#raph stans go off i guess
astaroth1357 · 1 year
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Excuse me, sir, but do I know you?
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dreamstormdragon · 5 months
Sorry for another ask but I am curious I know you said you can relate to Raph and Don is your fav. I will get to the point lol. What is your opinion on Raph? For the iterations you have seen of course
Oh this a welcomed one!
I adore Raph. He's one of my favorite character types - the gruff, protector who inside has this heart of gold, he just has to work through some stuff.
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Rise Raph, will be first to go in this department, what a himbo, what a gem, what a sweetie. He's still got some of his rage, but he's more so the protector of the family. I love details like the bandage on his chest, that smile. His interactions with his brothers and April are so funny and wholesome. (The Lair Games and The Clothes Don't Make the Turtle are my favorite episodes for some choice brotherly moments)
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Then we get to 2003 Raph, who is the one I first saw, the one who made me adore the character as a whole. This is the one I related to the most, because of the mix of his heartfelt moments, mixed with sometimes being too much.
Shoutouts to Lone Raph and Cub, for being the best Raphael episode. This boy just wants to save his loved ones and his brothers and father, bring out the best in him. Meet Casey Jones is another great Raph episode, because we see how Raph can turn OUT if he's not careful (and showing his merciful side, which I feel like is a character trait, that doesn't get talked about enough?)
Like, this boy could've laid Casey out, truly could've beat the snot outta him and left him hanging, but he DIDNT'.
I also, really appreciate in Hunted the way that Raph specifically wanted to *wrestle* with Leatherhead. There was no fear of his strength or his temper, just full out respect. I remember I read this AMAZING fict, btw involving them by Halogalapaghost: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53261914 Oh my gosh SO GOOD.
I really enjoyed the storylines they gave Raph, throughout 03, because he was trying to be better from what he was - even though, some of it was still his pissing contest with Leo, but ohhh so good... and Same as It Never Was Raph?
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(Oh man, do not get me started on SAINW. DO NOT GET ME STARTED-)
This is gonna turn into just a 2003 Raph post, if I'm not careful. He's my SECOND favorite next to Donnie if y'all haven't guessed yet.
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Oh who am I kidding? Raph's always got rizz. It's just a matter if the writers will LET HIM HAVE A W.
Raphael Meets his Match was one of my favorite episodes of 1987 for that very reason. He's snarky, he will OBLITERATE you verbally, but this dude had rizz!!!
Honestly, he always makes me laugh.
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Oh man, this totally gave me a type when I was 11... Gruff, armored, badass motorcycle, I was fresh off my Sonic phase (yes I was a Shadow stan, let's just get that outta the way now)
My Linkin Park listening, Shadow the Hedgehog loving self, was fresh off of getting caught up on 03 when this dropped.
That movie had no right being that fun. I know it's up in the air whether or not it's ACTUALLY 03 canon but it hurts no one to think it is so I consider this Raph to just be the 19 year old ver of 03 Raph. Lot of time to grow and adjust. The Nightwatcher look for him, was SO good and that scene where he's fighting that demon? LOVED IT. Still die laughing to this day.
I need to read the 07 comics, because I know there's a Nightwatcher origin comic.
The fight between this Raph and Leo too... this was one where, Raph had some good points. Leo had issues to work through but then he comes back and just expects everyone to be ready to go back to how it was... and Raph's been keeping things in check, while Don and Mikey tried to keep them financially afloat, (frick I should've included 07 Donnie too, but again *points to "I see them as the same just older"*) and Raph had to keep the city SAFE.
Some of the BEST ficts I ever read, involved that fight in the rain. Mmm that was good HOT SOUP
But then... my favorite Raphael of all time...
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IDW Raphael is everything, I love about him and more. He's this protector, he's still got his temper, but his bonds with his family, with Casey, with Alopex...
It's just all coming together so nicely and I ADORE moments like these, where we see him calm, where we see his SMILE. WHere everything in his world, for just ONE MOMENT is all right. Where he's okay.
I love that and I adore Raph/Alopex, I love it more than RaphXMona. (I ALSO LOVE THIS ONE. IT'S GOOD BUT RAPHLOPEX IS MY OTP)
And I do not have an opinion yet on Mutant Mayhem Raph YET, but we will get there.
Thank you for coming to my RAPH APPRECIATION HOUR!
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temunitu · 2 years
Okay question!
These can be specific versions of turtles too:
Who is your favorite turtle:
The one you relate to the most:
The one you dislike the most (or just least favorite):
Turtle who you think is the most underrated:
Turtle who you think is the most overrated:
Turtle who you think gets too much hate (or the most criticism)
Turtle who you'd be best friends with:
And Turtle who you'd be mortal enemies with:
I SHOULDN’T BE SO STOKED TO DO THIS. also @ anyone who wants to: you can fill this out and reblog or reply with it. i love reading y’all’s opinions
read more cuz i’m gonna overdo it and go into why
Favorite: i think you can probably guess it’s 2003 mikey since i am an open book. love that he’s unapologetically a menace to society but put all his points toward charisma so he can get away with it. it might’ve been rise mikey had we seen more of him, he’s a close second.
Relatable: this was so tough but i think 90s raph might be the most relatable to me??? at least. when i was like 15. sir you try to act all tough and scream “DAMN” from the rooftops. just angsting it up. i love that for him, that was me at 15. get him into therapy, it helps <3
Dislike/least fav: 2012 donnie. you know why.
Underrated: i see like. zero love for the 90s movies (i know 2 and 3 weren’t as good but 1 DESERVES MORE LOVE). the turtles in it are fantastic and there’s some lines that are just. PEAK sibling inside joke energy. (i am talking about donnie and mikey’s “fight?” “fight.” “kitchen?” “kitchen.” “pork rind?” “pork rind.”)
Overrated: i love the rise leo kinnies and stans. and leo clearly has a lot going on. but it has been done over and over and over so much that i am so tired of it. this same thing happened with rise donnie when the show was coming out. post-movie it’s been all about leo, so… both of them are kinda overrated to me
Too much hate/criticism: i have like, a warped sense of what’s popular and what gets criticized since i tend to stick to my own corner of the internet, but… for me, it’s fast forward and back to the sewers. i watched those pretty early and they’re special to me for whatever reason, but the changes feel REALLY different and i think it was mainly due to execs worried about making money so they cut the budget (and/or execs thinking they had to ‘lighten’ up the show for a broader audience and to not piss off parents). there’s a LOT of cool ideas in both but especially fast forward. btts got chopped halfway through. idk, a canceled show can’t be… bad to me? cuz i can’t help but see that the creators tried their damnedest with the time they had.
