#rap monster drabble
seoulbread · 1 year
1419 hours
synopsis: just a little idea for a slow-burn; kim namjoon x reader
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please, is all I can think as I look at him smiling, his dimples slowly deepening.
please don’t break me.
“I hope I can get to know you…”
…when you’re the only one who knows how to put me back.
“goodnight, 자기.”
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intellectual property of @ seoulbread 2023.
do not repost, modify, translate.
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rebellionmoon · 2 months
Beach Day with Illumi Zoldyck ☀️🏖️
Even assassins deserve a vacation! Join Illumi and Psyche, husband and wife, as they kick back, relax, terrorize the locals and enjoy the splendors of the beach and eachother <3 [ illumixoc, sfw, fluffy drabble]
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The best treasures to find at the beach are in the ocean! Illumi loves snorkeling and seeing what surprises await him down below. Psyche will be reading her book, The Captain and I, then look up to see illumi diving into the water, then moments later emerge with a crab captured in his mouth, its pinching his nose but illumi doesn't mind.
'You're mine." Illumi says to everything he catches.
Illumi periodically comes out of the water, long black hair dripping down his back, while carefully cupping a lil sea creature in his hands. It's a hermit crab! He loves showing them to his wife, and after respectful observation they put the little hermit crab in a mini beach aquarium. Illumi is collecting friends!
Illumi tells Psyche fun marine facts, such as that hermit crabs are rappers, no, not the Drake kind.
Illumi stares. All you see is the top of his head and a pair of big, black unblinking shiny eyes peeking above the water's surface. He's waiting for Psyche to wave at him. When she does, he smiles. Satisfied, then he dives back in again, on the hunt for more friends!
"It's beautiful! Psyche, it's beautiful!" Illumi will keep calling Psyche to swim with him until she comes. He is relentless about having a damn fun time with his love.
Did Illumi say swimming? Oh no, he actaully meant cradling his wife in his arms and spinning her around in the water. Kissing her forehead as she lays her head on his chest.
She asks him to throw her in the incoming waves (he does) and make believe she's being sacrficied to a sea monster that's terrorizing the local and provincial fishing village (illumi's the monster.)
Ok, now they're swimming. It's a race to the buoys! Illumi has an affinity for competition, so that means swimming at the speed of a torpedo and Psyche gets swept up in the currents. kawabunga
Where did Illumi go!? Pyche can't see him anywhere! Suddenly, something nibbles at her leg.
It's a trap! It's Illumi. nom nom nom nom. He likes to bite. And tease his wife. He did say he was her make believe sea monster.
A good wife buries her husband---in the sand, silly! And silly he indded looks as a sand man. This moment will look lovely in their newly wed scrapbook. Uh oh, just as Psyche went to grab her phone, Illumi vanished.
Psyche peers into the tunnel he dug below. She hoped he went to get her snacks. Burying bodies always makes her hungry.
Not too far away, Illumi emerges from the sand, beneath a sand castle. Children run away screaming. Psyche pouts. He's nowhere near the snack bar. She points, he obeys and digs onward. He must provide for his family.
Psyche names the crabs in the aquarium, and witness them rap, knock on, a better hermit crab's shell to steal. This is rapping. *Psyche busies herself breaking up hermit crab fights* 'friends don't fight. Oh, you're naughty, to the far end of the aquarium with you.'
Screams ahead! Beach umbrellas are suddenly toppling over and popping out from the sand. Is it aliens?? Or a freaky goblin man (ILLUMI, STOP. PSYCHE, GO, HURRY, COLLECT YOUR HUSBAND)
"Psyche, it's everywhere!" Illumi says, spitting sand out of his mouth. Sand is not dirt. Sand does not behave like dirt, doesn't stay out of his eyes, nose, ears, nor mouth like dirt. Psyche doesn't know how surprised he should have been, digging underground tunnels across at least half the span of the beach.
Psyche cracks open a can of beer. Pssh, one beer will not make her drunk.
But several can and does. *Psyche gets drunk and starts talking to strangers like they're life long family friends and proceeds to tell harrowing, hair raising details about her assassin family that she thinks is funny*
*Illumi throws Psyche over his shoulder and carries her back, shushing all the secrets she wishes to tell strangers with chocolate gelato* 'Haha please don't call the coastguard. have a nice day!'
They hold hands and walk along the shore, collecting seashells. They'll braid them into eachothers hair later. Illumi likes it when Psyche fumbles into him, he gets to catch her and hold her longer.
Time to release (the captured) sea friends back into the ocean. Goodbye friends! Illumi will befriend (catch) you another day!
They cuddle together under a blanket and watch the sunset. He whispers something in her ear and she giggles and kisses him. Lips, cheeks, nose, forehead. Oh my. All of him is so kissable.
He's so happy to be her husband.
Psyche and Illumi's marriage is part of my fanfic WHERE SHADOWS TOUCH. Atm, I just wanted to write a fluffy, summer story because the fic is all angst rn XD
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rhapsoddity · 2 years
I read a writing prompt the other day where the hero got seriously injured and they showed up on their enemies door step saying they didn't know where else to go.
The first thing I thought of was Jimmy and Fwhip in your vigilante au
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Today was a lazy evening for Fwhip. Even villains needed days off, and he was no exception. As the sun dipped behind the tops of the building, Fhwip sunk into his sofa, mindlessly watching trash TV.
His attention was snapped away by a light rap against his door. He wasn't expecting any visitors or any packages. Grumbling, he pushed himself to his feet.
"You better have a good reason to pull me from my sh-"
Fwhip cut himself off at the sight in front of him. Jimmy, still in full Sheriff costume, was slumped against the doorframe, pale as a sheet. He barely looked like he could hold himself upright.
"Jimmy?! Why are you-"
"I... I didn't know wh-where else to go..."
The vigilante crumpled in front of him, Fhwip barely catching him before he hit the ground. Fwhip dragged him inside, laying him down on the couch so he could close the door.
"M'sorry..." Jimmy mumbled.
"It's okay-"
"No; You hate m-me, I don't know why I even came- why I'm here."
"Shut up," Fwhip grumbled, "You betrayed me, but I don't want you dead. What's wrong with you anyway?"
"God," Jimmy weakly chuckled, "Where do I start-"
Fwhip kicked him in the shins, not in the mood tonight to deal with Jimmy's joking about.
"Come on, no bullshit, what drove you here?"
"I was fighting a dickhead with some sort of gas powers, I managed to knock her out and restrain her, but I was using my bandana as a filter and it's not ideal."
Fwhip peeled Jimmy's mask off. It was drenched in sweat, his eyes bloodshot with a dark haze over them, and he was wheezing. Fucking hell, he clearly had multiple affects on him. Weakness and wither perhaps? Fhwip wasn't particularly familiar, his expertise was with technology, not potion effects.
"Well I respect any woman that can kick your ass, she's fucked you up."
"Fuck you dude, if you're gonna be a dick I'll leave."
As Jimmy went to get up, Fwhip held him down. With how weak Jimmy had become, he couldn't fight Fwhip's push.
"I'm a villain not a monster. You can recover, then you can fuck off."
Jimmy rolled his eyes at that, shrugging off Fwhip's hand, and looking over to gauge his chances of getting to the door.
"I'd rather my chances of collapsing in an alleyway-"
Fwhip roughly grabbed Jimmy's face, jerking it to look at him. He whimpered in suprise.
"Ah ah ah~ You are at MY mercy little hero. I could take you out of commission right now if I so wish."
Jimmy winced at the dark tone lacing Fwhip's words, straining against his grasp.
"So behave." He dropped his hand from Jimmy's face. "I don't want you trying to scramble up and away, you'll fall over and you barely have braincells as it is, you can't risk losing any more."
"I'm not wrong."
