#actully LITTLE wood
yellow-dino · 1 year
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darkhorse-javert · 1 year
On the Edge (of the Knife of War)
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A character exploration (as much as it's anything) of Wing Commander Turner regarding Andrew pre and during the episode 'Enemy Fire'. Some lines quoted directly from the episode
@flashfictionfridayofficial (a teeeeny 126 words over limit)
He sees it, the Shadow, creeping at the young man as the winter rolls past the yearchange, into the darkest, cold months of the new. The tense hunch of the shoulders as the young man sits in the mess, not simply drawn up against the weather as it might seem. A sharper edge to the tongue, or no jest at all. I should pull him from the main  flow, get him to a quieter station. But he can't. They might have won the battle, last autumn, but there's still the war, the Rhubarbs and Circuses taking their toll on the numbers. There's no one of Foyle's experience to take the place, and only a few of the younger ones really offering to match his calibre of flying - when they get there.  He uses them; Woods, Beckett, puts them with Foyle, to watch his back on the quiet, as much as to learn from him. 
But then there are the calls, the desperate need for the Photographs, and that's a special kind of flying, which for the moment, only Foyle can manage, tight, low, weaponless by virtue of the plane. And so Foyle has to go. It shows, all of it, the weight in his eyes, paleness in the face, marks under the eyes, that the night watch  report an unsettled pilot slipping out of the bunks, that even when he stays inside he’s tossing and turning (reported by his bat-man, and a nervous Beckett).
He tries to pull Foyle back off the immediate flights when he can, searches and asks for a transfer. And then it all blows up. Foyle snapping and snarling with one of the fitters. Drake, he knows by the rumour mill, is a tricky one; oily, slippery really, and Foyle's comments over poor maintenance are quite probably well founded, but the pilor has to say within order- hold cohesion. So he dresses him down 
Foyle is the colour-flag of the Squadron, But, Turner thinks, I shouldn't have said that last bit aloud, about not letting them down. That’s too high a bar. The shadow is well on Foyle’s back now, his well-meaning hot headedness turned and twisted by it. 
He sends him off, and finds himself looking at the empty space left by the young man, too young maybe, too young and too old at once. What war does to all of us. Pray God he'd drink hard and that will unwind him long enough to actully sleep and slep and recoup wht he' burning, at least a little. Fifteen ops in a week- too many.
Foyle comes back a little better, but the call comes again, a photo mission needing low and slow photography. He looks at Foyle, sitting resigned more than enthusiastic across the desk it would be murder to send him, nothing but murder. So he name Woods, Foyle protests.
 One Man, One Plane that’s how it always has been. The planes aren't carbon copies, each has their own foibles a pilot needs to learn - to know the plane as well as his own body. But he can’t send Foyle, and Wood’s photo-Spit is indeed in dock.
“He can take yours.” Just like that the rule is broken.
And Foyle just accepts it.
He watches discreetly from a distance as Foyle sends Woods off that night, a pat on the shoulder and a long watch at the sky as the Spit takes off. He couldn’t fly it, you did the right thing 
Then Greville comes back aflame and Andrew disappears.  He gives the lad time, he is only a young man after all, more shaken than any of them, perhaps save himself. I heard the argument, I knew that Spit was dicky too. He waits the hours of absence out and doesn’t comment, pretends he doesn’t notice. It goes overnight and he has to notice or else be in trouble himself. Family… if in trouble, Foyle would go to his family. He presents himself at the police station, feeling a pang for the fear his presence provokes, fear of death come to the door. It sickens him deep inside.
He lays out the situation in bare bones; Andrew AWOL. The fear is gone, and caution takes it’s place in the policeman's face,  “So you can do what, exactly?”
He can only incline his head in respect.  If this man is helping his son he’s not going to give it up easily. Here is one who will, Turner realises, fight until the last for his son. And Law or no Law, it would be a cold hearted man who would not give Andrew shelter at this juncture, in his condition- Turner thinks, the memory of the wan face crossing his vision - and this man is not cold.
He explains, and spots a hint of curiosity, perhaps, in the enigmatic face of Foyle Senior, who listens as he personally disowns ‘Lack of Moral Fibre’.
“What do you call it?” 
"Well, I see the truth of it. These young men, we ask so much of them. It's not just the number of ops they fly and the mental strain, it's, it's lack of sleep. No wonder they get ill. Flying stress, combat fatigue…” He pauses, drops the next words in exactly the same tone, “shell shock, even.” There, he sees it, a slightest, probably unknown reaction to those words. One old fighter to another. That is what it was called in the old war he does not need to say, You know it and i know it both of us from that time - 
Would that everyone else would see it is not weakness so much as loss of strength; having been thrown into more than it is possible to bear and yet bearing it for a time. I do not blame Andrew Mr Foyle, every man has a limit no matter what courage they draw on. It is only the war’s fault for draining it, and perhaps mine for not being able to relieve him until so late. Now, only now, has the transfer request come good. And Andrew isn’t to be found.
“I can give him until two o'clock this afternoon. No longer than that.“
Andrew re-appears at the base, in escort of his father and the girl in Khaki Turner had seen at the station, with exactly five minutes to spare of his ‘unofficial leave’. He orders the young man, a Flight Lieutenant now, out to the OTU, and takes the salute he’s offered. For a moment, just a moment he breathes a sigh of relief; There goes one at least who he’s been able to claw back, who will not - not yet at least - shatter on the edge of war’s knife. And that… well that has to count for something. It Must.
A/N; I LOVE love writing Turner
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writerofweird · 1 year
Here is my reading of a story I wrote when I was eight; a story based on Tricky, an old Saturday morning show from CiTV hosted by a cartoon dragon who would introduce cartoons and interview celebrities.
Here is the story:
The Adventures of Tricky
based on the CITV programme on Saturdays.
Chapter 1
Tricky is a dragon. He lives in a towering house in CITV Town. He reads the newspaper every day before breakfast. His favourite cereal is Wheaty Puffs (favourite cereal of all dragons.) One day,Tricky was reading the newspaper when something caught his eye. CITV TOWER.NOW HAUNTED BY MACABRE PHANTOMS.NOBODY GO IN THERE.
“I`ll just go there,” said Tricky. “I know there`s no such thing as spectres, shadows and wraiths!” When Tricky got there, however, the door was boarded up. Tricky managed to get the planks of wood off the door. Then he found out...the door was wooden, mouldering.
Tricky knocked on the rotting door asking, “Anybody here?” Nobody answered but the door creaked open by itself. When Tricky got within, he saw that the place was all gloomy. When one of his feet hit the wooden floorboards, there would be no creak, just a maniacal laugh. Suddenly, candles flickered all over the room. When that happened, a green apparition with flesh wounds, slippery ooze, one eye lost and oozy tentacles to squeeze your bones appeared. Ugh! He was the most abominable, loathsome, grisly apparition you have ever noticed.
“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” it wailed. Therefore, a gremlin with biting fangs springed out of the floorboards. Monster bats swooped down from the stairs. Skulls bounced on the floorboards. Then,one of the spectres crashed into the wall and little microchips fell out of it.
“That ghost can`t be real,” said Tricky “Real phantoms go through walls without microchips falling!” Tricky opened a door. Within, just as he thought, the newspaper reporter with a remote control.
“Aha!”said Tricky, interested because he had found out who was behind it. “Curses!” said the news reporter, that was the lying criminal mastermind. “I want to be the superb news reporter in the universe!”
“Well, tough luck, then, Mr. News Brain!” said Tricky. “I knew there were no such thing as dreadful, macabre ghouls and spectres!”
“So,Mr. Don`t-believe-in-ghosts, I have traps to flatten you like pancakes(or pizzas!)” explained the news reporter. As soon as he said that, a huge compactor fell from the ceiling. Luckily, Tricky had learnt how to sprint(phew!) and dodged the deathly compactor.
“Bah!Foiled!I hate him!” said the criminal mastermind, really bad-tempered. “Grr! Don`t know why I even tried!”
In the meantime, Tricky had managed to get to his home. “All safe now,” Tricky said, while he was going to bed.
What he didn`t know that a new villain was at the town tomorrow.
Chapter 2
Oh, I haven’t told you that Tricky`s favourite newspaper is the Dragon Gazette. Next day, he was reading that when he came across something, WATCH OUT CITZENS.CHEERLESS MORTAL WITH TOXIC WASTE BOTTLE IN POCKET.KEEP INDOORS.
“Rubbish! Utter bilge! TOMMYROT!” mumbled Tricky to himself. “Nothing could actully ha...” Tricky stopped. He looked through the window. There he was-a cheerless mortal.
“Hmmm. Is he a opponent? Wonder if he`s wanted? Better meet him,” said Tricky and went outside. “Okay then,”said Tricky when he got outside. “What`s your name?”
“My name is The Master of Death!” said The Master of Death.
“Okay, Mr. Big Master Of Death Cheerless Mortal Pants, I challenge you to a fight!” said Tricky(wasn`t feeling scared at all.)
“Okay, Mr. Green Dragon!” said the master of death.
So, Tricky went back home. He had secret weapons in a chest. He put on a gas mask, his very own anti-poison suit and lastly, a gun.
When the fight began, loads of things passed. The Master of Death spilled some poison on the ground. Fortunately, Tricky leaped over it. Tricky got out his gun. He shot the gun at the Master of Death. The gun was filled with scent! It smelled so pleasant!
“Arrrgh!You win!” gasped The Master of Death. The Master of Death went off. “Yessss!” shouted Tricky for victory.
When Tricky went home that night, he didn`t know that a new enemy was at the town tomorrow.
Chapter 3
Tricky was at his home reading the Dragon Gazette next day when something caught his eye. TEN THOUSAND ARMED, THREE EYED, TIME TRAVELLER, FETCHING DANGERS FROM TIME WITH HIS MEGA FAST TIME MACHINE.STAY AWAY FROM HIM.
“Must be a figment of their imagination,” said Tricky to himself. “Better take a walk.”
When Tricky went outside, there was a T-Rex and a Ultrasaurus. By the dinosaurs was a monster with ten thousand arms, three eyes and a badge saying, “My name is Mr. D. Pasthe-Fewture.”
“You`ll never defeat me,” said Mr.D.Pasthe-Fewture. “Get him robots!”
When the robots came one said, “Wait, we can`t get him.”
The other robot said, “That`s right. He`s a dragon. He must be a danger from the past.” The robots went away.
“Grr! Dragon!” muttered Pasthe-Fewture.
Tricky said, “Good.”
Mr. Pasthe-Fewture was getting more hotter than a sausage in a barbecue. “For mental punishment, I shall lock you in my new cyber-prison.”
“Knew it!” thought Tricky. When Tricky was in the cyber prison, he went through the door. “Just as I thought,” said Tricky. “Just a vision.”
When Tricky got to D. Pasthe-Fewture, he said, “How did you know it was an illusion?”
“I looked at your cardboard time machine that isn`t real,” said Tricky.
“I give up!” said D. Pasthe-Fewture.“Hmm.I wonder why!”said Tricky. So,that evening,Tricky didn`t know that there was a surprise waiting for him tomorrow.
Chapter 4
Tricky got bright up that morning. He did that in case there was any more enemies. When Tricky looked in the newspaper there was a photo....of HIM!
The photo was on the front cover with the headline: HERO! TRICKY IS OUR NEW HERO! DEFEATED THREE CRIMINAL MASTERMINDS!
“Wow! Me? A hero!” said Tricky astonished.