Best friend: HARD QUESTION but i think it would be rise raph? we’d be the mom friends of the group since we’re both older siblings. he’s similar enough to get along with but different enough that he’s not a carbon copy of me where we’d grate on each other’s nerves, y’know? if i met 2003 raph we’d argue too much to be besties
Mortal enemy: not a turtle but. i want to fight whoever decided that the tmnt weren’t “technically” brothers in the next mutation. FOR WHAT? SO YOU COULD HAVE THEM MAKE WEIRD COMMENTS ABOUT VENUS?? IM KICKING UR ASS SISTER VENUS WOULD’VE BEEN SO MUCH CUTER
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critter-core · 1 year
Part 2 of my rambly post
Part 1 is here Now, you may have noticed I haven't talked about any characters other than the four main turtles we follow the story of. I think that in general, a show about four teenage mutant ninja turtles should at least have the best character designs physically and internally, which is why they're the main point of this post. I will briefly go over other characters real quick though, and I'm sorry if I don't remember the names of all of them. Splinter first, since he, with April, is probably the 5th and 6th most important/iconic character. Splinter's physical character design is genuinely so cool. They could have easily just made him a grey rat-like in Rise, but it does make me worry if the animators and 3D modelers spent more time on him than the main heroes, because his physical design is honestly incredible. I do think personality-wise, he's kinda similar to Rise, which I like, but I do agree that in Rise, the father figure is more like a grunkle stan insert. Which can be good or bad depending on how you look at it. I personally don't mind it, but he isn't gonna be my favorite character, I'll say that right off of the bat. April O Neil, I'll be honest, I kind of love Rise's interpretation. She seems a lot more wild-style crazy rebel of a character than in 2012. In 2012, she seems a lot more fire personality which is kind of understandable considering the plot has her lose her dad I guess. I dunno, just seems kind of flat though. Like, she seems mildly bothered by losing her dad and then goes straight to "I will have my revenge" which kinda sounds flat to me. I will be absolutely brutally true that this may just be because I didn't get much of her character yet, but I dunno, I love April from Rise a bit better. And design wise? Eh, she's okay. I kinda like that the TMNT franchise in general is going for a more black April, not just for 'getting to say they have a clear black character in their series now' but also because I think it fits April a bit better honestly. I dunno. I know this post in general may tick off a lot of people because there's a lot of nostalgia that plays into how much you like a show, especially when it's an older version, but just please note that this is my opinion. In the end, I just struggle to, and sadly probably won't be able to watch 2012 TMNT because it just kinda doesn't tick what I liked in Rise. I feel like the characters kinda aren't great, both in appearance and personality design, and I think the visual quality of the show is a bit lack-luster and kinda uncanny at times. I think it also doesn't help that as an ost enthusiast, I found Rise to have an absolute banger ost. The intro (I think a remix of the original from 2012, but it might have dated earlier), is an absolute banger! The fighting music and a lot of the tracks in specific situations are great and gosh I wish the soundtrack of Rise could be found somewhere, but I only found the movie track. If you want a clear ost example but don't want to watch the whole Rise show just to find some, I fell in love with the ost from the Baron Draxum fight in the literal first episode. There's also a motif I fell in love with that played a lot throughout the movie. I most remember it playing in the fight between Leo and Raph though. I notice I'm rambling again, and although this whole post was a ramble, I could go on and on about the ost of Rise, so we should probably conclude this (practically an) essay. Despite what it may sound like, I would actually love to hear your opinions on the shows too, if you'd like to repost this with your thoughts or leave a note I would enjoy reading them as long as they're decently respectful. I wish I could like 2012, but I guess it may just not be for me.
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beetlegoose01 · 2 years
The Problem with Rise Apriltello
An analysis by Pepperimp01, aka Char, aka me 
Well, it’s been a total of about a week since I last pissed off the Rise of the TMNT fandom, so I suppose I better do it again. 
I’d like to clarify before I begin that I will not be comparing Rise Apriltello to any past Apriltello versions (mainly 2012), because it seems irrelevant to talk about it. Whatever your opinion on that ship, does not apply here. Good? Good! 
Uh, spoilers for Rise btw. 
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I’d also like to start by saying I adore Rise April. She is probably my favorite character overall in Rise. I love her personality, her design, her growth, and her character development that ends with her becoming a Hamato. It actually makes me tear up every time she has the final moment with Karai.
My issue with Apriltello has little to do with her, actually. To be honest, the idea of her being childhood friends with the turtles is adorable and makes my heart melt to think about. My problem is actually with Donnie. 
(If you're a Rise Donnie stan, I beg you to read the entire thing before you harass me,,,, again)
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Donnie is not a good friend. 
When I was first in the fandom, I really loved Rise Donnie and April’s friendship. I thought it was such a nice change of pace from the past TMNT verse to have them just be cool buds instead of awkward love interests. And at first, I was right. Early on, in the episodes War and Pizza and the Purple Jacket respectively, Donnie goes out of his way to help April, even putting himself in danger to do so. 
Unfortunately in the latter episode, Donnie also proceeds to blame April for his own mistakes. She did warn him in the beginning about the Purple Dragons, and he ignored her for his own selfish reasons. Donnie, we all know can’t admit when he’s wrong and has an ego larger than his forehead as his only personality trait, so I guess that should be expected. 
“April: I warned you about those guys.
Donnie: You said they were full of themselves not that they were criminal masterminds. So in a small sense, this is entirely your fault.” 
-The Purple Game
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This example is relatively minor and was a joke so I’m not going to harp too much about it. However, there is one episode that still bugs me and that is Donnie Vs. Witch Town. 
My god. Donnie is at his worst in this episode (and that’s saying something considering he's selfish and insufferable for most of the series). All April wanted to do was visit Witch Town and get help on her project. Instead of supporting his supposed best friend, Donnie proceeded to act like a jealous boyfriend and sulk the entire time, even sabotaging everything for her. He mansplained and disrespected the witches, and even got April arrested for something HE did. He was the one who got her banned, it was entirely his fault and you know what? I’d maybe forgive it if he, I dunno, apologized? He apologized to the witches, sure, but he never apologized to April for ruining everything for her. 
No, apologizing is too much work for the “precious purple bean”, and he decided it would be a great idea to make it all about him.
“April: Why are you so obsessed with proving me wrong on this?
Donnie: Because, I’m the Science Guy! If mystic powers can do everything I can do but better, then why would you guys even need me?”
- Donnie vs Witch Town.
This is actually a really common manipulative tactic used to make the other person apologize, or alternatively, comfort the abuser. April should not have been the one to comfort him and he should not have gone on his “poor me” tangent. It’s really sad that Donnie actually showed more compassion towards a robot, rather than his best friend. At least with S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, he apologized. Too bad he can't do the same for April.
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In conclusion? Raph should be April's best friend over Donnie.
I guess all we can hope is that Donnie will be better in the movie. Although if you saw my Andy and Russ callout post, that might not be likely.
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aprils2ndhandshop · 3 years
can i request the 2003 raph, don and mikey with a sweet, anti-social, shy girl? thank you cowabunga!!!
Raphael, Donatello & Michelangelo w/ a shy, anti-social girl ‘03
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Sorry King Leo and all my Leo stans!
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Summary; how each of these turtles would treat a shy s/o, their plan to approach a shy girl and how their relationship would function in relations to how shy she is. 
Notes from me; hey everyone! I’m sorry for the slow posting, I’m super busy at the moment so it’s hard to work on this blog. I will try to post again soon! Enjoy dudes!
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Raph would, in many ways, come to appreciate your humble nature.
In the beginning, his intense observation of your shy demeanour revolved around his curiosity. He became determined to better understand you like you were a mystery he needed to unravel. 
His initial curiosity quickly became romantic the closer he got to you, the more he came to realize how thoughtful the person behind the quietness was. 
Raph being a guy that struggles with emotional intelligence admires your ability to observe and understand the moods and vibes in the room. 
Your ability to read people is something his brothers also admire in you, especially at the thought of how beneficial it would be for their hot-head brother to be able to experience first hand.
"Raph and y/n?"
"Never thought Raphie boy would be into such a sweet, shy girl!"
"Guess love really is unpredictable."
Although Raph enjoys a loud and rowdy time on a special occasion, he much more enjoys the peaceful moments with you. His hostility is something that would solely exist in his training if it wasn't for his insecurity and anxiety; by nature, he is calm and values quiet time.
