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katwinchester67 · 8 years ago
So, good morning/afternoon/evening/whatever time it is where you are!
I’m in my last year at college which means that I have to hand in my thesis until the middle of April. I was lucky enough to be able to choose a subject which is very, very close to my heart and that is *drumrolls* FANFICTION! Some of you may have read my earlier post about my struggle with this choice but all those struggles ended when I was thankfully allowed to choose that certain teacher as my advisor whom I originally wanted and whose class I have attended this spring.
Anyway, she was very enthusiastic about my subject and helped me decide what exactly it is that I want to focus on about fanfiction. First, I wanted to write about the Mary Sue character type and that’s still part of it, but after talking to her and presenting my arguments about why I want this subject so much, she helped me realize that actually I have a mission with all this and that mission could be present in my thesis without taking away from its scientific value.
Wondering what that mission is? It’s the same thing I talked about in my earlier post. I’d like to tell people that fanfcition is more than what most people think about it. It’s more than satisfying ourselves through badly written, cliched pornography with poor grammar. Fanfiction IS valuable, there are fanfictions that have actual, real literary value and I’d like to make people realize that. In order to do that we have to start talking about it outside of fandom, WE have to talk about it, WE, who write it, WE, who read it, WE, who love and create all the amazing fanart.
So, that’s the foundation of my thesis. I need to do research on the subject, so I created a survey about the following questions:  What do people think about the stories themselves? What do they think about the people who write it? What do they think about the people who read it? If you write, do you tell people (your friends, family, etc) or is it not something that you can proudly “advertise”? And if you read? Do you tell people that?
So, I would be very grateful if you followed the link below and answered my questions. It would be tremendously helpful, if you shared it with non-readers/writers because I’m interested in their answers too, since I have specific questions for them. You can even share it with non-fandom member friends or anyone you can think of, because I’m really curious about their opinion on fanfictions too.
If you have any questions or comments or anything, please feel free to message me, or you can send me an email at [email protected]
I’ll tag some of my favorite people and dear friends on here and I would be eternally grateful if you could signal boost this. THANK YOU!! 😚💕💕 (Please forgive me if I tagged you and you don’t want to be tagged, I only try to get this to as many people as I can. I need around 100 people to fill the questionnaire.)  
@leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @saenalife, @rainygalaxynerd, @winchestersinthedrift, @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog, @supernaturalfreewill, @kaz2y5-imagines, @ilostmyshoe-79, @misscrosslord, @abigailwinchester8379, @deandoesthingstome, @thenightyouknow @the-thing-about-life-is @theboreddragon @rosegoldsherlock @the-7-percent-solution
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spnshortstories · 8 years ago
rainygalaxynerd replied to your post “SPN fandom readers and writers”
Even though it’s for charity, have you checked if it’s compliant with copyright laws? I don’t want anyone to get into trouble.
I did now that you brought it up, and this is basically what I found.
In American copyright law, there exists a thing that’s known as “fair use.” It basically covers being allowed to quote/reproduce parts of a copyrighted material (a book, a movie, a song, etc) for use that falls under one of two categories: “commentary and criticism” being one and “parody” being the other. Fan fiction falls into a weird place in that situation, because it isn’t explicitly outlined under fair use laws, doesn’t fit neatly into either of those established categories, and is considered a “derivative work.” US copyright laws give the creator of a thing (book, movie, etc) exclusive rights to create derivative work of that thing- for example, technically speaking, the creators of Supernatural are the only people allowed to create a derivative work like fan fiction based on Supernatural.
However- it really comes down to the matter of whether or not the creator of the thing decides to pursue action against fan creators, when it comes to fan fiction. It’s definitely happened in the past, with particular authors who aren’t receptive to fan fiction or similar derivative works, but to the best of my knowledge, Supernatural has never fallen into that category. The whole team is generally very supportive of their fan community and of the creations it generates, and there’s no precedent of them going after fans for projects similar to this one (previous artbooks, etc).