Tricky decided to take a walk. When he opened his door, there were thousands of people outside. They were all cheering, “Tricky!Tricky!Tricky! Who`s our hero? Tricky! Who`s our hero? TRICKY! TRICKY! TRICKY!”
“Eh?”said Tricky. Tricky got through the crowd and found a place with no crowds. There was a newspaper seller though.
He was shouting, “Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Tricky`s a hero!”
“Warrrrgh!” Tricky went by a television shop only to hear the news person say, “Here is the news! Tricky is the bestest hero in CITV town.”
“There`s things about me everywhere,” said Tricky. “What place has no things about me?” Then Tricky had a super plan. “There might be nothing about me in the sweet shop.”
There was!
Tricky lollipops!
Tricky rushed home. Phew! There was a knock on the door. “Who`s there?” asked Tricky.
The door opened `til it was ajar. “Hello,” said a voice through the door. “Wanna buy a flag because you`re so heroic?”
“NOOOOOOO!”screamed Tricky.
The door slammed shut. Don`t be a hero whatever you do in case the things that happened to Tricky happen to you.
Well, Tricky didn`t know what happened next day.
Chapter 5
Next day, something really bad happened.
“WHAT?” screamed Dr. I. Bawl, the three criminal mastermind`s leader.
Dr. I. Bawl`s face is just an eye with no nose, mouth nor ears. Nobody knows how he talks, smells and hears. Dr. Bawl wears a oozy lab coat. He also wears zombie`s trousers! I. Bawl`s feet are just boxes full of dangerous things! I hope when you have a science teacher, he doesn`t look the same.
“But, boss,” said the criminals aloud. “There`s a dragon hero in town!”
“Really,” said Dr. I. Bawl. “What does this plan ruiner look like?”
“Well, boss,” explained the criminals, “he had wings, was all green, had pointed fingers and had wing shaped ears!”
Dr. I. Bawl went to his plan ruiner computer. He typed the words the villains had described Tricky on the computer. The computer said, “Well,the one you`re after is Tricky!”
“So?” said Dr. I. Bawl.
“So!” said the criminal masterminds.
In the meantime, Tricky was walking through the park singing, “Stop that pigeon,stop that pigeon,stop that pigeon...”
Dr. I. Bawl was hiding behind a tree. “I shall squash Mr. Big Pointed Finger Green Winged Pants with this hammer.”
Dr. I. Bawl heard footsteps. “Time to use my hammer!” Then, with the hammer Dr. I. Bawl threw the hammer. When it went down, there was a big CRUNCH!
“Direct `it!” said Dr.Bawl. The hammer went off where it had hit and then there was....THE PARKIE!
“OI! WHAT`S YOU`RE LITTLE GAME?” he shouted and biffed Dr. I. Bawl ten times.
Doctor I. Bawl still didn`t give up. For the time being, Tricky had a plan. He covered a pot of something up with leaves and left a book called: EVIL PLANS by N.M.E.Genius. When I. Bawl saw EVIL PLANS, he rushed and rushed to it. Trouble was, he was about to get it when he fell in the pot of manure(Glad I told you?)
When that happened, he cried, “You haven`t seen the last of me!”
Tricky said, “Better luck next time, Swotty Pants!”
When Tricky got home, he got the Evening Dragon Gazette to find out that the headline was: NO DANGER WITH ENEMIES NOW. ALL THANKS TO TRICKY.
“Ahhh,”said Tricky, “All well that ends well.”
When Tricky went to bed that night, he slept well and dreamt of all the things he did.
Ever heard about a dragon like him?
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understandableparadox · 9 months
cottage core but actully im a funny witch in the middle of the woods, come take a tour of my abode, my house has funny little skulls of children i may or may not have eaten scattered around, dont worry there are no ghosts i dont leave scraps
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zaikaglow · 3 years
Pairing: Reiner x Reader, Bertholdt x reader
Summary: You Reiner and Bertholdt have been friends forever but recently you've entered a relationship with Reiner. Poor Bertholdt has been a love sick puppy but Reiner’s such a good friend that he doesn’t mind sharing! As long as Berty can stick to a few boundaries
Content Warnings: Male maturation, Oral-domming, overstimulation
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The three of you had always been the best of friends. You, Reiner, and Bertholdt childhood friends from the same neighborhood who’d ride bikes and go adventuring through the woods. Best of friends even through highschool and even into college where you had all managed to go to the same place! You loved both those boys of course you did, you went to all their games and when Bertholdt’s basketball game or Reiner’s football game would come to an end you’d always be there to run out and interpret them before the locker room to give them a big hug not minding how sweaty and gross they were.
 The three of you were all happy with your little found family until sophomore year of college things began to change. It was at a house party the three of you had gone to together where Bertl had gone to get your purse for you when Reiner had finally made his move. Huddled in the corner by the fridge Reiner had placed his big palm against your cheek, leaned in and told you that he had liked you as more than friends for a long time and leaned in for a kiss that you reciprocated. Unbeknownst to the both of you Bertl was watching from across the room feeling his heart shatter into pieces watching Reiner kiss the girl he was in love with.
The three of you remained friends but things were much harder on Bertl than you and Reiner knew. He would never want to ruin his friends happiness but it felt like his heart was frequently being shattered over and over again. Like when Reiner’s games would finish and he’d watch you run out to give him a hug and Reiner would pick you up, swing you around and give you a deep kiss. You’d still go and hug Bertholdt after his games but he would just wrap both arms around you and place his chin on top of your head swinging softly wishing he would be able to pick you up and give you a kiss as you’d wrap your legs around his waist. But all he could do was inhale the scent from the top of your head and kick himself for not confessing before Reiner.
Sitting on the couch of Reiner and Bert’s shared apartment, Reiner was rubbing your shoulders in an attempt to make up for how hard he had pushed you at the gym this morning when Reiner had said “You know Bertl’s in love with you”. you sighed and looked down at your hands, this line of thought always bringing a twinge of guilt to your heart. You had feelings for Bert before the two of you had gotten together but Reiner had made the first move and you couldn't wait forever for Bert to get his nerves up. “I had a feeling that was the case” you utter “well if you might be open to it I wouldn’t mind you throwing him a bone” Reiner says “You mean you wouldn't mind him throwing me a bone?” you say smirking. “Ha ha you're a very funny kitten, I mean I have a few boundaries but I think it be something that I'd be into seeing. It’s not like I’ve never thought about doing something to him myself”.
It was Friday night, a time that was supposed to be movie night for the three of you but lately Bert had been sneaking off to his room to avoid them. Unable to keep taking in the sight of you wrapped in Reiner’s arms, nose nuzzling his neck while Bert was lucky if you rested your feet in his lap. Well tonight Bert figured he’d have time to stop by the fridge and grab some water before sneaking off to his room to avoid movie night but when he turned around he saw you with one hand against the wall and the other against the counter trapping him in the kitchen with no line of escape. “You’ve been avoiding me Bertl” You were wearing an oversized sweatshirt and some short sleep shorts along with some knee high socks. “You know it’s really been hurting my feelings” you say tilting your head down, Bert’s eyes widen a look of heartbreak crossing his face “I didn't mean to i'm really really sorry I-I can’t e-explain right now but-t I-im really sorry y/n” dropping your grip on the counter your make your way to the scared lanky boy placing your hands on on his chest moving up till you reach the collar of his basketball club jacket and pull him down to your eye level “make it up to me then?” your lips make contact with his and you can feel his bottom lip tremble between yours before he gently pushes you off before stumbling away back hitting the fridge and sinking down before placing his head in his hands “y/n” he groans “you don't even know how much I want that but Reiner’s my friend”. Then there's a laugh as Reiner comes out from his bedroom taking a seat on the couch “You have no idea how much I appreciate that Bert, but really it's okay. You and me just have to go over some ground rules first but I really don't mind”
The three of you are sitting on the couch, the two of them in their boxers and you now only in a pair of lace panties and knee highs. Reiner has his arm around Bert’s shoulder sitting next to him while you're on the ground kneeling between Bert’s knee’s. Both hand’s placed on Bert’s knees you slowly start to slide them up until they reach the waistband of his boxers pulling out his cock. It’s thick and long, slightly darker than the rest of skin, the fact that he’s uncircumcised makes the head of his cock already already glissaning. You start by where his dick meets his pelvis starting to kiss up it almost reaching the head when he places his hands on the top of your head “umm I think maybe you should’t do that because I’ll cum”  he looks embarrassed face starting to turn red “but uh can I. uh can I do something for you”? Reiner grabs you under the armpits picking you up to move you on the couch while Bertl exchanges places with you now getting on his knees. You lift your hips up sliding off your panties, Reiner taking them from you. You bring one leg up and hook a finger under your sock ready to take it off when Bert stutters out “A-actully c-can you k-keep those on” he says red flush spreading from his cheeks to his ears and chest. “Anything for you Berty” you say, spreading your legs placing your knees over his shoulders. His lids are heavy with lust as he moves his mouth to make contact with your warm wet core. You throw your head back as he starts to kiss and suck on your swollen nub, Reiner has a hand on the back of your neck with one hand the other is jerking himself off with the panties you removed, eyes trained on how Bertholdt’s tongue is moving against you. Your hands go to grip Bert’s thick black hair as you feel yourself coming undone at the way his tongue circles around your clit, that coil winding tighter and tighter in your core until it snaps. And when it does you yank him by his hair up to meet your lips, his lips and cheeks are wet with your release “Okay now fuck me Berty” his eye’s go wide and he slips his boxers off. You move towards the intersection of the couch laying down, placing one foot against the floor and propping the other up on the back of the couch. Bert climbs up to meet you and you can feel the weight of his thick cock on your tummy and you can feel the wet spot forming from his leaking head. He takes a look back at Reiner who’s starting to clean himself up with the same pair of panties he had been jerking himself off with “It’s okay Berty just remember what I told you” Bert nods at him before turning back to you. He kisses you as he takes his cock in his hand and lines it up with your entrance. When he slides in you gasp. It must be because he’s not circumcised like Reiner but the sensation is overwhelmingly smooth. It’s so warm and slick and feels so good when his wet head slides against your g-spot. You almost feel a little guilty at how much your enjoying the sensation. When you and Reiner do things bareback sometimes it could hurt from how dry his dick was compared to how slick you were, but things with Bert? They were just oh so smooth and oh so moan inducing. Your arms wrap around his neck holding him close and he’s kissing your neck when you feel yourself starting to reach your second orgasm “oh god oh okay I think i'm going to cum” and at the mention of your impending orgasm Bert can’t help but feel like he’s about to join you hips starting to stutter at every thrust. Reiner sits up a little “Bert? Remember what we talked about?” you can hear the annoyance in his voice but you just feel so good that you just can't seem to stop holding onto bertl and he cant stop his thrusting. He places a sloppy kiss on your cheek as he cums and you can feel the warmth pouring into you. Suddenly you feel him slide out of you and you notice Reiner is holding him by the hair one of his hands wrapped around Bert’s jaw “what did I tell you Bert”? The dark hair boy is panting and looks afraid as he says “Not to cum in her”
“And what did you just do”
“Finish inside her”
“Yeah you did and now you’re going to clean up the mess you made”. Reiner take’s Bertholdt’s hair and drags his face down to your leaking cunt. His tongue makes contact with your swollen hole and your legs start to shake at the overstimulation. “That’s right. You’re going to get her nice and cleaned up for me and then if you want the chance to as so much see her pretty tits again you're going to clean up after me to, you got that” Bert can only nod in agreement as he tries not to focus on the fact that he’s scraping out his own cum with his tongue from your cunt. Reiner pushes Bert out of the way, the poor dark haired boy catching himself on his elbows before his back hits the floor as Reiner pulls you up and onto his cock. “Mmm it's too much babe”. And it is you've already cum twice and now your big rough boyfriend is forcing you to ride his massive cock. “Come on kitten you can handle it” he says before his lips go to meet your tit. He’s licking up and down on your right nipple, his big calloused palm squeezing your left. When he hears you start to whimper again he moves his hands to your hips and start to move you up and down like his little fuck toy untill you feel his cock twitch inside you spilling his seed inside you and starts dripping down your thighs. Reiner breathes a sigh of relief before picking you up off his cock and gently placing you back into a sitting position on the couch. His hand gently picks up under your knees spreading your legs apart but you're too overstimulated to even process what's happening, head just lolling back against the couch.
