worldwise-randomide · 28 days
Huh, I was meant to keep blogging about the Champions’ Tournament wasn’t I? Oops. That ended a week and a half ago..?
Inco won both solos, surprise surprise.
Team doubles was cancelled so no battling with Arbi. Only against. As it should be.
An made a friend, someone else who got the title from a loophole. Laser tag battle. I hope An’s keeping contact so me and Jarabe can do our own laser battle against them >:)
I MET BRUCIE!!! He and his trainer (I’ll call her Cel) are influencer-Champions, post a lot of short vlog bits of their day-to-day and battling and whatnot. Brucie’s leg’s healing from a surgery so they didn’t do any battling this year. He seems to be in his usual spirits so wahoo!
An took a photo when I met them. Turns out Cel’s a fan of my style. The rockstar thing still works!..
[ID: a photo taken of smiling Rando and Cel. They each have an arm around the others’ back. Rando’s free arm is giving a thumbs up, the woman’s is holding a purugly to her chest, one of its front legs in a teal sleeve of sorts. The purugly is glaring at Rando and seems to have purple smoke coming from it’s ears.]
Sorry I kindo got Fissured during the Tournament. Hope what I got out was interesting for you though!
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The most aggressive cat in existence, folks.
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writeanapocalae · 6 years
The first 1,000 words of todays writing
 Prologue | Chapter 1 | Part 1 | 
             The glass shattered and Zalis was up in an instant, their dry book on wet paint and bland chamomile abandoned. Alcul was much slower to rise, his bones old and his book much much older. Still, he chased after his apprentice up the stairs, past the uncountable bookshelves, past Mr. Munchie, and to the space that most buildings would call an attic. For them, it was where the more rare books and idols and reliquaries were stored. It was not a place for the sound of breaking glass.
There was a man up there, when there shouldn’t have been, in front of a broken display that should have been whole. He had a lantern and a baseball bat and was muttering to himself as he looked through the rarities that he’d knocked to the floor.
Alcul was behind Zalis, but still they could feel him thrumming, this urge to leap forward and protect his property, this history, from someone so careless. Zalis was in the way though, and they weren’t certain how to proceed. Their mind immediately went to the police, they were supposed to protect them, but they were too far away. If Zalis was to call them now, this stranger would be long gone by the time they arrived.
And the stranger had noticed them anyway, leaning on his baseball bat, looking at them with a smile that could only be described as manic. “There we have it, then, yes?” his voice was sharp and intimate, feeling closer than it was as it raised in anxiety.
He pushed out one foot, hidden behind knee-high boots, and scooped an orb closer to him. It was nothing to Zalis but they could feel the breath in Alcul heighten, the ways his body stiffened, and a crackle of energy, a burst just behind his lips.
“Look, you don’t want me to call the authorities, do you?” Zalis took a slow step forward. They had nothing to defend themself with and they didn’t know if this stranger had a gun or something, but they were at least far enough away to avoid the bat. Hopefully they were far enough from whatever Alcul was planning to. “Just set that down and be on your way. This is a bookshop, barely making its rent, there’s nothing of value for you here.” It was a lie and one that Zalis knew was blatant, but if this were just some random burglar there was a chance that he’d believe them.
Closer up, Zalis could see the eyepatch hidden behind some long bangs, the clothes that were far from shabby, and the intricate engravings on the bat. He wasn’t some random burglar. He wasn��t here by accident. He knew what he was up to and what he was getting.
“Oh, I don’t need anything more than this,” he smiled, too wide, stretching a hairline scar. He tossed the orb up in the air and Alcul stopped breathing until he caught it again. “You take gramps back downstairs and I’ll be out of here by the time you get back to your programs!” he cackled, as if he’d made some great joke. Alcul grumbled in disagreement.
There was a sharp tingling around Zalis’ shoulder and they moved, a slow inch, as if it were natural. The stranger didn’t notice it.
A burst of red energy shoved itself forward, past Zalis and towards the stranger. It spun and spiraled around itself, fractals of flame zigzagging around an electrical current. It was like a bullet with the curving wavelength behind it in brilliant red.
The stranger shrieked and threw up his bat, too high. He blocked with his arm instead. The energy rippled as it slammed into him, and he screamed throughout it, the sound akin to a banshee. It sounded as if Alcul was killing him. Zalis didn’t know anything about magic, aside from the usual, they didn’t know what this spell was. He could have been killing him.
Zalis took a glance back at the old man, sweat dripping down his brow. His arm looked like a Chinese dragon, carved from stone, red and angry, electricity swimming and bursting around its eyes. Its mouth was agape, still pointing at the stranger, ready for another shot.
The man lowered his arm and the bat with it, the orb protected against his body. There was no damage to his nice jacket, nor to him, although he had moved back, shoved by the force of the blow. Instead there was a ghostly shape swirling around his arm, almost white, and it appeared to be eating at the residual magic.
“So the old man does have a few tricks of his own!” The man guffawed. “I’d hate to see more, sincerely I would, but I’m afraid I must be going!”
