#raquie baby
namenerdery · 1 year
Babies with interesting names born in Missouri between 2010-2015 [G, H & I]
Gabbrieanna Marie Gab'Bryellia Bernice-Mackenzie Gadge Haden Gadsden Rayge Gaia Quest Gaibryel James Gaidge Riean Gainzley Michael-Rose Gaitlynn Sophia Galadriel Grace Galahad Christopher Galaxie Brooklynn Gallatayah Maria Rene Gambit Axl Wade Garruck Micha Garrythe Thaddeus Nash Gatlynn Michaelleigh Gator Ryan Gaylord Herbert Genuine Jone Gettler Aloysius Gi'Ahvannee Messiah-Summer Gift Sandra-Santana Glory Reigns Goddess Unique Gohan Anakin Golden Lee Graeven Murdoc Graisyn Elouize Gravity Jay Grayclyn Mae Greyston James Greyzin Kage Gruxton Pierce Gunnyr Mitchell Gustarius Exzavier Guydence Wade Gwynavier Maridian Gynger Nicole Kayline
Hade Virgil Haedynce Rene Haelo Riley Haezliyn Joann Haggard Lane Hailiee-Dreu' Arie Hakunnamatata Raylynn Hallelujah Jane Handsome Alexander Johnson Happi Ness Allure Harbor Woodson Harden William Harlequinn Diane Harpoole Kenneth Harvest Uriah Hatcher Blaez Hattilyn Grace Hattison Claire Havoc Damien Hawklyn Eliza-Haze Heatley Austin Heavin Makay Helios Arrow Hennessy Alazay Henriana Averie England Heritage Jesse Samuel Hero Elise Hevanli Lei Evygen Hexton Bentley Heylove Lirik Hickory Anne Holiday Lyric Holiver Dakota Lane Honest Charles Honorable John William Hooper Stanley Hopper John Horizyn Sky Huckston Thomas Hughsden Channing Louis Hunt Felts Huntress Scarlett Anne Hurricane Emmet James Hyacinth Astra
Iamunique Sunshine Iceland Grace Iceseonia Danielle Marie Illisian Marie I'Ly Unique Im'Unique Marie Integrity Grace Jaclyn Isiabelle Persephone Marie Island Raqui-Giselle Italee Montana Izzaybella Viva Renee Izzlie Sue
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markoftheasphodel · 4 years
Western FE4 fans: they’ll never remake the game without major censorship!!!
IS, in the year 2020:
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parlezkate · 5 years
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Title: Tommy Pays For It - Bonus Round: Lucy (AO3 and Wattpad) Words: 5,200 Rating: M for sex, language, violence (?)
Summary: If feeling good when they’re together is what motivates them both, then why let a little breakup, a crippling public beatdown, and a prison sentence get in the way? Lucy Laboy tells us what happens with Tommy Conlon during and after canon. I even worked her into the unseen scenes at Sparta, haha. 7/7 — this one is done, son! Excerpt: “You came here for me?”
“Yes!” Lucy assured him, smiling. “Why else would I come here? To lose all my money? I came here to see you, baby.”
“To see me fight?”
“To see you.”
“By yourself?”
She shook her head. “I’m here with my cousin, Raqui.”
Tommy, briefly amused, snorted, “Your cousin’s name is Rocky?”
“No, Raqui — Raquel,” Lucy laughed. “She got sick of waiting for me, so she went back to our room.
Tommy brought her closer with a slight squeeze. His voice low, he glanced around as if he was checking for eavesdroppers. “So, then ... we can’t go to your room?”
Lucy shook her head, giggling. First, her cousin was sleeping, and second, Tommy hadn’t been in contact for months and now he thought he was was just going to sweep her off her feet and get right into bed with her?
Well, yeah — he was. But before that happened, they had to talk. Lucy would insist on it.
She suggested, “What about your room? We’re in your hotel.”
