#random rant ik
froggybowtie · 7 months
Sometimes I forget how petty I am, I'll see AmaLee (anime opening cover artist/vtuber now I think???) on my youtube page and make a face of disgust. For the sole reason she shamed people who pirated anime in like 2016-17, knowing full well she has been sponsored by CRUNCHYROLL like I will never forget and I will never forgive actually
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 10 months
i don’t like fanon gallavich. sorry.
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meanslackofart · 4 months
so this is it then i believe, once again someone I wanted to stay leaves, once again speaking my mind is what makes them leave, and people ask why is that hard for me to be me? this is my because, people leave.
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bandbabe · 4 months
Idk why but seeing European f1 fans get annoyed abt f1 race times and say stuff like “this is why we should’ve kept it in Europe” pisses me off to an unreasonable level. Like I’m sooooo sorry there’s a race that’s not at an ideal viewing time for u, a race at 23? That must be sooooo hard 4 u. Maybe it’s just that my Alaskan self has been dealing with waking up at 4 to watch races for a while, but like, it’s what, four races out of the year that aren’t at a fully rational time for them? What was it that someone commented on my post abt being an f1 fan in a not ideal time zone? Oh yeah “you chose to watch this sport, deal with it”. Anyways that was a probably unreasonable rant, maybe I’m just jealous that the closest race to me is a 4 hour plane ride away.
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miraculousbohemian · 4 months
Gabrielle: *stands up to Draco's men in the first ep*
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scrunkalicious · 3 months
Babahuuyyhh back from swimming w friendz!!!!! Thinkjnf abt Viktor,,,,, nothing specific....I just think itd be nice to do smth w him idk fun activitiez mayb just lounging
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valewritessss · 2 months
Anyone who’s out of high school or in college, do teenage boys eventually get nicer? They make me not want to go to school.
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antoncore · 4 months
it’s rlly starting to set in that i’m getting older :/ like i’m 20 in a month, i’ll be done with uni next year and i’ll have to find a full-time job😭😭 it’s all so scary aaaaaa
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i-eat-lip-gloss · 10 months
guys it’s back
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we’re fucking back baby
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saturnplaza · 2 months
Me: I'm She/They, and a demi-girl I have been for a long time.
Also Me: I get so happy when people use strictly They/Them on me and I really don't feel like a girl at all -- But everyone I'm very feminine presenting and all anyone ever uses on me is She even though I said I use both.
I have been openly a Demi-Girl for a few years now -- But I really don't like using She/Her and prefer only the gender-neutral side of things. I also do not feel like a female but I'm very feminine presenting so I immediately feel invalid.
But it also feels so wrong to come out again and tell everyone I don't feel like a woman at all cause I know even then everyone is still going to refer to me as a girl anyway so what's even the point.
Basically, what I'm saying is -- I'm nonbinary, that is the title and way I identify -- but it feels pointless to be. Cause know either way I'll always be 'a girl'. So why not you know just bring it on, cause there's no point in being something someone will never see me as :[
I feel very invalid for coming out and feel like I should just accept it and stick to using both even though I only like on
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lotus-exter · 1 year
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yo this fic by @malevolentmango is sick as fuck! and once i finished the new chapter i was bored & drew WYAB!akechi... at least i tried to... my brain isnt the best at making Images of people from descriptions of clothing but i think i did well! :3 i didnt know how to draw his mask for a while so there’s Three of them there. Deal w/ it Lmao. sorry abt the shit outlining on them. it is 12am & i am Tired. anyways Please read what you’ve already buried or i Will bury you. in a tomb. Goodbye.
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Hhhh just me spitting out thoughts,,,
Don't get me wrong I absolutely love that little huntlow moment where Willow cut Hunter's hair in the Thanks to Them montage but I KINDA wish it was Amity that stumbled across him and helped him cut it,,
Their only interaction was literally just Eclipse Lake and although we KNOW they don't hate each other it just kinda sucks that the last time we see Amity having to do with anything of Hunter, it's her glaring at him due to his double betrayal (and him looking moody when they had to rescue amity lmao). And it SUCKS bc Hunter (in Eclipse Lake) - although did only see Amity as a means to an end- was genuine when she eventually gave him the key (They DO have a lot in common I just kinda hate that that point was thrown out the window,,)
Also theres the point that Emira was the one who would always help Amity out with her hair. It would've been a nice parallel to see Amity helping Hunter out with his (Since Luz and him r siblings we could've gotten that sibling in law bonding :'))
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crippling-pages · 3 months
Anon asks are weird to me because for one
I can put in my question in a way that I don't have to show who I am and I don't have to worry about being judge because they wont know its me and I feel more secure and safer with being anonymous, and Im sure other people feel that way too
But at the same time there are people who yk, use the anon feature as a way of being mean or creepy without being traced back and get in trouble, and honestly thats just so bad like?? cmon be nice plz
but yeah that's a little rant, ty for listening to my Ted talk <3
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woopstarz · 1 year
everyone talks about how tsubasa is basically torchic but may i present vullaby
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filipinos (specifically filams) who claim they're PI without actually having any other PI heritage need to fucking touch grass you don't see indonesian or malay or taiwanese ppl pull this shit what fucking brain rot infested u guys. every time i see one of u cunts say "i dont feel asian enough to be considered asian 😔😔😔" you always list cultural and aesthetic traits that are present in south asia and asean but not east asia like tattoos, seafaring, having clothes more suited to a tropical climate, and brown features like bigger eyes, dark skin, body hair. the amount of times i've seen ppl say "but we look closer to PI ppl than Actual Asians(tm)". you're just fucking racist, to both asians and PI!
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t4tmetalsonic · 1 year
Whenever someone mentions the sun "going out" and leaving earth "cold and lifeless"
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The sun can't just randomly go out. It will die. And when it dies earth will very much not survive the process
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