#rain and sky friendship means everything to me
Sky and Rain’s perception of e/o
Here are my two-cents to the Rain-Sky friendship conversation. 
While I do agree with the idea that in the second half of the drama Rain looks like a dumb baby who doesn’t know what the fuck is going on, I think it does has to do a lot with the way Sky portrays Rain in his head. So, even though Rain has changed after meeting Phayu, becoming more responsible and respectful and overall more put together as a person, Rain is still a very impulsive person, and immature one if you contrast his life with Sky. (Maybe immature isn’t the word considering Sky is the one who got into situations not according to his age, but you understand what I mean). Rain is still a kid to Sky eyes, a kid that for reasons being everything that EP13 showed us, Sky has the need to protect. What if the reason why Sky doesn't want to talk about Gun with Rain is also because he doesn’t want to get Rain involved in toxic and awful situations, because he doesn’t want him to be sad (because we damn well know Rain will go hunt that mf if he knew early)? What if Sky, by recluding himself into a shell, is trying to make Rain enjoy what he has and be happy with him instead of dragging into his depressive states? Much more like what he did with his dad; he doesn’t want people to be sad because of him so he doesn’t want to talk about what happened. 
This could also also be why Rain is more intelligent and more like the first part when he is not around Sky; examples being when he gives the key to Pai making sure Pai doesn’t do anything stupid, or when he realize Pai didn’t actually ask for him to get Sky to his place. Even if these situations seems like Rain is giving his friends to the wolves, we need to understand the type of relationships Sky has with people: First, Rain calling the only person that is willing to get out of his way to take care of Sky, who doesn’t care about his responsibilities and who will make the time for him not because Sky’s friends wouldn’t do that but because Sky will actually end Rain if he even dare to make everyone worry and making everyone loses their deadlines and their homeworks. Because, again, Sky refuses to make more people worry if not necessary; hell, Sky doesn't even want people to waste time even thinking of him. Sky also didn’t want Rain to know that he slept with other people before, and he didn’t care who Rain liked, probably because he also wanted to make a safe place for Rain to share those things with him if Rain needed him. 
Second, giving Sky a ride to his house makes sense in Rain’s head when he tides the things he knows about the situation present: (1) Sky is feeling unwell, (2) Pai and Rain don’t want Sky to be suffering, so (3) the place who would give Sky comfort and is under Pai wing is his condo. Logically, Rain would get his friends to the safest place as quickly as possible. Like sorry for trying to make sense of something but why do people think that the watcher has the same information than the character??????????? Is it not that hard to see that every action the characters have when it comes to Sky is based on what they know about him which is NOT MUCH and they know nothing about his assault or his past relationship. They don’t know Gun, or his sick evil mind, or his friends. And why, for the love of god, why would they think the worst out of everyone they meet just because we know what happened to Sky? Like hating on Pai for hitting on Sky and not realizing first thing the trauma he has? Sorry, but do y’all go around sharing trauma when you first meet people? I don’t think so. 
Another thing that allows me to think this way is the whole reason why Sky even talks to Gun in order to get the information of Phayu races. I think Sky figures Phayu is a good person and the races are not all that toxic when it comes from the right people; like, Sky seemed to respect and follow the worship of Phayu so getting into those places with Rain I think it comes from a place of protection. We also need to note that sometimes stories need some stupid circumstance or stupid situation in order to make the big think happen, so even if Sky had to talk with Gun, the drama didn’t make a big deal out of it because we change the focus to Sky meeting Pai. 
Sky seems to trust Phayu and is actually happy that Rain got into a good relationship with him; his dinner with him shows that Rain does understand feelings and is aware of them; however, being aware of your own feelings is not the same as being aware of everyone else's feelings. He said himself: Rain thought Sky would hate him. 
