#raptor trainer
pixoplanet · 3 months
🦕 Hooray! It's the 4th of July, America's Independence Day!
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🦕 Diplodocus Dinosaur Skeleton in a Berlin Museum
On this day in 1899, Paleontologist Arthur Coggeshall discovered the fossil skeleton of a Diplodocus carnegie near Sheep Creek, Wyoming. This dinosaur, nick-named "Dippy," holds significant paleontological importance:
Dippy is one of the most complete and well-preserved dinosaur skeletons ever found, providing paleontologists with an unparalleled opportunity to study the anatomy and structure of Diplodocus and contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of sauropod morphology and evolution.
The discovery and subsequent display of Diplodocus carnegie in various museums around the world has captivated the public imagination and has played a crucial role in popularizing dinosaurs and paleontology among the general public. The specimen was first exhibited at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh and later replicated and sent to other institutions, including the Natural History Museum in London.
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🦕 Diplodocus Dinosaur Family Display at Veszprém Zoo
The detailed study of Dippy has led to numerous scientific papers and research projects. Insights gained from Dippy have helped clarify aspects of sauropod biology, such as their posture, locomotion, and feeding behavior. The discovery has also informed debates on dinosaur physiology, including discussions on how such large animals supported their massive bodies.
Dippy has also served as a valuable educational tool, helping to teach generations of students and museum visitors about the Mesozoic era, the diversity of dinosaur species, and the process of scientific discovery. The creation and accessibility of Dippy replicas has made it easier for educators to engage the public with tangible examples of paleontological research.
Arthur Coggeshall's Diplodocus carnegie specimen is a keystone discovery in the field of paleontology due to its exceptional completeness, its role in popularizing dinosaurs, its contributions to scientific research, and its enduring educational impact. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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🦖 The 4th of July is a nice day to spend outdoors.
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googlyeyesonmagiccards · 10 months
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Raptors got a new alpha!
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literally no one asked for this, but okay- useless au idea that might never go anywhere: Jurassic Park/World AU?
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lexxarts · 7 months
As a sequel to that silly archen sketch comic, here are some archeops doodles.
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owlcomics101 · 5 months
”Clever Y/N…” Task force 141 x Velociraptor hybrid!reader Head cannons
Warnings: SFW (I am a minor), fluff, blood, language (cussing), mentions of animal abuse/violence (I do not condone), reader is gender neutral
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gif credits: @Deshi Basara
Writers note: If this gets 100 notes I’ll make a series out of this like my fox hybrid one
Context/backstory: Jurassic world AU; The park had been long lost abandoned for over a decade now. What was once a park full of creatures of old was now the ruins to a new world. You were an experiment. A human with the qualities and characteristics of a Raptor. You had the raptor feet, legs, tail. Claws, eyes, and teeth. The task force was sent to Isla Nublar. Back to the old run down park to retrieve a weapon, but little did they know that the weapon was you.
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Price: You see Price as your Alpha. The moment you two met you knew who was in control. Price. He’s the only man you will ever willingly take orders to. The only man you’re afraid of. A muzzle was a common occurrence for you. You were notorious for biting and teething anything you could get your jaws upon. Especially the task force members. Price is the most patient with you about this but this is a problem that needs to be fixed. He either muzzles you or distracts you with a bone like you would do for dogs.
“Ay!” Price pulls you away from his arm sleeve.
“What did we say about biting Y/N?” He glares at you. You immediately stop what you were doing and turn your attention to something else. “No biting ya muppet.”
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Soap was the one to break through to you. He never saw you as a weapon, you were just someone trying to survive. Find your place in the food chain. Soap always kept you calm and grounded even in times of danger or a threat to you and the others. Not even Price could calm you like Soap can. He was pretty laid back with you and let you do about whatever you wanted. He didn’t mind the nipping and teething as long as you were gentle. He was the one to help clean you after missions, including your teeth.
