#rare seaglass
amuseoffyre · 2 months
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Seaglass collected around Scotland
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bectoshi · 3 months
iwaizumi hajime, big ol’ nature fan.
i hc him as a pretty outdoorsy guy. he likes hiking and he loves camping.
i just know he’s a loyal patagonia and lululemon customer. reading every single one of their promotional emails and snagging those sale items. 
always suggests hiking as the team’s team bonding activity. always gets rejected by everyone else. (it’s because the last time they all went hiking as a team, he complained that they were all too slow. he got fed up and went ahead of everyone. they got lost, they blamed him).
camping with him would be a dream!!! builds the tent for you, chops up firewood, sets up the hammocks, etc. he says that it’s because you shouldn’t have to lift a finger, but you both know that he does it because he is a CONTROL FREAK! about his camping gear. 
always on the prowl (that phrase is so funny) for good camping spots. his requirements: body of water nearby. that’s all. 
HAS A PADDLEBOARD!!! i definitelyyy see this being a thing. would take you on lake dates where he paddles you around on it while you read!! would also include his dog on it next to u!
he’s such a dog person btw. into big dogs. i'm thinking dobermans, german shepherds, labradors! he’d want a dog that he could take on long walks and runs. 
SPEAKING OF DOGS I KNOW THIS IS OFF TOPIC FROM THE NATURE HCS BUT I CAN’T STOP so as an athletic trainer (🤓☝️) he would care very much about his dog’s nutrition. researches raw diets and gets high quality things to add to their meals. very dogfather!iwa. 
back to nature. when you go to the beach together and you’re tanning, he’d be digging holes, trying to catch fish, making you play fetch with him, and jumping over waves. guy cannot sit still. eventually you feel bad and let him drag you to the water.
OH and i feel like he would tan so easily?? always outside so it makes sense. always a few shades darker by the end of summer. #needthat.
always finds cool things on his little nature day trips. molted feathers from rare birds, shark teeth, animal footprints, seaglass, you name it. if he’s able to, he brings his treasures home to gift to you like a crow. one day he brings you a rock that perfectly matches your eyes, another day it’s one that matches your hair. 
and lastly, is so good at skipping rocks. gatekeeps his strategy from you (spoiler: there is no strategy, he also doesn't know how he does it).
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babeilovemonsters · 1 month
It's incredibly rare for me to post twice in one day, but I can't get merfolk out of my head. This one is more self indulgent, but I still hope you enjoy!
You just love to collect seaglass and rocks. Who doesn't? Seaglass is so, so pretty, and soft, the result of something ugly and dangerous becoming delicate and smooth, while every single stone and rock is completely unique, with it's own story to whisper in your ear, as gentle as the lapping waves.
But the beach is connected to one of the most vast biomes known to us. Few people truly know what goes on in that place. What lurks beneath the surface, cleverly dodging our eyes and avoiding our traps. Yet from time to time, something is bound to slip up. Sometimes as small as a scale, and sometimes as big as a whale. Today, you found that something. A mer.
They were nothing like what you were maybe expecting. You'd heard tales of perfect, pale skinned models, with the lower bodies of beautiful fish. This merfolk was nothing like that. Their skin a dark green, like seaweed, with bumps and scrapes, freckles and spots. Their tail was a nice red, and looked to mimic the appearance of a red snapper in both colouration and shape. They were fairly small, only around 4ft long, and thick, with a soft, round belly and chubby arms. Their hair was a darker shade of green than their skin, but didn't look at all like hair, moreso like the tendrils of a jellyfish. They were... beautiful.
You weren't sure what to do exactly. It's not like this had ever happened to you before. It was barely out of sight of the public beach, half in the water, half out, bleeding out from several deep wounds all over their body. If you left them here, they'd likely die. But if they were a siren, they could kill you soon after rescue. You thought about it for a while, not even sure if they were still alive, before jumping back as they let out a sudden gasp. They appeared to be able to breathe air at least, blessed with both lungs and gills, so that's one less problem.
You decide to do the selfless thing, and gently wrap the mer in your beach towel, leaving room for them to breathe, but making sure to cover them from the masses. You hurry back home as quick as possible, checking for their pulse every now and then to make sure they're still kicking. Metaphorically speaking. Once home, you head straight to the bathroom, turning on the bathtub tap and carefully placing them inside, tending to their wounds as the tub slowly fills. You remember salt water fish can't really breathe in fresh water, so you just hope the air is enough intake for them, and leave to let them heal in peace.
In all honesty, you nearly forget about them. It isn't until a few hours later when you hear water splashing from the bathroom that you're hit with a sudden realisation. You quickly hurry to the bathroom, only to find your little catch very much awake, thrashing and panicking at the strange environment. You attempt to coax them down, but alerting them to your presence only startles them more, as they breach the water's surface, snarling like a feral animal, baring their jagged shark-like teeth. Their bold yellow eyes stare daggers into you, unblinking.
You take a few steps back out of the bathroom, holding up your hands in surrender. You speak gently, in the softest way possible, just hoping they can understand English. They don't back down at first, but eventually, they grow fatigued from their injuries, seeming to just give up and accept your words of reassurance. Worst case scenario to them, you eat them and their pain ends. But of course, you don't do that. You sit with them, trying to encourage them to talk back.
They certainly seem to understand, as they respond to your questions with a tired nod or head shake, but they only ever verbally respond with little chirps and growls. You realise they may not have the same vocal chords as you do. Shit. Scratch that plan. You then turn to sign, telling them how to sign certain things. They barely pay attention at first, but eventually begin to cooperate, copying your signs. Your praise seems to surprise them at first, like they don't fully get why it's a big deal, but by the early hours of the morning, you've taught them basic phrases and letters, and they've started to take this praise as something to work towards.
Of course you aren't immune to sleep, so after ordering some foods containing shrimp and seaweed from your local Chinese restaurant for them, you go to bed.
This routine keeps up for a while. You get some actual fish for them to eat, not just takeout, and try teaching them more sign, to make communication much easier. As the days turn into weeks, they begin to heal, until eventually, they're well enough to go back out there. Still not fully recovered, but no longer bleeding, and now strong enough to brace the waters.
You wait for nighttime before daring to take them back to the beach, and duck down in a small cove to release them. They dart off at first, leaving you a bit sad, as they didn't seem to bother saying goodbye. But they soon return before you can sulk off back home, offering you a fish they had caught in their jaws. You politely decline, but tell them you'd love to see them again, and teach them more sign.
And so you do. Nearly every day, you duck down in your little cove, and meet your fast healing friend, to catch up and Google new things to sign together. It becomes routine for you now. The mer even begins to bring you rocks, shells and seaglass every time you visit. You think nothing of it, of course. They're just being nice! Until one day, they get visibly fed up with this part of the routine, and use whatever signing knowledge they have to ask why you keep taking the gifts without accepting the request.
