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purrassicjet · 10 months ago
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Jawbone and Sandra Lynn
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clawguru · 4 years ago
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A peak into my work progress for Ranger Wolf. Just starting on thumbnail sketches for the pages and sketching out some character and outfit designs. . . . #art #artwork #sketch #sketchbook #thumbnailsketches #comic #comicbook #wip #graphicnovel #workinprogess #rangerwolf #ranger #wolf https://www.instagram.com/p/CE9-KgYAF79/?igshid=10j8hfa902c5l
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purrassicjet · 10 months ago
I believe, in my heart of hearts, that Jawbone's contant name for Sandra Lynn in his crystal is her name with just so many different heart emojis. Like "Sandra Lynn 💘💝💖💗💓💞💕❣️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❤️"
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purrassicjet · 9 months ago
Sandra Lynn is extremely bad at cooking, but Jawbone loves it. She can't cook with him, but in an effort to be involved in his interests, she likes to watch. Whenever she comes home from work, she'll sit at the table in the kitchen and watch Jawbone cook dinner. Though they don't talk much (Sandra Lynn is tired from work and Jawbone's focused on cooking), it's one of their favorite times of day. Sometimes, Jawbone'll delay starting cooking until Sandra Lynn comes home so she can watch.
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purrassicjet · 3 months ago
1. Get This Right
2. Untitled SL Music Fic
3. Untitled Rangerwolf-discusses-marrige-fic
4. Darkest Times, Brightest People
5. Loved You Later
6. Ivy on the Trees (mainline chapter)
7. Ivy on the Trees (special chapter)
8. The Mortifying Ordeal of being Alone
tagged by the beloved @luvo27 for a wip game <333
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips
meet sweet
alcohol wipes
short run
end of beggining
church clothes
under the bleachers
it's christmas (and no one can fix it)
i'll tag @wlwinry @whatisamildopinion and @20dimensionsoftangerine (and anyone else who wants to participate <333)
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purrassicjet · 10 months ago
Sandra Lynn: I wasn't that drunk last night.
Jawbone: I found you in the closet ripping our marriage certificate.
Jawbone: When I asked what you were doing you yelled "Good luck returning me without the receipt!"
Sandra Lynn: Okay so maybe I had a few too many-
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purrassicjet · 10 months ago
Dog Behavior (tm) Jawbone who will stare out the window for hours on end when Sandra Lynn leaves the house
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purrassicjet · 9 months ago
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Just in case this WIP also gets lost in Purgatory... here it is!
I'm always thinking about Sophmore Year Sandra Lynn and her pattern repeating behavior. I never stop thinking about "the breakup they had mid-quest was not Jawbone's idea, it was basically Sandra Lynn feeling self-conscious and insecure". Always thinking about them. Just happened to be thinking about them and heard "Too Sweet" by Hozier and soooooo
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purrassicjet · 4 months ago
This is so Jawbone trying to propose to Sandra Lynn
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purrassicjet · 9 months ago
We never get an actual explanation of how Sandra-Lynn and Jawbone met or got together in canon so I am curious. How do you think they started?
This is actually the premise of one of the fics I'm currently writing LMAO.
I think they come from very simple beginnings. They first saw each other after the Kalvaxus fight when Sandra Lynn returned with the Seven. They didn't speak or properly meet, but Sandra Lynn was thankful that he was there to look after the kids. (The best thing you can do is be the person somebody's kid needed)
As Sandra Lynn continued to pick Fig up from school, Jawbone saw more of her from afar. He saw how dedicated she was to being a parent and admired that.
They were the last of the Bad Parents couples to get together. Jawbone wondered for a while if it was right to ask somebody so fresh out of a divorce out on a date, but after not-so-subtly asking Gilear if his ex-wife was off limits if they were to stay best friends, and being promised that they could still be friends, Jawbone decided to shoot his shot and pulled Sandra Lynn aside when she was picking up Fig.
At first, it looked like she was going to say no. She had completely written herself off as having a love life ever again (between Bobby Dawn, Gilear, and rejecting Gorthalax, she assumed she had used all her chances), so Jawbone asking her out completely threw her for a loop. After collecting herself enough to respond, Sandra Lynn accepted and they organised to meet up at Krom's.
