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amagicalmoonlight · 3 years
Stampy: * See someone with a mustache *
Stampy: Evil
The Helpers: ???
Stampy: Guy’s you don’t understand, it’s a clear sign!
The helpers: ... What about Wizard Keen??
Stampy: No, you see, he has a mustache and a beard, so he’s good :)
The Helpers: ????
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fabianocolucci · 3 years
Writing Challenge: ride your Horse Plinko towards Eeby Deeby
Alright, Writeblr, I have got a challenge for you. Have you noticed the plethora of strange, made up tags that are floating around Tumblr lately? You know, Horse Plinko, Eeby Deeby, Blorko and so on?
Well, what if I challenge you to take all these names and turn them into OCs? If you are writing a story, try to imagine them as characters within that story. Otherwise, let your imagination roam free. Who knows: maybe, this could give you a whole cast of characters for a new project.
By the way, here is the list of names to use.
Horse Plinko
Eeby Deeby
Cousin Throckmorton
The Zozz
Scrimblo Bimblo
I will go first, to show you what I mean with this.
A brief guide for wanderers who want to reach Eeby Deeby
So, imagine for a moment that you are ready for a quest. You have everything prepared: your weaponry, your everyday objects, your clothing and such. However, you don’t seem to have any idea about the area you need to reach.
What’s an Eeby Deeby, and why can you only reach it by riding a Horse Plinko? Well, no need to worry. I am here to brief you about what you might encounter in your journey. So, sit back, and let me explain. Things could get real confusing real quickly if you don’t follow me.
Horse Plinko: what’s a Knight without their noble steed by their side? This horse, however, is no ordinary horse, and you can see from the way it gallops around. If you ever have to ride on it, you would feel like you are just constantly bouncing from one place to another, without any safety measure. In fact, it is suggested to either wear your full plated armour or to have a protection spell with you. Sure, you may end up smashing around every tree in the forest, but the fun will make up for it. Of course, make sure you don’t get near fireplaces: for some reason, a Horse Plinko seems attracted to those.
Eeby Deeby: fun fact, Eeby Deeby is both a place and a species of beings! To reach Eeby Deeby, you need to find special portals, the types that can only be accessed by carving runes on it, obviously spelling Eeby Deeby. Once you do so, you will be greeted by an Eeby Deeby, which is specifically there to send you to their namesake homeland. Because nobody goesto Eeby Deeby, you are sent to Eeby Deeby. Of course, what’s in there depends on your wishes and your desires. For some, that could be a beautiful nightmare. For others, a confusing dreamland. So, are you ready to hop on your Horse Plinko and reach the portal to Eeby Deeby? No worries, for you won’t be alone in this.
Blorko: picture this. You just rode on your Horse Plinko on your way to the Eeby Deeby portals, right? As such, you have spent minutes and minutes just there, on a landscape that seems to never end. Then, all of a sudden, you notice someone walking from behind the trees. Don’t worry, it is not a trap. In fact, there they are, walking towards you, and announcing themselves. “It’s me, Blorko!” is something you are destined to hear when you walk there.
Blorbo: in that area, there are some actors which seem to be everywhere. You can’t watch a single play or walk nearby a theatre without seeing one of them. An actor from that company is called Blorbo, and the company’s name is “Blorbos from your shows”, and they enjoy spreading their acting abilities, especially because, usually, a Blorbo is the most charismatic and appreciated actor in any play. Sure, you may be wondering: what happens when more Blorbos act together? Joy, pure joy. Also, don’t confuse them with Blorko, although some say Blorko likes to go to Eeby Deeby with a Blorbo.
Cousin Throckmorton: who’s Cousin Throckmorton, you ask? Well, he’s the definition of “extreme awesomeness” around here. He doesn’t just run to a place, but he has to back-flip while holding a flaming bagpipe and riding one Horse Plinko per limb. Everybody calls him “Cousin Throckmorton”, not because he is related to everyone here, but because everyone wishes they could brag about him being their cousin. Of course, this results in the awkwardly funny experience of trying to figure out who is actually related to him.
