#rava cake
solidsnakecake · 2 months
I think it's interesting that Kendall first went to his estranged wife Rava for comfort and advice and then went to his Very Good Friend Stewy when Rava didn't do much for him.
I don't know what this means but I think it means something.
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dillydallyvali · 1 year
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Vali hasn't had her home in Shirogane for long but she's already taken to the garden in the front. Now that Magnai is in the picture he's having a first hand experience with how Vali prefers to dress for summer gardening.
(First time trying out blush in PS. Not too bad for a first attempt! Also majorly considering starting a story where Vali is the WoL. Still figuring out the details on that one since I feel like it would definitely change her wolship story. Here are the pictures without the comic panel.)
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captainsnedden · 1 month
Semolina and Coconut Cake: A Perfectly Easy Bake
If you’re looking for a simple yet delightful dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth, try this irresistible Rava/Semolina and Coconut Cake. This recipe combines the unique texture of rava (semolina) with the tropical coconut flavor, creating a moist, flavorful cake that is perfect for any occasion. Delicious Semolina (Rava) and Coconut Cake will surely become your family favourite. Whether you’re…
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ink-dreams-ffxiv · 6 days
Prompt 14: Telling
(( CW: PTSD / War / Implied Torture / Death ))
It was telling to Rehna, just how removed the people she had met in Tural so far, especially here in Tuliyollal, where the Dawn Servant held the most sway, his deeds at bringing the nation together were still a living legend. But that the discussion of war was so casual, that a table of Elders and their Grandsons could argue for or against it at a café was a difficult pill for her to swallow. All of her life had been under the Imperial Rule of Doma and Othard, and her memories of the time just after Doma and Ala Mhigo were freed.
“Go we can…” Raisha said softly, having been watching Rehna move the rice, beans and salad around her bowl without eating any, ears turned to the conversation she was trying not to listen to and failing. It was just…
The battle field stretched around them as far as her eye could see. She was caked in black mud, turned so by ash, old blood and other things. They had been at it for hours, moving through the bodies, aiding those who could be saved, and bringing mercy to those they couldn’t. It had been a harsh lesson for Rehna. She would wipe her healer’s crook as clean as she could, taking care to not let it’s end touch the mud and much when they had first set out, she glanced at it now, as covered as she was, her bag of bandages and medical supplies almost empty. She couldn’t count how many times a new one had been brought to her when she called.
“Go we can Rehna”, the red haired Miqo’te looked to her companion. Read the worry in her aged eyes. She never had asked Raisha just how old she was, it wasn't something she ever felt comfortable asking one of the Viera. She looked around, spotted another pair, one standing guard, while the other tended to a wounded soldier. She turned the other direction only to see the same scene. Looking back, she watched as a broken soldier was lifted onto a litter, the waiting chocobo drawn floating carriage already had a couple of others lying in the back.
“I can’t…I can’t walk away now Raisha,” she pointed ahead, “we said we would work to there,” the fallen corpse of a Magi-tek gunship was their goal. There was still a lot of battle field, still a lot of corpses to sift through to find the living. The Rava’s face pinched, eyeing her solemnly, then nodded, her hand came up to clasp Rehna’s shoulder, giving her strength of courage.
They were half way to their goal when they came across the crater. Whether it had been made my magic, or Magi-tek, the young woman couldn’t be sure. When they looked down inside, she saw the telltale signs of Alliance Soldiers that had used it to hunker down, only to be riddled by Garlean bullets. She had come to recognize those wounds all too well by then. She looked around, spotting the wreckage of a Magi-tek machine, it’s multi gun still pointing in the direction of the crater. “Rehna!” she was drawn to the urgency in Raisha’s voice, the hand on her arm, the Viera’s other hand pointing into the crater. Movement caught her eye. At first she thought it was a man moving his head in pain, but when she went to step into the crater, to offer him aid, he shook his head faster, eyes wide, muffled sounds came from him, causing her to frown. There was a bandana around his lower face; his body was mostly covered by the dead around him. She couldn’t see his legs, or his arms. She started to take another step, but Raisha pulled her back, “Mine?” she heard her call. The man nodded, and Rehna wondered why Raisha was claiming her, to this man who was in need.