“Now we've been friends for a long time Bert so Im willing to forgive, I might even let you fuck her again. But first your going to clean up the mess I just made”
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Spa Day P1
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I smiled as I unpacked my shopping from today. Just then I heard my phone ringing so I grabbed my handbag and got my phone. 
“Hello?” I asked
“Hi honeybug” He smiled
“Awww Hi sammy, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to call, see what you where up to” 
“Well I just got back from the store”
“That’s great” 
“What are you up to?”
“Nothing, trying to see if there is anything on the Tv. Are uhh Are you gonna be home?”
“Why?” I asked 
“I just thought maybe I could come and hang out with you tonight” 
“Oh, well I didn’t expect you. I was going to have a little spa night”
“Spa night? That sounds fun” He says “May I… join in?”
“Join in?” I giggled
“Can I come and also participate in spa day?” 
“You can if you want sam” I giggled 
“I would like to. If I can.”
“Of course you can sam, I’ll wait for you then”
“You want me to get anything? On the way?” he asks
“No it’s okay,”
“You sure? No wine? No pizza? No fried chicken?”
“Nope I’m all good.” I giggled
“Alright I’ll see you soon honeybug” 
“See you soon Sam” I smiled before hanging up 
I sat on my sofa excited for my little spa evening I heard the struggling little car pull up and soon enough a knock on my door 
"It's open sam" I smiled he happily came in and shut the door behind him coming and leaning on my wall
"Hello bugaboo" 
"Hi sam" I giggled "hugs?"
"Of course my sweet honeybug can have a hug" he smiled coming over and giving me the tightest hug "ummmmm I've missed you bugaboo" he cooes 
"Awww I've missed you to sam" I giggled "so? Spa?"
"I am hyped for spa. What do we do first?"
"A bath"
"A bath? Together?"
"Yes!" He smirked dumping his stuff and almost bolting up my staircase jumping around like a child "bath with my sexy girlfriend!" He giggled to himself "can we have bubbles?"
"Yes sam we can have bubbles" I laughed as I got up to the bathroom too. 
I got up to the bathroom and began running a nice toasty bath, "what do you wanna do your hair with?' I asked 
"Uhhh soap?"
"What smell you dummy?"
"Oh. I have options?"
"Yes sam you have options" I smiled
"Ooohhh," he says giving each shampoo a sniff "I wish to smell like an orange" he says holding the bottle 
"Would your like your body to also smell like an orange?" 
"Wait I can combine smells! Ooohh I'm gonna smell so good" he smirked digging thought my various stuff "ok! My head shall smell of Orange's and my body shall smell of ...what is this called? Earthy walks. I don't know smells like nature"
"Okay? So nature and orange?"
"Like going thought a walk in nature and sitting down in the woods to eat an orange" he explained
"Okay Sammy, you wanna pick a bath bomb?"
"Yes! I wanna pick a bath bomb"
"Okay just not the intergalactic, damn thing makes me glittery for weeks"
"But we could bathe in universe?"
"Pick another one sam"
"Fine." He sighed going to choose "hehehe. Pandamonium. And it's got a panda"
"That's not a bath bomb Sammy that's a melt."
"Oh. Smells good though what to melts do?'
"They melt into the tub and make your skin smooth" I smiled turning off the water
"I wanna be smooth." He says putting that on the side by the bath "ooh. Lavender dreams, that sounds spaish" 
"Okay Sammy" I giggled
"What are you gonna smell of?" He asks 
"Strawberries" I smiled
"Oooohh. I should have picked that one. You will be so fruity bugaboo" 
"Let's do spa!"
"Spa time! Ohh that means it's bath time"
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littlebitoffanfic · 6 years
Forever A Gentleman
Fandom: The Hobbit Characters: Bofur, Fili, Kili Relationship: Bofur/reader Request: Bofur stumbled across the reader while bathing and fluff ensues. I love your work! You pressed yourself up agaisnt the rock, cursing the young princes as you glance back to land and hoped to see your clothes magically back. But no such luck. You had been bathing in the river when you heard scuffling from behind you. When you glanced back over your shoulder, you saw Fili and Kili running off with your clothes in their arms, giggling like girls. It was partly your own fault. You normally wore a thin dress to bathe in, but it had magically gone missing. Even now, you couldn’t wait to get your hands on them, but you had to figure out to how get back to the camp without anyone seeing you. There was a large boulder a little out from land. You had hidden behind it as you thought through your options. The water now came up to just over your breasts, a bonus. You signed, feeling a cold wind hit your bare shoulder and face. Ducking a little further under the water, you shivered. As you bit your lip, you heard a loud slash from the shore and nearly jumped out your skin. You were pretty much a sitting duck as far as an attacker was concerend. Peaking around the boulder, you saw Bofur wade out into the water (now half way up his torso, whisiling happily to himself as he focused on undoing his braids. His chest was bare and as you glanced to the shore, you saw all his clothes, including his hat, piled up. He didn’t even know you were there. You knew he was your only chance. Crouching a little so the water was now up to your collar bone and moving your hair to cover your shoulders, you took a deep breath and exchaled. “Bofur.” You called to him, almost giggling when you saw how he jumped. But then his eyes settled on you and they sofened. “Lass?” He asked, cocking his head to one side as he swam closer to you. you wrapped your arms around your breasts, even though the water was sligthly darker and you couldn’t see them. Once infront of you, he stood back up, the water now coming up to his chest but it had wet the ends of his hair. “You alright?” He asks, sounding a little panicked as he did. “Yes, im fine.” You reassure him, wondeirn ghow you were going to explain your prediciment to him. “Its just, I normally hear you singing when you bathe.” Bofurs anxiety didn’t seem to supside at your realusrance. “You listen to me sing?” You couldn’t help but ask. “Aye. You’ve got a beautiful voice.” Bofur nods. While some mught have been embaressed at it, he didn’t. You suddently shook your head, reminding yourself that you were naked. “Bofur. I need your help.” You confess, looking up at him. “Sure, lass. Anything.” He moved forward to place his hands on your arms under the water. “Im-I need you to… uh.” You signed, annoyed as your cheeks burned. Why couldn’t you just tell him? Just then, you shuddered, the cold starting to get to you. “[y/n]?” Bofurs voice was filled with concern as he felt the coldness of your skin. “Yer freezing.” He goes to step closer to you, but you quickly step back. “Bofur, im naked.” You finally allow the words to fall over your lips. Bofur froze, and you saw his eyes dart down to your body then straight back up. Then he jumps and tries to move backwards. Unfortunatly, a small wave cuaght him and threw off his balance. He thumbled back into the water, his feet actully coming up above the water for just a moment before he started splashign to regain his footing. You let out a laugh as you dove forward to help him, forgetting you werent wearing anythign. You managed to grab his arm and pull him up. He spluttered but the second he saw you again, he twisted around so his back was to you. You couldn’t help but throw your head back and laugh. You didn’t see him glance over his shoulder just to see you laughing. Then his head snapped back when you look back at him. “but, but don’t you normally bathe in-“ He starts to stutter but you cut him off. “I couldn’t find it. And I saw Fili and Kili run off with my clothes ones I was in the water.” You shook your head. “Those little devils. They told me you were done!” Bofur growled. “Wait, what?” You swam around him, keeping the water up to your neck but you wanted to speak to him face to face regardless of your embaressing situation. “They said you had finished bathing and it was my turn.” He shook his head, his beard almost comincal when wet. You knew you had to clear the air a little. “You know, of everyone. Im glad of everyone, you were the found who found me.” You giggled. “What? Why?” Bofur riased his eyebrows in a quizical way. “Well, obviously, I don’t want to face fili or kili right now. And Ori would probably faint at the thought. And most of the older ones would make such a fuss I’d never live it down or they wouldn’t be able to look me in the eyes for months.” You confessed, ducking a little under the water in the hoeps it would hid your blush. “Aw, lass. Im glad im the one who found you.” Bofur chuckled. “Have you got spare clothes in yer backpack? The one by your bedroll.” He asked and you nodded. Bofur moved to start to leave the water, but paused and turn back to you. “Turn round lass.” He told you, making you raise an eyebrow at him. “Aint got anythign on.” You let out a laugh as you twisted in the water, standing up a little more when your back was to him. Bofur couldn’t help but watch you as he left the water and started to pull on clothes despite being soaking wet. His eyes trailed down you bare back, wanting nothing more than to return to you in the water. He threw on his clothes, his tunic and trousers feeling horrible agaisnt his wet skin. But he knew you were freezing and needed to get out of the cold water quickly. Bofur quickly left and retreaved your bag for you, but not before notifying Dori and balin, who had both taken to you like father figures to you. They had both growled and went off to find the younge princes and Bofur returned to you. He heard you before he saw you. You were singing again, which was literally musci to his ears. “Lass?” He called out to you when he saw you in the river once again. You twisted around and saw Bofur standing with your clothes in one hand and a thin blanket/twoel in the other . Bofur placed the clothes on a rock to the side and then held the towel out, grippin the top two corners and holding it straight. He closed his eyes and you understood. Giggling, you covered your breast with one arm and using the other to try and cover as much as you could before moving quickly into the towel. You grabbed the ends from his hands and wrapped the towel under your arms and around yourself. Bofur kept his eyes closed like a true gentleman. Going up on your tiptoes, you pressed a quick kiss to his lips, making him jump and his eyes flash open. “Thank you for helping me.” You giggled, stepping back as you held the towle around yourself. It draped down to your knees and was wrapped tightly around your wasit, meaning it showed off a lot more of your figure than your normal dresses, tops and trousers. “Im sorry I ruined your bathing time.” You offered him a sincer apology but Bofur seemed so stunned by the kiss. He was only brought back by your giggles and he shook his head. “don’t worry, lass. I should be apologiesing for the princes for putting you in such a position.” He smirked slightly, stepping a little closer to you. “Im just lucky I had a certain dwarf was here to save my honour.” You giggled, closing the distance between you again. Just then, a cold breeze swept across the land, making you shiver. A pair of warm arms wrapped around you and you were pulled against Bofurs chest. Before you could look up, your lips were captured by Bofurs onces again. You smirked into the kiss, thankful he hadnt seemed to have taken your previous kiss as just a friendly one. You had to keep one hand on the towel to hold it up, the other wrapped hand reached up and you placed it on the back of his neck. His hands ran up your bare shoulders. Unfortunatly, another cool breeze made you shiver once again. “Yer freezing, lass.” Bofur mumbled. You smiled as you leaned into his touch, cuddling into his chest. “It felt warmer in the water.” You giggled. “Althought your arms are definitely my prefered choice.” “Aye, I much prefer this as well.” Bofur chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Is she decent?” A voice called from the forest and you let out a laugh, heairng the nerves in Dori’s voice. Bofur shrugged off his coat and threw it over your shoulders so the only thing really on show was from your knees down and your collar bone up. “Aye.” He called back and Dori, Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bombur, Nori and Gloin stormed out the woods, half hauling Fili and Kili by their ears. “Now, apologies to the lass!” Dwalin growled as he all but threw the boys in front of you. they hung their heads in shame, much like children getting in trouble. “Sorry, [y/n].” They both mumbled, looking very shamful. “I forgive you. This one time.” You nodded, but added the last part with a stern voice. They both turned and walked to the group of dwarfs who all looked like they could kill the princes. You would have giggled if you didn’t think the princes might have thought it mean you were less angry. The group returned into the woods and back to the camp. Once out of earshot, you chuckled, earnig a grin from Bofur. “well, lass. Where were we?” He asked, wrapping his arms back around your waist, under the coat. “You know, we could always come back later on tonight.” You played with the front of Bofurs tunic as you spoke, looking up at him through your eyeslashes. “I like yer thinking. We’d best get you back and in front of the fire.” Before winked as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. When you threw on your clothes, he turned away again. “Forever a gentleman” you thought as you pulled on a tunic, trousers and a thick cardigen that Ori had been kind enough to knit you a few months ago. once decent, you called out to Bofur. “What are you going to do with your hair?” he asked, nodding to the mess on your head. “I don’t know. Theres no point trying to tame it while its wet.” You shrugged, folding the towel you had used and handing Bofur his coat back. “I’ll braid it for you.” he offered, making you look back to him. You knew the significants of braining in his culture and you were surprised that a few kisses meant that much to him. But you smiled and nodded. “I’d like that.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit down while you turned so he was sat behind you and started braiding your wet hair. He started humming the tune to a song you normally sing. He was forever a getleman.
