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Barmorildón Beachán Begdenil Beleinë Belic Bendol Birmar Blámë Bodastain Brictows Béannéy Béaoir Calaolop Calava Calindë Callohc Camastira Camianivina Canala Caretsin Chorim Cilasus Cildil Coifiono Coláma Coren Corut Crincán Damanatsus Daream Deano Deavyh Deept Derght Deroc Dessal Dlein Dnatheatan Dnoiw Docileán Dredlo Drinrut Duruts Eagni Eatretlen Ecalameld Ecoiruows Eiliard Eiratarusta Eldautuoh Eldónë Elenol Eleyb Elmac Elocabmain Elwodh Emlugnar Eranaëf Erinauc Erlegelufer Eruoy Eróiróna Estin Evanalindo Eälómë Eälórel Eärnav Eärniv Eärrevic Faitro Falannatnul Falirodno Farthfhla Feibards Feiril Felped Fiamow Finayrissë Fingsli Fingwa Finihchinn Finya Fireanih Flaimachal Flandonemól Folma Forins Fornë Frame Frinyë Fëang Fíongast Gendë Gnand Gnieht Gnielo Gniumnarb Gnuadh Gobley Graytir Greav Hainnán Haltsi Hilín Hingin Hröani Hsafts Htang Htraclinírë Htronnait Idarayni Idhröa Idnifted Ilantirús Illodnack Ilvel Imarda Inatant Inquen Inquibhem Inulessar Irran Iryadnatar Irávandrow Islicalo Jeronde Khalaundur Knalnion Knorambë Lafiak Lamlac Lasac Lavalc Lehtneuq Leniondo Lerut Letil Liack Licklundil Lidna Lidnahs Lidno Lidnuaira Lilauren Limhísë Limór Linivnelen Lionám Lionón Lirit Lisín Liter Litsam Livin Llandubhán Lliefinë Llotreh Loarólick Lochlanail Lodlis Lognis Lohtnern Lufrisso Látsi Lómil Madnoi Madrap Magánar Maitnanólë Majohtel Maltál Manam Mandow Margeri Marniefion Maynacramak Mbastoldaeb Mento Methe Migín Milbar Minwol Mirbhlatsin Mirican Muinór Muirep Nachord Narnë Navagnid Naëvírë Negeb Nemeródnap Nemranwë Nemratiahán Nermë Nerudnewd Neulemion Nevae Niahtaw Ninnalómë Niryards Nisnraver Nithyar Nivic Nocamba Noiluma Noinaira Noiran Noiry Nolindë Nomeful Nosir Nácureldë Néimadha Númirwë Obhaniantë Odahk Odnew Oiplein Oliallion Omámacholám Ondeemindë Oreftark Orghs Orlal Orothnadh Oscam Ostoron Othín Ottolán Otárë Partsar Pilin Praghta Priednist Profyella Puramo Pádron Quendih Raciaght Rambeala Ramingae Ramrap Ramylkcon Rannáv Rannín Ratari Rathe Rathgirial Ratië Ratsed Rearair Reassendav Relat Relch Releánair Renat Rendecith Rendë Rentól Reren Rerutalë Restem Rewinail Reytserom Riatper Ricary Rokure Rualma Ruata Rudner Ruivirace Ruthnestoc Rátaírë Réaoi Salótë Samba Sandië Sarma Sarnor Sawloh Sdned Sdneniquet Sdnoidle Sdrathemórë Sdrindo Sealafinam Sellidniv Sgimos Sgnips Sidlidrampa Sifalapa Sighs Sillan Sinwë Sirian Slings Snegilín Sondilín Sorontól Soutarer Spalayh Sreldalav Srondiley Sseruleivás Ssusaht Stanólië Strom Stsew Swormaol Taitalanm Talquen Tandussor Tanirgire Tavae Tedna Terohtirp Teron Testaitna Teugnik Thghtayneim Thnait Tnungollac Touniba Tramlinna Trellog Tsaelgamar Tulion Tummeach Turealviéno Turesaptang Tyeluat Ualendië Uiratritë Ulkcandie Undil Unúmerta Vaeldonds Vaerut Vaglo Valachamo Valloh Vatarya Vatneards Vawgnuseár Vieniter Vindo Vinques Váynahy Wester Wiahs Wodna Yattaul Ytian Ytirmë Áriondo Éiléideaca Ëdlet Ëdnad Ëdnanah Ëdnel Ëdnifaoda Ëdnolo Ëdnorá Ëilande Ëildar Ëilileh Ëilíonácnul Ëinúlidna Ëirind Ëitso Ëlach Ëlatelcal Ëmleilk Ëmronórabm Ëmrornoindo Ëmúnaf Ënódlen Ërudnulets Ërunáhalië Ërólisrimen Ëssecnaxa Ësser Ëssourcar Ëssout Ëthanorow Ëtiar Ëtnairandë Ëwlav Ëwlië Ëwnaval Ëwniar Ëwnirs Ëwniródle Ëwniseál Ídetornallë Óseleivilín Úroniviadna Úvand Ānrial
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vincent is the traitor! Peter Rataris unknowing pawn
over the course of the series many have speculated that Norman would betray Emma and become the main villain of the series, resulting in a friend turned foe situation. Well, as much as many believe this to be true I cant help but feel that something is up.