Request? You weren't aware. Was this gift giving actually a ritual in mer culture? You apologise profusely, asking what their request was, and offering to give back what they'd given. They decline that offer, but finally clarify, that's how merfolk request a partnership. They had been trying to court you for little over a month, and you hadn't noticed.
You at first decline, unsure if that's morally acceptable. But... you give it some thought. Actually, why would that be so bad? They're sweet, and cute. And you've always been a bit of a monsterfucker. Surely it's worth a shot!
... right?
Part 2 is in the comments now.
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sanctum-vii · 9 months
Soul Wounds
Dew/Mountain grief & comfort
Dew finds his old photos from the Meliora days. His scattered thoughts as he mourns Ifrit, his old life, and the rest of his lost mates. He seeks comfort in Mountain.
Cw: vomiting; grief/mourning; a bit of dissociation; brief mentions of beheading (Terzo’s execution); implied that Aether is also gone. 
He takes it in.
The flash of Ifrit's fangs—cheerful as he laughs. Among the darkness backstage, the fire ghoul doubles over with a smile. He presses a hand over the symbols on his uniform, his eyes caught on something out of frame. 
There’s no part of Dew’s soul he wouldn’t sacrifice to see that smile again. Though, really, it’s the little blown-out specks of light burned across the image which truly begin to pull at his heart. They're distorted through the camera lens, but Dew remembers. 
They’re evidence of the sparks that had once danced across Ifrit’s skin like fireflies, trailing in the wake of his movements when he’d get excited. Dew had loved them. Everyone had. He knows that they used to leave bright snap! noises as they went—these joyful little sounds that populated the pack’s life so frequently in those days. His stomach twists with the guilt that he’s already forgotten the details. The tones, the crispness, the uniqueness of his mate's magick lost to time. 
Ifrit held a radiance unknown to him—A freedom and light to all of his motions, all of his words and feelings. It’s something that Dew has never found in his own path of infernal flame, and he’s condemned to doubt that he ever will. 
He sets the photo down and bites sharp fangs into his lip. He tells himself it’s the comfort in remembrance that has him reaching back into the pile for the next picture, and not the backwards enjoyment of this sick feeling of dread pooling in his stomach. 
A grainy photo of the ghouls backstage, washed in the flash of the camera. Terzo took it. Zephyr sits in Mountain’s lap, wrapped in the earth ghoul’s arms. Ifrit leans over to light their joint with a smile. At their feet, Aether braids Dew’s once-dark hair back for the show, his seaglass horns still peeking out, unglamoured. Untouched by Clergy hands.
Ifrit never carried the true rage that Dewdrop does. Often so lively and sweet, to see the Ifrit's eyes burn with anger on those rare days of reckoning was nightmarish. The last time Dewdrop watched him blaze with true hellfire was moments after Terzo's head had hit the stone at their chained feet, severed. Among those painful, confusing final hours. 
Some growing pain in his throat wishes that fiery image of his mate wasn’t one of the last burned into his memory, and yet it was the truth. And Ifrit deserved to feel that anger. They all did.
Dewdrop just never stopped. 
Another look at the photo only makes it worse. Mountain’s face pressed into Zephyr’s neck, the air ghoul’s lithe fingers curled in his hair. Ifrit’s crooked fang and the press of his tongue against his front teeth.
And Aether. Aether.
He tosses the photo onto the pile and hangs his head. He feels the retching build before it comes, and he has enough time to make it to the toilet before he doubles over. It’s painful. He hates it. He cries a little when he finishes, gripping the seat through his remnant gagging. 
He curls up on the bathroom floor. There’s a thin mat there and the bite of the scratchy fabric almost feels good. It fights the numbness creeping into his body. He lets himself drift, lets his bones lock up and his muscles get sore, gaze fixed on a distant tile. It’s a long time before he moves. 
The earth ghoul lays curled up in his nest when Dew enters. 
He holds out the photo. Mountain accepts it, taking in the subjects and the shaking of Dew’s hands. He watches an understanding soften his features. 
“Found it.” Dew says simply, “want you to have it.” 
“Thank you, Droplet.” Mountain whispers. 
Tears slip down Dew’s cheeks, but he doesn’t bother to catch them. Mountain knows. He’s already reaching for the trembling fire ghoul as it is, making space for him among the moss and furs.
“Lay with me.” he pleads. 
Dew nods. He crawls into Mountain’s arms and grips him tight. He knows his claws must dig into the ghoul’s skin a little, but he doubts that he could unlock his fingers now if he tried. As though his oldest mate might disappear if he let him slip away. 
Dewdrop would be the last of Terzo’s ghouls, then. The thought of it makes him nauseous.
“I’m here with you.” The earth ghoul breathes against his hair. 
He presses the flat of his horns into Mountain’s chest, who holds him just as close.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 4 months
Does your character have a comfort item?
Your character has been invited to a masquerade ball. What mask do they wear?
(For whichever character you'd like <3)
(in response to this ask game)
I'll go with Killian for this one!
Does your character have a comfort item?
Yes! It would most certainly be his pendant, a round, opaque, green gemstone that's smooth like seaglass. He tends to fiddle with it when he's bored or nervous, and having its familiar weight keeps him calm. He's not sure exactly why that is, but he rarely takes off the pendant anyway. When they discover it has the capacity to tear a hole in the fabric of reality, he only gets more protective. Jas is the only person who has his blessing to hold and/or use it.
Your character has been invited to a masquerade ball. What mask do they wear?
I think he would have a mask that resembles a deer, or maybe a cat? Something skittish and gentle, but can be incredibly caring. (so maybe not the cat, then)
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offorestsongs · 6 months
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name 🐚 Kalle Brunne
age 🐚 17
birthday 🐚 02.06
height 🐚 173cm
homeland 🐚 Coral Sea
dorm 🐚 Octavinelle
class 🐚 2-C (Sophomore)
best subject 🐚 Defense Magic
club 🐚 Science Club
dominant hand 🐚 left
Quiet, mysterious and always looking like he would rather be somewhere else, Kalle is Azul's loyal yes-man. He spends most of the time on the sidelines, carefully observing people around him and gathering information. He acts as Azul's eyes and follows his every order, gossip says.
Like the rest of the Octavinelle trio, Kalle is a merperson and actually went to the same middle school as them, though they never interacted much. To be fair, Kalle had never interacted much with anyone. As the middle child out of a gaggle of loud kids, he grew up either being forgotten and left behind, getting compared to their more accomplished younger siblings or being mocked by their older siblings' friends. They quick learned that the best way to survive is to fade into the background and let people more powerful than them cover their back.
At Night Raven College, when the word about Azul's wish-granting abilities spread out, Kalle came to him, offering his services in exchange for a safe and secure place in the school metaphorical food chain.
