#rant in hashtags
dustypantsfortherain · 6 months
(Discussion over me reinstalling Windows onto my computer because my hard drive got corrupted)
Dad: So they gave you Windows 11 with your computer with no way to install it.
Me: I bought Windows 11 as a CD and (sisters boyfriend) luckily gave me Windows 10 as a flash drive before I had a cd player to install Windows 11. Making it so that I did not learn till now that you needed Windows 10 installed before you install Windows 11.
Dad: So they gave you Windows 11 with no way to install it?
Me: I bought it from the internet. No one else was involved.
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soupthatistohot · 1 year
BSD 109 Spoilers!!!
I will always always ALWAYS come back to this panel when talking about Asagiri’s storytelling.
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At its very core, BSD is an absurdist text, Kafka Asagiri having been inspired by many absurdist authors. Franz Kafka, who he took his pseudonym from is one of them. Albert Camus, basically the most well-known absurdist is referenced with the Mersault prison, the name of which comes from a character in his most famous absurdist work, The Stranger. 
Absurdism is the belief that the world around us is irrational and inherently absurd and that explicitly seeking meaning is pointless. In his essay The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus explains, that there is value in the act of rebellion, though. Sisyphus, who has been doomed to roll a boulder up a mountain only for the boulder to tumble back down each time he reaches the peak, finds meaning in the act of continuing to push the boulder. Even though he will continue this cycle for all of eternity, he doesn’t just lay down and give up, he rebels against the absurdity of his situation by continuing to push the boulder, despite the seemingly futile nature of the act. 
As I said earlier, BSD is an absurdist text. All of the animanga’s main characters are on a journey of discovering their meaning in life, and their place in the world, and they do this by rebelling against its absurdity — especially Dazai. 
Dazai sees the absurd world for what it is, and when he was in the PM, he hated it. Thus, he sought suicide as a solution. I will note here that absurdists generally view suicide as a failure to rebel against the absurd, just giving up and giving into hopelessness. But ever since Dazai left the PM and took Oda’s advice, he’s been rebelling against this, doing good despite his inherent beliefs about morality and the world, and he’s absolutely gotten better for it. 
Other characters embody this idea of rebelling against the absurd, hell, that’s kinda what this whole arc is about. The world is literally ending, and things seem to be at their absolute worst, but someone like Atsushi still has hope that he can change the minds of the hunting dogs and save reality as we know it. He even has hope that he can get through to a vampiric Akutagawa when the guy is literally brainwashed and attacking him. Aya as the “last hope” right now embodies this, too, deciding that she can’t just sit around and do nothing and then trying to remove the sword from Bram even though the effort appears futile. 
But everything is going wrong right now. Fukuzawa is bleeding out, Dazai has just been shot through the forehead and appears to have died, Atsushi’s had his limbs ripped off and is at Akutagawa’s mercy, and Fukuchi is literally going to end the world! How can we have hope?!
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Think about BSD. Think about the story that’s been told so far. Surely Asagiri isn’t killing everyone right now, surely the world isn’t gonna actually end. I’m not entirely convinced Aya’s plan is gonna work— but please consider that the point of absurdist storytelling is that even when everything seems to be at its worst, even when life seems completely meaningless, there is inherent meaning in still continuing to fight against this. 
BSD has never been a story where the villains win, and I don’t think it’s gonna start being one. I think, as usual, Asagiri wants to scare us, to make us feel hopeless about the situation, only for someone to pull through and completely turn the tides.
Dazai laying down and accepting his death at Chuuya’s hands is not going to be the end of his story, because it goes against everything Asagiri seems to stand for. Dazai wouldn’t just give up in his fight against Fyodor, because he needs to prove he’s right about what he says in this panel:
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"The ones who actually make the world turn are those who scream within the storm of uncertainty and run with flowing blood."
I think this reflects Asagiri's own beliefs and is also the reason why he is not going to let Dazai die like this, because in a way, that would be proving that Fyodor is right. From a storytelling perspective, it’d be saying “everything I’ve communicated up to this point actually means nothing and life is truly hopeless!” 
Dazai has cheated death before, as has basically everyone else in danger right now. I promise you, something is going to happen and they’re all going to survive, because BSD is not trauma porn, for lack of a better term. It’s a story about how a group of people fight against the absurdity of their reality, even when everything seems completely and utterly hopeless. 
There’s a lot of theories circulating about how things could work out, especially Dazai’s “death,” and I’m not here to repeat all of them, but I will say that a lot of them have credence, especially because Asagiri isn’t the type of author to make mistakes, every single detail has a distinct reason. 
So even though I don't know how things are going to work out, I have full faith that they will, including Dazai's current situation. None of these characters are done just yet, they've got too much fight left in them to just give up.