Kaiu Shirai, the creator of “the promised never land”, stated to the public that one of the things he enjoys doing, is deceiving readers. Knowing this and looking at how everyone has concluded that Norman is the villain of the series and a traitor to Emma, leads me to believe that we are all falling right into Shirais deception. So then, if Norman isn't the traitor of the series then who is? well, I, as well as other, believe its Vincent.
First lets talk about what could’ve made Vincent a traitor. Vincent is a survivor of lambda, he was rescued by Norman then later becomes one of normans top officers, along with Cislo , Barbara and Zazie. Aside from being able to fight demons barehanded he is also seen to be very intelligent, knowing a great deal about medicines and even machinery, but most importantly, aside from Norman, Vincent may be the only other person among the cattle children (not including Emma and her group) with superior intellect.
And yet, something seems very off about him. Compared to Barbara and the others Vincent seems to put more effort into “matching” Norman. Norman dresses very professionally and Vincent can be seen doing the same,
Norman speaks in a very polite and discrete manner and Vincent can be seen behaving in the same way.
We know that the lambda children idolize Norman and look at him as their savior, but what if Vincent didn't just idolize him, what if he was full blown obsessed with Norman?.
how did Vincent develop his Norman obsession? well, it most likely had to do with the fact that he was at lambda. Lambda is a hellish place, not only are you experimented on but you are also separated from the rest of the world with no hope of survival.
In chapter 119 Norman explains to everyone that he managed to escape from lambda by first finding an accomplice, that accomplice is Vincent since its his name written in the secret message of the rubix cube.
If you look at Vincents clothes in chapter 129 you can clearly see Vincent and Norman are wearing the same clean clothes, confirming that Vincent was experimented on in a similar manner as Norman.
If he was, then that means Vincent was isolated in a room just like Normans where he could be monitored at all times.
Considering that Vincent was able to make contact with Norman first, tells us that he was already at lambda long before Norman arrived, giving him the time needed to learn about the facility and contact others unnoticed.
Vincents attempts to contact others probably didn't start with Norman either, he may have already made several attempts, however, its likely no one was able to catch on to his secret message. If Vincent was going on day after day hoping that someone would be smart enough to decipher his message then odds are all that waiting made him go a bit crazy. Isolation can make anyone crazy, and in Vincents case once Norman replied to his secret code it would have not only sparked a flicker of hope but it would've also marked the beginning of an interest that would later develop into an obsession. An obsession over learning more and desiring to be closer to Norman.
After finally escaping lambda Vincent would’ve just simply cherished the fact that he would finally be by his godly Normans side. I’m guessing for a while Vincent truly believed everything was perfect, and nothing could change the way things were. That is until Emma and ray came back into Normans life.
If Vincent really is crazy for Norman then this spells major trouble. If Vincent realized that another person was not only able to catch Normans full attention but also have the potential of making him switch his loyalty to them, then surely Vincent would become possessive of Norman.
In chapter 124 when Emma and ray meet Cislo, Barbara and Vincent. Barbara and Cislo intimidate them, then begin boasting about how great they are compared to them.
Vincent states they are “ childishly competing with you”, but what are they competing against?, its clear to them ray and Emma don’t have their strength so its possible that they are competing with them in terms of value to Norman, they are jealous. Vincent is the only one who remains civil about the matter but its possible even he felt a sense of jealousy towards Emma and ray, or perhaps even a sense of animosity towards them as he listened to stories about how Norman was much happier with them in his life at grace field.
In chapter 122, before meeting Emma, Vincent meets up with Norman, telling him he heard word from other children about how Norman acted like a completely different person when he was around Emma and the others.
It must have been quite a shock to Vincent when he heard Norman was acting so happily, after all, in chapter 124 Vincent and the others describe Norman as being nothing more than cold and serious in the time they knew him.
however, rather than talking to Vincent more leisurely about his reunion, Norman quickly shuts him down and shifts the focus back to his plan.
with the way Norman shut Vincent down, Vincent may have already developed a bit of dislike towards Emma for not only bringing out a side of Norman he could never bring out himself, but for also revealing to him that Emma and the others might actually have an impact on Normans perfect image.