“Under you mine they lay?” her Mate called again, and it sank in. She was going to be sick. They had put a mine, an exploding device under him, “bound you are? Move you can’t?” asked Raisha, again the man nodded. Raisha took a breath, and nodded, closing her eyes. “we can’t save him can we?” she asked in a small voice. “We cannot” She too closed her eyes, she found her center, and when she opened them, the man looked at her with pleading eyes. She nodded, “I will bring you Mercy, and let you rest in peace.” Raisha repeated it, but in Eorzean, Rehna having spoken in her native island dialect instead. She could see when the words sank in, the man’s brow smoothed; he closed his own eyes, and then nodded slowly as well. She wasn’t entirely sure what it was he said, muffled by whatever was hidden by the bandana. But she thought it was a thank you.
“Sleep in Peace,” she offered, her spell taking him to slumber. She followed Raisha to the broken hulk of the war machine, they didn’t have much time, she wasn’t sure how long her spell would hold him, she recalled the words they had been given to yell in a case like this, she turned and used the voice she used to be heard over the waves back home: “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” “FIRE IN THE HOLE!”
Neither one of them had been prepared for the explosion that shook the ground when their spells set off the mine. In her head, though, the world around her was fading to the words she had yelled, “fire in the hole…fire in the hole…fire in the hole”
“Drink!” a gruff, stern voice ordered her, and she did, the acrid burn of cheap mescal made her cough and gag, but she held it down. A scaly hand pushed hers down to the table, her eyes were still closed, fire in the hole still echoed in her ears, the man’s pleading eyes, turning to peace, knowing she was about to take his life. Drink she was ordered again, the drink still burned, but she didn’t choke or cough this time.
“Othard?” the voice asked, she nodded, but Raisha spoke up, “Ghimlyt Dark…”
“Nasty business that was,” Rehna opened her eyes, a Mamool Ja, in the harness of a mercenary sat across the table, a half empty bottle of mescal in one hand. Raisha was running her hand through Rehna’s hair, between her ears. She didn’t dare look around, she knew people were staring.
“Healer?” he asked, though, her crook resting against the table next to her answered his question, but Rehna shook her head,
“Maiden of Mercy” she replied. He eyed her, then eyed Raisha. He flipped over two of the spare glasses on the table, poured three more shots, lifted one, the pair lifted theirs,
“To never having to kill our friends ever again” he toasted.
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Tagged by the sweet-as-pie @thewrongshop!!
3 ships: Jonmartin, sasunaru, aaand griddlehark :)
First ever ship: Oh man, I wanna say percy/annabeth from pjo, but if I had to be REALLY honest and look back, I actually think it’d be. Matt/inez from cyberchase, in a very nebulous way??? God
Last song: Currently listening to “505” by the arctic monkeys!
Last movie: Uh shit wait, probably everything everywhere all at once? But maybe there’s something I’m forgetting
Currently reading: Does manga count? I just started reading fabiniku >:)
Currently watching: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun seasons 2 and 3!!
Currently consuming: I just started taz balance!!! I’m on ep 11 :)
Currently craving: You know, when I started writing this I was gonna say my mom’s rava laddu, but I actually just had one! Dreams do come true 😌 Instead I’ll say I want a really rich chocolate cake, the thought of one has been on my mind for WEEKS now
9 people you want to know better: No pressure to anyone, and anyone I didn’t tag who sees this should feel totally free to participate!! Today I’ll tag: @peachygos, @coulson-is-an-avenger, @emp4, @tmoblrina, @rosie-with-knives, @lesbianmizukage, @arataka-reigen, @mobtism, and @caruliaa!!
Under the cut is a bulleted template of the prompts for easier copying!
3 ships:
First ever ship:
Last song:
Last movie:
Currently reading:
Currently watching:
Currently consuming:
Currently craving:
9 people you want to know better:
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nightshadehoney · 1 year
The “Tom is a gold digger/status chaser and never really loved Shiv” take drives me up the wall. 
Firstly because it’s often trotted out as an excuse for Shiv’s poor treatment of him. Like even if that was 100% true (I don’t think it is), it still wouldn’t justify treating him the way she treats him. Willa wouldn’t be with Con if he didn’t bankroll her lifestyle; their relationship started because she was an actual prostitute who he paid to be around him. Yet I somehow doubt that most of the people who say this about Tom would also say that Willa deserved it if we saw Con cheating on her and belittling her in public and pressuring her into sex acts she didn’t want. 