“Oi let’s see those pearly white’s.” Soap says as he gestures for you to open your mouth. You do as asked and he rests his hands on his hip proud of his work.
“Now there’s a smile!”
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Gaz: Gaz is your trainer. Price thought it would be good practice for Gaz if he was your trainer. Perhaps he could learn a thing or two about teaching and be in Price’s shoes for once. You obeyed, but only when food was involved, otherwise Price would have to come down to motivate you to listen to Gaz. The training did well, you were a massive help on the field, but Gaz can’t help but feel bad about it all. You being a ‘weapon’ of massive destruction that he was in trusted to train. It held quite the pressure on him. He’s afraid he’ll turn you into the monster everyone thought you were.
Gaz watches you tear into one of the punching bags, he couldn’t help but picture the stuffing as intestines and flesh being tore out. He could see the cotton stuck in your teeth as blood dripping down and running off your chins
“Y/N! I think that’s enough for today…”
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Ghost: You see Ghost as a beta. You sometimes take orders from him but only if you feel like it. The more irritated he gets with you and more and more you resist his commands and his attempts of control over you. You always snuck up behind him and he didn’t even need to call out to you because you were always there…He wasn’t sure what Gaz has been teaching you but the cold look in your eyes tells him that Gaz wasn’t the first to train you…You wear a head set around your head and neck so he could see out of you and see what your doing. Soap likes to call it Ghost’s “Nanny Cam.”
Price walks into the common room. “Has anyone seen Y/N? I told you all Y/N is not aloud outside unaccompanied!”
Ghost looks over to Price. “Y/N is eating Soap’s cookie stash.”
Soap jumps up wide eyed. “My cookie stash!? Ghost why didn’t you look at your nanny can sooner!?
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orcinus-veterinarius · 6 months
When horses end up with severe leg/hip injuries, they are almost always put to sleep. The odds of recovering full mobility from such injuries are slim and the odds of reinjury are high, so even if the horse is perfectly healthy in all other aspects, it is generally recognized to be more humane to put them down than to keep them alive just to live the rest of their lives limping around a small paddock or stall. A life for a horse in which s/he cannot gallop, leap, explore and play is no life at all. Why not apply the same logic to cetaceans? A life for a cetacean in which they can’t dive hundreds of meters, make meaningful autonomous choices (“should I play with the rubber ball or the puzzle feeder today?” is not a meaningful choice; research has shown that autonomy is crucial for animal welfare), echolocate and experience the rich biodiversity of the ocean is no life. I really don’t understand why it’s so horrible to think it more humane to euthanize a confused and sick orca calf if there is no chance of rehab and release than to take her/him permanently into captivity. It’s not disparaging or hateful to cetacean trainers to say so—I know they care about animals—it’s simply a logical ethical stance. Instead of searching in vain for orca conservation organizations that aren’t “radically anti-captivity”, maybe pro-caps should look inwards and ask themselves why all the major orca organizations (Center for Whale Research, Orca Behavior Institute, OrcaLab, Wild Orca, Orca Conservancy, Far East Russia Orca Project, etc.) as well as some cetacean organizations (ex. Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Cetacean Society International) oppose captivity. Is it because all of these esteemed groups, which if you look them up are all staffed by credentialed scientists, have been duped by the “animal rights agenda”, or could it be because maybe, just maybe, they know what they’re talking about? If captive orcas are so different from wild ones that wild orca biologists have no credibility to speak about their welfare, then that’s a clear indictment of captivity already.
Hi. I'm sorry for not answering right away, I was still at my externship when I got your ask, and I wanted to be able to sit down and give you a proper answer. So unfortunately, I don't think what I say will satisfy you. I don't expect to change your mind, nor is that my goal here. I only want to explain why I believe the way I do, so that you or others reading this can at least understand that it's not a position I take lightly, nor do I think it's infallible.