After talking with Emma and Ray in chapter 124 , Vincent may not have just felt jealous and spiteful towards them, he might have also developed a sense of fear... fear that he would lose Norman to his original family. Now that he knows just how much of an impact Emma and her friends can cause, Vincent may have determined Norman was better of without them.
I’m guessing this isn't the first time Vincent felt this way either. According to Norman, Smee was the only other person he could rely on when planning his escape at lambda,
however, on the day of Normans escape, Smee was captured. Just what happened to him is unknown,
but because he was a Minerva supporter norman says it is likely he was killed, or was he? but more on Smee in another theory
if Smee was the only other person at lambda capable of connecting with Norman, then its possible Vincent may have felt the same fear and jealousy he felt when Emma came back into Normans life. These emotions could’ve lead him to do something that Smee may have soon found out for himself...Vincent may have betrayed Smee and handed him over to Peter Ratari.
what if Vincent exposed Smee to Peter? he may have planned Smees capture to occur the same day lambda was destroyed, allowing him to completely hide his tracks and avoid any suspicion from Norman. However, if Vincent believed he could get away with using peter then he is sorely mistaken. Using peter is a big mistake, he is not someone you should get involved with, seriously, from what we’ve seen, the guy is evil on a completely different level!!.
Despite being loyal to Norman, Vincent may have taken it upon himself to ensure that Normans brilliant mind would not be influenced by anyone. And what better way to do that than by getting rid of those people like he did with Smee
in chapter 129 when Norman talks to Vincent and the others about what is going to happen to mujica, he tells them not to worry about it, that he will deal with it.
in chapter 143 when don and Gilda finally reunite with mujica and sonju, hayato thinks back to when he and jin were tasked with killing mujica. The weird thing is, its not Norman giving them the order to do it, its Vincent!
and even though in chapter 144 don and Gilda cry over realizing that Norman has lied to them in order to kill mujica
they may not realize that it probably wasn't Norman who planed the assassination !
Some of you may say, “but wait, it had to be Normans plan, after all back in chapter 138 Cislo and Vincent were having a conversation about the whole ordeal being Normans idea ”, maybe, but what if we misinterpreted that conversation?.
When Cislo starts asking questions to Vincent over the plan, he first asks “ you think they’ll find the evil blooded?”, Vincent assures him they will since Norman was even able to find geelan. Cislo then asks, “you think they can kill her?”, Vincent assures him they will and states that he simply needs to trust Norman on that matter.
when cislo says “ you think THEY can kill HER” our immediate thought is that he is talking about mujica, but what if he wasn't talking about her?, what if cislo was asking about queen legravalima?
In chapter 148 Norman states that the royal family, including legravalima are very powerful and intelligent, and in chapter 149 we can see she is fully capable of wiping out a large number of geelans army with ease
Despite Normans plan to kill all demons, we see now that Normans plan was actually to have geelan weaken or kill the queen instead while at the same time reduce his own armys numbers trying to fight her. She is to much for Norman and the others to handle on their own without first being weakened.
the “THEY “ in cislos question might actually have been referring to geelan and his army!. In chapter 138 Cislo might have been expressing to Vincent his concern for not just finding mujica but for the killing of the queen!. And why would cislo be told to trust Norman on that matter? because, even if geelan fails to kill the queen he would have still done his part to leave Norman with the opening needed to kill the royal family once they were weakened. And as of chapter 150, we can see this is currently happening
Which again leads me back to the whole mujica assassination. if you think about it carefully you may find that the whole plan is suspicious!. First of all why would Norman send hayato and jin on a serious assassination mission when all they ever do is escort missions?. Back in chapter 114 and 115, it was jin and hayato that needed to be saved from demons,
they were completely incapable of fighting. In chapter 135 when hayato is revealed to be don and gildas escort, everyone feels concerned, saying he is not the most reliable, hayato even stated himself that he is not reliable at all!
In chapter 139, when its revealed that jin is also following don and Gilda with a bunch of children just like Adam, it can seem as if jin and hayato really are capable of completing the assassination.
Children like Adam are after all strong enough to take down a demon single handedly, however, they are by no means skilled. Every punch they throw, every swing they take doesn't just go to the demon, the attack itself goes to whatever is in that range, and they cant exactly stop midway of an attack either, all they have is brute strength, I mean just look at what one of them did to a tree when attempting to attack Sonju
If Vincent purposely assigned Jin and Hayato with the assassination plan and sent a handful of Adam kids with them, then its likely that his plan was to distract sonju with the Adam kids and have Don and Gilda accidentally killed while attempting to protect mujica from Jin and Hayato. Once mujica was killed, sonju, in a moment of rage, would kill jin, hayato, and ayshe
And in his moment of rage the other Adam kids would’ve received the opening needed to finish him off. Later on, if anyone were to question why Jin went with them when he wasn't even assigned to the escort group back at the base, Vincent could simply lie by saying jin went on his own out of worry or he could say that he sent Jin and the other Adam kids just to make sure don and gilda were well protected in case mujica turned on them, once they were all killed, Vincent could simply blame the demons.
