buddieau · 2 years
long time, no talk - an honest update
hi guys!
sorry we've been absent for so long! we were planning to be a lot more active but unfortunately life got extremely busy for both of us. i'm (rebecca) two months into my first year of a very intense degree, and i'm giving it everything i've got! bia is also in the middle of a big transition state in her life, and to be frank, we both have significantly less time than we did in summer. that doesn't mean this fic fest isn't happening, it just means things are going to operate a little differently than we intended.
from now on, we will be posting prompt lists as and when we can. this is likely to pick up a bit when i (rebecca) go on christmas break from university. i'm on break from december 2nd until january 9th, although i can't guarantee what will be posted in that time.
what i do want to stress and reassure people about, however, is that the fest is still happening! we as content creators are so excited to see what you guys create and come up with! if you need a refresher of the guidelines, you can find that here! and if your circumstances have changed since the last time you heard from us and you can no longer participate, just drop us a message here or on our personal blogs!
as always, we're very excited to see what you guys come up with!
happy writing!
rebecca (@midnightsdiaz ) and bia (@girldiaz )
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buddieau · 2 years
check your emails!! the link to the participant spreadsheet just went out for post dates!! if you didn’t get the link send me a message here!!
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buddieau · 2 years
Official Schedule!
Hi guys!
Once again, we’d just like to say a massive thank you for all the excitement you’ve shown for this fest — we’re so glad you’re all as excited as us! We’ve finally gotten around to nailing down a definitive schedule for the fest, which can be found below. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out either here or on either of our personal blogs!
Official posting dates will be January 2nd - March 1st 2023
Post date sign-ups will open on September 12th 2022. The time will be confirmed closer to the date.
Our first check-in will take place mid October. This will just be to make sure everyone has an idea/concept to work with, and to support those that need it. Keep an eye on your emails, as you’ll receive a link to a google form.
Fics will be posted to the Buddie AU Fic Fest collection on AO3. More information on how to add your fic to our collection will be sent out closer to the posting dates.
Prompt lists are also making a comeback, and will be posted once a month - watch this space!
Happy writing!
— Bia (@halosdiaz) & Becca (@midnightsdiaz)
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buddieau · 2 years
to all of our participants: keep an eye on your emails today!! you’ll be receiving a link to the schedule spreadsheet to pick your post dates!!
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buddieau · 2 years
Career prompts
Hey guys! Here's the second prompt list, all based around different careers.
As always, if you write anything with any of these prompts, tag us here @buddieau and/or use the tag #buddie au prompts so we can share your work!
Person A is a horrifically clumsy bakery owner. Person B is the attending ER doc on night shift.
Person A is a kindergarten teacher with a heart of gold. Person B is the head of the PTA. They’ve been at war over the brownies during the bake sale for as long as anyone can remember.
Person A is a personal trainer in the biggest gym in the city. Person B, a quiet bookshop owner, is looking to get a revenge bod after a horrific breakup.
Person A is the son of a CEO. Person B is a fresh graduate. Both want the top position. Hilarity ensues.
Person A is a hairstylist. Person B needs an awful haircut fixing.
Person A is the writer for the advice column for the local paper. Person B is the anonymous participant asking for advice about how to ask out their neighbour.
Person A owns a B&B. Person B’s car breaks down on their way to a conference. Person A’s B&B is the only place to stay for miles.
Person A owns a coffee shop. Person B is the writer that broods in the corner. 
Person A is a tattoo artist. Person B is the tattooed model that keeps coming in. 
Person A and B run are popular YouTubers/Streamers that get shipped when they do a collab. They decide to fake a relationship for views. 
Person A is the first son of the United States. Person B is their bodyguard. 
Person A a radio host. Person B is a regular caller with bad taste in music.
Person A is a comic book artist. Person B is their reference model. 
Person A is an artist who gives pottery lessons on the weekend. Person B’s therapist recommended they try out a new hobby. 
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buddieau · 2 years
Everyone who signed up for the fest, check your emails! We've sent you a copy of the schedule, and there'll be a post version up in the next couple of days.
If you've signed up and not received one, send us a message!
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buddieau · 2 years
Hi, did you ever decide on an official posting time frame? Thanks!
so we’re organising this and an official schedule within the next couple of days! watch this space!