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Deep In the Forest
~Word Count: 1,517
~Written: April 19, 2018
~Theme: Bangtan as Guardian Spirits
~ • ○ ☆ ◇ ☆ ○ • ~
They say if one goes deep enough into the Bangtan Forest, he would either come out stronger, insane, or never return at all. Bangtan Forest had many a haunting story surrounding it, but no one knew anything for sure. Over the years, people lost interest in the ghost stories and stopped visiting the forest. The stories were passed off as folk lore or exaggerations. However, no one knew just how much truth the 'folk lores' held.
Deep in the heart of the forest, there reside the seven forest guardian spirits. They're sole job, to keep the forest alive and the strangers out.
"Ugggghhhhhhh." A low growl escaped from the mouth of what appeared to be a young man lounging in one of the many trees of the forest. His already tussled blue tresses lost all semblance of uniformity as he mussed his hair in frustration. From a distance, he looked moderately normal in his black hoodie and ripped jeans. But upon closer inspection, one would be unable to deny the eerie air that hovered around the boy. His eyes were too unnaturally emerald and his skin had an inhumane almost green glow to it under the pale skin tone.
"I'm so boooored." He groaned again, slumping farther down in his tree. This boy's name was Yoongi, or better known by the humans, Suga, and he was anything but human. He was the guardian of the trees of Bangtan Forest.
He glared at nothing for a while, looking every bit the seething diety he liked to portray before once again letting out a huff. He rolled off from his high branch, ignoring the branches that instinctively reached out to catch their master. He passed them all and landed on the forest floor with cat like elegance.
His brothers, fellow forest and animal spirits, weren't coming back for a while. Which meant being completelt alone with naught but the wild life and treesfor company. Yoongi lover the trees, but they hardly qualified as good conversation partners. They were satisfied to just let the breeze pass around them and watch the sky. Though Yoongi often acted stoic and fine being alone, he did need intelligent interaction eventually. So, unable to handle the stagnant boredom anymore, he went off on a walk.
Yoongi knew this forest well. After all, he had spent nigh on a century here. Never leaving. He was tethered here. This specific forest, this specific body, and this specific age. He'd tried many times in his endless days of routine to change things up. For the first years, he just explored evey inch of the forest. That had been the most exciting time of his life. New nooks and crannys and trees and animals and anything else he happened upon were enthralling. But as the years passed, they became novelties. He knew this forest like the back of his hand now and no new species had graced the forest in far too long. Some of the guardians could leave, but unlike his brothers, he was unable to change form or even leave the border of the forest. Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Namjoon could leave as they pleased for the day as long as they were back by night. However, Hoeseok, Yoongi, and Seokjin were stuck in the blasted forest, never able to leave. To say Yoongi was sick and tired of it would be an understatement.
"Hoseok-aaaahhhh! Where are you?!" He whined loudly to nothing in particular. Hoseok was a fellow plant spirit, specializing in more the flower realm. Whereas Yoongi was more in the trees, so he would get the message that the bored tree spirit was looking for him sooner or later. Preferably sooner before Yoongi went crazy and started terrorizing the wildlife. Jimin always got upset when he did that, being an animal spirit meant sympathizing with his fellow creatures. Especially when Yoongi messed with the deer.
Yoongi wandered a little farther down the trail, worn down by years of animal feet trompimg through and bored guardian spirits. Nature chirped all around him and the occasional animal passed by or curiously sniffed at him before they too continued on their way. However, he wasn't listening to the creatures. Rather, Yoongi was focusing on the whispers coming from the trees. Trees were his only connection to the outside world. The flowers were gossipers, so usually he had to get interesting stories from Hoseok. Where as the trees were practical. They relayed what they heard, never bothering with drama or over exaggeration. Most the time they only talked about the weather coming or anything threatening.
Something had stirred them up today. They all seemed agitated, their whispers too numerous and frustrated to make total sense to Yoongi. He furrowed his brow in confusion as he tried to concentrate on a specific birch tree as he gently laid a hand on the white bark.
'Stranger! Stranger in our woods. We dont like it. We dont like it' the old birch seethed beside Yoongi. His eyes widened in surprise. Stranger? There hadn't been one of those in years!
He let go of the tree and started down the path again. With his pace picking up, Yoongi did his best to follow the direction of the most agitated trees. The ones who were actully near the stranger would probably be the most upset.
Soon the whispers became a roar when Yoongi broke through the tree line and emerged into a small meadow.
He froze.
There. There was something he had not seen in over a decade. A human.
The human's eyes snapped up to Yoongi. Terror and confusion were evident on the stranger's face, but so was something else. Yoongi tilted his head as he zeroed in on the features of this new creature. Shaggy brown hair was tangled and peppered with folliage. Clothes that looked a little too large hung on it's the thin frame. Big, brown, innocent eyes took in Yoongi with just as much scrutiny as it's brows furrowed. The skin around one of its eyes was purplish in color and a scratch on its cheek marred the otherwise smooth skin. What strange markings. Why would a human find those attractive? It took a moment for Yoongi to remember that humans had specific genders. Trees didnt. Sure the other animals did, but he hardly cared about them. They were nuisances that hurt his trees.
The stranger was female and young. Yoongi guessed she was on the tail end of adolescence, but the way she looked now one might not be able to tell. She looked like a lost child.
"Wh-who're you?" She stuttered out, bringing her arms up around herself.
Yoongi debated taking the powerful diety route or the kind protector. Obviously powerful god was always more fun. "Suga, the guardian of these woods. And who are you to come into my woods without permission?"
The female cowered back, practically tripping as she retreated. "I-Im sorry. I was just trying to get away and then i got lost. I-if you give me directions out I'll leave right away." She negotiated.
Yoongi snorted. He had been too long by himself with only his brothers for company. He wasnt letting a visitor go that easily.
"Its too late for that, dont you think? You're in my territory now. Why would I let you go?" He scoffed, raising a brow. Hed forgotten what it felt like to lord over humans. It was a powerful feeling. He had missed it.
The female visibly took a deep breathe before lifting her chin in a vain attempt at confidence. "Because youre a benevolent spirit."
The statement came out more of a question, her voice quivering the whole time despite her efforts. Yoongi couldn't help the grin pulling at his lips. She was interesting. He liked her.
"Hmmm. You ma-"
Suddenly someone, or more like someones came tumbling through the foliage, cutting off the tree spirit.
"I got your message! I brought Jimin and Taehyung too." A familiar, jovial voice exclaimed as Hoseok stood up. His bright orange hair was tousled with flowers and plants stuck between the tresses. He wore much brighter clothing than his tree spirited friend. At their feet an oddly colored, gangly buck and fox were scrambling to their feet. The silver deer morphed into Jimin who was rubbing the skin around the small set of antlers protuding from his mop of silver hair.
"Ow! You landed on my antler again. Tae tae." He whined. The blonde fox morphed to reveal Taehyung smiling widely, his tail flickering back and forth as he sat crossed legged in front of his friend.
"Sorry." He apologized, looking anything but.
Yoongi wanted to hit them all. They had ruined his moment to intimidate a new stranger. These three were anything but scary. Namjoon, jungkook, or even Jin would have been better. But no. Instead the cute ones came, wearing over sized sweaters and blue jeans that enhanced the cute facad.
"Youre all insufferable." He growled to them, turning back to the female. He needed to try and save some face.
But she was gone.
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faithsummers11 · 7 years
Get away!! (Pt. 1)
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A/N:- So this one is a Harry Styles smut.
I just got this thing in my mind when i like just came here in California at my lake house for a get away(it like my ME time, just me and no one else) from my work and all that busy buzzy life.
This is like one thing in my life whenever i kinda waana get rid of all Bullshit happening around me i just sneek out the fuzz and walk right here in this lake house of mine. I was like staring at the lake and this idea creeped into my mind.
So this is when you are on your get away where you meet harry and kinda fuck. Well its slow and has parts also i thought that Y/N don't actully know harry and the story build amongst it.( Ok I'm disgusting in descriptions but it's really worth a read). This is where harry is your neighbour.
It was a hell of a ride you thaught as you parked your rover in the garage and moved your suitcases out of your car. This was it you have finally reached here, it was like heven for you, your family lake house in California. It was deep into the woods no one who didn't knew about the place and the routes correctly couldn't actually come in this place, it was a secret hide out. It was so clam and soothing, whenever you came here you felt like forgetting the world and all your worries. Well that's why you come here whenever you were pissed and needed some thinking.
This was the only place your family had left you with, you were 15 when you parents died, you lived with your parents in a rented flat so you have to leave it and move to a shared apartment so that you can afford the rent, seriously speaking life was hell after parents death you have to take on lots of scholarships to complet you education, work part time at Starbucks to get money to pay rent and for your expenses, your entire teenage was ruined,no movies no fun only work and studies, and now you were 22 and you were the most trusted employee in the most popular softer company called Microsoft with a salary of 25,000 $ per month, obviously with that much money paid to you, you have to work your ass out and add that with you messed upp relationships this is why you needed the get away.
You moved out of your garage taking the bags with you, you took it to the front door and opened the huge door, the house was clean and tidy seriously 'the caretaker took really good care you should increase his salary' you thought, just when you were about to step in you looked to the humongous house next to yours, this house was 3-4 times more bigger than yours and you absolutely loved it. Whenever you look at the house, you thaught no one owned it, it was empty no one lived there, but this time you actually saw someone in there who caught you stareing, you quickly grabbed your things and moved inside the house. It was a man but you didn't really saw his face, wondering who he was you got to your room.