But wait, if the Adam kids are the only survivors wouldn't that ruin Vincents plan once they came back? no, because once the assassination plan was done, the Adam kids who went with jin and hayato could simply go back into hiding with the other children, and that’s if they ever find their way back at all!, they are after all, not very smart to begin with. But wait!, wouldn't the Adam kids say something? no, because just as we have seen with Adam in chapter 73
all Adam kids have a short attention span and little interest in talking just like Adam, even if they did talk, no one would understand what they were talking about
Heck, Adam repeatedly said Normans number back at goldy pond and neither Emma or Ray ever caught on that he was saying Normans number!.
even when he went on to live with Emma in the underground shelter, Adam never once says Normans number ever again, until they actually reunite with him in chapter 119
As long as the Adam kids stay silent, Vincent wouldn't have to worry about anyone finding out about mujicas assassination plan,
However, judging by how things went, Vincent probably didn't expect the Adam kids to suffer from seizures during the attack and he most certainly didn't think that ayshe could actually talk and wind up helping don and Gilda. If so, then as of right now, Vincent is currently at the castle unaware of the fact that mujica and sonju are alive, and worse, that hayato is now with them at the capital on their side! practically guarantying his exposure to Norman
the only question now is, what was he planning on doing with Emma and ray?,perhaps Vincent had a microphone or camera in Normans office (is he that obsessed? probably) and thru his ipad/tablet, which we can clearly see he owns in chapter 122,
he was able to listen in and learn about how no one has ever made it back from the seven walls .
Vincent probably underestimated Emma and Ray and believed they would never come back as well.
unfortunately for him, Emma and Ray did come back and are now at the capital as well. In chapter 146, Vincent is placed in charge of hacking and controlling the security system, and as we can see by whats behind Vincent
the castle is equipped with cameras and TV monitors to see everything going on in the castle. In chapter 149, when Emma and Ray are trying to figure out how to get into the now gated castle
we see a quick shot of Vincent in the security room staring at his ipad/tablet
he knows Emma and Ray are there! but he doesn't notify Norman that Emma is making her way in! why?, because, what lies beyond that gate is the battle between zazie and the queen.
if Emma has no idea were Norman is and makes her way into the final battle to kill the royal family she could end up getting herself killed, which is exactly what Vincent wants, after all, aside from the Adam children, zazie also has a hard time focusing on who to attack. Back in chapter 117, zazie almost killed Emma in the midst of killing the demons
and sadly, with Normans eyes focused on killing the royal family, he hasn't even considered the fact that Emma might have returned from the seven walls and is now trying to find him amidst the chaos. Emma did say in chapter 128 that Normans logic was all based on numbers and probability and there was no guarantee his plan would succeed without any issues, well guess what!, the one thing he for sure thought would never happen is happening right now!
In chapter 148 when Emma and Ray are heading to the capital, they come across the demon army Norman had planned to lure away to other demon villages.
However, Ray and the others soon realize that they are not going to demon villages or back to the royal capital. They are instead searching for the cattle childrens hideout!,
whats worse is, they know exactly what area to begin searching, but how?, how do they know where to begin looking?, my guess is Vincent was being tracked by peter after lambda was destroyed!. Like I said before, peter is not someone you should get involved with, if Vincent really did try using peter to get rid of Smee then odds are peter must have figured out Vincent was involved with Norman as well as Smee and chose to keep a watchful eye on lambda and the area around it whenever he wasn't there, how could he do this? why with secret cameras of course.
back in chapter 112 ray reveals that Peter Ratari used camera owls to track them down from the very moment they left mujica and sonju in search of shelter B 06-32 way back in chapter 51.
It was those same camera owls that pinpointed the shelters location as well as the cameras belonging to the shelters security system. Whats worse, peter has a tone of these owls flying around! and it may not just be owls. Since its peters job to make sure the human and demon world are upholding their end of the promise, who knows what else he is using to monitor the demon world.
If peter did use Vincent as a way to find the others then he would have already made a plan to take back all the cattle children the day they were at their weakest, that day was the day Norman was away at the capital with nearly all their strongest fighters.
if any of this is true, then its only a mater of time before Vincent is exposed, not just as a traitor but as one of peters unknowing pawns in his plan to recapture(or kill) all the cattle children. Then again, there’s also the possibility that Vincent may have secretly been working with peter this whole time, and only pretended to be normans ally until the grace field children arrived. But hey, thats just a theory, a the promised never land theory!