Just as smart and cunning as Azul and the twins, he follows Azul's orders blindly. Determined, methodical and good at planning. While he usually doesn't speak much, when he does, it's usually something sarcastic. He tends to say he has a low stupidity tolerance.
While they're good at keeping his cool and seeming indifferent to most things, inside they're a deeply emotional person who learned how to hide almost everything about themselves, including their opinions and interests.
Their signature spell is called Seaglass. It allows them to see through another person's eyes for up to 30 seconds at a time without the person knowing.
🐚 twisted from Ursula's cauldron
🐚 Rook calls him Monsieur Lunette (Monsieur Spyglass)
🐚 his merfolk form is based on coral groupers, which are the fishes known for hunting with moray eels
🐚 their last name comes from the word "brun", which is danish for "brown" (since Hans Christian Andersen was Danish hihi)
🐚 they're actually a BIG science and biology nerd
🐚 they're also, surprisingly, very interested in makeup, seeing it as a kind of science as well, but it's the interest they're the most secretive about
🐚 at first they joined the Board Games Club because of Azul but quickly dipped because they found it boring and they though Idia was annoying (lmao)
🐚 if he could, he would live entirely on black coffee or some inhuman mix of energy drinks
🐚 loves researching the most random topics; you can often see them in the library, wandering between the shelves, searching for something that will catch their eye
Azul Ashengrotto — here's the thing, you see. Yes, Kalle admires his inteligence and magic powers and will do basically anything he says without hesitation. Does he actually like Azul as a person, though? Well. Sometimes, during the times when Kalle tries to not feel jealous of his magic or his place in the school's society. He tries to not think about Azul as a friend, though, trying to keep their relationship strictly business-like. (They're so friends.)
Floyd Leech — oh, boy. Their first meeting, still back in middle school, ended in a bit of a disaster, with Kalle losing his patience for once and yelling at Floyd. That made Flody think that maybe Kalle is somebody like Riddle — somebody easy to anger. Somebody fun. Unfortunately for Kalle, the fact that he actually has a great control of his emotion and rarely loses his cool only made Floyd more persistent. He wanted to push Kalle's buttons, see what exactly it is that sets him off, tests the limits of his patience. And well. It would be easier for Kalle if they could simply dislike Floyd. See him as simply lazy and chaotic and stupid, instead of noticing his intelligence and the ability to see through people and feeling drawn to his antics. They often argue, though it had long lost any fire and now sounds more like friendly bickering and if they sometimes make out in the hallways— that's Kalle's bussines, alright.
Jade Leech — probably the only person from the Octavinelle trio that Kalle has a simple, straightforward relationship with. They're friends, in their own weird way. Neither of them has the need to pry into the other's affairs but they feel comfortable in eachother's presence and Kalle shares Jade's interest in different land flora.
Kalim Al-Asim — easily one of Kalle's most disliked people at school. He doesn't know what it is about Kalim that wears his patience so thin so quickly and he doesn't want to find out, preferring to stay as away from the boy as possible.
Jamil Viper — in another universe, those two maybe could be friends. Sadly, for now Kalle spends most of the time observing Jamil with suspicion, not trusting anything he does. They're also — most importantly, very embarrassingly — just a bit jealous of the way Azul tried to befriend Jamil. But that's a secret.
Rook Hunt — if Kalle could ask a genie for one wish, it would be for Rook Hunt to finally shut up. Sadly, there's no genies nearby and so Kalle has to suffer through every Science Club meeting. Even more tragic, Rook seems to know a lot about about a lot of different things Kalle finds interesting and so they make the same mistake everytime, agreeing to help Rook with a club project only to regret it after, when he has to listen to the boy talk about sunsets or Vil’s eyes for two hours.
Trey Clover — he's not sure if he and Trey are friends, but Kalle likes him. He's usually the most sane person around, which feels like a breath of fresh air after being in the same dorm as the Leeches. While they dont necessarily hang out, they sometimes spend time in the library together and being the upperclassman, Trey helps Kalle with homework from time to time.
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orange peel theory
[SR] Iago's Paradise
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Took a little roadtrip today with some friends to a place in IC.
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It was a wonderful time! The beach and dunes are so beautiful.
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Now, I don't know how much I believe in magic or fate or whatever, but something unbelievable happened as we were about to leave.
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I have never found a piece of seaglass in my entire life. Let alone COLBALT seaglass, which is in fact pretty rare. But there it was, at my feet, at Sandy Neck Beach.
Anyway, I teared up lmao.
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Against the Tide - Twenty-Two
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Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Original Female Character, Silvio Ricci x Original Female Character Characters: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (Bleach), Silvio Ricci (Ikemen Prince), Olivia DuBois (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergent, Pirates and Princes, Slow Burn, Action/Adventure, Worldbuilding, Angst, Some Subtle Racism, Sexual Tension, Political Subplot
Previous Chapter: Twenty-One
Chapter Masterlist
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did, you know,” Thalia replies, nodding her head sagely. “Go off with him, I mean. If you really love him, there must be something really good about him.”
“Thank you, Tati,” Olivia smiles. “And you’re right. There is something really good about him - there are lots of good things about him.”
Thalia looks at her sister with interest. “Livvy, is he really a pirate? That kind of pirate?”
“Who can say?” She smirks at her sister. “I know that he sometimes acquires rare goods from foreign countries. I hear he’s a fairly successful merchant.”
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Read on AO3
“Oh,” Thalia exclaims, looking at Olivia’s ring. “I haven’t seen you wear that in a long time… I thought you might have gotten rid of it.”
Olivia laughs. “I may not wear jewelry often, but I never get rid of any of it.” She thinks then of the little wooden chest full of jewelry upstairs in her old bedroom at her parents’ manor. “Though there are some pieces I probably will never wear again,” she adds softly. 
“What made you decide to wear that one again, after all this time?”
She looks down at the ring. It is a very pretty ring, made of seaglass in a bluish-green color. For a time many years ago, she had taken to wearing it on her index finger, but it was always a little too snug there. Today, she wears it on her ring finger. 
It fits perfectly there. 
“It just felt right,” she says simply, with a smile.
Thalia looks at her a little sadly. “I can’t believe you’re leaving for a whole year.”
“I am,” Olivia agrees, “but I won’t be far, and I’ll be back for your wedding. I promise.” 
“Mama says you’re not coming back to Clario even after the year is up.”
Surprised, Olivia stares at her younger sister. “She told you that?”
Thalia nods. “She says you’re going to go off to sea with… the Captain.” Thalia whispers the last bit, looking furtively around as if afraid someone will hear her. It almost makes Olivia laugh. 
“She would say that, wouldn’t she,” Olivia murmurs. She sighs. “I don’t know what will happen in a year, Tati.”
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did, you know,” Thalia replies, nodding her head sagely. “Go off with him, I mean. If you really love him, there must be something really good about him.”