(Long post below the cut):
To start off, as an (almost) veterinarian, there are absolutely plenty of circumstances where I find euthanasia to be the correct decision. Euthanasia is our final gift to our patients, a swift and painless death in the face of prolonged suffering or poor quality of life. A large dog with debilitating osteoarthritis. A cat with terminal lymphoma. A down cow. A raptor with an amputated leg. Or like you mentioned, a horse with a fractured hip. These animals would live in a constant state of pain that they don't understand, and death can rightly be considered a kindness to them.
But an otherwise healthy orca calf? I would consider that a false equivalence. I agree that life in the wild should be prioritized whenever possible, and that captive orcas lead very different lives than their wild counterparts. But if that orca cannot return to the wild (orphaned and unable to be reunited with its pod, habituated to humans, non-painful disability such as deafness), and there is a facility willing to take it on, I do not think euthanasia is an appropriate option. In human care, that calf can still swim, breach, and dive, even if not to the same depths as the ocean (it's also worth noting that these are all costly behavior energetically and are not performed for no reason). It can still socialize and form family bonds with an adopted pod of whales. It can still (theoretically) mate and rear calves. It can still engage its big brain in problem-solving through training and enrichment in the place of hunting. And as a bonus, it will never go hungry and has access to veterinary care if ill or injured.
This is not a wild life. This is not the same life they would've, or should've known. A pool, no matter how well-appointed, is not the ocean, and we should not claim they're comparable. But I don't think it's a fate worse than death. I truly don't. But if it is... if freedom really is worth more than life, then all captive whales need to be euthanized. Even in a sea pen setting, they will not be free. They will not choose their food, their companions, their enrichment, their comings and goings. Those choices will still be made on their behalf by caregivers, and they will still have pretty much the same levels of autonomy as in their tank habitat. They will still be captive. (While some people do advocate for this, I don't think it's a popular outlook. Even SOS Dolfijn, a historically anti-cap organization, recently announced plans to build an aqauarium as a permanent home for non-releasable cetaceans rather than continuing to euthanize them).
Speaking of autonomy, yes, it is very important. But I truly don't think the orcas are distressed by the lack of meaning in choosing between enrichment devices. I think that's why we disagree on this topic... we have different worldviews. We both see orcas as beautiful, intelligent creatures, but I do not see them as people. They are animals, and for all their complexity, I interpret their behavior the same way I do any other species... they are motivated by food, reproduction, and (since they're highly social) companionship. Because of that, I still think we can give them a good life in human care, which is why it frustrates me to see the zoo community throw up their hands and give up rather than trying to improve our current less-than-ideal setups (*shakes my fist at the Blue World project*).
Now, I don't think it's wrong to be emotional about animals. I most definitely am! And it's very clear to me you love orcas and care about their wellbeing deeply. I admire that about you, and I appreciate your passion.
On to the next point... in the cetacean world, I've found that there is an unfortunate divide between researchers and caregivers who work with cetaceans in human care and those who study them exclusively in the wild. And that schism far predates the Blackfish era. Most of those organizations you listed are indeed legitimate, and I fully support their vital work and encourage others to do the same. A few of them, though, share things like this:
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I think you can understand why this hurts me. And it's a lie. I've now interned at three aquariums (two of them AZA-accredited) that house various species of cetacean, and it's impossible for me to reconcile what I know and have seen to be true and what Whale and Dolphin Conservation wants the public to believe: that these unbelievably loved, vivacious animals are drugged and tortured by their greedy captors. It's not true, and I do not appreciate WDC for spreading this creepy artwork around. Nor do I think that fighting captivity is a beneficial allocation of resources when there is an overwhelming number of genuine threats to the survival of wild cetaceans.
Anyway, back to the scientists. Personally, I don't consider researchers who work exclusively with wild orcas to be either superior or inferior to those who work with captive whales. And sometimes I wonder how much of their position is a self-fulfilling prophecy: if someone opposes captivity on moral grounds, they won't work with captive whales, so they'll never get to know what their lives and care are like beyond maybe a single tour of the park or memories of how things were done in the 1960s (like Dr. Spong, who worked with some of the very first captive orcas at the Vancouver Aquarium).
