of amusement in his tone as he surveys the boy, eyes wide and alert as their gazes meet.
“Nope,” Hinata grins smugly, and without a moment's notice, he suddenly falls into an incredibly steep dive. 
The final match to decide the winner of the inter-house quidditch cup is full of surprise bludgers and surprise kisses. Ravenclaw vs Slytherin — You don't want to miss it!
Words: 4879, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Tooru, Kuroo Tetsurou, Ennoshita Chikara, Hanamaki Takahiro, Michimiya Yui, Kita Shinsuke, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Akaashi Keiji, Shimizu Kiyoko, Kozume Kenma, Yachi Hitoka, Haiba Lev, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Additional Tags: Minor Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Minor Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Alternate Universe - Quidditch, Quidditch, Slytherin Hinata Shouyou, Ravenclaw Kageyama Tobio, Hitoka and Lev the Best Qudditch Commentators Ever, no beta we die like daichi, i wrote this on pure adrenaline, Rated T for swearing
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43280926
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onigiriomi · 5 years ago
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haikyuu!! in hogwarts
tanaka ryuunosuke and yamamoto taketora
pranksters just like bokuto and terushima. they have prank wars in the gryffindor tower. fail to flirt with the girls because they’re too shy to even look at them in the eyes properly. iconic handshakes. going to hogsmeade together because they want to buy prank gifts and toys. they’re not afraid to stand up for themselves or for others, especially their juniors, when someone belittles them, even if it means being sent to the headmaster’s office afterwards. “you mess with anyone in my house, it gets personal mate.”
nishinoya yuu and azumane asahi
nishinoya cheering for asahi when he’s playing quidditch. but he always cheer for asahi everyday no matter what he’s doing. nishinoya scaring asahi from behind every time he sees him in the hallways. asahi reminding nishinoya not to run down the moving staircases. making too many snowmans in the school grounds. “snow boarding sounds fun right now. don’t worry! i’ll keep you safe.” “somehow i think i won’t be the one to get hurt.” asahi helping nishinoya in his studies because the latter has done so much for him.
hinata shouyou and kenma kozume
hinata is the only reason kenma would want to leave his room. hinata running to the ravenclaw tower because he wants to spend time with kenma. he had to fight with the eagle knocker because it wouldn’t let him in unless he solved the riddle. kenma keeping hinata away from doing stupid things but also wanting to try to do something dumb for once. hinata genuinely feeling worried for kenma when he has black circles under his eyes. “kenma, how long did you sleep last night? “five.” “five hours?” “five minutes.” “KENMA!”
bokuto koutarou and kuroo tetsurou
they always receive second glances from many students. the head boy and star athlete. they’re famous. they have a ton of inside jokes. both have sat on dining tables that’s not their house’s. food contest in the great hall because bokuto thinks kuroo can not chug down a chicken leg in one sitting. kuroo choked, obviously and bokuto’s laugh echoed across the great hall. bickering during quidditch games. “could you please move away from the goal post so i can score?” “my job is not to let you goal, you nosy owl.”
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esshee · 3 years ago
✧˖*°࿐ 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓
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𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 . 24 . she/her . korean-canadian . infj . pisces sun ⋮ virgo moon ⋮ sagittarius rising
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 98 liner . ravenclaw & thunderbird . apollo cabin . ayato main
status: clumsily adulting my way through life
current concern: i want to write more but i read walls of text for work as is...
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likes — coffee, matcha, boba, kpop (mostly svt and sm artists), otome isekai manhwa ( ´ ω ` ), reading up meta analyses of fandoms (´꒳`)♡
fandoms — bnha, hq!!, jjk, bleach, naruto, hp, knb, free!, pokemon, genshin
bnha — todoroki shouto, dabi, amajiki tamaki
hq!! — suna rintarou, kita shinsuke, sakusa kiyoomi, kuroo tetsurou, oikawa tooru
jjk — okkotsu yuta, gojo satoru, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi
genshin — kamisato ayato, albedo, xiao
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mint-tan · 8 years ago
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Switcharound meme: Haikyuu - Hogwarts AU ✨ with @nrwngsa and @egik_23 <33 thanks guys for doing this w me! // 2 of my fave fandoms ahhh . btw hi guys i’m back from Hell 2.0 which is uni 👀👌
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