“Thank you, Tati,” Olivia smiles. “And you’re right. There is something really good about him - there are lots of good things about him.” 
Thalia looks at her sister with interest. “Livvy, is he really a pirate? That kind of pirate?”
“Who can say?” She smirks at her sister. “I know that he sometimes acquires rare goods from foreign countries. I hear he’s a fairly successful merchant.”
This makes her younger sister laugh. “Oh Livvy, I’m glad to see you haven’t changed at all. I’m really going to miss having you close.”
Olivia gathers her in a tight hug. “You’re welcome to come visit Vora anytime,” she tells her. “And like I said, I’ll be back for your wedding in a few months. Try not to let Mama drive you crazy with the planning in the meantime.” 
“She’s already starting to.” Thalia rolls her eyes. “I think she’s planning the wedding she always wanted for you… and even though it’s not a political marriage, she’s still making a really big affair of it.”
Olivia clicks her tongue sympathetically. “Now I feel even worse for leaving you alone with her at a time like this.”
“It’s ok,” her sister smiles. “I’ve got Papa on my side to keep her from getting too out of control. And I want to hear all about your adventures in your letters, alright?”
“I’ll write to you often,” Olivia promises. “Long, boring letters filled with every little detail about where I am and what I’m doing. You’ll get sick of me before long.”
“That will never happen.” 
“I see you’ve been filling Tati’s head with all sorts of fables,” Olivia remarks dryly. 
“Fables?” Mirelle looks curiously back at her. “What do you mean?”
“She said you told her that I was planning to go off to sea with the Captain.” 
“Well, aren’t you?”
“I haven’t planned anything beyond what I need to do for the year that I’ll be helping Vora reestablish their government.” Olivia laughs. “What brings you here anyway? I thought you said you’d never come to my… how did you put it?” She taps a finger against her chin. “My filthy little hovel… I think that’s the way you described it.”
“In my defense, I didn’t know what it looked like at the time,” Mirelle protests. “And you can’t imagine the picture my mind conjured up when you told me you’d be living in a room down at the docks.”
Olivia raises both eyebrows questioningly, a wry smile pulling at her mouth. “And now?” 
“Now what?”
“What do you think of it, now that you’ve seen it?” She’s expecting criticism and braces herself for it. 
“It suits you,” Mirelle says after a moment, taking her daughter completely by surprise. “Has… he been here?”
Olivia can’t help but to laugh at the way her mother has phrased it - Mirelle is looking furtively around as though someone will hear her, not unlike the way Thalia looked when she made mention of ‘the Captain.’ “Of course he’s been here,” Olivia answers reasonably, as she folds clothes and sets them aside in piles to be packed. “He doesn’t always sleep on his ship, you know.”
Her mother tries not to look scandalized. “And he’s going with you to Vora.”
“He’s taking me to Vora,” Olivia corrects her. 
“Couldn’t you just go with Prince Silvio on his vessel?” 
Olivia sighs. “You know very well why I can’t.”
“Mama,” she interrupts, trying not to sigh again. “It’s my last night here… I don’t want to fight.”
Her mother is quiet for a moment. “I don’t want to fight, either,” she confesses. “And you may not believe me when I tell you this, but… I am proud of you.”
“Why?” Olivia snorts. “Aren’t I a colossal disappointment? I’m not doing any of the things you wanted me to do.”
“You’re not,” her mother agrees. “But you’re doing the things you want to, and that’s why I’m proud of you.”
Her words leave Olivia speechless. She’s still struggling to find the words to say when there’s a knock at her door. “Come in,” she calls.
“Olivia!” The word comes out as a hiss. “You don’t just invite people into your home without first checking to see who’s at the door!”
“I know who’s at the door,” she laughs, as the knob begins to turn. 
“Oh,” Grimmjow says, standing in the doorway. “Didn’t know ya had company. I can come back later---”
“Stay,” Olivia says, motioning him in. “My mother isn’t company - she’s my mother.”
“It’s nice to know what you really think of me.” Mirelle stands. “It’s quite alright,” she goes on, her words addressed to Grimmjow. “I was leaving soon anyway. The carriage is waiting for me out on the road.”
“I’ll walk ya,” he offers. 
Her mouth is set to refuse him, but one glance at Olivia and she reconsiders. “If you’d be so kind,” she says gracefully. 
Olivia reaches out, pulling her mother into a tight embrace. “Thank you,” she whispers. “For what you said.”
“I meant it,” her mother tells her sincerely. “And whatever… whatever you decide to do once you’ve finished your time in Vora, make sure it’s what you really want to do.”
“I will,” Olivia smiles. “I promise.”
“There’s my carriage.” Mirelle turns to face him. “I’d like to ask a favor of you.”
“Me?” Grimmjow chuckles. “Ain’t sure what I could do for ya, but whatever it is, I’ll try.”
“Take care of her, please,” Olivia’s mother requests, her voice soft. “Olivia is many things, but she’s never been foolish. If she loves you… if she trusts you, I know it’s because you’ve done something to earn her love and her trust. So please,” she goes on, “take care of her, even when she isn’t taking care of herself. Especially when she isn’t taking care of herself.”
Her words seem to surprise him. He recovers quickly however, flashing Mirelle a charming grin that makes her think she’s getting a little glimpse of what Olivia sees in him. “I give my word, M’Lady,” he offers. “Me, I might be a lotta things ya don’t agree with, but I can tell ya I’m a man of my word. I’ll look after her.”
“Thank you,” Mirelle replies, her smile relieved. 
Grimmjow waits until she’s safely in the carriage before he turns away. 
Olivia is waiting when he gets back. In just the quarter of an hour or so that he’s been gone, she’s managed to get all of the piles of folded clothes packed away and her bags set by the door. 
“All ready to go, I see,” he observes with a smile. 
“Mmhm,” she agrees. “Did my mother give you an earful?” 
“Nah.” Grimmjow chuckles, reaching out and pulling her by the waist until she’s flush against him. “She told me to take care of ya.” 
“She did?”
“Yeah.” He wraps his arms around her. “Told me that if you love me and trust me, I musta done somethin’ to earn it.” He leans back, tilting her chin up with his hand so he can look into her eyes. “Did I do somethin’ to earn it, Sae?”
Olivia looks back at him, her eyes lit up with amusement. “You mean to tell me you’ve been going along all this time without knowing?” 
She expects him to laugh too, to make some clever joke about it. Instead, his eyes are serious and searching, and it makes her realize that he legitimately wants to know. “Come here,” she says softly, taking his hand in hers and leading him over to sit next to her on the bed. Even when they’re settled there, sitting side by side, Olivia doesn’t let go of his hand. She links her fingers with his, raising her left hand to his eye line so he can see the ring there. “Do you remember this?”