Sandra Lynn was nervous as hell to start, waiting for it to be some sort of prank or joke, but she found she had instant chemistry with Jawbone. He was interested in her work as a Ranger and asked great questions, and had great stories to tell of his own.
They had a couple of dates before they officially got together, but Tracker, Kristen, and Adaine assumed they were together from the moment he got back from the first one.
They brought Mordred Manor so quickly because a, as stated in canon, they were very much in love, and B, Sandra Lynn was technically homeless (her house burned down and griffin's really can't stay in apartments), living under a magical tarp on the edge of the woods, so after Jawbone found out, he was more than willing to get a house together.
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purrassicjet · 10 months ago
"Empty" Nest Syndrome
Welcome to yet another fic based on a throwaway line. This one's about Fig hoping to move into Seacaster Manor and what I think Sandra Lynn thinks of it.
"After Gilear returns from vacation, Fig moves into Seacaster Manor to be closer to him.
Sandra Lynn is supportive of her daughter through everything, but can't help but feel like all her work to reconnect with her is all for nothing.
Jawbone doesn't think it was for nothing, but the hard part is going to be convincing her of that fact."
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purrassicjet · 7 months ago
I've never done WIP Wednesday before, and I may even be late to it, but here's the half-chapter I wrote for Ivy on the Trees before I lost interest in it. I may return to finish it/the fic one day, but for now, here:
From the chapter "Party Policies":
The door creaked as Ivy tried to sneak into class. Usually, she’d be good at this, but she couldn’t help her environment. She winced and slid through the small crack she had opened up, jogging around the edge of the room to minimise the risk of people staring. It didn’t work, she could feel the class’s eyes boring into her back, but she tried to ignore it. She hadn't attended one of these classes in a long while, she supposed it was a surprise to see her there. 
At least Oisin looked happy to see her when she walked up. The tip of his tail twitched when he noticed her approaching, his grin wide and excited. Her heart soared and she jogged the last few steps towards him. 
“Ivy!” He called out in a whisper-shout, beckoning her over to the Rat Grinder's table, “We haven't started yet. You're just in time! I'm so glad you're here.” 
There was a ‘We're lost without you’ implied there that made Ivy smile.
She smiled and slid into her seat between Oisin and Ruben, shuffling so she was sitting closer to Oisin than to Ruben, who was still giving her nervous glances. Just as she sat, the teacher, who’s name Ivy could never remember, tapped on the board, calling the class to attention.
“Alright, everybody. You know the drill by now. Your time starts… now.”
Ivy switched her gaze quickly from the board to the projection table in front of her, sharp ears picking up the soft click of the timer starting. Two hellhounds appeared on the table, growling menacingly despite their small size, surrounded by a red rocky terrain. 
Ruben said, “Hellhound, large-” at the same time as Ivy leaned over the table and started saying “Hellhound. Fiend-”
They locked eyes for a second. 
“I do the readouts on the enemies.” Ivy stated bluntly, giving Ruben a stare. 
“Well,” He spluttered, “You haven't been here in a while and-” 
“You're wrong as well.” She interrupted, conscious of their minute ticking away, “A hellhound is a medium fiend, not a large one. No wonder you've been doing poorly without me, you can't even get basic facts right.” She didn't realise quite how much venom was in her voice until Oisin gave her a warning kick under the table. 
She whined and hissed at him, but took a deep and purposeful breath, “Sorry, Ruben. I repeat, the hellhound is a medium fiend and-” 
Her stomach lurched painfully as she was hit with a teleportation spell she wasn't ready for. She was deposited on the floor of a desert-like area with the sound of a dog growling nearby. 
“Asshole!” Ivy exclaimed, wheeling on Ruben in frustration. She knew she shouldn't be reacting like this, that she was supposed to be trying to reconcile with her party, but she couldn't help feeling the anger bubble up inside of her. “If you had just let me do the readout, we would have had time to actually discuss!”
“If you had actually attended classes, I wouldn't have needed to!” Ruben yelled back, waving his ukelele around in frustration. He had been much quicker to stand. 
She opened her mouth to talk back, but the beginnings of bright orange light hit the edges of her vision. “Everybody get down!” She yelled, scrambling across the sandy ground and tackling Ruben. Her back heated as fire passed above her. She shut her eyes tightly until it was finished. 