Basically: I don’t think there’s any cause for concern. Being non-profit is a big factor in these situations, so there shouldn’t be anything to worry about. I’ve also looked over Kickstarter’s rules pretty thoroughly, and there’s nothing there that prohibits this sort of project, either.
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manawhaat · 8 years ago
rainygalaxynerd replied to your post “deanscolette: deanscolette: Hey guys, so as many of you know, I’m...”
I'd happily donate if you weren't commissioning fan fiction. I'll forever support original fiction but commissioning will be the doom of the fandom creation freedom we enjoy today. I still love your writing and wish you the best of luck <3
I don’t see this as a ‘commissioning fanfic’ post, I see this as a ‘brave request for support in any way possible with incentives for monetary support post’. Just sayin’.
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seenashwrite · 7 years ago
Instagram user @crowleys_neice666 is a thief. And rude. But hey, at least they’re upfront about where their morality line falls, amirite?
If SPN Family who are also on Instagram might kindly spare a moment of your free time to assist me via reporting this post or encouraging their compliance with my request via a note, I would very much appreciate it.
Oh, and even if not - reblog the ever-loving shit outta this, would ya? Y’all rock. 
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Link to the post above: 
Link to their page: 
I will note, however - based upon the information on this main page, the person in question is 14 years old. Should you choose to help me out (which I’d appreciate!), please be blunt but kind in your messages. Not that you wouldn’t be - my heart’s just convicted to put that out there.
The hashtag “Guardians of the Supernatural” is also something relatively unique to my posts - other than this one (and mine), there is only one other, from years ago, and is related to Funkos, if memory serves. So, found that interesting, too, that they used that particular hashtag, along with the missing watermark of the original thief.
And just as an FYI, despite being old enough to be this person’s mother, I chose to report the post under “harassment and bullying” due to the shooting a bird emoji, as I didn’t know if “spam” rightly qualified. YMMV.
My Instagram is HERE, should you want to see what I referenced in my note to them.
I am now tagging everyone I can think of, and a couple peeps who were kind enough to assist last time.... and apologies if I missed anyone who helped or any Nashooligans in general, I adore you, it’s just this irritation filter my brain’s currently got wrapped around it.
I’ll also be queuing this for several more times of day/night to try and catch as many folks as can, since tags are being spotty - so, apologies in advance for having to see the repeats on your dash.
 @impandagrl   @castielhasthetardis  @waywardjoy  @jalove-wecallhimdean   @just-another-busy-fangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic @salt-n-burn-em-all  @cyrilconnelly  @rozadolphin  @blackcaptainrogers   @carryonmycobaltangel  @ilsawasanacrobat  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche @zepppie  @amionthetumbler  @tankcupcakes  @littlegreenplasticsoldier @emlostinwonderland @michellethetvaddict  @theoriginalvicki  @ellen-reincarnated1967   @copperseraphim   @impala-dreamer @atc74  @wi-deangirl77 @idreamofhazel  @hannahindie  @pinknerdpanda  @wildlifepixie  @niamandthings @greeneyesinlaceandangelsgrace  @looksmokin @gryffindorable713   @lipstickandwhiskey   @abbessolute @thedeaniebean  @roxy-davenport   @drakevampire     @wingsdestiel  @ohio-cnk-80q3  @ultimatecin73   @a-screaming-ghost   @ferferelli @growningupgeek   @hyrulehearts1123  @moose-of-baskerville   @justholdingstill   @4401lnc  @netflixwithcas  @casownsmyass  @ericaprice2008   @coffeeandwinchesters   @crowleyshellhoundspn  @thecaptainofamerica  @butiaintgonnaloveem   @bemyqueenofdarkness  @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester  @escabell  @smi727  @madamelibrarian  @katymacsupernatural  @iwriteaboutdean    @plaid-lover-bay25   @juppschmitz  @deandoesthingstome  @rebelslicious  @withstarryeyes  @wheresthekillswitch  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @ariannnawinchester  @spookyphsyco  @whispersandwhiskerburn  @raspberrymama  @kathaswings  @wrenwritesometimes  @webcricket  @icouldnotsee  @sketchydean  @babypieandwhiskey  @moonlightcas  @salvachester  @justanotheridijiton  @kayteonline  @authoressskr  @sea040561 @super-not-naturall  @arryn-nyxx  @kittenofdoomage  @winchesterprincessbride  @winchester-family-business  @muchamusedaboutnothing  @mamaredd123  @deanssweetheart23  @deansdirtyduchess  @deathtonormalcy56  @goldenolaf25  @iwantthedean @kas-not-cas  @mysaintsasinner  @octomoosey  @ohmychuckitssamanddean  @plaidstiel-wormstache  @rainygalaxynerd  @salvachester  @tippitv  @therealcaswinchesters  @there-must-be-a-lock  @thelibraryismytardis @yourewelcomeforbeingmyfriend @sixtysevenandwhiskey  @revwinchester  @mogaruke  @chiisana-sukima  @charliebradbury1104   @hollygopossumlovesj2  @notnaturalanahi  @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell  
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atc74 · 7 years ago
OC Appreciation Day
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We all know that the Reader insert rules in fan fiction, but sometimes, someone creates an original character that is so well thought out and written, that you cannot deny their pull. When you read a novel, it is composed of all original characters, so let’s put aside any preconceived notions that the only good fan fiction out there is reader insert.
Please join us, @iwantthedean, @d-s-winchester and @atc74, as we pay homage to some of our favorite OC’s and maybe even come up with some new ones for you.
Do you have an OC that you love? YOur own or someone else’s? Tell us about them! Post your fics (old or new) with the tags:
#OC’s Rule and #OC Appreciation Day 2018 and be sure to tag us so we can read some new OC’s too!
Any genre is welcome (fluff, angst, fluff, crack)
One-shots, series, drabbles, imagines, whatever your heart desires.
Main pairing must be with an OC; please do not include children as your OC (unless they are the main character) as they are generally a result of a reader insert pairing.
Your OC can be you, a friend or the product of your beautiful and creative imagination!
NO SIGN UPS NECESSARY!!! Just post your fic on 1/7/18, don’t worry about time zones!
Tagging those that have previously written an OC: @rockhoochie @tankcupcakes @madamelibrarian @ellen-reincarnated1967 @wheresthekillswitch @mamaredd123 @chelsea072498 @growningupgeek @crazililwabbit @salvachester @hannahindie @docharleythegeekqueen @justanotherdeangirl25 @sammit-janet @hardertobreatheat-night @rainygalaxynerd @faegal04 @frenchybell @holywaterbucketchallenge @spn-hp-fanwrites @mrswhozeewhatsis @just-another-busy-fangirl @waywardjoy @percywinchester27
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spnbuddywriters-blog · 8 years ago
Buddy Challenge: Mix and Match
Hey guys the new buddy challenge is here. It is not something you need to feel obligated to do, but it is a team building exercise we offer to all of you.
Here are the rules
You have to be in a buddy group to join. You work with your two buddies creating a 3 part story. You can write all the parts together or one part each and beta for each other.
If one of your members don’t wanna join that is fine - the other two can do it. If two bows out the third sadly can’t join in. You need at least one of your buddies to to this. 
Pick a prompts from each category. You can write any pairing you want. For every part at least one of the three prompts you picked has to play an important part in the story. You don’t have to send us an ask to join. You don’t even have to tell us what you picked. 
You chose the pairing. All is allowed. Only rule is you gotta agree. 
You can start writing whenever you want. If you want us to reblog your story to the blog you have to submit it to us via link. We take the last submissions on September 3rd 9pm EST.