Beb: Beb is strange, because you don’t know what to expect from her when you have a conversation. One minute, she’s there discussing about how magnificent is the sky, or how profound the words of a poet are, and then, the next minute, she just stands there, replying “beb” to everything. Also, you don’t seem to see her as often as, say, Blorko and Cousin Throckmorton, so wanderers who randomly encounter someone saying “beb” feel confused.
Scrunkly: a Scrunkly is a typical animal of the area. Aesthetically, it resembles an earless fox, and tends to look at people straight in the eyes. Not as a sign of intimidation, but because they are adorably curious. Everyone here likes to have a Scrunkly as a pet.
Scrunco: someone who enjoys a Scrunkly a little too much is called a Scrunco. They always talk in “pet language”, as if they are just cuddling their Scrunkly. They are not weird or dangerous. Just, don’t feel awkward if they start acting like you’re a really cute pet.
The Zozz: if Beb is someone you rarely see, the Zozz is even rarer. They say they only reached the place at the beginning of this year, replacing an inhabitant named Zozi, of whom they’re apparently the heir. No one is sure about what they do, because they pop up at very random places.
Scrimblo Bimblo: unlike Beb and the Zozz, Scrimblo Bimblo’s obscureness seems a bit intentional. They are apparently a hero from a faraway land that only a handful of people have even heard about, and they would keep mentioning their quests as if they are the greatest hero who has ever graced this realm, and as such their exclusion in any discussion about heroic people should be seen as a disgrace. To be fair, Scrimblo Bimblo seems like a nice, down to earth person, so people are merely annoyed by how much those around them would talk non-stop about them.
Wakazonga: apparently, it is a benevolent monster who uses its name as a powerful attack. Whenever they shout “wakazonga!”, in fact, a surge of energy appears, which can be used for a lot of things, to the point where the area treats Wakazonga as a source of power. Also, it is this monster which can help you activate the portal to Eeby Deeby, so you might want to find it. Don’t worry, you will be fine.
So, are you ready for your trip? I hope you can enjoy it as much as everyone else is.
Alright, Writeblr, I challenge you to do the same, now. Let’s have some fun together!
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alrisklightvale · 2 years
SHE COULDN'T keep her feet on the ground. She couldn't keep her head high to everyone's expectations.
Facing the highway with the roads filled with moving cars below, from the high building she wanted to run, jump, and be free. She couldn't care less about everyone, she was tired of hearing hurtful words from her parents who have desires that she doesn't want. She was tired of hearing 'You'll be fine' from friends who couldn't pay attention to her real feelings inside.
How funny isn't it? When she was a child, she dreamt of many things. As she gets older, she was getting lost, she wished for someone to understand her but there was none. They come and leave, one by one. Everyone judged her through stares and words that are sharp as a knife, enough to stab the latter and crush her self-esteem.
And now, there's no way for her to go. No compass for guidance, no directions given, and no people to lean on. Her dreams? Remains a dream. Things she wanted to be, she couldn't even reach and grasp those. It was getting harder and harder everyday, she was such a failure in everyone's eyes.
Some wish for her to disappear and be gone on how useless she is.
The cold breeze of the night was against her face as she walks towards the edge of the rooftop, ready to jump. She tries to wait for someone to attempt and save her at the last minute. .
But nobody came.
"I guess. . .This is the end?" She muttered. "Maybe leaving my book, the rest of the chapters unwritten would be good for everyone."
She realized something. "Everyone? I mean, no one cares about me," She paused as her laughter ensued against the silence.
"They won't notice me disappear anyway."
Her lips curved for the last time, closing her eyes, feeling the wind. "Thank you, world for making me like this, Thank you reality for coming into my life and shitting everything."
She walks until her right foot was raised to the air.
She jumped, waiting to feel the feeling of falling, she waited for seconds, she couldn't feel it. She's not floating, right?
She didn't notice, someone held her arm until she opened her eyes and look at the owner. Disappointment appeared on her features as she tries to let herself free.