[original twt thread]
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kiki-1109 · 11 days
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celebratory albedo birthday drawing!! i tried doing the twitter 4-image crop trend with it so it looks kinda awkward lol
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crtstormie · 7 months
One of the many things from the original webcomic and ideas for Hazbin hotel I am just itching in my chair waiting to see is Angel in drag. I feel like that used to be one of his main traits and if this show already has taken all the flack over Angel’s flamboyant character then they could do this.
Angel, Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, and sort of Val get highlights on their sexualities, but I think the funniest way possible to sort of highlight Husk’s sexuality (panromantic) would to have Angel come out in drag and Husk just gets flustered as heck. Like he usually dosent like when Angel gets all dressed up for cameras, but he simply just admires both versions of Angel. Husk still likes seeing Angel for who he truly is but if Angel is really comfortable with this form of stage, then you know Husk’s pan ass would adore the hell out of it! And then like, after a show Husk is swooning over Angel and Angel notices and asks him “oh, ya like it when I get all cute like this?” And Husk just blatantly replies with “I just like it when you’re happy.” LIKE OUTWARD ‘GENDER’ DOSENT MATTER TO HIM?! MM??
as A panromantic person myself, I would freaking love to see that. And it sucks ass how the only other pan character in HAZBIN is.. ya know.. the Valentino? The A$$aulter Valentino?
idk maybe I’m just dreaming but I feel like either people aren’t aware of this side of Angel because it hasn’t been mentioned once since the original comics. The only thing we really get is potentially a drag wig in Angel’s dressing room.
So along with that, if Husk’s pan side would be shown through admiring Angel in any form? I would DIE for that.
Anyway I love this idea so much that I might write a fic about it.
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scribe-of-hael · 1 month
I think what sucks most about Earthspark is the potential of hitting topics that honestly I feel kids now adays should be able to learn about.
Like what happened with hastag and Starscream's history. Somtimes bad ppl hurt us, it hurts when we aren't believed. It hurts us when we are haunted by them. It is ok to talk about them and even not feel safe around the person that might have hurt us.
Starscream is bewildered that a child of all beings BELIEVES him and wnates to hear him out. He is clearly conflicted and he know she other kids have a bias because of the comics they read and what they know.
Despite being told who he was, he deliberately saved Hashtag when he was the one MOST at risk. The dwellers wasn't going to hurt her, it was gonna eat him. But he risked his life anyway. In that moment, he proved he is not as selfish as they come like Thrash said.
Starscream instead of fighting or even willingly going with Megatron said "no. You hurt me. I do not feel safe with you around me" and fucked off. No fight, no snark. Even wishing Hashtag well.
I legit wanna throw hands with whoever decided to take this moment , and THROW IT IN TRASH. By making it seem it was all a trick, and he never meant it hurts so fucking much.
And yes, I do understand that sometimes people who have been abused become abusers themselves. It happens! But you have NO fucking set up from a writers perspective to pull this shit. And doing it exposition of -
"Starscream does what he always does"
Is the laziest cop out writing i have seen since supernatural s12 is is fucking awful. There is no other word for it. It is striaght up awful writing.
It would have been better if you SHOWED how and why Starscream ends up this way but you DON'T. There for its not earned or even fucking explained other than. Its shoehorned in.
"It's what a Starscream would" STOP. Stop , just stop trying to constantly make the same character in every universe. Or at the very least explain WHY or fucking how!
One reason why I dread watching Armada is knowing that in Energon and Cybertron they just completely reset his character. This WHOLE ARC OF GROWTH, back to what a "classic" Starscream would be.
I do not know why Starscream is unable to be given a better arc than any other character or villain. Esspcially when Megatron is allowed to be better in ES just because and Starscream isn't.
There was so much set up for good lessons and story telling. They just completely trashed it for something less than digestible.
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yourgfdgirlfriend · 1 year
can we talk about how toxic this whole “that small thing gives me the ick” narrative is?
like, girl, him using a basket at the grocery store or bringing water to the airport gives you ‘the ick’, but him never doing a single chore or believing women are inherently better at cleaning, like it’s some instinctual level ability is fine!? you’re gonna deal with him actually thinking he’s superior to you, but don’t he dare pick up a ping pong ball or you’re out?
wanna know what gives me ‘the ick’? rudeness. sexist behaviour. selfishness. masculinity, that is so fragile wind could knock it over. being unable to give a genuine apology. those are things that make me wanna drop someone; not normal human actions.
can we stop picking on any even slightly feminine perceived behaviour in men and just let them live without this ginormous expectation to always be this strong masculine picture of a man that no one is ever gonna be able to fulfil? you’re creating the same pressure on them we as women get all the time. you’re feeding into toxic masculinity. stop. make an effort to end this thinking instead. all the ‘icks’ I see on social media are so fucking stupid and misogynistic in their core; usually accompanied with sentences like “well, if he’s gonna cry about a birthday gift, he’s not my alpha anymore” no, he’s not. he is a real person with feelings, you fucking brainwashed-by-the-patriarchy monster.