It was evening finally you were done with unpacking and organising and now were standing in your room, your room was the best room in the entire house cause it has two humongous windows one which gave you a good view of the lake in backyard and other which gave you a good view of the humongous house next to yours frankly speaking you could clearly see every detail inside the room of that house, you never actually saw anything before because there used to be curtains fallen, but today the curtains were open, you had no intention of peeping but the interiors of the room were beautiful you were scanning the room when you watched a man walk out of the bathroom he's lower half was covered in the towel and the upper half was way too beautiful to take your eyes off. He has tattoos on both the arms a toned body with tattoo two birds on collar bone, a butterfly on tummy and and two ferns just above his hip bone, you were not able to take your eyes of his body you saw him wear a shear white t-shirt leaving the upper two button, he was going to remove his towel just when he turned and caught you stareing again, you ran out of you room out of embarrassment tripping over you own legs.
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One you were out you slapped yourself for what you did in there and then moved out towards the deck by the lake cursing yourself. Once you reach the deck, Cold breeze of air hit your face making you forget everything. The deck by the lake was very big it has a small dining table for 4 people at one corner and a small coffeetable with two chairs which you have set cause you loved spending time on the deck and the deck was joint to the deck of the neighbour house looking at the bridge which jointed the two deck you remembered you mom told you once that yor grandpa and the old man who originally owned the neighbour house were really great friends so the jointed the decks so both their families can spent time together, well he sold the house to someone after his wifes death. The beautiful lake was another reason for the decks to be joined the lake coverd both the houses and has a widespread and dissappeared in the woods as far as eyes can see, but actully you can only see a little of the lake because the lake was covered with fog throughout the year. But there was a beautiful place ahead of the fog which only you knew, you have discovered it when you were lost boating in the lake once, a place only you knew exists a place where only you went a place you have decorated, a place you didn't took anyone it was you little secreat.
Your eyes were fixed on the lake, you were snapped out of your little world when you felt heavy footsteps on the deck comming towards you. You turned towards the footsteps and your heart skipped a beat when you saw the same handsome man comming towards you, your heart started racing all the thaughts of you satring at him raced through your mind causing your embarrassment.
"Hey " he said his voice was deep and has a bit of husk in it and his accent seemed british. "Hello" you replied looking up at him. It's now that you observed his face he was a hell of a handsome he has this beautiful short brown curls, a sharp jawline, beautiful pink plump lips, and the most beautiful was his mesmerising emerald green eyes, your eyes were glued to his face his lips were moving slowly he was asking you something but you could have cared less you were too distracted by his beauty "beautiful " you blurred out. "Excuse me!!" He said and you averted your eyes towards ground.
"I'm sorry" you said
"I was asking if you live alone here?"
"Oh yes!, i mean i live here alone, umm.. Actually i don't live here i just come here for a get away.." you said your voice dissolving at the end
" may i?" He asked dragging the chair in front of you.
"So, get away? like a holiday, yeh"
" Yeh i mean like you know like this place just gives me peace and with all the shit of work buzz in NewYork its just right place to run from all that. So is this place yours?,I didn't see anyone in there whenever I'm here"
"Umm yes , its mine i like bought 5 years ago but never actually came here, but now that I'm on a break after the hiatus i thought this was the right hide out from all that people, this place is really inside its hard to find you know"
" Break, hiatus?? What people?, why are they behind you?, what do you do? what are you talking about???" You asked confused, confusion dripping down your face.
"You don't know me? " he asked shocked
"No. You not Obama why should i know you" you said chuckling a little.
"Ohh well I'm harry. Harry styles"
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"Nice name, I'm Y/N nice to meet you "
"Nice to meet you too .finally someone who don't know me " he muttered the last sentence.
"Sorry!! so do you live here alone too? "
" Yes! My mom and sister wanted to come too , but.... I just wanted some me time so..."
"Hmm... So were you saying about the hiatus? What do you do?" you asked.
"You really don't know me?" Harry asked in disbelief.
"No!! I mean your name i think heard somewhere mightbe once No, no really no i don't know you " you replied tring to remember where have you heard his name
"You REALLY don't know me?" He asked again pressing really
"NOOO!!!! I mean if you are someone really big i can google you, or you can tell me who you are" you said a bit fustrated .
"Oh no no no plzz don't google i mean iI'll tell you who I'm but not right now later but i promise I'll tell you just don't google it i want to tell you myself" he said tring to convince you. You found it odd but agreed.
"So how long are you here " you asked him
" I guess a month probably, what about you?"
"Same, it's summer and this is the best place to spend it and i only have a month holiday"
He was about to say some thing when you heard the fire alarm of his house go off.
"FUCK!! I foget about the oven" he exclaimed getting up from his chair and started running and you ran behind him. He ran stright into the kitchen and you saw the oven was literally on fire and there was black smoke everywhere he removed the plug of the oven and you opened all the windows for the smoke to escape he tried extinguish the fire but the extinguisher wasn't working so you tried to find flour or some water and opened almost all the cabinates also looked in the fridge but you saw nothing but beer so you went out and quickly grabbed the bucket which you saw in the yard while comming in and splashed all the water on the oven well the fire did extinguish but since harry was in the middle he took a bath too.
"You seriously have nothing in here ?" you asked pointing to all the cabinates you have opened "Umm no i like bought food for today..and thought I'll buy something for tomorrow " your jaw dropped on the way he said it " you serious, i mean really your in deep wood you have to carry your food hear you'll not find a take away every five minutes here the closest market here is like 6 miles from here and it opens 7 in the morning and closes 7 in the evening " you said with surprising tone.
His eyes went wide on that " you are not kidding me right, i mean what if someone not ablet to reach the market in time or forget something to bring or.. " he asked looking at you "well there's a man who like comes with his cart which is practically supermarket on wheels everyday between like 8-9 in the morning and 7-8 in the evening he has all the stuff from grocery to packed food so you can buy from him" trying to explain him everything " but its already 8:30, I haven't eaten anything "he said looking at his watch .
"Well if you want you can have dinner at mine tonight " you said looking at him actually stareing cause you splashed water on him his white shear shirt was now sticked to his skin revealing his tattoos and defind abs underneath "like what you see" he asked catching you stare again he smirked and came closer to you, you didn't said anything and he was now standing inches away from you leaning his face dangerously close to yours lips almost brushing against each other, when you quickly backed off and walked towards the backyard door "dry yourself and get on the deck I'll bring the dinner " you said and left.
You were cursing yourself for stareing at him again but you couldn't help he was so fucking sexy and hell of hot and sent your hormones in over drive you felt this tention in the air whenever he was around. Soon you finished bringing all the food you prepared on the dining table on the deck and settled down on one chair waiting for him to come, just then you saw him walking towards you he wore sweatpants and simple black tee and still managed to look hot. He sat on the chair in front of you. Once he sat, you started servings him, and you could feel his eyes boring into you "what??" you asked looking upp from the plate.
"What did i do ?" he asked innocently "stop stareing at me" you requested "well you kept staring at me the entire day , when you first entered your place then when i came out of my bath and even now sometime ago " he said reminding of what you did your cheeks turnrs red and you totally were embarrass " Don't be embarrassed love, its ok " he said. Your cheaks turned reder and you can't help but say "sorry, but you are just way to hot, it's hard to handle" he chuckled at your words.
"Well thanks, and don't be sorry cause i can't take my eyes of you either, you are beautiful you know" you blushed even harder if it was possible.
When you were both done he helped you pick up the plates and hepled you to take them in you kitchen he also offered you to help you in dishes but you kindly declined, while you were doing the dishes he scanned you house then he came back and stood behind you "this place is beautiful " he said admiring. "Decorated it myself " you said proudly. "You are really good at it then cause its really very beautiful" he commented "Not as beautiful as your place" you said turning around to face him, but when you turned around your heart skipped a beat for the second time today. He wad standing this close to you his green emeralds stareing right into your eyes he stepped a step closer to you and you stepped a step back and hit the kitchen counter he stepped closer pinning you between him and the kitchen counter, he leaned still maintaining the eye contact, you were literally breathing his breath when he captured your lips into his, you can't help but kiss him back his lips were soft and the kiss was gental it felt like complete bliss your lips moved in sync with each other but suddenly something came into you and you pulled back waking away from him. He got the hint he was still a stranger for you "sorry i just..." "It's ok, i understand i just can't help myself " he said cutting you mid sentence and started leaving.
When you saw him leaving you called, "Harry" "Yes?" he asked turning back "umm.. I was wondering if you would like to come on a walk with me tomorrow morning at 6, i mean i know it's early and this place is in woods but it still has some beautiful places to admire i know this place and i can show you, but only if you want an-.."
"I'll like to come, infact I was going to ask you if you can show me around. 6 you said right ?" "yes " you replied "I'll be on time" he said giving you a wide smile flashing his dimples. And your heart melted just seeing his dimples and you were now excite on what tomorrow will bring.
To be continued.....
A/N:- I was going to do this one in one part but i realized its going to be big so i decided to do it in parts I'll be posting the second part soon probably tomorrow. So stay tuned. And let me know if you liked it feedback you see really helps.
Love ~ - ~ Faith.
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tbwtnw · 5 years
(*Just a note, didn't get to name Colton's cousin (s) just yet so for at the moment they are gonna be (?) )
TNW Short #2-
….sitting his coffee down on the backroom table, Colton yawned. It wasn't time to open the shop yet, he just liked being around all the books. This shop rightfully became his after he turned eighteen; even though back then he didn't want it or understand what this shop meant to who he was as a person. The history behind it, was once too graphic for him to know but now that he does, he does everything to track down who took his mom, and who took his dad, who he never got a chance to even know. 
Turning on some music on his laptop to fill the silence, he walked around the shop as ‘White Rabbit’ played on the throwback station. Straightening some books on a shelf, a knock came at the front door. Surprised someone would be here this early, Colton finished doing what he was doing and made his way through the shelves to the front glass door.
A figure stood on the other side. Getting a feeling in the pit of his stomach of not knowing, more so as the song on his laptop glitched on some words at the end of that song, ‘...feed your head ...feed your head ...fe--’
Looking back to the door, he removed the shade. A young girl, somewhere around his age, that's it. He let out a sigh. She couldn't be much older than him. “Uh, we’re not open, can you come back later?” She wasn't a regular customer, but any new ones they got was a good day. With just a wide-eyed stare with brown eyes, she stood motionless. Saying nothing,the strange girl walked off. “Huh, ok. Weird. But ok.” Colton said in a state of confusion on what just happened. 
Shaking his head, he walked off, fixing the shelves before opening.
~Across town~
“Is he working there?” Dr.Frederick inquired about as she slammed the door behind her. “What do you think? Oh yeah, you forgot to mention I won't be able to go through with the assassination. He looks normal, he looks completely innocent, grandpa.”
Laughing a low and sinister laugh, not moving from the couch, he spoke again, “He is far from normal, my butterfly. Didn't I show you his mother? You must remember-”
“Whatever, yeah. She and some other experiment of yours escaped and blew up all the hard work you had done, you’ve told me that for years. My parents did too. It seemed to be the only topic I ever remember hearing between you all.” 
Not acknowledging her, he continued ranting on.
“He is just as deadly as they are. He needs to be put down as soon as you can. It took me all this time to track him down again.” He answered, madness seeping in his heavy accent 
“I should’ve killed him as a baby. What an idiot I was to give him to that other one! ”
Slamming a fist on the coffee table. 
“Your problem, not mine. I still don't understand why you let one go; or why you just didn't hire somebody instead of using your own granddaughter..” 
The night went on slowly for her, come dinner time,Rebecca was making dinner for everyone. Handing a plate to her grandfather, she sat down, the news on the tv talking about another robbery the night before.
Fredrick laughed a crazy kind of laughter as he ate. “See my butterfly, i told you, you would be on the tv one day! Do what i say and everything will come to you.” 