 Category One: Monsters
1 Rugaru
2 Ghost
3 Demon
4 Vampire
5 Ghoul
6 Witch
7 Djinn
8 Wendigo
9 Werewolf
10 Siren 
Category Two: Dialouge prompt
1 “Son of a Bitch!”
2 “Hey Assbutt”
3 “So get this…”
4 “Accidents don’t happen accidentally”
5 “Writing is hard.”
6 “They ate my tailor!”
7 “You’ll thank me when it’s Wednesday.”
8 “Hell's fine. Hell's like a Swiss watch. Don't worry about Hell. Hell's complicated.”
9 “Somebody slip a mickey in your power shake, kid?”
10 “Later bitches.”
 Category Three: Items
1 Grenade Launcher
2 Samulet
3 Angel Grace
4 Ruby’s Knife
5 Angel Blade
6 Old photograph
7 Death’s Ring
8 Holy Water
9 Pentagram
10 John’s Journal
Tagging the groups
1 @deathtonormalcy56, @winchesterprincessbride, @sis-tafics
2 @bloodstained-porcelain-doll, @bkwrm523 @ariannawinchester
3 @squirrelchester, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @chelsea-winchester
4 @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @mrs-squirrel-chester.tumblr, @winchesterswoonathon
5 @waywardlullabies, @sophisticated-angel, @sgtjamesbuchananbarnes107th
6 @unkindnessphalages  @megansescape @deals-with-demons
7 @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms, @shannon-kind, @chaos-and-the-calm67
8 @muchamusedaboutnothing, @cardinaleyes, @jpadjackles
9 @ilostmyshoe-79, @curliesallovertheplace, @padackles2010
10 @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester, @impala-dreamers-mainfrigginblog, @atc74
11 @rainygalaxynerd @obsessionisaperfume-spn-blog
12 @neversatisfiedgirl, @cantchoosejustonefandom, @themagicmicrobus
13 @femmewinchester, @dr-dean, @a-screaming-ghost
14 @profound-boning, @smoothdogsgirl, @rebel-author-chick.
15 @your-average-distracted-waffle,  @soul-of-verity
 16 @quiescentcastiel, @xfanqirlinq, @iwriteshortstuff
17 @like-a-bag-of-potatoes, @melonshino-writes, @hanny-writes-spn
18 yellowbrickcas, @megansescape, angelsandhuntersgalore
19 @supernaturallymarvellous, @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel, @waywardimpalawriter
20 @luckynumbrnelly @llovedean-spn2 @quiddy-writes
21 @jalove-wecallhimdean, @sawyerday
22 @braezenkitty, @anonymousantonym
23 @girl-next-door-writes, @redlipstickandplaid,
24 @traceyaudette @rachelladytietjenswrites @clueless-gold
25 @homeybadger @percywinchester27 @alangel185
26 @faith-in-dean @therewillbeblood
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growningupgeek · 8 years ago
Tag 10 people you'd like to get to know better. I was tagged by fellow mitten gal @bohowitch and @oneshoeshort. Name/Nicknames: My name is Mickie. I go by Cat or Jedi but I've also been called Mic, Nikki, and Captain Sweet cheeks(long story, ask me some night when I've been drinking) Last song I listened to:  Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede First Fandom: Star Trek. I'm a first generation Trekkie. Book that I’m currently reading: Magnuson Chase and the Hanger of Thor Worst thing I’ve ever eaten: Salmon cake, I hate the things. Favorite places: Anywhere away from work. @wheresthekillswitch @skybinx-blog @rainygalaxynerd @oriona75 @little-red-83
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gecko9596 · 8 years ago
Getting to know you
Answer the questions, then tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better. I was tagged by: @mrssamfuckingwinchester Name: Elizabeth Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Star Sign: Leo Height: 5′4″ (ish) Hogwarts House: I have no earthly clue which I would be. Favorite color: All royal colors Favorite animal: Lions (big surprise, right? lol) Current Time: 7:14pm pst Cats or Dogs: Dogs. Cats are the antichrist Favorite Fictional Characters: My Sammy & Castiel are the top two at the moment.  Number of blankets I sleep under: 1 fuzzy blanket. Dream Trip: Prague, Ireland, Scotland. Not necessarily in that order. Dream Job: When I was younger, I wanted to be an RN. Then I was in a car accident and that ended that dream. Now I just want to try and figure out where I would best be able to help people. When has this blog hit its peak: LMAO...ok ou decide to get tumblr: Can’t really remember. Curiosity, maybe? Then got sucked in & haven’t found my way out..lol  When was this blog created: A few years now. Why did I pick my URL: A previous neighbors daughter couldn’t say my name so we tried to come up with a nickname she could. Her Mom refused to let her call me Lizard so Gecko was a compromise...lol 