I also don't think it diminishes the expertise of wildlife biologists to say that they are not experts on husbandry, training, or medical care... those are very different fields, and ideally, they should all inform each other. And of course, there are folks who work with both wild and captive whales. One of the reasons I linked SR3 in my previous post is they have staff with backgrounds in both managed care and research of free-ranging populations (I actually have no idea what the organization's official stance on captivity is, it's not something they address).
Maybe I'm wrong. I try my best to keep an open mind, but I know I'm also swayed by my own preconceptions and experiences. When I started this blog in December 2020, I was a first year vet student with minimal actual experience outside of domestic animals and some herps, and had only recently adopted the pro-captivity outlook. Now, I'm much more deeply involved in the zoo and aquarium world. These are people I know and respect, people who have written me letters of recommendation and comment on my Facebook posts, people I've had dinner with and showed up with after hours to care for a sick animal. And I recognize that biases me. The zoo world is often resistant to change, especially folks who have been in the industry for many years. And that doesn't do anyone, especially the animals, any good. I don't want to get stuck in an echo chamber, so I make it a point to read anti-captivity literature, even when it upsets me. If there is anything I can do to improve their lives, I want to learn about it, regardless of the source.
I try to adapt to new information. For example, in the past few months alone, I've become a lot more favorable toward the idea of sea pen habitats. My concerns about "sanctuaries" are more logisitical* and philosophical** rather than the idea that artifical habitats are inherently superior to pen habitats (they're not), especially when plenty of traditional facilites already make great use of ocean pens or enclosed lagoons. There are pros and cons to both, and a lot of it depends on the needs of the individual animals.
*funding; maintenance; lack of land-based backup pools and fully-equipped medical facilities; introducing immunologically naive animals to pollutants and infectious agents; disruptions to native wildlife; staffing activists and wildlife biologists rather than those with relevant husbandry experience
**villainizing aquariums; promoting the project as a "release to freedom" to the public when it's really another form of captivity; claiming the animals' lives will be "natural" when they will still require training, artificial enrichment, contraceptives, and social management if done correctly; downplaying or completely denying the very real risks of such a transition and insisting the animals will automatically be better off when Little White and Little Grey have proved that's not the case
If you made it to the bottom, thanks for reading. I wish all the best for you, and I mean that genuinely ❤️ even if we disagree, I hope you can appreciate our shared love for these animals and a desire for their wellbeing. Best of luck in all your endeavors!
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peachsukii · 1 month
So I’m rewatching Jurassic World while I’m sick and got to thinking about Raptor Trainer Bakugo. 👀👀
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fryingpan1234567 · 7 months
putting the 141, who is already military, into sub-military aus is so special to me
Top Gun au so I can put them in planes. dope ass painted flight helmets with their callsigns across the back. Laswell and her wife own a bar that the boys like to frequent and cause trouble in. also an excuse to stick them on the California coast
Halo au because SPARTAN ARMOR?? alien warfare?? mostly the armor HELP I just wanna give Gaz a giant energy sword please
PacRim au to put them in giant robots. and so I can fuck w drift compatibility. bomber jackets with their names and jaeger insignias stitched on the sleeves and backs. bullying recruits who just wanna punch aliens. I know this one’s already been written (AMAZING fic do check it out) but still it’s everything
Avatar au because… what’s not to love? giant blue aliens with guns and pterodactyls and floating mountains?? yeah dude I am ALL in (I’m also kinda writing this if you wanna see sooo)
SCP au simply because that would be so fucking funny. “goddamn it people are going missing at IKEA again let’s fuckin move out I guess” “IF THAT FUCKING PEANUT BREACHES CONTAINMENT ONE MORE FUCKING TIME—“ “huh this house sure is weird I hope none of us get turned into code and lag out of existence” LIKE CAN YOU IMAGINE
Monsterverse because I think seeing Ghost’s reaction to Godzilla crawling out of a mountain and turning pink would just… cure me. Price has sympathy for the monsters but also just wants to protect all the humans in their path. Soap LOVES all of them (Mothra is his personal favorite) and punched a higher-up who suggested bombing a recently discovered nest one time. Gaz is mostly just in awe of them all, but they also give him anxiety because just one of them could flatten an entire house with one step. they be vibin
Jurassic World because my dinosaur fixation started when I was four and never went away. I’ll fight all of you. raptor trainer Ghost?? paleoveterinarian Soap who’s friends with all the dinos?? head of security Price and head park management Gaz?? please (I’m also writing this one)
like yes. they still do the military thing. but slightly to the left. I could do it all day
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imgaine-it-all · 4 days
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Trainer A: -from outside the enclosure- I lost track of Y/N every single time, how are they doing that? I get jump scared as much as the raptors do. Trainer B: Let's pray Y/N doesn't ever go postal, we would never see them coming until it's too late.
