#raven halfmoon
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baebeylik · 2 months ago
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“Do You Still Practice Your Culture?” by Raven Halfmoon. Norman, Oklahoma. 2019.
Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts.
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killyridols · 11 months ago
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i'm a covergirl type of girl by raven halfmoon, 2017, stoneware & glaze, 12 × 14 × 26 inches
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abwwia · 2 months ago
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Raven Halfmoon, Caddo Woman Warrior, 2021
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hyperallergic · 2 years ago
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Raven Halfmoon’s (Caddo Nation) stoneware sculptures embrace the monumental. The artist, whose first major solo exhibition, Raven Halfmoon: Flags of Our Mothers, opened on June 25 at The Aldrich Contemporary in Connecticut, situates her work within the canon of Caddo culture and production.
The show encompasses themes of power and Indigenous identity and perspective, and makes space for the stories of Indigenous women.
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sorrow2art · 2 years ago
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Here is picture demon queen in there raven dress at ballroom party.
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betaorionis-fr · 11 months ago
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Signal #56424467 and Noise.
Green eyes peer over halfmoon glasses as you enter the foyer of the Mortuary. The shadow-y Coatl robed in dark red and black behind the counter looks up and sing-songs a greeting, "Hello, I'm Signal, xe/they." Gesturing to the corvid on their shoulder xe adds "This is my familiar Noise, he/it". You note the large green eye set in its chest, and realise it is a Death Seeker— that might have been expected, they're common in such business'. "You wanted a quick lesson on spirits? Well, I'll try to condense it a little for you...
[image: A male-pose Coatl with Shadow Skink, Blush Shimmer, and Pearl Runes genes, wearing Advisor Rings, Darksteel Halfmoon Spectacles, Raven Woodguard, Psion Overcoat, Helpful Healer's Calling, Conjurer's Herb Pouch, and Rose Gold Steampunk Tail Bauble. Also wearing Accent: Friends from Within. To their right is a Death Seeker familiar, a purple-black raven with a green eye set in its chest. The background is scene: ghostlight ruins. /end id]
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piizunn · 1 year ago
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Dance Clubs Cannupa Hanska Luger, 2022 6 ceramic and walnut objects with synthetic hair, fuel hose, synthetic sinew and vermillion ink Photo by @garthgreenangallery
Dance Clubs is a series of objects designed to be held in ones hand for a performance which is never to be activated.
Comprised of gas pumps slip cast in ceramic, coated with a brilliant orange ink, intended to stain ones hand if touched. The visual language is based on Indigenous war clubs of my ancestors - the ceramic and hand carved wooden clubs mirror the ingenuity in creating new technology - These objects transpose power of one idea into another, they are artifacts of necessary behavior shifts and a warning for humanity to pivot from our current actions if we are to survive as a species.
Now on view for BELONGING: Contemporary Native Ceramics from the Southern Plains now at the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts, Texas through March 23, 2024. Participating Artists: Karita Coffey (Comanche), Chase Kahwinhut Earles (Caddo), Anita Fields (Osage/Muscogee), Raven Halfmoon (Caddo/Choctaw/Delaware), Cannupa Hanska Luger (Mandan/Hidatsa/Arikara/Lakota), Jane Osti (Cherokee National Treasure), Cortney YellowHorse-Metzger (Osage)
“This exhibit spotlights the diversity of contemporary ceramics practices among Native American artists in the region, and their reflections on belonging based in particular cultural roots, ancestral connections, personal insights, and individual experiences. Curating selected works from eight Native artists, this show incorporates a range of artistic practices from futuristic and customary works based on vessel forms, to more experimental practices that push clay in new directions through multi-media installation and performance.”
(via cannupahanska on Instagram)
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barbarapicci · 2 years ago
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“Hey-en, Ina, Ika” by Raven Halfmoon More info at: https://barbarapicci.com/2023/04/05/hey-en-ina-ika-by-raven-halfmoon/
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muz4now · 5 months ago
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Visual artist Raven Halfmoon on being true to who you are http://dlvr.it/TFkYxb
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nedsecondline · 2 years ago
Ecco la lista degli articoli pubblicati nell’ultima settimana. OPERE “Dentro de mim” by Helena Almeida “Hey-en, Ina, Ika” by Raven Halfmoon “…Ricapitolando
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peerlessscowl · 2 months ago
Another shift, sending the greenhorn back to rest her bones. He hadn't the time to tell her that she had done well, regretted it for a moment, but he supposed there would be time for that later, once it was over. This patrol took them down past the river, past the dark rocky banks and into a dark cavern, the rush of cool air against his face causing him to frown into the darkness.
"Careful," was all he said, moving slowly along the slick stones. No light reached them here, no warning save the gentle growls that grew louder and sterner, rumbling the cavity in his chest as the beast emerged, a fluid line from the darkness as thought it was made of darkness itself.
