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This write-up is a continuation of my 11 previous ones on filming locations for Bad Buddy (links to all my filming location posts are listed at the end of this one). This post focuses mainly on locations connected to PatPran's childhood and teenage years.✨👬✨
Of course most of these (excluding their family homes, already written up here) are locations at and around PatPran's elementary and high schools, and they were represented by the Satit Bilingual School (SBS) in Rangsit, Greater Bangkok. (There is one more childhood location, non-academic and much more obscure, at the end of this write-up. 😉)
(top) The entrance to the Satit Bilingual School in Rangsit; (middle) Pat and Pran revisit their old school at Bad Buddy Ep.10 [3I4] 1.20; (bottom) the location of SBS Rangsit on plan, in one corner of Rangsit University
I've mentioned SBS before (see this write-up linked here) but this post goes into more detail in matching up BBS scenes with individual locations inside the school grounds. If any of these settings look familiar, it may be because SBS has been used many times before in other BLs (the most extensive I think was in The Eclipse, where it was the primary location of Suppalo High School). For other dramas where SBS was used for filming, do check out my dear friend @colourme-feral's excellent post on shared filming locations linked here. 😍👍
If anything, the filming in and around SBS Rangsit shows once again how consistent the team was in using one locale and its environs to depict co-located scenes in BBS – the elementary and high school locations were all filmed here, just as BBS filmed almost all the student apartment scenes at Tinidee Hotel Bangkok Golf Club (see this write-up here), all Pat's faculty scenes at Rangsit University's College of Engineering (see this write-up linked here) and almost all Pran's faculty scenes at Rangsit University's Faculty of Architecture (see this write-up linked here).
Even scenes that could have been easily filmed elsewhere (because their surroundings were not particularly distinctive or readily identifiable as being part of SBS Rangsit) were nevertheless all filmed here, including settings like the music room (Ep.2 [4/4] 7.20, Ep.3 [1I4] 2.10 and Ep.4 [2/4] 1.08), Kruu Payao's office (Ep.10 [3I4] 7.48), the school football field (Ep.1 [1I4] 4.24, Ep.1 [1I4] 6.37 and Ep.12 [2/4] 5.19), as well as PatPran's classrooms (Ep.1 [1I4] 6.28, Ep.2 [4/4] 5.20, Ep.4 [1I4] 7.17, Ep.12 [2/4] 4.50 and Ep.12 [2/4] 5.43).
The following are some screenshots and their matching locations in real life at SBS Rangsit.
(top) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [4/4] 5.07; (middle) an extract from SBS Rangsit's Facebook dated 19 December 2022 (linked here) showing the matching "Welcome to SBS" and other signage, the monitor screen below the bridge and glass railings above; (bottom) another view from Facebook dated 23 November 2022 (linked here) showing the blue columns with text and the seating curved around planters
(top) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [4/4] 4.14; (middle) Bad Buddy Ep.5 [3I4] 0.32; (bottom) photo from SBS Rangsit's Facebook dated 23 August 2022, linked here
(top) Pran in their high school music room at Bad Buddy Ep.3 [1I4] 2.12; (bottom) a screenshot from a video on YouTube ("SBS Secondary School – What Makes Us Unique" at timestamp 0.51, linked here) with corroborating details: the timber strip flooring, the pink walls (shaded warmer in BBS because of the sepia wash given to flashbacks), the protruding white wall with light switches near the entrance, the dark brown door with a vertical glass viewing panel, the horizontal and vertical shelves right at the back, the pinboard to the left of the door (with some of the pinned papers even matching what we see in BBS)
(top) Pran's flashback of InkPat in high school at Bad Buddy Ep.4 [3I4] 4.59; (bottom) photo on Google Maps taken by Tum Kanaphon dated September 2022 and linked here – the curved railings, stone-clad curved seating and drain gratings are all a match
(top) PatPran revisit their old high school and the My School President boys at Bad Buddy Ep.10 [3I4] 3.47; (bottom) extract of an image from SBS Rangsit's Facebook dated 2 October 2022 (linked here) – the perforated steel columns and beams as well as the corrugated metal roof are a match
(top) PatPran quiz the flighty and flinty Kruu Payao at Bad Buddy Ep.10 [3I4] 7.48; (bottom left and right) the gray aluminum framing of the office doors and windows, as well as the door numbering sign (Kruu Payao was in Room 1309) all match up with what we see in BBS
(top) Pat and Pran in their elementary school classroom at Bad Buddy Ep.1 [1I4] 6.32; (bottom) this image from timestamp 1.23 of the YouTube video "A Day in Secondary School at SBS" (dated 24 March 2022) has the following corroborating details: the pink background of the noticeboard at the left and its graphic of an ionic column, the gray-covered wall-mounted TV monitor, the desks and tables, as well as the blue poster with graphics of pyramids, a camel and cacti below the whiteboard
