#ramayan facts
jeevanjali · 4 months
Hanuman Ji Katha: जानिए हनुमान जी को कैसे मिला चिरंजीवी होने का वरदान? पढ़िए ये दिलचस्प कहानीHanuman ji ki Rochak Kahaniya: हनुमान जी को अंजनी पुत्र, पवन पुत्र, संकट मोचन, राम भक्त, महाबली, बजरंगबली जैसे कई नामों से जाना जाता है। इसके अलावा हनुमानजी को चिरंजीवी भी कहा जाता है।
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nisthadhawani · 2 years
Ramanayan Unknown Facts : एक तोते की वजह से क्यों अलग होना पड़ा माता सीता और श्री राम को , जाने पूरी कहानी
Ramanayan Unknown Facts : एक तोते की वजह से क्यों अलग होना पड़ा माता सीता और श्री राम को , जाने पूरी कहानी
Ramanayan Unknown Facts – हमारे हिन्दू धर्म से जुड़े जितने भी ग्रंथ है उसमे हमेशा ही बुरे कर्मो का फल बुरा ही बताया गया है।  रामायण तो आप सभी ने सुनी एवं देखी होगी। अब रामायण की माता सीता को ही देख लीजिए।  उनके एक कर्म की वजह से उन्हें अपने पति भगवान श्री राम से भी अलग होना पड़ा। इस पूरी घटना का जिक रामायण में भी मिलता है।  आइये आज आपको बताते है कि क्यों एक तोते की वजह से माता सीता और भगवान श्री…
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sitadasi12345 · 1 day
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subhashdagar123 · 2 days
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smnc-global-news · 1 year
Ravan swarg stairs VS science
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mplanetleaf · 1 year
Did Lakshman kill his son-in-law? | లక్ష్మణుడు తన అల్లుడిని చంపాడా?
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comicsbyte · 1 year
Comics Byte Facts - Ram Navami - Ramayan - Amar Chitra Katha
कॉमिक्स बाइट फैक्ट्स - राम नवमी - रामायण - अमर चित्र कथा (Comics Byte Facts - Ram Navami - Ramayan - Amar Chitra Katha)
The Amar Chitra Katha Studio
#ComicsByte #facts #ramayana #RamaNavami #comics
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The Growing Popularity of sitala mata mandir || MahaBharat Relation🙏🏻|| sheetla mata mandir gurgaon
हमारे YouTube चैनल में आपका स्वागत है! इस वीडियो में, हम प्राचीन भारतीय महाकाव्य, महाभारत और गुड़गांव में शीतला माता मंदिर के बीच आकर्षक संबंधों की खोज करेंगे।
मंदिर के आसपास के समृद्ध इतिहास और पौराणिक कथाओं की यात्रा पर हमसे जुड़ें, जो हिंदू देवी शीतला माता को समर्पित है। हम मंदिर की स्थापत्य सुविधाओं, अनुष्ठानों और परंपराओं में तल्लीन होंगे, और सदियों से भक्तों के जीवन में इसकी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका के बारे में जानेंगे।
हम भारतीय साहित्य में सबसे सम्मानित और प्रिय ग्रंथों में से एक, मंदिर और महाभारत के बीच की कड़ी को भी उजागर करेंगे। कहानियों और किंवदंतियों के माध्यम से, हम उन तरीकों की खोज करेंगे जिनसे महाकाव्य ने मंदिर के रीति-रिवाजों और मान्यताओं को प्रभावित किया है।
चाहे आप इतिहास के शौकीन हों, पौराणिक कथाओं के प्रति उत्साही हों, या भारत की सांस्कृतिक विरासत के बारे में उत्सुक हों, यह वीडियो निश्चित रूप से मोहित और ज्ञानवर्धक है। तो वापस बैठें, आराम करें, और महाभारत संबंध शीतला माता मंदिर गुड़गांव की हमारी खोज का आनंद लें।
Welcome to our YouTube channel! In this video, we'll be exploring the fascinating relationship between the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, and the Sheetla Mata Mandir in Gurgaon.
Join us on a journey through the rich history and mythology surrounding the temple, which is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Sheetla Mata. We'll delve into the temple's architectural features, rituals, and traditions, and learn about the important role it has played in the lives of devotees for centuries.
We'll also uncover the links between the temple and the Mahabharata, one of the most revered and beloved texts in Indian literature. Through stories and legends, we'll discover the ways in which the epic has influenced the temple's customs and beliefs.