"LET ME GO! LET ME DIE!" His hands were firm against her weak ones. He gripped her tight as he could.
"You're not doing that," He finally responded, looking at her through the eyes. His hands-on her wrists, he tried to pull her away from the edge, but the latter froze and did not give in.
"I'm useless here, there's nothing for me to do so please! Just let me go!" She cried, couldn't prevent her tears from streaming down her cheeks. He held her shoulders, bending to her height, worry etched on his face, attempting to calm the latter down.
"I don't want you to do that okay?"
To the young lady's surprise, he embraces her, soothing her back. She didn't mind anymore and kept on crying, he let the latter bottle out her emotions and he let her scream in frustration in his arms. He didn't let her go, he caresses her hair in comfort.
To him, he didn't know her existence until he read the writings on her blog. To her, she knew him by name, but she didn't expect him here.
They stayed there like that. She was in confusion, didn't know he would hold her arms and save the latter from the last moments.
Minutes later, she calmed down, trying to make out words from her choked sobs. "Why? Why did you save me?"
He held her while pulling away, offering his coat to the young lady and wiping her stained cheeks. She glance to his face, his brownish eyes feigned comfort.
"You're not worthless. You mean so much to me, hmm?"
-eunhee_shii (unedited)
Here's a prompt while I currently work over a fantasy story in wattpad!
It's actually a virtual representation of my faves holding me back from breaking down during 2020-2021 era. ><
~ To Day6, Skz and Yuzuru Hanyu, words couldn't express on how much thankful I am for accompanying me when I'm alone in my lowest through your crafts, your songs, performances and contents. Really. ♡
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annelfwind · 3 years
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A Hamster dancing on the moon. #art #markers #animals #hamsters #randompromptgenerator #randomprompt #randomartprompt #space #moon #hamstersong https://www.instagram.com/p/CQVp2_3lW93/?utm_medium=tumblr
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You’re a shipwrecked vampire on a desert island. Dawn is coming.
Box of boy scout badges, cheese grater, Snooki’s favorite tanning lotion, penis pump, karaoke machine, ugly Christmas sweater, minion and Mr. T’s jewelry.
The waves flowed softly against her chest. Her eyes stung against the salty water, she rubbed them as she raised her head and turned around. The beach extended for miles in both directions. Her skin itched, she could tell dawn was coming, she had to do something soon if she hoped to survive. Turning to ash in her early 200’s was not in her plans. Looking around she could see parts of the wreck. Rising quickly, she searched for something, anything that could help. Of course, Oliver’s ugly Christmas sweater survived, not even the flames of hell could destroy the cursed monstrosity. She quickly fetched it and wrapped it around her head. Grabbing a few other items, it was time to look for shelter. Luckily, she didn’t have to walk too far to find a small grove where she could be shadowed from the quickly rising sun. Collecting a few banana leaves she managed to make an improvised curtain to protect her pale skin. When morning arrived she assessed her resources and items to devise an escape plan.
As night approached, she heard noises outside her makeshift shelter. Deeming it safe to go out without burning to death she went outside to investigate. Following the sounds, she came face to face with strange bean-shaped creatures. Against her better judgment, she approached them to say “Hello”. As they noticed her approaching, they quickly ran away. If she were ever to leave this island, she was going to need their help. Now it was a matter of how to gain their trust. It turned out to be simpler thank she thought, she just had to use her cheese grater to get some coconut shavings and make some pudding and they loved it so much they followed her wherever she went. After that, she just gave them the box of boy scout badges and Mr. T’s jewelry so they could cover it with Snooki’s favorite tanning lotion to make them shine enough to signal passing ships. While she waited to be saved, she just had to sit in the shade singing in the karaoke machine and enjoying margaritas.
(Based on the game Bucket of Doom)
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phantomswriting · 5 years
“So lovely to meet you”
"It's so lovely to meet you!" It was said in a way that immediately made him feel special, the long-lost family member
There was no reason to feel like this. He was no one to them but they still acted as if he meant the world to them. 