(top) Bad Buddy Ep.4 [1I4] 7.30; (middle left) the timber furniture, gray door and dark-framed noticeboard in this image extracted from SBS Rangsit's Facebook (dated 22 January 2023 and linked here) match PatPran's classroom details; (middle right) close-up of Ink at the classroom door in Bad Buddy Ep.4 [1I4] 7.32; (bottom) in this image from SBS Rangit's Facebook (dated 22 February 2017 and linked here) the glass viewing panels on the door as well as the medium-brown frame of the noticeboard are a match
(top) Bad Buddy Ep.1 [1I4] 6.47 – note the windows, dark panel treatment around the door and the thick timber-framed noticeboard (also, the tomato-red lockers are similar to what we see behind Ink at Ep.4 [1I4] 7.30.; (bottom left) not the same location, but the windows, door treatment and notice board are a match in this image extracted from SBS Rangsit's Facebook (linked here); (bottom right) a clearer view of the door treatment and noticeboard in another image extracted from SBS Rangsit's Facebook (linked here), although this is not exactly the same location either)
(top) Bad Buddy Ep.1 [1I4] 4.24; (bottom) the location of the SBS Rangsit school field on plan
(top) An aerial view of SBS Rangsit (from YouTube video "A Day in Secondary School at SBS" at timestamp 0.01) – the building with the curved metal roof in the foreground (the high school block) is the one we see behind the boys' soccer game at BBS Ep.1 [1I4] 4.24, while the field is at the bottom right of the image; (bottom) a view of the SBS school field (extracted from SBS Rangsit's Facebook post dated 3 February 2023 and linked here) – the metal-roofed walkway, lamp posts, trees and corrugated metal siding on the building in the background are all a match for what we see in BBS
One more location at SBS Rangsit needs a bit of write-up, and it's the venue of the high school Christmas Song Contest, where PatPran's public performance of Just Friend? exposed their friendship to Dissaya and got Pran sent away to boarding school.
(above) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [4/4] 6.06
It took a lot of inference and deduction, but I think we can now say with confidence that the stage for the above (also visible at Ep.10 [3I4] 3.43, when Pat and Pran went back to their old high school to investigate Ming and Dissaya's backstory) was set up at SBS Rangsit's canteen (on the ground level of the high school block):
(top) This image from SBS Rangsit's Facebook (dated 1 September 2012 and linked here) is an elevated view of the eating area at the school's canteen; (middle) this view (also from Facebook, dated 1 September 2012 and linked here) is a close-up of the far end – note the cylindrical ceiling lights at the top and the stainless steel signage at the right; (bottom) this photograph (again from Facebook, linked here) is from a celebration held to mark Valentine's Day and is dated 18 February 2020 (note the cylindrical ceiling lights and also the staircase at the right, which is the same one we see in BBS at Ep.4 [2/4] 0.45 and places this location at the SBS canteen, with more info on the canteen location written up here) – incidentally the star performer at this Valentine's Day concert was a pre-KinnPorsche ex-SBS student Jeff Satur, seen here in the gray sweater talking to fans
The following are corroborating details:
the cylindrical ceiling lights are visible at BBS Ep.2 [4/4] 6.06 during PatPran's Christmas song performance and also at BBS Ep.4 [2/4] 0.45;
the stainless steel box numbering on the orange back wall in the middle photograph actually marks the canteen servery counters – you can see the numbers 1 and 3 here, while at BBS Ep.2 [4/4] 6.06 you can see the number 2 behind Dunk's right shoulder as he plays guitar next to Pran, and at BBS Ep.4 [2/4] 0.45 you can see the numbers 4 and 6 behind Pat as he walks up the canteen staircase;
During PatPran's performance of Just Friend? Ink is in the audience wearing red reindeer antlers (it is a Christmas celebration, after all 🎄) – you can see her waving at Ep.2 [4/4] 6.06 and smiling at Ep.5 [1I4] 6.24; meanwhile behind the scenes an antler-sporting Milk Pansa was photographed with Fourth, Ford, Captain, Dunk, Gemini, Aun and Satang at the SBS canteen (see this link here), further confirming that this location was the setting for the BBS Chrismas Song Contest.
(top left) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [4/4] 6.06 – the Christmas song contest (Ink is at the bottom right); (top right) Milk Pansa and her boyband in between filming at the SBS Rangsit canteen; (bottom left) Bad Buddy Ep.5 [1I4] 6.24 – this was a photo in Pran's computer when Pat was looking through his album; Bad Buddy Ep.4 [2/4] 0.45 – Pat and Pran at the high school canteen
So the one bonus childhood location (that is not PatPran's family homes or their school) is actually Pat, Pa and Pran's cycling expedition near a lake in Ep.1, where Pran saved Pa from drowning. The location of this is adjacent to a lake to the south of the Pinehurst Golf and Country Club, and to the west of the Bangkok University Rangsit Campus (where a lot of BBS's outdoor scenes were filmed – those locations written up here).