Rebecca didnt say much as she, herself ate. She gave a thumbs up. 
Reaching for the remote, he turned the tv down as he looked her in the eye. “I got it my dear.” His voice quivering with exciment. 
With her mouth full, she answered him, not in the least amused as he alwas has an idea. “Go for it, tell me.” Putting her feet up in the couch.
“You go back to that store. In the room downstairs, they have my time-watch..i want you to get that for me. NO need to kill him.”
“The what?!” She spat out, almost choking on her food.
 “The time-watch my dear. Quite simple really. You steal that, your grandpa here can go back and kill him so you don’t have to.”
She stared at him for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what he just said. “That watch hasn't been seen in you said….” “Close to 30 years, I know dear. His mother stole it from me that night she escaped. There's no doubt they are in possession of it now.” 
Putting her spoon down, she thought about it. She could have him do this. She didnt want to actully kill anyone. If he went back and did it, that would make it all the better.
She held a fingar up. 
“IF i do,grandpa. I get the hybrids.” 
With a cold grin, he patted her foot. “Anything for my butterfly.”
A few days after this, Colton, busy with a full house, his cousins working with him. 
“Why the sudden interest in this place?” (?) asked, staring in bewilderment at everyone packed in there.
 “The only thing I can come up with is just luck maybe? Aunt Chrissy said it was packed similar back when it first opened.” 
“Mom wouldn’t know, she was hardly in here. Only a few times after your dad and his friend opened it...But lookit the bright side; more money for us.” 
Folding his arms, Colton sighed,” Yeah, that’s a plus for sure. And plus she was always wasted back then, remember hearing about that one, huh?” Laughing as he went behind the counter to check people out. 
A sudden rapid round of knocks on the back door was loud enough for Colton to hear with all the noise in the shop. Telling the people to have a nice day with a painted grin, he quickly left the counter. 
“Colton! It's Stefano, open the hell up!” Yanking the door open, there he stood, to Colton’s horror, with a gash and dried blood on his forehead and in his arms, the pup.
“What happened to you?!”
“Oh, ya know. Some guy came a-knocking,said he was lost, I told him I was sorry, didn’t know who he was looking for ...Next thing I bloody know? I have a gun to my head as two others came from nowhere and made themselves at home. Michael,he was smart enough to hide this freak in that hidden part in your closet. They ram shacked the place, pocketed what I don’t know oh! and on top of that questioned us and decided it was best to knock me the heck out and just take Michael.”
Continuing his story, Colton hurried behind him, making their way downstairs. “Have no clue who they were, freaks at the best. I just want to find Michael, mate. We have to.”
Nodding urgently, as he unlocked the door as they both made their way down those stairs, the lights turned on automatically in the basement turned room. 
“Ok, uh, sit down…how do you feel? I'm thinking here.” Colton said, grabbing the first aid kit from next to the sink. Stefano slowly sat in a chair as he let the pup down. 
Laughing, he just shook his head, looking at Colton with glassy, bloodshot eyes, his  hair sticking into the dried blood,
“How do I feel? How do I honestly feel? I’ll tell ya.” Leaning over as Colton sat in a chair inches from him, sitting everything on the table, handing him a cold washrag
“Like someone just ripped a big hole in my life, mate. Held a gun, a bloody gun to my head! I could have been killed tonight. But no, they stole everything then take my life with them…and-and I don’t have no clue as to where they are, who they are, or if Michael is still alive or what.”
“Stefano, listen to me. I have no clue who they were either, I know you just went through something horrible..we need to focus right now on you. Can't have you like this if you want to find him. Believe me, knowing Michael, he'd be talking nonstop and they probably kicked him to the curb and we will just find him making his way back to us.” 
Both became silent, before Stefano started laughing, Colton joined in. “God, they are in for something with him.” Colton still laughed as he used the peroxide to clean the gash, Stefano flinching as it stung at first before fizzing up.  
“Did you see what they took?”
“No, just seen them carry in briefcases that were obviously empty and leave with sagging ones. It was no secret.” Colton listened, fixing a piece of cotton on his head before grabbing the medical tape. He knew no one that carried cases. Not even the ones he's sent to jail.
“You didn't see what they looked like or..?” Shifting in his seat, Stefano shook his head.
“No,mate.They had their faces covered in, oh I don’t know, some homemade garbage mask?”
Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering upstairs, made them both jerk their heads. Motioning to be quiet, Colton slowly tiptoed up the stairs, his hands slightly showing sparks of blue. Stefano stayed put, holding the gauze on his forehead.
Slowly turning the knob, the door slightly cracked open. His heart began beating faster. Colton heard the customers cries, he looked down and saw (?) Sitting against the counter, hiding. Seeing Colton, he motioned with a finger to his mouth, pointing with his other hand towards the front of the store.
Colton nodded, mouthing for him to get downstairs to which (?) shook his head no and tried to scoot back more but couldn’t. 
Rolling his eyes in annoyance, Colton mouthed it again, a little sterner. “For god’s sake,(?), get down there!” 
(?) Stalling a bit, he finally cautiously crawled along the floor, until Colton helped him along; grabbing him by his collar of his shirt and hurried him along.
Trying to shut the door slowly, he never heard a sound until he did.
Jumping onto the counter, the ugliest creature, the glass cracking under the weight. Hairless, only pale grey skin. A creature that walked upon all fours like a bear. Realizing, this was an adult version of the one they had down the stair. A deep growl in its throat as it stared in his direction,its eyeless face had the expression of an animal out for blood. 
Slowing raising his hands, ready for anything as the energy crackled throughout them, the creature barked but nothing even close to a dog bark. This was a deep, low bark. Something you wouldn’t want to hear during a stroll in the woods or on the beach.
Out of the corner of his vision, he saw a flash. But before he could react, his back hit the wall hard.
Soon being grabbed by the hair, she was much stronger than he was, given she was shorter too.
"Where is it?" She said. "And don't lie to me." 
“Ow! God! Where, what? I don’t know you!”
“The time watch you idiot. You're lucky that's all I'm here for.” Holding her arm across his throat, she held him against the wall.
Colton looked down at her and realized this was the same girl from that morning a few days back. 
There was chaos as the customers already there tried to run but were stopped in their tracks by a couple more hybrids. 
“I...dodon’t know...what you mean!... God!” 
A struggle took place, as he tried to get control of his hands, the hybrids barking, and the girl who seemed stronger than him at the moment. 
“The watch that controls time? You have it. Your mother had stolen it. You want me to help you to remember?” She said through her teeth. 
Colton’s mind raced as he tried to remenber, he didnt know anything about a time watch. His eyes went wide,knowing thats what those others were after.
An opening for him came as she turned to look at one of the creatures pacing on the side whining. With a free hand, he grabbed her wrist.
Finally letting go with a shout of surprise from the coldness, not from the slight burn on her wrist, she was soon caught off guard as Colton grabbed her in his grasp. 
Blowing his hair out of his eyes, he questioned her in a low voice. “Who..are you? Are you with the ones that robbed my home today? Hm? The ones that took my friend? I don’t think you’re going to find anything here.”  He looked up with his eyes at all the terrified customers, the creatures standing over a few.
A deep growling from a few directions in front of them and to his right, he knew the hybrids were ready to protect her at all costs at a drop of a hat. 
“Call them off, I don’t want to kill them.” He told her.
 “Like hell. You tell me what I want, then I tell you what you want. Huh? That’s a good enough deal, isn’t it? And no one has to die.” Gasping, he tightened his grip around her. Her nails dug into his arms, but he didn’t let go. 
“No, you’re gonna tell me what you want, who sent you and call those freaks back.” 
She stayed quiet, still struggling.  
She finally spoke up as she called the creatures back; they all backed off, some pacing,unsure what was going on.
“The only thing i can speak of, is i do not know who went into your home or who took your friend. I am under no obligation to speak of anything else.”
Colton squinted his eyes in anger, shurgging his shoulders, he said in a flat tone. 
“ok, have it your way then. But until then, you can spend some time with a good friend of mine.”
“What the hell are you babbling about?!” 
She looked at him with horror when she finally understood what he was gonna do. The bright light and the energy from the portal called out to her, not in word kind of way but a silent voice kind of way. 
Trying to kick her way free, he kept his grasp. The cold air blew through the portal from the other side, blowing their hair and papers in the area around as if a door was opened.
“No, no, no, no! You-you, don’t want to do this to me...please!” She begged, grabbing his shirt as she scrambled as her feet dangled above the ground to the other side. 
Getting pulled down too, he tried to undo his fingers as he tried to keep himself from falling through or touching the edges of the slowly closing portal.
“Let go! You don’t want me to fall in with you! You keep this up and you’ll get us both killed!” He yelled out. Suddenly, he felt somebody pulling him back up.
“I got you.” 
With a little help, he got her fingers off him, with a loud thud they heard her fall. Stefano stood behind him, looking over his shoulder.
“So, how long till she gets free from there?” 
“She’s not. She won’t be able to...Marc will keep her busy until I figure this out.” Colton said.
Rebecca slowly got up, groaning, her arms and legs full of scratches and cuts from the dirt and rocks. She looked up to watch as that portal slowly closed until it looked like a star in the night sky, until she couldnt see it anymore.
Reaching, she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket. Flipping it open, the screen came up with no signal. Screaming out in anger, she threw it on the ground. Looking up, she saw a building, not far from where she was. The only one in all directions. Looking behind her and back to the building, a smug look on her face; she began walking towards it.
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innerheadstories · 6 years
My First story post and a very very rough draft.
"Why in the hell did we have to take this route" One of the merchants asked as they pushed threw the thick forest path that had becomes so overgrown in recent time the path was nearly gone. So even with the strong hourses they had for travel it was still hard to get threw with there carts.       "Stop ya belly aching" The other merchant grumbled. "Your the one who wasnted to spend all your time drinking and whoring around in the last village and cost us all that extra time. So if we dont take this path we wont be able to reach Isenberg in time for the festivle" He said annoyed.         The other growned as he led the horse threew the trail having to give it a little extra tug as the wheels had a hard time getting over some of the larger tree roots. "YA but isnt this path notrious for badit attacks. " The other man rolled his eyes. "Oh they say that about every forest path its always badits or mosnters or somthing its nothing more than fear and cowrdice" he said as he contued on.       Of course even thought he said that it didnt mean going threw this path didnt put him more on edge. He kept his dagger close at hand and his ears open.  Although thinking about it now. It was qiet errily so. There was no sound of small animals scurring threw the bush and no birds chirping near by or making calls looking for a mate.  He looked around trying to hear anything that signaled any sighn of life.  
