#raizo reactions
gildedmuse · 11 months
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As horrible as it is my main thought during this scene was just, God...
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I can't believe Law missed all this.
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[I did love them getting weaker as the physical representation of just SAYING NIN burned away, as if it is honestly centeral to ninja magic. It's so over dramatic and meaningful and utterly ridiculous and freaking dark as hell the more you think about it... Oh my god.... You guys, this is just Law turned into a ninja scene.....]
The boy only has like two areas of his life where you can still see traces of the innocent joy of childhood: Sora and Ninjas. Now, two of them are facing off by trying to out badass pose one another, ninjutsu vs ninjutsu. But Raizo stood his place and watched as a man he'd once worked beside burned, burned, burned until the pain was too great and he wanted the fire to take him.
Law would have LOVED it.
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Aaaaand the maniacal magic of childhood is over.
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Nope, they're all with Mugiwara-ya, he doesn't know any of these idiots. He only even showed up to stab an old lady through the chest, okay!?
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everykawamatsu · 2 years
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Absolutely iconic
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The pure angry horror on his face, I love him
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botd-if · 1 year
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Depending on your background, she is either your sister or the ward of the Shigemura clan. Shy and soft-spoken, she often struggles to express herself and prefers to keep to herself. She enjoys carp feeding in the estate’s garden. She is quite a lonely soul.
An orphaned hot headed Oni who was rescued by the head of the Furihara clan. A short tempered and impulsive boy who can’t be tamed. He is assigned to be Fuyumi’s playmate and bodyguard, he is quite attached and very protective of the young Yuki onna.
Rescued as a young child from a life of poverty. A sly fox who likes to play tricks and enjoys getting reactions. Akira possesses an uncanny knowledge, often aware of things before they unfold.
A friendly and endearing Inugami boy, who happens to be the younger brother of your trusted right-hand man. With a naive and happy-go-lucky demeanor, he exudes a contagious positivity and genuine desire for the well-being of others.
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fallensnowfan · 2 years
My favorite One Piece chapters of 2022. 1036-1070 released during the year.
1036 - Bushido is the Way of Death: First, that title is cool as hell and perfect for a chapter which focuses on contrasting the negative side of the resolve of the samurai against Usopp's survival instincts. Whitebeard division commander, retainer of Oden, and Kiku's older brother Izo arrives and acknowledges God Usopp before the two say some meaningful words about the samurai's way of life. My second favorite scene of the Raid.
1041 - Komurasaki: Raizo brushes off the heat of the fire, calling it nothing, and outlasts Fukurokuju. Orochi is trapped under the rubble and Hiyori reveals her identity. An injured Izo makes his stand and dunks on the cp0 agents, killing one and heavily injuring another. Usopp continues his brave rescue of Kin and Kiku. That panel of Luffy rushing Kaido is raw as hell.
1043 - Let's Face Death Together!!! Nami standing up to Kaido and him respecting her for it, I love it so much, this is the chapter where Nami cemented herself as my favorite character in One Piece.
1044 - Warrior of Liberation: Hiyori catharsis. Gear 5 Luffy humiliates Kaido, that cowardly liar, with cartoon physics-driven attacks. Great payback for him making Oden dance for all those years.
1046 - Raizo: Raizo and Jinbei teaming up to put out the flames of Onigashima castle is great. Raizo's having the water stored, his reason of wanting to prevent a similar disaster to Oden Castle being burned from happening again, shown in a short flashback on Zou, is a perfect motivation for someone who has been through what he has.
1048-1050 - Twenty Years, The World That Should Be, and Honor feel like one long chapter: Kaido is defeated and Orochi's final head is severed. I love the volcanic eruption as a send off to their tyranny. Toko changing the message on her lantern to thank her dad, ahhh she is so brave. I very much got teary eyed over that. The flashback showing a bit more about Toki struggling to send everyone to the future/part from her kids, just heartbreaking. She's so strong-willed and I see where Kiku and Hiyori got their own bravery, kindness, patience, and resilience from.
1051 - Shogun of Wano Country, Kozuki Momonosuke: Seeing the Akazaya, Shinobu, and Hiyori lined up is incredible after everything they've all been through, I was in awe while reading. Love Kin'emon being proud of Momo. Kin definitely wrote his speech, Denjiro probably helped.