(above) The location of Pat, Pran and Pa's cycling expedition in Ep.1 (map coordinates are 14°02'18.8"N 100°36'00.0"E)
(top) Pat and Pa as kids cycling along a track in Bad Buddy Ep.1 [3/4] 3.52; (bottom) image off Google Street View dated February 2022 (linked here) – corroborating details are the red and white gantry poles and also a low-spreading fan palm (possibly Bismarckia nobilis or Copernicia hospita) to the left of the rear pole
(top) Bad Buddy Ep.1 [3I4] 3.54 (Pat and Pa cycling by the lake); (bottom) this image off Google Street View (dated February 2022, linked here) is a match (the bark pattern on the tree at the left is a match)
[P.S. – here are the links to all the filming location posts:
Part 1 – The legendary rooftop, PatPran’s student apartments, their high school, the white arches behind the Engineering Canteen, the Zero Waste Village and various seaside scenes, their honeymoon suite, the hospital where Pat was treated for his gunshot graze, and the high school reunion.
Part 2 – Pat and Pran’s family homes, the Flagpole Bar, the car park fight location, and the Jae Si Curry House.
Part 3 – Various locations at and around the rugby field, including Pat’s photoshoot with Ink, the rugby bleachers, the iced milk tea (and green tea wave) picnic table, InkPa’s photography picnic, the old bus stop and the new bus stop. Also Khun Noppharnach’s pharmacy.
Part 4 – Pat’s Engineering Faculty (in and around Rangsit University’s College of Engineering).
Part 5 – Pran’s Architecture Faculty (Rangsity University’s School of Architecture).
Part 6 – Various F&B and commercial locations (eateries, shops, malls and a market). Also the setting for Pat, Pran and Wai's fight at the base of PatPran's student apartment building, as well as the scene where Pa says to Ink "Anyone taller than me is fine".
Part 7 – Pat’s post-graduation apartment and Pran’s residence in Singapore.
Part 8 – Various campus locations filmed within Rangsit University’s Digital Multimedia Complex, including the auditorium and the Freshy Day Song Contest.
Part 9 – The LogTech Building and Pran’s architectural office in Singapore.
Part 10 – Locations for the Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy special episodes.
Part 11 – The apartment for rent that Pran went to view in Ep.2, the elevator scene with Pat just after the viewing, and Wai’s apartment.
Part 12 – PatPran’s elementary and high schools, as well as the location of Pa’s near-drowning.
Part 13 – Random locations (Pran searching for his lost earphones, the covered car park where Wai spied on Pat serenading Pran with Nanon's Love Score, the airport car park, the SouthTech U Library, PatPran's rainy day ointment interlude, their motorbike and truck rides in Hua Hin, the approach road to Uncle Yod's bar, the filming location for the music videos Just Friend? and Our Song, and Pran's street address in Singapore).
Will update this list if I can track down the hardware stores – the one remaining location still unidentified! 🤣]
#bad buddy filming locations#bad buddy locations#satit bilingual school‚ rangsit#bad buddy analysis#telomeke#patpran#patpran childhood locations
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Rangsit University(prc.rsu)
#freen#sarocha chankimha#Sarocha 'Freen' Chankimha#ฟรีนเบค#ฟรีน สโรชา จันทร์กิมฮะ#Freen Sarocha#Rangsit University#มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต#2021#2020#2019#2018#สโรชา จันทร์กิมฮะ#school
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Revamp Your Romance: Discover Exciting Couple's Toys in Rangsit!
Exciting Toys for Couples in Rangsit! Discover a range of fun and intimate toys designed to enhance your relationship. From games to sensual accessories, spice up your love life today! WhatsApp: +66853412128
#buy sex toys#sex toys in bangkok#onlineshop#adult store#onlinestore#sex doll in phuket#adultproducts#sex toys in Rangsit
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Rangsit University alum Davika Hoorne is Gucci's first Thai brand ambassador
Davika Hoorne, 31, has made history as Gucci’s first ever brand ambassador of Thai descent. Founded in 1921, the luxury fashion house is based in Florence, Italy. Marco Bizzarri, 61, has been the president and the chief executive officer of Gucci since January 2015. Sabato de Sarno, 40, has been the creative director of the brand since January 2023. In 2016, Hoorne joined the United Nations…

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Thanks for tagging me! 🥰
🤣 When I saw the notification (i.e., before opening the post and viewing the screenshots) the words "iconic staircase" made me think it was going to be the BL Death Stairs, LOL.
But it's a sign of how much we love and re-watch our favorite shows that we can recognize locations on sight. 🤩
For me it's all the Bad Buddy filming venues that have me pointing at the screen going "I've seen that before!" LOL.
That first location at the start of this thread is the Digital Multimedia Complex in Rangsit University (RSU Building 15):
(above) This external view of RSU Building 15 (The Digital Multimedia Complex) is from the Pantip Forum (linked here)
In Bad Buddy that part of the building (the floor level of the atrium; I think it's B1) can be seen briefly at Ep.5 [3I4] 9.50:
That charcoal-gray staircase will forever be PatPran's khan maak venue to me 💖, even though it was first seen in Theory of Love I think. The location is RSU's Faculty of Architecture: 🤩
(above) This image of the Archi Faculty steps is from RSU's Faculty of Architecture Facebook page (linked here) and is dated 12 May 2017
Someone mentioned that GMMTV may have a financial stake in some of these properties/commercial establishments, which is why they're so often used. Wouldn't surprise me if they're part-owners of Rangsit University and/or Satit Bilingual School because they're in so many shows! 😂
it's the way thailand really does only have like 10 different filming locations max. lmao
#bad buddy#theory of love#mafia the series: guns and freaks#rsu digital multimedia complex#rsu building 15#rangsit university#rsu faculty of architecture
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Peaceful Property IRL (1/??)