Everything surrounding Raph has been chaotic since his childhood; he and his brothers clearly don’t lead normal lives - to have something so sweet and soothing is a luxury he can't lose. 
Eventually, the thought of you becomes enough to bring him back down to his sanity, enough to help him sleep through the night and avoid unnecessary anger.
Due to your quietness, Raph becomes much more attentive; he is always sure to address you if something feels unusual.
“Hey baby, you seem off. There something you wanna tell with me?”
"No Raph, I'm okay."
Knowing very well you aren't being honest with him, he scoops you up in his arms and places you into his lap to talk.
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Donatello would initially be intimidated by you. Despite being labelled the smart brother, he fumbles a bit with you, struggling to wrap his mind around something so beautiful being so shy and anti-social. 
Being inexperienced with humans, he naturally subscribed to the belief that beauty equates to confidence. This belief drove him to believe that it wasn't shyness keeping you from talking to him - you were simply too good for him.
Of all people, Donnie knew better than to judge somebody by their appearance, yet with you, that proved to be more difficult.
But don't worry he comes around.
"Y/n, I had no idea that was you would be into such..."
"Dorky stuff? You can say it, Don, it's not a bad word."
You bond over common interests, nerdy interests he never imagined you would have, quickly after his fears of a pretty girl disliking him would fade.
Once Donnie can pass his insecurity barrier,  your shyness evolves from intimidating to charming!
He finds our adorable shyness so charming that he develops an inability to ever say no to you - a deadly one.
"Don? Can I eat some of these cookies? You don't think Raph would mind, right?"
Oh no, those are Raph's cookies... He'll kill me.
"Of course you can, beautiful."
Raph was not happy...
Donatello would encourage you to branch out. Although a selfish part of him would love to suck up all of your free time, it's not the life he wants you to live. You're such a sweet girl and he knows you could make friends easily.
When you become buddies with his elder brother, Leonardo, he is over the moon - especially after hearing you open up with Leo and seek advice from him.
"She's good for you, Don. I really like her."
 Initially, Donatello was scared that your shyness would keep you hidden from his family so witnessing you gain their love is super significant for him.
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Mikey is drawn to you right away, finding your shyness to be endearing and absolutely adorable. From the moment he met you, he wanted nothing more than protect something so sweet from all the bitterness of the world.
He essentially views you as some modern-day princess or earth-dwelling angel.
Although he has a thing for shy girls, he's never really put thought into it and has no idea how to approach you. Being the loud goofball he is, he worries that you'll stray away from him or be discouraged by his bold personality.
He tones himself down just for you.
"Hey, y/n/n!"
"You're Michelangelo, right?"
"Yeah! You can call me Mikey though if you want!"
In the beginning, he is determined to be as mellow and soft around you as possible - he does not want to mess up his chance with you!
This change in Mikey shocks his family. Master Splinter specifically, is touched by his son's compassion, yet he refuses to let it go on for too long. He takes the time to explain how important it is for Mikey to be himself with you, especially considering how much he seems to like you.
"Why would you do that, Mikey? You being goofy would never change how I look at you."
"I just wanted to be sure you'd like me."
"I really like you."
Looking back on how your relationship started now, both you and Mikey get a good laugh from it.
Although your shyness isn't as prominent when you're alone with Mikey, he still appreciates the little hints of your nervousness that pop up from time to time: occasional studders, emotional fluster when he flirts, hiding your face from him.
"You're so cute, angel cakes!"
He fanboys over your cuteness from time to time.
Michelangelo may be a chaotic goofball but his attentiveness towards you was never faked - he wants nothing more than to keep you safe and happy.
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turtlethon · 2 years
“Michelangelo Meets Mondo Gecko”
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Season 5, Episode 5 First US Airdate: September 14, 1991
Mikey returns to where the Turtles were mutated and encounters a half-boy, half-lizard.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles season five continues with “Michelangelo Meets Mondo Gecko”. This is the only episode of the series written by Gary Greenfield, and aired as the second half of a double-bill with “My Brother, the Bad Guy”.
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After Michaelangelo wakes the other Turtles due to a recurring nightmare, Splinter steps in. Using a medallion to place his student in a deep sleep, he has Mikey recount his dream’s events. We flash back to the fateful moment when a boy carrying a bowl containing the four Turtles would trip, leading them to fall through a grate into the sewers. We originally saw these events unfold all the way back in the very first episode of the show, “Turtle Tracks”, though this retelling of their origin is done with entirely new footage.
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Eagle-eyed viewers of the show will notice that this version soon diverges from what we saw in season one. Here, the Turtles land in the mutagen immediately, whereas the original story had Hamato Yoshi find them and discover they had wandered into a puddle of mutagen later. Note, too, that mutagen was originally a pink/purple colour. Beginning with season four, the show adopted green as the standard colour for the ooze, in line with its usual depiction in other TMNT media, and so that’s how it appears here.
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Michaelangelo remembers seeing a baby lizard emerge from the cracks between the bricks of the sewer walls and join the Turtles in the mutagen. It’s seen being picked up by a shadowy man with a large collar. Mikey screams in terror, despite never being in any danger and not knowing the lizard; I guess the idea here is that the mystery man was just that scary.
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Raphael is his typical wry self and doesn’t put much stock in Mikey’s dream. Splinter suggests that it might not be as fanciful as it seems, and that “what seems to be fantasy often proves to be reality”. This is the second episode in a row that’s opened with Splinter’s supposed wise teachings being the most obvious, redundant platitudes: sometimes people don’t believe things that turn out to be true, no shit.
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A fun gag follows where Leo, Donnie and Raph all complain that they’re never going to be able to get back to sleep now, before immediately all being out like a light. Michaelangelo is still up, however, and is fixated on learning more about what happened. He leaves the confines of the Lair, spending hours wandering around trying to solve this mystery. Eventually Mikey winds up standing beneath a grate that he’s convinced was the one from his dream, and logically, given the amount of time that has passed, that should be the end of it. For the purposes of the story, however, we continue.
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Above ground, three hoodlums are seen robbing a bank: the quiff-sporting Sluggo, plus-sized crook Basher and a third individual in a long, hooded coat. Mikey confronts the trio, and as he has no weapons of any practical use nowadays – his character model doesn’t even include his nunchucks anymore, following their gradual phasing out last season – all he can do is charge at Basher, bouncing off his belly and flying into a nearby wall. He then gets hurled into a trash can, which is kicked downhill. I’ve never seen any of the Turtles get their ass handed to them by some random unarmed guy in this manner; this is truly a new low.
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April and Stan arrive at the bank to cover the robbery. Our ace reporter interviews the Chief of Police, and as is so often the case in TMNT, the cops are entirely incapable of providing assistance and clueless as to what is going on. The Chief reveals he knows nothing about the robbery, and only happened to be on the scene as he was depositing his paycheck.
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We briefly check in with the other Turtles, who muse over breakfast as to where Michaelangelo has wandered off to. Elsewhere in the sewers, Mikey has another encounter with the hooded robber, who rides a skateboard through the tunnels while carrying the standard cartoon sack of money (sans dollar sign). The thief winds up skating into an area that’s a dead end, and with his back literally against the wall is forced to reveal his true identity as Mondo Gecko, a mutant lizard.