Fwhip left him unattended as he said this, dissapearing out of view to his kitchen. Jimmy didn't dare move from the couch. He knew that Fwhip could take him on 1 on 1 at full health, it'd be safest and smartest to just stay put for now. A few minutes later Fwhip came back with a coffee mug full of a purple liquid.
Jimmy was looking worse by this point, barely concious and slumped on the couch.
"Mnnn not drinking thattt..." He mumbled.
Fwhip rolled his eyes.
"It's not poison dumbass."
Fwhip gently tilted the potion into Jimmy's mouth. He pulled a face at the taste, before settling down. Before too long, Jimmy had passed out. He had not much energy to begin with, and that regren potion snatched away the rest of his energy to begin to heal him.
Now that Jimmy couldn't catch the look, Fwhip was looking over him fondly. Despite the fact that Jimmy's ideals were directly opposed to his, despite the fights they had and blood they'd drawn from eachother... He couldn't deny deep down he missed Jimmy.
Once apon a time, they'd been best friends. Hell, for a little while, they'd been more than that, before they'd fucked that up. Jimmy was inherently likeable, it was a shame he didn't join him when Fwhip had defected to villainy.
Maybe he would come round and see Fwhip's perspective one day. The man could hope at least.
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alchemic-writings · 2 years
Mhin Rut Drabble
This is about Mhin having a rut due to their bird curse. If you are not 18+ please do not interact!
[Anatomy for both Mhin and the outsider will not be mentioned for everyone's own preferences]
Mhin has not been seen for days- which usually in of itself is not unusual for the lone hunter. It becomes an alarm when they have missed not only a job offering from Leander but also a check up with Kuras does alarm bells begin to sound.
When the decision had to be made of who would search for Mhin, I was chosen. "I would check on them myself, but the clinic has too many inpatients for me to leave unattended for long," Kuras casts a sympathetic look towards me.
"It's alright! I know you're asking me to do this because I'm the only one outside of you that Mhin even pretends to tolerate." at my mention of the Hunter's distain for others Kuras heaves a sigh, "I fear that their standoffish demeanor is the reason for their absence. Please find them soon and bring them here if their injuries are serious."
I chuckle at the doctor's assumption that Mhin's disappearance is due to a brawl of sorts as a head out the clinic doors and into lowtown.
Wondering the streets searching for a short cloaked figure all day would end with the same results of everyone else's promise to " keep an eye out" for Mhin while they went about their own business. I hoped that checking in spots I knew they frequented would yield better outcomes but I was sadly mistaken.
No silver hair blowing in the wind at the bridge the street cats napped on. No gray eyes trying not to obviously ogle the pastries in the bakery display. No cloaked figure searching the walls of the Senobium for a weakness.
I sighed as I made my way back down to lowtown. The sun was already setting and soon I would be returning to the Wet Wick to meet Kuras empty handed. I supposed if they would be that easy to locate they would have been found already.
As I walked the streets around me looked familiar as I recalled that I'm actually close to where Mhin lodges on the rare occasion they are not out hunting monsters or answers. I had visited Mhin's room once when Kuras had asked me to deliver some medicine to them after a bad encounter with a Soulless left them with stiches.
The woman seated at the desk didn't even spare me a glance as I walked through the lobby and up to the room I remembered from my first visit weeks prior. As I walked further down the hall I felt more and more ridiculous with every step I took. Someone has surely checked for Mhin in the place they deemed safe enough to call residence! I shook off the thoughts as I stopped in front of their door. Even if that is true, perhaps Mhin wasn't there when they checked; I'm already at their door so I might as well say I tried.
As I lifted my hand to knock I freeze when I hear a strange sound from inside. It sounds almost like a mix between a groan and a squawk followed by the sound of rustling sheets. Worry fills my body as I quickly rap on the door; when there is no reply I identify myself to them. There is another one of those strange groans as I hear a shaky response of "Go away," from behind the door.
"Mhin, please let me in. Kuras has been worried about you. I can help you back to the clinic where you can receive proper care." There is a single dry laugh in response before they continue, "There's no point, this... issue isn't anything I haven't delt with before." I hear them choke down a grown at the end of their sentence before the other side of the door fell silent once again.
I rack my brain for all the alchemic remedies for ailments I was taught under my old teacher as I speak out, "I may not be a doctor... But I studied under an alchemist for years and I know some remedies for human inflic-" my sentence is interrupted by a loud bang from inside the room as I hear Mhin growl out, "You don't know anything about my condition."
"Then let me understand! Mhin, how are we supposed to work together to find our cures if you won't let me help you when you're sick?" This time their voice is small as they speak, "That's the issue. This illness is part of my curse. It won't stop happening until I find a cure."
My heart aches for them as I lean my head against their door. "Mhin... Even if I can't find an antidote for your condition right now, surely there is something I can do. Helping each other is what accomplices do." There is a sigh from the other side as I hear the sound of sheets and then bare footsteps coming closer before the door is unlocked.
As the door opens I step back and gasp as I evert my eyes and a blush begins to form on my features. Mhin stands holding onto the doorframe wearing only their undergarments- a far cry from their usual full head to toe coverage. Their skin is flush and glistens with sweat as they pant while staring at me. I steel myself before turning my gaze back to them as I look them in the eyes. Mhin needs help and I need to prove myself as an ally to them.
Their tongue quickly darts out to lick their lips and I curse myself for following the movement. My eyes flit back to theirs as they clear their throat, "You... you really want to try to help?" I try my best to show how earnest I am as I respond, "Mhin, please, I'll do anything..." my only warning is a growl from them as I am dragged into the room.
Mhin tosses me onto the bed with an ease that I so quickly forget they possess. As I land I get my first proper look at their room. Furniture is crooked and only a crack of the setting sun is able to make its way into the room through the curtains. The bed I now lay on is covered in black feathers and the sheets are drenched in sweat.
I cannot bring myself to care though as Mhin crawls onto the bed as well and cages me under them. Their pupils hold a dangerous red to them like when we first met as they tower over me. Those eyes flit over my body and I unconsciously react with a shiver that causes their eyebrows to twitch. Their gray eyes find mine again as they growl, "I'll show you why my curse is too dangerous..."
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cr-noble-writes · 9 months
Playlist tag game
Thanks for the tag @spacebunshep Rules: post a screenshot or a list of your playlist titles and tag some friends. If you’re tagged, send op an ask about one of their playlists (you don’t have to tho).
oh man, this is gonna be a *list*. I have a lot of playlists so I will put most of them under a cut so as not to clog up the dash.
