rikacreature · 1 year
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been playing the heck out of pokemon infinite fusion lately so i made one of my faves, rairos!!
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444names · 6 months
Names generated from Nord and Breton names, Elder Scrolls
Adine Adwyne Agladi Agontalvana Aguilinith Aintyr Albelen Aldard Alene Alersus Alexus Alikinna Alinak Alius Allenrie Allinen Alona Alvissus Amina Amisha Andrebuc Anicethon Araudic Arceauren Arcel Ardienne Arlence Arone Artius Arufonil Asmessael Aureverne Auribetoth Aurisa Autholle Aveld...
Babrona Banis Barbingham Barie Baring Bariustoria Bastia Baultia Bellius Belyn Belyna Berfanus Berick Berimyn Berras Bertitave Bette Biereg Blairitais Blaratia Blard Blorfing Bordard Borus Brean Brenne Brinius Brius Bucelle Buckerhan Bucton Burienus Butedywyn Buthennatne Caechiberry Calaulord Calcel Calimo Calpier Capinot Carcharoft Careathane Caron Carvus Cashstas Casia Catir Caurelac Cavol Cellen Cellus Cemmilianna Cenrise Chaderry Channe Chelier Chenna Citus Ciusa Claene Clanna Clauresidus Clissan Cloque Coilest Comprinick Conarbyna Cophearna Cophry Corel Corume Coundius Coupia Crecinus Crosaby Croucitian Cruldagre Cyliald Damen Danic Dargin Dastresen Dathe Daudie Dayno Deaurt Deler Delvardvana Deornatus Dernorgas Distockwe Dovien Draelica Drantonil Drinatin Drisa Drods Drulthe Dunib Durius Edaelle Edgem Edius Elaudunius Elavin Elinak Eltus Emenripiste Emorabielia Erris Etierette Etrus Evenia Evielnie Evulus Fabyn Fales Falle Famuth Fardide Fardydes Farrya Fauingen Felyn Fennettore Ferryctone Finas Flailin Flaynnard Flettitelm Florrin Flors Frabyn Fracia Frenghout Frois Fruguys Gaenwyn Gaervichoft Gandrys Garexus Garthian Gassult Gatius Gaumste Gavia Gavic Gavis Gearzhel Gemin Genda Genne Genre Geodyr Geoparley Gettericard Glinilus Gonehl Gonieria Griel Grodyne Groniasenah Gulippinian Gynillaerin Haiglalyel Hanna Hante Harouise Hatistephia Hawyna Hedwyren Hellia Hellun Helucine Heniand Heomelle Hercormen Herette Hersim Heruna Hetina Hoene Holleri Hollis Hombert Homorette Hontalicher Houis Hoïna Ilaurrus Ilborarin Istia Jaciusus Jactaira Janune Javienoric Jeanthergon Jellia Jerna Jerrie Jiron Jivia Jonric Joord Jooriusc Joshtot Jucton Juria Kalia Kalvia Kastaes Killius Kiniard Kinne Kinus Knord Ladetor Laethcrus Latrandslex Lautheberat Lavert Lazandesmic Leina Lerriset Lerthil Lichara Loeton Lolienus Loniquind Lonnitus Lorilade Luckahanius Luckel Luscien Lusextia Lyvalbuchry Mableroft Mabol Mabrod Mabytheaus Macque Madan Madarcyn Maettah Malber Malley Manienti Marcyrotius Marel Marin Marmynne Marolius Marquen Marte Marth Masce Masmille Mathenna Matie Matin Matinchent Maxednovia Maximondeng Mentia Merius Mernaus Mesta Midasan Milaud Mitia Montontus Mooditus Moorara Mooricksly Moriene Morley Mormius Morya Morysam Mouifure Moula Murth Nartaede Natrya Nolbernian Nolcenc Octan Odhottagre Ollotte Ophilius Ophyr Ordwikin Orrus Ostonus Owentergyr Panilius Pascindrin Paton Pellius Pentus Perelite Perrie Perth Pertus Phamrenjan Phanunon Pharcius Picus Poppert Preene Prien Quine Rairo Raladondilp Ranne Regus Rendagienn Renther Rerryanrick Rinadely Risaurus Rogene Roician Rolikeso Rolle