Peaceful Property: The apartment that is haunted by a delivery man who only appears when it rains
IRL: OYO 247 Diamond Place, 25/3 moo 5, Rannsit, Pathum Rd, Bangkok 12000, Thailand

Credit: https://www.trip.com/hotels/pathum-thani-hotel-detail-1734803/diamond-place-serviced-apartment-rangsit/
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Official HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE! items will be on sale at animate Bangkok, animate Future Park Rangsit, and the animate Bangkok Online Shop starting Oct. 19🎶
Don't miss this chance to get some items of your favorite characters🛍

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Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 6
another episode that's UP THERE. Goodness. The watch blog is even more incoherent than usual, consider yourselves warned.
Day is like deflect deflect deflect
god that hangover remedy looks TOXIC
oh fuck I didn't clock that August clocked the flower, ffff
aah I love On
I don't love August
afadsfas Mawk
posturing, oh nooo
how does a wrist wrap make anyone collapse? oh wait, he fell and hurt his wrist?
product placement, huh
oh god Mawk is SO jealous
ajaan On!!!
i see August did NOT get a glass of water
I love On
Mawk seeing a CHANCE huh
August like …
oh god this is STRESSFUL I love ittt
the touching-letting go- touching is. SOMETHING.
are you still talking about the shoes, Day?
this house is so cute
I love Phawjai so much
oh goodness, Mawk's FACE just now
Jimmy's really come far
oh man, are those his own? ohh he fixed them
calling it now the flower thing is gonna be merch too
that was a n extremely fake looking stumble right now, sorry not sorry, you've both done better
we're back to the unspecified time story time!
is August flirting or … what
Day definitely is
asfasdfasdf I love On
Mawk just openly pining in front of everyone's salad
is this the Rangsit U sports grounds again
yeah, looks like it
oh god I hate jealousy as a plot device but urgh
okay at least they did not make the banana eating weird
Mawkkkk don't bring down his hopes--
okay, that's more like it
what's UP here
I love these two together
I mean I especially love Phawjai
but they're so good as friends
you're making her point, dude
this is CUTE and I wonder what's gonna be the nail in the coffin for Day to choose Mawk over August
Hi Night, long time no see!
August is TRYING, huh
birthday coming up, huh
I want Chef Mon's hair
oh, are we getting Night backstory, huh
!!!! HE QUIT
he loves his little brother and it's hard for him that Day hates him, that's my read and I'm sticking to it
this seems like they filmed this early on, idk
leaving it to himmmm
I love that it's not that easy to answer and that they can just leave it at that
Day kicking his feet like a little kid!!!
I cannottttt
is he gonna ---------
no mention of the necklace, huh
OH he's putting his own cologne on him????
holy SHIT that's intimate idk also I need to find that scent
(P'Aof and scents is2g)
I LOVE that they're not being coy about the, whatever it is between them
AUGUST PLANNED THIS on one hand: this is so cute!!! on the other hand: YIKES SURPRISE PARTIES
so that's why August took Mawk to buy drinks
so we'll have, what, 1-2 more eps of AugustDay and then a crisis and then MawkDay? aaah
August and that condescending little shoulder slap, WOW
but I want that cake kinda
he's gonna bum a cig-- yep
also how tall is that dude to make Jimmy look short
the cig in the cake, oh man Mawk. I get that you're mad, but that's nasty
he's heartbrokennnn and I bet the social status thing plays into it too
I'm not sure I get what's going on rn--
I love how they show anxiety rising here, it's beautifully done
that's like a "putting your name on things to show they're yours' thing and it's not cute august
preview has me super afraid that we're going to get a kiss out of them next part
I love Gee
love the way they have Day made up here, he really looks like someone coming off a BAD moment or five
the bridgeeee
Mawk is like 'what was I thinking', huh
Day's already fallen for Mawk, he's just catching up to that reality now, huh?
oh August isn't bad at looking smitten, either
not on Mawk's level yet, but that's okay
(Ohm is doing really well for a junior actor)
holy shit
oh wow what TIMING, of course
of course
poor Mawk, he's so unlucky with his sunflower timing every time
JimmySea fans everywhere throwing a shit
and Jimmy this is probably the weakest acting I've seen out of you so far
what the fuck why did you push him??? what the??????
was that a pity thing???
oh August, you fucker, the road to hell etc
did Day hear that???
asdfasdfasdfadsfasdfasdasdf adfadfasdfasdfasdfasdfasd oh DEAR
oh man Jimmy is MUCH better at being scary than at being kind
oh I unexpectedly love this??? y'know?