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brontekotlcyan · 9 months
I love Bronte so much.
Here are some headcanons.
•He was a raptor trainer.
•He loves Kenric and Oralie but never shows it.
•Severely traumatized (I can expand if you want);
•His parents hated him because he accidentally inflicted on his mother.
•He knew someone very close to him who died when he was 200-300 years old.
•Cutie patiotie.
•He has a soft spot for animals.
•Good with autistic people.
•Secretly craves hugs!!!!!
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betterbemeta · 9 months
I feel like some things in the Jurassic World movies are actually a step backward in the science-fiction zone from Jurassic Park III. I think that was the one where it was revealed that the raptors had a 'language' and complex communication that implied not just 'intelligence' but 'sapience'-- and I understand that some people felt this jumped the shark a little.
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(yes I know its a dream sequence, SHUT UP, they went there,)
But I remember seeing it when I was little and it made perfect sense to follow the original beats of how the raptors were scary in previous movies because they could interact with human environments like doors. They could use deception, 'tactics' and could not easily be contained.
If you're implying that these are beings that can reason, and further acting as if this reasoning ability is more threatening than the reasoning ability of a chimpanzee or something, then you're not afraid of 'what' is hunting you, but 'who.'
And that they could have reasons beyond being hungry bloodthirsty animals to be aggressive toward you.
That you have imprisoned 'people' and not 'animals' or even 'beneath animals' (creatures that have no natural existence, creations, toys, etc.)
But there's something disappointing to me about the stuff with Blue and Chris Pratt and all of that. It feels more like the fantasy of an animal tamer at a circus who has mastery of dangerous creatures (something that most modern circuses have cut) than it feels like a relationship with an intelligent creature capable of complex communication.
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(Tell me how this is different from the image of a 'lion tamer' with a chair between him and his 'beasts?')
It doesn't even feel like the level of communication that you should be having with your dog, or cat. But the raptors of course obey Chris Pratt's fantasy expertise and fantasy rules surrounding their social behaviors because the point is to depict Chris's character as skillful. 'The right way to approach raptors' is whatever the writers want it to be, unlike real dogs, cats, horses, bears, big cats, etc.
In reality, there are a lot of failed 'animal whisperers' out there, hucksters that fake being an animal behaviorist to impose fantasy-like rules on animals while abusing them, and dominance-based trainers who get sued for animal abuse if they aren't attacked by the animals first.
The Jurassic World movies seem to mitigate this idea with that the raptors are not natural creatures (but living 'in the wild' seems to be a conclusion for at least one of them?) and that they vary in intelligence level, with Blue being the most intelligent. My issue with this is that complex communication required for coordination also requires multiple parties that understand it. Why aren't the raptors basically having constant misunderstandings between their differing mentalities, or misunderstanding their handler who doesn't seem to vary his approach between them?