Virtue and Volatility Playlists
Viaticum- 6 songs, 19 min 45 sec Vicissitude- 5 songs, 17 min 57 sec Verisimilitude- 4 songs, 16 min 43 sec
Mass Effect Character Playlists
Reyes Vidal- 45 songs, 2 hr 44 min Scott Ryder- 6 songs, 21 min 6 sec Jack (Subject Zero)- 30 songs, 1 hr 48 min Jackson Shepard- 95 songs, 6 hr 14 min Alex Shepard- 129 songs, 8 hr 27 min ME1 Alex- 16 songs, 56 min 48 sec ME2 Alex- 21 songs, 1 hr 21 min ME3 Alex- 11 songs, 41 min 29 sec
Mass Effect Ship Playlists
Willenko- 2 songs (so far, I just started this one), 7 min 37 sec Jack/Traynor- 10 songs, 35 min 5 sec Jackson Shepard/Alex Atruzea- 10 songs, 37 min 26 sec Alex/Reyes- 13 songs, 46 min 4 sec Kaidan/Alex- 83 songs, 5 hr 17 min Reyes/Ryder- 28 songs, 1 hr 40 min The Crow & The Butterfly- 48 songs, 3 hr 8 min
D&D Playlists
Trill- 27 songs, 1 hr 41 min Trillip- 12 songs, 46 min 28 sec Briar, Hunter of Chepaxo- 22 songs, 1 hr 23 min
Mass Effect AU Playlists
The Ties That Bind- 16 songs, 1 hr 1 min I Shouldn't Hope To Know- 13 songs, 47 min 44 sec
Argonauts- 3 songs (currently, still working on it), 11 min 37 sec
Supernatural Playlists
Sam Winchester- 11 songs, 40 min 5 sec Michael/Crowley- 161 songs, 10 hr 20 min Castiel- 24 songs, 1 hr 23 min Team Free Will- 28 songs, 1 hr 52 min Destiel- 65 songs, 4 hr 18 min Shaking Hands- 43 songs, 2 hr 40 min Country Destiel- 15 songs, 54 min 57 sec Destiel Port Song Drabbles- 4 songs, 14 min 20 sec Supernatural- 7 songs, 33 min 53 sec Dean Winchester- 23 songs, 1 hr 26 min I Fought The Law- 3 songs, 13 min 42 sec SPN Kink Bingo 2019- 20 songs, 1 hr 15 min
Writing Playlists
Epic Fantasy Writing- my monster at 790 songs, 45 hr 40 min Dystopia- 45 songs, 3 hr 5 min
Anime Openings- 16 songs, 54 min 59 sec Anime Rap- 36 songs, 2 hr 3 min
Holy Hannah, it took me like 30 minutes to type all this. I may have a problem. This doesn't even include other people's playlists that I've saved and listen to regularly haha
tagging: @nickelkeep @rotschopf-thedrow @waidwn @swaps55 @mallaidhsomo and @polarlys no pressure ofc <3
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longstoryoongi · 2 years
lost in paradise? ✧・゚:*
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welcome to romy’s bts fanfiction reading blog.
below you’ll find my chaotic library. feel free to browse through fics by member, pairing, reader type, genre, alternate universes and tropes. after you’ve read a fic, make sure to reblog it in order to support the writer. happy browsing, dear visitor!
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➳ by member.
kim namjoon kim seokjin min yoongi jung hoseok park jimin kim taehyung jeon jungkook
➳ by reader x pairing.
namjin • sope • taegi • jikook yoonmin • namseok • yoonkook • minimoni taekook • taejoon • 2seok • yoonjin vmin • taejin • vhope • jinkook • ot7 hyung line • maknae line vocal line • rap line
➳ by type.
drabble • one-shot • two-shot • series
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gender-neutral reader • female reader
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fluff • angst • smut • pwp • comedy • dark content slice of life • drama • mystery • horror supernatural • science fiction • fantasy dystopia • thriller • psychological
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➳ by tropes.
friends to lovers • rivals to lovers • enemies to lovers lovers to enemies • established relationship arranged marriage • fake dating • mutual pining
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➳ romy’s fic reviews.
#lsy_ficmarked: to be read
#lsy_bookshelf: currently reading
#lsy_romy reviews.txt: my comments on other people’s writing
#lys_romy hearts this fic: personal favourites
#jamais queue: my queued tag
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want me to read your fic? use the tag #useromy on your writing & i’ll be sure to check your creations out.
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© longstoryoongi / romy, 2023. — last updated: april 3rd, 2023
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sloan-baux · 1 year
The image of the stars shimmered across the puddles splaying a sheet of mirror atop the Piltoven square, only dark islands of wet cobblestones jutting out of it sporadically, giving away the pavement under its rainy night disguise. Something flickered amongst the stars painted on the face of the water — it was a sheet of polished metal, growing lengthwise — as Takeda slowly drew his curved sword from its scabbard.
The Ionian scoured every single alleyway throughout the twin cities after his quarry: a monster he could not let live. A killer, only beset but never seized by the Piltoven enforcers who couldn't do but lag behind the creature, following hearsay, supposition, traces of contorted flesh, stifled screams, and fading footprints trailing blood. Takeda on the other hand followed trails imperceptible to the mundane eye. His thoroughness paid off.
It sat on the far side of the square, sobbing quietly on a bench, barely three heartbeats of a sprint setting the two of them apart. It was a girl now, well-dressed, golden blonde. Takeda crept closer, but the girl did not seem to take notice; her slouched form kept trembling gently as she wept. His pulse was racing, he only had to run for it, yet he hesitated. There was a strange disquiet beneath his thoughts, discouraging him. It was too easy. Something was wrong. The creature exhaled — a hushed sound barely above the ambiance of the slumbering city — but it sent a jolt down his spine. It was a sigh, flavored with strawberries and mischief.
A door that belonged to one of the buildings edging the square suddenly propped open, and a dandy young man entered the streets, top hat held under arms, velour jacket thrown atop his shoulders. As soon as he shut the door behind him the girl cried out.
"Pease! Please I have nothing!" She bowled, her lavender eyes brimming with tears, corners of her lips drawn down, quivering. The dandy man acknowledged the scene with a rap of his walking stick.
"What is going on here?" He inquired with a scowl, his chin up all haughty, eyes cutting back and forth between the two of them. When he finally noticed the sword in Takeda's hands he produced a revolver from under his jacket pocket and cocked it.
"Is this man troubling you, madame?" He approached the girl, barrel of the gun trained on Takeda.
"No, no you don't understand!" Takeda lowered his sword and raised his other hand, open palm, fingers splayed, a sign of surrender — or warning.
"He has a weapon, he wants to hurt me! Please, I'm alone! I'm so alone!" She pleaded her face an expression of sheer dread.
"Calm down madame, you're safe with me." He muttered to the girl and shot Takeda a threatening side-eyed look. "Get out of my sight boy!"
Takeda bit his lips, uncertainty gnawing at him. As the man reached the bench the girl got up and clung to him in a desperate embrace. Then her lips rounded into a condescending sneer and parted. She ran her divided purple tongue along the man's chin, taste buds brushing against stubble — her eyes fixed on Takeda while she did it — irises lambent in a sickly pink. The cold evening breeze carried a whisp of a giggle, barely discernable. She cannot get away this time. Cannot. Will not. Takeda grunted, raised his sword, steeled his heart, and darted forward heedless of the shots.
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So this is my drabble (which is most certainly not 100 words long XD) for the Legends of Runeterra card Solitude, suggested by @thomas-jefferson-miku-binder. (The idea came and I just had to include one of my friend's OC in this one. Takeda is an exiled Wuju swordsman who likes to hunt monsters.) Keep them coming, folks! ^^
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red-rose-corner · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Riko | Liko (Pokemon), Roy (Pokemon), Original Pokemon Trainer(s), Captain Pikachu (Pokemon), Raichu (Pokemon) Additional Tags: Songfic, Rap Music, Embedded Images, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Pokemon Fusion, Headcanon, Fan Characters, Drabble Summary:
Test run of the new ending for "Pokémon Horizons."
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bts-story · 4 years
omg i love the 'got damned' drabble!!! can it be possible to have a drabble how nj and yn prepped themselves before and during when they went into the show? like they were in their house talking about prolly how excited they are til they got into the dressing room? xx
Got Damned
“It’s just a game, right?” Namjoon said the first time around. When he got that call from his manager, wondering if they’d both be interested (him and his girlfriend) in going to that famous show. He said it would be fun, and an occasion for both of them to have fun and maybe, just maybe, prove to some of those hateful viewers on the other side of their screens, how perfect of a match you were for each other.
It’s no surprise to anyone to notice how mean and raw some people can be on things that doesn’t concern them. In any way, this story isn’t about that. It’s only about how caring Namjoon is and can be towards the people he cares about. Especially if it involves the other half of his soul, no matter how cringy it may sound like.