        As they got deeper into the woods and the day grew later it got harded to travel thats when finally they herd it. Snapping of twig. Turning quickly towrs the sound the merchant saw giant of a man coming into view. He had a sick grin as he held a large bloody mace in his hand "Well well what have we got here seemes some travlers got lost in our woods mates." He cuckled as more snapping could be heard and men began coming out of the of the foiliage and from the tree branches above one man had a bow drawn with a arrow aimes right at them. "what a pitty." He said       The large man looked at them ."Well we can show you the way out of course....you have to pay the charge for passing threw our territory" The merchants both huddled close to there items. "Please ...please just let us go" He said as he looked around ath the large number of men gathering. "We are only simple merchants we dont have much but we will give you our money to pass." The other merchant looked at him. "What are you saying." the other one turned quickly to glare at him. "Shut up we can make more money cant make any money if we are dead."          The larger leader laughed as he started forward. "Smart man" He grinned ."And if you dont have enogh we will also be taking your wares." He siad. But before he gotwith striking distance a arrow shot down from the tree tops and into the ground in fornt of him. All the badits looked aroound the one with his bow shooting a arrow back in the direction of that the other ahd shot from but all that could be herd was tthe arrow passing threw tree leaves and branches. .  "what the hell was that " The leader of the group growled.        Suddenly a new voice was herd laughing . "My my what greddy little men you are moeny and their wares how bothersome." The voice seemed to come from the woods themselvs. "And what was about your woods." The laugher was deep and harmoic even the voice was smooth and deep and seemed to resenate  "Please no mere mortal could hope to own these woods or any woods." The voice said. "This forest as all forest is home of the elven people and belogns to no one." Finally a man dropped down from the foilage and landed on a tree branch. He had a bow and arrow quiver on his back as he held a staff in his hands. Although it seemed to be a simple wooden staff it had a beautful red wood color to it with a small blue crystal knessled inside the top of it.  His black hair was long and held small braides near the top to keep it somwhat pulled back behind his ears. His ears were pointed and his skin was a deep copper tone and completly umblemised and looks smooth as silk. His green eyes seemed to dance with amuzment and mischef. "Well well what a truly distubing sight." He said with a grin.     The leader of the bandits glared at the elf. "Who the hell are you."        The elf smiled "How rude of me not to introduce myself Galland at your service .....Well not your service" HE smiled "Morley the service of ....well the whole world I would assume I dont imagin anyone will miss you but the world will be better with you gone from it." HE said. THe man laughed "You gonna do us in little man with what that little stick of yours." He chuckled as he grabbed his crouch. "Me cocks bigger than that little thing." He said "But Ill tell ya what come down here and Ill shove that stick right up your arse and let you wobble home." He smiled befor shaking his head. "Nah Think Ill just use me little stick here to rip your guts out  instead." The man glared as he looked at him then singlaed at his bowman "Kill that little fairy and be done with him." No sooner had he spoke than the man kniocked another arrow and fired at him. The elf grinned twisting and his body and snached the arrow from thre air. "Your quiet good with that." He smiled "But Im better" the man growled and quickly knoked another aroow firing at him and in one swift motion the elf had droped down and using his legs swung around hanging upside down from the treelimb he knoked the arrow he had snacked from the air and shot it back at the man The arrow planted in a tree behind him.    The bowman laughed "Cant be that good ya missed" AS he went to knock another arrow thogh he relesed the elf had actully shot the sting of his bow. His eyes wideneed as the elf grinned "Oh did I" He let got and twisted his body landing on the groud ad putting his bow back on his back. "ALright enogh of this get him boys." The leader gorlwed as they all began converging on the elf. He laughed "Oh dear. He quickly grabbed his staff and blocked the first man to get to him twisting it and knicking the mans blade away before using the end to jab him and knicked im to the ground as another man came at his back he shoved the staff back hitting him in the gut as well with ther head before twisiting around and knicking him from his feet. All this before the gang leader moved over raising his mace. "Try and stop this pretty boy" He snalred swinging his mace down with enogh force that it would snap any nomral weapon in half But just before it connected with the stafft it hit someinviable wall and a shokwave blasted out knocking everyone back. The elf spun his staff around with a laugh "What was that about little twig." HE grinned as he swung it in a wide arc and the jewl in the top glowed as the roots and vines began to come out of the ground and twist around the badnits. The men grolwed and all began wilding choping and slashing at the vines and roots that seemed to have taken a mind of their own as they tried to contrict and wrap around them.The badit leader rared ripping the roots away from him as he rushed the elf. "My my you are a strong one. The male said in a cocky tone as the leader swung wildly at him. The elf smiled as he twisted and ducked around the manes wild swings while the leader tried to keep his feet it seemed the more vines and roots he ripped from the ground focing himself onward the more wrapped around him and tried harder to pull him down. The elf smiled "Seems you having trouble there."  The badit leader swung at him one final time and the elf hoped back holding his hands out he flicked his fingers at the man and the vines wrapped around his writs and arms pulling him to the ground. All right eveyrone time to rest for now."  constricting them and  covering there mouths as the forest itself seemed to suck them into nothing ness as they were pulled into the ground.  The badits thrashs and swung there weapoins widley trying to stop themselves from being pulled into the ground screaming and crying out for mercy. Untill only the badit leader was left. HE strugled agest the vines as he grabbed and tryed ripping them away. "G...god damnit im....im not gonna die to some little fucking elf "  The elf lagughed. "Well I would love to see how your gonna stop me." HE told him as he watched him. BEfore the vines finally took him underground and sucked him into the earth like a living burial. He smiled before turing back ot the merchants who were brushing themselves off and getting to their feet. They looked fearfully at the male elf     "P...please sir we dont want no trouble we just be passing threw."            Galland laughed "Please Im not gonna hurt you." He smiled "Wouldnt have made much sense to save you if I ment you harm" He smiled as he moved his staff to his back and walked over to them with his hands behind his head. "If you keep on the path here you should find the village by tomarow morning ....midday if you stop to sleep for the night." He told them. The both smiled before the one in back came forward. "Please sir if there is anything we can do for you just say it." The elf waved his hand dimissivly before thinking ."Actully Im fresh out of wine so if you could spare a bottle of summer wine I would be most thankfull" The mechant laughed "your in luck I got a wonderfull selection of summer wine just for the festivle" He smiled as he went back to his cart and opened the carrage before pulling out a large bottle of red wine. "HEre a wonderfull wine from the east lands."  The elf smiled as he held the bottle up to the light "Ahhh this lookes eccelent" He smiled "My deepest gratidute." He said AS he began to walk away.     "Wait." One of the men called out "Why not travle with us to the festivle I am sure there would be plenty of other summer wines and we would gladly compensate you for guiding us and protecting us from danger"      The elf shook his head. "You shall be fine this lot was the only badit group currently in the area.' HE smiled "I may see you at the festive" He held up wanted posters "But for now I have bounty to collect' He told them with a chuckle. "Thank you for your help by the way saved me the trouble of having to find them. Oh one last thing could you tell the gaurd in town that they need to come collect these gentalmen." He laughed. agin AS he jumped into the trees and was soon gone from sight..        As instruced once the merchants reached town they went directly to the town gaurds to inform them of what had happened and the gaurds only smiled and nodded thanking them for their information.           As a unit of gaurd entered the forest the had hauled along a large empty cage that was used for prsnor traspoert.       "Captain how far into the woods is this elf."    The captain laughed ."I forgot your new to the regiment arent you." The gaurd nodded as the second one laughed. "Galland is one of the best ounty hunters in this part of the world" He told him as the captain nodded ."While normally elfs only creat problems or hold a sens of self importance Galland is a decent enogh ort he hunts for money and enjoys our festivles." He smiled "Never a bad drinking compainon either. The one gaurd rolled his eyes ."Please eveyone knows elefes look down their noses at us and every other race." He said almost annoyed That was untill they herd the soft melody of the violen that seemed to be carried by the wind into the tranquil forst.      The captain smiled "Ahhh we are getting close." The other gaurd rased a eyebrow, "Is he the one playing." the captain nodded as the contued to move.        Sure enogh they soon came to the area the merchants had left hours before. And sitting atop a tree branch was the male elft he had one leg on the branch with him while his other dnageld care free from the brach while he placyed the violen he held in his skilled hands. his eyes where closed and the soft melody of his instument seemed to only make the forest that much more tranquiel. It was only being so close one would notice the sliet movment of his lips. He was ...singing the elven voice travles threw the trees and with the music in such a way it wouldnt be until you saw him singing that you even relised there were words to accompany the melody.       The new gaurd began to move forward as if he were going ot adress the elev before the captain placed a hand on his shoulder. "Dont worry he knows we are here."    ...It was a moment or two before the male finished his song. As he did he opened his eyes though looking down at the men. "Ahhh captain wonderfull to see you as always." He said hopping down from the tree and landing skillfully on his feet in front of the men.            "Good to see you Galland I hear you have a prisnor delvery for us"     Galland smiled "I may do you have a bounty for me" He asked raiseing his eyebrows playfully" The captain chuckled as the other graurd cleared his throat. "Captain we dont have time for this besides I dont even see any bandits around here" The elef smiled looking over the captain at the one who had spoke. "But my lad they are in ground in the trees cant you sense them all around you"      THe gaurd looked at him "What kind of elf nonsens it that we came to collocet prsnors not hear some natrulist proverbs about eveyone being connected." He glared      Galland laughed "My my captain your new man dosnt seem to like me very much" The captain laughed "Well you are more of a aquired taste" The elf looked offdendn playfull "Oh you wound me sir and I thought we were frineds." HE smiled as he clapped his hands out ouf of the trees and from the ground the bandits were reveald all their hands and legs bound with vines "Mabey I should give thses to someone eles then." The captain laughed as the new recutte jumped as one came up almost form directly under him. Motioning to the two the other gaurd patted the new guy on the shoulder and helped him beging loading the badits into the cage while The captain pulled out a small bag of gold coins. "As always you never dissapoint." The elf smile "I live to please" He smile taking the bag and shaking it before putting it in his shirt. "Your a man of your word I dont think I should need to count it." The captain shook his head. "That attidufde will get you killed somday." Galladn grinned "Yes but today is not that day" He smiled as the captain shook his head while he and his men turned the cart around and began heading out  "Allow me to play you off" He smiled as he jumped back into the tree picking up his istument agin and before long the gaurds could hear the melody of the elves playing once agin accompining them on their way out of the deepe woods.
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lightforgedeve · 6 years
The first few weeks
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Dear journal, This is so exciting! I get to leave the Vindicaar! Well, i will be a bit sad too, after all it's the only home i know. However, i get to see a city! Oh a city is like a town or village but much bigger. That's the big news thus far. I'll be back later to tell you more. I'm in a hurry! So much to pack!
Journal! Quess what?! There are large bodies of water called ponds! Okay, okay. So i came down, landing with the rest and first off wow fresh air is amazing, but kind of gross in this city. It kind of stinks and is a little smokey. I'm told it's because we were near the dwarven district, whatever that means. Also grass is super soft! Also at the same time it's not, it's sort of....prikley? I think that's the word. It tickles a bit on my hands when i brush it. It smells amazing though! And apparently it's not something one eats, unless you are a animal. **Side note: It does not taste that great anyways. Might expirment with it later though. Also, water, yes large body. It wasn't far from where we entered. I couldn't believe it! I've never seen so much water in one place before! Felfire and lava, sure. But not water! It was so beautiful, and so nice and cool. I had to stick my legs in, it was so relaxing just sitting in the grass and have my legs in water. Also there were little things inside the water, i have learned they are called fish and they come in many shapes and sizes and colours. Apparently those are eatable so of course i had to find out what those taste like. Next stop eating fish!
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Journal... Fish...do not taste that great. They smell funny and there is so little meat on them and it's hard to get around their tiny bones, which are flimsy and really hard to find. I had to ask someone else to debone it for me and even than when it was done, i was wondering what the point was, there's so little meat on it! Since i was still quite hungry i did get what they called the house specail. Oh i should note, i went to the "tavern" in what was called the dwarven district. Anyways, aparently the special is called "haggis." They told me not to worry about what it was made of and to just try it first. I must say, it was very juicy and delicous. There were so many different flavors! I had no idea food could have so many different tastes to it. It was all very overwhelming. I forgot to ask what it was made of after i left.  Oh well, i will definatly have to eat it again and come back. I have never felt so full in my life, it actully hurt my stomach. For now, i am learning that the ones called Night Elves have aided out fellow kin upon their...uh rough landing. So i figure that's where i'd like to start, it will be good to rekindle with our fellows who arrived first, may be a good way to learn and know how to start in such a foreign place. In order to go to such a place i apparently need to take a ship, i'm not looking forward to being on a cramped metal space, but i'll pull through.
