#ramandu's daughter ( lilliandil )
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fairmerthefarmer · 5 months ago
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“She had been a great lady, wise and gracious and happy, King Caspian's bride whom he had brought home from the eastern end of the world. And men said that the blood of the stars flowed in her veins.” - the silver chair, c.s. Lewis
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principes · 2 years ago
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𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒂, 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑨𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒏!
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bcbliophile · 9 months ago
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"We thought it was going that way from the very start of the first season. Neil Jordan, the creator of the show, denied it from the beginning but we were like "it's all over your writing man." It's in every single line, every single scene: these two are definitely in love with each other. So to me it's really a love story. It came as a natural progression I would say. I didn't judge the characters, it seemed very natural actually." — FRANÇOIS ARNAUD
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amalthiaph · 1 year ago
To be honest, I actually had a crush on both Edmund and Prince Caspian.
And I don't care if it's 1:35 am now, I'm gonna go longer:
As a kid, I really liked the change they made with the ending of Prince Caspian; the whole Caspian and Susan ship. It's one of my earliest OTPs. Then a few years later, I realized how problematic that change was because of the existence of Ramandu's Daughter (or Lilliandil in the movie) and her role in the story.
Okay, I still ship them but I headcannon that in the movie adaptation, let's say they did go as far as doing all of the books, the Caspian x Susan thing is one of the reasons for Susan's loss of faith. I headcannon that the whole thing scarred her: imagine getting used to England then getting back to Narnia and hating it, then meeting Caspian, and suddenly, being Narnia is somehow enjoyable for her again, then being told that you are to never return again. I think that would turn anyone bitter.
Anyway, shut up, Amalthia and go to bed.
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nothinggold13 · 2 years ago
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“I have known love before, I thought it would no more, Take on a new direction...”
I’ve Been Waiting For You // ABBA [Mamma Mia 2 Version]
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lenoreamidala · 3 years ago
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evokes imagery of the sea of lilies
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mamm00rin · 10 months ago
- the horse and his boy has a FUN STORY IDGAF!!! (Other than the whole… uh… racism part….. cause what the hell)
- aravis is a raging lesbian cause what was that whole thing with lazarlene about?! Hello?? I was so sad she didn’t invite or like idk save lazarlene and marry her in the end 😭😭😭
- completely interpreted Aslan tearing her back up as some sort of gay punishment or something (“it’s because she drugged her maids and they got tortured and punished for it” yes it is AND because Aslan is a homophobe!!!)
- gay ass “he was tongue-tied speaking to a king” line
- Caspian 🏳️‍🌈
- Caspian is a gazillion times more interesting in the book as a dumb little dear in headlights than a rival to Peter, he’s clearly infatuated with the man
- in the movie, I interpret that line of “when I’m older I’ll understand” by Lucy to be hinting at her crush on Caspian in the next movie (horrible plot decision truly)
- when Edmund says “I’m older and I don’t want to understand” I see this as foreshadowing of his pretty much being forced into a whirlwind romance with Caspian (delusional), forced to understand himself (LOL!!!)
- not a fan, never been a fan of Susan and caspian in the movies nor the books (they don’t even interact in the book which is a shame!)
- I just think it would be more interesting if Caspian was part narnian or trans, something to set him apart from the pevensies
- movie infinitely gayer boys? Significantly toned down lesbians? oh my god
- Lucy had a crush on her friend, that’s why she was so hurt and clings to her lololol she’s such a lesbian
- book has its moments!!
- another exhibit in my “Caspian is gay” agenda, him pretty much not interested in women the entire time until he meets a FUCKING FALLEN STAR GIRL… She’s literally enchanting all of them 😭
- not sure what Lilliandil is supposed to symbolize biblically other than the child of Lucifer (Ramandu is very… Lucifer coded? Trying to get in the good graces of god by marrying his daughter off to the “King David” of the story much?) And a wrong and dishonest decision/test on Caspian because of the events of the next book?
- so many thoughts on the “dark island” being hell! It’s just an infinite feast every day! Why is Cain’s Edmund’s knife that killed Aslan there hm?