Anyway, Rain is my baby and my beloved one so I refuse to take the shit he gets for his character. While Mame could have done so much more for him, I also think Rain becoming more comedic relief helps ease the heaviness of Sky story. Rain becomes the happy time for the watchers who are tense for Sky and is also a happy pill for Sky himself (let’s bring that beautiful moment where Sky said even if he makes fun of Rain he likes that Rain never gives up, which is proves Sky likes the fact Rain is sometimes someone who is not easy to bring down by making fun of). I think LITA emphasizes a lot in sarcasm and irony and the characters wouldn’t get along if one of the parts didn’t enjoy it or didn’t understand it. Rain is both, but by not understanding the double meaning of things he makes people laugh and makes the people around him who use it love him. 
Sky perception of Rain doesn’t have to be a bad thing as well as Rain perception of Sky it shouldn’t be bad either. Like, Rain seeing Sky in a way that’s not fully him or missing things is also part of their relationship and how it gets built over the episodes. What Rain and Sky both thought and know about each other in EP1 is not the same as what they think and know in EP13.
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sitp-recs · 2 months
Thank you so much for your recs—they are fantastic! I wondered if you had any for Draco and Harry becoming friends at (and eventual lovers) at Hogwarts (doesn’t have to start with 1st year, but can!). Thank you!!
Hi there! Happy you’re enjoying the recs 😊 I got a couple recs, the majority is 8th year since I don’t really read canon rewrite AUs. I hope you enjoy these!
Thermodynamic Equilibrium by DorthyAnn (T, 5k)
Harry's far too hot. Draco's always cold. And somehow against all odds, together they create a perfect equilibrium.
Good Company by Greenflares (T, 8k)
With Hermione and Ron always together, Harry's return to Hogwarts to complete his education isn't exactly fun. Somehow, it's his unlikely friendship with Malfoy that keeps him sane.
Stand Back: I'm About to Perform Archaeology by Blowfish_Diaries (E, 10k)
A new Muggle Studies professor takes the Eighth Year students to work on an archaeological excavation. In which Draco is lazy, Harry is sweaty, Hermione is drunk, and Ron turns red.
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Makes Me Stronger by Lomonaaeren (E, 29k)
Rita Skeeter’s Harry James Potter: An Unnatural History is a best-seller, mostly due to the fact that Skeeter’s collaborated with a photographer who’s infused the pictures in the book with Harry’s actual memories. As Harry struggles to survive the storm consuming his eighth year at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy becomes an unexpected ally.
On Our Way by evils (E, 30k)
Draco is trying to spend the summer keeping his head down, but a repair project and a certain snowy owl have other plans for him.
Eager for the Sky by @oknowkiss (E, 35k)
It was announced, just as the Triwizard Tournament had been, at the start of term feast. A year-long, international Quidditch varsity match — the inaugural Wizarding Academy Cup. In which Harry is Hogwarts' star Seeker, Draco is on the bench, and they both have a thing or two to learn about playing for the same team.
Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch (T, 43k)
The problem with living with another insomniac is, eventually, they find out you’re one, too. When Harry and Draco return for their eighth year, they think they’ll see very little of each other. Then McGonagall assigns them to room together. And the castle starts breaking. And there’s that thing with Potter’s magic.
The July Tree by @oknowkiss (E, 51k)
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail… nor well-meaning friends, nor questionable communication skills, nor seven years of hating each other’s guts can keep Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from falling in love.
The Promise of Summer by Omi_Ohmy (M, 67k)
How was Harry supposed to know that coming back for eighth year would be so confusing? Everything is the same, and yet not the same. And nowhere is this more obvious than with Draco Malfoy. Harry finds himself once more watching and following Malfoy, trying to work him out. When they are drawn together to heal the castle, Harry doesn’t just find Malfoy - he also finds himself.
Azoth by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 88k)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
Helix by Saras_Girl (E, 93k)
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again.
Changing Tides by carpemermaid (E, 109k)
Draco has spent half of his life spouting the things his father has taught him without much thought about how he feels about what he says. When he unexpectedly comes face to face with the Dark Lord, he grapples with the harsh realities of the world and struggles with his changing views on life.
