#rashani rea
flordelparaiso · 1 year
Lo inquebrantable
Hay un estar roto de lo cual sale lo irrompible, una destrucción de la que florece lo indestructible. Hay un dolor, más allá de todo duelo, que lleva a la dicha y una fragilidad de cuyas profundidades emerge una fuerza. Hay un espacio hueco, demasiado vasto para las palabras, por la que pasamos con cada pérdida, y cuya oscuridad vuelve sagrado nuestro ser. Hay un grito más profundo que todo sonido, cuya hoja afilada traspasa el corazón. Y mientras nos abrimos hacia este lugar interior, inquebrantable y sano, aprendemos a cantar.
- Rashani Rea - 
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profound-knight · 2 years
The Unbroken
There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken, a shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable.
There is a sorrow beyond all grief which leads to joy and a fragility out of whose depths emerges strength.
There is a hollow space too vast for words through which we pass with each loss, out of whose darkness we are sanctioned into being.
There is a cry deeper than all sound whose serrated edges cut the heart as we break open to the place inside which is unbreakable and whole, while learning to sing.
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susieporta · 3 years
Diventiamo quello che amiamo
tutto il resto è semplice movimento.
Rashani Rea
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poesiablog60 · 4 years
C’è una frattura
dalla quale emerge ciò che è intatto.
Una distruzione da cui
emerge qualcosa di indistruttibile.
C’è un dolore
al di là di ogni dolore
che conduce alla gioia
e una fragilità dalla cui profondità
emerge la forza.
C’è uno spazio vuoto
troppo ampio per le parole
uno spazio che attraversiamo
con ogni perdita
Al di fuori di questa oscurità
siamo benedetti
C’è un grido più forte
di qualunque suono
i cui bordi seghettati tagliano il cuore
e mentre rompiamo
ciò che è indistruttibile
impariamo a cantare.
Rashani Rea
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diannyah · 8 years
C'è un grido più forte di qualunque suono, i cui bordi seghettati tagliano il cuore e mentre rompiamo ciò che è indistruttibile impariamo a cantare.
Rashani Rea
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Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type III Really Means
There is a brokenness out of which A shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable. There is a sorrow beyond all grief which leads to joy. And a fragility out of whose depths emerges strength. --Rashani Rea
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12305tenacht · 8 years
C’è una frattura dalla quale emerge ciò che è intatto. Una distruzione da cui emerge qualcosa di indistruttibile. C’è un dolore al di là di ogni dolore che conduce alla gioia e una fragilità dalla cui profondità emerge la forza. C’è uno spazio vuoto troppo ampio per le parole uno spazio che attraversiamo con ogni perdita Al di fuori di questa oscurità siamo benedetti C’è un grido più forte di qualunque suono i cui bordi seghettati tagliano il cuore e mentre rompiamo ciò che è indistruttibile impariamo a cantare.
Rashani Rea
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atrayo · 6 years
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month
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Hello All, As many of you know I'm a caregiver for my own mother as the only child and as such. My inspired angelic channeling of spiritual wisdom much less conceptual designs have unfortunately taken a backseat. Since finding a quiet moment is harder to do when my mother has two forms of dementia at the same time. Thus I've inadvertently created a backlog of this my passion to channel by means of automatic writing the Angelic Host for these past 22 years now. My loyal far-flung readers across the globe I thank you for your continued support in your prayers and purchasing my 3 works of the "Jewels of Truth" series in e-book, Kindle, Nook, and/or paperback. For the past year or so I have upped my game by channeling ascended masters. Some of which I consider as angels as the minor deities of now dead religions we deem as mythologies. Today I'm presenting 2 statements from the Arch Angel Michael on Environmental Pestilence. Since our beloved protector of Creation in Paradise as the Archangel Michael also safeguards mother nature herself in perpetuity. The last statement is on Joy itself to leave the prophecy I channeled from Archangel Michael on a better cheery note. May you be intrigued regardless of the claims I'll be making by the inspired channeled automatic writing of the Angelic Host. As always may we all be blessed whether we accept these messages as holy or otherwise in our lives. Amen. Environmental Pestilence: 2629) In gentlest whisper I roar mighty as the ink drys nearly instantly across the ages. With holy angelic scribes such as your devotion sings true credited with much as you share the Glory of God with us equally. Albeit the scale of your feats on Earth and Beyond will be minor in history. They are no less pivotal to what will befall humanity shortly. A lack of respect for the innocent and the vulnerable with much anger will cause worse things than war but that concludes as pestilence none the less. A pestilence that surpasses humanities technological focus at first to cope even poorly. Not until the later 2nd generation or 50 plus years into this impending dystopian environmental pestilence. Shall humanity finally get a grip on the global scale of such planetary environmental cancers they have unleashed through folly and lust for total Industrial Supremacy. This is a stark warning that will be ignored until after the dominoes of calamity have fallen by the power rich in this world. For humanity lacks the self-awareness to listen adequately to steer away from the global troubles about to cascade on all species upon the foolish children of Gaia. Warnings such as this will finally be heeded as too little too late as the maxim goes. The damage would have been accomplished already to date. Yes, ecological giants that have preserved much of the eco-sphere collectively for later generations. Will become the new generals and admirals to navigate the technological world away from the old post-industrial paradigm of at all costs of life and limb. Spiritual maturity will come at a very expensive rate when fools perish like ashen fodder. Where only the glistening white bones of the strengthened marrow of fortitude remains. After strategists and tacticians of the old ways become obsolete due to outmoded notions of what constitutes power and leadership. Will the global village of nations on Earth acknowledge their puny efforts as fruitless until new visionary directions lead the way forward. Much will be said that such global pestilence environmentally will trigger short-lived petty wars with unchecked disease outbreaks and famine. This is not the Biblical Apocolypse foretold long ago. Just another avoidable prelude to it ignored by stupidity once again by humanity on Earth. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.   (Channeled Source: The Archangel Michael) 2630) All that comes upon the Earth comes gradually until that time that men lead themselves astray again and again will they finally listen. To what must be accomplished is no easy feat for one nation and not even ten mighty nations can wrestle this task to the ground. The superpowers that be will be chasing their tails like fools! Much like the Great Patriarch of Noah foretold long ago after the Biblical Floods. That man shall cause ruin amongst his children men and woman alike will cause unsuspecting havoc. Not realizing the seeds of destructions they have sowed until it is too late to turn back. It will be a minor 2nd world developing nation to lead the way past the pestilence to come 54 years from now in this year of 2018 A.D. Their researchers as ecological scientists will accidentally split the cells open that have produced such cancers. By revealing its genetic sequential viral strains for all to see and understand henceforth! Such a breakthrough in biological ecology will be heralded like splitting the sub-atomic particle nearly a little over a century ago. It will be deemed an Act of God by faith and intestinal hard luck that such a grasp of these cancerous quarks of the cell superstructure lining is pierced throughly. Humanity will feel in these 54 years to come like the minor apocalypse of Easter Island happening all over again. A planet of nearly 8 billion humans reduced to nearly a little over 3 billion plus not due to war but environmental pestilence by famine, disease, and ecological superstorms. Forcing humanities brightest cities away from the coastlines to live inland by regional hubs on the continents. For inland nations won't be submerged sufficiently to warrant a total displacement of population centers. Although battered by an unending string of cyclones and floods is just as worse all the same. The technological super cities to come beneath the world oceans and deep into the cavernous Earth won't be accomplished. Until the period of pestilence environmentally is finally wrestled into submission. With this stated there is always Great Hope for those brave enough willing to stand firm against adversity and the foolish leading all astray. Not until humanity realizes the ecological supremacy of the Earth as a superior macro intelligent organism not to be mistreated. Can humanity finally learn to co-exist with Mother Nature physically and spiritually in peace and harmony once again. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.   (Channeled Source: The Archangel Michael) Joy: 2633) All are gathered here in a Spirit of Thanksgiving as we each rekindled what is ours to cherish delightfully. None must pause here when Love is joined with Love in practice by the pursuit of grace. Many will nag away with recriminations that to feel this good is a crime. Nonsense, pay no mind to such falsehoods always welcome such a spiritual quality into your hearts. So that the cherished signs of heaven with flirtations of joy that know no bounds. Seek what is merry about life even when dire consequences must be weighed responsibly. Do not forsake your sanity and your goodwill for what needs to happen in order to be uplifted in a grateful Holy Spirit. Be mindful and moreover be heartfelt to the abundant enriched life of heaven at your particular intentional command. Do not concern yourselves with proforma of the spiritual traditions as ego-centric hang-ups. Just be Still and Awaken your godly angelic holy grandeur in your constant midst with delight and awe-inspiring enjoyment with God. Forget not your troubles but do Forgive them so you may flow past such things with your utmost dignity intact. Be Happy not for its own sake, but for the Omni-Presence of God(dess) in each of you beautifully forever. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. -------------------------------------- When the ways of people please the Lord, he causes even their enemies to be at peace with them. ---Proverb 16:7 The light of a single candle can dispel the darkness of a thousand years. --- Joseph Goldstein. We are all alchemists transmuting pain into aliveness, unwanted experiences into awakening. ---Rashani Rea. I speak these things in the world so that they may have my joy made complete in themselves. ---John 17:13. It is a huge danger to pretend that awful things do not happen. But you need enough hope to keep going. I am trying to make hope. Flowers grow out of darkness. ---Corita Kent. Walls turned sideways are bridges. ---Angela Davis. Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. ---Dr. Martin Lurther King Jr. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 22 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multifaceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 12 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
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katalinkoda · 7 years
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Incredible river sunset ride after a day with Rashani Rea. Sitting in council with this amazing woman is deep medicine, transformative, brilliant. #council #selfinquiry #sunset #transformative #love
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radiatingblossom · 9 years
The Unbroken
There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken, a shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable. There is a sorrow beyond all grief which leads to joy and a fragility out of whose depths emerges strength. There is a hollow space too vast for words through which we pass with each loss, out of whose darkness we are sanctioned into being. There is a cry deeper than all sound whose…
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susieporta · 3 years
Li ho scritti, ma mi sorprendono ancora. A volte sento di averli trovati piuttosto che formulati. Sono il loro autore o semplicemente un trascrittore? Nei miei momenti di lucidità, sono le mie parole, la mia voce. Ma sono anche la guida a cui mi rivolgo quando i fardelli della vita pesano molto e il percorso spirituale sembra poco chiaro. È come se un Sé più grande lasciasse utili note a un Sé più piccolo a volte in difficoltà. In questo spirito presento questi detti, sia come autore che come pubblico.
Rashani Rea
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