“It’s just a game, right?” Namjoon still wonders, just the day before the show, with his legs underneath the covers of the bed and his chest as naked as a newborn baby. He had that semi-pout hovering his lips, one he only wears when he worries about something or plunged deep within his thoughts.
She hummed, not really tearing her eyes away from her phone, too immersed in that feed of news covering her twitter account. Namjoon stayed quiet, pinched his lips for a moment before kissing her cheek and turning his back on the mattress, in search of a comfortable position to sleep in.
“It’s just a game, right?” He asked one more time. On last time, before going up that stage, under a thunder of applause et cheers.
He’s not worried about her. Not exactly. Actually, he knows his girlfriend enough to know that she doesn’t take things too seriously, won’t let a mean comment about the way her jeans fall wrong around her hips ruin her day – she won’t let a warry opinion change her mind that easily and Namjoon knows, she always finds something to reply anyways.
What has Namjoon so troubled however, is the way he, himself, might react. He is mature enough, yes, to know all the things they might say to anger the other is only part of a game. It’s only meant to distract the viewers and the public, but Namjoon, God bless his soul, has a fragile heart. Always has, and most probably always will.
It’s the way he was born, he can’t do anything about it. He remembers crying about a dead snail in the garden of his grand-mother when he was a kid. He can still feel the ocean dripping down his cheeks about a movie he saw just about last year and no matter how tough he tries to be, no matter how strong he wants to be, he can’t beat his heart.
He doesn’t say it to reassure her, not one bit. He does only for himself, it may sound a little bit selfish, maybe it really is. But Namjoon needs the reassurance. He needs to know she won’t mean all the things she’ll say. It’s not real, it’s only entertainment.
“It’s just a game, right?” And this time, she’s the one saying it, when they’re back in the van, away from the laughter and the shouts. She takes his hand in between her fingers, squeezes tight but not enough to hurt (Namjoon believes no matter how strong she might squeeze him, she won’t ever be able to hurt him). She has a smile at the corner of her lips and a kiss at the tip of her tongue. She’s pretty, so, so, so pretty it always has Namjoon weak in the knees and heavy on his head.
It’s just a game, indeed. Namjoon doesn’t care about all the things she said, doesn’t care about what he said too because, in the end, he believes they aren’t able to hurt each other. After all, they made that promise a long time ago.
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I’m back, I’m back!! Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you all 
It’s been just a crazy three weeks, a lot of things happened — I won’t necessarily go on about my life, but I’m here now <3 
- Nageoire 
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imma-fan · 5 years
Aye! BTS mini reaction/imagine request things are OPEN on my blog.
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Only one member per request, it’s been a little while since I’ve written for them so let me ease back into it. Pretty much give me a member and situation, (i.e., jungkook and (y/n) laying in bed or, Jimin finding out you eat pickles with peanut butter) they are meant to be short and simple just so I can get used to writing for them again😊 I’ll even do AU’s (i.e., vampire!au, yandere!au, or nonidol!au, etc.)
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coffee-and-kpop · 6 years
kpop x pokémon au // bts ↳ masterlist
jin | yoongi | hoseok | namjoon | jimin | taehyung | jungkook
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companion : wooper
lives : cyllage city
occupation : owns bike shop
↳ if you’re looking for something fun to do in cyllage city, you won’t have to search very far until you come upon joon’s bikes. namjoon had always loved cycling, and when he moved to cyllage city and began to explore the beautiful scenery near the cliffs and the sea, he knew it would be the perfect place to open up his very own bike shop. cyllage city is also where, after much search and him almost giving up hope, namjoon found his life-long companion: a ditzy little pokemon named wooper. In fact, wooper had found namjoon, or to be exact, namjoon’s backpack. after a long bike ride near the seashore, namjoon had come home to find the confused little pokémon nestled in his backpack, and they’d been inseparable ever since, mainly because wooper had consistently followed namjoon back home every time he tried to return the pokémon, and eventually he decided to let him stay, and soon namjoon couldn’t imagine life without his little wooper. in fact, wooper became namjoon’s favorite cycling partner, and after a long day working in the bike shop everyday, namjoon will put his little pokémon in the basket of his bike, and they’ll go off on some high speed adventure through on the seaside or through the cliffs of cyllage city. namjoon, no matter what, can always be found somewhere out in the wilderness exploring cyllage city, his confused, open mouthed pokémon by his side. even though wooper has gotten himself and even namjoon lost on multiple occasions, a soft spot in namjoon’s heart will always remain for the adorable little water pokémon. when they’re not exploring the outdoors of cyllage city, you can usually find namjoon in his garage at home, tinkering with his ever growing collection of bikes as wooper waddles over to hand him countless tools, most of which he didn’t ask for but accepts graciously anyway.
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9stxrsan · 2 years
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Warnings- Ass slapping, begging, edging k!nk, praise k!nk, name-calling, daddy k!nk, choking, throat fucking, crying?, spitting?
Summary- Kayla and her best friend(crush) Namjoon decide to go to a club and get wasted, after getting bored there, Joon asks if they wanted to go back to his place, and Kayla agreed. They played a game and one thing led to another.
Word count: 2k+
A/n: Kayla is Afro-Latina, and Namjoon is Korean but he was born in Mexico. He knows spanish.
Song suggestion- DRUNK IN LOVE(by Beyoncé and JayZ) Dont play until I tell you to.
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Kayla sat in her bedroom puzzled, why does nobody ever want to go out when she wanted to?
Half of her friends were either 'at work' or 'just busy'
She picked up her phone and called the only person she actually thought was gonna answer. Namjoon.
Ring! Ring!
KNJ: Hello?
KM: Hey Joon, What are you doing right now?
KNJ: Well, I just came home from the gym. I'm about to get in the shower. Why?
KM: Can we go out tonight. I'm bored and nobody wants to go with me.
KNJ: Uh, okay. Where do you want to go?
KM: I want to go to the club. I need a drink or two.
KNJ: Of course, you do, Okay. I'm on the way.
KM: Yay! Okay bye, I love you.
KNJ: I love you too Kayla.
Kayla hung up the phone in excitement, finally, she was going out!
A notification popped up on her phone.
Joon: Put something nice on. I'll be there in 20.
Kayla smiled at her phone.
She immediately got in the shower and did her hair and makeup.
Standing in the middle of her walk-in closet, she tries to find something that's comfortable, and sexy at the same time.
She grabbed her black dress with major cleavage, some black red bottoms, a golden 4k diamond neckless her mom gave her, golden hoop earrings, and a black Louis Vuitton purse.
She looked like a million bucks.
She walked into her living room grabbing all her necessities and shoving them into her purse.
Walking toward the couch her phone screen lit up.
Joon: I'm here, come outside.
Kayla grabbed her jacket and keys and walked out the door.
After she locked her door, she turned around to see a shiny black limo sitting in front of her house.
The limo wasn't the only thing that shocked her, the tall male that got out of it did.
He wore, a black turtle neck with a plaid black and white jacket, black jeans, a silver chain, and some black dress shoes.
He looked sexier than ever.
"Hi, Kayla." He smiled walking towards her, wrapping his hands around her waist, "You look amazing."
Kayla felt as if there were a thousand butterflies in the pit of her stomach, trying to get out.
"Hey Joon." she stuttered.
"You ready to go?" Joon smiled. 
God, why is his voice so attractive! She thought to herself.
"Yeah. Let's go." She smiled.
Joon opened the car door and signaled Kayla to get in.
Which she obeyed.
"So, this your limo?" Kayla giggled.
"Nah, it's a rental. You know I can't drive." He rolled his eyes laughing.
"I know, I just wanted to hear you say it." She burst into laughter.
"Haha. Okay, scoot over." Joon said tapping her thigh.
"What club are we going to?" Kayla smiled, scooting over so Joon could get in.
"The one I work at." He said kissing Kayla on her forehead.