1052 - A New Morning: Kiku being happy in the women's bath, Nami having accepted her request, is a very sweet interaction. Who has a bigger bust size? Zoro or Yamato?
1053 - New Emperors: The party is in full swing! I'm very much looking forward to the anime adaptation of these end of arc chapters.
1055 - The New Era: The Akazaya, Momo and Yamato working to defend the Capital/Luffy is awesome. Why was Kiku absent though? The Old Wano reveal is perfect. Wano's mainland is one of my favorite settings in fiction and the fact that there was still more to show in the final chapters of the arc is mondo cool.
1056 - Cross Guild: Samurai family being cute and having down time. Love Kin being a huge simp for Tsuru and everyone's differing reactions to it.
1061 - Future Island Egghead: My favorite new character of the arc, Hibari, is introduced. She's got a goofy and expressive face and her connection to Koby is fun. A simple reason for liking the chapter but it's mine. Drake where u at?
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onepeas · 2 years
No thoughts just reactions
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The future face of kingship <3
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Love a guy who loves his wife. Also Raizo…oh no….
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Love this. U want that weapon of mass destruction boss? Nah. Of course they would get it for him. Of course he doesn’t want it.
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SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💕💝💖🥺💕💕
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I fucking forgot abt this dude what the hell
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Teehee 🤭 all of their interactions
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😭oooooh god please let him on the boat I’m not ready to see him go
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larkreadsop · 1 year
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The contrast in their reactions is interesting because you’ve got Kiku and Raizo openly sad (Kiku was even crying while attacking Kanjuro) but Kin’emon’s just...angry, like that’s overtaken any sort of emotional attachment he might have still felt for the years Kanjuro spent with them and all that’s left is rage at his betrayal.
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nalutail05 · 1 year
Noted: Short story, betrayal, pain, blood shattered, wicked, hatred, and won't be in the AFR book.
It's already in the middle of the night when all of a sudden the castle where the twelve sinister and queen Narissa stay explodes on both sides. Few of the sinister was able to get out of the castle but with injuries around their body.
"Is everyone alright?" Netanel inquired about his teams.
"Yeah, we are fine." Fiori answered as Luna gazed around.
"Charlotte, Ivy and Claude are not here." Luna told everyone as they all gazed in their area.
"What!? Where did those three go?" Magnus shouted. Then everyone heard footsteps sound, coming in their direction.
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The person is wearing a purple dress, black hat, and black heels with a gun in her right hand. When the sinister meets the eye of the person, they soon released it as their queen daughter; Marianna Wolford.
"Marianna?!" Liam stuttered out. Jackson gazed carefully at Marianna and saw she doesn't have any injury.
"Marianna, you are not hurt."
"thank goddess." Luna sigh in relief.
"Yes, I am not hurt but disappointed." Everyone flinched and turned to the girl in shock as she said that. "I was hoping that explosion, would take you all to death but so it seems it didn't."
"M-Marianna... W-what are you talking about? Did you... plan that bomb in the castle... To kill us?!" Victoria stuttered as trembling.
"WHY!!?? Why did you do that!?" Kiyoko yelled at her as Marianna stared at them with empty and wicked.
"Why? You ask, huh... Easy, you guys are a fool, weak, and reckless. And so~ easy to be played with." Marianna grins at them as they all started in rage.
"You... You are a monster! We trusted you!!" Miyamoru shouted at the top of his lungs.
"And that is why you are weak. You trusted me so easily without even knowing what I am capable of." Marianna stated as she sounds like a villain. "You poor innocent souls, being blinded by my kindness, caring heart, and from our friends and gf and bf made you all so fragile. It's too bad, this will be our very last meeting."
"W-wha... Are you--" Before Liam could complete her sentence a three knives fly towards her back. As she let out blood and then fall to the ground everyone's attention changed.
"LIAM!!!" They shouted as Jackson quickly go to Liam, the others turned to the person who throw the knives.
"Eh~!? What's with those faces?" The person who throw the knives appeared in the light and it was one of the members of eclipse sinister. No. 5 Krel.
"Krel!! You little" Magnus clicked his tongue.
"You are also a part of this, Krel!" Netanel inquires him as Krel let out a wicked chuckle.
"Princess Marianna, me and the other eclipse sinister, of course."
"You... You all are in this!" Raizo stuttered.