The only men of the group of four took a step forward. The girls behind were grinning. He watched him as he came closer, a smile on his lips. There was something feral about this smile ; something dangerous and he was surprised to like it and to smile back.
“we have been waiting for you.” 
“You took your time to come back to me.”
“Us!” interrupted one of the girl. “We talked about this. You’re not going to keep him all for yourself.”
No one had ever wanted him. They wanted things from him. He’d always been the quiet boy, the boy no one noticed except when they needed him. And then they came and told him they were expecting him? They needed him but more than that, that they longed for him? 
He said bollocks! 
The sudden laugh made him realise he might have said it out loud. 
‘You haven’t changed. It’s good to know.” 
The smile was still here but softer. The other looked behind. Something passed in the group but he did not understand what. He had no time to think about it. The other’s attention was back on him. He couldn’t move, trapped in his stare. 
“the family is back on the road. The time to conquer the world has come.” 
He saw him fall on one knee without understanding what was happening. The others also fell to their knee. 
“Order and we’ll obey, my prince.”
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foxoffart · 5 years
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Drew these random prompts yesterday on stream. Today at 11am MST I will be coloring them. 1: Medusa as an Artist. 2: Evil Goblin. 3: A Cactus wearing my clothing. Twitch.tv/FoxOffArtTV . . . #twitch #stream #streamingartist #art #artpage #randomprompt #auditydrawsgenerator #medusa #cactus #goblin #silly #ink #traditionalart #workonyourart #foxoffart #artsncraps #artsandcraps #twitchartist #artist #snakes #random #randomprompts (at Denver, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9hReIGpVZI/?igshid=vff2rgpgpane
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flb3000 · 5 years
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Here’s a page of random doodles that I hope to never complete. I’ll just fill in all the spaces and then make everything smaller. Anyway, most of them are randomly generated prompts, some are suggestions, ask me what things are cuz I don’t feel like naming everything. Leave suggestions of what else I should draw. Or don’t. I don’t own you. #random #randomprompt #digital #collage #art #artist #animator #illustrator #drawing #stupid #doodles #practice #funny @drawfeeshow @julialepetit #drunk #cat #bowling #sailormoon #buff #sausage #zombie #sad #unicorn #teenage #cheese #emo #bunny #tired #dad #evil #butt https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ck_7_pbXT/?igshid=u1jno4x13nyd
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reach4thesky · 7 years
Fili Confesses - Part 3
Be sure to check out Parts 1 and 2! :)
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairings: Fili/OFC
Synopsis: I had read a story a little while ago about Fili being rude on purpose to his One because he didn’t want her to come with them on the quest. She had dropped into Middle Earth and Gandalf insisted that she join them. It was a cute little story but this is a blurb about what happens when Fili’s One won’t put up with that shit and doesn’t accept that he was an ass to protect her.
A/N: This seems to have gone off on its own tangent which is helpful since I’m thinking of creating a whole new story out of it but not just yet lol. 
Tanika was bored out of her mind. Of course there wasn’t much to do when you were locked in a cell, particularly when you were locked in with someone who thought that protecting someone by being a jackass was the right decision. Tanika and Fili had not spoken since she had punched him in the face.
At the moment, she was watching Kili and the red-haired guard as they chatted through the bars. Tanika couldn’t help but smile at how cute the two of them looked.
Without looking, she could feel Fili come up next to her. She heard him snort and a quick look told her that he was watching his brother too. She rolled her eyes when he shook his head and returned to his spot at the back of the cell. Out of the corner of her eye, she realized that three elves were making their way down the row. 
“Oh look!” Tanika made sure to raise her voice. She was satisfied when the red-haired guard caught the guards coming as well and managed to move out of sight in time. “These bloody wankers are back again.”
Tanika couldn’t help but smile to herself again when the other dwarves began making a racket, throwing verbal abuse at their captors. Unfortunately, her smile was wiped off her face when the guards came to a stop in front of her cell. She stood quickly and backed up, only slightly startled when she backed right into Fili.