Ronius Saberian Saleciant Samille Samuralvule Saniann Sarcius Sarith Sauglynan Seaulchorel Sente Sexus Shhang Silvint Sippe Sletteon Sollerd Solpidainis Solurield Standillain Staud Sticick Stien Strel Styrry Synyn Tairena Tandrala Tautia Terrosirana Thanasyssio Thebucree Thiccand Thimorrick Tholdaria Thrysearris Thtonde Thyne Thynelettec Tianse Tieniantane Trant Tresia Triert Trisela Urien Urius Urvenet Vafone Valartil Valestea Vanus Varry Vauxa Vettaillus Vicham Videtil Viellorg Viene Vinwys Vithyrrient Vlall Vlitthancir Vlius Vouille Vycelvini Vychry Vycilitus Wilaus Woodiusabla Woolchriona Worivernius Wulalvitte Wynaurick Wyralfra Yeods Ylbol Yrrettin Yrryny Ysenrian Ysolbaugno Yssia Yvainie
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ferrolano-blog · 1 year
Sobre pucherazos... “Te pagaban 50 dólares por ir a votar y votamos todos a Fraga... cuando ibas al correo te daban un bono de 50 dólares”... la confesión de un hijo de emigrantes gallegos en Argentina, en la radio pública gallega... "Quien tiene un problema con la manipulación de votos es el PP"... es precisamente el Partido Popular, que en Galicia fue relacionado con el denominado carretaxe en distintas elecciones municipales y autonómicas... que consisten en llevar a los votantes directamente desde sus casas hasta las urnas para tratar de decantar procesos electorales... en 2012, desplazado en autobuses a unos 300 ancianos de la residencia de Rairo (Ourense) para votar
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brisadiary · 7 years
#missingsummer in #Rairos #ribasdosil 💭💚☉🏞🍀😻📽 (en Ribas De Sil, Galicia, Spain)
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poecitas · 6 years
Você sentou próximo a janela e a cor vermelha do céu fazia o castanho do seu olhar ficar perdido.
O vento brincava com os fios do teu cabelo enquanto levava os teus pensamentos em direção ao mar.
Lembro de cada verso da tua carta contando sobre o peso do teu peito e que as vezes a tua tristeza era vazia, não tinha sentido, direção e nem caminho.
Te olhando daqui posso enxergar você flutuando e afundado do mesmo modo que descreveu no papel: "Não tenho chão e nem sinto meu peso, meu corpo parece suspenso no ar e ao mesmo tempo preso no fundo daquele oceano".
Essa pequenez não me deixa te abraçar, nem meu canto pode fazer você andar devagar sentindo o seu peso em cada passo.
Queria desafogar teu coração e te fazer querer viver.
Você tão majeitosa sentada aí, deixando os rairos de sol se despedirem nos teus olhos mas eu sou só um pequeno passarinho.
- Manu
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lifewithchristanne · 2 years
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I got used to ordering food online in Cebu. Whenever I craved for a specific food, I would just check FoodPanda or Grab.
But!! It’s different in the province, most especially in Silago. You don’t really have much choices plus they don’t accept orders online.
Luckily, I found Rairo’s in Facebook. They sell scrumptious flavored fried chicken wings with a side of sweet potatoes! I ordered their Spicy Korean wings and their Spicy Garlic Parmesan wings (guess who loves spicy food? 😉🌶)
Here’s to supporting local businesses!!