"Where?... Where are Ivy, Charlotte, and Claude? What did you do to them?" Kai shouted.
"Oh? Do you mean these three?" A female voice appeared as she throw three heads toward the group. It was the heads of Ivy, Charlotte, and Claude.
"Ahhhhh!!!" Victoria screamed as she moved away from the heads. The girl who throw the heads laughed at the reaction of Victoria.
"hahaha!!! You look so funny, with that reaction and so good." It was Maze the no. 12 of the eclipse sinister.
Victoria trembled so badly as her trauma slowly came back to her, "P-please... Stop... T-this is... Not right." Then someone grabbed her hair and pulled it up hard.
"Huh, we do what we want to do." Victoria turned to see no. 2 eclipse sinister Chihiro. "Hmmm... Poor you... Why won't you just surrender? Or just die." Pulled her hair a bit hard causing Victoria pain and screaming.
"Chihiro, stop it! Now!" Fiori stands up and runs to Chihiro, yet before he could go close to them. Another girl falls from the sky and kicks Fiori away caused him to fly to the tree.
"Nice kick, Milan," Chihiro said as the girl curtsy to Chihiro.
"Tsh." Fiori cough blood as he stand up but a string was rap around his neck; stopping him from taking another step.
"Alright, that's enough playing around!" Marianna spoke with a cold tone, "Let's end this, and get moving." With that said all of the eclipse sinister appears in the scene and go to attack one-on-one to the twelve sinister.
The moment Marianna opened her eyes, all of the twelve sinister are bleeding to death and on their last breathe.
"Seems there's nothing more here. Shall we go? Princess...or should I say Queen Marianna" Alvertos said as he kicks on Kai's bloody body to the side.
"Hmmm~ yes, we should go," Marianna said sitting on the side with her mother's head on her hands. Her eyes glow green with evil and power, "This place is nothing more than a dirty castle. Filled with the blood of these people." Throw the head to the side as she stood. "Let's blow up this popsicle stand."
The eclipse sinister smirked as Marianna turned to the castle before snapping her finger soon the palace explode into pieces.
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Song after eclipse sinister & Marianna betrayed everyone. 00:28 - 01:13
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wurm-food · 1 year
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I am thoroughly enjoying Denjiro being added to the mix, he's fun. Also, Raizo's facial reactions are some of my favorites in the Akazaya Nine lkjhasdjfn
One Piece - #977
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purplehairedwonder · 2 years
Chapter 1041: Spoilers, sweetie
First things first: I am here for Pudding punching Sanji’s brothers. Atta girl.
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I’m not typically one to theorize on the lore of the series, mostly because it’s still so vague that I’m satisfied with letting that part of the story play out, but I have to wonder if we’re getting some hints that Momo is Joyboy. He can talk to Zunesha and then we get this panel:
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That would be an interesting twist.
Also, it seems that Oden was anti-spoilers, tearing out the most important pages of his journal.
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I see on Reddit people thinking that the fact that these pages are gone from the journal are a point in favor of Yamato joining the Straw Hats since she wouldn’t be bringing those spoilers to the crew (and we know how Luffy feels about spoilers). However, Yamato’s reaction to Momo’s worry made me think the opposite:
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This expression Yamato makes me think that, along with having the Devil Fruit of the guardian deity of Wano, she might stay in Wano to help Momo rebuild and open the country.
Then we get Raizo being officially declared the victor in the ninja battle of the century. But what preparations is he talking about? 
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And could this be where Denjiro has been all this time? I assumed he was with Hiyori, but if that were the case, I would have expected to see him in this chapter.
My favorite part of the chapter is, of course, Hiyori, making her move on Orochi. Fuck him up, queen!
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It’s fitting that Hiyori wears her mask here because she spent twenty years wearing a mask as she hid behind the identity of Komurasaki, who, when we first met her, was portrayed as an aloof, greedy, and treacherous woman. But the one she was truly manipulating was Orochi. And she’s been biding her time for this moment.
Her finally revealing her identity is so satisfying.
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@ninhaoma-ya​​ has a great analysis of the lighting in this panel, noting the contrast of light on Hiyori and dark on Orochi. So good.
Then we’ve got Izo taking down one of the CP0 agents. 