But more the point, you kind of have to be watching the show with your eyes closed if you think Tom doesn’t love Shiv. You think someone only after money would’ve initially refused to read the the pre-nup before signing it? That someone who only cared about getting ahead would be constantly reeled back in after personal and professional mistreatment with “I love you”s and “I need you”s? If Tom was in this relationship purely for career reasons, he probably would’ve agreed with Shiv on their wedding night when she said the business part of the relationship made sense and wouldn’t have cared about having an open relationship. He was absolutely gutted that she cheated on him and called the idea of being married to him a “box set death march” because he loved her.
Tom is very much enamored with the power and prestige of the Roy family; he loves being rich. But those aren’t separate things from loving Shiv, I think it’s really part of it for him. People being into a someone because that person has what they desire but feel thet lack is pretty common. Shiv isn’t just rich: she’s a Roy and he’s attracted to the kind of power and confidence she has because she is a Roy. He’s so high off the idea that someone like that would want to be with him, that he let’s her walk all over him. A level-headed person would’ve gone running in the other direction after their fiance handed them a pre-nup with no infidelity clause and then implied that they will probably cheat on them and likely already have, but not Tom because Tom is a romantic deep down. He doesn’t want to look at that pre-nup because that would mean he has to acknowledge that there is any transactional part of their relationship. Tom essentially wants to have his cake and eat it too: he wants to to have a normal marriage where him and his wife love each other and have babies together and he wants to have a successful prestigious career. But openly talking about the latter interferes with his ability to believe he has truly has the former. 
One of the central ideas in Succession as a whole is that when you have as much money as the Roys, there’s no such thing as a relationship that isn’t colored by their wealth. Even Rava, who really seems to have loved Ken in spite of his of him family rather than because of it, apparently did quite well for herself in the divorce.  That scene is Austerlitz where Marcia asks Willa about her plans and tries to give her advice is all about this really highlights this. If you marry into this family you need to look after your position. It’s not a  coincidence that Tom is also part of this discussion. Marcia acts like this is just a normal conversation about whether or not Willa wants children someday, but the subtext of this conversation, (that both Marcia and Tom understand, but maybe Willa doesn’t or is at least uncomfortable with) is “hey if you’re smart, you’ll cement your place in this rich man’s life by having his child as soon as possible, otherwise you are disposable”     
This comes back in season three when Tom and Shiv talk about freezing embryos. That it’s embryos and not eggs is a concession to Tom; it’s Shiv saying “see you have some insurance because I am tying up my reproductive future with yours”. But Shiv is doing such a poor job in disguising how much this is a business discussion that Tom is uncomfortable; normal people talking about having children do not immediately start talking about the scenarios in which they would destroy their frozen embryos. So Tom just sort of flounders is like “I would want you to have my babies if I died” so he can pretend that is at all what they are talking about. It doesn’t make sense for him to act this way if he only cares about his position, very little of his behavior makes sense in this context. The only way it makes any sense is if, again, you are watching the show with your eyes closed and somehow believe that Tom is doing all this to somehow trick Shiv into thinking he’s nice. Shiv doesn’t like nice; she is uncomfortable with emotion and open affection--that Tom acts this way annoys her and makes her respect him less.  
Shiv was never going to marry anyone who didn’t care at all about her money and name because it’s nearly impossible for anyone to exist in the family and not care. The only way any of the Roys could ever really have something like that is if they were with someone who was an equally successful billionaire from an equally prestigious family and Shiv would never marry somebody like that.  Logan’s assessment of Shiv that she was marrying Tom because he was beneath her and she didn’t want to risk being betrayed, while cruel, is accurate. He’s a trophy husband--he’s “plausible” as Caroline puts it--plausibly successful that they would be together but unambiguously beneath her because he doesn’t come from the same kind of money she does and relies on her for his career advancement.  People act as if poor Shiv was duped into marrying someone who only cared about her money like...she’s not blind. She’s not unaware of Tom’s naked ambition and social climbing--she knows who he is and uses it to her advantage.  She sought out a relationship that is transactional in this way because that puts her in control. She would never feel safe marrying someone who wasn’t in a subordinate position to her; it would make her too vulnerable. Frankly, anybody who wasn’t enamored by her lifestyle wouldn’t put up with her shit. She married Tom because he’s safe--he won’t really push back on her treatment of him both because he’s a a huge simp and because he would jeopardize his career by leaving. She conducts her relationships the way her father does, using wealth and status in the company as a form control in her personal relationships.      