Kayla felt her stomach bubble.
10 minutes felt like 3 hours, sitting in the back of the limo the two, hugging and touching each other. They finally arrived at the club.
As they got out of the limo, Kayla felt her anxiety flare-up. 
Her chest felt like it was about to fall into the pit of her stomach, her head felt like it was spinning and she thought she was seeing stars. 
"RapMon! What's up." The tall bodybuilder said. 
"Hey AJ, How have you been?" Namjoon said dapping the male up.
"I've been better man, Who is this pretty lady you brought with you?" He said smiling directly at Kayla.
"My best friend. She wanted to party tonight so I brought her here." He smiled pulling Kayla closer to him. 
There goes that feeling again. Kayla thought to herself. 
"Yall can go right in." The man smiled, "Have fun."
As soon as they step foot in the club, all Kayla could see were flashing lights, wannabe gangsters, gold diggers, strippers, and drug dealers. People were fighting over money, having sex in the back of the club, and promoting prostitution.
Which was normal because it was a nightclub. 
"You sure you're alright?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
"I'm fine boo, let's just have fun!" She smiled while cupping his face. 
They found seats in the far left of the club, Kayla sat down while Namjoon went to get drinks. 
"Yo what's good ma!" a deep voice called out.  Kayla turned around to see three men sitting on the right of her. You could clearly tell that they were just some random intoxicated junkies wanting sex. 
"Do I look like your fucking mother?" People like this disgust Kayla. 
"You here with anyone doll?" The man said walking towards her.
"She's here with me. Now get the hell out of her face." Namjoon said firmly.
"My bad RapMon, I didn't know this was your chick." He said walking away.  "Your chick?" Kayla scoffed, "I didn't know I was a bird."
"I didn't confirm that you were."  "Yeah, you didn't deny it either." She side-eyed him. 
"Okay relax. Here." He giggled handing her a cup with wine in it. 
"Wine?" Kayla said as if she was disappointed. 
"I got Hennessey too. But we'll save that for later." Namjoon smiled. 
They sat there drinking, talking about their lives, goals, and dreams for a while. 
Finally, they both got bored. 
"Can we go now? There's nothing to really do here." Kayla groaned. 
"Wanna go back to my place?" Namjoon smiled. 
"Sure." Kayla smiled back. 
They called the limo back and went straight to Namjoons apartment. 
Walking up the stairs, Kayla's feet began to hurt, it felt like she was walking on hot pins and needles. 
"You good Kay?" Namjoon said looking behind him. He was further up the stairs than she was. 
"Hell no! My fucking feet are killing me. These heels aren't it." She groaned. 
Namjoon shook his head and continued walking. 
"You not gonna help me?!" She yelled. 
"You didn't ask for help. Plus you told me to stop picking you up." He said waiting for her to catch up. 
"When have I EVER said that?" She grunted. 
"When I picked you up last time you claimed your feet were hurting, and your underwear somehow was damp." Namjoon giggled, "You got horny from me carrying you up the steps." 
Kayla rolled her eyes.
She finally caught up with him and they stood at his apartment door. 
Namjoon opened the wooden door and flicked the lights on.  Kayla's eyes lit up with excitement. 
Every time she goes to his house he has something new there. Last time it was a new bed, then a chandelier, he never stops buying things. 
"Where do you get all of this money to buy this expensive stuff?" She said running to his bright red couch and laying across it. 
"My job," Namjoon said taking his shoes off by the door. 
"No way you're making that much money at that club!" She scoffed.
"I  have two jobs. I originally worked at the Busan Museum, on my free days I go rap at the nightclub." Namjoon said joining Kayla on the couch. 
"Really? How much do you make?" She sat up, tapping her hand on his chest.
"Almost 45k a year." Namjoon said grabbing the Hennessy from beside him, "Want some?"  Kayla shook her head, "Hell yeah!" 
They drank for a few and eventually got tipsy. 
"Kayla," Namjoon said in a deep voice. 
"Hm?" Kayla hummed. 
"Let's play a game," Namjoon said rubbing her thighs softly. 
"Okay, what game," Kayla said running her hands through his soft silver locs. 
"We each get to ask each other one question about ourselves, whoever gets the question wrong, the person has to take a piece of clothing off," Namjoon smirked. 
"And what if they get it right?" Kayla giggled. 
"The person who asked the question has to take a piece of clothing off." Namjoon said sliding his hand further up Kayla's thighs, "The person with the most clothes remaining, wins." 
"What does the winner get?" Kayla smiled. 
"You'll see." Namjoon giggled. 
"Fine, I'll start." Kayla sat up straight, "When is my birthday?"  He's never gonna get thi-
"June 3rd, 1995." Joon smiled. 
Shit.  Kayla rolled her eyes removing her bra from inside of her dress. 
Namjoon giggled, "Okay, my turn. What is my favorite color?" 
"Easy, its orange. Your second favorite color  is purple." Kayla smirked. 
"Ding ding ding." Namjoon smirked taking off his shirt. 
Holy shit. This man is fucking sexy. Kayla thought to herself. She felt the heat grow hotter, and hotter between her legs. "My turn again," She stuttered.
"What was my dogs name?" She knew he wasn't gonna get this. 
"Milo." he said confidently. 
"Wrong. I never had a dog." Kayla giggled. 
This is gonna  be good. 
Namjoon smiled, looked Kayla with lustful eyes and proceeded to take his pants off, only to show his clothed bulge. 
Kayla turned a bright red. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. 
"My turn again." Namjoon said leaning his back against the couch. "What's my brothers name." He smirked. 
Brother? Namjoon doesn't have a brother. Kayla thought. 
"You don't have one. " Kayla said confused.
"I do, His name is Kash." Namjoon smiled. 
Well shit. 
Kayla took her underwear off and sat them on Namjoon's lap. 
Namjoon licked his lips. 
"Okay see if you can get this one, Where on my body makes me the horniest." She said. 
Namjoon paused for a minute,  and scooted closer to Kayla.  "Is it...Here?" Namjoon said touching her inner thigh. 
"Wrong. I'll give you one more try though."  She said whispering in his ear. 
Namjoon giggled, "Is it..." He reached his hand on her neck and pulled her closer,
"Here?" He said softly biting her neck. 
"Nope," Kayla slightly moaned. 
"Too bad." Namjoon said slipping his last piece of clothing off, His boxers, releasing his throbbing cock. 
"Looks like I won, What's my prize." Kayla stuttered.
Namjoon smiled and immediately pressed his lips against hers, Lifting her up off the couch by her thighs taking off her dress. 
Carrying Kayla to the bedroom, Namjoon immediately placed her on the bed, kissing all over her body. Making Kayla let out small but loud moans.
The feeling of Namjoon's soft, cold lips on Kayla's skin felt amazing.
Namjoon picked Kayla up sitting her on his lp.
Kayla could feel his cock in between her legs.
Kayla kissed Namjoon from the neck down, stopping at his bottom half, looking up at Namjoon for approval to continue. Joon nodded.
She continued to lick the tip of his throbbing cock.
Namjoon let out a deep gasp. Kayla proceeded to wrap her whole mouth around his cock, letting the pre-cum drip in her mouth. .
Namjoon hitched his breath, holding his moans in.
Kayla start going deeper, and deeper, until his cock hit the back of her throat.
Namjoon gripped her hair and started taking control of her head.
Pushing his cock in and out of her mouth, leaving Kayla gagging. Which she loved.
"That's right, Take it all mi amor." Namjoon growled.
When Namjoon talked in spanish, it turned Kayla on even more.
She started going faster, moving shoving his cock in and out of her mouth, taking every inch of him.
"Fuck!" Namjoon said reaching his climax.
Kayla was going to keep going, but she didn't want to let him finish that fast.