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Act two opens with Mondo Gecko using his tail attack, before turning Michaelangelo’s grappling hook against him, tying the Turtle up on a sewer pipe – his second humiliating defeat in the space of a single morning. The mutant gecko escapes, but Mikey is able to follow him thanks to the tracks left by his skateboard. Playing spy, he sneaks around a run-down warehouse and sees Mondo, Basher and Sluggo checking in via radio with their boss, the mysterious villain “Mr. X”. The trio are given instructions for their next raid, this time of a military truck that will be carrying a new and “devastating” explosive device. Mr. X explains that his plan is to only return the invention in exchange for an astronomical sum of money.
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When Basher and Sluggo briefly exit the room to retrieve some dynamite for the mission, Michaelangelo steps in to confront Mondo Gecko again. This backfires when the other two crooks return, and Mikey soon suffers his third defeat of the day, this time getting thrown in a net for his efforts. He’s about to be fed to an improbable pool of sharks installed in the warehouse, but Mondo has second thoughts, suggesting that they should take him to be punished my Mr. X directly instead.
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A still-restrained Michaelangelo is left in the back of a pick-up truck while the three hoodlums carry out their plan, knocking a tree onto the road and forcing the military convoy to halt. Mondo, Sluggo and Basher hijack the military truck containing the explosive device, hurling Mikey in the trailer and driving off to Mr. X’s hideout.
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Mikey is able to use his Turtlecom to make initial contact with the Turtles, but Basher steps in to destroy it before he can relay his location. April is also on the scene, riding a news cycle as she covers the robbery of the truck for Channel 6. Leonardo asks her to steer clear of the situation due to the danger involved. April agrees, only to immediately turn around and follow the truck anyway: she’s not about to let go of such a big story so easily.
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While Mondo Gecko orders his allies to dispose of the truck, the Turtles are tracking Michaelangelo’s “bio-genetic infrared code” from aboard their blimp. They determine that he’s at Devil’s Mountain, and set a course to travel there immediately.
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Act two ends with Sluggo convincing Basher to murder Michaelangelo by sending the truck he’s in over a cliff with a thousand-foot drop. When we return from commercials, the two villains continue to cackle as the vehicle is seen hurtling downhill. Mondo Gecko steps in, furious at his allies for their behaviour. He uses his skateboard to catch up with the truck, jumping on-board and retrieving Mikey moments before the military vehicle goes up in flames.
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Michaelangelo announces his surprise at being rescued by someone he had pegged as a villain. Mondo explains that he doesn’t know why he came to the aid of Mikey, his actions being purely instinctive; now back to his normal self, he holds the Turtle at gunpoint and marches him back to Mr. X’s home.
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The Turtle Blimp arrives on the scene, and upon seeing the wreckage of the truck our heroes are briefly under the impression that Michaelangelo has perished. Raphael is even tearful for a moment before the team notice that his life signs are still present. Our heroes head off in pursuit, with April travelling in the same direction.
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Mr. X is seen in a Dr. Claw setup, his appearance largely obscured by the back of his chair, as he demands five billion dollars from the military over the phone. If they don’t comply in the next seven minutes, then it’ll be “kablooey”. (Who is he going to blow up seven minutes from now given the super-explosive device is in his home isolated at the top of a mountain, other than himself?) When Mondo brings in Michaelangelo, Mr. X turns around to reveal his true identity, which I can only describe as “Norman Tebbit dresses as Colonel Sanders for Halloween”. Mikey immediately picks up on this being the man who he was having nightmares about; through a flashback, we see him picking the baby lizard out of the mutagen.
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Mondo Gecko is ordered by Mr. X to execute Michaelangelo; when he expresses his reluctance, X tells him that “either you finish him, or I finish you!” before storming out of the room. For his final wish, Mikey asks Mondo to return a pendant to his mother, and presents it to the lizard. In reality, this is the same trinket that Splinter used while performing hypnosis earlier. Our resident Party Dude now uses the same tactic against his captor, placing him in a trance and having him recount his own origin story.
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More flashbacks follow as Mondo recalls being picked up by Mr. X – it's never explained why – and taken back to the villain’s hideout. There, X raised Mondo as he grew into a half-lizard, half-boy, leading him into a life of crime. After ending the hypnosis, Mikey convinces Mondo that he’s not really villainous, but was indoctrinated to believe he was. Mr. X, Sluggo and Basher return and are about to open fire on the two mutants, but Basher manages to accidentally activate the military device.
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Mr. X has Michaelangelo in his sights when the Turtles break in, tying up Basher and Sluggo. Furious, X attempts to shoot Mondo instead. The lizard is saved by the intervention of Mikey, who knocks him out of the path of the ray gun’s blast. Michaelangelo goes on to use his grappling hook to hoist Mr. X up on one of the roof’s beams.
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April arrives and immediately declares that she wishes she had a camera to chronicle this “dynamite story”, before the Turtles explain that’s an unfortunate way of putting it, as the timer on the military device has been ticking down since Basher knocked it. Now there are less than twelve seconds remaining to deactivate the bomb. Donatello is forced to quickly choose which of the wires to cut, opting to go with the purple one and successfully stopping the timer. When pressed as to how he knew which one to choose, he reveals that he just went with his trademark colour.
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Mondo provides April with the sacks of money that he stole to return to the police. Now without a home, he suggests that perhaps he’ll return to the sewers. Michaelangelo is thrilled by this, and is quick to welcome the lizard as a new neighbour for the Turtles. Later, we see the team helping him to move furniture in, and a lot of gushing follows about how the green teens will now have a new ally living next door that they can call on in their daily adventures.  Mikey and Mondo head out to ride skateboards together, leaving the other Turtles to continue lugging furniture around.
(Sharp intake of breath through the nose)
No. No, no, no. I don’t care for this episode at all.
With more than a hundred adventures behind us, we’ve seen a multitude of different characters undergo some form of mutation, all of them under different circumstances. When you start meddling with the core aspects of the series and the origins of its central characters to squeeze another mutation out of it for a largely throwaway episode, that’s something else entirely. The retcon that the Turtles instantly wound up in the mutagen and Mondo Gecko also just happened to be there is, at best, a big ask for us as viewers who have been invested in the story of the green teens for years at this point, and at worst could be considered simply a gigantic middle finger to the audience. All of this for no real reason beyond shifting a few more units of one new action figure.
But wait! There’s more somehow.
Mondo’s mutation presumably is contingent on him having made contact with Mr. X, turning him half-human. But Mr. X, who must have had at least some exposure to the mutagen too, turns into... nothing? Splinter did much the same with the Turtles, and even if his transformation is confusing (because as we’ve covered previously, we saw with our own eyes that the last animal he’d been in contact with was not a rat, it was the Turtles themselves), at least he did change. If X had been an interesting new mutant enemy for the team to battle, we’d have that to chew on. Instead, we get one of the most laughably ineffectual big villains the Turtles have ever crossed paths with. Even his name suggests that this guy was a complete afterthought. Neither he, nor his henchmen Sluggo and Basher, will return. Good.
All of the Turtles are arguably diminished as a result of this episode meddling with the mythos behind their creation, but no-one comes out of it worse than poor Michaelangelo, who gets defeated by absolute schmucks over and over again. In-universe, it makes him look weakened due to the loss of his old weapons, and the fact that he gets to tie up Mr. X at the end does nothing to rebuild his credibility given that, as we’ve established, Mr. X sucks beyond belief. Mikey deserves better. We all deserve better.
Going off his toy’s file card you might expect that Mondo Gecko would be portrayed as a full-on Poochie, the most extreme radical dude possible, getting biz-zay consistently and thoroughly. For better or worse, we don’t really see much of that here. Instead, he’s largely handled as a cantankerous and gruff villain who just happens to also ride a skateboard, the need to keep his babyface turn until the end preventing him from ever becoming particularly likable. The ending of the episode suggests Mondo will be a regular fixture moving forward, but this won’t be the case: he’ll make one more appearance two years from now, in the late season seven adventure “Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter”.