Mawk is Day's safe space atm, I love that.
what a terrible ending to a nice Birthday, huh
is this the early morning?? looks like it
I feel like this is not the time?
that's … gonna backfire
tiny "mai" incoming?
okay but Day is kissing back, huh?
Jimmy's eating
oh his voice went low there
but okay this is gonna get awkward I BET
OH we're going to get the "proving yourself / your love" arc in ep 7, huh. P'AOF!!!!
#last twilight the series#last twilight#ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม#last twilight ep 6#bl watch liveblog#my nonsense
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Sad Day
Today, an unfortunate and depressing event occurred. A school bus from Uthai Thani Province, which was taking kindergarten and primary school children on a field trip to… had a flat tire and the bus hit the barrier in the middle of the road in front of Zeer Rangsit, and a fire broke out at the back of the bus (the bus used LPG). The fire spread quickly to the bus, and only one door could be opened. Many children were asleep. 19 people escaped, and 23 died (one of them was a teacher). The driver escaped.
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Build-a-BL: Primary Location Round 1 Match 3
Confirmed Elements:
Country of Origin: Thailand
Genre: Heist
Secondary Genre: Detective
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Barring any surprise discoveries, this write-up will call time on all of my Bad Buddy location posts – I've had notes for this tucked away for more than a year now, and have been putting off writing it up partly because I didn't want it to end, and also partly because (frustratingly) there's one final location I still haven't been able to track down (😬 more on that later).
But now it's time; more than two years after Bad Buddy aired I really should put my location posts to bed, and I was motivated to set digital pen to virtual paper by an Ask from fellow BBS fan @honey-beebs (linked here). Lucky Bee is heading to Bangkok right about now and will be looking up BBS locations while there, so I hope my posts will be helpful! 💖
This write-up, Part 13 in the series, profiles mostly odds and ends – minor locations that I found late and/or couldn't manage to fit into any other location post. So there isn't a theme here, but it's all BBS-related so hopefully Bad Buddy location fans will still find something interesting in this.
To start things off: the scene where Pat helps Pran look for his lost earphones (beginning at Ep.4 [1/4] 10.29) is the only outdoor one with an overt reference to rugby (Pat is still in his rugby kit after practice) that was filmed at Rangsit University (RSU):
(above) The boys search for Pran's lost earphones at BBS Ep.4 [1/4] 10.58
All other rugby scenes (plus a whole lot of outdoor university scenes as well) were filmed at Bangkok University's Rangsit campus. But the location of this one scene is actually the grass verge in front of RSU's Faculty of Architecture:
(above) The tree in front of the Architecture Faculty, below which Pat and Pran search for Pran's lost earphones
Proof of the above is the building that we see in the background of the scene, behind Pat and Pran – that's the Chinese-Thai Institute of Rangsit University, with its unmistakeable roofline and parade of columns, on the other side of the road from RSU's Faculty of Architecture:
(top) The Chinese-Thai Institute of Rangsit University (opposite the Faculty of Architecture); (bottom) the map location of the Chinese-Thai Institute in relation to the Faculty of Architecture
Elsewhere on campus, the covered car park where Pat serenaded Pran with Nanon and Sizzy's Love Score (Ep.8 [1/4] 15.52), spied on by a furious Wai (Ep.8 [1/4] 16.57 and Ep.9 [1/4] 5.19) is also where Pat, loving Pran on the down low, waves to Chang, Korn and Mo before getting into his car where Pran is waiting (Ep.12 [3/4] 4.54):
(top left) Pat serenades Pran in his car at Ep.8 [1/4] 15.59; (top right) Wai sees Pran getting into the car of his sworn enemy Pat at Ep.9 [1/4] 5.21; (bottom) Pat waves to Chang, Korn and Mo from the covered car park while Pran stays horizontal and out of sight in the car (Ep.12 [3/4] 4.54)
These scenes were filmed at the ground floor covered car park of the Faculty of Optometry (Building 12/1) at Rangsit University:
(top) Location of the Faculty of Optometry on the map; (middle) the ground floor covered car park of the Faculty of Optometry is on the left of the photo – in Bad Buddy the perforated cladding is visible at Ep.9 [1/4] 5.21 and Ep.12 [3/4] 4.54; (bottom left) a look into the car park; (bottom right) the building opposite the car park, that we see behind Chang, Korn and Mo at Ep.12 [3/4] 4.54
Another covered car park in Bad Buddy was the airport car park in Ep.12, that we got to see when Pat sent Pran off to further his architectural career in Singapore:
(above) Pat and Pran at the airport car park (Ep.12 [3/4] 7.32)
Despite the airport signage at the top right of the image, this wasn't the car park at Don Mueang (or Suvarnabhumi for that matter). It's actually the same car park as the previous filming location (the ground floor covered car park of the Faculty of Optometry), just over at the other end facing the basketball court:
Corroborating details are the large V-shaped struts and the ramp next to them, that we can see behind Pat and Pran at Ep.12 [3/4] 7.32.