Tommy groaned and released her from his hug, pausing to wipe at the corner of one of his eyes with a loosely curled fist. He looked even more tired than she felt — which was really, really tired. Licking his lips, he paused before before answering grimly, “That’s part of what I have to talk to you about.” Notes: I did it! I finished the thing! Thanks for the graphic, @zigster-ao3 — I got some use out of it! And thank you to my fic wife, @littlevulpecula, who suffered through many many many many many rewrites of this chapter. <3
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theribboncomic · 7 years
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#022: First time in a barn I was around 14. THIS HEFFER HID IN THE SHADOWS AND STALKED ME TO SCARE ME. This took me 2 days and God knows how many layers. *collapses*
Meet My cousins: Yessi: In dark red. Roommate during my semester in Gainesville. Horseback rider. Veterinary student. Eldest of the three. Jose: In light blue. Videogame partner. The monkey… It’ll come up later… Architecture (I think?? I’m sorry XD) student. Middle angry child. Raqui: In dark blue. Singing bird. Future actress or singer (I believe in you). The baby sister that needs to speak more Spanish.  Follow for more comics!
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raquelsworld · 7 years
When you said raqui baby that got me 😩 owww my heart
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markoftheasphodel · 4 years
So I’ve been too overwhelmed by electioneering to post much about Fire Emblem, but two nights ago I had a dream in which Lachesis was the Marianne Faithfull-type associate of a Rolling Stones-equivalent band, and I was reading a book about the 60s that had a caricature of Lachesis in some tony nightclub accompanied by astronaut Alan Shepard and half of the Beatles.
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markoftheasphodel · 5 years
I don’t wanna hijack @deetvar‘s own post directly but since he brought up Finn/Lachesis, I figured it’d been a month or so since I meta’d on my OTP. ;P
“It almost never takes in account the wider fact of what Lachesis wants. Dead bro she’s crushing on, and a barely woman not ready for motherhood, and whatever spin you want to add Finn in there. And precisely for those two reasons I CAN’T SEE FINN. Beo makes sense. Azel makes sense in some horrible fashion I might write. But Finn?” 
OK! And here is where I actually still find it super-plausible for Lachesis to fall for Finn-- but mostly AFTER Yied/Belhalla when they are co-parenting two small kiddos.
 It goes back to part of Lachy’s own feelings for Dead Bro Eldie-- not the blond mane of lion’s hair or the big sword he swings (her predestined lovers Beo, Noish, and even Dew have that covered-- Noish reeking of masculinity especially makes for a bargain-bin Eldigan). One can argue based on Lachy’s own words about the “calibre” of man that Eldigan is that the whole “knight without peer and beyond reproach” thing was part of Eldigan’s essential appeal. It also got him killed, so Lachesis is of course rather conflicted about it. But here she is at close quarters with the guy who embodies the perfect knight business. He’s grown up pretty fine, too. Still not Eldigan, but Eldie’s been dead by a coupla years by this point.
And of course Finn’s dedication to duty vs Lachy’s dedication to family is where the whole relationship founders-- whatever form it ultimately took-- because Jugdral, etc. But I can definitely see her falling for him under those circumstances and in between Selphina’s vague accusations and the way Finn can’t even bring himself to speak her name in FE5, I think that she did. Whether he was capable of reciprocating is a whole ‘nother mess. 
Now to get them together pre-Behalla you basically gotta invoke the usual “volatile teenage hormones” thing that works for uh, most FE4 couples... except except except does anyone think Diarmuid is Finn’s kid? Anyone? Yeah no, it almost certainly didn’t happen that way. 
“I don’t trust anything that has been procuded in this regard Post-Heroes.“
Well, Heroes threw into Finn’s otherwise “Lachesis who?” not to mention Nanna who? dialogue that line about “There’s someone I’d like to see. Perhaps...” which is in the original Japanese the exact same evasive wording (”that person”) he uses for the Lachesis reference when speaking to Nanna in FE5′s Chapter 7. I acknowledge the Finn/Lachesis ship is leaking, listing, and generally not seaworthy, but somebody deliberately inserted that line of dialogue in. 
It’s not a ship, it’s a glorious wreck in murky waters.
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markoftheasphodel · 6 years
pick your favorite female character to write for the meme. :D
Gotta toss a coin between Brigid and Lachesis. Lachesis wins.