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zevranunderstander · 1 year
kendall is by far the most entitled sibling (maybe aside from connor but connor is... different), he wants to have his cake and eat it with no thought to repercussions to any of his actions. hes completely unwilling to make any sacrificies, mostly due to not being willing to limit his personal comfort or ego.
he wants the fascist president who will give him the deal he wants but he also wants the black assistiant and the southeast-asian daughter. he wants to be seen as a feminist, a public hero, the person who is standing up to the abuse of women and minorities at Waystar, but he also wants to own the racist media conglomerate and maximize it's profit. he wants to seem like he's listening to women and caring about progress, but he is incapable of shutting up for more than a minute when a woman is speaking to him. he wants his children to like him but he's unwillig to spend time with them, he wants to do something together with his siblings, but only if he is the one wearing the crown.
and the second he's hit by the consequences of his entitlement (jess quitting, rava leaving the city, shiv betraying him (after he betrayed her first), people on social media making fun of him), he gets angry at the people who try to point out that he can't have both, acts out like a child would, and, like, never learns a lesson. its crazy
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cookingmaharaja · 1 year
Making Dhokla recipe
Dhokla is a savory steamed cake made from fermented batter. It is a popular snack from the Indian state of Gujarat, but is enjoyed all over India. Here's how you can make dhokla at home:
1 cup gram flour (besan)
1/2 cup semolina (rava)
1/2 cup yogurt (dahi) read more
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foodparadiseero · 2 years
The South Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka each have their own variants of common dishes as well as regional specialties. For an introduction to South Indian cuisine, here are 10 dishes to look out for.
1. Dosas: paper-thin crepes
A traditional breakfast food made of fermented rice-and-lentil batter, a dosa is much like a crispy thin crepe. It’s accompanied by sambar (a hot lentil soup) and coconut chutney.
Masala dosas are stuffed with a spicy mash of potato and onion; plain dosas are hollow; rava dosas are made from semolina; and some new-age variants get creative with fillings such as cottage cheese or mixed vegetables.
Whatever you choose (trust us and start with a masala dosa), the delightfully light dish is best eaten hot, when it’s fresh off the griddle.
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Masala dosa © vm2002/Shutterstock
2. Idlis: steamed rice cakes
Soft, fluffy and ivory-coloured, idlis are what many South Indian families eat for breakfast. A fermented lentil-and rice-batter is steamed in little circular moulds, and the resulting spherical rice cakes are served with sambar and chutneys.
Idlis are light and mild tasting, an ideal snack for when you want to give your stomach a rest from fiery flavours.
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© SMDSS/Shutterstock
3. Vadas: savoury doughnuts
What’s that doughnut-like thing doing on your South Indian breakfast thali (platter)? While a vada won’t cure your sugar cravings, it will satiate your desire for something deep fried, hot and crispy.
Made from a batter of black lentils, gently spiced with peppercorns, curry leaves, cumin, chilli and onion, this crunchy fritter tastes best when smeared generously with coconut chutney.
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© Nishchal S. Kanaskar/Shutterstock
4. Uttapams: pizza-pancake hybrids
Is it a pancake? Is it a pizza? No, it’s an uttapam. A batter of fermented rice and lentils is ladled on to a griddle. Chopped tomato, onion, chillies, carrot, coconut and other toppings are then sprinkled on. The result is a fluffy, porous, delicious uttapam, softer than a dosa, and tastes great with chutneys or without.
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© deepak bishnoi/Shutterstock
9. Biryani: something like pilaf
The ubiquitous biryani is found in different forms all over India, changing in flavour and preparation style according to regional influences.
Biryani is essentially a dish of rice cooked with meat, veggies and spices such as turmeric, cardamom, bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, and pepper; sometimes garnished with cashews, raisins and caramelized onions. It can be vegetarian or have meats such as chicken, mutton or beef.
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© highviews/Shutterstock
While there is no single South Indian-style biryani, you’ll find different varieties such as Hyderabadidum biryani, Kerala-style Malabar or Thalasserybiryani, the coastal Karnataka variant of Bhatkalibiryani, Tamil Nadu’s Dinidgulbiryani and so on.
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milletry · 28 days
Unlock the Nutritional Benefits of Foxtail Millet Rava | Milletry
Welcome to Milletry, your trusted source for the finest millet-based products. Today, we're excited to spotlight one of our star offerings: Foxtail Millet Rava. Known for its impressive health benefits and culinary versatility, Foxtail Millet Rava is quickly becoming a favorite among health enthusiasts and food lovers alike. Let's dive into what makes this ingredient so special and how you can incorporate it into your diet. 