@roxirunningwithdinosaurs @dracsgirl @wonderlandforthemisfits @supernaturalfaanzz @cornerbackcastiel @hollygopossum @anchorsoutatsea @carryonspn @kazchester-fanfiction @rainygalaxynerd @mjolnir1990 @scorpiongirl1 @darcy-chick @demondean-for-kingofhell 
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beekeepercain · 8 years ago
rainygalaxynerd replied to your post: You know what’s super shitty? Reblogging a piece...
That does sound really shitty :( What art? What fic? I might need a little break from Nano later on (like I’m not procrastinating right now…)
This one <3
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coltsandquills · 8 years ago
rainygalaxynerd replied to your post “12x01”
All valid points, though after Mary killed the woman, she sat in the car and just stared at her hands. Dean asked her if she was okay and she said no. I took that as an indication that she was affected by ending a human life. I have more feelings about Mary and her reactions; mainly that she did grow up as a hunter after all. But the BMoL lady and Cas - yes, HOW?! We were saying the same thing when we watched that fight.
True about Mary!
My personal hope -- some point later, the BMoL will be like, “Haha, of course we lied and the destruction of the hunters was never our goal! Why would we bother exposing all of that to you, our prisoner, and have such slipshod plans? Truth is, we are just supreme assholes and wanted to torture you before moving on to our real initiative.” 
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seenashwrite · 7 years ago
The Nail's Spring/Summer 2017 Round-Up: Gold Star Stories
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My favorites - and some of yours, too! - from the first season [May - August]  of “The Nail”. These folks didn’t just nail it, they drove that sucker clean through walls, floors, ceilings, and didn’t break a sweat. I aimed for top 10, but I had a hard time choosing, so you’re getting my top 20. Introspective heart-grabbers, adventures through time, and chuckle-worthy tales from the world of Supernatural await you [including 4 short supernatural-ish originals that you won’t wanna miss].  
~ A Quick Nash Note ~
Publishing "The Nail" is so labor-intensive, it's taking some happy away from me in terms of just reading and enjoying. I kinda turned myself into a psycho-hose-beast critic when the point was just to shine a spotlight on writers who were doing this up like it was headed to the publisher and/or the screen; the over-and-beyond'ers, if you will.
So I'm thinking this is best-suited to a seasonal jam. Since I'm not pulling from a specific time frame anyway, this'll be like tossing out a highlight reel. It should coincide kinda nicely with what are often "down times", like holidays and spring/summer breaks. Hopefully. Possibly. We shall see.
In any event, I've re-arranged some stuff and majorly streamlined to hopefully make things easier on Curators [readers: we love you ever-so-much] when it comes to nominating.
Go HERE for past editions, it'll lead you from there.
Fall/Winter [September - December] edition will pop up sometime after New Year's, then maybe another one of these round-ups prior to Spring/Summer ‘18 [Chuck willing & the creek don't rise, ‘cause phew].
Happy Reading! XO - Nash.  