Whether you're a history buff, a mythology enthusiast, or simply curious about the cultural heritage of India, this video is sure to fascinate and enlighten. So sit back, relax, and enjoy our exploration of the Mahabharat Relation Sheetla Mata Mandir Gurgaon.
Video Covered:- sheetla mata mandir gurgaon, sheetla mata mandir, sheetla mata gurgaon, sheetla mata, sheetla mata mandir gurgaon history in hindi, sheetla mata ki kahani, sheetla mata mandir gurgaon mundan, seetla mata mandir gudgaon, sheetla mata bhajan, shitla mata mandir, gurgaon mata mandir sheetla mata ka mandir gurgaon, sheetla mata mandir gurgaon timings, sheetla mata mandir gurgaon live darshan, seetla mata mandir gurugram, sheetla mata mandir gurgaon nearest metro station
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nipsyyy · 29 days
I hate how patriarchy has even ruined Hindu mythology so specifically to benefit the men.The casual jokes on family WhatsApp groups about how Mahabharat and Ramayan, the worst wars of all time, were fought because of a woman and how women bring ruin everywhere they go,as if they are the root cause of all suffering. Where in fact the women were LITERALLY the victims, one was publicly humiliated, the other kidnapped.The men have misinterpreted the stories so badly that it physically pains me, god went to war not because of women, they went to war FOR them.Because what happened to the women was WRONG,they weren’t to blame, the ones who wronged them were.
I also see a major polarisation in how a huge section of Hindus treat Sita and Draupadi, and it reminds me of the quote “a woman has to do everything right for her to be a victim and a man has to do everything wrong for him to be a culprit.”It breaks my heart at the number of times I’ve heard men say “well Draupadi shouldn’t have disrespected him,aise toh hona hi tha na fir”,first and foremost,that’s an inaccurate narrative promoted by wrong retellings who need to constantly find a reason to blame the victim,she did no such thing and you can find pretty much evidence for it everywhere.But even if she had, it does NOT make it okay for them to publicly disrobe her.This is one more example of the victim blaming culture that I see deep ingrained in the minds of so many of these dumbfuck Hindus who have absolutely no respect for their culture.So next time don’t go to ram mandirs and krishna mandirs if you can’t even truly understand and respect the relevance behind their existence.
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shut-up-rabert · 2 years
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This makes me so so soooo fucking angry I can’t be tamed. These people will fall to any level to make my religion look bad. Fucking shameless.
Now that some of my anger is out, lets get into this:
Shree Laxmi wasn’t given to gods, she isn’t a goddamn cattle animal like Kamdhenu, and the demons and gods respected her wishes as a supposed human being to choose either side. She chose devas, not because she was partial against the asuras, but because a) she’s the universal mother, she knows everything that goes on, including which side has bad intentions and which one will use her powers for the good, and b) she chose to be with her eternal Lover/Husband Shree Narayan, and since he was on the deva’s side (aka the good side), she was with them by default.
The fact that literal demons had more respect for her than our secular writer over here, *sigh*
The elixer was given to gods because it was to restore their powers? Like, you know, the ones that were taken away from them? Why the frick would the lord allow Demons to have elixir when he knows they don’t have any good intents? They are literally evil, and protecting against evil is like god’s whole job ffs🤦🏻‍♀️
Literally no one in Mahabharata except Shree Krishna is purely good, get that through your fucking thick skulls. That’s the entire point, you learn what you do from Ramayan and what not to do from Mahabharat. And the Hidamba Mata’s (aka the Danvi whose name you didn’t bother researching, great work 👍🏼) backstory is never discussed in detail, neither is Ghatotkach. For all you know, the pregnancy could have been hidden from him, atleast that’s what their first meeting shows. So if you plan on demonising sex, you proved no motive here.
“Ohh, Ravan never did anything wrong, bas kidnap hi to kiya tha akeli nari ka.” Is such a sad argument tbh, y’all literally see no issue with kidnapping and terrifying a women over your own sister’s lose character? What a shame. “He never touched her.” Social distancing se kidnap kiya tha kya bhenchod? He never touched her sexually you mean, not because he was a saint of a man, but because he was a verified rapist with a blue check. He had raped his own to be niece in law and was cursed by his nephew that raping another woman would lead to his death. He literally threatened to cook Devi Sita and eat her up if she didn’t submit. Another reason he didn’t touch her was because if he had touched her, It would be Jankiayan instead of Ramayan because she would fucking kill him before you all can blink.