Grimmjow squints. “I bought ya that.”
“You did,” she agrees with a smile. “It was one of the very first things you brought me back from Vora.” She looks down at the ring. “Why did you buy it?”
He considers her question but not for long, and it makes Olivia think the answer is something he’s already thought about. “You seemed so happy whenever I would bring shit from Vora for ya,” he starts. “I just liked seein’ that little smile on your face… the way your eyes would light up when ya got excited.” He chuckles. “You’re always pretty Sae, but ya look prettiest when you’re happy.”
She can feel them - the little butterflies that haven’t left her stomach since she’s embraced what she feels for this man. “That,” she says quietly. “Since I met you, you’ve been trying to make me happy. Even when I didn’t realize that’s what you were doing, you were only trying to make sure I was always smiling. That I always felt my best.
“Sometimes that meant bringing me beautiful things from Vora,” she goes on. “Little pieces of home, things that reminded me of the place I loved and missed so much. Sometimes it meant teasing me in a way that would make me forget whatever was troubling me in favor of a laugh. It often meant sharing a drink with me, or letting me cry on your shoulder - sometimes both at the same time.” She pauses, remembering something specific.
“I woulda kicked his ass if you’d needed me to,” he interjects quietly, and it’s then that she knows he’s thinking of it, too. 
“I know,” Olivia laughs, even though there are tears in the corners of her eyes. “But what happened back then wasn’t his fault, and I loved that you respected that fact enough to let it be.” She turns to face him, bringing his hand up to her lips and pressing a kiss to each of his knuckles. “I love you, Grimmjow. I love everything about you… even the parts of you that you think I wouldn’t.” She reaches up with both hands, cupping his face and bringing him close for a kiss. 
One kiss turns into two, two turns into three, and it isn’t long before they’ve shed the thin layers of fabric separating their skin. As she always does when he’s fully sheathed inside of her, Olivia marvels at how good he feels. 
Grimmjow holds her close, his hands tightly gripping her hips as she moves on top of him. He is hard-pressed to take his eyes off of her even to blink. 
It makes her feel like a goddess. 
Afterward she rests her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the way his chest rises and falls with each breath he takes. “I’m always happy when I’m with you, no matter what we’re doing or where we are,” she tells him, her voice solemn and hushed. “I trust you with my life, and I…” She trails off, her gaze dropping once more to the ring on her finger. “I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of that life with you. Wherever that takes us.”
“Even though you deserve better?” 
She stares up at him. “What I deserve,” she starts, her gaze never leaving his, “is a man who loves me the way that I am and who is happy with me. Are you saying you’re not that man?”
It makes him laugh, the intensity of her stare. “You are one fuckin’ scary woman when you wanna be.”
“But am I wrong?”
He shakes his head, still chuckling. “I want ya, Sae, more than ya know. And if you’ll have me, I’ll stay with ya until I get old and ugly.”
“I can’t ever see you being old or ugly,” she laughs. “And even if you are, I’ll still want to be with you.” 
“Might live to regret that,” he warns her, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief as he shifts in bed to hover above her. 
“Somehow,” she giggles breathlessly, “I doubt that will ever happen.”
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A/N: Here we are, at the end of this little tale. If you've made it this far, thank you for being patient with me (especially while I worked up the nerve to finish and post this last chapter). I had so much fun writing this fic this time around, because I let the characters tell me how the story should go.
Fear not - this isn't the end of Grimmjow and Olivia's adventures. There will be more of them to come, hopefully in the not-so-distant future. I have ideas for them, and I hope you'll stick around to see those ideas come to fruition.
Thank you for all the likes, kudos, comments, and reblogs - I appreciate each and every one of them.
Val 💙
Previous Chapter: Twenty-One
Chapter Masterlist
Tag list: @chrissie2003 @kryptoniteforsale @pamakali
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WAIT I GET A TAG I LOVE THIS !!!! u must tell me all about ur fantasy dr now omg
RAAAAH OKAY. Im working on a Notion thingy that I'll link when its "done", and i loath everyday that i havent figured out the magic system yet, but heres the super basic outline:
- Its a european medieval fantasy setting, magic and mythical creatures and such (the only humanoids are like. Elves and Humans though, so not quite high-fantasy)
- I live with my adopted dad + mentor, Cassius, on this collection of floating islands called the Peregrine Islands
- Dragons are a fairly big part of the world but are severely under researched, so we work in a government funded program to study dragons. but this usually means just dicking around with them lol
- Gods are real (though not all powerful). the two primary Gods are Celia of the Moon and her sister Seraphis. Seraphis is commonly known as the sun goddess but shes technically a god of twilight and dawn. Celia's followers are all very different with different styles of worship but generally Celia sends signs through dreams, where as Seraphis dormant because every few hundred years she makes these big "miracles" and exhausts all her power
- The 9 levels of hell are real and each level has a legendary weapon associated with it. In order to keep the 9 Hells closed, the weapons are sealed away in each of the 9 capitals of the world. Eventually one of them (I dont remember which weapon it was my b <\3) gets stolen by this shapeshifter mf and pawned off to pirates but idk where that plotline is going juuust yet 👀
- im Super Cool and also Arospec in this reality so in my dr i naturally have a love triangle goin on 🤘 plan is polyamory but we'll see how it goes lol. One is a boy-next-door type from an old-western-style town me + Cassius visit sometimes, other is from an arctic tribe with these cool seaglass beaches i found on pinterest and immediately adopted into the universe jdbsksbsj
- yeah generally Stuff Is Going On LMAO but 99% of my time in my DR is me going on research trips, special requests from the princess, and housekeeping for dragons lol. eventually im gonna have to write a wholeass BOOK on them and even defining what a dragon IS is going to be such a task oml. but i <3 my work
- other animals like jackalopes and unicorns and phoenixes and merfolk will exist for sure for sure for sure, but ive always been autistic about dragons and that WILL NOT change there
- My riding dragon is a pretty common one but hes my bestest friend ever ever everrrr. Hes an orange + white feathered wyvern called Solstice and I'd die for him a thousand times over. His species typically keep to family groups in these like, year-round autumn forests near the peregrine islands? but during certain times of year theres like. 30-50 of them hanging out in fields to even out the food sources yk. without the camouflage of the forests they just rely on strength in numbers :] i have to go every year but honestly its a vibe. theyre a very docile dragon lol