Keeping his face a mask and his hands carefully prepared, Raven whistled lowly, dragging the beast's attention toward him, sidestepping in a halfmoon away from Lady Camilla and her girl.
"Hey," he said, sharply, tone quiet, but it was enough to feel those dark eyes on him. He glanced askance at the remaining movement that flickered out from the cave, grunting – they could handle it, he would keep this one occupied.
"Hey," he said again, tapping the flat of his blade against the stone when the noise of battle on the other side of the cavern started to draw it away, causing it to lash its tail in irritation, snarl in warning. "Yeah? Come on then."
Raven [6/10 HP] hits and hits Umbral Beast [6/6HP] with Brave Sword [Rolls: 11 - 2 = 9, 8 - 2 = 6] - 5HP, Umbral Beast [1/6HP] Umbral Beast [1/6HP] misses Raven [6/10HP] with Umbral Surge [Roll: 7 - 8 = -1] Pursuit does not activate! [Roll: 5] BRAVE SWORD DURABILITY: 4/20 RAVEN AP 2/3Raven [6/10HP] hits Umbral Beast [1/6HP] with Brave Sword [Roll: 8 - 2 = 6] -2.5, Umbral Beast [0/6HP] Umbral Beast has been defeated! BRAVE SWORD DURABILITY: 3/20 RAVEN AP 1/3
He tried not to feel the rattle of his blade in hand, tried to ignore the way its strikes felt against the beast's hide as he drew back, listening to its groans echo against the walls and bounce down into the darkness. The flutter of feathers erupted immediately, and he only just saw the glint of claws sear through the air, aiming for the Lady Camilla.
Raven [6/10 HP] hits and critically hits Crest Beast (Bird) [6/6HP] with Brave Sword [Rolls: 10 - 2 = 8, 18 - 2 = 16] -7.5, Crest Beast (Bird) [0/6HP] Crest Beast (Bird) has been defeated! BRAVE SWORD DURABILITY: 1/20 RAVEN AP 0/3
His frown deepened. Still in one piece, but...
Carefully, he picked his way along the stones, moving back to the mouth of the cavern. "Nothing left back here. Ah...Lady Camilla, perhaps you should rest. You've done enough for now."
Next! @cutestrival or @maligknightsthorns
Not to worry guys I hear that campfires are a great way to deter nighttime predators
Epiphany 2025 - Careful Vigil Team Five (x)(x)
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chainsawpunk · 3 years ago
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Raven Halfmoon, Caddo Origin Stories
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killyridols · 4 days ago
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untitled (tba) by raven halfmoon, 2023, glazed ceramic, 28 × 65 × 28 inches
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amillieaway · 2 years ago
prompt: meet me at midnight
“If I were a character in one of your books, who do you suppose I would be?”
Draco roamed the fire-lit room, running his fingers over burgundy and sage spines with silver and golden letters that reflected the flick of the flames.
Hermione lowered her novel to her blanket-covered thighs, chewing her lower lip. “Hm… The cruel prince, perhaps, cursed for his wickedness. Given a year and a day to find the love of his life to undo the spell.”
“Rather drab, isn’t it? Expecting a man to fall in love to repent his sins. What if he were to donate a fair amount of his fortune to charity? Or devote his time to brewing potions that cure deadly diseases?”
She shot him an affectionate look, though he was facing away from her and couldn’t see it. “Who do you think you’d be, then?”
He made a soft deliberating noise. “A romantic hero.”
She burst into laughter.
Draco tossed an irritated look over his shoulder, lips quirking. “I’m rather romantic, thank you very much.”
“Rather,” she confirmed, sitting taller and wrapping her arms around her knees. “Please go on, my romantic hero.”
“Yours then?” He lifted a brow, though they both knew he’d never truly belong to anyone else. “I’d be the sort who’s unliked by most. Underestimated always. I would lurk in the shadows and commit petty crimes for the fun of it. But also slip notes to the healer’s daughter, asking her to meet me at midnight so we can run away together.”
“And pray tell, where would you take her?”
He sat at the end of the spacious sofa, tugging her calf until she stretched her legs over his lap. His hand slipped beneath the blanket, thumb tracing a halfmoon over her bare kneecap.
“Anywhere she wanted to go,” he decided in a velvety voice. “I’m a romantic hero, remember? I care only for my runaway girl.”
“But she loves his ambition the best. The last thing she wants is a quiet life in the countryside. Or else she would have married her childhood sweetheart and had ten children on a duck farm.”
Draco wrinkled his nose.
“I’d make a fine prince, I suppose. Though not a cruel one.”
He shook his head. “A rebel prince, but not the heir. A devilish spare. So I could marry the bookish maiden who rescues kittens from rainstorms and hands out loaves of bread to hungry children.”
“Not very rebellious of you. She sounds like a saint.”
