#rather than our actions
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magnusthepuppet · 1 year ago
if you engage in infighting, you are useless as a leftist.
if you tell people to k*ll themselves, you are useless as a leftist.
if you do not believe in somebody’s ability to change, you are useless as a leftist.
if you do not practice nuanced thinking, you are useless as a leftist.
if you are unable to have compassion for your fellow human, you are useless as a leftist.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
I think a lot of people don't support punitive justice on a governmental level (good), but they don't understand why punitive justice is overarchingly a bad thing, so they still operate with the idea that it's still the Best Option, but only when they can wield it.
Of course, there is a difference between a government having access to punitive justice and individuals or a small community having access to it, but the mindset is still strikingly similar. I've seen it time and time again where one's desire to destroy after even a small slight outweighs anything else, and that's alarming, actually. Yes, it's understandable, but I still don't think it is a healthy impulse or knee-jerk reaction for every minor affront.
#politics#i'm sure i talked about this before but it still strikes me as important#how exactly will everybody be helped by using the absolute extremes of 'justice'?#and because people only know punitive extreme forms of 'justice' that seems to be the only frame of reference they have...#...so when somebody proposes other methods of justice it is seen not unlike abuse or assault apologia or something extreme...#...because the nuance isn't there to recognize levels of severity in an action where punitive justice isn't going to work#and i'd argue that people are generally more invested in the perpetrator/s of abuse rather than the victims/survivors left in their wake#so people frame the discussion as Protecting Victims as a Class but really#ARE you helping us? and if so - what are you doing beyond going After Our Abuser/s?#people think it helps us to Go After The Abuser/s. much less do they think about *us* as people and what we need i think.#maybe its selfish of me but i know my abuser will never face any repercussions beyond people judging them slightly for what they did to me..#...so me personally i would rather people take their fury with my abuser (in my real life) and maybe invest it in myself and others...#...maybe hell will be waiting with open arms for them when they die. but i'm still going through hell because of them so i feel it's even#maybe i've just ~given up~ but i want to help people rather than immediately going After People#not everything CAN be solved with an eye for an eye. not everything SHOULD.
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misskamelie · 15 days ago
Good thing: I graduated with excellent results :)
Bad thing: this sense of fatigue and tiredness has not improved in the slightest
Good thing (?): apparently, graduating automatically kicks you out from applying to the Erasmus program (this might be good because I don't think I'd be psychologically ready to tackle this whole thing again in the upcoming year)
Bad thing: I truly have no idea how to take care of this fatigue thingie nor how to proceed wrt taking care of my health/wellbeing
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deathbypufferfish · 2 years ago
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Miyu has been in the clinic more which means she spends most of her time with her girls in the morning, but sometimes Nella joins her and pretends to be her assistant. Oscar has still been working on his writing skills too. Also Marinella is proving to already be a handful.
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daz4i · 6 months ago
ratio is one of the funniest characters in anything ever not only because he plays chess with himself and shames/compliments his own moves, not because he sends you 20 messages in a row and then talks about how he likes to "keep his words few", not because he wears a goddamn plaster head (sometimes bc he's literally like. canonically too hot that it distracts his students), not because of every silly thing he's done in canon so far that i won't list or we'll be here all day, but because one of his phds is in a topic that can be summed up as - from my understanding, and if i oversimplify things - explaining religious phenomena or arguing about religious topics such as "is god even real" via science, in a world where gods very much exist and it is a known fact and like he himself even wanted to be seen by one of them. and yet
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zonotrichia-albicollis · 7 months ago
Giant personal vent time
This guy stole somewhere between 3 to 6 MILLION dollars from my grandmother by conning my great aunt into signing over her estate and medical & financial power of attorney to him literally on her death bed
I and my aunt have been working basically a whole second job the last 3 months trying to get together a legal case to go after this guy. And now my grandma wants to drop it. And no one else has standing so what the fuck can we do.
This man has absolutely done this to other ppl before, there is no doubt in my mind. I’ve seen his property records for just what’s publicly available in my county and it’s sketchy as hell. I am never going to get over this but there’s nothing I can do.