Basically my point is. The place Jurassic Park was going, it was fine. You made Frankenstein's Monsters, classic sci-fi dilemma. It kind of sucks that they downgraded Dinosaur Frankensteins into... the emotional replacement for circus animals in the modern day when we know dancing bears and elephants aren't ethical. However 'cool' they are on their own, that type of creature in a narrative is there to demonstrate the bravery of their 'tamer' and any 'trust' the animal has with that tamer is just the same. It's not about any creature actually making its own decisions, let alone a highly intelligent one.
It doesn't really matter that Jurassic World movies try to have it both ways, with some lip service to 'respecting' the raptors, and sometimes other dinosaurs, showing the antagonists being 'disrespectful' by contrast. If we continued the themes from JPIII, the type of 'respect' that is supposedly the 'good' position, is not the kind of respect you'd want to give to a person.
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ren1327 · 4 months
Sorry for bad quality.
But I'm lowkey obsessed with Raptor Lady.
Do you not understand how cool it is to have another raptor trainer with an emotional bond with thier animals?
So freaking cool.
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
100 Feet and A World Away Lore Post
I said before if I won the first round of the TMNT AU Competition I'd put up a lore post of my separated (kinda) AU called "100 Feet and A World Away," which is really more of a reward for myself because now I get to ramble about my babies.
This is an AU I've been building in my head for some time and do eventually want to write a fic about. When? I do not know I have soooo many things I'm in the middle of right now but! hopefully! eventually!
So for now here's just some lore because I can't contain myself, I have to talk about this eventually haha. Like releasing a pressure valve.
without further ado
100 Feet and A World Away (a separated (kinda) AU) (aka the Shape of Water AU)
cw: dehumanization, child abuse (not by a parental figure), brief dismemberment (caused by Donnie, not TO him)
quick note: in this AU the age gap between April and the boys is bigger than in canon because it just made things logistically easier; April is 20 and the boys are their S1 ages (15/14/13)
everything up through Lou Jitsu escaping with the boys from Draxum's lab happens as in canon
a few years later (when the boys are about 5/4/3), Splinter goes out to get supplies, leaving the boys in what he thinks (hopes) is a safe place (he doesn't have a lot of choices). He comes back to find the boys have disappeared.
he won't know what happened to them for 10 years
they were spotted by a human sanitation worker, who called animal control, who were like "what the hell is this" and got a Shady Military-affiliated Corporation involved. The boys are taken to a lab to be studied and, once their sturdiness and combat potential are observed, trained to be used for combat by the US Military.
the boys didn't go quietly, at least not Raph and Donnie, who viciously bit and tried to run; they were shocked and sedated. Leo, who had Mikey, saw this and decided to comply because he didn't want them to hurt his little brother. Mikey was too young to understand what was happening so his reaction was mostly just to cry.
Splinter had told the boys never to talk to humans, and the boys take this to heart, hushing up and never speaking to the humans even once they're taken to the lab. As a result, the humans know they have large brains but still assume they only have the intelligence of an ape at best. They treat them like animals, really the comparison I keep thinking of is the raptors in Jurassic World lol: something scary but with the hopes that they will eventually act like attack dogs.
to be clear revealing they could talk wouldn't have helped them much so it's for the best
the boys are given serial numbers when they arrive at the lab but the scientists call them by numbers as a shorthand based on the order they were processed in:
Mikey is Turtle 1
Leo is Turtle 2
Raph is Turtle 3
Donnie is Turtle 4
because Raph and Donnie acted aggressively, the scientists were afraid they would attack each other as well as Leo and Mikey, so they decided to isolate the two of them. On the flip side, because Leo and Mikey were more docile and Leo kept holding onto Mikey, they decided to keep the two of them together. An experiment in isolation vs socialization
as a result, the boys have not seen each other for the last decade, with the exception of two Incidents that I won't be detailing in this post (gotta keep a few secrets lol)
the boys are put through harsh training in an attempt to "tame" them and train them to attack/kill soldiers as ordered. they're also run through tests to determine things like their mental capacity and problem solving skills. there's no like medical testing/experimentation on them in this AU though it's mostly like if they do bad they get shocked and also the scientists/trainers don't really have compunctions against hitting them or muzzling them.
