#ramsay nolton x oc
kee-writestrashh · 6 years
Hey guys, if you haven’t seen it already, I have a new fic up! It’s called Dreams in Neon. Now I know what y’all are thinking, FINISH GUNS FOR HIRE!!!
Yes, yes. I know, I know!! It is coming. All 3 final chapters will drop at once. Because I feel bad for making you guys wait. Especially as I have started a handful of other projects. But my mind just gets to going and I can’t help it. But I am hella stoked for Dreams in Neon. I NEEDED some cyberpunk things. And the plot is great. And I’m excited to share it with you all.
As I work on the end of Guns for Hire and get it ready for posting, I am also working on Dreams in Neon, and these fics: I Will Cherish You, Bloodbath Rose, Seven Deadly Sins, Welcome to the Family, and To Marry a Bastard. 
But I hope you guys get real excited for Dreams in Neon, because there will be much bedlam. And as always, many typical Ramsay things. I am working diligently on GfH. I had many loose ends to tie up and moods to set, so it’s taking me awhile to make it perfect with you guys. But I will only give quality to my readers.
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