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Whether this is Izo’s end or not remains to be seen, but his sacrifice fits one of the themes of this arc, which is the new generation taking the place of the old. The Whitebeard Pirates are remnants, their captain two years dead. They’re here to help the next generation rise.
And we have the shift of orders from capturing Robin to taking out Luffy. Does this mean Luffy’s fruit is the one the Elders were talking about previously? Honestly, I hope not. 
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I like Luffy having a silly fruit and being endlessly creative with a seemingly crappy power. The less “Chosen One” narrative the better in my view.
Also, Drake is back up. Is he going to take out the other CP0 agent? That would be good; we’ve seen Luffy, Law, and Kid all get knocked down and get back up. Now it may be Drake’s turn. This also seems likely to fit into Hawkins’ 1% prediction.
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Meanwhile, Big Mom’s defeat is being felt around the island. I raised an eyebrow at Nami only mentioning Law while Luffy only mentioned Kid.
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Speaking of those two, Law is no longer upright. He admits he’s got nothing left. I really like Kid in this moment, though. He went from a doomed alliance and resulting cynicism to
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“Should we brace ourselves?”
We saw some growth from him when he willingly went after Big Mom to keep the two Emperors separated despite having a vendetta against Kaido, and we see another one here; despite the bickering between the two captains during the fight, he’s not talking about himself only.
Law continues to show his unwavering faith in his alliance -- he did his part, now it’s up to his partner to do his -- and I think seeing the strength of that alliance has been important to Kid.
Speaking of alliances, Kaido is depressed that his seems to have crumbled.
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And we get a brief flashback to Kaido meeting Big Mom for the first time. It seems he was quite young at the time.
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This seems like a prelude to a longer Kaido/Rocks Pirates flashback. I’m pretty meh at the prospect at the moment. Kaido has been the weakest part of Wano for me (especially after two arcs with such good villains in Doffy and Big Mom), but maybe learning more about him will help. Doffy and Big Mom were good villains even before their flashbacks, though, and Kaido is just... not even remotely interesting to me.
Lastly, I was glad to see Luffy returning to his righteous anger. His enjoyment of the fight was rubbing me the wrong way considering how Kaido has hurt people he cares for -- something he finds unforgiveable. 
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So the question remains whether Luffy and Kaido get the chance to finish their fight or if the World Government interrupts it. Most of the other plotlines are being tied up, and this is the biggest one left.
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as-i-watch · 2 years
Highly recommend checking out reaction mashups of the "Raizo is safe Moment" Just make sure not to look at other recommended videos or scroll into the comment section because spoilers) But every one of the Strawhats are stand in for different reactions from the Watchers. Some just start bawling like Franky, some just stay there with a open mouth like Luffy and again others start arguing with their screen just like Usopp immediately did
I had my jaw on the floor just like Luffy
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gildedmuse · 4 years
Reactions To Raizo, Part 2:
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Oh man, even Zoro is obviously disappointed. Do you know how much it takes to get Zoro's face to willingly show emotion post time skip? Mihawk trained him better than that, damnit.
Love that the two adults are like, "What the hell?" where as the kids are just like "No."
I mean, look at Chopper and Usopp. They're clearly like... "This is just unacceptable. No. No, do it again but properly this time."
Oh wait, there is one more sort of adult.
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Just for the record, so far Law's two reactions to meeting a ninja who failed to live up to his childhood fantasies have been:
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I feel like this boy is ashamed of his own self. Like, "Yeah... Yeah, this is what I get for believing in something. I deserve this."
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ninjaboyjoel · 2 years
One Piece 1040: Wasted Words on Young Ears
Although 1041 is very nearly upon us, I thought it would be a good idea to just put down my thoughts on 1040!!
Another chapter dedicated to the excellently-choreographed fight between our two favourite boys Eustass "Captain" Kid and Trafalgar Law and the Emperor Big Mom. Following on from then we see the effects of Kid's "Damned Punk" on the ever-resilient Mama. My estimations of Kid have only grown over the past few chapters, I've never hated him (as some are wont to do) as I feel he's a great foil for Luffy and definitely brings a fun edginess to the story, if he is a little lacking in the backstory department. I've wondered for a while now if Oda may be pushing Kid as some kind of "privileged pirate" figure, one who hasn't struggled up until now and must face those consequences, with Shanks, his alliance failing and leading to his current business with Kaidou, anyway I digress.