PS: Don’t read into the length of my descriptions for these, not showing favoritism, I just pulled from whatever I’d put on the post where it was featured
PPS: also didn’t include series, poetry, or fandoms other than SPN for this round-up, check the original posts via the link above to peruse those offerings
*~* In order of title *~*
A HAUNTED LIFE  -  @idontneedasymbol
Deferring to the author’s on-point summation - “Some hauntings require salt and fire. Others aren’t that easy. Dean runs into someone he knows, and Sam tries to make things right.”
BLACKBERRIES  -  @sexystripedtie
A look at how we can make substitutions, replace the bad with the good, though it never erases the pull of the past.
CRAPULOUS  -  @butiaintgonnaloveem
A tale of a hangover, a vampire stake-out that went awry, and mysterious underwear await.
FOR CAS - @jhoomwrites / @casbakespie​
A stunning coda to the season twelve finale, looking into a focused, driven, yet serene Dean’s response after he rose from his knees.
GOOD BOYS - @defilerwyrm
A poignant look into an alternative history wherein John Winchester chooses to allow Dean and Sam to be adopted into a nurturing home, far from the supernatural - to say more would spoil, though rest assured: the ending will take your breath away.
GOOD NIGHT, LITTLE KING  -  @moonlightcas
At the age of six, Sam receives a visitor - this story is perfectly plausible in canon, and has a slightly chilling, pressing, foreboding tone, all without being suffocating - and the timing of the reveal is Absolutely. Spot. On.
HEROES  -  @blackcaptainrogers
A story with a perspective twist not typically utilized, highlighting the blend of trepidation with strength that is felt when confronted with needed sacrifice.
IMPERFECT  -  @zepppie
Lives weave together, then pull apart, happens every day - this is the story of a hunter looking back on the portion of her life spent with Dean, told with such fluidity your heart will be ached and be soothed, all at the same time.
I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND  -   @impala-dreamer
A no-dialogue vignette that paints a striking picture of the protagonist's memories, when he thinks back on the moments he held his beloved's hand.
LET’S SWAYZE THIS MOTHER  -  @emilywritesaboutdean
They thought Gabriel had been taken out of the equation. They were wrong. Oh wow, were they ever wrong.
MILK - @just-another-busy-fangirl
A graveyard shift at the Gas-n-Sip gets a lot more interesting for a bored clerk when a black Impala pulls up out front.  
NOT EMPTY NOW  -  @sp-oops
This is a heart-grabber, one that will make you think and laugh and sigh, the story of the evolving dynamic between a hunter and an archangel, featuring pristine characterization from beginning to end - and it’s a damn fine ending.  
SUNDOWN, SUNDOWN  -  @thayerkerbasy 
Deferring to author’s pitch-perfect summary - “Crowley was done. After hundreds of years and one last sacrifice, he was done. Except, somehow, he wasn’t.”
THE LONG, FULL YEARS  -  @ariannnawinchester
What happens in the life story of the Winchesters after “The End” has been written.
THE ORANGE THING  -  @fanforfanatic​
Easy read of a story that’s guaranteed to make you chuckle, all about an everyday activity gone rogue.
THE REST  -  @mrswhozeewhatsis
Lives overlap in this story, where we're taken back in time to an afternoon in young Sam's life. Deferring to author’s summary - “It’s all about what you give away and what you keep for yourself.”
~ Original Pieces ~
A GENTLE, TIRED SIGH  -  @hamartiamacguffin
A melancholic, somewhat poetic tale that is an excellent example of putting just enough plot information out there so the ending can unfurl gracefully.
Not every princess spends her days alone in the tower.
We’re dropped into the middle of a situation with no real bearings of which way is up, no way of knowing whose side we should be on - and it is bare, it is dark, it is gritty, it is unapologetic, and it reads like a scene straight out of a Scorsese flick.  
THE HOUSE OF GRUMLY  -  @erinnightwalker
“Everyone knew that the Widow Grumly’s granddaughter was a werewolf.”
Well done, all. You thought these through & it showed. We thank you.
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