give me a fucking break; i’m so sick of seeing people pressured into these roles their whole life and being so unhappy and hold so much resentment. just stop. let men cry. let men think kitties are cute. let men dangle their feet. let men giggle and be silly. let men have genuine moments of happiness without thinking about whether or not they seem masculine enough. cut them some fucking slack. and maybe there will be fewer men hating women, because they always had to be a certain way to be accepted. every woman knows the feeling of all these expectations and rules you have to follow. we know how much it sucks; how suffocating it is. so let’s stop repeating this narrative and start breaking out of it. reflect on where you’re coming from before criticising someone’s behaviour. we’ll all be happier for it.
and don’t anyone dare to use this as anti-feminist. this is inherently feminist, because it breaks with the tale of women being poor innocent damsels in distress unable to harm anyone or anything; always the victims. perfect little dolls. we’re not. women are cruel and flawed. women are offenders. women are judgmental. women are cold hearted and shortsighted. women are petty. women are misogynistic. (not all women of course *cough cough*) women are not perfect. we are human. of course the “women are capable and smart. women are superheroes” side of feminism is widely preferred. let’s be honest no one wants to hear bad things about themselves, especially when fighting against your own oppression; but it’s therefore no less true. both are legitimate; they’re two sides of the same coin. deal with it.
and if I see anyone hurting a sweet boy’s feelings, because him owning a stuffy or something adorable like that gave you ‘the ick’ I’m gonna personally bitch slap you so hard, that looking in the mirror will give you the ick for the rest of your life. savvy?
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professionalidiot32 · 6 months
he’s a facebook mom to a weird egg first, and a silly little guy who wants to destroy the world second
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he just wants to make a perfect world guys (replace every person and pokemon with a togepi)
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nova-they-exist-yup · 8 months
Keep smiling through, just like you always do
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cadavorcist · 1 year
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i love being normal about fictional characters
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regulusrules · 1 month
Man do you ever like over-obsess for a straight month on a chapter in your fic, bleed yourself in writing the best you can for it, overthink every single word in it, but then entitlement 101 guest arrives
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pankiepoo · 8 months
how do you feel about the new ep? :D
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Personal review regarding what if…? season 2 episode 8 (spoilers)
No ok, I must admit, the episode was good in some aspects.
Wanda was majestic. Loki and Scott were hilarious and I loved every single moment with them.
Thor was amazing, dark and serious out of loss but still enjoyable, and the crumbs of his relationship with Hela were very nice.
I’ve actually liked Tony for the very first time in my life, probably because I tend to like him a lot more in AUs and fanfictions than I do in the normal timeline.
And then… there were those two.
I will never comprehend why marvel wants Steve to be so dependent on Peggy. And I will never comprehend why, to make him interact with her, they have to destroy or sideline every other relationship he has built, or make his character flat.
Bucky being friends with Scott was amazing, but the fact that him and Steve interacted like two times was extremely disappointing. You’d expect “best friends in every universe”, if you dislike the romantic pairing so much, to acknowledge themselves for more than a few scenes, in only one of which they’re in frame together (Bucky was literally 😐 while his best friend disappeared, come on now).
And the storyline about Peggy coming from another world to save the universe was just… Mbah. It could’ve been executed in another way without including her and it still would have made sense. It really feels like a Y/N insert.
Seeing literally any other character was so good, so fun, and they had to ruin it this way, making Peggy once again the self insert and girlboss she didn’t need to be.
Plus, forgive my constant complaining, but it’s extremely infuriating how all of Steve’s friends were eliminated to put the focus solely on Peggy. Where’s Sam? Where’s Nat? Where’s Clint? It’s not an underrated friendship we’re talking about, a big chunk of the fandom loves the cap quartet or team cap, and after civil war it would have been nice to see them interact, especially after its popularity and popular demand. Outlaw team cap would have been glorious, a good chance to bring back many characters who aren’t here anymore in the right way, and involve characters that are rarely involved in What if in the storyline, for a change.
The treatment of Sam in this series particularly angers me, and even more so in this episode. I understand not involving him in other storylines, but Sam was a big part of CATWS and he wasn’t even in the episode centered on that film. What, because Steve met him while running he can’t be introduced in any other way? And oh, there’s no excuse for this episode. If there was one episode they could have placed Sam in, it was this one. Sam was there in infinity war, where the mess happened, and he should have been with the other avengers in this one.
If marvel wanted to involve someone from another universe so bad, it should have been a Captain America Sam from another universe. Can you imagine the poetry of seeing Steve and Nat again after endgame? Can you imagine having closure with them both, and having fun in the process? It would have been so great.