- caspian is such a doomed character, from being raised by a tyrant and of multiple generations of tyrant’s blood, he pays with the punishment of losing his wife and child to another temptress (lots of temptresses in the story lmao… gotta be some sort of gay allegory)
- Caspian should have been in an even worse condition when they came back!! For the funnies!
- is this unpopular? JILL IS BLACK ! SHE IS NOT!!! A WHITE GIRL WITH BLONDE HAIR AGAIN ☹️☹️☹️ CS LEWIS TRY TO MAKE A DIFFERENT CHARACTER CHALLENGE!!, no but she’s black, I never and will never see her as some white girl.
- idk what some people are on about of “cant wait to see eustace as a badass in the next movie!” From TVOTDW movie cause he’s not really even a badass here 😭 he just suffers but this time with the bestie! The duo even does everything wrong here!
- that bird evil devil Aslan’s design goes hard
Give me your unpopular Chronicles of Narnia opinions!
I'll go first, I actually liked The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie better than the book. Also, Caspian in the books has the personality of a sack of potatoes. Movie Caspian is interesting personality wise, but book Caspian is really boring for the most part.
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lucent-knight · 4 years ago
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The chronicles of Narnia : Lilliandil | Noor
Queen of Narnia and daughter of the star
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solstce · 4 years ago
wear your heart on your sleeve
by statuesquue for embraidery, goldenretrievers46
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia - All Media Types
Relationships: Susan Pevensie/Ramandu's Daughter | Liliandil, Lucy Pevensie & Susan Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie & Susan Pevensie, Peter Pevensie & Susan Pevensie
Characters: Susan Pevensie, Ramandu’s Daughter | Liliandil
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Fashion & Models, designer au, Dress shop AU, Friends to Lovers, they're soft okay
Language: English
Susan's been in love with Liliandil for literal years. She knows there's no chance of Liliandil liking her back.
But when Liliandil invites her to a gala, she can't turn the offer down, even if nothing will happen...
The bell jingles, and Susan feels a gust of wind enter the shop, no doubt ruffling the carefully arranged gowns. Inwardly, she curses.
“Hi, welcome to Radiance Designs, how may I help you?” The practiced words fall effortlessly from Susan’s lips, her fingers rapidly typing up the beginning of her essay. College was such a bitch .
“Su, look up from your work for one goddamn second,” a familiar voice says exasperatedly. Startled, Susan finishes her sentence and looks up.
“Lili!” She crows, abandoning her post behind the desk to hug her best friend of six years, Liliandil.
The other girl returns the hug with warmth. “It’s good to see you too.”
Susan releases her friend, and, standing back, looks her over.
Fuck, she looks stunning. As per usual.
“You’re taller,” she complains finally, hands on hips. “Now I’m the short one.”
Liliandil chuckles. “Which is precisely why I’m here.”
Keep reading
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fairmerthefarmer · 9 months ago
Hmmmm something something Lilliandils the stars/moon or something Caspians the sun and their son Rillian being trapped underground for ten years without ever seeing the sky.
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luucypevensie · 7 months ago
Hi there! I’m so sorry that you’re getting rude anons and from what I’ve seen, your poly OCs sound pretty dang awesome! Don’t let the haters get you down! 😊
Now, I would like to introduce one of my Narnia OCs, Allison Lewis
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She’s in a poly relationship with Peter Pevensie and Lilliandil (daughter of the star Ramandu)
Allison meets Peter first at Aslan’s Camp in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
She’s trying not to lose herself to panic because her younger brother, Isaac, had been captured by The White Witch alongside Edmund
As a result, she might’ve… made a not so great first impression on him
However, their bond began to strengthen over being the oldest siblings and trying to find their paths in life
By the time of the Pevensies’ coronation, the loyalty and love between them knows no bounds
They meet Lilliandil during the Golden Age and it’s like a missing piece Peter and Allison didn’t know was missing slotted into place
Lilliandil is the calm to their emotional storm
The three of them talked about anything and everything from Allison’s witchy powers over water and the fears Peter has about ruling
No one knew about the three of them until it accidentally came out in Voyage of the Dawn Treader by Lilliandil, causing Isaac and Skye (the youngest of the Lewis siblings) to completely lose their minds
Dates included meeting Lilliandil on Ramandu’s Island and she would tell Peter and Allison stories of the stars in the night sky while they in return would tell her about Cair Paravel and the adventures they have taken with both sets of siblings
The pain they all felt when Peter and Allison were sent back to their worlds for good was nothing short of agony
So, some anons are coming back with their bullshit... I don't have the energy and the time to host a giveaway like I wanted to but I still wanna give some love so...