- Cassius' riding dragon is a very serious girlie called Juno !!! Cassius worships Celia of the Moon very dutifully so even his dragon is moon themed lol. Juno is like a SUPER DUPER rare kind of dragon where they have a really long life span because their eggs almost never hatch. they only hatch on eclipses, and theyre super fun too because if they hatch during a Lunar Eclipse you get the horned variant (Juno), and if they hatch during a Solar Eclipse you get the frilled variant :D!!!! I gotta sit down and properly design them one day but AAAA
- OH Familiars also exist here!! they basically work as like a reservoir of magic if that makes sense? The spell it takes to get one is super tedious and draining but Cassius helped me with like, support spells so i managed. Familiars basically either can double the strength of one spell, or allow you to cast an additional one. They can take on basically any shape so long as its mobile because magic isnt stationary. Mine is a blue tiger cub named Tybalt/Tibby (Hes based on my favourite stuffed animal lol). most familiars are semi-tangible and pretty small - Tibbys about the size of a small rabbit. Familiars natively make like. Wind chime/glass clinking noises :3
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bittcrsweetsfm · 3 days
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[ … ]     ❀     you’re  not  from  around  here,  are  you?  i  figured  because  you  totally  just  missed  francesca  spencer  walking  by.  don’t  tell  me  you  don’t  know  who  she  is?  they  kind  of  look  like  katie  douglas  and  i  could  be  wrong  but  i  think  that  they  might  be  twenty  five  years  old  right  now.  they’ve  been  living  in  palmview  for  the  last  twenty  five  years.  and  i  don’t  know  if  anyone  has  ever  told  them  this  before  but  they  kind  of  remind  me  of  lexie  grey  from  grey's  anatomy.  if  you  stick  around  the  town  long  enough  you  might  catch  them  in  action  working  at  seaglass  heights  elementary  school  as  a  kindergarten  teacher.  you  see  this  town  isn't  really  that  big  of  a  place,  some  folks  like  to  call  them  the  benevolent  of  palmview!  they  took  a  liking  to  the  name  too  after  a  while,  go  figure.  oh  crap,  they  must  have  heard  me  yapping.  they're  coming  this  way.  i  got  to  warn  you  though,  rumour  has  it  they  can  be  pretty  naive  at  times.  i  wouldn't  take  it  too  seriously  though,  from  the  times  i've  spoken  to  them  they  seem  pretty  open  minded.  we  see  each  other  all  the  time  since  they  live  in  that  two  bedroom  apartment  beside  me  over  in  seaglass  heights.  i  better  leave  you  to  it.  it  was  nice  meeting  you!
full  name  :  francesca  vivian  spencer.  age  :  twenty  five.  birthday  :  may  2nd,  1996.  astrology  :  taurus  sun,  scorpio  moon  +  gemini  rising.  gender  +  pronouns  :  ciswoman  /  she  +  her.  sexual  orientation  :  bisexual  +  biromantic.  spoken  languages  :  english.  height  :  5'.  tattoos  +  piercings  :  a  couple  small  ones  along  her  body  that  are  usually  hidden  by  clothing  or  accessories  +  lobes,  tragus,  cartilage  and  belly  button.  allergies  :  bees  +  seafood.  addictions  :  n/a.  drug  /  alcohol  use  :  both  socially  but  rarely  both  both.  family  tree  :  jhenry  spencer  (father),  isabella  'bella'  spencer  (mother).  character  inspo  :  lexie  grey,  cassie  howard,  aimee  gibbs.
living  in  the  moment  and  looking  back  provide  vastly  different  stories  regarding  francescas  upbringing  —  unable  to  fully  grasp  or  understand  the  hardships  her  family  had  gone  through  to  make  sure  she  could  succeed;  the  sacrifices  made.  but  if  asked  at  a  young  age,  franny  would  say  her  home  life  was  beautiful. 
growing  up  in a  low-income  area,  franny  was  born  to  a  dotting  mother  and  absent  father;  him  not  wanting  a  child  in  his  early  twenties  and  leaving  once  isabella  stated  she  would  be  keeping  the  child.  despite  this,  there  was  rarely  an  absence  in  her  life  —  although  many  crinkled  their  nose  to  the  area  she  grew  up  in;  the  strong  sense  of  community  provided  her  with  an  unforgettable  childhood.
frannys  personality  solidified  the  moment  she  entered  school  and  never  wavered.  fitting  in  with  those  deemed  “popular”  due  to  looks  and  extracurricular  activities  but  never  succumbing  to  the  meanness  that  some  individuals  would  strive  for.  having  a  friendship  with  almost  every  type  of  group  and  making  sure  she  had  talking  points.  running  through  topics  of  the  best  hair  dye  or  black  eyeliner  to  the  most  authentic  musicals  and  even  joining  heated  arguments  regarding  football  teams.  to  say  she  was  overall  liked  was  an  understatement.
regardless  of  peoples  enjoyment  in  her  company,  it  was  easy  for  francescas  soul  to  become  wounded  and  heart  to  be  ripped  in  half.  an  overly  trusting  and  naive  teenage  girl  with  her  heart  on  her  sleeve  was  the  perfect  prey  for  those  who  wanted  to  test  out  manipulation.  heartbreak  after  heartbreak  came  to  the  spencer  woman;  finding  comfort  in  the  darkness  of  her  bedroom  and  the  sad  playlists  downloaded  on  her  laptop.
college  seemed  less  intimidating  to  the  woman;  finding  her  place  and  her  set  of  friends  while  juggling  a  double  major  and  with  minors.  despite  the  busy  life,  she  was  able  to  keep  herself  occupied  enough  that  her  ever  longing  need  and  craving  for  love  had  to  be  silenced  for  her  to  focus.  dates  were  accepted  but  rarely  went  anywhere,  supplying  a  quick  fix  to  her  dreams  while  focusing  on  her  future.
finding  a  job  was  shockingly  simple  for  the  young  woman  post  graduation.  not  only  was  she  likeable  to  adults,  but  it  was  refreshing  to  see  how  easily  she  managed  to  get  onto  the  ground  with  the  kids  in  the  classroom  and  try  to  be  as  fun,  silly  and  messy  as  possible  while  also  incorporating  learned  lessons  into  the  conversations.  
being  around  kids  remained  a  safe  space  for  franny,  watching  them  grow  into  amazing  children  and  having  the  comfort  of  them  visiting  on  lunch  hours  as  they  grew  up  and  moved  onto  higher  class  statuses.  however,  it  doesn't  stop  the  internal  turmoil  within  her  mind  ...  sure,  she  was  an  amazing  teacher,  but  would  she  never  become  an  amazing  mother?  would  someone  find  her  lovable  enough  to  want  to  spend  the  rest  of  their  lives  with  her?  whoever  said  heartache  was  a  life  lesson  ...  never  met  francesca  spencer.
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revelisms · 1 year
Excerpt: Masquerade
Silco and Sevika chat Topside money, politics and past selves.
From ‘both sides of the moon,’ a oneshot exploring Silco and Sevika’s relationship through a series of business ventures. Full story on AO3
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Silco's hand twitches: a turn of his wrist. He reaches for the inner pocket of his coat, slips out a cigarette case of silver and gold, glinting in the greenery that surrounds them.