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----- Journal! I was wrong! There are larger bodies of water than ponds! Apparently ponds are super tiny. This thing called an ocean, or the sea, is really really super big. It goes on forever! it even touches the sky! I have no idea how it curls up like that. But it looks like they are melting together into this great big blue...mesh of blue! I thought i could touch it, but i can not. Oh though also, apparently the sea nor sky curl in together, it's just how it looks. Also, i was wrong about their ships. They apparently float on the water and are made of wood! It's amazing! The wood comes from the trees. I feel sorry for the trees, however i admire the craftsmanship. I mean how does one bend the wood like this and that and flatten it so! I have so many questions, luckily there's a night elven here who is happy to answer for me. She's been very nice. She showed me around the ship and is happy enough to answer my questions, she's even sharing her cheese and bread with me along he vouyage. They are both very good and appartently bread and cheese come in different types and have different tastes and textures. I can't wait to try them all!
Dear journal, Holy Naruu! The night elves live in a tree! It is the biggest tree in excistance! It must be! There's a city and well more than a city apparently! There's whole villages living up it! It's so high up.  I have to explore this! So, i am taking a small side trip from visiting the island our other kin are on to explore and rest within a tree. I never thought i would say such a thing. Thus, i make my way into their city. I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MUCH COLOUR IN ONE PLACE! IT HURT MY EYES! There are so many blues, and purples, and it's nature. I thought nature was only green and brown, but nope. Not here, it comes in blues and purples and it's amazing. There's light everywhere! It's rather overwhelming, and it smells so fresh and good. I honestly felt very light headed, i had to lay down for a while. I guess i fainted, i woke up in the temple. Which is also very amazing! It's very peaceful and you can very much feel the Light within this place, or i guess it's Elune. But i don't get that, they feel very much the same. It's very nice here, i am definatly staying for a while and doing some research. These people are amazingly kind, and they are rather pretty. I'm looking forward to my time here.
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Dear Journal, I've spent the last few weeks here learning a bit of the langue and reading some scrolls and books that are written in common that reside at the temple of Elune. It's been peaceful and relaxing, and fruit is so amazing! It's so juicy and full of flavor and there's so many ways to have it and enjoy it. I feel like i'm in paradise here. Though of course i have also been visiting our fellow Draenei on their lands and been helping out. The boat ride there and back here is actually not that far, plus i really like boats. It may be small but i don't feel cramped when i sit on the deck and look out to the ocean. However, i can't forget my mission, well the reason why i'm really here on ths planet. I was finally able to join and become Lightfored, i never really got to expirence battle so i need to earn, really earn the fact of who i am. I can't sit idle for too long like this. I've been hearing talks of a division of Lightforged that are given orders to deal with the Legions reminates. I look forward to seeing about finding this group and joining it. If they'll have be. I am hoping my inexpirence wont ancor me out of such a venture. So long as i stay vigilant and show i am truly a warrior of the Light and have the demenor of one of our kin surely i can achive this. I'm packing up what i have for now and will be making my way to The Exodar, that is where they will be meeting. I figured they'd be closer to the Storm city...or was it Stromwind? Either way, since that is where the embassary is, but i'm happy they are closer to me so i can get there sooner, and well stay here a bit longer. Though it'll be good getting back to The Exodar they have some nice broths and stews, they are very hearty. I still don't get that term as theres no hearts in the meals, but apparently that is just what it's called, a hearty meal. **Side note! I met some animals, there's this seemingly cute fluffy ball of a creature whose actually very large if they stood up right. Anyways, they look really nice and soft. However they are not friendly! The bear bit me! It hurt a lot! I had to go to a healer after that.
((Hope you all enjoyed the first parts of Eve’Varra’s ventures to the new world! I hope you stay tune for more!))
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i feel upset today because there is a continual expectation for me to put myself out for other people and get next to nothing in return as they ask for everything. and if i ask for something, it just goes ignored. 
i’m tired of my work being devalued. i’m tired of people just taking it for granted and using it to their own benefit. i felt nothing but anxiety and animosity at the last show our group put on because i was knowingly bullied on more than one occasion by another member and then forced to put on a show with them - and was even questioned why i might pull out my art. 
i was going to perform at this event. but as the weeks passed i realized i was putting in more work than anyone else and when i asked for certain things, they were ignored or put off. and yet there was an expectation for me to complete something for them ‘asap’. this made performing for the first time really devalued. like sure, i worked hard to create the event but why? what was the purpose of this? it was never to bring anyone together, it was never to showcase anything but the organizers themselves and the lack of good promotion means the likelihood of selling something at a venue not known for after hours shows and not joining our marketing is pretty low. 
i am 27 years old now. i have no fucking desire to put on shitty teen shows that are half assed thrown together with a bunch of my friends. thats not what this is about for me - it lacks a certain amount of organization and class. it lacks a curation in performers. i thought i might be the worst one - and that’d be okay. they cant all be winners. but now it’s just open mic - and if i really wanted to perform at a open mic, i’d go to a real one. if i’m going to do a large amount of the work - outside of meeting with the owner one time and putting up 5 flyers on street poles - i want the results to be worth the work i put in. and IMO it’s not. it’s mediocre and thrown together. 
and i feel a personal insult about this because of how much work i put intothe group itself. ive dedicated time on a semi regular basis to all the admin work, the promotion, keeping social media active, posting new submissions, fielding a majority of the questions and i’m not asking for praise - i’m asking for people to respect the work i’ve done. don’t come in and draw on it with magic marker and tell me its acceptable quality when theres folks painting in oils. i dedicated time to create an entity that could be used and harnessed; i ask for the quality of our output to match whats already there. 
and i think it’s asinine that i would hve to argue doing better than average. if this is just a hobby or random activity for you - fine. it’s not serious. you’re not serious. none of this matters. but it was presented as serious. it was presented as a showcase of people’s craft. there is no effort into making it somewhere one would wnt to be. we’re all going for the ~decor. we print posters because we want to see our name on a poster in the street - not becuse we’re really advertising an event. it was acceptable that the only people in attendance would be the performers and a few of their friends. acceptable!! that’s an unsuccessful house party, in my opinion. 
you know whats missing  locally? proper use of social media to network between people. it’s impossible to find other artists in the area unless you scour through obscure hashtags. but yet theres dozens and dozens if not hundreds of artists in the local area. this means you get stuck in one influence and within that influence you may be chastised for going against the “norm” of their influence. instead of new ideas being welcomed, they’re constantly turned down or argued against. 
i’ve met all of the people i know through facebook and instagram in my art world. thats a very powerful tool.i know models who only book through instagram. and ive had arguements about the use of hashtags. as if theyre not relevant. 
i’m tired of questioning what i know. tht honestly gives me the most anxiety. and its not like im tired of questioning what i do - its healthy to question your actions - but what i know and believe makes me feel unsure of myself and the skills i have. i have had experience working in the creative industries since i was 17, freelancing. and i have a wide variety of skills in graphic design, retouching photos, photography of models & landscapes & products, glamour modeling & product modeling (of which i’ve done for dozens of photographers in the local area), web design & blogging + knowlege of e-commerce platforms, wordpress, seo, promotion & marketing both online & offline, i’ve sold crafts online for almost four years and switched my primary creative tool from artisan crafts to trditional & figure art that i studied & practiced extensively for over two years, i have skills in copywriting & journalism, i have a handle on the basic laws of creative works & how they can be used, basic knowledge in building & selling a brand, communicating with clients & customers (of which i’ve had no complaints in regards to my communication - ive had complaints about shipping because post offices are not so nice), creating organized file systems which can be used by multiple people -- i have paid my dues. i am still growing, absolutely. i am not the best at any of the above things i listed. i could be even better. i could spend two hours today on one of these skills and be better than i am right now. i can always be better.
but just because i can be better doesnt take away from what i know now, what i have learned, what i have studied - like i took the time to study and read up on research and marketing & promotion techniques. a good portion of my first shop was spent reading about how to sell stuff, not so much making stuff to sell. as i did not realize at the time how much work went into being successful online. and i did not realize until my shop closed how i had taken that skill for granted - because i had done all that work & effort, it was able to pull in a few sales a month with little to no effort now. if i worked harder, maybe i couldve been even better. 
i also (un)willingly have worked full time as an artist and only an artist for at least two years. this is the “luxury” ive been allowed in  life even though i am the definition of starving artist. i didnt have it as a part time job or hobby - it was something i did every single day and i marketed & promoted for hours a day. an acquaintance of mine upon hearing of my mental state now told me that i had gone so hard for so long - and i kind of appreciated that he saw that on the outside. that someone could see that i actully did work incredibly hard. that i was dedicated.. that i AM dedicated. 
i’m not saying any of this makes me better thn anyone else or knowing more - it just means i’m experienced. i am very very experienced in not only practicing a craft but marketing that craft to sell, displaying that craft in it’s best light, knowing the best places to sell. i also work in quality over quantity. i am not interested in doing 9  - 10 shows a year. i’m not interested in shitting out  5 - 7 paintings at a time. it means before i touch anything to paper or canvas or wood - i’ve thought about it. i’ve really, really thought about it. i didnt just sit down and throw paint on the canvas. i couldve been thinking of this image for days before i do it. or the craft itself - my bone jewelry came because i absolutely neded to make a necklace out of fish bones i found and they needed vials attached. why? i dont know. but it just needed to be. 
when i started the group, i asked about names. i didnt choose a name or dictate the name. i was given a suggestion by someone i actually dont like at all and was given a reson for why he felt it was a good suggestion and i agreed because business-wise it was a good suggestion. i respected that he hd different ideas and experiences that shaped that suggestion that i did not have. i learned through it that i should expand my reach - both in my personal creative life and my ‘business’ creative life. 
my ~partner was disappointed i wasn’t going to perform. i could tell it was frustrating and dissappointing to him because i think he thought it wouldve been good for me and that i would hopefully find something in it that would bring me something. and through his disappointment he told me that it wasn’t totally right to drop out of something you planned to do or that peopl expected you to be at.
but i’d like to turn that around - my partner is someone who also puts himself out for others on a regular basis. and for a long, long, long time he was fucked around and fucked over by many people. an old friend came to his door and asked to borrow money and he allowed him to despite knowing he might be a drug addict now. he had no obligation to this person but it was like since he was asked, he should. and i think if he lerned to say no, or learned to walk away from an unhealthy situation, he would be happier as well. i’ve learned first hand the benefit of walking away from something toxic. and you will feel misplaced guilt for a bit, i feel some guilt now but it’s for the best. 
i try to think how i can change my perspective on it but i cannot. i wold not walk down the street if this was held in the local gallery, nevermind 20km away. like once i took myself out as a performer i realized i wouldnt even want to go. i dont want to see anyone perform but my partner; who will already be subdued because of the venue. ive been completely taken out of the organization of the event - despite having been continually involved in the promotion and a few conversations since the lst one where i said i didnt want to keep doing this. so ive deleted my advertisement efforts online andi’m just halting any further promotion on my part of this event. i’m 97% sure i’m personally not even going to go. i no longer ant to see half of the people there on a personal level so it’s not even worth going to to hang out and i dont care about displaying my art. 
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