Big Mom is silenced by Law's "Re Room" or "R Room" (currently unsure on the correct translation there) and pushed down the hole through onigashima. Law's callback to Corazon/Rosinante in his technique was super sweet and I can't say I didn't feel a little emotional at that inclusion by Oda, I'd say it'd seem unnecessary however it's clearly being used for a purpose as we see at the end of the chapter.
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-Insert "Overpowered" joke of your choice.
As she falls, she sets off a bomb which seemingly effects Kazenbo which begins to float back up calling to its master Orochi. This dismays Yamato who fears the rest will be caught up in a chain reaction. This is not to be however, as Big Mom falls to what appears to be the coast of Mainland Wano, and the bombs are contained within Law's Room, silencing them and keeping the partying denizens none the wiser. This is an interesting choice by Oda, as many have pointed out he tends to like to have the oppressed citizens see their oppressors defeated out in the open, but it seems he wishes to keep the people of Wano in the dark for a while longer, (not that Big Mom is the main villain here, of course).
As Big Mom fell she had an extremely interesting monologue about (or indeed possibly to) Roger and her views on the nature of the One Piece, her frustration of not being let in on what it was (In contrast to our Pops Whitebeard I assume) and that some of it, or at least some clue to it is here on Wano. What she means by that right now isn't entirely clear but I imagine it's probably Poneglyph related-- time will tell.
Finally, as Oda wants to torment us as usual, he teases us with a lore tidbit at the end of the chapter, that Zunesha and Joyboy were indeed companions, what this could mean!? I honestly have no idea right now. Something something Ancient something something Straw Hat.
Now that the main portion of the chapter is out of the way it's time for the side bits and rampant speculation- first on the agenda: the cover story!
Germa 66's "Ahh... An Emotionless Excursion" volume 4. It appears the lovely lads Niji and Yonji have been captured by Mont-d'Or after their defeat at the hands of the ever-present Mama. I look forward to where this goes next. Love seeing Totto Land again and I'm excited to see what quirky characters show up next (please GANGSTER GASTINO!)
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And last but my no means least: HOLY CRAP ZORO IS DEAD. I mean not actually, but he seems to have been slashed by the reaper and is falling off Onigashima. I have a feeling Zoro fans are going to be eating well soon. I find it super interesting that Oda chose to have Zoro and Big Mom fall in the same chapter, will they have a run-in soon? What the hell is Oda planning here? Oh shoot and Raizo paralleling Oden was nice too! Not much to say about that.
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-"Nothing Happened"
Catch you all next time and Bon Voyage!
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fallensnowfan · 2 years
Vacation of choice headcanons for the Akazaya, including Izo too:
Kin'emon - Wants to stay in Wano after the treacherous journey he had abroad. Window shopping and regular shopping in the capital with Tsuru and Denjiro is plenty of excitement for the guy.
Denjiro - Comfy futon. He sleeps for 20 hours minimum.
Kiku - She is curious to see the place where Zoro and Ryuuma fought. After learning that everyone in Zou is very open to hugs, Kiku would also love to visit the Minks’ home someday.
Izo - Goes to Thriller Bark with Kiku. He scares easily though won't admit it. Kiku finds his reactions funny and purposefully takes them to explore the scariest looking parts of the abandoned island. Izo himself would like to visit the island where Ace grew up for the purpose of thanking Dadan.
Raizo - Was hoping to join Kawamatsu, if he decided to go to Fishman Island, specifically to visit the Mermaid Cafe there. He despaired upon learning that Kawamatsu didn't plan to go. Threw himself into ninjutsu training until eventually deciding to go to Alabasta with Neko.
Ashura - He would find the sound of the rushing water at Twin Capes calming. Ashura, Crocus, and Laboon all understand how it feels to wait a long time for someone to return and the three would become fast friends within a few hours.
Neko - Content where he is though has considered traveling to Alabasta to learn about the Poneglyph with info about Pluton.
Inu - A bit of an unexpected one but he'd love to visit Cocoyashi Village. Nami's actions while helping to care for the Minks after Jack's attack really impressed him and he wants to see the kind of place she grew up in and thank her family and friends.
Kawamatsu - Is content with his identity as a Kappa, doesn't feel a strong need to visit Fishman Island though he wouldn't object to it either. Though hearing Franky mention a certain sumo wrestling amphibian that lives in Water 7 captured the Kappa's interest.