What is Foxtail Millet Rava?
Foxtail Millet Rava is made from the tiny, yellow grains of the foxtail millet plant. It's finely ground to create a coarse, semolina-like texture, making it an excellent substitute for traditional rava (semolina) in various recipes. This guilt-free grain is packed with essential nutrients, making it a powerhouse of health benefits.
Health Benefits of Foxtail Millet Rava
Rich in Nutrients: Foxtail Millet Rava is a great source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It provides a balanced mix of essential nutrients that support overall health.
Guilt-Free: For those seeking healthier alternatives, Foxtail Millet Rava is an excellent choice. It offers the same texture and versatility as traditional rava without the guilt of consuming refined grains.
Supports Heart Health: The high magnesium content in Foxtail Millet Rava helps maintain healthy heart function and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Promotes Digestion: The dietary fiber in Foxtail Millet Rava aids in digestion and helps prevent constipation. It promotes a healthy gut by encouraging regular bowel movements.
Manages Blood Sugar Levels: Foxtail Millet Rava has a low glycemic index, making it an ideal choice for people with diabetes. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and provides sustained energy.
How to Use Foxtail Millet Rava in Your Cooking
Foxtail Millet Rava is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. Here are some popular ways to incorporate it into your meals:
Upma: A traditional South Indian breakfast dish, upma made with Foxtail Millet Rava is both nutritious and delicious. Simply sauté vegetables and spices, add Foxtail Millet Rava, and cook until it reaches a porridge-like consistency.
Idli: Swap out regular rava with Foxtail Millet Rava to make soft, fluffy idlis. These steamed cakes are perfect for a light breakfast or snack.
Halwa: For a sweet treat, try making halwa with Foxtail Millet Rava. Cook it with ghee, sugar, and water until it becomes a rich, aromatic dessert.
Dosas: Create crispy, golden dosas using a batter made from Foxtail Millet Rava. Pair them with chutney and sambar for a satisfying meal.
Porridge: Start your day with a warm bowl of Foxtail Millet Rava porridge. Add your favorite fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of honey for a wholesome breakfast.
Why Choose Milletry for Your Foxtail Millet Rava?
At Milletry, we are committed to providing the highest quality millet-based products. Our Foxtail Millet Rava is sourced from trusted farmers who practice sustainable farming methods. We ensure that each batch is carefully processed to retain its nutritional value and purity. When you choose Milletry, you are choosing a product that supports your health and the environment.
Foxtail Millet Rava is a versatile, nutritious ingredient that can elevate your meals while supporting your health. Whether you're making savory dishes or sweet treats, this guilt-free grain is a fantastic addition to your pantry. Explore our range of Foxtail Millet Rava products on the Milletry website and discover the difference that quality makes. Embrace the goodness of millets with Milletry!
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jjdosai2024 · 2 months
Experience the Rich and Diverse Flavors of India at JJdosai Restaurant in Vancouver
At JJ Dosai Restaurant, we offer a variety of vegan and vegetarian dishes that are both delicious and satisfying. Here are some popular options from our menu: Masala Dosa: A crispy rice crepe filled with a spiced potato mixture served with sambar and coconut chutney. It is a vegan delight that is full of flavor. Idli: Steamed rice cakes that are light, and fluffy, and served with sambar and an assortment of chutneys. Perfect for a healthy and delicious meal. Medu Vada: Savory lentil doughnuts that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, served with sambar and chutneys. A vegan-friendly snack. Rava Kichadi: A savory, fluffy dish made from semolina, vegetables, and spices. This vegan dish is both hearty and delicious. Pongal: A comforting rice and lentil dish flavored with black pepper and cumin served with coconut chutney. A traditional vegan option.
Vancouver is a city rich in culinary diversity, and Indian food is a standout choice for its vibrant flavors and aromatic spices. Whether you’re dining at JJ Dosai Restaurant, enjoying street food, or ordering takeout, there are plenty of options to satisfy your craving for Indian cuisine. From classic dishes like masala dosa and idli sambar to vegan favorites like medu vada and rava kichadi, JJ Dosai Restaurant offers something for everyone. Exploring these culinary delights not only satisfies your taste buds but also provides a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of India.