Mondo’s role in the Archie TMNT Adventures comics is far more significant than his television portrayal, with the mutant lizard even appearing in the spin-off series “Mighty Mutanimals” alongside some other popular side characters like Leatherhead and Ray Fillet. His inclusion in the toy line at the height of Turtlemania seems to have boosted his profile despite only seeing a scant amount of TV time – call it “Ace Duck Syndrome”. The fact that Mondo would get a second action figure in 1992 suggests that Playmates were at least somewhat satisfied by the sales of his first toy; why they decided to dress him in full-on Woodstock hippie attire for his return to the line at the height of the grunge era is anyone’s guess.
I’m struggling to find anything positive to say here. There must have been some kids who had Mondo Gecko’s toy, or knew him from the comics, and I imagine they would have been excited to see him here, so there’s at least value in that. I suppose it’s not “Camera Bugged” bad, so that’s something? Definitely ranks alongside some of the all-time worst, though, next to “Michelangelo Toys Around” and the rest of the dreck from season four’s syndicated stretch. Given that our next episode, “Enter: Mutagen Man” will also introduce a new character from the toy line, I can only hope that it’ll be better than this.
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haziel-luz · 4 years
Own it..then Redeem it (2007!Leonardo x reader)
Chapter 3: Why me?
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You get out of your shift for the evening and go straight to April’s place to visit the guys and Splinter. You really missed the lair, and the guys as well. Thing’s felt pretty distant but you try your best to visit them when you can. It’s not that you wanted to avoid them, you just couldn’t deal with all those painful memories between you and Leo. Every square inch of that place reminded you of him, it was his home. However, you also had to remind yourself that it became your home as well.
Walking up to the top floor of April and Casey’s new home, you smiled on how they finally decided to move in together. April talked about how their penthouse was beautiful and roomy for both of them, also in case the turtles decided to crash for the night.
You knock on the pristine door and April opens it with the third knock.
“(Y/n)! I’m so glad you came. Come on in.” April opened the door wide open with a happy smile.
You walked in their penthouse and started staring at everything.
“Things have been going well between you two huh.” You smile at April and hug her as a greeting.
“Thanks to me of course.” April looked smug and you chuckled.
We walked to the living room and you saw Casey on the couch with a newspaper. He looked up and grinned at you.
“Hey there, ready to face ‘fearless’?” Casey sits up and puts the newspaper down.
April pats his head with her wooden sword as a warning. “What? She can take him if she wants to.” Casey pouts and rubs his head. You chuckle and hug him as well.
“Let’s hope it won’t come to that.” You smile at them.
“So, I called Donnie and asked when they’ll be done with their patrol, he says at 11, so we can wait a little until then.”  April informs and turns on the music while the t.v is on.
“Wanna spar a little, it’s been a while. I mostly practice by myself tho.” You ask and put your backpack purse beside the couch.
“Sure, I’ve been wanting to ask you anyways.” April smiles and makes her stance.
“Just don’t whine when you tap out.” You make a stance and grin while she playfully rolls her eyes.
While you and April were sparing with each other, Casey entertained himself a bit by watching the ‘cat fight’. That's what he calls it everytime you and April spar together. He then just looked at the newspaper when he saw a picture of Raph in his Nightwatcher outfit and started reading the section.
During the spar, you and April heard a familiar news that came in this morning.
“Witnesses say there are holes in the floors, as if something or someone had just blasted straight down through them. Leaving authorities ‘scratching their heads’.” The anchor raises an eyebrow.
You and April immediately stop and turn to the t.v screen. You turn to each other and things somehow make it a little more clear.
“So this confirms that he’s back then.” April raises an eyebrow at the construction site.
“Looks like it, the four of them together are trouble but effective. So whatever happened that night gave them motive to strike into the scene. Something big.” You try to analyze the situation.
“We’ve got an image in from an amateur cameraman, and I do stress amateur.” The anchor says showing the image of what seems like a statue man.
“Whoa, April, wasn’t that the statue you delivered to Winters from Central America?” You asked and turned to her.
“I think so..Casey come look at this.” April called out to Casey. When you both turned around, and he was gone. You figured that he went out playing ‘trick or treat’ again. April went close to the window and sighed. “Be safe.”
“Don’t worry, he can take care of himself. That guy can give and take more hits than I give him credit for.” You state and she chuckles. You both sat back down at the couch and looked at the t.v. The news ended but we still had suspicions about it.
“There’s just no way that those statues can come to life just like that.” April frowned a bit, thinking.
“From everything that we all went through April, anything is possible. Maybe someone, somehow activated those statues. Actually, there were alot of statues that Winters had collected. Maybe he had them for a reason.” You leaned forward and put your palm under your chin.
“Why would Winters even want moving statues-? Wait, how do you know he had a collection of statues?” April turned to you confused.
“I may or may not have been to his place before…” You chuckle nervously.
“Did you-?” April eyes widen and you stop her immediately.
“No! Oh god no. When we first met, I was at his Gala, my boss only wanted me there to speak about his business since he trusts me more than his other employees. Winter and I talked about it and made some agreement. Later on, he wanted to show me something that he hasn’t shown anyone before. I saw a room that was filled with alot of ancient scrolls, weapons, and familiar statues. That's actually when he offered to get some coffee with me one day.” You explained to her and she nodded in understanding.
“Why did he show you that?” April asks.
“I’m not sure, he said that he saw something special in me. Maybe it’s his way of getting girls?” You were trying to be sure that’s what it was.
“I guess, but that doesn’t explain why he-” April was cut off by a grunt from outside the window.
You both got startled and quickly made a defensive stance, but then you guys relaxed when it was just Casey...and Raph. Seeing Raph limp made you both worried and panicked.
“What happened to Raph?!” You got closer and tried to help him by getting Raph’s other arm moving him inside the apartment.
“I don’t know! There was a monster he wanted to go after, then the foot showed up, and walking statues. They hit him with this.” Casey showed a syringe and gave it to April.
“I’ll call Donnie.” April went quick to the phone. You told Casey to get a bowl of water and a towel while you check for injuries. Your eyes widen when you see a weapon that resembles a ninja star. It was deep in his shell and it felt like stone. An ancient weapon.
“They’re coming on their way. How’s he doing?” April asked, gently touching his arm. Raph’s head was on your lap while you wiped away the sweat on his face and neck.
“He’s breathing more normally now, but still a little woozy. Whatever was in that syringe really knocked him out.” You responded, dipping the towel in water to dab. The three of you were worried about Raph.
Your waiting was finally over once you heard a thud in front of the window. Mikey’s big smile showed and he opened the window to get inside, you smiled in relief. Two other thuds were joined which means that he’s back. Mickey stared at the whole apartment like you did before. Donnie came in after Mikey with an apologetic smile towards you. Leo then emerged into the window looking at all of us. You didn’t give a big smile like the rest of them.
“Leo! You came back.” April said happily.
“Leo!” Casey swings in his chair.
“Sorry the reunion isn’t under better circumstances.” Leo apologies and enters the apartment.
“Whoa-ho-ho! Nice pen kids.” Mikey smiles big at the apartment and then looks at Raph on my lap. “Oh, hey Raph.”
Donnie approached Raph and started checking on him.
“Well, his vital signs seem to be okay. Pupil dilation is normal.” He says.