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visaopiaui · 4 years
Bando explode caixas eletrônicos em supermercado e fogem sem levar o dinheiro, no Piauí
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  Assaltantes explodiram, na madrugada de  sábado (26) , os caixas eletrônicos do supermercado Mix Mateus, na avenida Zequinha Freire , no bairro Planalto Uruguai, na zona Leste de Teresina. Os assaltantes usaram explosivos para estourarem caixas eletrônicos de vários bancos no Mix Mateus. De acordo com informações do cabo Rairo, da RONE (Rondas Ostensivas de Natureza Especial), os suspeitos  estavam armados com armas longas. Apesar da forte explosão que destruiu bastante a área onde os caixas ficam localizados, a Polícia Militar informou que os bandidos não conseguiram levar nada. “Pelo menos 8 assaltantes explodiram os caixas eletrônicos do supermercado Mix Mateus, por volta das 04h20,  mas não tiveram  sucesso e não levaram nada”, declarou. from Notícias de Barras, do Piauí, do Brasil e do Mundo https://bit.ly/30aRF2k via IFTTT
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andanadadesol · 4 years
Carta al Diputado: Critican las «prisas por irse de vacaciones sin escuchar»
El Diputado General de Álava ha decepcionado a los familiares de mayores en residencias alavesas.  Rairo González ha decidido no escuchar a las familias que ruegan salidas para su padres y abuelos, pero no las consiguen. Mantiene limitaciones de las visitas a los usuarios y persiste en la restricción de las salidas y paseos de estas […]
La entrada Carta al Diputado: Critican las «prisas por irse de vacaciones sin escuchar» aparece primero en Norte Exprés | Noticias de Vitoria-Gasteiz y Álava..
from Norte Exprés | Noticias de Vitoria-Gasteiz y Álava.
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munove · 4 years
El BNG denuncia el traslado de mayores a un colegio electoral de Ourense pese a prohibirse las visitas en su residencia
El BNG ha denunciado el traslado de personas mayores cuyas capacidades físicas se encuentran "mermadas" a un colegio electoral de la zona de Rairo, en Ourense, pese a permanecer prohibidas las visitas a las mismas en la residencia de la tercera edad en la que viven. Entre los acompañantes de las residentes en el colegio electoral se encontraban monjas y personal del centro, así como otras personas que no eran familiares de las mismas.
etiquetas: bng, denuncia, traslado, mayores, colegio electoral, ourense
» noticia original (www.europapress.es)
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These are idea's that have been rolling around in my mind. But since I have stopped writing fanfic, and don't plan on coming back to it for a long time. Here are the ideas, if you wish to take one of them up, just let me know and have at it..
Ideas For Many Stories/Crossovers.
Harry Potter/Bleach {Main Pairing must be FemHarry/Byakuya} {Ichigo must be paired with Grimmjow or Kenpachi}
1. FemHarry and Ichigo are identical twins. FemHarry's name is Serenity, she is stolen from her crib when she is a year old by Albus, and spells are placed on her.. Her zanpakuto is Rairo no Ago
In Shikai this sword takes on the form of a lightning bolt wich can cut through any Kido based being ranked lower then 75 it also allows you to move at twice your normal speed. The release command is "Strike in wrath" In Bankai this sword dematerializes to a pair of static wings and a pair of daggers used for offense in this form you can move at 400 km/h wich makes you almost untouchable. The name of your Bankai is " Akarui Rairi no ago" The release command is "Dash from thunder strike to thunder strike"
The spirit takes the form of the Japanese God of Thunder.
Also while in her Bankai, she is dressed like said Japanese God of Thunder, her chest is bound, her feet bare..
She learns the truth in her fourth year, when she face's the dragon and her soul is knocked out of her body,but her body is burnt by the dragon. Shocking the everyone, and questions are raised. She kills the soul peace that's attached to her and the gates of Hell Open, and the soul society finds out and sends a group to investigate,but that will be during her fifth year.
Harry Potter/ Star Wars Crossover {Wrong Boy Who Lived type} {Can have romance, but we all know the code.. But still want to go with romance, then Harry must be with his soul mate, who happens to be Obi-Wan.. Anakin is with Padame naturally.}
2. Harry is Revan reborn.. He is found on the door step of number 4 after he is left there, he is found by Sifo Dyas, and brought to the temple.. {Who ever takes this idea, must decides if the soul piece remains or not.} Sifo Dyas also becomes Harry's Jedi Master, but when Harry is knighted, is when Sifo Dyas leaves the order..
And Harry goes with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan, since the Force will lead him to Anakin, whom he will train.