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop (E, 114k)
Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730 (T, 300k)
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness.
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moonlight-canavalia · 7 months
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You're Human Too: Chapter.2 Devotion Pair: Gojo Satoru x F!Reader Summary: Your first time with Gojo. CW: Sex, P in V, Teasing, Dirty Talk, Fluff, Pussy Eating. Do not repost or translate my works. AO3
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Who would’ve thought love would mean night-ins just creating a world for the both of you. Ignoring what happens outside and just focusing on yourselves. How home has become a pair of arms holding each other tightly not wanting to break the embrace. It’s still a strange wonderful feeling how familiar you two have always found one another. As if your souls have known each other in the past and have found each other again and again. Love has many meanings; it can be shown is so many different ways. By touch, a gift, words or something as simple as a genuine smile. Loving Satoru Gojo was different in the best way possible. Complicated as he can be it was an easy type of love. Built on years of friendship, lame jokes, teasing remarks, caring for one another. Just embracing one another's greatest achievements and faults.
Moments alone together are rare, but it’s important to remember you both have a right to steal a moment for yourselves. Even if fun means staying indoors with a movie and some take out.
The small date you both had planned for today had to be rescheduled, it seemed like the weather wasn’t in favor of your plans. Sudden showers were announced, so you both opted for a date in. Neither of you minded it, rain, food and cuddling while watching tv? That sounded like a perfect evening. That is until the silence was disturbed. Gojo wouldn’t stop pestering you , asking what was it you liked the most about him, what made you fall for him. “Come on just tell me why do you like me so much. What do you like about me” he asks dragging every word making them longer in an high pitched voice. Movie forgotten playing in the background, you sat on his lap facing him. Surprised by you he goes to speak and you immediately put a finger up to his lips. Raising an eyebrow at you he goes along with whatever you’re gonna do, grabbing you by your hips, he lowers himself more on the couch so you can sit comfortably on his lap. The way he’s smirking while looking at you makes your heartbeat accelerate a bit. How could it not? Gojo tends to have that effect on you. Intense gaze never letting up, ceaseless teasing on the daily and nonstop flirtatious remarks. But one thing was always present and it's his way of loving and caring for people. Words weren't always his strong suit, but his devotion is always there.
Mustering up some courage to spill a fraction of your feelings for the snow colored haired male; you can almost feel your heart clawing its way up your throat. You bring up your shaky hands to take off his his sunglasses and put them off to the side. Bright blue eyes staring back at you, you give him a genuine smile and he does the same. Lowering your face so your lips are hovering over his you whisper to him “I think the moon, the night sky, and all the stars in the universe are jealous of the galaxies you hold in your eyes alone. Here I am lucky enough to have them looking at me with so much devotion, so much care, so tenderly. I'm glad that between heaven and hell, we were lucky enough to find each other, here in the middle.” you finish sounding breathless.
Gojos hands tighten around your waist and for a moment you think it made him uncomfortable. Before you could say anything one of his hands is grabbing you by the back of your head, fingers tangled in your hair. He's kissing you and it's robbing you of air. This kiss feels different compared to the others you two have shared. Every kiss has been indescribable but this one is all consuming leaving your senses revitalized. Your skin feels hot feeling his lips moving softly against yours but there’s so much emotion behind it - a sense of urgency. Trying to convey everything he feels for you. Hearts beating wildly against each others chest. Breaking the kiss to catch his breath he takes in your disheveled look. The kiss is deeper and it's left every nerve in your body on fire. You shudder at the feeling of his hands running up and down your sides gently squeezing you. He hasn’t responded to your words yet, still processing them. A sudden realization came over him and something inside him shattered. And the desperation to touch you and kiss you came instantly. Breaking the kiss he takes a deep breath, admiring the view in front of him. He wants this moment ingrained in his mind forever, like one remembers a favorite song. Always playing in the back of your mind at the most random of times bringing you back to that first moment you heard it; causing the same happiness to replay again and again. You’re his and he is yours for the rest of each other’s lives and even after that. If there was one thing he was sure of is he'd love you in the past and he'd love you in any existence. If the both of you existed at the same time his heart would always search for yours.
