#ratja ni no kuni
stormrider24 · 9 months
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@wyrmy Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate have a good one. This took me longer than I wanna admit but I enjoyed doing it!!
I used a base made by @Jasmiass on DeviantArt for the figures themselves, but all else is mine. I encourage checking them out!
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aikomaliako · 3 years
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Sorry I’m late-
I was your secret Santa for this year! I’ve been busy so I needed a little more time to finish it up but I hope you like it! <:
I’m not used to drawing animals at all, so it was a little more difficult for me 😅
Here’s also an extra Ratja sketch I made practicing
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presidentcrane · 4 years
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Merry Christmas @wyrmy!! I was your secret santa this year!
Here's Mausinger and Ratja sharing some ice cream while on a date in the market, hope you like it!
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gustysartblog · 4 years
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Slightly belated birthday gift for my wonderful girlfriend, @wyrmy of her otp. <3
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wyrmy · 4 years
The Blood Price
AO3 || DA || FFN
Fandom: Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom
Rated: T
Genre: Horror/Family
Characters: Mausinger, Ratja, Captain Buck, Doloran, Vermine, the Conductor, Annabelle and Aurelius Fielding (OCs), the other Four Rulers briefly, other minor OCs
Pairings: Mausinger/Ratja, Vermine/Annabelle Fielding
Summary: There is a spell that can bring the dead back to life but at a price. Set ten years post game.
Warnings: Minor depictions of blood/injuries and a decayed corpse, and whump of a minor
It’s Halloween!
Instead of some original content, why not (re)read this fic I did for Halloween last year? C:
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defiant-firefly · 5 years
Guess who finished the requeessstss from a while agooooo
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Wolf Roland x Toy Poodle Leander for @pluestic
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Wolf Roland x Griffin Bracken and Toy Poodle Leander x Snow Leopard Nerea for @aikomaliako
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And finally, Mausinger x Ratja and lion Leonhard x teeny mouse Mausinger for @wyrmy (yes I know you've seen on the Discord but I'm trying to make a consistent post :P)
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cannibalboogeyman · 5 years
Sorry this was pretty late but merry christmas @wyrmy ! I'm your secret santa and i hope that the @ works
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ladyanaconda · 6 years
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I couldn’t help it after reading PowerOptix’s Ratja/Mausinger shipping list. Since there's not much fan art about Mausinger, who by now is amongst my favorite Ni No Kuni 2 characters, I decided to make some fanart myself. I share the headcanon that Ratja might have eventually ended up together with him, seeing as to how they seem to be quite... close in the game, particularly the DLC give hints that Mausinger trusts Ratja very much.
Anyway, I'll explain a bit about these doodles. In the left corner, they're having some intimacy. I drew them both with tails (though Ratja's isn't very noticeable). They must have tails underneath that long clothing, right? all micefolk have. Mausinger's tail is thicker, though, since he's a rat. In the bottom left corner, I drew them both when they were younger. I headcanon they must have known each other from way before their jobs at the castle; mice had to stick together, after all, especially considering the grimalkin constantly abused them. In the middle above they are embracing; I don't exactly know the circumstances myself, but I'd like to think it's the reconciliation after the whole issue with Doloran. As some saw in the DLC, she wasn't aware of the coup (probably Mausinger didn't want her to get involved should it fail, or maybe he wanted to surprise her), and she clearly was not happy about Evan getting almost killed. I added two drawings of Ratja during pregnancy. My favorite is the one with Mausinger as he's feeling the baby kicking. He's happy about being a father, but at the same time, he's... uncertain about it and fears he might not be a good dad. I mean, since some of us agree (looking at you, Poweroptix) he's a workaholic and takes his duty seriously, he wouldn't have much time to spend with his kids. And last but not least, the drawing shortly after the twins, Lilly and Leon, was born. What can I say? Mice in real life are known to have LOTS of offspring due to their status as a prey animal. Mausinger decided to name his son after Leonhard as a way to honor his memory, while Lilly was named after Ratja's mother. The reason I drew different clothing on Ratja in the last three drawings was that I don't think she'd wear the same maid dress after she and Mausinger got married. I mean, the Queen must look nice, right? I like how she looks like with loose hair. P.S: How does Ratjinger sound as shipping name?