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tangsakura · 2 years
One Piece 1046 Reaction
More like best moments reaction
DO NOT INTERACT if you haven’t caught up with the manga, and/or an anime-only fan
The cover page shows that there are two intruders in Chocolat Town on Cacao Island. We don't know who it is, but I'm betting it's either the Blackbeard Pirates or Reiju and Ichiji. Blackbeard Pirates because Big Mom and majority of her children are not there; Reiju and Ichiji to save their brothers. I'm excited to find out in the next cover page story.
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Then we get to Luffy vs. Kaido, where Luffy is chilling and thinking about what he should name his attack from previous chapter. Kaido ask Luffy who he really is and Luffy declared that he is Luffy, the man who will be the King of the Pirates! Man I love how Oda dispelled the doubts about Luffy not being Luffy anymore since Joyboy or Nika has taken over him.
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And more fighting between them. LUFFYTUNES ANDABFOFNO
As Kaido has mentioned to Luffy in the middle of their fight, the castle is on fire. But man, he also acknowledged that his subordinates (I assumed he was implying the Lead Performers and Tobiroppo) has been defeated and he's the only one standing - to that think he would! Of course, Luffy left it to his allies and friends to extinguish the fire. And they continue their battle. I love Luffy's determination and trust, and the fact he didn't fall for Kaido's attempt to sway his mental state. Also I love how Kaido has admitted he's lost his subordinates and his castle - showing how much damage Luffy and the alliance have done to Onigashima and the beginning of the end.
Of course let us not forget Raizo. My man has been keeping a scroll full of water from Zunesha's bath and please the flashback on that day the Oden castle fell and his determination to be prepared in case a big fire happened again. Our Mizukage (forgot which Redditor had this idea of calling him mizukage ;--; let me know if y'all know and I can put them as credits) Hokage UmU. Don't forget Jinbei, too, who was responsible in spreading the water throughout the building.
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(I love the respect they have for each other, as well)
I love Yamato reprising the role of a mentor to Momonosuke, reminding him to create flame clouds because Kaido is almost at his utmost limit and this time around Onigashima will come falling down. I mean I couldn't blame Momonosuke since the fight between Luffy vs. Kaido has been so amazing and ridiculous, you can't keep your eyes away xD
And my most favorite page of this chapter as Yamato told Momonosuke that Onigashima is about to fall:
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Look at Luffy holding a thunderbolt while looking down at Kaido. He looks godly. THESE PANELS LOOK SO COOL ASDHFKDFJALDLADJLADJAD ODA YOU GOAT!
BONUS: Many readers, including me, have also noticed how Oda showed the vice-captains or #2's being carried by their crew. Please Bepo one was so funny xD And the one with Killer was adorable, how the crewmates would copy his laugh just to make it feel like he's not left out or anything of the like. The one with Zoro is concerning since he's at a very critical condition.
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Overall, the chapter was great. I hope next chapter will have Kaido's flashback or defeat. Luffy also has to rest.
Next week is chapter 1047. See you then.
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
whose vivre card?
We know from canon that Orochi boasted about his inside man, Kanjuro, and that Kanjuro stated that a vivre card was needed to get to Zou. He also said that Jack’s appearance on Zou was suspicious, and probably occurred due to following a vivre card, but whose? 
To be fair, the Minks might not have known who Jack was, but they did know who Raizou was.
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I’ll return to the vivre card ownership question soon.
Kanjuro apparently fed Orochi information about the Kozuki clan, and Kanjuro was quite happy to live the life of a Kozuki retainer and was willing to die with his fellow samurai.
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(Orochi (above) and Kanjuro (below) mirroring each other’s summation of his role).
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Kanjuro also gave Orochi double the money every time he asked Oden for some, and that allowed Orochi to financially join Kaidou.
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So did he also give him scraps of other members of the Akazaya Nine’s vivre cards? Namely, Raizo or Inuarashi or Nekomamushi? Because Raizou ended up in Zou because Kanjuro, Kine’mon and Momonosuke—inexperienced sailors—ended up swept apart from him in the waters surrounding Zou, when they set off from Wano, after having been transported into the future. 
Or maybe  Raizou 
had a scrap of Kanjuro’s own vivre card, and Jack followed this. This seems the most likely scenario to me (if cards can be used that way). But there might be other possibilities.