"Topsiders exist in a cage of their own choosing," he answers her, minutes past its due—as though she's only just levied her earlier question at him, and not a moment has passed, since. "An outsider no better than a dust of pollen on their heels."
Sevika's learned to keep her thumb on the page. She picks back up where they left off, without a blink.
"You could masquerade it," she reasons. "Money's all a performance."
An air of bemusement slips between them. "Perhaps." He plucks out one hand-rolled cigarette, and another. "A performance they can sniff out, nonetheless," he gravels on. The lull in his words skews curious: a husking purr. "Would you attempt it?"
Sevika narrows her eyes. "Attempt it how?" 
He lifts a brow powdered on. "Masquerade. Appease." The case snaps shut. "Suppose you attended one of their wretched balls; wore their Piltovan silks and named yourself Madame Hakeem."
The unfamiliar taste of her father's name leaves an acrid taint in her mouth: the memory of it long buried within her, as deeply as the rotting bastard, himself.
She curls her lip. Digs metal into the meat of her bicep. "I'd rather walk off a cliff."
He scoffs: his version of a laugh. "I wouldn't doubt it."
He tucks the first cigarette between his teeth, and holds the second out for her. The parchment is crisp beneath her fingers. Fresh-rolled.
She pins it in the corner of her mouth, breathing in dry tobacco hashed with juniper leaf. It's the blend he favors, specially imported from Ionia. Unlit, the scent reminds her of the home: desert wastes bloomed to life in two scant weeks of autumn, brambled brush and dry sweet and the taste of dew on the soil. It burned to something else, in one's throat—a sharp smolder of cedar and pepper, like drinking down a forest fire.
She crooks her fingers within her breast pocket, drags out the chilled cube of her lighter. "What about you?" she grumbles around the roll, thumbing a snap-crack of a flame.
The light strikes an embered glow across the twin points of their tobacco. It paints a strange wash over the sallow of his skin, as though he's existed for a millennia in that choking city below; as though he's still that man in the mines, with only scant years on him—hair scraggled to his shoulders, seaglass eyes blazing; a devil's brooding warmth about those scrawny bones, spiked with dry wit and a rapier-grin that crooked at one side, that another soul, in another lifetime, might have admired.
The man she stands with now buried that one beneath the Pilt, and left him there. 
On rare occasions, he unearths the corpse. Revisits the weight of those old bones, like a spirit repossessing a forgotten shell. 
Most times, he walks straight across that grave, and denies it even exists.
Silco takes a long drag: sighs out a rush of smoke that simmers with spice. "What about me?" he repeats, slowly.
Ash embers in her lungs. She tastes sulfur and carbon in it. 
"You'd put on some Piltie suit and call yourself Monsieur Esdras?"
Too sharp—too goading. A twist of a blade. 
His own father's name leaves the air similarly tainted. There's a touch of something in his eyes, at the sound of it: something wistful, pensive, young. As quickly as she catches sight of it, it shutters closed.
He breathes a sliver of smoke through his teeth, soundless as a dragon. "No sense parading as a dead man." The words bite from the belly of a beast.
She's standing with an apparition, with a man who is no longer here, housed beneath walls four meters thick. It's the image he bares before every head paid by his coin: lethal, for all it hangs guarded.
The shift unnerves her. Irritates her.
She takes in another drag, the tobacco dark and earthen and pleasant, and hisses it out. The hush of the rain turns deafening.
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crystal-verse · 1 year
Wolgraha week day 6: AU
[do you ever think about what would happen if the exarch succeeded in taking WoL's Light, but didn't actually manage to cast himself into the rift? the answer was my lightwarden crystal exarch au -- thus, enjoy]
The Crystal Exarch was a very beautiful man.
The Crystal Exarch was a very beautiful Lightwarden, too.
Pale white skin like porcelain, patterned in gold and dark black-blue like a decorative teacup. Crystal crawling along his right arm and down his hip, swallowing his right leg up to the knee, spreading across his chest and back to circle his neck like a gorget and creep into the feathers of those massive wings he had. Wings tipped in crystal and edged in gold, and there, too, was gold along his shoulders and hips, gold twining into his arms and legs and yet more arms, a Lightwarden so beautiful, so devoted to his cause, that his only altered features were the wings resting upon his back, the porcelain-and-gold colors his flesh wore, and the two sets of arms that floated in the air, that he might give yet more to help people.
Or, that was the assumption, you're sure. They were a very beautiful thing, that Lightwarden. Agape. A deep, selfless love.
Agape had eyes as red as the Crystal Exarch's eyes had been. The eyes on the back of the hands of those four floating arms were the same seaglass blue as G'raha Tia's eye had been.
And oh, what a pretty sight they made, Agape. Crystal Exarch encased in yet more crystal, a beautiful yet deadly creature. Even in this state -- Light torn away from you yourself and from your cousin, Light torn away from the two vaunted Warriors of Light -- the Lightwarden that had been (was still) your husband was calm. Docile. Content to curl up around you and rest his chin on top of your head, purring all the while, eyes closed.
He was only so content when around you, of course. They were still a Lightwarden. They gathered all the Light in the sky and devoured it until his body nigh on shone with Light held internally, the crystalline flesh glowing just as the Crystal Tower did. (Just as your own crystalline claws and fangs and blood did.) It made sense, of course -- G'raha Tia was a man devoted, and the Crystal Exarch even moreso, and it was a testament to that devotion, a sign of how much he was devoted, that even Light-twisted as he was, the Lightwarden Agape brought no harm to you.
They are small, for a Lightwarden. Only the size of a male Au Ra, lacking the horns but oh so much more deadly. You rarely leave the Tower, now. Your place has always been with G'raha, with the Exarch, with Agape, and the Scions may think you lost to madness but you think it is lost to love instead.
What else could be expected, of a god and their most devoted? What else could be expected of the oldest god and the highest angel? What else could be expected of you, Sae'pheli'ehva, who had brought the Tower into being, held your Raha within your crystalline ribcage for centuries? Who would ever think that you would not return that same devotion?
He was a beautiful Lightwarden. He was calm, if only in your presence. (You compare yourself to Vauthry once, in your thoughts. You do not do it a second time.)
The Scions are not allowed into the Tower. None are, save Lyna who enters every second day with a stubborn slant to her mouth, informing you both of the goings-on of the Crystarium, of the First.
Your Lightwarden has far more of his mind than one might think, you're sure. He thanks Lyna in a voice that echoes and sounds like bells and lute strings falling over one another. He holds you close and bids you rest, often. For all that you are god-and-angel, Crystal God and Crystal Exarch, Warrior of Light and Lightwarden, your body is mortal while Agape's is not.
You rest in the Ocular. You hold him close to you, tuck that porcelain-white head into the crook of your neck. Agape's purrs are much stronger than Raha's had been, somehow. Some part of being a Lightwarden seems to have changed the purrs, made them deeper, even more of a bone-rumbling sensation.