Gonna put like a million more thoughts in the tags because I’m losing my fucking mind.
#it’s not like we don’t have the money#the estimated legal fees are like $100k but we’d definitely get it back from the estate in the end#but grandma doesn’t want to look like she’s going after her sister’s money#and she won’t admit she has dementia so I’m not allowed to tell the lawyer that she can’t handle testifying#so he just thinks we’re being wishy washy#and my aunt is so conflict avoidant she won’t tell the lawyer anything that’s happening that he could absolutely be helping with#and my dumbass step cousin is so conflict avoidant he’d literally rather let the family business go bankrupt than actually deal with this#why the fuck did she make him ceo#I know why she trusted this guy but jfc whyyyy did she trust him#god if only I had a time machine I’d go back 6 months and make sure we kicked him out of her house#I really really didn’t think he’d go this far. I just thought he was a weird dude she was being too nice to#but no. actual con artist#the more we learn the worse it gets#and grandma just cannot handle it. even though she has the money!! I’m so mad#I wanna email every reporter I can think of until I find someone willing to publish an article about this guy#so that at least that way someone would see how fucking sketchy he is when they Google him#so that maybe the next person won’t fall for it#is there some kind of legal action you can take that’s basically just like#hey we’re not willing to spend years to prove that you’re evil#but just for the record we need everyone to know you suck and we hate you#like just so ppl know#maybe I should ask our pastor to send out a PSA to all the other little old ladies at church#since that’s how my great aunt met him in the first place#I could get at least 3 good books out of all the drama in my fucking family I think#one for this whole thing. one for my dad’s insane parents. and one for all the bad decisions I made in Seattle
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starry-heavens · 2 years ago
Aaaaand I'm back to indirectly throw more shade at the skycord mods
Apparently, in skycord, having one's age and the link to another discord server in your profile bio is a mutable offense
Now,the age thing is understandable
But heaven forbid you promote your own server in your bio, while being part of and talking in skycord
And a year long mute is just a liiittle excessive for such a thing (for both things I mentioned above)
To get muted for 52 weeks for having one's age (again I fully understand why this particular part would be a problem, but the punishment is very excessive imo) and a link to one's own discord server is downright ridiculous.
Seriously some of the newer mods seem to be on a power trip
52 weeks. Are you for real?
(No this did not happen to me, but it did happen to someone else I know)
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snow-system-wol · 10 months ago
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(got a lil long)
It's good voice acting and good that we are finally here but all the same...
It will take... time to regain what has been lost here, if truly ever. He badly hurt them, perhaps moreso in snowverse than the canon aftermath delves into, it's not just going to be like that didn't happen.
It will take even longer to gain any real goodwill from S'ria and Menphina.
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Thank you for accidentally echoing Venat... 🥺
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I simply must point out. That the man may have admitted he did things wrong but. "I owe you an apology as well." ...as well? How about you actually back up apologize to your kids first, because you didn't properly do that, only inplied it.
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Oh, don't worry. S'ria was well aware that you particularly didn't like him.
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roosterbox · 1 year ago
Season 2 of Stranger Things: complete.
I loved it.
Potential spoilers under the cut
So much Steve. SO MUCH STEVE.
And Max! I loved her. Lumax is an absolutely precious ship. Two of my favorite characters together - what’s not to love?
And Bob! *sobbing noises* Bob, you lovely man. I already knew he was doomed, by virtue of the fact that I was pretty sure he wasn’t in S3, but as soon as he split off from the main group, I could feel myself tearing up. “He’s dead. He’s so dead,” I said to my empty living room. And boy, do I hate being right sometimes. When I tell you I cried…
Watching Billy flirt with Steve drives me insane, lol. Partially because that is 100% exactly what he’s doing, holy shit. And also because FUCK OFF BILLY HE’S NOT FOR YOU, lol. Also fuck Billy. Cool motive, still murder.
Did I spy a Mondale/Ferraro sign outside the Henderson house? No wonder Claudia is y’all’s favorite. I ain’t playin’ - I love her too.