You! I want to know everything about your poly ocs! Reblog this post with some infos about your babies and their relationship! (Can be even more than one, I just wanna know everything about your ocs!) 💚
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tiriansjewel · 4 years ago
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@narnianetwork voyage 18: modern au
•soft vintage susan and lilliandil as lovers•
“I have loved the stars, and I have loved her, and I’m sorry Universe, but you do not compare. She has all the galaxies inside her.”
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lasaraleen · 6 years ago
Please Stop Hating On Lilliandil/Ramandu’s Daughter Because Caspian Fell In Love With Her. She Didn’t ‘Steal’ Caspian From Susan, She Never Even KNEW Susan. Susan And Her Would Love Each Other.
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calormen · 6 years ago
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                 she held the blood of a great star in her veins , the galaxies danced in her hair , in her skin . the narnians looked upon her as she declared her name lilliandil , and she was known as the beloved .
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principes · 2 years ago
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When he had brought her back to Narnia, his advisors had been quickly charmed by her beauty, they had been thrilled that at last their king was settling down.
And now, all these months later, Caspian was finding that he preferred Lilliandil's company above all others. A part of him would carry Queen Susan the Gentle with him always, but it seemed as though Ramandu's daughter had captured the young king's heart.
"Perhaps, I realized that I don't tell you enough just how wonderful you are."
❝ you’ve become my joy. ❞ (from Caspian for Lilliandil)
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The star blinked up at Caspian for a moment, unsure if she had heard him right, but not a second later a smile broke out on her face, bright and warm. "You're my joy too" Lilliandil replied, taking his hand between her own, bringing it to her lips to place a small kiss there. Her time with him had been the happiest she had ever known and she prayed that it would never, ever have to end. "What brought this on all of a sudden?"
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quecksilvereyes · 6 years ago
Tirian: on the white night sky
The sky has been white, lately, dotted with black spots where the world hasn’t grown too tight for it, too narrow to hold all this light. The sun hangs slow and sluggish half submerged in the sea, and it tints the world lilac and red and pink as another sibling is born and takes up black space with its gleam, young and new and eager to grow.
When I was a child, I’d count the stars in the night sky, follow the constellations above me and on my skin. I wonder, if I could still count each of them, paint their light on my tight skin; cracked and dying with all this weight on it. I wonder if there would be colours: red giants and their blazing fire, white dwarfs and their cooling gleam, red dwarfs and the orange youth sprouting from them. I wonder, sometimes, what they see when they look down on us, with their hushed voices, barely enough space to move their heads, barely enough life to see how this world unfolds.
I wonder how much longer our lives keep ticking until they all fall down from the heavens as it crumbles underneath their too-heavy too-bright lights. I wonder how many of them will be new, and breathless – how many of them haven’t known a sky wherein they can dance, a sky that is black, or blue with the lack of them. I wonder how many of our people are the same.
There is a star-queen, buried in Narnian soil, a star’s daughter, a king’s wife, and her grave has been disintegrating, slowly. I wonder how much longer it is until they will find her, a fallen star of molten, still glowing rock, in a crater much bigger than the grave her husband dug with his own hands for the friend he’d lost.
You see, I wonder how much longer this world will last until the last of this black has been filled and our Narnia dies, at last.
(the headcanon of stars and their descendants having the constellations on their skin is @calormen‘s)
If you enjoy my writing, consider buying me a coffee <3
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