when not in training they live in their own zoo-like enclosures inside sterile rooms, much like the one in Shape of Water which is part of why the AU is the Shape of Water AU lol
April is an aspiring investigative journalist who just saw her first success uncovering some shady dealings in a supposedly non-profit organization
she receives a tip about something strange happening in an otherwise normal lab and testing facility just outside NYC's city limits
she's expecting to find illegal animal testing or bioweapons research
instead she finds Turtle Four
has been isolated this whole time and as a result is more than a little feral, but not so much that he can't talk. he just has absolutely no sense of social etiquette (my inspiration is the bit in Rat Flu where he says "Make him say yessssah" and HEY BOY IT'S ME THE PS5-)
also he's still autistic but he hasn't learned to mask at all so he acts in a way the humans find weird and unsettling
thinks the humans around him are all idiots and he's so much smarter and better than them. basically his canon superiority complex has ratcheted up to 100 because he has no respect for these guys at all
makes regular escape attempts so lab security just keeps adding more and more obstacles (like an electric fence around his enclosure and steel doors to the room)
probably could have escaped by now but he always doubles back for his brothers and that's how he always gets caught by The Hunter
not as good with tech as his canon counterpart but only because he hasn't been allowed to read or study anything while he's been stuck here, so he only knows as much as he's pieced together messing with things in his enclosure and observing the humans. he's learned a LOT even this way (which is why he knows he's a genius!) but his thirst for knowledge is immense and he wants to get out so he can read books! break things and put them back together! use the internet!
has built up an entire imagined scenario of how things will be once he finally does break himself and his brothers out of there and I'm sure that everything will go exactly how he's expecting and there will be no hiccups at all :)
no longer has any attachment to the name Donatello and thinks of himself as Turtle Four, though he does remember being called Purple too
thinks their dad has abandoned them and doesn't really have any hope that he's looking for them
has a lot of scars on his body from his many many escape attempts and punishments, but most noticeably a scar along his jaw on the left side of his face
has been with Mikey this whole time so is still much more socialized, lucid, and "human" acting compared to Donnie
has poured all his energy since coming here into being Mikey's Big Brother and making sure things are safe and comfortable for him, being upbeat and positive for his sake, trying to make him laugh and keep him happy to the best of his ability, and generally just doing his normal canon thing but pushed to 11
this façade is the only thing keeping him going and god help him if it cracks
the scientists realized early on that it's easier to get Leo to comply if they threaten/hurt Mikey so Leo is scared of going out of line and just a big ball of guilt 24/7
due to An Incident he has a scar on the right side of his face that matches Donnie, and he doesn't particularly trust Donnie as a result. wishes he would stop his escape attempts because it makes the scientists cranky and they take it out on him and Mikey
still insists their dad is coming for them, if only to keep Mikey's hopes alive
inwardly pretty sure they're going to die here
is the only one who has seen Raph since their initial separation and refuses to talk about it
I'll Keep These Feelings Inside And Then I'll Die
still fully associates with the name Leo
fully aware that Leo's putting on act for his sake, but if being a Big Brother is what he needs to keep going then he'll be the Little Brother he needs
knows it's unhealthy but what are they supposed to do?
feels guilt for being used as leverage against Leo
fascinated by humans even though he knows they hurt him regularly
once he saw a scientist doodling and his mind expanded by 1000%. the scientist drew him eventually and he's wanted so bad to do art ever since
the previous bullet point sounds like it's leading to a wholesome interaction but it is not, I'm sorry I mislead you
not as sure that their dad will save them as he lets Leo think he is; he has faith that their dad loves them and is still looking for them but also thinks Donnie is right that they should be helping themselves so they can get back to him
generally has more faith in their brothers than Leo does
can destroy you but chooses not to
still fully associates with the name Mikey
has gone full savage; it's a defense mechanism
his memories are still there, but they're so deep in his mind he currently only accesses them as vague feelings and sensations
still knows his family by scent, if not by sight
gentle giant when he's surrounded by Familiar Smells, very very aggressive when surrounded by Unfamiliar Smells
he's so dangerous the scientists don't interact with him much, which doesn't help the situation
thinks of himself as "it," when he thinks of himself at all
uncovering the real Raph would take a safe place and time and patience and he isn't getting any of that here!