And if the adjacent basketball court looks familiar – it's arguably most famous because of its appearance in SOTUS S2, when Kongpob and Arthit were shooting hoops there in a one-on-one bet. (And that was also when Kongpob found out Arthit was a great shooter – see SOTUS S Ep.4 [4/4] 8.22. 🤣)
The court also appeared a couple of times in SOTUS Season 1, but its scene with Arthit and Kongpob's matchup is perhaps the most memorable one. 🤩
Still on the RSU campus, the South Technology University Library was represented by (no surprises here) the Rangsit University Library (Building 7). This is also the building on whose forecourt Pat and Pran's favorite wonton noodle stall is located:
(top) Location of the RSU Library on the map; (bottom) a view of RSU Library (Building 7) and the forecourt in front, that housed the wonton noodle stall
In Bad Buddy, the South Technology University library scenes are all indoors:
(top) Pat keeps the Engine gang distracted while Pran hustles the Archi gang back out of the library at Ep.2 [1/4] 5.58; (bottom) Pran apologizes to other library users for reacting too loudly to Pat's teasing at Ep.3 [2/4] 3.30 (actually the same location as the one above, just from a different angle)
Matching images of the RSU Library with corroborating details:
(top) This photo from RSU Library's Facebook (linked here) has a lot of matching details – the RFID gate scanners, the ceiling lights, the bookshelves, the shelf labeling, vinyl floor pattern, orange-red ottoman, green exit sign and what looks like a book-scanning station in the bottom right can all be seen at BBS Ep.2 [1/4] 5.58; (bottom) this photo on Google Maps by P. Hirancharoennon (dated April 2019, linked here) is actually a match for BBS Ep.3 [2/4] 3.30, just viewed from a different angle – note the same dark red sofas that curve around the columns, chairs in the far background that match what Pat and Pran are sitting on, the ceiling lights, the computers for OPAC (library catalog) reference and the yellow-orange poster of what looks like a clock on the right
This scene of Pat applying ointment to Pran's shoulder at Ep.7 [2/4] 3.05 (re-living the tending to my stricken lover trope and calling back to Ep.4 [3/4] 7.07) is one of the few in BBS that actually shows wet weather (remembering that the series was filmed at the height of Thailand's rainy monsoon season, although we don't actually get any scenes of PatPran in the rain):
This scene was filmed at the elevator lobby of Chana City Residence, and may possibly have been one of the scenes originally planned for the rooftop that were rained out on that fateful last night of filming (see the Behind-the-Scenes video จนกว่าจะพบกันใหม่ครับเพื่อน! | แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน | BAD BUDDY SERIES linked here):
Anyway, proof of the location can be found in this scene in Oxygen The Series Ep.12 [2/4] 13.57:
The full-height window frames, wall paneling and red fire alarm panel are a match for what we see in Bad Buddy.
Oxygen The Series filmed a lot at Chana City Residence, with the building name prominently displayed in the ground floor lobby scenes (see Oxygen The Series Ep.12 [3/4] 5.17 for one example). This confirmed its location, and thus the matching end wall of the elevator lobby also confirms the location for Bad Buddy's scene above at Ep.7 [2/4] 3.05.
Pat and Pran's motorbike ride in Hua Hin was filmed at one of the side roads perpendicular to Khao Tao Beach:
(above) Bad Buddy Ep.11 [2/4] 13.15 – Pat and Pran set off on a motorbike ride toward Uncle Yod's bar
In the distance behind Pat and Pran we can just make out (on the left, half-hidden by a tree) the island of Ko Singto (also called Ko Sai) with its distinctive, leonine silhouette.
The truck ride to and from Chatchai Market (scene beginning at Ep.6 [3/4] 0.28) and PatPran's mud-play (scene beginning at Ep.6 [3/4] 4.00) were also probably filmed along the same road because we can see the same kind of barbed wire fencing, and Ko Singto also appears at Ep.6 [3/4] 4.04.