“That’s not everything.” You say pointing to the back of Raph’s shell.
“Whoa!” Donnie turns Raph to see his shell.
“Whoa.” Mikey says in curiosity while Leo was concerned.
Donnie takes the weapon out and inspects it.
“Some sort of stone, probably obsidian I think.” Donnie analyzes and Leo walks up to Raph.
“Well is he gonna be alright?” Leo asks worriedly, he touches his brother's shoulder.
“Ugh, you're still here? Go back to the jungle.” Raph says with a little slur, shoves his hand away and lays back on your lap.
“Well, at least his personality is still intact.” Leo raises an eyebrow and shrugs.
“(Y/n)! I missed you.” Mikey hugged you tightly but made sure not to disturb Raph.
“I missed you too buddy.” You smiled and hugged him with one arm. You couldn’t bring yourself to talk to Leo or even make eye contact with him.
While April was explaining the story of ‘The Legend of Yaotl’, Raph sat up and you guided him to the kitchen to bandage his arm. He gave you a grumble ‘thanks’ and drank some water to freshen up. You smiled and you both walked back out to the living room.
“Well if you ask me guys, this has Winter's name written all over it.” Donnie told everyone and you were a little shocked about his answer.
“How did you figure that Donnie?” Leo asked, while Casey and Mikey agreed.
“Because, this has Winter’s name written all over it.” Donnie answers with a grin.
“Can I see that?” You asked and Donnie gave it to you, it really was true. What could Winters possibly gain from forming a relationship with me?
“Your rich boyfriend has goons now (Y/n)? Didn’t see that coming. Now I know who to thank for the shot in the arm. So where do we find this guy and his stone jokers?” Raph says sitting down while holding his arm. You glare a little at him for the information he gave out to everyone.
“Boyfriend?” Donnie,Mikey, and Casey turned to you with a shocked face.
“It’s not like that. I’ll explain later.” You rubbed your temple. Leo seemed a little hurt but crossed his arms and ignored the information for now.
“We’re not going anywhere until we get Splinter’s blessing.” Leo firmly says and frowns at Raph.
“Did you get his blessing for extra days on your ‘vacation’?” Raph glares at him.
“That’s different.” Leo glares back at his hot headed brother.
“Different how? Oh I get it! It was a perfect excuse to ghost (Y/n).” Raph snaps at the leader.
“Raph!” You exclaimed, surprised by his sudden choice of words.
“What? You think I’m gonna let him stand there and quote a rule book to me that he ain’t following for a year!” Raph stands up abruptly and points at Leo while glaring at him.
“Look Raph, if you got something you wanna get out of your shell. Now’s the time! What you're not gonna do is include (Y/n) into this. And I’m not gonna stand here and debate Splinter’s direct orders with you!” Leo pointed at Raph with a hard glare. Raph clenches his jaw.
“Fine then, I quit.” Raph gives up and exits out the window, but not without Casey’s words before he left. You wanted to talk to Raph, even though he threw you out there like that.
“If you don’t mind April, I’d like to take these to the lab for some tests. We should start figuring out these pieces.” Donnie stands and walks towards April.
“Sure Donnie, I’ll come by with Casey tomorrow evening.” April smiles and nods. You can’t focus on the situation when Raph stormed out.
“I’ll catch up with you guys later, I’ll come by tomorrow evening since it’s my day off. Don’t overwork yourself Donnie.” You waved at them and headed out of the window in search of Raph.
Leo wanted to stop you but he stopped himself. How can he even begin to start a conversation with you, you couldn’t even look at him in the eye. Maybe now isn’t the right time.
You went on the search for Raph, only to find him in his Nightwatcher outfit. He took his anger out on some crooks and went back up to the roof. When he saw you, he groaned and took his helmet off.
“What is it now (Y/n), I don’t wanna get into an argument with you so do us both a favor and let me be.” Raph turned around and grabbed his duffle bag.
“Raph I didn’t want to argue with you at all. I just wanted to see how you were doing.” You approached him and sat on the ledge of the roof.
“Yea right, after what I said I wouldn’t be surprised if you're upset with me.” Raph scoffs and retouches his weapons.
“Honestly? A little, but I wouldn’t have said it any better if I were to tell him off.” You looked at him with a smile.
“Well at some point he’s gonna get the courage to talk to you, so you might want to figure things out soon.” Raph puts the helmet back on and looks over the city.
“Figure what out?” You asked, wondering what he’s referring to.
“I’m talking about things between you, Leo, and Winters. You're either team Winters or team Leo.” Raph points out as if it was obvious.
“You didn’t just say that.” You cringed at his reference.
“What? Not a fan of Twilight anymore?” Raph grins under his helmet while looking at you.
“That was a phase! I was 15!” You blushed and slapped his arm, making him laugh.
“That phase is worth it now. I’m gonna shove it in your nose whenever I get the chance. It’s your fault Mikey got into it.” Raph smirks and picks up his duffle bag.
“A-At least he was able to read actual novels for once instead of comic books!” You defended yourself the best you could. Raph stops for a moment and tries to say something but couldn’t.
“You're right, you turned our little brother into a zombie. He wouldn’t put down the book for video games until he finished it. It was the weirdest 2 months I’ve ever experienced, and he’s damn weird. Donnie was this close into analyzing his brain.” Raph looked at you and shivered at Mikey’s behavior.
“It wasn’t that bad...right?” You were unsure on how good or bad you affected Mikey.
“It was a horrible experience but at least his phase is over.” Raph shakes his head.
“Anyways, need a ride home? I’m pretty much done for tonight.” Raph takes off his gear and shoves it in the duffle bag.
“Sure, I wouldn’t want to wake up late.” You stood up and followed him.
“I thought you didn’t have work tomorrow.” Raph raises an eyebrow at you.
“Winters texted me again, he offered me a job, better than my recent one. If he’s actually the bad guy then this would be my chance in becoming an undercover spy, right?” You explained to Raph and he crossed his arms disapprovingly.
“What?..” Your frown, you thought it was a good idea.
“You shouldn't be too trusting with that guy. Have you even talked to the rest about it yet?” Raph asks and you scratch your neck.
“No, but I can tell them tomorrow.” You sighed a bit.
“Ya better, cause if anything happens to you, we won’t sit still.” Raph starts the motorcycle and sits on it, you sit behind him and securely wrap your arms around him.
You woke up and did your morning routine with some music. Today is when you investigate Winters. You just couldn’t wrap your head around Winters being the bad guy. He seemed too genuine with you and you felt it. Which was strange, because Karai was always bad news to you no matter how she has benefited us at times. There has to be something that Winters is doing.
You walk out of your apartment and keep thinking about Winter’s motives.
‘He brought the curse upon himself. Maybe he wanted to break the curse? Being immortal isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. Living more years than others could bring regret and sorrow. Not being able to have a normal life is something everyone wants. I feel bad for him. I mean, if he wanted to take over the world, he could’ve done it years ago.’
Your thoughts were interrupted when a limo came up and the driver opened the door for you. “Right this way ma’am.” The driver smiled at you and you got in.
“Thank you.” You smiled and looked inside the limo. ‘He’s too rich.’
Once you arrived at Winter’s Corp., you took a long look at the building and the tiny peach hairs at the back of your neck stood up. Something about this place is definitely weird. You quickly touched the back of your neck and rubbed the uneasiness away.
You walked inside the building and stared in awe at how huge it was inside. Everyone was just doing their business. Some looked dressed professionally, others were casual, and the rest seem to work here. There was a big symbol in the middle of the marble floor, one would assume it was a logo or decoration, but those are the same symbols on the ancient weapon that was embedded in Raph’s shell. ‘It can’t be a coincidence.’