She got off her knees and sat back on his lap.
"Why did you stop?" Namjoon gasped for air.
"I didn't want you to cum yet. I want you to finish inside me." She smiled.
Namjoon grabbed her neck, and tossed her on the bed.
"Turn over." He ordered.
Kayla obeyed.
He gripped her thighs. "Arch." Kayla arched her back as much as she could. \
Namjoon bit his lip, getting a good look of the female.
He spit in his hand and rubbed it all over his hand.
"You ready?" Namjoon smirked, using his cock to play with her hole.
"Yes." Kayla moaned.
"Yes what my love?" He said whispered gripping her neck from the back.
"Yes, daddy." She moaned louder.
He pushed his cock in her soaking wet cunt, making Kayla's body jump.
"T-too much!" She cried, "Don't move yet!"
"Breath baby, I know you can take it." Namjoon said smiling. He continued to push his cock deeper, and deeper inside of her.
Causing her to scream.
"Mi amor, Your so tight." Namjoon grunted.
"Too much, gonna cum!" Kayla wasn't even able to say a full sentence.
Namjoon pulled out, and flipped kayla over, "No, your not."
Tears were falling down Kayla's face.
Joon got on his knees, and stuck his tongue on her clit, rotating it in circles.
Kayla start going crazy. Her moans were uncontrollable.
"Moan louder, Loud enough for the neighbors to hear! So they can hear you getting fucked by your best friend." Namjoon growled.
His grip on her neck became more firm.
"Fuck~" Namjoon let out a small whimper.
He slapped her ass and continuing to fuck her.
Kayla had tears rushing down her face. The pain was unbearable, "I can't take it!"
"Your doing so good baby." Namjoon said giving Kayla a hickey on her neck. "So fucking good."
"I'm close!" Kayla yelled.
"Hold it." Namjoon growled.
"I can't!"
"You got this baby, Just a few more minutes." Namjoon said picking his pace up.
Kayla started to see stars, she hasn't had sex this good before.
"Your daddy's little whore aren't you?" Namjoon grunted.
"Yes!" Kayla moaned. "Say it! Say your daddys little whore!" Namjoon said slamming into her.
"Im daddy's little whore." Kayla said in a faint moan.
"Say it louder love, so everyone in the fucking neighborhood could hear you!" "Im daddys little whore." She yelled.
"Fuck, Cum for me, mi amor!" Namjoon moaned.
They both reached their climax, and Kayla felt her stomach cave in. Her walls were painted a clear white with Namjoon's semen.
Namjoon let out a long groan and laughed.
"Can you walk?" Namjoon said rubbing Kayla's thighs.
She shook her head.
Namjoon smiled and picked kayla up, walking her into the bathroom.
"Let's get you cleaned up love." Kayla's mind went blank for a while.
She just fucked her best friend, and had the time of her life.They should get drunk and play games more often.
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shina913 · 3 years
Ristretto 1 | KNJ
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Pairing: KNJ x reader
Genre: cafe!AU; meet-cute; strangers to ?; fluff; drabble
Rating: PG-15
Word count: 1.9K words
Warnings: Just pure fluff; light cussing; strangers to ?; Joon's dimples (I mean--who are we kidding? They need warnings on their own, TBH)
Summary: A random café work day leads to something more?
A/N: This drabble was loosely inspired by an anecdote from actor, Riz Ahmed and how he met his wife in the cutest, most non-celebrity of circumstances. You can Google or YouTube his interview from the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, if you are so inclined.
Dedicated to my fellow Joon-loving friend, @deepseavibez
❤️, comment, reblog, or send me an ask 📩 to let me know what you think!
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Your Mac will sleep soon unless plugged into a power outlet.
“Shit–” you muttered under your breath after taking a bite out of your almond croissant then started digging into your backpack for your AC adapter.
About two hours ago, you rushed out from the train station and parked yourself at your favorite coffee shop to finish a mockup that you promised to a client at 11…it is now 10:30 and you have a few more adjustments to make on the layout.
When you finally dig your power cord out, you quickly fight to untangle it to plug it into the outlet less than a foot away from you. You briefly hit CMD+S to save your work in case your laptop shuts off before you get a chance to plug it in.
Once your application indicates that your work was 100% saved, you take your adapter’s plug in your hand and rise from your seat to reach over your laptop screen to connect it to the outlet when your head bumps into another.
“Ow,” you said grabbing your forehead.
You hear a low groan across from you.
When you finally look up, you find a tall, male figure massaging the middle of his forehead.
“Sorry—did I hurt you?” He had a low, gentle tone to his voice despite his size.
“No, I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking.”
“I guess neither of us were,” he says while he looks up at you and smiles.
Your breath hitched at the sight of the dimple on his left cheek.
“Do you want to plug yours in first?”
You are shaken out of your daydream. “Uh—yeah. Sure.”
You proceeded to plug in your power cord shortly followed by him.
You promptly sit back down while he does the same. You quickly wiggle your wireless mouse to wake up your screen and breathe a sigh of relief to find your application still open.
“Lose anything,” the man asked casually.
“No, no. I managed to save my work before my computer went to sleep.”
“Oh, good for you! Somehow, I always have terrible luck with that,” he chuckles while you smile back at him. It’s a situation you’ve run into one too many times as well.
“I’m sorry to hear that–I’ve had those, too. Like, I would literally be working on an untitled document for four hours straight before my program crashes,” you relayed.
“I would panic,” he says with a chuckle.
“Oh, I have pulled a few hairs out, trust me!”
Your watch chimes alerting you to a message and you sigh in frustration.
“Sorry if I’m distracting you. I’ll leave you be,” he says with a small smile and continues to type away on his keyboard.
You felt bad that Mr. Dimple (yes, you’re calling him that) has cut your conversation short but your email alerts have been going off with your client asking whether your mockup was still on track for the deadline that you set.
You puff up your cheeks and blow out a breath then continue to move a couple more elements, blend a few more colors, and resize a few shapes on your digital artboard.
As you both worked, each of your screens were angled towards each other–yours was a couple inches larger than his because you preferred a wider surface area for work. You were hunched over your laptop while he sat up in perfect posture as he stared at his screen. Your shoes, almost touching underneath the long cafe table.
He was tall enough to subtly steal glances at you over your huge screen while you contorted your face in various expressions. When you were in the zone, alternately scrunching and stretching your face seemed to help ideas flow freely–it was the weirdest thing.
As he sipped on his iced coffee, he stifled a laugh when he caught sight of you in the middle of one of your facial gymnastics.
You stopped to look up over your screen and found that he was staring at you.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” he apologized, fearing that he embarrassed you.
“Oh–no worries! I’m aware that I do this weird thing with my face while I work.” You let it roll off you. You frequented this cafe and have seen loads of people do the oddest things when they thought nobody was looking. Everybody just minded their own business.
“Do you come here a lot,” he asked.
“Yeah. I work as a freelance designer. I mostly work from home but spend some time here for a change of scenery.”
“Ah.” He nodded.
You worked out of the café on days whenever you got stuck with a project. You liked to people-watch and made up random background stories about them. It was a way to jump-start your creative juices.
You took a sip of your macchiato. “A-and you?” It was only polite to ask.
Students, professionals, and homebodies alike frequented this neighborhood café. It was nice, cozy, and they served great coffee with superb, homemade pastries.
You’ve been coming to this place for almost three years at varying hours of the day so you would have at least seen him once.
“I haven’t seen you here before.”
“First time. I moved here a few days ago. I live close by and uhh–what do you know, my internet hasn’t been installed yet,” he said wryly.
“Oh no! That blows,” you said sympathetically.
“Yeah. I got tired of tethering my phone so I thought I’d come down to a café instead.”