Harry Potter/Fallout 4 {Must Be Slash.}
3. Harry after the finale battle, due to a black lash of the magic, is sent to the Commenwealth two years before the bombs fell, is found by{main character of the game.. If you used default or picked a name yourself.} He lives with the family, taken in to heal and get back on his feet.
Survives along side, person who took him in. And together they learn to do what it takes to keep living one day at a time.
Harry stays behind to work on repairs.
{After that you can deiced on what he does next.}
Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Crossover
3. FemHarry is named Xena, is a the daughter of Ares God of War.. Legacy of Thanatos.. Chosen champion of Hecate..
James Potter must be the one who gives birth to his daughter.. So yes MPREG.. FemHarry's weapons are, a sword, a whip and a shockrum. {If you watched Xena Warrior Princess then you get where I am coming from, for FemHarry is Xena reborn.. The person who takes on this idea, can have the others reborn if you wish as well. But FemHarry must become the Master Of Death as well. Her Soul Mate, well I leave that up to you to pick.}
Harry Potter/ Lord Of The Rings Crossover. {Can Be Slash}{Main Parings can be up to you..}
4. Harry like in canon walks to his death, but then is meet by Mandos who gives him the choice to return or move on to be reborn on Middle Earth. Choosing to move on and be at peace, Harry is reborn as an elf, the son of Galadriel and Celeborn. {Here is a link to where you can get an elf name https://www.namegeneratorfun.com/elf }
{Here are few new ideas.}
Harry Potter/Hitman Reborn 
{Pairing’s can be up to the person who takes the idea}
FemHarry-Daughter of Skull De Mort..
FemHarry's name shall be JOLANDA: Italian form of English Yolanda, meaning "violet flower."
Her eyes will remain green but have flecks of purple in them.. Her hair a very light purple.. Her flame type shall be Cloud with a second flame in Lighting.. In her second year is when the spells Lily put on her start to fade slowly.. And forced to go to on vacation to Itital with her 'family' they leave her behind and she is taken in by Viper and Bel and she joins Varai.. Once she is stronger, she kills the Cloud officer and takes his place and uncovers nasty truths... The rest is up whomever takes up the idea, as for pairings its up the writer..
Another Harry Potter/Hitman Reborn crossover..
FemHarry is the daughter of Fon...
{Pairing’s can be up to the person who takes on the idea}
FemHarry's name is LULI, {dewy jasmine.}
Her eyes green and her hair black with hints of red highlights.. Born before the curse takes place on Fon and the others. But also, when Luli is two her baby brother is born, and after that Halloween night, she gets left at her 'aunts' house.. Who then in turns leaves Luli in an orphanage. Her flames are Storm with her second flames being Rain.. The rest of what happens is up to the one who takes this idea..
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
60% off #How to build a personal chatbot for Facebook Messenger – $10
Step by step guide on how to build a chatbot for personal Facebook page. No coding required
Beginner Level,  – 33 mins,  9 lectures 
Average rating 4.3/5 (4.3 (25 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
Create a Facebook Page for your personal brand or your bot Have experience with Facebook Messenger
Course description:
Learn how to build a personal chatbot for Facebook Messenger. 
I have created this step by step guide so you can create your own Facebook Messenger bot without coding. Facebook Messenger has a growing audience of 900 mln. monthly active users (Mai 2016) 
Why personal bot? It is an awesome opportunity to showcase your work and promote your services, automate conversations and build out your personal brand. 
By the end of the course you will be launch and promote your personal bot. 
Why bots are the next big thing? 
People are using messenger apps more often than social networking sites.  There is a unique opportunity to be one of the first once to leverage the huge audience of messenger apps Messenger apps are interested in bot, since they help to keep people in the app, so they will support the bot developers. 
About the instructor:
Top rated Udemy Instructor with 5 star reviews.
Teaches different courses on Entrepreneurship, with over 8,500 students enrolled.
+ Worked in Online Gaming Industry and Venture Capital 
+ Founded 5 companies in the last 8 years
Full details Build your first personal for Facebook Messenger If you find chatbots cool If you want to build your own bot with no programming knowledge It is not for you if you have programming knowledge and are looking to use it to build a bot
“The eloquence of the teacher is top drawer.” (Rairo Mukamuri)
“Just Awesome” (Jowel Islam Habib)
“based on another website” (Horance Chou)
  About Instructor:
Vladlena Taraskina Botacademy Inc.