was just trying to live her life man
dating Sunita but presently bummed that Sunita has rejected her suggestion that they move in together (it's because Sunita hasn't broken the whole "I'm actually a slime monster" news to her yet and isn't sure how, but April doesn't know that so she just thinks Sunita isn't as serious as she is)
when she meets Donnie he scares the absolute shit out of her at first
her first instinct is to get away from this whole mess ASAP, but then she realizes Donnie is just a kid and she can't just leave him in there
then he reveals he has 3 brothers and no he is NOT leaving without them
what has she gotten herself into...
is undoubtedly and irrevocably Big Sis April by the end
never once stopped looking
finally found a lead that seemed legit but would need a human to help him get inside
found out about a young intrepid reporter looking for tips........
and that's all I'll say now ;)
The Hunter
basically the evil Robert Muldoon (from Jurassic Park)
I haven't named him yet sorry
his job is to catch the turtles if they escape, and he also participates in their training
fully aware that the turtles are more intelligent than they let on, thinks this just makes them more exciting to hunt
Donnie is basically his archnemesis (having a 14-year-old archnemesis is kind of cringe though bro)
will hurt them and doesn't feel bad about it
is missing a finger thanks to Donnie (I did say this was a Shape of Water inspired AU lol)
This was probably a little thin in places so if you are interested and have questions ask me! Wheeeeeeee~
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xxcherrycherixx · 13 days
Can we talk about how disappointing both the other raptor handlers are compared to the handler in chaos theory?
Like owen and soyona are nowhere near as powerful as her when it comes to the control of the raptors. Owen's ones literally tried to kill him and the special one who is meant to care about him still tries to fucking kill him occasionally! (I mean understandable, chris pratt has a very killable face)
Soyona is meant to be all about breeding them to be loyal- yet the atrociraptors have to use lasers and audio to attack? What? they likely dont even like her- we never see her interact with them, shes always far away from them which makes me believe she has barely any control of them- she has to use recorded raptor calls to even call them, they arent coming to her, theyre coming to what they think is another raptor.
Now the handler- that woman is everything those two wish they were. The only character in the entire franchise to have an actual bond with a carnivore. Actually, not just one carnivore- but atleast THREE of the fuckers. To make it even funnier- its the exact same group of atrociraptors that soyona fails to have any sort of bond with! The atrociraptors have no need for recorded raptor sounds or lasers- they follow simple whistle command, and not evwn just commands for attack, no they also respond to commands to retreat and follow.
But guess what, it gets crazier. Because not only do they follow commands- they are shown to actually like their handler. They arent just following commands because they hve been trianed to like with owen and soyona, they follow the commands because they actively see the handler as their leader and part of the family. They alert her to things, they surround her protectively from threats, they show fucking actual affection to her. They will let her pet them and hold their faces, allow her to rub her face against their own- scratch that they enjoy when she presses her face against theirs and even cuddles into the touch!
basically, how the fuck am i meant to think of owen or soyona as great raptor trainers, when theres a woman who actually has full control over her raptors? How am i meant to find soyona an intimidating villain when theres another woman who does a much better job than her at using the atrociraptors as loyal hunting dogs?
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dearinglovebot · 19 days
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jurassic world if it was AWESOME (the raptor trainer and operations manager are in a lesbian situationship)
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Alt universe for batfam. raptor style
Have you ever wondered what if Bruce Wayne was a raptor trainer. Like Jurrasic Park. As if the kids were raptors instead. Something tells me Bruce would have just as many grey hairs. With just as many fights and consumption of cereal and coffee.
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