Another great storyline without involving characters from other universes would have been one where Steve, who touched the time stone, accidentally brought everyone in the past, and he was the only one to remember it. And to go back and prevent everyone’s distraction, he had to recruit the avengers, who don’t know him and don’t trust him but that in the end become his friends and companions. It would have been so interesting to see the original avengers involved in something different from being some side characters or extras in the one woman show that seems to be What if, constantly centered around the same bland, one dimensional reimagined side character. Peggy’s blandness is so obvious in these episodes (aside for some random remarks that made me smile) that literally everyone who’s involved directly with her must be bland like her, otherwise risking to overshadow her.
I don’t think I was supposed to cringe and look away as much as I did during Steggy’s forced scenes, but I did. If they had to force Steggy and Peggy down our throats, at least they could have done something different from the same bland and boring storyline as always. I wouldn’t be as mad as I am now if Peggy and Steve’s relationship wasn’t as bland. I would have preferred an enemies to lovers type of twist or change, where Steve doesn’t trust Peggy and struggles with her because he sees in her a different version of the Peggy that died in that universe. But noooo, god forbid, let’s go with the same old song.
An episode five or ten minutes longer with a better, avengers-centric or Steve-centric storyline would have been much better than what we got.
And given that this was my most anticipated episode, I was very disappointed by it. I hope for the next seasons, if there’s other ones, Marvel will listen to the general complaint regarding Peggy and will give her a break. I don’t think any of the original avengers or relevant MCU characters made as much appearances as Peggy, and being a main focus in four episodes out of nine is ridiculous.
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nightixx · 5 months
also I said that I didn't want to conclude anything about what moon's mental state will lead him to, but I can see him having short auditory hallucinations with solar's voice. Not a whole "oh god he's schizophrenic" thing or a psychotic break. Just like little sentence that solar used to tell him. Technically those hallucinations can happen to everyone but I can totally see him having those and worsens his case if he's in such a state as today's episode
Edit : this a potential thing, not an analysis of the future.
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captainfern · 4 months
why are some people so MEAN :(
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robotlcangel · 4 months
I can’t say I liked it, at all, I do really like aftermath and spitfire (she needs to be at least slightly different from twitch) I also liked some of the jokes, it really is disappointing that Robby and Mo are are the main focus when they ain’t really all that interesting, it feels really desperate to make you like Robby and Mo and think that they’re cool, it also felt like the autobots (and their parents) were kinda shoving the Terrans into being super soldiers instead of letting them be kids, nightshade and several other characters are given like 2 minutes of screen time which is really disappointing all of the siblings but nightshade, was given at lest a episode focusing on them except for nightshade, and the world feels really real empty like where are the rest of the mechs, especially when only one new legacy character was introduced and it was cosmos and HE LITERALLY DID NOTHING his only purpose was to be a weird Al cameo and nothing else, Starscream felt soooo flat in season two and I’m fine with he being evil I actually was excited I really wanted to see Megatron getting jumped by both autobots and decepticons, but no he was just generically evil, the said “letting us free from our oppressors” but then he committed child murder and didn’t give one fuck about his deception’s after he got power, he was sooooo boring and generic, at this rate I don’t think we will ever see a Starscream redemption or him just being happy in general
I think the con’s could and should be evil but not this flavor of evil like team skull from Pokémon type evil like their main goal is just to kill megatron and cause problems for the autobots, and I think it would be super interesting if a good amount of autobots joined them, and at lest make one of the Terrans a con sympathizer (best option is nightshade imo) and have them get ostracized from their family and even have said Terran decide to leave their family because they are being ostracized, and join up with the cons 🗣️🗣️ bonus points if Alex and Dottie are the most disapproving, I feel like the maltos should at least some internal conflict but them always being 100% cool with most things makes them feel boring, and obviously they can still love each other but something more interesting needs to be going with the maltos then self doubt and starscream, ik i already said this but omg Robby and Mo need to be secondary characters and not the super main focus, and get rid of those goofy power rangers suits.
The Terrans also had sooo much Plot armor it’s insane like no way can hashtags can beat SHOCKWAVE it’s ridiculous it’s blasphemy, it’s outrageous,
Over all it was really stupendously disappointing I was so damn excited I didn’t sleep, and all for nothing 😔😔😔
(Sorry if this post is a little incoherent I’m super fucking sick rn I’ll definitely post more of my thoughts later🗣️🗣️🗣️)
I officially count this season as non canon.
I might even do a rewrite because I have so many ideas it’s making me tweak
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mimimiafanpage · 8 days
Hey um dc comics please don't erase Mia again and also stop shoving her in the background (but also don't do the "so you are just green arrow now?")
I mean Mia hasn't even spoken enough for me to tell if she's in character or not and that sucks major balls. Maybe. Don't.
Please let her be a main character again.
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