“Woah, Ivy-” 
“Shut up. Later.” Ivy rolled off of him, eyes sweeping for her fellow party members. Lucy was patting out a fire on Oisin's back, but other than that, everybody looked fine. 
“What I was trying to say was that hellhounds usually travel in packs. If there are two, chances are there are more!” She grabbed the bow she dropped when she teleported, pulling an arrow out of her quiver and nocking it back. 
“I think I can trap these two.” Oisin piped up, magic swimming around his hands, “They're made of fire, right Ivy?” 
“Then this should be helpful.” Magical energy concentrated in a ball in front of him, and once he released it, it took on a watery appearance. The ball shot towards the attacking hellhounds, growing as it went on, so much that once it reached them, it efficiently engulfed most of their bodies, trapping them in place. 
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purrassicjet · 3 months ago
snippet of rangerwolf discusses marriage fic plsssssss <33333
I like this one very much. Here's the whole thing because I'm not sure how long this will take to actually be finished
Birds chirped lazily as Sandra Lynn banked Baxter down towards the field around Mordred Manor, her typical landing zone. The sun was quickly falling below the horizon and it was casting a beautiful orange glow on the world. She smiled softly and made a smooth landing near the stable, quickly removing Baxter’s bridle and saddle. Things had returned to normalcy mercifully quickly after her kids’ summer adventure, Sandra Lynn’s transgressions not forgotten, but explained and moved past. She sighed pleasantly as she retrieved the mail from the box, flipping through the various scam letters and weird pamphlets that had been dropped there as she pushed through the door. She stopped on a pile of letters all tied together. On the front of the top one, written in a handwriting intimately familiar to her, was “To Ms Sandra Lynn Faeth.” She pushed the door open with her back and wandered into the kitchen, dropping the usual mail on the table and cutting the string keeping the letter pile together.
She lifted her own letter from the pile, spying the name on the front of the next, “To Mr Jawbone O’Shaughnessy.”
“Jawbone! Mail!” She called out absentmindedly, grabbing a letter opener from the drawer and sitting at the table, slicing the envelope open with the precision only a former adventurer could wield. Just as she went to pull the pieces of paper inside out, Jawbone strode through the arch.
She gestured to the pile of letters, “Top one is yours. Not sure who the other ones are for.”
He made a soft “huh” noise and pushed the pile over, scanning the names, “They’re for all of us.” He took his and opened it with one claw.
Sandra Lynn pulled the paper out fully, opening the first up. Her eyes widened as she read the contents and Jawbone made a small whine of surprise that told her he was reading exactly the same thing as she was.
“You, Sandra Lynn Faeth, are formally invited to the wedding of
Gilear Faeth and Hallerial Seacaster
on the 22nd of November. 12:00pm.
Please RSVP as soon as possible.”
She stared over the edge of the note at Jawbone, he raised an eyebrow at her. “I didn’t even know they were engaged.”
“I had a feeling.” Sandra Lynn shrugged, “When we were in Fallinel, he was looking for Hallerial’s Dad’s blessing. Gilear’s always moved quick. Honestly, I’m surprised I’m invited.”
“Why?” Jawbone sat down in the chair next to her.
“I figured Hallerial wouldn’t want Gilear’s ex-wife at her wedding.” She pointed out, absentmindedly shuffling to the other note.
“Would you be okay with Gilear at your wedding?” Jawbone said casually, looking sideways at her.
Sandra Lynn froze. She knew why he was asking. He and Gilear were close. If he was to get married, if they were to get married, Gilear would be there.
He noticed her expression and shuffled closer, “I didn’t mean- It’s not like I wouldn’t- But-”
“Stop, it's fine.” She smiled, quickly regaining herself, “I’m not against talking about it. I mean, it’s relevant. My ex-husband is getting married, of course it would get brought up.”
“I can drop it.” He offered, “Or we can talk, if you want.”
She put the other note down without reading it, “We’ll have to talk about it eventually.” She shuffled closer so they could have a real conversation, “One day? Yes. Now? No. I do want to spend the rest of my life with you, I’m pretty confident about that, but I learned the hard way that I don’t want to get married so quick again.” She paused for a second, “I felt trapped by getting married quickly, and I don’t think I’d feel that again but…” She trailed off. She didn’t feel trapped with Jawbone, quite the opposite, but she was terrified of their relationship ending because of some stupid mistake.