"Sleep." You say. "I'll be here to hold you while you rest."
They sleep.
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morimyth · 1 year
Illusion Spell Cowls
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These cowls have been imbued with solar energy and arcane enchantment to allow almost anyone to be able to add an illusory flair to their wardrobe.
The Hypnotic Pattern Cowl is made with a wool acrylic blend of yarn in seaglass green, muted indigo, and violet, with a strikingly bright phosphorescent teal accent stripe, to create a dizzying ombre of soft color. This cowl is a rare magic item, and usable by any character with the ability to cast at least one spell. It has one charge each day, but the cowl must be in direct sunlight for at least 1 hour to renew its magic. You may use an action to clutch the scarf and speak the command word to use the charge and cast Hypnotic Pattern, using your existing spellcasting modifier to determine the DC for the spell. This cowl is immune to all damage, except fire. If it sustains more than 30 fire damage in one round, the cowl is incinerated.
The Color Spray Cowl is also a wool acrylic blend, colored in muted rainbows that resemble a pack of old crayons in blue, yellow, red, and purple that play among a sandy beige dappled throughout. This cowl is an uncommon magic item, and usable by any character with the ability to cast at least one spell. It has three charges each day, but the cowl must be in direct sunlight for at least 1 hour to renew its magic. You may use an action to expend a charge and cast Color Spray at first level, two to cast at 2nd, and all three to cast at 3rd level. This cowl is immune to all damage, except fire. If it sustains more than 30 fire damage in one round, the cowl is incinerated.
The Minor Illusion Cowl is made of acrylic yarn in a fractal stitch pattern in a bright red with yellow, white, and blue accents that are reminiscent of light playing along a watery surface, a school of koi just beneath. This cowl is a common magic item, and usable by any character with the ability to cast at least one spell. It must see direct sunlight for a minimum of one hour throughout the day. As long as you are wearing the cowl, you may use an action to cast Minor Illusion, and the cowl transforms into the image you are attempting to convey for up to 1 minute, before returning to their original position around your neck, as the koi fractals swim into place to create this illusion. This cowl is immune to all damage, except fire. If it sustains more than 30 fire damage in one round, the cowl is incinerated.
All three magic items are created by me and available to use in any 5e setting, but if you'd like to buy me a coffee, or possibly take home the real thing, you can find these one-of-a-kind pieces and more at:
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Spirit x Sadako because I love them. They're both vengeful onryōs and I love them. Their ship name is Seaglass. I genuinely don't know if this is a rare-pair or not. There's no tag for them. :(
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simmeons · 1 year
More seamonster scotty! Does he have a favorite type of fish? Is he a fast swimmer? Would he make little gifts for mccoy out of shells and seaglass? Any more fun facts?
oh boy i love talking about this guy sm
his favorite fish is the Palenose Parrotfish, based on the color of it alone. who wouldn't love this? it's also pretty tasty too!
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he is a pretty fast swimmer, though he doesn't swim fast a lot. he's more of a casual swimmer, just going with the flow of the fish around him
and he absolutely would make gifts for McCoy! tie some shells together with seaweed, stuff some other things he finds in the ocean in the shells, and you've got a pretty nice gift! Scotty keeps all the things McCoy gives him in his little hidey hole cave home, like a little shrine of sorts lmao
anymore fun facts? hmm.... well, he loves to sunbathe. the water of the ocean is always pretty chilly, so it's nice getting above water sometimes and digging yourself a nice hole in the sand to lay in. though, it's very rare, having to stay away from humans all the time
it's pretty hard to get your scales cleaned, so like other symbiotic relationships in the ocean, small fish or shrimp will clean Scotty's scales to get rid of all the nasties. he doesn't go as far as some other animals to open his mouth and get his teeth cleaned, but it's like a spa day when he gets the time to get cleaned
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rwby-redux · 1 year
may have covered this but what do the naval forces look like in Redux? I've always thought that kingdoms should at least have one large port city if only by virtue of the fact that the GRIMM should make resource/tech sharing necessary to survive, to an extent. correspondingly, I think they'd have quite large navy's, possibly even selling escort services to less developed nations in the case of Atlas?
I kind of did/kind of didn’t cover naval forces when I talked about the world military here. You’re right; since virtually all of the kingdoms have cities near water, it would make sense for them to have navies (or at least something analogous). Not just for handling aquatic Grimm, but for other important functions: enforcing water traffic laws, search and rescue, dealing with pirates, helping owners recover flotsam/lagan (goods lost in wrecks), enforcing environmental laws, and so on. In a world where access to water is considered a must—not just for trade and travel, but for natural geographic defenses—it’s mind boggling that the actual show never once touches upon it. (Not unless you’re counting Argus’ hard-light barrier and piloted mechs, which seem to be the exception, not the rule.)
However, since no country in the Redux has its own standing army (and by extension, navy), maritime forces are handled a little differently. Technically, there is one official navy in the Redux, which is considered a division of the world military (the equivalent of the Atlesian military from the canon). It very seldom gets mobilized unless the World Council unanimously votes to do so (the circumstances under which that happens being extremely rare).
The world military (naval division included) is reserved for two things:
Intervening in conflicts too large or aggressive to be handled domestically;
Eliminating sudden, massive surges in Grimm that can’t be subdued by Huntsmen.
Outside of those scenarios, coasts and waterways are primarily overseen by either local law enforcement or Huntsmen. As for which group gets involved (and when), it’s a matter of bureaucracy.
The general rule is that all bodies of water within the borders of a city are under the jurisdiction of law enforcement. Anything outside of cities is considered the responsibility of Huntsmen stationed at outposts. There is some overlap between the two, which also happens to be a point of contention for both groups (which I’ll get into another time).
The cities with coastal/river access (and therefore water police) are as follows:
VALE: City of Vale, Patch, the Gossic cities (Eldegoss, Sindegoss, Tordegoss), Avonford, Vellichor, Petrichor
MISTRAL: Talus, Sirocco, Akylon, Etesia, Akepont, Higanbana, Shion, Rabenda, Skiron, Argus
ATLAS: Evadne, Chequer
VACUO: The Eyrie, Seaglass, Rockport, Kenyte, Feldspar, the Yrrose cities
MENAGERIE: Dun Obel, Dun Ashai, Dun Paror, Rorqual, Thalassion
Of the 17 outposts, the following 8 are equipped for handling water:
Belpont Station, Düahþ, Fort Iosefka, Fort Kittiwake, Keep of the Broken Spear, Keep of the Tattered Cloak, Northmarch, Oxebay Island
TL;DR - Responsibilities traditionally held by naval forces are instead divvied up between Huntsmen and law enforcement, depending on the location. Remnant's only "true" navy is a division of the world military, and it almost never gets deployed.
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