Watching Hopper and Eleven become their own little family unit was just… ASDFGHJKJHGFDS so good.
So many new and interesting characters got introduced. I already mentioned Max and Billy (and technically Claudia too), but also Murray. And Erica! My sass queen. Also we only got one little scene with them, but I fucking ADORE the Sinclairs. Sue and Charles? Are those their names? Either way, they’re great.
Steve and Dustin have suuuuuuuuch big bro lil bro vibes in their last scene together. Like, man. Absolutely adorable. And that last scene at the dance was really really sweet.
Overall, loved it.
And now, I’m gonna just… decompress for a little while before I get started on season 3. But honestly? Kinda nervous about that one.
Because dude
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Look at what I have to look forward to??? I’m gonna fucking DIE, lmao.
Oh yeah, my top five favorite characters from this season:
STEVE. (My babygirl. Still staying strong at number one. Was there ever any doubt?)
Max. (She’s so sassy. I love it.)
Lucas. (He remains adorable.)
Dustin. (Every season, I like him a lil bit more.)
Bob. (I know, I was surprised too! But he’s just such a good… good. You know? Being played by Sean Astin doesn’t hurt - I will always love my Fellowship boys!)
Bonus character: Erica Sinclair. She’s only a bonus for now because as much as I love her, she’s barely in this. I look forward to seeing her more in S3 (Scoops Troop! Hell yeah!).
Soooooo yeah. Two seasons down. I really like this show, man.
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unopenablebox · 2 years ago
sorry for posting so much i am desperately seizing this brief respite tonight because i am aware that tomorrow is 10AM-6PM nonstop union meetings and lab work and i am trying to think of Anything Else. even whether it's straight to like fems
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crownbeed · 7 months ago
I flip-flopped between "pleasure to have in class" and "needs to participate more"
I'm doing my work Mr Stevenson, i don't want to talk to people too, damn.
the “pleasure to have in class” to overly active tumblr user pipeline
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asclexe · 2 months ago
it’s official i can’t tell my dad anything anymore. whatever
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theres-whump-in-that-nebula · 4 months ago
Hey, lawmakers and politicians. I should not have to determine which objects in a classroom would work best to beat someone’s ass with. I should not even have to THINK about going up against someone who potentially has an AK-47 with a metal trash can. Thank you very much and I wish you a merry “restrict gun ownership and if you disagree I hope you get shot.”
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neverlandnightingale · 2 months ago
Hey do y'all remember several years ago when we were all freaking out about net neutrality being overturned? Well despite net neutrality's win in 2024, a federal court just overturned it.
For those who aren't aware, net neutrality is the simple principle that companies like Verizon and Comcast should treat all web traffic equally – not pick and choose based on who is willing to pay more or who they like best. Big Tech companies obviously don’t like that – which is why they spent millions lobbying against it over the years.
Now, these megacorporations will be able to seize control back over our Internet. The likely result? Throttled access to streaming services, monopolistic pricing that cuts out competition, and a slower, walled off, and less free Internet for all of us.
And unfortunately, rulings like this will only get more common now that the Supreme Court has overturned the “Chevron deference” – giving judges, rather than qualified public servants, a blank check to toss out protections like net neutrality, environmental safeguards, or food safety standards.
When Trump’s FCC repealed net neutrality back in 2017, they gave big corporations total control over our Internet – putting free and open access at risk.
Internet providers responded by exploiting their newfound power to speed up certain websites, and slow down – or even block – others. They failed to provide crucial Internet infrastructure in rural areas, low-income communities, and communities of color. They even slashed firefighters’ Internet access during severe wildfires.
But over 126,000 people spoke out and we were able to reinstate net neutrality – until now.
The time has come again to take action: please sign this petition from Common Cause so we can reinstate net neutrality.
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error404vnotfound · 5 months ago
i've known that my mother is a selfish person for a long, long time, and it's been really fun to see her out herself in a discussion we had with the neighbours about how our actions have a big impact on the people around us
like yes ma'am please tell me more about how you are immune to algorithms and how you'd rather give money to some billionaire instead of to the shop in our town just so you can save 5 euros
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