“There’s a twist.”
“Isn’t there always?” Hermione was grinning widely now.
“She’s cursed, you see.”
“Oh dear.”
“She becomes a monster at night. Grows ravenous and eats his favourite pudding and demands he shag her until he can’t feel his bones.” He shot a pointed look at the lux cauldron cakes spread out on the rustic coffee table, more than half devoured alongside a pint of sparkling lemon cordial.
“Our poor prince.” She tutted, kicking his thigh with a mock-derisive look. “Perhaps she leaves him then. When he’s boneless and his pantry empty.”
“One would think…” He released her leg, encircling her wrist instead and coaxing her onto his lap. “But she loves him terribly.” His eyes grew soft, shining nearly as bright as the gilded storybooks encompassing them. “And he’s an ambitious bloke, remember?”
“Ambitious and romantic.”
He hummed in agreement, gaze dropping to her mouth. “He would do anything, give anything for her.”
“Anything?” she breathed, curling a lock of blond hair around her finger dotingly.
“He’d be anything for her,” he resumed, leaning into her touch. “The hero in every novel, or the villain if she wishes. The prince, the rebel, the romantic.”
The distinct, melodious chime of the antique grandfather clock resounded around them.
Twelve bold strikes as her prince, rebel, romantic spilled kisses over her like adventures on a page, one for every possibility, and one for the simple truth.
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irradiatedsnakes · 3 years ago
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[ID: a pencil sketch of 5 busts of furry magnus archives characters. top left is elias, a barn owl, talking and looking towards the camera. he is wearing a suit, glasses, and his facial disc mimics the shape of a receded hairline. to the right of him is annabelle, an anna's hummingbird, facing towards the right, looking towards the left, and smiling. she has short hair in coils, and a large gash in the side of her head from which spidery limbs are emerging, and is wearing a scarf. in the middle is jon, a common raven, with a distressed expression looking towards the camera. he has long, curly hair tied into a ponytail, and glasses with a glasses chain. to the bottom left is gertrude, a great tit, looking towards the camera with a determined expression. she has halfmoon glasses, medium length hair tied into a bun, and is wearing a cardigan over a sweater. to the far right is oliver, a black vulture, looking wearily to the right. he has short hair, light patches on his face and feathers, and is wearing a long coat over a sweater. end ID]
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nightly-ruse · 2 years ago
Baseline Request Sheet
You can ask for characters from Warrior cats and Wings of Fire (none after the second arc; haven’t finished it yet)
Kit/Hatchling designs for any pairing won’t be done unless I already have the parents drawn. Any asks for pairing I’ve never done will be deleted but you can request the parents if I have spots open!!
I may just do headshots or basic poses, sometimes more interesting poses. Depend purely on how I’m feeling. Any hypokits can be drawn but please credit me and tag so I can see them!
No uncomfortable pairings. This includes:
-Mentor x Apprentice
-Cousin x Cousin or any variation of inbreeding
-Adopted Siblings getting together
-Problematic age gaps like Leopardfoot x Pinestar, Thornclaw x Blossomfall, or Crowfeather x Harestar if in a romantic context
(In cases like LeopardPine i only accept it as a siring situation, they weren’t together but wanted a litter together. Specify if applied please or else I won’t do whatever is suggested)
-Explicitly gross or abusive relationships like Raggedstar x Yellowfang, Mistystar x Blackclaw, Frogleap x Leopardstar in a Romantic Context
I will draw their canon kits but no extra litters
For Poly requests keep the parents to a limit of 4 so I can make the offspring work. You can specify that the kits are purely from two parties but raised by them all. For example FireRaven kits who are raised by Fire, Raven and Sand. This can help me make the kits characters better.
If I’ve done a pairing before I may do it again depending on the characters so just ask! If I’m not feeling it you can always request different ones <3
I love when ppl explain why they like the character they requested or a few personal hc’s for them so don’t worry about long asks. Over explaining is my life and I love to hear ppl enjoy characters a lot!
While I may not love some pairings I can understand why ppl do so any extra details of why you think they work helps me make the non canon offspring!
Will Not Do List:
(Any pairings on this list are barred)
-Thistleclaw x Spottedleaf
-Crowfeather x Harestar
-Leopardfoot x Pinestar
-Lionblaze x Ashfur
-Squirrelflight x Ashfur
-Squirrelflight x Bramblestar
-Sol x Hollyleaf
-Hollyleaf x Ivypool
-Hawkfrost x Ivypool
-Swiftpaw x Brightheart
-Spottedleaf x Firestar
-Cinderpelt x Firestar
-Cinderpelt x Yellowfang
-Jayfeather x Halfmoon
-Jayfeather x Rock
-Brindleface x Frostfur
-Any of the main dragonets of destiny together, they have sibling bonds no romance
-Glory x Deathbringer (she’s aro to me sorry)
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