#tpn#the promised neverland#tpn emma#tpn norman#tpn ray#peter ratari#tpn vincent#the promised neverland vincent#yakusoku no nebārando#yakusoku no neverland#long post
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Ratari na mukama, nestašica sjemenskog kukuruza
Nestašica, ali i previsoke cijene repromaterijala veliki su problemi koji se nalaze pred poljoprivrednim proizvođačima za predstojeću proljećnu sjetvu, saglasni su sagovornici “Nezavisnih novina”. Ističu da je razlog nestašice, ali i skoka cijena upravo poremećaj u snabdijevanju koji je nastao zbog sukoba Ukrajine i Rusije. Navode da je trenutno nestašica sjemena kukuruza na tržištu, ali i…
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OTVOREN AGROBELGRADE 2020, prvi specijalizovani sajam voćarstva, vinogradarstva i povrtarstva
Ministar poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Branislav Nedimović otvorio je Danas je počeo premijerni „AgroBelgrade“, prvi specijalizovani sajam voćarstva, vinogradarstva i povrtarstva. Sajam se održava u halama 1, 1A i 4 Beogradskog sajma, i trajaće do subote, 1. februara. Na njemu učestvuje preko 500 izlagača, uključujući i neke od poznatih svetskih kompanija u ovim oblastima. Kako je na otvaranju rekao ministar poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Branislav Nedimović, AgroBelgrade je novi format događaja koji obuhvata kompletan lanac vrednosti, od proizvodnje, preko tehnologije do plasmana proizvoda. „Fokus je na naprednoj poljoprivredi i modernim sistemima proizvodnje i prerade, što je važno za bolji nastup Srbije na inostranim tržistima“, precizirao je Nedimović. Paralelno sa izlagačkim programom, održava se i konferencijski deo gde će biti obrađivane različite teme iz voćarstva, vinogradarstva i povrtarstva. Sajam je za posetioce otvoren od 10 do 17 časova.
#agro#biznis#poljoprivreda#voce#povrtarstvo#vinogradarstvo#vocarstvo#fair#beogradski sajam#proizvodi#ratari#proizvodnja#vinogradari#vino#company#kompanije#belgrade#beograd#izvoz#export#tehnologije#traktori#jabuke
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Lonely Nights
Regardless of what companions you may have, a void in your heart incurs a deep loneliness. The loneliness of an unsatisfied void, a book left open, a feeling hanging on a cliff.
The princess of Aureum was never alone, but she was lonely. The capital was a cold place, filled with scheming politicians and social climbers. Ashiya knew her reincarnation came with a silver spoon. The King-Emperor of Aureum was powerful, and as his daughter, her new life ought to have been secured.
But (new)life for Ashiya Date was the exact opposite. There was no one she felt she could trust in the capital. The Aureum Royal Family were schemers by nature, her father the greatest schemer of all. Even before she got her memories back, Ashiya knew what it meant that her bodyguards were picked from the men who were loyal to him more than their own families. A gilded cage was still a cage.
The only person Ashiya knew wouldn’t backstab her was ranked among the highest of schemers. Ratari, princess of Nilibes, and her “soulmate”. A bond forced upon them by a rogue sorcerer, the highest level sorcery. Ashiya knew his intentions were good, but that doesn’t mean she had to like it. Ratari could never kill Ashiya, or betray her in a way that resulted in Ashiya’s death. But Ratari was still scheming, constantly. Ashiya knew because she was constantly scheming too.
As Ashiya climbed into her bed, she wondered if her…former friends had found themselves in this world. She wondered if they were schemers (well, wondered is overstating it. Keichi was certainly a schemer and Yu was too stupid to scheme his way out of a paper bag. Takeko…Ashiya refused to think about Takeko.) Were they surrounded by schemers like she was? Ashiya forced those thoughts into the ground. They weren’t of any concern to her. They hadn’t been friends for a long time.
Instead, Ashiya turned her thoughts back to Ratari. Ratari…whatever warm feelings that name brought were also crushed to the ground. Any weakness was a gap to be exploited, after all.
Yes, the nights of a schemer were lonely.
Keichi Idaten was left alone with his thoughts quite a bit. No sights to distract him thanks to his blindfold, and, as long as business wasn’t going on, the Hittaban Castle was pretty quiet. And sometimes, for Keichi Idaten, those nights were even quieter.
Even back on Earth, Keichi figured there’d be no glory in life for him. He would graduate, go to college, enter the workforce as a salaryman and then retire into the countryside namelessly and die known only to his family and coworkers. It wasn’t until Sharande pointed it out to him that he never included “friends” during that part whenever he told her about his assumed future.