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wyrmy · 5 years
6 and 15 for the meme, you pick the pairing
Aw right, gonna do this for my petship, MausingerxRatja
6. What is their favourite feature of their partners? (Assuming this means physical features)
Ratja: Ratja loves the fact that Mausinger is only a few inches taller than she is for a number of reasons. It eliminates any height difference problems for a start but it also means that most of his subjects, his servants and his soldiers are all taller than him, and it always amuses her to watch him issuing orders to people who are literally looking down at him.
Mausinger: Ratja’s uncommon fur colour may have made her a bit of bully magnet in her youth, but Mausinger loves her beautiful white fur and insists that he couldn’t imagine her in any other colour.
15. Who wakes up first?
Ratja. As a maidservant her duties require her to rise early in the morning, much earlier than Mausinger is accustomed to.
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wyrmy · 5 years
The Blood Price
AO3 || DA || FFN
Fandom: Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom
Rated: T
Genre: Horror/Family
Characters: Mausinger, Ratja, Captain Buck, Doloran, Vermine, the Conductor, Annabelle and Aurelius Fielding (OCs), the other Four Rulers briefly, other minor OCs
Pairings: Mausinger/Ratja, Vermine/Annabelle Fielding
Summary: There is a spell that can bring the dead back to life but at a price.
Warnings: Minor depictions of blood/injuries and a decayed corpse, and whump of a minor
Halloween fic for Ni no Kuni 2.
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wyrmy · 5 years
10. Betrayal
AO3 || DA || FFN
Fandom: Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom
Rated: K
Genre: General/Drama
Characters: Mausinger, Ratja, Vermine, a minor OC
Pairings: Mausinger/Ratja
Summary: Ratja confronts Mausinger during the coup.
Warnings: None
The first detonation that rocked the castle had everyone screeching to a halt and throwing confused looks around. Was that an explosion? Or had they just misheard? After the second, well something was definitely going on, but panic did not immediately set in. The next thing to happen was mousekind soldiers bursting through the doors with their weapons drawn to set upon their grimalkin colleagues. Taken completely off guard, a handful of them went down immediately. When the first body hit the floor, someone screamed. That was when the panic set in.
But not for Ratja. This had to be a mistake didn't it? This just couldn't be happening. It was as if someone was playing some kind of sick joke on her, she just couldn't take it in.
A maid running past stopped and grabbed her arm. She was humanfolk but terror contorted her features just the same. “Ratja! We have to get out of here! The soldiers they… they're killing people!”
“I don't… I don't understand…” She replied numbly.
“They're only targeting grimalkin, but who knows! Maybe we'll be next!”
“But they wouldn't…”
“Come on, Ratja. We must-”
“No.” Ratja pulled away. “I must… I must find Chancellor Mausinger. He'll know what's going on.”
The maid looked like she wanted to stop her for a moment before deciding against it. “All right. You are mousekind, so maybe you'll be safe.” Just then, a group of mousekind soldiers burst through the door at the end of the hallway. The maid's eyes went as wide as saucers as she took one look at them and then ran.
“Ratja!” One of the soldiers called.
“Chip?” She replied. “Chip is that you?”
The soldier ran up to her and gently took her arm. “Ratja you shouldn't be here. Let's get you to safety.”
“No!” She exclaimed pulling out of his grasp. “What's going on, Chip?!”
Chip nodded at his friends to go on ahead. “We're staging a coup, Ratja. We've had enough of the way things are going. And we've had enough of the way things still are, so we're taking matters into our own hands.”
“What do you mean by that?! Chancellor Mausinger was working with King Leonhard to build a future for all of us. Are you staging a coup against him too?!”
Chip gave her a wry, almost pitying smile. “Who do you think is leading the coup, Ratja?”
The world came crashing down around her ears at those words. “What… what did you say?”
“Chancellor Mausinger is the one leading the coup. The rest of us are following him.”
���You don't… you don't mean that.” Her vision was beginning to blur as tears filled her eyes.
“It's the truth.”
“I don't believe you!” She shot passed him and ran down the corridor in the direction that he had come from.
Chip turned and called after her. “Ratja!” But made no attempt to pursue.
She soon found herself in the entrance hall. There were so many soldiers the place was positively swarming with them. And all of them were mousekind. It took her a moment to take it in. How did every one of them know about the coup but her. Of course the answer was obvious; Because if she had known, she would've informed King Evan and Aranella the moment she found out. And she had another question, one that made her stomach churn. How long had they been planning this for? She strode forward purposefully and immediately the soldiers took notice. “Rodellia, you shouldn't be here. Chancellor Mausinger has ordered that you be confined to your quarters for your own safety.”