South Indian Foods
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anewwriter3 · 2 months
I am not an enthusiast cook, but once in a while, I get a sudden desire to make something. It totally depends on what kind of mood I am. A few months back, I made potato sabzi and lemon rice. For sweets, I often love making besan ladoo. I’ve tried it with both sugar and jaggery, and both have turned out pretty well. I’ve also made rava cake, aate ka sheera, and gulpapdi. The recipes that have…
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foodvizhil · 2 months
Popular trendy cake flavors in Vizhil: 
Many people's emotional ties to food extend beyond meals; food can also refer to dessert. Here is an option for celebrating any occasion with our favorite cake or dessert, Vizhil. One person can make it happen. Make one click, and online delivery will reach your door. 
After pushing for Vizhil food, our Vizhil partners will give us our favorite shop on Vizhil. Order from your favorite cake shop. 
Chocolate Cake Flavor: 
The most common people's first choice is chocolate cake, which is soft and yummy with jerry fruit to make a day more special. Your favorite restaurant with customized design and reach the occasion on time Make a click and have a chocolate cake with the Vizhil Food app. 
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Vanilla Cake Flavor: 
The immediate impression of the following individuals was that the cake's taste and look differed from vanilla. Most Indian families love to have this vanilla in their main functions. The varieties of vanilla in the online shop—that's our vizhil—make it possible with just a click to have a cake on time.  
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Strawberry Cake Flavor: 
In the variety of fruits, strawberry is the most likely fruit, and then come to know about cake, most likely Indias are addicted to this glowing taste and variety of designs. The taste is a bit like a real strawberry. Delivery is reached; you soon have an app and a click to get your strawberry as a step delivery option. 
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Butterscotch Cake Flavor: 
The taste of butter is the child's favorite; here is another family-loving cake. 
Special ingredients give the cake extra texture and make it ideal for any special occasion. These include caramel drizzle, white chocolate, brown chocolate, and butterscotch ganache. Make your selection on Vizhil, and it will be quickly and easily handed over to you. 
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Red velvet cake flavor: 
You know that red is an expression of love. Here, the most loving man surprises his princess with this loveable red velvet cake on her special day. It becomes an emotional connection in many couples' lives. Make this love without spending time with your loved ones by shopping on Vizhil. 
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Fruit Cake Flavor: 
Once you taste fruit cake, the taste will dance throughout your month. It makes your mind bit once more to buy the fruit cake on Vizhil and have a bit of a taste shop online. 
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Pineapple Cake Flavor: 
Pineapple-flavored cake stands out among all the cakes that we are aware of, next to chocolate cake. The eggless pineapple cake is a unique treat for everyone. The online store will personalize your design to commemorate your birthday. Make a click and enjoy tasting time with your favorite individual. 
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Rasmalai Cake Flavor: 
Given that rava is a common Indian dish, it is included in the category of Indian cakes. For any Indian, there's only one dessert we love: rasamalai. The taste and texture of Rasmalai, a traditional sweet dish, appeal to all of us equally. Make your cake by buying it from an online shop for your favorite occasions.
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Kit Kat Cake Flavor: 
Kitkat lovers are aware that our Kitkat cake is on its way to you from your favorite person. Make a magical moment with this cake. For those who enjoy chocolate or KitKats, this cake is the ideal choice for an anniversary, birthday, or other celebration. Shop online food delivery app of Vizhil  For your big gatherings, this luscious KitKat cake can be the ideal treat. So go purchase a KitKat, bake a cake, and savor its delicious flavor.  
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Blueberry Cake Flavor: 
Cakes with a blueberry flavor are a delicious treat that people of all tastes love. The blueberries alone give the cake batter a unique, twisted, sweet flavor. You have too many mood-changing moments. Make it cool, take your phone, make an order, have a bit of vizhil food, and handle your moods with their foods and desserts. 
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tfgadgets · 2 months
Craving Rava Dhokla With A Twist? Try This Oats Rava Palak Dhokla Recipe Today
Soft, fluffy and flavourful, the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about mindful snacking is dhokla. This delightful dish is native to Gujarat and is made with fermented batter steamed to a cake-like texture. As per legends, dhokla was first mentioned back in the 11th century in Jain text, where it would be called Dukkia. Over the years, several variations of this dish have emerged…
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hamaragaadi · 3 months
Start Your Day Right: A Guide to Sydney's Best Indian Breakfasts
Sydney's vibrant culinary scene offers a rich tapestry of flavors from around the world. For those seeking to start their day with a burst of spices and flavors, Indian breakfasts provide a perfect choice. This guide explores Sydney's best Indian breakfasts, highlighting where to find authentic, delicious morning meals that will energize your day.
