#random sh1t i keep finding everywhere
ryusei-green111 · 2 years
Angel numbers. I have been bombarded recently, I even decided to change my usernames everywhere to have some form of angel number. I’m being driven insane. Help.
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
Nagi - Catchup!! - [BLLK X READER SCENARIOS]
Staring: Nagi x f!reader
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: heavy ooc, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, cringe, scuff, etc.
>First Encounters 
Nagi is playing online games 24/7, but never really made friends there. It’s not like he had much of a reason too, most players he’d only play with once in his life. Until a while ago. This user, [user] was in every 3 games he played, every time he played Mario Party, they were there. Even across other games! Tetris, honkai, pjsk, etc!
It was probably mainly because he was playing Local everytime- but Nagi was very interested in this user
He was world hopping in Genshin once, and just happened to join [user]’s world
Nagi immediately recognized the gamertag, and sent a message, 
[Ch0k1] “Are you [user]? I keep seeing you in all my games”
[user] “OH IT’S YOU” “CH0K1 right? Yea ur everywhere LOL”
[CH0k1] “Mhm, didn’t think i’d find someone who plays so many of the games i do
You guys kept the convo going as he played with you, asking him about random things, game recommendations, manga he likes, literally anything
This was the first friend Nagi made on his own, he was actually pretty excited to talk to someone
Eventually you had to go, so you logged off as Nagi played a bit more. But it didn’t feel the same without you, so he hopped off soon after.
It was funny, you two would hop on around the same time everyday, play for a while together, and maybe switch games once in a while.
After some time, he asked for your discord, since you two played so often together anyway. He hadn’t heard your voice at all, and he wanted to at least know you before he could admit to crushing tolerating you
He got your username and added you quickly. You both sent the wumpus wave emoji and friended each other
“Wait, one mutual friend?” Nagi looked at the tab and clicked it, was there someone you both knew??
Mutual Friends - 1 -> Reo 💸💸
Nagi took a stared at it for a moment in confusion before messaging Reo, 
You Reo, do yk @[user]?
$$ Reo $$ Yea she’s in our math class??  Doesn’t she sit right beside you?
Nagi was shocked, there was no way… RIGHT??? He trusted Reo though, and maybe he could meet you
You Ur friends w/her right? Can i meet her?
$$ Reo $$ I mean but you don’t have to ask me lol She’s pretty chill Wait how do you know her-?? (seen) NAGI??? (seen)
>Second Encounters
Reo did in fact mange to hook you two up, but he was curious about what was going on between you two, so he invited the both of you to his place on a random weekend.
You got there and he welcomed you in, you’ve gone over a few times so you were pretty comfortable. 
“You said you wanted me to meet your friend right?” you asked him “tbh i didn’t know you had friends besides Nagi…” you took a sip of some champagne
“Wowww [Y/N], thanks.” he scoffed, pouring you another glass “Actually, it is him I want you to meet, but there’s something special.” 
You looked up at him, confused “Huh? Special?? Also- he sits beside me in math- i don’t understand why you well the need to throw a whole get together” 
“Eh, just get lonely, that’s all. Anyway, he’s running late again…”
You guys made some small talk as you waited, and luckily, he wasn’t too late
“Hey Reo, sorry I’m late..” he walked through the doors with a lazy wave
Then his eyes met yours, and he stopped “Oh, hey [Y/N]...” Nagi gave a small nod.
“Oh uh- yea! Hey Nagi!” you gave an awkward wave back, “I wasn’t aware you knew my name…” you joked, he was usually asleep in class anyway
He stayed silent and nodded again, still standing
Reo didn’t say anything for a few seconds before interrupting “He learnt it this week, and memorized it.” 
Nagi glared at Reo, 
“That wasn’t in the plan >:(“
“Yea but the plan was u make a move and u ain’t doing sh1t >:P”
Nagi sighed “So- you’re [user], right?”
That caught you offguard, he called you by your online username, “Yea that’s me… Do I know you???”
He hesitated for a second, “... So… I’m Ch0K1…”
It took you a few seconds, but you audibly gasped when you got it
Reo was just there, shaking his head :’3
>Birthday Gifts from him
Nagi really wouldn’t know much about gift giving, so he’d ask Reo. But Reo doesn’t know much about it their, and just told him to give you a fat stack of money
Nagi thought that was kinda boring (+ he couldn’t afford it), so he just wandered the mall, buying whatever he thought you’d like
He ended up with 2 bags of your favourite Sanrio character in plush form. He may’ve overdone it….
“Reo… can you come pick me up? I don’t think I can carry all these…”
“... Nagi- how much did you buy???”
Reo went to go pick him up nonetheless, and he was understandably shocked by how much Nagi had.
“Don’t you think this is a bit overkill…? Just how many plushies do you have???”
Nagi just shrugged, “Dunno. Will they fit in the back?”