“Safe from who?” She demanded. “From himself? From you?” Angry tears began to stream from her eyes. As hard as she was fighting against the reality, it was becoming harder to deny the fact that Mausinger was indeed the one responsible.
“He simply does not wish to see you harmed in the crossfire.”
“I already am!” The tears began to flow more freely. “I want to speak to Chancellor Mausinger myself.”
The soldiers exchanged looks. One of the captains nodded. “All right… Go on then, Rodellia.” Then he called ahead. “Let her pass!”
“Thank-thank you.” She wiped her tears away as best she could and proceeded to the throne room unhindered but stopped in the doorway. More soldiers lined the path to the throne on both sides. Oh gods, it really was everyone but her. And there standing before the throne itself was Mausinger and… her brow furrowed in hatred, Vermine. Matthias on the other hand was nowhere to be seen. She hesitated. But no, she had to know. She had to hear him say the words. Ratja began to move forward and the path to the throne seemed to stretch out ahead of her for miles. Had it always been this long? Eventually Mausinger took notice of her presence and reacted with surprise, as did Vermine when he turned to investigate. They shared a look and Mausinger strode out to meet her. “Ratja…” He said. “You… you should not be here.”
Immediately her composure disintegrated and tears began to fall from her eyes. “Chancellor, please. Tell me… tell me it's not true… Tell me… it's all a misunderstanding.”
He shut his eyes. “I cannot...”
“Then tell me why!” She demanded. “I thought you wanted a better future for mousekind and grimalkin.”
He shook his head. “Then you were mistaken. I wanted a better future for our people, that much is true. But I never forgave the grimalkin for what they did to us, Ratja. For what they still do.”
“Then… then why…?”
“Because it was the only way see that desire fulfilled. Or so I thought. But I see now that truly the only way to achieve justice for our people is by taking matters into my own hands.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“King Leonhard is no more, and very soon, Prince Evan will join him.” Ratja's hands flew to her mouth in horror at that. “And when Oakenhart arrives, I will join with him in a kingsbond and become the new king of Ding Dong Dell. And as king, I will usher in a new era for mousekind.”
“You've lost your mind!” She shouted.
Mausinger was taken aback. “Ratja do not say such things. All I want is for an end to the suffering of our people. Do you not want that as well?”
“Of course I do! But… but not like this.”
“There is no other way, Ratja.”
“But there is! You don't have to kill Master Evan! You could… you could…” She trailed off at the realisation of what she was suggesting.
“Could what, Ratja? String him up like a puppet? Pull his strings so that he would do whatever I wanted? Is that what you truly would have preferred?” Ratja was speechless. “No, Ratja. I have had quite enough of puppeteering. And even if I had not, what sense would there be in turning Evan into a figurehead when I could simply do the job myself? Cut out the middle man as it were?”
“What… what happened to you?”
“My eyes have been opened, Ratja. Opened to the truth. King Leonhard never had any intention of keeping his word. He was using me to as a tool to keep our people more compliant. And he is no different to rest of his wretched kind!”
“You don't believe that,” she whimpered, nay, begged.
“But I DO!” He shouted with such anger and vehemence that Ratja immediately burst into tears and began to sob into her hands. It even drew a surprised glance from Vermine. Mausinger's expression softened. “Ratja, I… I understand that this is difficult for you to accept. But one day I would hope that your eyes too will be opened, and that you will come to realise that I was right.”
“And what if Oakenhart doesn't accept you? What if this was all for nothing!? What will you do then?”
“As the descendent of our royal family, I have as much claim to the throne of Ding Dong Dell as any Tildrum. I see no reason why he should refuse me.”
Ratja could only gaze at him in horror before she spoke again. “You're not the Mausinger I used to know. The Mausinger that I…” She clapped both hands to her mouth as she choked back a sob.
“Ratja, please…” Ratja fled from the room and he called after her. “Ratja!” But she did not stop and he made no attempt to pursue. Instead he let his arms fall to his side and hung his head.
“Well, she took that rather well,” Vermine commented.
“Give her time,” Mausinger replied in a voice that didn't sound entirely convinced.
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wyrmy · 6 years
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1. Holding Hands
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wyrmy · 6 years
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2. Cuddling
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wyrmy · 6 years
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Mausinger x Ratja: Hug by PowerOptix
Been meaning to draw more of this ship. I did it at last. \o/
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wyrmy · 6 years
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Mausinger x Ratja by PowerOptix
Someone please ship this with me.
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wyrmy · 6 years
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Mausinger x Ratja: Close by PowerOptix
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