1) She’s young. Seriously. She’s fifteen, sixteen tops when things start crumbling in Agustria. She’s not more than sixteen when her brother gets thrown in prison and her castle is besieged. She’s got two kids and very likely a very dead husband (yes, Beowolf) by the age of nineteen. And in between her father’s demise and the frailty of her sister-in-law she’s probably been playing the role of de facto chatelaine of Nordion since she was… 14? That’s a hell of a way to grow up.
2) Lachy is determined. There’s a reason Finn singles out this quality when he speaks to Nanna in Ch7 of FE4. It’s a salient trait the way Finn’s own stubbornness is. It helps her survive the ruin of her House and her kingdom. It drives her to become a Master Knight before she’s twenty and do All The Things. It makes her a great companion to Finn when they’re at their best and a terrible one (IMO) at their worst. And it leads her to a very bad end because she won’t listen to reason when there’s something she wants above all else.
3) Lachesis is privileged but uses that privileged to upset societal norms (as in the the vow to never marry someone who can’t measure up to Lord Brother) which I find interesting and Important. She’s capable of bucking the system in the way that someone can from a position of privilege. Makes her interesting in AUs.
4) She’s an interesting mix of the romantic and the hard-headed. She was clearly caught up in the romance of the whole thing with Eldigan (again, she was young). Unless/until Word O’God squashes it, I’m going to believe she projected like hell onto Finn, thinking him to finally be the ideal knight she’d been waiting for and not realizing until it was too late that this was exactly why he wasn’t a great romantic partner for her. But she can see the corruption of Chagall and the faulty foundations of Arvis’s Empire and is willing to put her life on the line to combat both.
5) In spite of being willful and unconventional and caught up in a number of romantic illusions she was a very good mother, at least to Leif and Nanna. I have my doubts about how well she handled Diarmuid given her own youth and recent bereavement and the overall circumstances but I believe she was an A+ mom to the younger kids. And, crucially, just because she wasn’t interested in being some loser’s wife (hi Elliot) doesn’t meant she didn’t dedicate herself to the kids. This also makes her interesting in AUs as well as canon.
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markoftheasphodel · 6 years
So I did find one thing in browsing J-fandom sites.
Localization apparently did obscure the identity of the already ambiguous “someone” Finn is hoping to see.
In the original Japanese, the phrase he uses is “あの方” which translates as “that person.” As this caused discussion in J!fandom also (Sigurd? Quan? Lachesis?) someone pulled the FE5-era receipts and pointed out that’s the same phrase from his vague & frustrating apparent reference to Lachesis in Ch7 whose significance people have been arguing over since 1999.
(For those not up on 20-year-old wank, Finn tells Nanna he’s glad she’s safe b/c if anything happened to her he could never face “that person” again which strikes people as cold or weird even tho confirmed sweethearts like Marth and Eliwood have similar lines of dialogue when they’re worried about people. YMMV.)
So yeah, assuming Lachesis is the SNES-era “that person,” I’m thinking FEH!Finn is indeed hoping to come across her in Askr. If “that person” was never Lachesis in the first place, then you’ve got me. It also heightens the perception given by FE5 that Lachesis’s name is somehow off-limits to Finn. Again, you’ve got me.
And no I don’t know what all of it actually means.
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markoftheasphodel · 6 years
sorry can't read meme rules, disregard last ask. Arvis/Lachesis
2. Don’t see it, Don’t care about it, Don’t know it.
So by the time Lachesis is old enough for marriage, Arvis is already well into his “no women except ones that look like my mom” phase and we know how that got resolved. Lachesis meanwhile has Lord Brother up on a pedestal the height of Nelson’s Column. With regard to Lachesis, since she is young and tastes can change over time (and how), I could see in the brutal world of Jugdral that her preference for a peerless knight might evolve toward appreciating a different, more pragmatic kind of valor, but tbh Lachy the Lion Princess is still fundamentally straightforward enough that I don’t think the plots and machinations of Arvis would be something she’d appreciate. There’s quite a gulf between “more pragmatic than Eldigan” and “master manipulator with a number of confirmed cold-blooded murders on his ledger” IMO. 