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For example, was Zou attacked because Kine’mon, Kanjuro and Momonosuke were spotted leaving Wano after Orochi had received the letter from Kanjuro, and they were followed (see below)?
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Or did Kanjuro get word to Orochi about Raizo from Dressrosa through Doflamingo because Doflamingo was on the lookout for Momonosuke (through his contact with Kaidou)? And Kanjuro hadn’t been told to give up his role, so it made sense, I guess that he fulfilled it so well.
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Also, having the ability to merge with walls in Dressrosa meant that Kanjuro might’ve also been able to permeate them, or somehow manipulate them? I wonder. The walls do indeed have ears.
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 Anyway, back to the vivre card.  With the second Jack attack, which did seem strange (although Jack had to abort his first mission to try and rescue Doflamingo), following Kanjuro’s vivre card would make sense (but only if Orochi had clued Jack in somewhat, which he might have done, given Jack’s reaction below, Chapter 922). (Hawkins is talking about sending Kaidou to Oden Castle in pursuit of Law and Luffy, and about the legend of the scabbards).
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Jack having knowledge of living scabbards (aside from Ashura Doji and Kawamatsu) is also maybe supported by his insistence that Raizou (or a samurai) was on Zou in the first place. 
BUT if he had anyone’s vivre cards, separate from Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, why wouldn’t he go straight to them instead of ransacking the land and torturing the populous to force them into handing over Raizou? He never said ninja, as far as I’m aware, which would have been a more specific description, but I think that was Oda protecting the big reveal.
Also, if Orochi had vivre cards of all or some of the members of the Akazaya Nine, why wouldn’t he have attacked Zou earlier? Inuarashi and Nekomamushi were known as part of the Kozuki clan. As Orochi implied when talking to Kaidou, maybe he just didn’t have the manpower until more recently. 
Additionally, Jack was surprised that the Mink leaders had survived his attack, and if Chopper and Caesar hadn’t arrived (and the Doflamingo rescue mission hadn’t been undertaken), they probably would’ve died.
Or, is it a plot hole, or am I missing something here? (Probably. It wouldn’t be the first time). And whose vivre card were Kanjuro, Kine’mon and Momonosuke going to follow to Zou if they hadn’t run into Law (who has/had Bepo’s vivre card)? 
Raizou’s, I’d guess. But, considering the actual death of Oden and Toki was a matter of months prior for them (due to time travel), maybe they also had vivre cards of the Minks.
Anyway, the fact that Law remembered he had Bepo’s vivre card until the one moment when he didn’t is even more important given the journey these four embarked upon (Raizou, Kin’emon, Kanjuro and Momonosuke).
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Perhaps I just should have looked at the Wiki. It says:
Jack received a Vivre Card from Kurozumi Kanjuro that allowed him to reach Zou, which would not have been possible otherwise. It is unknown whose life this Card is linked to.
Could be that the Whale Tree has a special force that repels people following  vivre cards (if it was Raizou’s), considering it’s a sacred spot and all. OR, it brings us back to Nekomamushi and Inuarashi, and Orochi being either too weak to eliminate them before, or not seeing them as a threat (also, how did they escape back to Zou? The were captured, I think. Maybe their cards were taken then, or part of the cards, or...). Maybe Raizou is a traitor too, but that would be too much.
(Also, imagining Orochi looking at one or nine or less vivre cards over twenty years for damage or disappearance. Kawamatsu’s burns some. They never managed to get Denjiro’s. For Wano to work, he probably wouldn’t have O-Kiku’s either. He might not be able to identify any of them directly to their owners, just that they belong to the samurai. But then, bang. One day when he puts one on the palm of his hand, hoping it won’t lead him anywhere, it starts to move.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 1015 - Initial Thoughts
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It feels right to finally get to read One Piece weekly rather than bi-weekly
Things took a real dark turn in the fallout of Luffy's fall out, more Scabbards have fallen, Chopper is risking his body further and Kaido's come for clean up, let's see how things develop
Spoilers for Chapter 1015, Support the Official Release too
A Senor Pink cover page graces us, that poor Stork has no idea how hard boiled this dude is
We pick up with the reaction to Kaido's announcement, including Chopper getting a chunk bitten out of him by Queen
Because of his innocence, Chopper panics with the loss of Luffy, all the while the Alliance's morale is dropped as Kaido has intended
Sanji, Kawamatsu and Izo aren't buying though, seeing right through it
Also Sanji using mummified Zoro like a weapon happened so thank you Oda for that!