You tried to guess if he was a student or some yuppie. But you couldn’t tell because he came dressed in a dark hoodie, sweats, and an oversized coat. He also hid his hair under a beanie, making his facial features more prominent—especially that dimple—which made him look years younger than when you first laid eyes on him after you bumped heads.
You hummed, taking another sip of your coffee. “So…you’re new to the area?”
“Uh huh.” He smiled again–that dimple making you weak in the knees.
“Are you here for work or–”
“Yeah. I have a few more days to settle before I have to check into the office.”
You nodded and absentmindedly hit CMD+S on your computer again.
“Do you have any recommendations on any places in the area that I need to check out?”
“Uhm–well…that depends on what you’re in to.”
He held your gaze while he leaned backwards from his screen to get a better look at you. “Why don’t you tell me what you like to do for fun? I’m pretty open.”
You suddenly feel flustered and catch a glimpse of the clock on your computer. You had 15 minutes left… But surely, you can possibly run through a couple of recommendations in 5 minutes and spend the last 10 exporting your file and sending it out?
You took in a sharp breath. “Well…I like to go into old book stores. There’s one tucked in this specific neighborhood. They have lots of vintage books with a quiet reading nook.”
That’s the best you can do?
His brows quirk up. “Huh.”
Quick! Think of something more exciting!
“Uhmm…There’s also a nice botanical garden on the opposite side of the city that’s really cool if you want to go somewhere quiet and just enjoy nature. Sure, it’s not—like a bar or a club but you can also have a picnic there on a nice day—”
He paused for a moment, a blank expression on his face.
Nice going. You are officially the most boring person in the world.
Just when you start to sink back into your chair, a smile slowly creeps through his lips. “That all sounds really amazing to me. Do you think that—“
“Oh, crap!” You gasped and started scrambling as you suddenly saw your computer clock showing the time as 10:55.
Mr. Dimple is left hanging while you rush to export your file and in the background, start composing an email to send the attachment with.
You curse and mutter under your breath for allowing yourself to be distracted by this café hottie in front of you. You forgot to include a couple minor elements but at this point, this file will have to do. Maybe you’ll make up an excuse to the client and resend another email later saying that you missed it. You just needed something for them to react to.
As if things weren’t stressful enough, your program freezes. You start to break a sweat…you have about 90 seconds left before your deadline.
Then suddenly, a ping comes in.
Hey YN,
Sorry for the last-minute switch. We literally just got a few more requests from the project director. We didn’t think it was fair for you to rush these changes today. Can you implement them by the end of the week?
A reprieve!
You type up a quick response agreeing to your new deadline extension. After you hit ‘send’ you run your fingers through your hair and breathe a sigh of relief.
You look up to see Mr. Dimple still staring at you, brows furrowed.
“Sorry—just had a major project breakthrough,” you smiled, slightly embarrassed.
He then starts to gesture at his face. “Uh—you’ve got a little…uhm…”
“Huh?” You grabbed a napkin and dab away aimlessly in case you had a coffee stain or some errant pastry crumbs around your mouth.
You freeze when he suddenly reaches over by your cheek and into your hair to gently pluck something out.
He shows you a couple of almond slivers. They must have been stuck somewhere on your palms until you touched your hair and they got caught in it.
You giggled, embarrassed. “As you can see, I’m kind of a mess.”
“You look fine to me,” he remarked, still smiling at you.
Your cheeks start to heat up under his gaze.
“Anyway, what I was trying to say earlier was whether you can tell me the names of these places and I can look them up,” he asked.
“Oh, sure. Hang on, let me write them down for you.”
You grab a napkin off the table dispenser and a pen from your bag to write down the names of the locations that you just rattled off earlier. You handed the napkin to him and he took it and put it on his laptop, typing and glancing up at his screen. You assumed that he started looking up the places on his search engine.
“Could I borrow your pen for a sec?”
“Yeah, sure.” You handed him your pen while he scribbled something down.
“This place here—I’m having some trouble reading it.”
Damn you and your chicken scratch handwriting.
“Can I see?”
He holds the napkin to show you. “This one right here,” he pointed at a specific line.
When you glance at the spot that he pointed to, you are amazed to find a few new things written down.
The way he held the napkin, he had written an arrow pointing to him and next to it was his name, 'Namjoon'. Underneath that was an arrow pointing in your direction followed by 'You' with a question mark.
You looked up at him for a bit, slightly taken by surprise.
Worried that you were about to run out the door screaming, he quickly adds, “You don’t have to tell me if you’re not comfortable. But I promise I’m not a creeper!”
You slowly grinned at him thinking how much more adorable he got.
“Hi, Namjoon. I’m YN.” You reach your hand over your screen and he shakes it.
“I’m not very smooth,” he says apologetically.
“I beg to differ,” you smiled at him.
“So uh—would you prefer a bookstore or a botanical garden date?”
You blushed as you agreed to him taking you out.
“Oh, before I forget…are these places accessible by bike? I don’t really drive and–”
”I like bike rides,” you softly interrupted
“Alright then,” he nodded. “It’s a date!” He beamed, two dimples now on full display.
You shook your head and thought…those things should be illegal.
Part 2◥
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holdontokpop · 2 years
BTS reaction to you letting out a moan while eating ice cream
Anon said: Can you make BTS reaction to you moaning a bit while you eat ice cream?
A/N: Dear anon, enjoy!
Jungkook: "Is the ice cream that good huh?" *gif*
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Jimin: "Oh-" *gif*
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Taehyung: "I can make you moan better hehe-" *smirks* *turning sexual right away*
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Rap Monster: *gif says it all*
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J-Hope: "This girl...." *thinks to himself*
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Suga: *gif*
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Jin: "What-" *gif*
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noir0neko · 7 years
intro: her- knj
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we bloom until we reach one another. 
(f)- fluff, some kiss action / 1.8k words- a lil love drabble / bf!knj / (x) + (x)
a/n: this drabble is based off of intro: serendipity and outro: her, and is about the beginnings of sweet love, hence the title, I hope you enjoy and get all fluttery and soft like I did while writing it ! much love~
It is often said that the grandest of things have the most humble beginnings.
You and him didn’t start out as anything beautiful, it was quiet. Like a small drop of rain falling into the ocean, a single plane flying amongst the millions of stars in the sky. The now complex world was nothing before it suddenly exploded into everything. The universe shifted and moved in order to allow grand things to fill it.
He could feel your eyes on the nape of his neck, wandering from the professor to the soft lines of his hair and back again, only half paying attention to the lecture taking place at the podium. With a lopsided smile, he turns around and grins at you, your cheeks turning pink and smiling back, waving lightly. For three weeks the two of you had been talking, getting to know each other, walking together after class, using assignments as an excuse to text one another during the day. You could sense something in him that intrigued you. You could see someone that excited you.
It feels pure. It feels good.
It feels terrifying.
Nothing in the world compares to the seedling of love. Nothing parallels its ability to control, confuse and contort every single perception of reality into something new. Something whole and less broken than it seemed to be before.
For months, you didn’t think you could move on. For months, you didn’t think you’d be less lonely. For months, there seemed to be a dim place within the recesses of your heart that you didn’t think would be refilled. But him. This boy. Maybe… just maybe-
“Namjoon?” The professor’s sharp voice racks you from your thoughts.
Kim Namjoon lowers his hand from his position in the air, his side profile smooth and visible to your eye as you turn to watch his lips move as he speaks. His voice is clear, articulate, each word he says in response to questions weighted with importance. His hand brushes against his copy of a classic novel, pages tabbed and no doubt filled with pen to document his thoughts.
The teacher approves his reply with a nod, laughing when he turns around to raise his eyebrows in happiness and surprise. “I’m impressed,” you whisper, leaning forward in the aisle between desks.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” he says, eyes glinting with mischief.