“He humiliated her on more than one occasion” is a very sneaky way to say two occasions so that the number can be inflated, eh?
The first occasion: Calling her names so that she will submit herself to agni out of spite and emerge unharmed, which literally everyone condemned, including the loyal brother Lakshman who rebelled against his own brother (for whose wake he would pick up a sword against everyone , mind you) because he dared disrespect a woman like Maa Sita, and even Hanumanji who’s Shri Ram’s biggest, and I mean biggest devotee. Literally no one stood by Sita’s humiliation, and it was later revealed by Shri Ram that the act was staged by the him so that she can have an excuse to perform agni pravesh so that no lecherous person would dare point a finger at her in future. Even the shlokas say he did it so that no one would suspect his wife’s character. And before you say Shri Ram was “saving face”, one of his plus points as mentioned is that he doesn’t lie throughout the entire story, so think again. Y’all really think he spent the entire story worrying for her safety only to insult her in the end?
You think Seeta would have anyone humiliate her once and give them a chance for a second humiliation? Ohhh you dead wrong!
Second occasion: Shree Raghuvar sending Maa Sita to exile, which is a very infamously known interpolation denounced by many. So he only “insulted” her once and that too in a staged act. One of the shlokas he uses to coax his peers after agni pariksha is that a woman like her can never be denounced by him, and like I said, he never lies, sooo…… :P
Shree Ram decietfully killed Bali because Bali was a foe who could not be fought face to face? Do you even Know the story of Bali? Do you know he was such a bad guy he literally took his brother’s wife like she was property? Ugh, I can’t.
Guru Drona didn’t accept Eklavya not because he was “Tribal”, but because he had promised his loyalty to the Bharatvansh Clan. Had even Shree Krishna gone to him asking for training, he would have refused. Eklavya’s tribal background was never discussed in this context.
(Also sidenote to my followers but isn’t it funny how despite Eklavya having to lose his thumb Guru Drona’s boon to Arjun wasn’t fulfilled because he still couldn’t surpass Bhagwaan Ramchandra as the greatest bowman? Khaya piya kuchh nahi, paap sar chadhaya barah aana XD)
I mean, God really out to set a limit to hypocrisy now because the more I see these people the more I disagree with Modiji ki Hypocrisy ki seema hai. Agar hai bhi to ye namune kaise long jump krke laanhg rhe h unhe, oof.
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jeevanjali · 9 months
Hanuman Ji Katha: हनु���ानजी को किसने दिया था चिरंजीवी रहने का वरदान?जानिए इससे जुड़ी रोचक कथा Hanuman ji ki Rochak Kahaniya: हनुमान जी को अंजनी पुत्र, पवन पुत्र, संकट मोचन, राम भक्त, महाबली, बजरंगबली जैसे अनेक नामों से जाना जाता है। साथ ही हनुमानजी को चिरंजीवी भी कहा जाता है। चिरंजीवी यानी
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5602
Jalsa, Mumbai                June 19/20,  2023                  Mon/Tue 12:40 AM
🪔 .. June 20 .. birthday happiness to Ef Arshad Khan .. Ef Nouna from Egypt .. and Ef JANAK Agarwal ..
And .. to Ef Anjali .. greetings for your 21st Marriage Anniversary on June 20 .. love and togetherness ..
My affection for all the wonder days of the Ef above .. and my greetings to all .. a joy and ever a pleasure to get an opportunity to wish and greet .. assisted ably by the CALENDAR .. and the assiduous efforts of the Ef that send in , with great dexterity, the reminder to me for the wishes .. some that even I do not have on my calendar .. so I follow the Ef .. as must I should .. !
BUT ..
A request .. 
The informed Ef , that informs also through their kindness, gives me details of not just birthdays but several other events in the lives of the Ef .. which is a delight .. however, now the Ef ask for some challenging requests to be put up on the Blog .. 
Remember ..
My effort to wish is from my heart .. a desire .. not a routine .. so .. some ask for other days that are of importance to the Ef to be put up as well .. and some, rather odd ones as well - which I do not wish to make public here .. 
Your demand may be legitimate .. but my reason is not governed by legitimacy .. it is governed entirely by heart .. please do not guide my heart for you .. if and when it comes and I get appreciation , fine .. but I do not seek appreciation .. I do not seek anything .. when I started , did any know that this aspect shall also be a part of the Blog .. ? it was a feel .. a wish of some genuineness from within .. do not give it a nomenclature of a drafted legal document .. and a demand .. !!