- rebecca @bibuddie
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buddieau · 2 years
an update
hi guys! long time no talk!
first of all, we just want to say a massive thank you once again for the enthusiasm everyone has shown about this fic fest - it’s gone beyond our wildest dreams and we’re so happy that we’ve managed to spark this much creativity and enthusiasm within the fandom!
we’d also like to apologise for the radio silence as of late - i’ve personally had a very rough couple of weeks and i know that bia’s been super busy so we haven’t been as active on this blog, and we haven’t been replying to asks as quick as we should’ve - here’s some answers to our most commonly asked questions though:
is it still going ahead?
the answer is a resounding yes!! we’re both so excited to be running this fest, and we can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!!
so…what are the post dates?
we’re just in the final stages of nailing down a definitive date - the official dates will be announced later this week so that you can all get planning! expect it to be some time over winter hiatus (december - late february)
are there any more prompt lists coming?
yes, definitely - watch this space! if you have any specific aus you want a prompt list for, just send us an ask!
what if i need to drop out?
if you do, just drop us a message. we’ll remove you from the updates mailing list!
finally, i personally want to thank you all for your patience. if you have any other questions whatsoever, please do just message us.
thank you & happy writing!
— bia @halosdiaz & becca @bibuddie
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buddieau · 2 years
sorry to bother you but when are the fic gonna be published?
hey! thanks for the ask!
apologies for not getting back to you sooner — both admins have had a lot of personal issues ongoing, we’re aiming to nail down a definite post date this week! we’ll make an announcement post when we do, and we’ll also fire all participants an email!
watch this space!
– rebecca @bibuddie
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buddieau · 2 years
Featured Fic Friday #6
a bleeding sun on a silver screen
130340 words | mature | read on ao3 | by @hoediaz
One day, Buck will tell an interviewer that he would be happy to make movies with Eddie Diaz until the day he dies.
But first, years before that, he sees Eddie for the first time on the set of Chimney’s fifth movie.
or, the actors au
"I felt the full range of human emotion while reading this fic. Every joy, sorrow, fury, loneliness, everything hit me over the head with a sledgehammer and left me wanting to reread every word a hundred times more."
nominate your favourite AUs here!
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buddieau · 2 years
Featured Fic Friday #5
a good day to be
50334 words | teen and up | read on ao3 | by @hetrez
Buck looked delighted. "You used to compete?" He had this way of smiling that took over his whole body.
"Yes?" Eddie said. "You saw my website. There were definitely competition pictures on there."
"How was I supposed to know that's what they were?" Buck threw his arms up, approximately 300% more dramatic than anyone needed to be on a day like this. Eddie would bet all the ice cream in his freezer that Buck had had a serious stage magician phase as a kid. "It's not like you had a picture of a, I don't know, a judge standing in front of you with a clipboard or anything."
A clipboard, Jesus. "You think I wore all those tuxedos for fun?"
Buck shrugged, and gave him that hello, soldier look from beneath his eyelashes again, the one that turned Eddie into a stuttering mess. "I have no idea what you wear for fun," he said.
Buddie says shut up and dance with me.
"Watching Buck and Eddie fall in love while their connection helps Eddie discover happiness in his own life again is as exhilarating and sweet as it is heartwrenching and aching. It made me miss dancing like crazy, because the joy Eddie experiences in dancing is described so well that I felt it viscerally."
nominate your favourite AUs here!
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buddieau · 2 years
Hiii!! i'm just wondering if I did actually sign up for this event? I vaguely remember filling out the form but I can't remember whether I actually hit submit or not haha.
i looked through the form and i didn't see your url on there. did you sign up using a different url (like a sideblog)? regardless, feel free to fill out the form again and if there are any duplicates we can just fix it on our end on the super fancy lil spreadsheet bex has going on because she's amazing.
can't wait to see what you come up with !
– bia @bloodmv
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buddieau · 2 years
Featured Fic Friday #4
dance, for all that we've been through
61378 words | mature | read on ao3 | by @gayeddiaz
The Los Angeles Ballet’s 2022-2023 season ends with a bang with their fresh take on a ballet staple, Swan Lake. Artistic Director Bobby Nash is in his eighth season with the Los Angeles Ballet, and it has flourished under his direction.
However, his associate, Eddie Diaz, is the one whose reimagining of the choreography has caught our attention...
(or, Eddie Diaz moves to L.A. to restart his dance career, and ends up choreographing a show, finding a family, and falling in love. Not necessarily in that order.)
"The love for ballet shines brightly in this fic, and the characters are true to themselves and familiar to us even in a new setting. As the reader you get dragged from exhilarating heights to dark lows and back up again."
nominate your favourite AUs here!
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buddieau · 2 years
Featured Fic Friday #3
To Fly The Skies
60894 words | explicit | read on ao3 | by @spotsandsocks
Eddie’s grieving and hurt but he finds a new home and then he finds Buck. Slowly things start to get better for him and Christopher.
A story about moving forward from trauma and grief with help from the people you love and who love you back.
Or a story about how life can work out ok even when you don’t expect it to.