My name is Vladlena and I am an entrepreneur. During the last 10 years I have spent an enormous amount of time looking for the best tools to run my business. In my courses I will give you overview of the best tools which I use. I will also teach you how you can apply them to instantly improve your business and achieve better results. My courses are for decision makers who value their time and want a concise straight to the point advise on how to run and grow their business. I am alway looking for ways to make my courses better for you, so feel free to reach out at [email protected]
Learn how to create your own chatbot. Best online courses about chatbots, AI, Facebook Messenger, Telegram and more
Instructor Other Courses:
8 Steps to your successful Public Relations strategy Vladlena Taraskina, Straight to the point business education for decision makers (5) $10 $35 Build a bot on Chatfuel for Facebook Messenger Vladlena Taraskina, Straight to the point business education for decision makers (56) $10 $35 Build a bot on Chatfuel for Facebook Messenger Build a bot on Chatfuel for Telegram Build a bot on Chatfuel for Telegram …………………………………………………………… Vladlena Taraskina Botacademy Inc. coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Mobile Apps course coupon Udemy Mobile Apps course coupon How to build a personal chatbot for Facebook Messenger How to build a personal chatbot for Facebook Messenger course coupon How to build a personal chatbot for Facebook Messenger coupon coupons
The post 60% off #How to build a personal chatbot for Facebook Messenger – $10 appeared first on Course Tag.
from Course Tag http://coursetag.com/udemy/coupon/60-off-how-to-build-a-personal-chatbot-for-facebook-messenger-10/ from Course Tag https://coursetagcom.tumblr.com/post/157903319458
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444names · 2 years
male portuguese forenames
Aarlomaz Aartino Adaspardo Adatano Adrano Adrasão Adremino Adricobe Alano Alanordo Alaulio Alavo Alberiano Alcel Alchico Alciandio Alciano Alcionso Aldio Aleno Alenço Alfon Alfrene Alfrenei Almigo Almião Amano Ambrian Ambricino Ambrónio Amândrio Amérias Andio Andomão Andrano Andrica Andrino Andrio Andristas Andro Andão Anteriso Antim Antino Antintião Antônico Aparcidor Aparo Aquias Aquimo Armar Armarcio Armim Armino Armínim Arnélio Arnésim Arque Arses Arseu Arseustão Artoro Aílio Aíliverto Aílta Aírtiago Aírtimeu Aírto Basco Bathano Belio Beneino Beneiro Bradas Bradato Bradestão Brando Branto Brenjamés Brássio Caelinho Caelo Caelsonso Caete Caldovio Calto Camiastão Camiro Camés Carcio Casaro Cassim Castisto Celcio Clóvidato Contino Coriagos Crias Crigo Crino Cásseu Cândino Cândranio Cândro Césio Damino Damiro Damés Davio Delistão Deodo Deonal Deonstino Diros Domão Dontim Duarcises Duardo Duareno Duario Duarto Dudor Durcionto Décidorio Edmue Edmuno Edsonas Egídito Emílica Emínideu Emínio Enricomo Enrino Enrio Esdro Esdróniel Estano Estasco Estias Estim Expedeão Expedré Ezequeiro Ezequel Ezequian Fabio Fabria Fabrio Fabrónio Faulion Fauro Felcio Ferino Fermeus Fernan Ferto Filso Floman Flácian Flário Frano Fábiando Félico Félino Félixo Gabianso Gabio Galtavis Gasparceu Gidomião Gonaldo