Now that he thought about it, Keichi realized he never really had true friends after…the incident. Throughout all four years of high school he never went out with anyone, never went over to someone else’s house or to a park together or anything of the sort. His closest acquaintances were his study group or fellow student council members, but he never exchanged any emotion with them aside from acknowledgment.
Keichi thought he was damn pathetic when he thought of it like that.
But he never felt lonely back then -
No, Keichi thought, That’s not it.
It’s not that he didn’t feel lonely. It’s just that he was never able to notice it. What a damn fool he was. What kind of fool responds to the idiocy of an idiot by making an even worse decision. Those kinds of thoughts raced through Keichi’s mind a lot ever since meeting Sharande.
She wasn’t to blame for Keichi’s self-negativity, at least not her actions. No, it was just that the good she did only made Keichi realize how much of a fool he’d been. In spite of her loneliness, in spite of the danger, in spite of her importance…she allowed herself to be vulnerable to him. She was kind and allowed him to be kind to her. Keichi would never, ever forget the smile on Sharande’s face when he solved her final riddle, the crack in her voice.
But for all the good…it served to let Keichi see how much of a fool he had been all those years ago. And, without Sharande or Dandara or any of the friends he’d made in his time in the new world around…that foolishness weighed all the heavier on Keichi.
Yes, the nights of a fool were lonely.
A final roar of agony and a crash. That was how this fight ended, as had so many before it. Yu Suya allowed himself to catch his breath, looking down at the giant beast felled before him, ignoring the now routine feeling of his limbs screaming in agony for rest. The job wasn’t over yet.
It was a monster Yu hadn’t seen before. Some kinda giant monkey that could shoot lightning. While the lightning was a surprise, it was nothing he couldn’t handle, and, soon enough, it was dead like every other monster Yu set his sights on. Even if they didn’t know it yet, the people of the nearby village would be able to sleep peacefully tonight.
Yu, however, would not be making it back to that village tonight, with their beds and fires. Well, fire wasn’t a problem, but the grass and a bedroll certainly was no match for a bed. Yu finished dragging the monster’s corpse a decent ways away from the village, where no carrion hungry monster would be close enough to the village to start any trouble.
He knew how tomorrow would go. He would return to the village, trophy from the monster in hand, toss it to the village chief and say, “No need to thank me.” The village would all celebrate and Yu would find himself back on the road. Celebrations were always a blur. Congratulations and congratulations would be given, on rare occasions a couple of mother’s would offer their daughter’s hand in marriage (always declined), and Yu would be gone hours before the celebrations drew to a close.
That was the destiny of a hero. You never get to see the peace you fight for.
The hero’s share was dangerous battles, lonely roads, and quiet nights. Nights too quiet for their own good.
Quiet enough for the mind to turn to so many things. Yu could think of the people he met in the new world, his teacher and…that girl, so radiant Yu couldn’t think of an adjective to describe her, and his lips would curl into a smile at the thought, but Yu was never lucky enough to think of them the whole night. Some nights, he’d get to think of the people he saved. Towns raided by bandits, farmers terrorized by monsters. The praises they’d sing of him long after Yu left their lives. The happy lives they’d get to live thanks to him. Again, a smile to Yu’s face.
But that smile was always dampened by the inevitable knowledge that came with saving people. The people you couldn’t save. A livelihood destroyed, a life lost. No hero arrives before the problem starts. Never can a hero stop a problem before that problem’s already touched someone.
But a concerning amount, Yu Suya thought about those three people. The three people he betrayed so thoroughly, so crushingly. Goddamnit, how could he have been such an idiot. He was an idiot for not saying goodbye, he was an idiot for not realizing how much an idiot he was sooner, and he was the idiot who gathered them all for that reunion.
Yu Suya knew he’d wake up in the morning and he’d be right back to fighting bandits and hunting monsters. His eyes will have dried and no one he saves would be any the wiser. Heroes never cried after all.
Yes, the nights of heroes were lonely.
Takeko Pucelle hated being lonely. Which was strange, considering how much of a shut-in she was before being reincarnated as a princess. But Takeko couldn’t stand being lonely.
Mainly because she felt that she didn’t deserve the sad weight of loneliness. She deserved to feel lonely, alright, but she didn’t deserve to feel sad about it. That was her opinion.
Of course, she felt that way because she felt guilty, but she’d never acknowledge that she should feel guilty so that was just another reason to hate being lonely. But a void in one’s heart always leads to loneliness.
And it was always night when the loneliness came to Takeko. She knew she wasn’t truly alone. Hire was just around some corner, or, if not Hire, some other guardian, but it didn’t matter. There was no one to talk to, no one to make Takeko forget that void. And the loneliness. And the guilt.