“... I’m gonna call another car over-”
With the help of Reo, Nagi got all the gifts over to your house, and into your living room
He didn’t bother setting up any decorations, he just threw all the plushies on the floor, and flopped on them, waiting for you to come home
Reo silently laughed, before getting on his way, just as you got back
“Supriseeee…” Nagi said, doing little motions with his hand with no particular energy 
He pulled you into the pile and clung on to you, “Happy birthday btw :x” 
Super duper lazy, leaves socks around the house all the time
Can’t cook either, will ask you to do it for him
It’s almost like he’s relying on you to live, “Can you make dinner please? Hey can you pick something up for me at the nintendo store? You’re going to the cafe right? Can you get me some lemon tea? Do you have the charger?” etc.
But as you two get closer, it turns into “Can I watch you make dinner? Wanna come with me to buy a game? Let’s go to the cafe today”, and he’ll send you photos of anything he sees outside if it reminds him of you
Nagi :x 
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Kinda looks like u
He doesn’t contribute much as a roomie, but he does pay his bills on time (he just tells u where the money is and tells u to get it)
He also has a plushie collection, he didn’t mean to start one, but he did somehow :x 
Will get jealous is you say hi to choki and not him (for those who don’t know, Choki is his pet cactus)
>Kiss an their cheek
He was shocketh, the kiss came out of nowhere
“I-.... :x
He was blushing, he was totally blushing
It took him a few minutes to decide what to say, “I didn’t quite get that, do it again.”
>Watching his game
Nagi was slacking during warmups, looking around to entertain himself
He saw a blur and squinted, “Is that…?”
You waved to him, and he waved back, smiling a bit
“Cmon Nagii, let’s go!” Reo pulled him towards the field
Nagi waited a second before averting his attention, “Hey Reo, give me all the balls, okay? I’ll score them all”
“Sure thing, Nagi!”
Nagi nodded, before turning back to the crowd to look for you again
“... Is this all for [Y/N]-??” Reo asked
After the game (they won ofc ;) Nagi was absolutely exhausted he’s never tried so hard in a game, he hoped you at least thought he looked cool, or it would’ve been such a waste
He could hardly keep himself up right when he found you after packing up, Nagi slumped on top of you, almost making you fall back
“We won.” he told you,
“Yes, I saw.” You couldn’t help but laugh a bit at his current
“I’m so cool right?”
“Yes, you looked very cool, good job Nagi.” you ruffled his hair, giving him light praise 
“Mmm” he buried his face in the crook of your neck, content with your compliments, “Let’s order some take-out tonight, i think the new Haikyuu movie’s out too, we can watch that.”
Despite having just won a game, Nagi was looking forward to lazing at home with you
>Tell them ur busy
(Nagi POV)
You are u busy rn?
[Y/N] NAGIIIIII Yea sorry i am ;w; Hangin w/a friend rn
You Is it a guy
[Y/N] … noooooo? (read)
He frowned at the screen for like 30 seconds, before rolling on his bed and just: “ :’x “
Would look back at the message every minute, just incase he read it wrong
Nagi still texted you every 30min, even though you told him you’re busy
Would ask so many question about who you were hanging with, “Are they better than me?” “Do you like them more than me?” “Can they carry you in genshin?” 
Wouldn’t stop bothering you, and demanded that you hop on w/him after
I’m sure you wouldn’t leave him hanging, would you?
>First date
Nagi invited you over to his house, was it because he was too lazy to go out? Partially- but he was also really lonely at home(in episode nagi he lives alone 😭).
He cleaned up the house(shoved everything into a closet) and bought some new games for you guys to try out :D Bought some popcorn, jello, and every snack that he knew you liked, even ones he think you would enjoy.
So it may seem that he didn’t put in much effort, but in reality, he was going out every second day to buy things.
Would it be easier if he just made a list? Yea. But that didn’t cross his mind til the 3th trip…
He didn’t mean to over prepare either, but he found himself setting up hours before you were supposed to come over. This resulted in him sitting around doing nothing for a while.
When you finally arrived, Nagi greeted you and helped you inside,
“Hey [Y/N], you’re here”
“Mhm, thanks for having me over, Nagi!”
He nodded as he put your bags down for you, angling his his face away from you so you wouldn’t see the light blush on his face
It just hit Nagi that you were the first girl in his house, or even remotely near him.
He sat down on his bed, and patted the space beside him, inviting you to sit down.
You were pretty close to him, not touching but still. Mentally he was fine, he didn’t feel stressed at all, but his heart was going 20x faster, and he genuinely couldn’t figure out why.
He grabbed you a controller, pulled out the snacks, and threw a blanket over the two of you, “What do you wanna play?” he asked, “I’ve got basically everything”
We’re gonna try a little interactive part here, select one! [Animal Crossing] [Mario Kart] [Genshin(2player)]
Animal Crossing
He showed you his little island, and it was a mess, but he had (somehow) successfully paid off all his debt to Tom Nook
“Yea, I used to play daily… Do you have an acc? Let me friend you”
He let you re-organize his island, showed you the museum, etc.
He made a mental note to get back into the game for you, but he’d never admit that
Mario Kart
Pick One(don’t look, AND ACTUALLY CHOSE ONE)! 