Gonrando Gonso Gonsão Gonçalber Grecid Gualdo Guartino Guilso Guilveiro Guinho Gustão Guálta Guálte Guálto Guáltéri Helicas Heliverio Heloro Henaldito Henardo Henio Heriano Hilvio Hugus Inácido Isaacó Isarcio Isardo Isaro Isartim Isaíastim Jaimeno Jaimino Jaimão Jaircel Jardo Jastandro Jerique Jernão Joalteus Jonrigio Jonçalte Joreno Jorisco Josme Josmedeão Jucinho Jucio Juduales Juliago Julino Julio Justano Justimue Justão Jácio Jácius Jácosmeão Júlives Leandão Lenionto Leodeão Leodo Leonstias Leopolano Leófiro Leónio Lotárcio Lotáricio Lourco Lourcusto Louro Lucardo Lucarosué Lucidério Lucio Lucion Ludor Luduario Luias Luimo Líviel Lívisto Lúcinho Lúcino Lúciso Mandré Marciano Marcida Marcino Marcio Marcob Marcustim Mardo Mardorge Marias Marico Marissime Martino Marto Marão Matando Matano Mataviel Mator Matrino Matrício Mausto Maximeão Maximo Migio Migue Mique Miquelos Miquiz Modes Modor Modósio Moisco Márco Márias Márino Máximinto Narco Nardo Natas Niciano Nicior Nicto Nundid Nundo Nundão Nésimo Néstano Néstoriel Odide Odino Olano Olavis Olino Oliso Onéliano Onélio Paoldito Pasard Pasco Pathalomé Pator Patrícia Paulias Pausto Paustêvão Pedeu Peditor Pedovisto Plárian Plávico Plávinho Quiel Quielso Quilon Quilvio Quilácio Quilávine Quimil Quingo Quintiano Radamuno Raior Rairo Ramiasim Raustor Raymino Raymir Raymiro Raymião Reiantino Reixo Remiro Ricarcob Ricarto Ricob Ricto Roberton Roberónas Rocleiro Rocles Roclexan Rocquiro Rodastão Rodrigus Rodósim Rodósio Rogérge Rogérique Romaz Romão Romés Ronal Ronaro Ruielino Saldo Sales Saltério Samão Saméstas Saméstime Sanoel Saulinte Saurceu Sebano Seberio Setas Setavinal Setavo Seteu Sevei Seveix Seveixo Severme Severte Silso Silsonço Silvaro Silvido Silvidor Simueiro Sérco Teodo Teodré Teonstimo Teopolo Teófimão Teónido Thaldo Thansão Thiasto Thico Thicto Tiano Tibur Tiburo Tomano Tomilio Tomiro Tomão Trico Trino Triquei Térge Tériano Tério Uliago Ulrino Ulrio Ulriocqui Ulrisseu Urbandros Uricobe Uriso Valdo Valeixo Victo Vinho Xavio Zefer Zeferturo Zéfil Zéfim Álvardo Éricio Óriantor Óriasão
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444names · 2 years
russian and spanish forenames BUT excluding "h"
Aardoncian Aarin Ababean Abdado Abdula Abianodio Abidislar Abiedo Abigap Abilixto Ablaida Ablisla Abnor Abrica Abrilav Abrina Abundo Abureda Aburen Adida Adolo Adorgy Agafico Agafoksa Agalionza Agapio Agapitana Agavgue Agrosery Aguarinay Aguelaur Aidanda Ailad Aitosefian Aladaya Alauredare Albery Alens Aleona Alermaely Alertel Alfris Alian Aliandy Alieleia Alion Allerto Alode Alono Aluca Alupe Alvia Amantya Amargy Amilado Amina Aminan Aminti Amirode Ampabra Anakirod Ancia Andro Angalilya Angenkatyo Angero Anida Antim Antina Arcestiv Arciotr Arenrio Ariniila Arlaro Audinov Augui Aulia Aulisana Avdayte Avdely Avdialina Avdoraul Avena Avenikata Avenna Avessa Avesti Avetan Avguela Avgurotan Avgustiana Aviandiel Avicarodiy Avicatia Avikat Avion Avionna Avksa Avlavivita Avolavks Avolibergy Avrebago Avrelisa Avrenado Avrocia Avsefa Avuncio Avvakon Avvakona Bario Becio Belad Belda Belena Belia Benrin Beraul Berena Beres Bermoily Blavksa Bonando Brado Brina Brines Calbela Calito Carievo Casobor Celiolego