Going back to Arvis I don’t think she’s his type, and if they somehow got together in some sort of AU I think he’d cut her out of the action generally– she’s closer in age to Saias than she is to Arvis. Now, loveless sex with dudes Lachy finds hot enough but doesn’t know or understand that well seems to be a Thing with her based on the implications of her Dew and Beowolf pairings, but Arvis ain’t either of those guys and he’s not up for that kind of fun.
I guess a very dark and especially well-written AU could elevate this to a 7 but basically, don’t see it. I could see a bored and lonely young Duchess of Velthomer or whatever Lachy would be in this AU resorting to the sort of cheating that Fanon!Lachy always got up to and I don’t blame her. :/
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markoftheasphodel · 6 years
What is the name for Lachesis’s mount? How did she learn horseback combat? Does she have a favorite weapon outside of swords that she has mastered?
That’s a fascinating question because of our small data pool on Jugdrali mounts:
Fee: Annand, after her aunt
Karin: Hermes, myth-ref suitable to a clever & swift winged creature with a bit of an attitude
Eda: Kate (KATE?)
And I think that’s it? So Lachy being Lachy one might assume her horsey has some grand name like Bellerophon or w/e but honestly it might be called something like… Kate. Anyway I haven’t decided on a name for Lachy’s horse but I will need to when I get around to finishing The Other End of the Telescope.
As for Lachy learning horseback combat my base assumption is she wanted to learn from the best– Lord Brother, Sigurd, Quan– but they outsourced it to Beowulf (or Naoise) for mounted sword-fighting and Finn for mounted lance combat. Ethlyn would’ve helped Lachy a bit. In a continuity where she hooks up with Azelle they work on spell-casting together and Lex helps out with the axe training.
As for her alternate weapon… axes are very, very satisfying. I have an unfinished WIP wherein Lachy tries her hand at mercenary work and her signature weapon is the Silver Axe.
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markoftheasphodel · 6 years
Mm. It’s a ship that makes sense in a awful way (canonical shaky foundation, bad outcome) for the characters. I don’t it aesthetically pleasing (esp not with the new Cipher art) but while I don’t like to think of them in the sack it sounds like they had a good time. It makes the most sense by far in terms of where Diarmuid came (I mean REALLY NOW) and honestly makes me sorry for Beowulf in the end. He was a stepping stone for Lachy in between Eldigan and WTF.
So it’s really simultaneously ‘Urg no’ and ‘well tbh this is quite interesting’ which is pretty much the essence of Jugdrali relationships, no?
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markoftheasphodel · 6 years
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Obviously she was some kind of Lachesis Deadlord produced by the Tempest. Her eyes were weird and she was just mindlessly repeating ‘Eldie’...so something had to be done about that.
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markoftheasphodel · 6 years
It’s really kind of darkly funny to me that after six long years exploring every semi-canonical and pseudo-canonical bit of anything about my Fire Emblem OTP the latest dribbles of canon still push me towards the hot take of 2012: “So there’s this girl who’s way too into her brother and this guy who’s not very convincingly straight. And somehow they end up in each other’s business. IT JUST WORKS (or not) \_(ツ)_/”
Like I could repost my very first ‘fic on the Raquie Triangle and uh, it wouldn’t really be inaccurate to the vibes I’m getting outta Heroes and Cipher thus far.
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markoftheasphodel · 6 years
Hm. I feel like the headwinds on Lachesis are pretty positive these days and the old idea of Lachy the Cheating Ho is no longer the default. Sadly thanks to Heroes and Cipher she’s now Siscon Prime but I am far from the only person displeased by this.
Here’s an unpopular opinion: I liked the name Raquesis.
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markoftheasphodel · 7 years
it's 1990s wank time: so tell us how you feel about lachesis/beowulf
C (not bad). I mean, in terms of the actual in-game interaction it’s NOT BAD. It’s not a grand romance but she’s looking for… something… and he’s happy enough to try to provide it even though he knows she doesn’t love him and he’s sensible enough to not try to hold on to her when shit’s about to go down. I believe he loves her.
But damned if stuff like their respective portrayals in Cipher isn’t a turnoff when you have this ferocious muscle-bound dude of indeterminate age and this delicate little teacup princess who’s probably half his age and about 4′10″? Nope nope nope, go play house with Finn or Azelle, Lachesis. 
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