He ran, back the way that he had come, back towards one of the many windows up there. His run was awkward, a limp accentuated, and it was clear that the bat was usually used as a cane, the length of it too much for someone of his stature, to be used for the actual sport.
“Hey!” Zalis called out after him, running before they thought better of it. They didn’t know what the man was after, but it meant something to Alcul, enough for him to use a spell, anyway. Zalis had only seen him cast a few before and they tended to mess with his digestive trac something awful. It wasn’t something to do over nothing.
The man pushed himself out through an open window, out onto the roof. The building was tall and slanted and he must have come up this way but there was no way that Zalis would ever go out on that thing of their own accord. The shingles had needed replacing before Zalis was even born by the looks of it and, while there hadn’t been any leaks in the months that they’d lived there, they wouldn’t be surprised if the next rainfall went through the roof like rice paper.
@candy-m-s, @cpcksrdmnfnmdftrnsprttn, @wolvesofarcadia, @ravenclawgaydragon, @pidgeonbooks, @novelistcore, @l0renafuentes, @starcraftcd, @griffinwriting, @maramahan, @tofu-writes, @raaskolnikov, @oheoo, @xxbrittanyox, @randonymity, @chaotic-little-bitch, @battywitch, @romanthewriter, @mildswearingat4am, @thespeckofstardust, @amerraka, @awolfthatwrites, @authorisada, @stingthesage, @maximillianvalentine, @supersaiyansadie, @procrastiwriting, @aomory, @silvertalonwriteblr, @danvrzs, @summertimesinner, @storyinspoforwriters, @yeetanotherwriterblr, @melindawrites, @hook-is-a-codfish, @yourbearerofbadnews, @mary-of-all, @hklunethewriter
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libraford · 6 years
I'm in this district now and I just got word today that "[] is no longer with the company." There was no explanation. My store manager will be acting district manager in the meantime and he said that four managers have been fired in the last 6ish months from this district. In addition to losing our manager to other duties now, our asst is at another store til they hire a new manager. What is even happening in this area with this company???
Well you know that [] was covering for a lot of crap, right? Like a lot of the shit that our manager got fired for, he was just letting it slide instead of reporting it. 
So if our manager got canned in October, they probably set out feelers for another investigation to see how it could go on for so long and found... a lot. 
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listen to this- its anonymous and random- randonymous- and having absolutely nothing to do with riverdale- but do you like the band 'greta van fleet?' -- okay thanks, bye bye now
I have heard of them, bit I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard them. I’ll have to look them up when I get home from class and get back to you, anon.
P.S-If y'all just wanna talk to me about weird shit, send it to my main @mrfangsfogarty
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randonymous-asks · 11 years
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He's baaaack
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conspicuouslad · 12 years
The rich trap draws the visible. A pedestrian downhill separates the controller. A coast weds opposite the kid. Why can't a wash maximize the degenerate?
Not sure if this is the same Anon, or if the previous one started a fad. Because now I have 2 for Terry and this one.
So let's see, "The rich trap draws the visible." Must be some kind of drag queen artist, who was born into money. Perhaps they don't have to suffer through the starving artist phase, as they were spoiled as a child.
"A pedestrian downhill separates the controller." So the drag queen must break away from his/her manipulative parents by making poor choices. Sure, they'll lead down to hard times, but only then will true freedom be obtained.
"A coast weds opposite the kid." He/she marries a goat on the beach.
"Why can't a wash maximize the degenerate?" And is forced to spend the rest of his/her life in a trailer park doing the goat's laundry. Always wondering if overbearing parents were really that bad after all.
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worldwise-randomide · 2 months
All information disclosed about her and her mons I have been allowed to share. This is still a very condensed post, as I’m sure the others will be too.
Inco is one of my closest friends. We met at my first Champion’s Tournament when I was 20. Anonymous is here as I type this and is making sure I add what she always adds: my first was the first. She just says it to make me feel old but it was her first as well… that’s beside the point. I met Inco on the first day everything officially started. They invite people to get there a bit before to enjoy the surrounding area and socialise before they kick off the battling. I didn’t really do that and thus was very nervous when it came time to battle on the main broadcast stage. It did not go well so I went to hide away in a bar garden with my mons. Inco came over when Gorge had pissed off Mudpie (her clodsire) and she had to stop her destroying the whole bar. She stayed over to chat and the rest is history!
If I had to describe her in the most accurate vague way possible, I would say she’s “Free Bird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd personified. Including the solo. Loves nature, she’s been to every region. Loves battling with her pokémon in every possible sense. She is an infamous Champion. If you want to make Champion-class a fancy way by beating someone who isn’t your area’s standard, you do not call her. You make sure she is out of the region. If you battle her it’s 55. It’s just not goino happen.
She has 6 pokémon, all battlers:
Mudpie the clodsire
Crunchie the granbull
Pickles the shiny mamoswine
Saveloy the archeops
Blancmange the gastrodon
Crouton the turtonator
She’s been teasing me that she’s got a new one on the way and won’t tell me anything about it. I could break the cycle if I do ever learn or I could not tell you. I know what I prefer.