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Traditional South Indian Breakfast Delights
South Indian breakfasts are known for their light yet satisfying nature, combining a variety of flavors and textures that are both nutritious and delicious.
Dosa: A Crispy Start
Dosa is a thin, crispy pancake made from fermented rice and lentil batter. It's often accompanied by a variety of chutneys and sambar, a spicy lentil soup.
Masala Dosa: Filled with a spiced potato mixture, this version of dosa is a popular breakfast choice. The crispy exterior and savory filling make it a hearty and satisfying option.
Plain Dosa: For those who prefer simplicity, plain dosa served with coconut chutney and sambar is a perfect choice.
Idli: Steamed Goodness
Idli are soft, steamed rice cakes that are light and fluffy. Typically served with sambar and chutney, they are a staple breakfast item in South India.
Rava Idli: Made from semolina instead of rice, rava idli has a slightly different texture and is often seasoned with spices and herbs.
Mini Idli: These bite-sized versions are perfect for a light breakfast and are usually served drenched in sambar.
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Uttapam: The Indian Pancake
Uttapam is a thick, savory pancake topped with vegetables like onions, tomatoes, and green chilies. It is similar to a dosa but thicker and softer, offering a hearty start to the day.
Onion Uttapam: Topped generously with finely chopped onions, this version is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
Mixed Vegetable Uttapam: A colorful and nutritious option, loaded with various vegetables and served with chutney and sambar.
North Indian Breakfast Favorites
North Indian breakfasts are hearty and flavorful, often featuring rich, spiced dishes that provide a robust start to the day.
Paratha: A Hearty Flatbread
Paratha is a layered flatbread that can be stuffed with various fillings, making it a versatile breakfast option.
Aloo Paratha: Stuffed with a spicy potato mixture, aloo paratha is a comforting and filling breakfast dish. It is typically served with yogurt, pickle, and butter.
Paneer Paratha: Filled with grated paneer (Indian cottage cheese) and spices, this paratha is rich and delicious, perfect for cheese lovers.
Chole Bhature: A Classic Combination
Chole Bhature is a popular North Indian breakfast that consists of spicy chickpea curry (chole) served with deep-fried bread (bhature). This dish is known for its bold flavors and satisfying nature.
Amritsari Chole Bhature: A variation from Amritsar, known for its unique spice blend and fluffy bhature, making it a must-try.
Puri Bhaji: A Fluffy Delight
Puri Bhaji is another beloved breakfast dish, featuring deep-fried bread (puri) served with a spiced potato curry (bhaji).
Masala Puri Bhaji: The potatoes are cooked with onions, tomatoes, and a mix of spices, creating a flavorful and aromatic curry that pairs perfectly with the fluffy puris.
Sweet Breakfast Treats
Indian breakfasts also include a variety of sweet dishes that are perfect for those with a sweet tooth.
Halwa: A Sweet Delight
Halwa is a traditional Indian sweet made from semolina, ghee, and sugar, often flavored with cardamom and garnished with nuts.
Sooji Halwa: Made from semolina, this halwa is rich and buttery, often served during festive occasions but also enjoyed as a breakfast treat.
Carrot Halwa: Made from grated carrots, milk, and sugar, this halwa is both nutritious and delicious, offering a unique way to enjoy vegetables for breakfast.
Kheer: Creamy Rice Pudding
Kheer is a creamy rice pudding made with milk, rice, sugar, and flavored with cardamom, saffron, and nuts.
Rice Kheer: The traditional version made with rice and milk, simmered until creamy and rich.
Vermicelli Kheer: Made with thin vermicelli noodles instead of rice, this version has a unique texture and is equally delicious.
Beverages to Complement Your Breakfast
No Indian breakfast is complete without the right beverage to complement the meal. Here are some traditional drinks to enhance your breakfast experience.
Masala Chai: Spiced Tea
Masala Chai is a spiced tea made with black tea leaves, milk, and a blend of spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and ginger.
Ginger Masala Chai: Adding extra ginger gives this chai a spicy kick, perfect for waking up your senses.
Cardamom Masala Chai: The addition of cardamom makes this chai aromatic and refreshing.