You roll your eyes in flippance, sitting back in your chair and letting the butterflies to take flight in your stomach. He is intelligent, kind, hardworking, optimistic, respectful, honest… what else could you want?
With the end of the lecture, class is dismissed early, and you try to pack up at the same pace as Namjoon so you can get out of the door with him. Hurriedly, you zip up your bag as he is walking down the desk aisle, a sinking feeling in your stomach as he begins to get away. What seems like a sea of people separate you two, and you get your phone out to occupy yourself on the walk to your car, but Namjoon had waited for you by holding the door open for all the people in between you, bowing your head in thanks and smiling when he lets it close on the others behind so he can walk with you.
“How do you think you did on the test?” He asks, referring to the small ten question pop quiz we had on our readings.
“Super well,” you pause, “I hope.”
He laughs in agreeance, the afternoon air cold on your skin. Wind sings through the trees, groups of people walking to and from their classes, either talking to friends or encapsulated in their own worlds. He starts talking about his love of foreign languages, how he’d love to learn Latin, how he’s somewhat okay at Polish and Spanish, how the French course here is kicking his ass. You could listen to him talk all day, about nothing, about everything, loving the way his lips move, how his body talks with his voice.
“We should get together and study sometime,” he comments lightly, trying not to put implications behind his words, “I could use your help with French.”
You smile, nodding vigorously as you two approach his gleaming white car. “Of course, text me whenever you’re available, since you’re ever the busy guy, and I’m sure I’ll be free for you.”
He presses the key to unlock his car, but doesn’t get in it, standing with his backpack on his shoulders, looking at you with a heavy expression. He loved your joy, your seeming happiness for just being alive, your hope. He could use some of it within his life. Though on the same side of the coin, he was just as scared as you were. Of falling. But maybe it would be worth it to fall with you. Maybe it would be worth it to remove his mask, and be vulnerable.
“I don’t have class for another hour and a half,” he begins, question in his tone, “what about you?”
“Nothing for the rest of the day,” you say, watching him lean against the trunk of his car.
It is silent for a moment, and you hike your backpack up on your shoulders trying to think of something to say. But it seems all that you could, has already been, or has fled from your mind, only thinking about how much you want to close yourself into his chest to combat the wind.
“It’s been a long day,” he opens up more conversation, sliding his own backpack from his shoulders and onto the pavement, “I feel like I work too much to focus on school.’’ His eyelashes are dark when he looks down, kicking gravel with his feet.
“How many classes do you have?”
“Just three,” he says, “but it’s so easy to get overwhelmed with everything going on.”
You nod, wishing you were brave enough to ask what was going on in his life, but just settling for an, “I understand, it’s hard to juggle so many things at once,” instead.
His expression is thoughtful, hands moving as he speaks to try and get the words out, “it’s like, we bloom until we ache. We keep going and trying and yearning until it hurts us.”
You ponder the deep thought, tilting your head and catching his eye, “I completely agree. You’re so eloquent.”
He smiles somewhat sheepishly, the expression giving you the courage to move from in front of him and lean against his trunk as well, arms nearly touching in proximity. The wind begins to pick up, tossing unruly strands of your hair around your face. Namjoon crosses his legs at the ankles, an odd absence of words filling the air.
The sound of cars driving past in the parking lot consumes your thought, trying not to focus on the fact that the backs of your hands are nearly touching. A couple passes, arms around one another as the girl complains of the cold, getting her significant other to wrap their arms tighter around her small figure. Namjoon watches them, seeming to wonder, like you, how if would feel to have the other so close like that.
His arm moves as your wild mane blows against it, his body startled to feel any part of you against it. But unknowingly, the action drives you to step to the side a little, allowing cold air between you two.
“Sorry,” you laugh, trying to push your hair behind your ears, “my hair must feel left out of our conversation.”
He chuckles at your bad joke, reaching his opposite arm over to push it back for you, the feeling of his fingers on the shell of your ear giving you goosebumps. “It’s okay. If I had long hair, it would probably be jealous too.”
You smile at the ground, feeling his eyes on you.
“Do you ever feel like nothing is a coincidence?” His voice is hardly above a murmur, turning to him in order to hear his voice, “that fate has a hand in everything that happens to us?”
You blink, wetting your lips before answering, “I think some things are just too good to be considered coincidences. But sometimes fate can be cruel, mean, unlucky… ”
He can seem to sense your trepidation, can taste you fear as if it’s his own, because everything within you is reflected in him. As if you were within him all along. As if the wholeness he was searching for was right before his eyes.
“I’ll be your lucky charm,” he says, eyes gentle and kind, “your calico cat.”
You can feel the heat from his body radiating into yours, his eyes swimming with expression and unspoken questions that you find yourself saying yes too. You smell the soap he used, still see the slightly darker strands of his hair from when they were wet with water, fingers twitching at your side, wishing to know what it feels like.
“My calico cat,” you repeat, testing the words, “then what will I be to you?”
He doesn’t respond right away, chocolate eyes flitting from yours to the bridge of your nose, to your lips, lingering there for a moment. He ventures to minutely scoot closer, dipping his toe in the waters, your breathing completely still.
And Namjoon kisses you. His lips warm and soft. You feel like a child, insides exploding with light and the small spark within you igniting into a raging fire. His fingers hook beneath your backpack straps, pulling you into his embrace and warmth and scent. He opens his mouth against yours, hands instinctively going to quell their thirst to feel his hair, the strands like silk beneath your aching fingers.
It seems we bloom until we ache, he had said, the expression ringing in your ears.
We bloom until we reach each other.
His tongue moves along yours, and all the cold melts away into something hot, something grand. What a great day to be alive. His arms are firm in their grip, heads moving to accommodate one another and bodies shifting to eliminate any gaps. The world around shifts for you once more so it doesn’t exist, becoming only him within your veins. Part of you isn’t sure this is real, isn’t sure if fate could be this kind.
He tastes like fresh brew coffee, dark, energizing, beautiful. One of his hands lets go of your backpack when he pulls away, using the pad of his thumb to wipe across the skin of your soft cheeks, adoring the way they glow in both abashedness and cold.
“My angel. My world. That’s what you’ll be,” he pauses, smiling as your breath releases from your red lips in an amazed puff before continuing, “if you let me love you.”  
~Admin Eggplant
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kpopimaginings · 3 years
Kiss #13 with RM please? 🥺 Thank you I love your writings. You're amazing!
Thank you for the support! I absolutely loved writing this wonderfully soft RM drabble :)
Kiss #13 - Kiss on the back - RM (Namjoon)
Kisses Masterlist
It was the morning after your first night with Namjoon. You woke slowly and blissfully, to find him still sound asleep beside you. He was facing away from you, so all you could see was the broad expanse of his bare back.
After a quick stretch you settled on your side facing him and began to gently run your fingers over his skin. Your light touch drew mindlessly, not focussing on anything in particular, just basking in the softness of the moment and the comforting warmth of is presence.
Eventually, he began to stir, your actions tickling the skin of his back. Reaching round he took your hand in his pulling you closer as he held your hand to his chest. You were now perfectly positioned to place small kisses on his back.
"You're very affectionate this morning," he mumbled, his naturally deep tone combined with the haze of the early morning sending shivers down your spine.
"Is that a problem?" you asked before pressing your lips back to his skin.
A chuckle vibrated through him.
"Not at all," he said, bring your hand to his own lips to softly kiss the back of it. "In fact, if this is what you are like in the morning, you might need to sleep round more often."
He moved then, fidgeting to get comfortable lying on his back, giving you the first glimpse of his face, still slightly puffy from sleep but as handsome as ever.
"Happily," you agreed.
Resting your head on his bare chest, you snuggled into his embrace, perfectly content to spend the entire morning between the sheets wuth the man you were lucky enough to call yours.
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