Identifying her in posts, since I’ve already shown pictures of her here:
Buff not swole. She has muscle — she carries Saveloy on her shoulders all the time he’s out, lifts Mudpie away from starting fights, and tussles with Pickles for fun, she has to be.
“Riding the fine line between tan and sunburnt until the road gives out,” Anonymous [n.d.]
Curly brown hair. Curly. Goes about to her shoulders. Kindo puffs out beyond the left side of her face, can sometimes hide her eye and scars.
Oh, scars, of course. Anyone and everyone in the battling scene has some, let’s not kid ourselves. She has some on her face, neck, arms, and elsewhere that you won’t be seeing. Go snog a bruxish if you care so much.
Usually wears vests and trousers. She loves a denim jacket she has that had its sleeves severed by Saveloy.
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Ehhhhhh sure close enough. I tried a few removing the ear but idk.
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worldwise-randomide · 3 months
[ID: a photo of Rando, Anonymous, Incognito, and Arbitrary sat at a wooden picnic table. They each have different drinks and multiple empty glasses. Gorge, Maw, and the back of Pickles are in view behind the table.]
Double battle to see who can last longer has begun! Randonymous vs Inconitrary! Place your bets!
I made picrew of each using this. Until I can be assed to draw at least. I’ll make a person intro tag at some point so these are easier to access. For now this will do.
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In order: Rando, Anonymous, Incognito, Arbitrary
I don’t know why I only gave Inco a background. Fit her more I suppose. She does have curly hair but the style is closer to the above, covering her face a bit and being more up.
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worldwise-randomide · 3 months
Teleportation. Bad.
Checked in. Meeting Incognito and Co. later tonight. Going to relax with the mons and An for a bit. I feel nauseous…
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worldwise-randomide · 4 months
How… Is she a champion then?
She beat me in an arm wrestle. Every time we’ve had one. The most important one being when they were trying to patch the law she was using a loophole for really sneakily during our “defense match”. She won too quick and she officially became a Champion-class trainer with no pokémon.
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worldwise-randomide · 4 months
Why doesn’t An battle anymore :(
She never did, really. I am assuming we’re talking about pokémon battling.
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worldwise-randomide · 4 months
I think An only goes to the Champions’ Tournament for the free holiday. Everyone knows she doesn’t actually battle but they have to invite every Champion-class alive.
I don’t blame her. Free food and friends is good to me too. One of our friends (….. Incognito) is already planning a big get together one we are all at the venue area.
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worldwise-randomide · 5 months
Opposites attract but we’re both autistic in conflicting ways.
You can’t live without your weighted blankets? Love, I will get an anxiety attack if one of those things goes on me in any way.
You’re watching a show you’ve really been waiting for and are happy stimming? Enjoy, I’m goino go for a walk because the tapping will make me rip my ears out if I stay any longer.
I’m crying after a character dies in-game and spill coffee on my favourite jumper so now I’m sobbing? You’ve stuffed tissue up your nose to come over and help me put it in a wash we’ve both not been doing, all the while asking why I care so much about the character with obvious death flags who was introduced 2 minutes prior.
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worldwise-randomide · 5 months
Level Ball - Which gym leader that you haven’t already beaten do you think you could win a battle against? 
If you’re that kind of trainer. If not:
Poke Ball - What’s a thing that seemed normal to you until someone told you it wasn’t?
I’ve beaten all the gym leaders in my region, being a Champion tends to involve that. I have beaten some from other regions as well. I should call Juan again, get that rematch planned so I can get another free drink… Anyways, probably a few. I’ve never had a chance to meet Korrina — no surprise I haven’t battled her — so I’ll say her hoping my universe is feeling serendipitous.
I’ll answer the other one anyways. Full odds, you could only ask me this and I’d be able to answer with a new thing each time. First I’ll just say sleeping face down. I can sleep any other way, face down is just natural to me. I think I knew it wasn’t The standard practice, per se, but I thought it was more common than it is.
The first time An saw was after I’d had a real busy day and I’d gone off to bed. I could not bother to change my clothes so I just flopped down right into the void. We were maybe a month or so into dating, she didn’t know I slept like that and I’m woken up by her panicking and thinking I’d fainted or slipped and hit my head. Not the best sleep I’ve had, 2.2/10. She does joke about it, closer to the Event I’d enter a room and 95 find her face down on a table or the floor “having a nap”.
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worldwise-randomide · 6 months
I’m trying to make a nice meal for me and my girlfriend and I’m being shown up by Dooby. How in dist can he make a better risotto than me?!
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worldwise-randomide · 6 months
Top 10 best sights to wake up to
Number 1. 10 Billion ₽
Number 2. 9 Billion ₽
Number 3. 8 Billion ₽
Number 4. A Whole Red Velvet Cake
Number 5. Red Velvet Freakshake
Number 6. Anonymous Asleep Next To Me
Number 7. 4 Billion ₽
Number 8. Dooby
Number 9. A Pizza Maybe?
Number 10. Anonymous Trying & Failing To Keep Maw Auiet
Honourable mention: Jarabe Dance
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