#rammstein angst
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karebeast · 10 months ago
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Nothin much to say other than this song sparking an idea xD my friend (@glitch07deity) shared this song with me a while back saying it reminded her of Sainterious (which honestly very accurate, especially since I personally HC his voice as Till's)
I've been tryin to have that spark with this song to draw, was even tempted to animate it, but I'm usually lazy with finishing them, I'm more of a comic artist than really much of an animator. Glitch also helped me out a bit with gettin an idra for the background, so thank you hun!
Edited to fix the font
Lord Sainterious ™ KareBeast
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chris-in-the-headlights · 4 months ago
Do you ever think about how Charles and Erik are the personifications of the difference between “Here comes the sun” and “Hier kommt die Sonne”?
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feuerfreiarchive · 4 months ago
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ANGST (2022) «My two favourite tracks are Lügen and Angst. There’s even autotune in Lügen which is so perfect, because Till is singing about lying - it’s a funny and touching twist. Angst is just a fucking banger!» said Robert Gwisdek to Metal Hammer. When the director got to shoot the video for Angst, he chose to make a video about fear of ‘the other’. The third music video from the Zeit album was shot in March 2022 at Black Box Music. Using mainly black, white, and red, Gwisdek showed the band as six men living peaceful suburban lives until fear caused them to build walls and eventually also attack each other. The video premiered at Rammstein’s exclusive pre-listening event 28 April 2022, one day before the album release. During this event, the entire album was played with accompanying videos, or, for the songs that didn’t have music videos, graphics made specifically for the event. Robert Gwisdek, who directed the Zeit music video as well, grew up in East Germany and listened to Feeling B when he was young. «Since Rammstein started releasing music they’ve basically been omnipresent», he said. «You can’t grow up where I did without knowing Rammstein, though. I’ve always loved the ambiguity with the band, too; you can’t pin them down lyrically or musically because they don’t do one thing. They keep so much back that you can’t help but feel fascinated by this Rammstein machine.» Gwisdek believes the band’s image and behaviour is what makes them unique and successful. «They remain a mystery, however much you want to pigeonhole them. And they have courage where others have none.» 📷: Jens Koch @jenskochphoto, screenshots
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hellyeahskwisgaar · 2 years ago
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Alle haben Angst
old art reupload from my previous ig
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butchstabu · 2 years ago
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angst @ groningen - july 7, 2023
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mrsfitzgerald · 2 years ago
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10.06.23 🥰
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anwiel13 · 2 years ago
You can bet your butt that I will yell huh as loud as possible 😆
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ukulelette · 2 years ago
I'm at Part 8 (chapter 5) of the Coming Back to You series, and I'm having all the Paulchard feels again... This fic is just incredible, I can't recommend it enough 😭💞
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So glad for you that you feel daring enough today to do something out of your comfort zone. As for a second ticket: you always have the option to sell it again.
But a motto I got from a German film is: Wo die Angst ist, da geht's lang 🌻
I like that motto ❤️
seems very fitting for Rammstein ❤️
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22ndcentury · 1 year ago
Chapter 4 is up! It may or may not be angsty as hell. I’m sorry in advance. Please read the warning and tags 💙
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mxdwn · 2 years ago
Rammstein Perform “Angst” For First Time In Lithuania
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rammbles · 2 years ago
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DAY #5: 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨
This one's probably the hardest yet for me, but after some consideration, I'm pretty confident on the one that most appeals to me personally in the greatest number of areas: "Angst."
There's nothing I DON'T like about this video. First, I am a major sucker for grayscale media (photos, videos, drawings, literally anything) that feature only one additional color with sharp contrast, and red is a strong favorite to play this role! Just artistically, I adore it to total bits, but I also very much love the hauntingly accurate political messages within. The cheerleaders are such a great, key part story-wise, having an incredible amount of punch, as does the "friendly neighborhood" of the guys becoming a cold, aggressive, paranoid hell that ultimately ruins them. I REALLY LIKE symbolism, and this one just does it for me, hard.
Also hard as fuck for Till in this b-BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT
previous days:  1.) favorite song  2.) favorite era  3.) favorite single  4.) favorite album
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iamapeacefulpoet · 8 months ago
Rammstein - Angst (Official Video)
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negativer-narzissmus · 1 year ago
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Soweit sind wir also schon gekommen ?!:
Opfer von sexueller oder sexualisierter Gewalt, wie Vergewaltigung, müssen sich nun schon SELBER rechtfertigen 8-O ...und zwar genau vor DEM kranken, psychopathischen, lieblosen Mob, der Vergewaltigungen NICHT mehr für erschreckende, tragische und traurige Verbrechen hält, oder welcher sogar selbst Vergewaltigungen begeht !!! 8-(
Nicht mehr die TÄTER sind die Verbrecher... 8-O ...sondern DIEJENIGEN, die höflich und nett darauf AUFMERKSAM machen wollen, daß sich hier existentielle Grundbedürfnisse NICHT erfüllen !!!
Übelste Sexisten und sexuelle Volksverhetzer werden zu "wertvollen Künstlern" , zu "Lichtgestalten der Liebe" , "hilfreichen Psychotherapeuten" , "segensreichen Seelsorgern" , "verfolgten, unschuldigen Märtyrern" und zu "Errettern der Menschheit" emporgehoben und verklärt !!!
Und der selbstgefällige Zuhälter-Zampano, Porno-Prinz, Puff-Papst, Flätz-Fatzke, Potenz-Potentat, Kiez-König, Rotlicht-Rocker, Bordell-Bonzo & Pimp-Pascha , seine Majonaisthet, TILL, der I. von Berlin, hält feierlichen Einzug in seiner Senf,... äh: Sänfte auf der Reeperbahn, nachts um halb 1 !
Sind RANDSTEIN und Till BlindeWahn am Ende gar nur die Galeonsfiguren für die Einläutung der Endzeit der Menschheit ???
VIEL kann dazu eigentlich eh nicht mehr fehlen ! 8-(
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anwiel13 · 2 years ago
It is even better than I expected 🥹🥹 can't wait to hear it live.
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