"It’s my fic so bit cheeky but I really love my dragonrider versions of buck/Eddie and the team and am pretty proud of it. I’ve had some great feedback from some of the people who’ve read it and would love to get it seen by a few more people maybe see if anyone fancied reading if it they knew it was there!"
nominate your favourite AUs here!
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buddieau · 2 years
Featured Fic Friday #2
32933 words | mature | read on ao3 | by @kitkatpancakestack
After Eddie Diaz has a breakdown in the middle of a grocery store, he's forced to face the fact that he might not be dealing with his PTSD as well as he thought. At the urging of his aunt, he leaves to spend the summer in a small California beach town, where he meets a bright-eyed, blond-haired surf instructor who reminds him what it feels like to be alive.
"Everything about this au is perfect and wonderful. Everyone slips into the universe wonderfully. I laugh and cry every time I read it and there are multiple scenes I think about randomly and just have to stare at the wall for a minute."
nominate your favourite AUs here!
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buddieau · 2 years
an update
Hi guys!
We want to say a massive thank you to everyone for showing so much enthusiasm for our little fic fest! We got way more interest than we bargained for, and since there's only the two of us we had to put a limit on the number of sign-ups to keep things manageable. With that in mind, as of now, sign ups for the fest are closed.
We're so so excited to see the amazing stories that everyone manages to produce. If you didn't get to sign up, don't worry! There's still plenty of ways to get involved. You can nominate your favourite AUs here for featured fic friday! As well as that, we're releasing prompt lists once a month that anyone can write, with no minimum or maximum word count. The first one is themed around high school and college AUs, and you can find it here.
Lastly, once again, we just want to say a massive thank you to you all for showing so much enthusiasm and excitement for this fic fest. It means a lot to us. We'll be in touch with further updates soon.
Happy writing!
Bia (@bloodmv) and Becca (@bibuddie)
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buddieau · 2 years
High School/College AU prompts
Each month leading up to the posting dates, we will be posting a list of AU prompts that anyone can use and post regardless of whether or not you’ve signed up for a fic. No word count minimum and no word count maximum! We can’t wait to see everyone’s fics :)
(Fully inspired by @buddieversion / @thatbuddie monthly prompt lists. We love you Maria.)
These are meant to spark ideas! Feel free to take a prompt and run with it in whatever direction feels right. 
Make sure to tag @buddieau or tag it with #buddie au prompts so we can reblog it here.
HS Prompts:
Promposal – Person A constructs a series of increasingly elaborate attempts to ask person B to prom. Each goes hilariously wrong in their own way.
Person A is the star player on the football team. Person B is on the yearbook staff and has to take pictures of the game. Person A can’t help but flirt with the cute photographer the whole time.
Person A offers to tutor person B, a jock struggling with their science homework. There’s more chemistry than they bargained for.
Person A gets assigned a locker right next to person B the first day of freshman year. We see how their relationship develops through the locker’s POV.
Voted ‘Cutest Couple’ in the yearbook, but they’re not actually together.
Popular x Geek and they’re hiding their relationship because the geek is worried about his popular bf’s reputation, but his popular bf just wants to show him off.
Valentine’s Day secret admirer notes in locker.
Best friends who get paired in health class to take care of a robot baby. 
Enemies to lovers lab partners
Person A tries and tries to convince person B to sign up for their extra-curricular. Person B does, but only because they need it for their college applications.
Person A is the punk loner. Person B is the jock who thinks his eyeliner and lip ring are really fucking cool.
College Prompts:
Person A meets person B during moving into the dorms – they quite literally run into each other. The next day, they end up sitting right next to each other in class. Fate just seems to keep shoving them together.
Roommate AU
Established relationship long distance AU. Person A’s friends don’t believe that Person A actually has a perfect, hot boyfriend because Person B seems too good to be real. 
Get into a debate in class during the first week of school. Sexual tension ensues.
Person A’s best friend runs a blog where they interview people on campus and one day they interview Person B and Person A falls in love with their responses and quick wit (and the picture attached isn’t too bad, either).
Person A only knows person B as the cute barista in the campus coffee shop who always gets their order just right. Until, that is, class rankings come out. Then, all bets are off.
Inspired by the CUT video of straight guys kissing guys for the first time. A mutual friend is doing a social experiment for a project and they rope Person A and B into participating. 
It’s three months before graduation, and person B is rushing to submit their thesis, but they need one more set of interviews to complete it. Enter person A.
Outside POV – neighbor can’t tell if the guys in the next dorm room are really kinky or hate each other
Outsider POV – two college students, a bunsen burner, and one hell of a love story.
Both students are competing for the same postgraduate job. They go toe to toe all the way through the recruitment process, and don’t see how close they get.
we hope this sparks inspo!
happy writing :)
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