[Option Red] [Option Blue]
Option Red You play really well! Nagi was actually getting really into it, trying to beat you, and failing(much to his silent surprise) It was the first time he really concentrated on a game, and you and him were fighting for first, being well ahead of the other players. You won, and Nagi gave you a little “good job…” he was starting up the next game before giving himself a little smile, oh how lucky he was to find someone with the same hobbies
Option Blue Nagi was intentionally throwing, he chased behind you, staying in second place, and throwing bananas at anyone who came close. Did he lose his streak? Maybe, but seeing you smile(even if you knew what he was doing) was well worth it, even he smiled at the sight. If you knew, then you’d poke fun at him, and have a good laugh :3 “Lol thanks for the carry, Nagi” “...wdym? :x” 
Genshin(or HSR)(for the plot, this’ll be 2 player) Nagi would let you explore, or do your quests and trail behind you, killing any mobs, collecting loot, etc. Even though he wasn’t doing as much as he usually does, he was having much more fun. And he was totally looking more at you than the game. He’d catch himself staring, sigh to himself and go back to the game, just to go back to staring in a matter of time. Helps you finish all your quests, clears your Domains for you, will carry you through the game with no complaint.
He wouldn’t realise it, but playing with you made him really happy, like really really happy. 
“Hey, let’s order some take-out, what do you want?” He lazily leaned on you, pulling out his phone. 
You were still eating some of the snacks he provided, but leaned on his head to see his phone, “Hmm, ngl, think i could go for some [________]” 
“Yea, sounds good.” Nagi’s face flushed slightly at the contact, but he brushed it off
While waiting for the food, you two just lazed around with a show on in the background, talking about whatever came to mind.
Once the food came, you stood up to go get it, and Nagi immediately followed behind you, sticking close.
He watched you open up the box, and ate some himself, approving of your taste in food. 
You were about to take a bite, but then Nagi ate it off the fork instead, staring at you with a “ :x “ like he didn’t just fanum tax you(i’m so skibidi)
The rest of the day was chill, Nagi stayed close to you and turns out, he actually has amazing humor! Does that consist of “ur mom” jokes? Maybe - but don’t act like you don’t pull those either >:)
When it was time for you to leave, Nagi offered to walk you home, which was not in his original plan, but he insisted on it anyway. 
Please give him a hug before you go, he’ll be very happy, and may or may not stay up thinking about it :3 
>Sending Love Letters
Nagi highly doubted that anyone would like him, if anything, he was pretty sure most the girls hated him and were jealous that he got to be around Reo
Reo himself didn’t really care much for them, they came and went, not many stayed for long once they realized he wouldn’t give out money that easily
The only other constant friend Reo had was you. You and Reo used to hand out pretty often, until Nagi came along
Nagi was worried that you hated him, because anytime he entered the room, you’d leave quickly with a red face. Which was very unfortunate for him, since he had started to like you more and more.
For once he understood true jealousy, “why does she like Reo? Why doesn’t she like me? It’s so unfair….”
He refused to come to terms with the fact that he liked you though, thinking that you liked Reo.
Sometimes he’d just follow you around school without you noticing, listening to your voice, the things you said, the way you walked, talked, he was so jealous for every guy you talked to
He was tempted to just walk up to you and pin you down so you couldn’t run, but he figured that would just make you hate him more, and he didn’t want that.
So for now, he would just sit in the shadows, while you and Reo chatted like old pals
That’s why he was slightly shocked, but didn’t care much when he got a Love Letter
He was tempted to just ignore it, since there was no shot you were the sender. But he read it anyway, maybe out of desperation, maybe he was just bored.
“To Nagi Seshiro, I really want to get this off my chest, so I can have an actual reason to run away from you, but I really really like you. I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time, and everytime you were around I felt so embarrassed to I ran 😭 but yea, i just wanted to get this out so i could hide in peace ;w;   “
Nagi genuinely couldn’t believe it, he had to re-read the letter, it was the first time he smiled in like weeks 
In fact, he went to sleep with it under his pillow. He went to sleep SMILING
Oh the things you do to him
He totally forgot to text Reo about the first day, but he did mentioned it the next
Nagi finally felt comfortable to confess as well, but he didn’t want to scare you, so he too would make a letter
>Receiving Love Letters
If it were anyone else, he would’ve just ripped a corner of his notebook out, but for you, he ripped out a full page (It’s the thoughts that matters ;w;)
He wondered if he should use a sparkly gel pen, but decided against it in order to not look like a fool to you.
Nagi tried his best to make his handwriting somewhat legible, you could tell he was pressing hard on each letter
“Hey [Y/N], i rlly like u ♡ will u go out w/me? - Nagi :x “
He actually had a lot of thoughts running through his head, but it was too much a hassle to write it all out. He’ll tell you one day, surely 
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A/N: Nagi Catchup! Wasn't sure if i should've integrated his parts into the others, but decided against it and stuck w/my wattpad lines!
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