Lassi: A Refreshing Yogurt Drink
Lassi is a traditional yogurt-based drink that can be either sweet or salty.
Mango Lassi: A sweet and creamy version made with fresh mangoes, yogurt, and a touch of sugar.
Salty Lassi: A savory option made with yogurt, salt, and spices, perfect for balancing out a rich breakfast.
Starting your day with an Indian breakfast in Sydney is an experience that combines rich flavors, diverse textures, and nutritional benefits. Whether you prefer the light and crispy dosas of the south or the hearty parathas of the north, there's something for everyone. Explore these culinary delights at the best Indian restaurants in Sydney and enjoy a breakfast that will energize your day.
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saurabhgt · 3 months
The 5 Best Indian Restaurants in Singapore: A Culinary Journey
Singapore, a melting pot of cultures, is renowned for its diverse and vibrant food scene. Among the many cuisines that thrive here, Indian cuisine stands out for its rich flavors, aromatic spices, and varied dishes. Whether you crave the fiery heat of a South Indian curry, the complex spices of North Indian biryanis, or the comforting taste of Indian street food, Singapore has it all. Here are five of the best Indian restaurants in Singapore that offer an unforgettable culinary experience. Singapore is a bustling city in Southeast Asia and famous for holding a rich culture of different nations. This small nation boasts several places to visit in Singapore which promises you some wholesome experiences with their larger-than-life architecture, scenic parks, etc.
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1. The Song of India
Location: 33 Scotts Road, Singapore 228226
A Michelin-starred restaurant, The Song of India is an epitome of luxury and elegance. Housed in a beautiful black-and-white colonial bungalow, this restaurant offers a fine dining experience with a modern twist on traditional Indian dishes. Signature dishes like the Lobster Moilee, a rich coconut curry with tender lobster, and the Kashmiri Rogan Josh, a succulent lamb curry, are must-tries. The restaurant’s ambiance, combined with its impeccable service and exquisite food, makes it a top choice for Indian cuisine lovers.
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2. MTR Singapore
Location: 438 Serangoon Road, Singapore 218133
For those who crave authentic South Indian flavors, MTR Singapore is the place to be. Originating from Bangalore, India, this restaurant has brought the essence of South Indian vegetarian cuisine to Singapore. The Masala Dosa, a crispy rice crepe filled with spicy potato, and the Rava Idli, a steamed semolina cake, are crowd favorites. MTR’s commitment to quality and traditional recipes makes it a beloved spot for locals and tourists alike.
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3. Punjab Grill
Location: B1-01A, The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands, 2 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore 018972
Punjab Grill offers a regal dining experience with its lavish interiors and gourmet North Indian cuisine. The restaurant specializes in Punjabi dishes with a modern twist. The Tandoori Guchchi, stuffed morel mushrooms cooked in a clay oven, and the Butter Chicken, a creamy tomato-based chicken curry, are standout dishes. With its prime location at Marina Bay Sands and its sophisticated menu, Punjab Grill is perfect for special occasions.
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4. Samy’s Curry
Location: 25 Dempsey Road, Singapore 249670
Established in the 1950s, Samy’s Curry is a legendary name in Singapore’s Indian culinary scene. Located in the lush Dempsey Hill area, this restaurant offers a more casual yet iconic dining experience. Known for its traditional South Indian fare served on banana leaves, Samy’s Curry is famous for its Fish Head Curry, a spicy and tangy dish that draws patrons from all over the island. The rustic charm and hearty portions make it a family favorite.
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5. Komala Vilas
Location: 76-78 Serangoon Road, Singapore 217981
A heritage restaurant that has been serving delicious vegetarian Indian food since 1947, Komala Vilas is a staple in Little India. This eatery is renowned for its thalis – a platter of various dishes that provide a complete meal. The dosas, thosai, and vadas are crispy and flavorful, making it a go-to spot for authentic South Indian breakfast and lunch. The bustling atmosphere and consistent quality have made Komala Vilas a beloved institution in Singapore.
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Singapore’s Indian restaurants offer a diverse range of dining experiences, from luxurious fine dining to casual, traditional eateries. Each of these five restaurants provides a unique taste of Indian cuisine, showcasing the rich culinary heritage and innovation that make Indian food so beloved. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, a culinary journey through these Indian restaurants is a must-do for anyone looking to explore the flavors of India in Singapore.
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