(top) PatPran in Uncle Tong's yellow Datsun; (bottom) Pran slaps some Hua Hin mud on Pat
(top) Uncle Tong, Pat, Pran and Junior head off to Chatchai Market; (bottom) Ko Singto in the background on their return
The exact side road (more like a dirt path) isn't traversable on Google Street View (and with increasing development of the area it may not be around for much longer anyway). But other Street View captures show similar barbed wire fencing in the general vicinity:
(above) This image from Google Street View showing similar barbed wire fencing dates to January 2017 and can be viewed at location 12°27'50.4"N 99°58'36.0"E
Noting that the road heads toward a hill looming inland (visible at Ep.6 [3/4] 0.28), triangulating off the map pinpoints an approximate location:
(top) The approximate location on Google Maps; (bottom) a dirt path viewed from 12°28'28.7"N 99°58'24.9"E, that is a likely candidate for the location (the trees in the distance are a match for what we see flanking the road at Ep.11 [2/4] 13.15)
So PatPran's motorbike ride ended up at Uncle Yod's beach bar (location already identified in this post here – it's the Anchor Bar and Restaurant at Khao Tao Beach). However, the approach road to Uncle Yod's Bar is also visible on Google Street View – the location coordinates are 12°28'03.7"N 99°58'35.1"E, which brings up a match:
(top) Bad Buddy Ep.11 [2/4] 14.09 – Pat and Pran at the entrance to Uncle Yod's bar; (bottom) a screenshot from Google Street View of the approach road to the Anchor Bar and Restaurant
The filming location for the music video to Pat's theme song Secret (sung by Kacha Nontanun) was already identified in this post here (it's the legendary rooftop of Chana City Residence):
The music video for Pran's theme song (Just Friend?) stepped away from Bad Buddy and was a mini-movie unto itself:
The video was filmed in a location that had nothing to do with Bad Buddy the series – the Prince Palace Hotel Mahanak in central Bangkok. Visual proof of this is within the video itself, at timestamp 2.33:
(above) Nanon scribbles "แค่เพื่อนมั้ง?" (meaning "Just a friend?") on the hotel notepad, which bears the name Prince Palace Hotel Mahanak
From the interior details we can tell that the music video for PatPran's theme of togetherness (Our Song) was also filmed at the same hotel:
(top) Music video for Our Song, timestamp 2.11; (bottom) music video for Just Friend?, timestamp 2.07
Although the images above do not show not the same space, there are enough similar details in both (e.g., the armchairs, the green wainscoting with its gold-trimmed wainscot cap and the window framing) for us to conclude that both videos were filmed in the same building – the Prince Palace Hotel Mahanak.
One final location that was referred to in Bad Buddy didn't actually have any scenes filmed there – it's the street in Singapore where Pran's condo was supposed to have been located. The address was identified on a postcard on the Ep.12 memory board (see this link here for more detail):
(above) Pran's postcard to Pat from Singapore, on the Ep.12 memory board
Although the details in Pran's address are mostly fictitious, the street is not. Lorong Limau in Singapore actually exists:
(top) Map location of Lorong Limau; (bottom) a screenshot of the neighbourhood around Lorong Limau
Lorong is the Malay word for street, and Pran's full address in Singapore is Blk 94, Lorong Limau #86‑05, Singapore 320047. Except for Lorong Limau and Singapore however, the address is wholly made-up.
This location is nowhere near the Marina Bay Sands (so Pran really couldn't have seen it from his apartment window). The neighbourhood around Lorong Limau is known as Kallang/Whampoa and it is considerably less flashy than residences bayside (although it is still central and convenient). There is also no Block 94 nearby, nor is the unit number #86-05 a real one, because the 86 refers to the floor level and there are no buildings with as many floors in Singapore at time of writing.
OK, so maybe Pran stayed here for a spell and then moved to within sight of the Marina Bay Sands sometime later? Not completely far-fetched, because we know that by the time of his Ep.12 break in Bangkok he had been working on a new tower for Marina Bay (and it would have had to have been a pretty prestigious project to be sited in that locale, meaning that Pran could well have afforded swankier digs if his career was on the up and up):
And this is probably just a coincidence, but guess what's happening with the Marina Bay Sands? 🤣
Planning approval has been given and construction is expected to commence some time in 2025. Yay Pran! 🤣
Anyway, these are all the locations that I have for now. I've not been able to track down every location in Bad Buddy, nor am I going to try. For example, I'm not going to stress out over unidentified interior spaces like Ajahn Pichai's office in Ep.1 and Ep.3, and InkPa's dark room in Ep.10:
(top) Ajahn Pichai's office at Ep.1 [4/4] 6.19; (bottom) InkPa's dark room confession at Ep.10 [3/4] 17.05
These were likely filmed within the same buildings that represented their series counterparts anyway, so Ajahn Pichai's office is likely at RSU's College of Engineering, and the dark room in RSU's Digital Multimedia Complex (Building 15).
Likewise, I'm not able to say exactly where on campus the 112 Chemical Store is (where Bad Buddy made a potent political statement) as there is no Google Street View down that back alley.
But because of this TikTok video by TikToker @markydoge, I know it has to be somewhere in the environs of the RSU College of Engineering. 🤩
It's probably near the white tiger mural and workshops, because the air-conditioning condensers and buttressed walls that we see just before Pat pulls Pran into that alleyway are similar to those that we see when the Engine boys chase down Wai at the beginning of Ep.1 – and because the roofline of the Engine workshops can be seen behind Korn and Chang in their pursuit of Wai at Ep.1 [1/4] 0.51, the location is also anchored on the map. 👍
HOWEVER, there is still one fairly important location that remains unidentified and that continues to frustrate me – and it's Pat and Pran's family hardware stores.
(above) Ming and Chai watch Pran's dad set up store right next to the Jindapats' one at BBS Ep.1 [1/4] 4.54
I've searched far and wide but just cannot find the location, and it's all the more frustrating because there are so many clues:
The store belonging to Pat’s family looks like it is actually a construction material shop; the shelves and the items all around have been there for some time, and not likely to have been put together just for Bad Buddy.
The store belonging to Pran’s family looks like a covered vehicular park or outdoor storage, masquerading as a shop though.