Takeko Pucelle would never acknowledge how badly she fucked up. How could she? If she admitted that she was at fault…
The Princess of Orleagian couldn’t take that train of thought any further, rolling over onto her side harshly, pulling a pillow over her head. Loneliness couldn’t be acknowledged. Not here, not now. It was what she told herself every night, that she fucked up, but she was smarter now, she wouldn’t fuck up in the here and now like she did back then.
But every night, it didn’t work, and Takeko would drift off into sleep, heart heavy with that familiar, sad weight.
Yes, the nights of the guilty were lonely.
#story; broken bonds and rivaling dreams#broken bonds and rivaling dreams#yu suya#takeko pucelle#keichi idaten#ashiya date#odd writes#my writing#heehoo isekai go brrrr
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Honest;y I’m pretty disappointed by how the Promised Neverland ended, but it feels like it was more because of editorial management than what Kaiu Shirai wanted.
Throughout the story one of the big themes is that none of the characters know what the human wold is actually like and they have no clue if they’ll be any safer there. Peter Ratari even says that humans are just as bad as the demons they’ve been facing, implying that they won’t be able to stop fighting once they cross over. But then they do and everything (except Emma) works out perfectly.
Now I understand wrapping all the demon plotlines up with a little bow because we’ll never be able to go back there again, but the human world already working out it problems makes no sense both in and out of the story
Not only is it unsatisfying for the reader, but also creates the plothole of why Peter did the whole speech to Emma just a few chapters beforehand. Wouldn't he have known that the human world had changed significantly and that they were at peace now? Why, if his and his uncles position was so unimportant it’s never remarked upon again did he kill himself? Couldn’t he have simply retained his power by taking charge of the media press about the farm children?
Not to mention that if it had turned into the final arc not only would all the kids have to deal with even more people against them, but fighting for everyone without Emma their leader. We see how inspired they get just to search for her, but how long would their optimism last? How long would they prioritize the search for her when there’s so much else to do, so many other kids they have to take care of right now. How would Ray and Norman keep their friendship and morals without Emma there to pull them back from the edge like she always does?
WHat we got was ok, but in a series about uncertain futures, always fighting a battle you don’t know if you can win, overcoming obstacles just to find new ones, it stands out as incredibly rushed. I don’t blame Kaiu Shirai at all a I don’t believe this ending was their choice, but it just felt like the equivalent of “and they all lived happily ever after”
#the promised neverland#tpn#ending#tpn spoilers#tpn manga spoilers#it could have been so much better
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What if Isabella is not helping the kids and she just betrayed Ratari cause she wanna take down the lambda factory and she wanna take all the kids back to grace fields
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Efectuarea celor mai bune sfaturi de pariuri și pronosticuri pentru fotbal
Fotbalul își extinde calitatea remarcabilă de la o parte la alta a planetei. Fanii luaseră cu asalt internetul și terenul de fotbal. Febra fotbalului este irezistibilă. Febra a avut loc destul de mult timp – opt zile – până la ultimele meciuri, ceea ce este conform așteptărilor și în diferite regiuni peste tot. Asia, America de Nord și de Sud, Europa, Orientul Mijlociu și Africa au concurat în Cupa Mondială FIFA. Țările și adunările se pregătesc pentru evenimentul important în care își vor proteja țara și vor câștiga onoarea.
Mulți fani și entuziaști urmăresc, atât online, cât și offline, hit-uri și ratari în meciuri și jocuri. Acestea se bazează pe modificările, scorurile, estimările și așteptările din fotbal ale fiecărei reuniuni. Multe canale sunt urmărite pentru cele mai bune scoruri și pronosticuri de fotbal pentru a plasa pariuri pe cea mai bună echipă sau pe echipa lor preferată. Plasarea pariurilor pe fotbal poate fi complicată și necesită cercetări și configurații ample. Ar trebui să știți totul despre aranjamentul întâlnirilor adunării și subtilitățile continue ale jucătorilor. Explorarea adunării tale și a dușmanilor adunării este de bază. Înainte de a renunța la pariul, orice informație este semnificativă.
Iată câteva sfaturi utile pentru pariuri pe fotbal la care să te gândești înainte de a plasa pariurile în oricare dintre jocuri: Bunăstare: jucătorii, indiferent dacă sunt indivizi focali, ar trebui să fie în cea mai bună formă. La orice joc, există riscul de accidentare. În general, jucătorii care au fost accidentați recent nu performează la fel de bine ca înainte de accidentare. Deci, ar trebui să luați în considerare jucătorul și adunarea pe care pariați.
Concentrați-vă pe indivizi: dacă aveți un grup favorit, fără îndoială aveți un jucător preferat. Indiferent dacă îl dețineți, chiar doriți să sortați informațiile principale de pe player. Din când în când, vă concentrați pe revizuirile, scorurile, aparițiile și câștigurile acestora și le verificați.