And as I write these expressions to you .. I open quite unknowingly the book that lies beside me - a collection of letters written by Babuji , to one who has printed them .. and I find remarkably the very first page I open , quite coincidentally , replies and responses from Babuji to the printer of the book, matter, that is so very close to what I have just written and mentioned above on wishes and writings on the Blog .. 
Let me elaborate on it .. 
His letter responses  :
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the letter writer asked him  ..  Othello, a great play of Shakespeare .. how do you write it, why do you write it .. and Babuji responded by saying 
how do you write ? I write just the way I write this letter  !
why do I write ? the reason why I write this letter  ..
if someone asks me something , then I write to reply to him .. the person that asks me may be or could be, just in my mind .. there are questions from those other than that .. those from out of this , outside .. the rest of the news is quite ordinary .. with love .. Bachchan 
Haha .. just too smart a response .. 🤣
Next :
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the letter writer, asked Babuji in his letter to him about ‘why’ was , or ‘how’ was the Tulsidas Ramayan written  .. to which Babuji replied ..
the one that writes intelligent, to show his dexterity in difficult words, impressive words and expressions, gives evidence of the fact that his mind is not entirely clear  .. ‘why’ did Tulsidas write the  Ramayan, ‘how’ was it written, could be the ‘study or intelligent required knowledge’ , the intelligentsia, of some limited critics .. most of the people know that Tulsidas wrote the Ramayan .. when ‘what’ has no component, no element, then to beat the drums of ‘why’ and ‘how’ does not give any meaning of any relevance  !!  
hahah .. touché
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the writer of the letter asked Babuji in his letter .. why don’t you write your autobiography .. to which Babuji replied .. 
I write poetry, have written hundreds of them and keep writing .. I have written in my work job as Officer on Special Duty, in the Ministry of External Affairs, all the official Government documents translated by me .. I have written my thesis on WB Yates in English .. I have translated Shakespeare in the language and graph of the bard, in spoken Hindi .. I have translated Russian Poets , and several other prominent language works .. I have written the Gita in the language and graph of the Tulsidas Ramayan .. now you ask me to write my biography .. so a couplet  in Urdu .. 
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should I indulge in love , or indulge in remembering khuda, God Almighty ; in this limited life of mine what all should I do O ! Almighty .. 
or words to that effect .. the exact meaning is very difficult to translate .. translations are never pure .. 
SO .. to come to the point in giving you these examples from Babuji  .. I work so much in different fields of creativity .. I do adverts .. I do stage shows .. I do recitations .. I do music and voice overs .. I do son e lumiere of various architectural wonders of India .. I do so much more in fields I do not wish to mention .. 
in replying or mentioning the Ef requests ..
my love as ever ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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Saarnam Mantra: By chanting this mantra, the devotee takes one step further towards attaining salvation.
To know more, watch the video Asli Ramayan Saar on Factful Debates Youtube Channel.
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subhashdagar123 · 2 days
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h0bg0blin-meat · 1 month
hello, I’m kind of curious in Hinduism, I hope you don’t mind me asking like that here. Do you know anything about Aruna being able to take a female form and getting with Indra and Surya? Wiki sources it is as “according to Indian folk tales”. Does it mean it’s not ‘canon’ to religious scripts?
Hellooo. Dw I don't mind the question at all. In fact it's quite interesting because as far as I remember this story wasn't mentioned in the original Valmiki Ramayan BUTTTT as Wiki says it is one of the most famous folklores when it comes to explaining the birth of Bali and Sugriv, who, according to this very folklore, are born of Arun(i) and Surya.
Further it also adds additional plot as to how they were human-like but got turned into vanars cuz I think there were one or two more kids (from Indra and Aruna) apart from Bali and Sugriv, and they were all given to Ahalya who took great care of em. But Gautam was pissed for some reason and turned them into vanars. Later on when Indra went over to Ahalya to see his kids she told him everything and then the story goes on (I forgot the rest lol)
So yeah although this isn't (if my memory recalls) a part of the original epic, it is pretty much considered as canon by people atp (at least from what I can see from the major Hinduism sites on Google). But correct me if I'm wrong.
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mplanetleaf · 1 year
Facts of Ramayana | సీతమ్మ రాముడికి చెప్పిన మహర్షి కథ | MPL
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