The general location of the shops is likely to be not in Rangsit (where a lot of other filming happened), but rather somewhere closer to central Bangkok (though not right in the city center either). This is because the planting on the road divider outside is very well-manicured (which is more a feature of central Bangkok), and the lamp-post has markings similar to those on central Bangkok lamp-posts. But there aren’t any tall buildings visible, so it’s not likely to be in the absolute city center either, where skyscrapers are everywhere blocking the sky.
I've been scouring maps of Bangkok and trawling Google Street View, but have not been able to find a matching location. If anybody out there has any leads, please do let me know! 😍
And that's a wrap for BBS locations! For now, at least (unless I can find the above – I won't stop trying). 😍 In the meantime, if any Bad Buddy fans have questions about BBS locations that you think I might be able to help with, do send me an Ask or message and I'll be more than happy to share my two bahts' worth! 💖
[P.S. – here are the links to all the filming location posts:
Part 1 – The legendary rooftop, PatPran’s student apartments, their high school, the white arches behind the Engineering Canteen, the Zero Waste Village and various seaside scenes, their honeymoon suite, the hospital where Pat was treated for his gunshot graze, and the high school reunion.
Part 2 – Pat and Pran’s family homes, the Flagpole Bar, the car park fight location, and the Jae Si Curry House.
Part 3 – Various locations at and around the rugby field, including Pat’s photoshoot with Ink, the rugby bleachers, the iced milk tea (and green tea wave) picnic table, InkPa’s photography picnic, the old bus stop and the new bus stop. Also Khun Noppharnach’s pharmacy.
Part 4 – Pat’s Engineering Faculty (in and around Rangsit University’s College of Engineering).
Part 5 – Pran’s Architecture Faculty (Rangsity University’s School of Architecture).
Part 6 – Various F&B and commercial locations (eateries, shops, malls and a market). Also the setting for Pat, Pran and Wai's fight at the base of PatPran's student apartment building, as well as the scene where Pa says to Ink "Anyone taller than me is fine".
Part 7 – Pat’s post-graduation apartment and Pran’s residence in Singapore.
Part 8 – Various campus locations filmed within Rangsit University’s Digital Multimedia Complex, including the auditorium and the Freshy Day Song Contest.
Part 9 – The LogTech Building and Pran’s architectural office in Singapore.
Part 10 – Locations for the Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy special episodes.
Part 11 – The apartment for rent that Pran went to view in Ep.2, the elevator scene with Pat just after the viewing, and Wai’s apartment.
Part 12 – PatPran’s elementary and high schools, as well as the location of Pa’s near-drowning.
Part 13 – Random locations (Pran searching for his lost earphones, the covered car park where Wai spied on Pat serenading Pran with Nanon's Love Score, the airport car park, the SouthTech U Library, PatPran's rainy day ointment interlude, their motorbike and truck rides in Hua Hin, the approach road to Uncle Yod's bar, the filming location for the music videos Just Friend? and Our Song, and Pran's street address in Singapore).
Will update this list if I can track down the hardware stores! 🤣]
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Jeff Satur - เจฟ ซาเตอร์
" Nascido em 06 de Março de 1995, em Bangkok, Tailândia Jeff Satur é ator e cantor de ascedência inglesa e chinesa. Ficou mais conhecido com seu personagem Kim na série Tailandesa KinnPorsche. Sua música mescla Pop, R&B, dance e sua voz doce nos arremata de imediato. Jeff é formado em administração de empresas pela Rangsit University O artista estará no Brasil pela primeira vez, para o Asian Star Festival, mostrando todo o seu talento, a apresentação ocorrerá em 07 de julho. Enquanto isso, vamos apreciando esse bebê à distância" .
" Born on March 6, 1995, in Bangkok, Thailand, Jeff Satur is an actor and singer of English and Chinese descent. He gained recognition for his role as Kim in the Thai series KinnPorsche. His music combines Pop, R&B, and dance, and his sweet voice captivates us immediately. Jeff holds a degree in Business Administration from Rangsit University. The artist will be in Brazil for the first time, performing at the Asian Star Festival, showcasing his talent. The performance will take place on July 7. Meanwhile, let's appreciate this amazing artist from afar ".
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#inthelittlewood#actully LITTLE wood#tiny man#limlife#limited life#life series#martyn littlewood#animatic#Youtube
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Boeing 787-8 Thai Airways International
Registration: HS-TQF Named: Kong Krailat Type: 787-8 Engines: 2 × RR Trent 1000 Serial Number: 38759 First flight: Jul 24, 2015
Thai Airways International Public Company Limited, trading as THAI is the flag carrier airline of the Kingdom of Thailand. Formed in 1961, the airline has its corporate headquarters in Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Chatuchak district, Bangkok, and primarily operates from Suvarnabhumi Airport. Thai's route network is dominated by flights to Europe and Asia, the airline also serves two cities in Oceania. Among Asia-Pacific carriers, the company has one of the largest passenger operations in Europe. The longest route (9575 km) Thai operates is the Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) to Heathrow Airport (LHR). THAI is a founding member of the Star Alliance.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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