Continuing the walk to Winter’s office, you saw a woman who you assumed to be his assistant. The woman was typing away on her computer, with a concentration expression. ‘She’s very gorgeous for an assistant.’
“Uh, excuse me? Do you happen to know if Winter’s is in his office? I need to talk to him about his offer.” You politely asked the woman. She looked up at you and pushed up her glasses.
“Do you have an appointment meeting with him?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. She inspected your appearance and tensed up a bit.
“Not really, but he said I can drop by when I have my answer.” You responded.
“I’m sorry, if you don’t have an appointment then I can’t help you. Mr.Winters isn’t in his office right now. He’s a busy man.” She frowned and gave you a scolding glare.
“Fine. Mind telling him that (Y/n) (L/n) came by?” You bit your tongue and tried not to start an argument.
“Only if he has the time.” The ‘lady’ turned to her computer and typed away as if she never noticed you. You were about to say something to her until the telephone audio turned on beside her.
“Ms. Lane, be a dear and show (Y/n) her way in.” Winter's voice suddenly came through the audio.
The woman, Ms. Lane was surprised at his sudden voice and jumped a bit from her seat. She pushed the button on the machine.
“But Mr. Winters, she doesn’t-” She was gonna oppose but he cut her off.
“Now Ms.Lane, do we need a discussion on how to treat our clients? I thought you were better than that.” Winters tsked and scolded her for her behavior.
She lowered her head a bit and nodded. “Yes Mr.Winters, she’s on her way.” She stood from her desk and picked up her journal.
“Follow me, Ms.(Y/n).” She clenched her jaw and led you the way to Winters. You couldn’t help but smirk the entire time.
“Gladly.” You responded and followed her.
“That’s weird…” April said, watching her walk away with the assistant.
“Is that (Y/n)?” Casey asked, rubbing his head.
“Yea, but I wonder what she’s up to now.” April frowned a bit and tried to think.
“Whatever it is I think we should wait up and see if she’s okay. The last thing we need is another weapon on someone else's back.” Casey glared at the door to Winters office.
“You’re right..” April smiles to herself at how caring and protective Casey can be.
“Mr. Winters? Ms. (Y/n) is here.” Ms. Lane looks confused as to where her boss should be. She looks around and frowns.
“Mr. Winters?” She speaks up louder. You also look around the huge office.
“Over here. I’m sorry for the sudden disappearance, I was currently out of the shower.” Winters was on the second floor in his office. What surprised you and the assistant was that he was in his sweatpants and shirtless with a towel around his neck. You both blushed at his sudden appearance and you tried not to stare so much while the other one welcomed the sight completely.
‘Why the hell do these things happen to me…’
Hope you guys are loving it so far💖~ Please let me know how your feeling so far, satisfaction is key!🗝
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yourfavoritegreg · 4 years
Rise Splinter and 2012 Splinter two sides of the same coin- An Analysis
For the past few months I notice that each fan of the mentioned iteration of Splinter doesn't like the other one, 12 Splinter Stans hate Rise Splinter and Rise Splinter Stans hating 12 Splinter but I got to thinking and I realized these two men are very similar in both parenting and character
Parenting- Both of these men have very different parenting styles that reflects each iteration of turtles , 12 was a very attentive parent and made sure that his sons were competent ninjas first and foremost. Its kinda shown in the first episode in that while they were disorganized as a team they still knew how to use their weapons while the Rise turtles got beat into a pulp. Rise Splinter was more hands off when it comes to parenting and allowed his sons to form long lasting friendships with a human(April) and let them be themselves more. While they aren't as good as the 12 turtles when it comes to being ninja(at least in the beginning.) you at least get the feeling they are a better team at the start what with the lack of bickering and being at each other throats. Another thing to note is that they are also kinda more socially more mature than the 12 turtles, think about it Rise Raph despite not being the sharpest tool in the shed is rarely seen getting angry when people insult him, Donnie isn't creepy towards April, Leo is actually more street smart and Rise Mikey doesn't have the mentality of a 6-year old. Don't get me wrong the Rise Turtles have a few hiccups but between the 12 and Rise turtles sitting in a populated restaurant and guessing which of them is not going to get kicked out my bets is on Rise because they actually been in one. Also the Rise Turtles comes across as more independent than the 12 turtles where it feels like every episode in season 1 has the 12 turtles asking Splinter for advice while the Rise Turtles fix the problems themselves.
Character- This is the part where Rise and 12 are the most similar in that season 1 is about them coming in terms of their past. 12 Hamato Yoshi was childhood friends with Saki but that was until they fought over a women they both liked, this feud ended with Tang Shen dead and Yoshi thinking that Miwa also perished in the fire. The finale of season 1 had April calling him out for his inactivity and had him go after to foot just to save her. Rise Hamato Yoshi was a movie star that went by the alias of Lou Jujitsu who was loved by all and even as a prisoner to fight in the Battle Nexus was a crowd pleaser, fast forward to the present we see Splinter as this small ugly rat man who's glory years are behind him and rewatches his old movies to at least remember the time when he was something. The entire second half of the 1st season is him coming into terms being a ratman which was explicitly shown in the season 1 finale where he wore his old Lou Jitsu clothes showing that he finally came to terms of his present predicament.
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likeaturledo · 5 years
turtul au: soulmate edition (Leo)
Where everyone has their own distinct way of meeting their soulmates 
at first Leo was confused as to why there were words written on his arm
he thought maybe it was one of his brothers pranking him again
writing on his arm with a sharpie
his first guess was mikey
it was always mikey
but unlike before when leo went to confront mikey he denied it
which was unmikey-like
so he asked raph
“dude, i could think of a million better pranks than sharpie”
“why would i even write that? what the heck are churros?”
donnie was an unlikely suspect
so leo just tried to wash it off
no matter what he tried it wouldn’t work
not water, no soap, he even tried detergent and dish washing soap
but the words just wouldn’t come off
so he just let it be
thinking that it would come off on its own
he really couldnt be bothered, it’s just marker right?
but it stayed on him for a long time
until april asked him about it
and he had to tell how it wouldn’t come off no matter what he did
april and casey looked at each other
apperently the turtles didn’t have any idea how soulmates work
“It’s the first words your soulmate is going to say to you!”
“usually people just get ‘hey’ or ‘watch where you’re going’ which is completely cliche”
“but your’s is weird bro, no offence”
‘full offence casey’ leo thought
but he was right
if this was his soulmate’s first words to him
shouldn’t it be “what are you?” or “don’t eat me!” or  “AGHHHHH”
he didn’t even know what churros were until then
and everytime they’d go up top he would scan the restaurants
and usually they would be closed but he’d still look at them
and his brothers would make fun of him
mostly raph
“awww looking for your soulmate?”