Ciano Cisladado Clanasca Claya Cobenka Cobieday Cobor Cobunda Colfon Conovan Crigon Dadio Dalian Dalil Dalvica Damirja Dandote Dante Dantina Davdeldes Delio Delorto Didakira Didiola Didisco Dimela Dmiraim Dmirodo Dmuron Domayagafo Dordo Edadomar Edgapiya Edmilavit Edmira Edmurafo Efiya Ekarmeleo Elion Elleton Emana Eriano Esarkya Essia Estero Esulian Eufey Evaleoda Eventos Fabda Facin Faciono Facionsope Fadosue Faelinata Fakiya Fedgapilor Fedim Felanton Feleo Felia Feliyania Felleo Ferana Ferna Ferto Fertyo Filya Flonina Freagernes Frodo Frosy Fulcon Fulejacio Fulia Fulianday Gafacia Gafana Gapio Gapyomonio Gardoriqui Gario Geliela Geloy Gemil Genanil Genka Genkatom Gnada Gnicias Goramundo Greya Grina Gustiana Igavva Ilily Ilionsor Inanato Intia Isaleono Isila Islado Islana Istita Itanaro Itoritonza Ivado Ivaliando Jacio Javeta Joaquiel Jongellen Jonora Joscunikto Josegusti Joses Josilida Josla Juadra Jualdey Jualta Juandro Juaniacido Jubelian Jullana Katjanuel Kebra Kebrinia Kitebenria Konia Kovievada Laurafon Lavdianas Lavim Lavundo Ledmiraqui Lenicion Lenir Leodo Lerena Lismana Ljuana Ljuania Ljubor Lomigapiya Lorayan Lorey Loribar Luberque Lubert Lubogdan Luboge Lucio Luinto Lukya Lundavto Lundy Lupedan Magafa Mancio Manya Marceca Marciseven Mardikatan Mardosla Marintin Mariy Marlorean Marmai Marogel Marto Mastina Masto Maximons Menria Merad Mericobel Minel Minifilda Minimurair Minma Mirel Mirey Mirinesana Mirio Miromira Modam Moila Moisa Moledga Molomel Monger Monnalia Moter Munia Narcia Naria Narin Nasia Nestan Nianata Nicarcio Nietter Nifica Nisipe Nitlad Nueta Ofelavva Okliana Oleodymy Olexey Olfongor Orelian Osianila Oslal Oslas Oswalia Pabio Panomon Paqueta Parteo Pasip Pateons Patry Paura Paviya Pavva Pieda Pietla Pionom Pitome Poledgap Puradis Racio Racque Radercenka Radiso Rairo Raito Rambela Ramelito Rando Rasidady Rator Ratricion Rensustita Rentina Robercio Rodes Rodray Rogdaik Roilia Roladions Rolia Rosabam Rosey Rosuetaso Roxan Rubercito Rundrad Rusta Rutoldo Saarcenia Salistan Salvikt Sefanarcia Seodora Seriz Sneofeliya Sodymyr Stanito Stina Sventomila Tadorilay Tefina Teonsto Tilacio Timarod Tinara Tolio Tonnada Trian Triciel Tricio Ulayotr Ulian Ulidey Unadel Undina Vadalaw Vadonin Vadracio Vanasodo Vasidades Velicor Vessim Vetasio Viana Vicio Vicion Videbea Vidio Vimira Viotasian Vivia Vlado Vlarte Vlian Vsegure Ximenermir Yefakir Yefila Yurebato Zucio
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In Shikai this sword takes on the form of a lightning bolt wich can cut through any Kido based being ranked lower then 75 it also allows you to move at twice your normal speed. The release command is 'Strike in wrath' In Bankai this sword dematerializes to a pair of static wings and a pair of daggers used for offense in this form you can move at 400 km/h wich makes you almost untouchable. The name of your Bankai is ' Akarui Rairi no ago' The release command is 'Dash from thunder strike to thunder strike'
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brisadiary · 7 years
#Repost: @mikel_humanlive ··· “ Chóveee en rairos beňaaa ” (en Ribas Del Sil, Galicia, Spain)
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