Queen now decides to finish Chopper off while Perospero attacks from above, Queen shouldn't called him some Venison because out comes the cook
Rotisserie Strike is new right? Spinning Queen around with the kick also blocks the arrows and smacks Peros in his smug face, I wonder if this will weaken him for Carrot or Neko
Sanji like Zoro will always jump in to save Chopper, putting his mind at ease to believe in Luffy to do the impossible
And now Zoro can have another doctor work on him, also nice nod to Zou with the 'I'm worth 2000 guys' comment
Sanji vs Queen hype! There's definitely some Vinsmoke connection here
Marco knows a helluva lot about continuing a fight without their captain, so of course he'd respect that
Man Kin'emon got fucked up, but he's still at it, using the tiniest of tips of his blade to still stab Kaido
Sadly Kin'emon also gets a blade through the back, but I still don't buy that he's dead, Kaido's words of embracing death like a samurai hint at that too, sadly so far none of the Akazaya have died 'honourably', they've all been stabbed by deceptions or killed by bombs
Momo though has grabbed the Frog Mary - imagine what Prying Squirrel Girl Bao Huang would see if she looked through that Mary huh? Just a close up face of a snotting sobbing boy
Momo's using the Mary to project his own message though, from the voice he heard last chapter: Luffy is still alive
Jimbei didn't have doubts and we get a look at Raizo vs Megaforehead too for once, wonder how Inu and Jack are doing, and if Carrot is ever gonna come back
How is Luffy doing this though, I mean I'm guessing Voice of All Things but still he is communicating while drowning directly to Momo, is it maybe something to do with Conqueror's Haki?
Luffy's assuredness that he'll beat Kaido reinvigorates the alliance, as well as impressing Kid but bemusing King
Kaido has Momo cornered though, so Shinobu pulls out a DF clutch and sinks the floor, Onigashima is over land now so Momo is gonna be quite out of reach
And there's the Polar Tang! Out to save Luffy after he sent a communication to them too
Tama's now crying for the opposite reason now, but Nami hears another voice from her Clima Tact
Zeus! Or kinda Zeus, it makes sense actually, his soul was ripped out so he couldn't eat the weather eggs but it instead fused with the baton
And here's Law to back Kid up
Oda knew damn well to save Yamato's confrontation with Kaido for Pride Month didn't he? Because here he is ready to fight the dragon
Another great chapter this time revitalizing some hope in the alliance. How Luffy is able to do what he's doing we'll have to wait and see because right now he has to figure out how to get back on Onigashima. I am glad though that Law's other crewmates get some time with Luffy in this case - though I do wonder where Bepo and co are.
Sanji vs Queen was the right way to go, there's implied backstory to go over too and Chopper has done plenty in the fight. Whether Neko makes it to Perospero remains to be seen though since he went ahead of Kawamatsu and Izo but hasn't made it before them, what they do in this fight I do not know but King isn't exactly got a fixed opponent.
Momo transmitting Luffy's message though before Shinobu dips him out is a clutch and vital move in the raid though, it completely undoes Kaido's plan to scatter ranks and unites the alliance in a new zeal of courage and determination, with Momo out of Kaido's reach as well it limits the danger to him as well as offering a potential reunion with him and Luffy.
But, there are still plenty of fights to be fought; with Sanji vs Queen, Raizo vs Fukurokujo, Inuarashi vs Jack, Brook and Robin vs Black Maria, Big Mom vs Law and Kid, Hawkins vs Killer, Drake vs Apoo, Jimbei vs Who's Who, Franky vs Sasaki and Kaido vs Yamato we have a lot to cover, and that's mentioning the fact that CP0 are still around and we don't know if Orochi's gonna grow back another head or who the one that tended to the Akazaya's wounds were, where's Denjiro too he disappeared quickly. We've yet to see Caribou, Hiyori or Hitetsu either and Tama still has her own attempt at rallying her SMILE army, plus I'm still hoping for Carrot to come back into the fight so we're gonna have a lot of things to occupy us as Luffy looks to get his rematch.
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