“shut up raph”
and then there would be the fears
talking to him when he’d look at the words or just when he was meditating
‘it doesn’t matter if their first words isn’t scared or disgusted’
‘they’ll probably think of you that way’
so he does his best to ignore them
but he still thinks abt it
trying to rack up his brain for any possible scenario in which you would say that to him
until one night you get out of your apartment and towards a 24-hour convenience store
because you were starving
and craving churros
and stressed abt your soulmate bcs
and you thought maybe something bad would happen on your first meeting
like bumping into each other
no one likes their first meeting with their soulmate to be bad right?
you probably looked like a mess because it was 11 in the evening
and you were hungry and didn’t care if the cashier would look at you weird for buying cold churros in the middle of the night
he didn’t bcs you knew him
“hey stan”
“hey y/n”
but walking on the way home
you gotscared
bcs the trees looked like humans who had hands
and who wouldn’t be scared when lamp posts keep flickering
‘freaking cliche’ you thought
but you were still scared
so when the lights turned off for good you ran
you ran so fast you’d put usain bolt to shame
and you didn’t know where you were going
and you were so busy looking behind you for possible clown murderers you didn’t see yourself bumping into something
which might have caused a slight concussion
and made you dropped your churros
and what you thought was a lamp post turned around
and you were greeted by a giant turtle
‘woah his eyes-WAIT NO”
thats when you both realized
leo didn’t realize he would be meeting his soulmate at 11:30 in the evening doing his rounds at the city
but then again they don’t really go out in the day
and you also didn’t think that would be your first meeting
you were right thinking you’d bump into each other though
altho you didn’t think it would be bcs you were running away from the dark
and you bumping into him
he was prepared for you to run away
or scream
or scream while running away
“MY CHURROS” third time saying it
bcs you were hungry
and craving
“i’m so sorry but i don’t really have anything on me...”
you breathed, kinda sad abt the churros but kinda excited that you ACTUALLY HAVE A SOULMATE NOW
“nah it’s fine, kinda my fault anyway...bumping into you...and stuff...”
cue awkward silence
you still ddin’t know abt the whole turtle stuff
but you felt terrible wanting to ask
and leo kinda wanted to run away thinking you were too repulsed to say anything
‘i’m y/n’
‘i’m leo’
awkward silence pt.2
you heard from the roof
and leo kinda looked annoyed by it
and you chuckled
which surprised him
cause you know siblings like ice cream knows sprinkles
‘how’d you know?’
which you then proceeded to talk about siblings and family all the way to favorite music and movies
you went back to the convenience store with him
he didn’t want to go in at first bcs of...you know
but you reassured him that it would be fine
‘hey stan’
‘hey y/n’
the cashier just looked at you both and shrugged
“i’ve done worse here, this place is like a judgement-free zone!”
“i’ve also seen worse, hence, no cameras” -cashier said bored as he pointed to the cctv’s that were clearly not working “we just use it to scare off”
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thegeminisage · 6 years
Jace, Magnus, Raph :D
favorite thing about them: everyone likes to sort of categorize jace as this mostly douchey guy but he’s actually kind of Softe if you dig a little and like not to be basic but i like that about him
least favorite thing about them: WHY YOU ALWAYS LYIIIN
favorite line: “dazzle me” @cathy not one word
brOTP: JACE AND ALEC…give me more of that good parabatai shit…….my other favorite thing about jace is it’s implied he knew alec was in love with him for a long timeor at the very LEAST since alec’s bad reaction in 1.04 and he played dumb (partially because he hates talking about feelings yes but also) for alec’s benefit. just not to make things weird. it would have been easy to make him be weird about it. straight guys are assholes. but he wasnt and thats real nice.
OTP: he’d be miserable without clary to the point where he still wanted to smash even when he thought they were related, so
nOTP: jace and alec. STRICTLY platonic on jace’s end! it’s not necessarily that i think it’s ~problematic~ god knows you couldnt pay me to touch that discourse i just think the dynamic is much richer and deeper when it’s a one-sided romance and jace was still cool about it. idk i find that totally refreshing and fascinating and like a pretty new take, at least to me personally. why ruin it by turning it into run-of-the-mill slash? (i say this as someone who writes a lot of run-of-the-mill slash, don’t send me mean messages) 
random headcanon: he likes [REDACTED], which technically was cathy’s headcanon first
unpopular opinion: he’s never done anything wrong in his life ever…look i know he has but like leave him alone?? idek why i feel so strongly about this he isn’t my favorite character i don’t stan him i’m not super invested in him…i just don’t think he’s done anything wrong, aside from the fact that he lies a lot. i was totally siding with him over alec during their season 1 tiffs.
song i associate with them: natalia kills - kill my boyfriend :)
favorite picture of them: sorry but i dont really have one
favorite thing about them: his body language! he’s like always on the go, all his lil flourishes, how expressive he is–expression-wise and with his body language. he uses his hands to talk and since warlocks use their hands for magic that’s like an awesome character detail. my second favorite thing is how fucking cool he is. i love when he does magic. he’s so cool oh my god he’s like the HEIGHT of cool
least favorite thing about them: not to be problematic but he’s a little TOO perfect. let him fuck up once in awhile! so far all we’ve gotten was the seelie queen thing and that was half alec’s fault
favorite line: “i’m the high warlock of brooklyn” YOU TELL EM MAGNUS
OTP: well obviously magnus and alec
nOTP: i dont really?? see him shipped with anyone else??? i guess my notp is imm*rtal h*bands…alec would absolutely hate being immortal, whether by magic or being turned. he would HATE it. i have a series of fanfictions outlines to explain my feelings on this matter more thoroughly someday
random headcanon: i made a gifset about it on my other blog (you can see it at /post/172404479554/ if you know the url) but i think maybe he doesn’t always like being a warlock. like, the magic is great! he loves his people! he loves being able to do cool stuff! but his parents basically died because of it (trying not to be too spoilery, sorry coralie), and being immortal when you have to watch people die is hard. he’s pretty sensitive about his cat eyes, maybe in a way that’s more worried about what other people will think than someone who dislikes himself? i feel like maybe he used to dislike himself a lot more intensely and sort of had a long time to unlearn it and now most of the time it’s fine but he just still has his bad days and tender spots. i feel strongly anough this, clearly
unpopular opinion: again im gonna have to go with being anti imm*rtal h*bands…i mean obviously people can write what they want & no skin off my nose but i wish it wasnt QUITE so popular bc its hard to find fic i like w/o it
song i associate with them: man i have a really great one for alec like that could kinda be malec but not a magnus-only one sorry
favorite picture of them: literally any picture with cat eyes i love his cat eyes so much
favorite thing about them: CANONICAL ASEXUAL!!!!!! i can’t tell you how much that means to me. it’s a first for me! i watched this whole show for raphael. second favorite thing: he’s still religious. that’s real brave imo
least favorite thing about them: WHY DID HE DO THAT…i cant say what he did on coralie’s post i already said a magnus spoiler but i cant believe he DID THAT im heartbroken for him and so angry at him what an idiot why didn’t he ask for help
favorite line: number one winner is the entire scene about the stars with rosa but close runner up is whenever he speaks spanish. not because it’s sexy or whatever but because he almost exclusively does it when he’s trying to be intimidating. literally i have a gif of him going “adios >:)” when he’s about to commit murder
brOTP: if i had an entire show about magnus and raphael i would be happy. alec who? but raphael and rosa kills me too
OTP: raphael and izzy, come on, come on, show, i’m begging you! simon who? this is where it’s at! i can’t believe she talked about his asexuality like it was a perk rather than a hurdle. i get weepy when i think about it for too long
nOTP: please for the love of god stop shipping with him with simon
random headcanon: dislikes kissing. i may be projecting a bit here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ at least i finally have a character i can project on!
unpopular opinion: rizzy isn’t predatory on either side they both did that and they both owned up to it and got better stop trying to paint one of them like a creeper and the other like some precious innocent victim
song i associate with them: every single song i put on the ace playlist i made the other night
favorite picture of them: i made a gifset of him with the ace colors and that’s my favorite one. it’s at /post/172511018559/ on my other blog if you know the url
(send me characters!!)
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