“The King would like to speak with you.” It was the same blonde elf that had made the decision to put her in the same cell as Fili. This time, there was no trace of a smirk as he stared at Tanika. Fili stepped forward but stopped when the elf raised his hand. “Not you, her.”
In a flash, Tanika found herself behind Fili. A part of her was annoyed that he was attempting to shield her, especially since she was a few inches shorter than him and could not see the guards. The other part was suddenly terrified at the thought of facing the Elvenking alone.
“You can’t take her.” One of Fili’s arms came around her, holding Tanika against his back.
The blonde elf sighed. “Take her.”
Tanika felt Fili tense as the two guards entered the cell and before he could strike at their captors, she managed to leave his hold. She quickly stepped between Fili and the guards and turned to look at the glaring dwarf. For once his stare wasn’t on her but on the blonde elf still outside the cell.
“Fili,” Tanika waited until the dwarf looked at her. “I’m going to have to go with them no matter what. Don’t.”
After a moment, Fili’s jaw clenched and he nodded. Tanika couldn’t help but give him a shaky smile before turning and leaving cell. She refused to look around as the other dwarves in the company realized that she was the only one being led out of the dungeons and the noise doubled. Trying to gather her courage, she looked behind her for a brief moment to find the only one not yelling after her was Fili. He was standing at the bars of their cell, hands clenched around the bar as if he was trying to bend them and come after her. She managed to catch his eye one more time before she was pushed forward through the door and into a relatively empty hall. 
Check out my other hobbit ramblings on my Masterpost!
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fabledfallacies · 6 years
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Paint Night! I did a paint night with my brother and his friends with random prompt. Mine was a spirit following a person on a ship. Also had to have glitter. 12" x 12" Acrylic on canvas 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻 #paintnight #randomprompt #ghost #spirit #ship #boat #sailor #acrylic #paint #painting #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #artistonfacebook #artistontumblr #kawarthaartist https://www.instagram.com/p/BszMrCUBObE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zjhvu2kq0fzj
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amagicalmoonlight · 3 years
Fizzy and Hit the Target would get along like a house on fire if they weren't on diffent sides.
they are both neurodivergent after all at least in my headconon.
Aw hell yeah! I’m really digging this friendship idea :)
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inkedintothepaper · 4 years
Gordon: I have very high standards
Benrey: *eat a rat for no reason at all while screaming like a demon*
Gordon picking up Benrey by the collar and blushing: Never mind, I'm apparently in love with this gremlin creature now.
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everafterstory · 4 years
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Va una y faltan dos probablemente deje una para mañana Día 9 #antifaz by #KreatEve #FreetoberSketch #RandomPrompts #randompromptschallenge En vista del último escándalo de la corta tradición y de que de cualquier manera nunca cubro los 31 días del reto... meteré todas las ideas que encuentre en una ruleta y dibujaré algo con lo que salga cada día. Veamos si como reto personal al menos puedo cubrir medio mes xD Éste ruletazo lo sacó mi Lalu Bebé 💙💙 Algo tarde por unos compromisos del fin de semana, prometo ponerme al corriente con las peticiones. #watercolorillustrations #watercolorbrush #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolorpainting #fastsketch #traditionalillustration #traditionaltechniques #fastwatercolor #illustracion #illustration #ilustracionconacuarela #ilustraciontradicional #tecnicastradicionales #bocetorapido #acuarela #acuarelasobrepapel #bocetosenacuarela #personalchallenge #peticionesdelunanueva #antifaces #marquerade #maskdance #humanbody #sketchings https://www.instagram.com/p/CGRE9Zfh_BJ/?igshid=1xspj3jehp7af
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Random Dialogue Prompt #1
“I can’t tell if I’m hungry, or if I’m gonna throw up.”
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i-am-sonson · 3 years
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#randomprompts #bookillustration https://www.instagram.com/p/CWUJ2JfMeri/?utm_medium=tumblr
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