“I get it.” He bumped his shoulder up against hers, “We don’t have to be married to love each other.”
She rested her head on his shoulder. “I know. But I also know you want to be.”
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purrassicjet · 7 months ago
Rangerwolf au: Instead of meeting when they're adults, Jawbone and Sandra Lynn meet when they are young adults, just after the defining bad thing in their lives.
Jawbone (still going by Oliver) has only recently been turned, and is trying to get by without a job. He's still furious that he was turned and fears it. The werewolf community that looked after him during his first transformation nicknamed him "Jawbone" after the way his jawline changed from round in his human form to sharp in his wolf form.
Sandra Lynn, still going by her maiden name and the nickname "Sandy", has just been kicked out of Bobby Dawn's adventuring party and had her name slandered in every adventuring magazine that would listen to him. She's tried to make a case for herself, but the magazines don't want to hear about what Bobby Dawn did wrong, they want to see an up and coming adventurer crash and burn. That's a better story.
They meet after Oliver offers to help a motel clerk find a missing key. He discoveres Sandra Lynn hiding in the room with Baxter, having resorted to stealing in order to keep warm during winter. Shenanigans insue and they fall in love ofc
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purrassicjet · 2 months ago
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I had an idea for a Rangerwolf Kingdom AU, so here's a drawing based on my idea! More info under the cut
Sandra Lynn of Slyvare is a squire of noble lineage. She's naturally talented, but had the misfortune of being paired with a knight who was malicious and cruel to her. He did not fully believe that women could be knights, and treated Sandra Lynn as nothing but a plaything. When their affair was revealed to Sir Dawn's wife, Sandra Lynn was nearly exiled from the Nation of Solace, but a dangerous job nobody else was willing to take allowed her one last change to earn true knighthood...
Oliver of Solace is the current prince of the land. He's supposed to be heir to the throne, but something is stopping him. When he was a child, he was bitten by what seemed at the time to be a rabid dog, but turned out to be a werewolf. His condition is a shame to the royal family, and so they send only the most trustworthy knights to babysit him while he was transformed. Each knight, however, eventually chickened out of the position, growing fearful of the beast. In one specific incident, he lashed out at a knight who got too close and tore his face open. He survived, but his face was never the same. The prince was then given the cruel nickname "Jawbone" to forever remind him of the incident. His new knight is not in fact a knight at all, but a squire. During his fleeting moments of lucidity during his transformations, he finds Sandra Lynn of Sylvare quite an interesting character. She shares a lot about her life when she doesn't think he can hear her. She tells him about Sir Dawn, about Gilear of Fallinel, the man she's supposed to marry, and about how she longs to be an Archer, but took on a position as a knight to bring fame to her family. He wants to seek her out for a real conversation when he is human, but his parents forbid it. He shall have nothing to do with his shameful side while he is awake.
Meanwhile, Sandra Lynn is taking quite a liking to the prince. She doesn't see much of him, but she's not afraid of his beastly form, the first in her line to be so. Though she hoped this will be the gateway to knighthood, she starts to wonder what a real friendship with the prince would be like, a relationship where she did not have to call him "Your Highness", but she could call him "Oliver" instead. One night, she sneaks out and throws rocks at his balcony until he comes out, and they are able to talk for real until somebody notices Oliver is missing from his bed. They continue to meet up in secret, and end up falling in love.
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purrassicjet · 3 months ago
Fic asks game: 11: WIP you hope to finish
12: Favorite trope rn
I'm probably going after Get This Right (Jawbone proposes to Sandra Lynn) after I finish Ivy On The Trees. I've written a bunch of scattered scenes for that, and I'd like to properly connect them all and then write the big ending scene, then post it as one big long fic. But I have a Google window with all my current fic wips, which are: Untitled SL Music Fic, Untitled Rangerwolf-discusses-marriage-fic, and Darkest Times, Brightest People.
Oooh this is a hard. It's one of those things I can never answer when I think about it. I'm a diehard lover of hurt/comfort which is probably obvious with what I write, but I'm not sure if that counts as a trope. If it comes to me I'll reblog with it
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