Antrenori: Rezultatul unei adunări se află adesea în posesia ghidului acesteia. O altă estimare pe care ar trebui să o explorați modul antrenorilor de a face față jocului și jucătorilor săi este la fel de semnificativă ca și jucătorii autentici. Ai fi putut auzi toate locațiile jucătorilor, mulțumindu-le ghidului lor cel mai mult. Ei îi convinge pe jucători să facă asta, de fapt. În orice caz, presupunând că antrenorul a împins grupul înainte, șansele sunt că vor câștiga.
Concurenții: Nu trebuie pur și simplu să înțelegi care sunt subtilitățile adunării tale. Deși așteptarea acestui lucru este vitală, subtilitățile concurentului sunt la fel de critice. Cine și-ar dori cu adevărat să înțeleagă mult adversarii lor? Cercetează și subtilitățile adversarului. Cunoașteți jucătorii, ghidul și alte părți uriașe.
Furnizori sau experți în materie de rezervări: Ca și în planificarea legată de bani, există și un profesionist calificat. Ei dețin toate cheile informațiilor despre adunările tale și ale altor adunări. Acești delegați au explorat și au avut posibilitatea de a oferi fără echivoc previziuni și sfaturi fotbalistice înainte de a da pariuri. Ar trebui să fii atent la ele și să le fii atent.
Pentru mai multe informatii:-
Predictii automate
Predictii inteligenta artificiala
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d4e6b9bc21e759420ec43e314bf2053c/feca8349675dfa9d-e9/s540x810/0534eba61efbc3412e1f2b58b790ced79fe39b8e.jpg)
Teorem o pticama
Ptice znaju kako smanjiti opseg hladnoće i što se od njihove čvrstoće očekuje Vremenu daju prednost nad svim drugim odgovorima U pticama stanuju najtiši ljudi, jesen im se taloži u perje u namjeri da starost omekša Izvana nas pritišće industrija jezika koji ne vjeruje u širinu ni razum, tvrdi jezik udara nas u glavu i očekuje da nećemo uzvratiti kao što ni ptice nikad ne izgovore utišane svakodnevice Budiš se iz sebe i tražiš od ljubavi da ne žuri Ako je korov već do glave, doći će razumniji ratari
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#ACS Flacăra Horezu#ACS Minerul Costeşti#ACS Vediţa Coloneşti#ACSO Filiasi#Adelin Toma#Alexandru Armășelu#Alexandru Fotescu#Alexandru Matei#Alexandru Vulpe#Alin Pencea#Andrei Militaru#Antonios Marin#Calin Segau#Catalin Manolache#Constantin Tanasescu#Cosmin Calu#Cristian Descultu#CS Sporting Roşiori 2008#CS Viitorul Dăeşti#CSM Alexandria#CSM Slatina#CSO Petrolul Potcoava#CSU Craiova 2#Danut Scuturoiu#Darius Dumitru#David Staiculescu#Denis Prunaru#Eduard Dina#Eduard Udrea#Florin Cazan
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where is the promised neverland headed with the final arc?, discussion in comments, share your thoughts
so as many of you may know, kaiu shirai has announced that the final arc of the promised neverland is soon to end. As to just how many chapters that may be? I honestly have no idea, but if you are like me then you are most likely freaking out over just how he is going to finish the promised neverland when there is still so much left to be answered!
I have seen many theories over just how the tpn manga will end, however, no matter what we may say one thing is for certain, the tpn manga will either have a good, bad or bitter sweet ending.
now be aware that this is my own personal opinion, but Because there is still so much we don’t know about the demon and human world as well as the fact that their are still so many unsolved situations left in the manga, its possible kaiu shirai will end the tpn manga on a bad note in order to make way for a part 2 of the promised neverland manga.
If this ends up being true, then personally, I believe that the tpn manga part 1 will end with Emma being left behind in the demon world while everyone else is sent to the human world. Once the others enter the human world they will be left to deal with a number of other issues including struggling to fit into society as well as facing discrimination by not just the Ratari clan but by much of the world who still consider them as nothing more than cattle. But most importantly, I believe that part 2 will focus on Emma, Ray and Norman in their adulthood. If Norman does end up surviving by the end of the tpn manga then maybe in his adult life he and Ray will dedicate their lives to helping the other cattle kids find a place in the world and once that’s set up and done with, Norman will focus all of his attention to trying to find a way back into the demon world, without breaking the promise, in order to be reunited with Emma.
again, that’s just my opinion on whats gonna happen, but what about everyone else?, how do you think the promised neverland manga will end?
#tpn#the promised neverland#the promised never land#yokusoku no neverland#yok#yakusoku no nebārando#Yakusoku no Neverland#tpn emma#tpn ray#tpn norman#tpn mujika#tpn sonju#tpn phil#tpn don#tpn gilda
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