From the first moment Gojo saw you he knew you were it for him. The way you made him feel left him making up mind long ago. If it ever needed to be, he'd sacrifice the world for you. You purely cared for him, him as a person. His title was something attached to him wherever he went, but it was something you didn't care for. You acknowledged and knew it for a fact he was indeed the strongest, but at the end of the day he was still the same annoying but funny Satoru Gojo you'd known for years. Knowing he wasn’t the easiest person to be around at times made him appreciate you even more. You never left, always there for him no matter the time or day. He feels his chest tighten at the realization crashing down on him, he was in love with you. Deeply, madly and completely in love with you and he had been for a while now. Those three words are burning the tip of his tongue wanting to escape. Lips parting slightly, breathing heavy, you both take a moment and are left staring at one another. The way you’re looking at him would have brought him to his knees if he were standing. He starts littering tender kisses around your face and neck. A delighted sigh escapes past your lips.
“Y’know”-he starts whispering near your ear voice dropping an octave-“ever since I first saw you, I knew you were gonna be in my life. Didn’t know if it was gonna be for the best or crap” he chuckles. “It took me years to admit it to myself even though I already knew what I wanted with you. I have a flawed personality, and you never seemed to mind it. I was so scared of hurting you but you always put me in my place when it needed to be done. I felt my life begin again when we made it official between us. You have turned into my sun and moon; it’s you and always will be you.”
His words have eased any doubt you had within you. Awestricken by them you find yourself suddenly growing timid. Not knowing what to say you hide your face in the crook of his neck.
“Aw, my girl got all shy on me. Cute.” Gojo says teasingly. To get your attention he decides to softly pinch the fat of your cheeks between his index and thumb. What he gets in return is a groan from your lips and a low ‘stop it’. “No” he scoffs — “I’ll keep going until you look at me”.
He might be annoying sometimes but he always means well; he really does. Growing up in such a strict household where he was only seen for his gifts left him with little to no room for fun. Making up for lost time seems like the easiest explanation for why he is the way he is. Who could tell someone as powerful as him what to do? —(Well you could and he’d do anything you ask of him.) But the way he acts is also a mask at times, but he has to keep it up he thinks. He can’t let people worry, as the strongest sorcerer he has to protect everyone around him. It’s a tough weight to carry a lot for just one man alone to do. But it’s something he’s accepted long ago; so having you in his life resets him. Reminds him that he deserves moments of peace where he can enjoy simpler things. Be it fate or the universe, the both of you were meant to cross paths and meet.
Running your hands along his forearms you land on his hands and guide them down to wrap around your waist. Chests pressed together you both feel one another’s erratic heartbeats. It’s cute how nervous the both of you are —you both think simultaneously— but neither speak up about it; just wanting to enjoy what’s happening. Gathering up your courage you start the kiss slow and he follows you, letting you dictate the pace. He hasn’t moved his hands from where you put them relishing how soft your skin feels under his fingertips as his grip gets tighter.
Moving one of your hands to cup his cheek you bring the other one up to tangle in his hair. Giving his hair a small tug you tilt his head back a bit to deepen the kiss. Mouth agape gives you the perfect opportunity to slip your tongue in and you do. Losing yourselves in the moment, the feeling of one another neither of you know how long you’ve been in that position. Gojo decides to bring one of his arms across your back, resting his hand on your shoulder blade while the other is tight against your waist. Pressing you harder against his body. His cock is straining against his pants and you can feel it against your core. Involuntary you start rocking your hips back and forth, small moans escaping from your mouth. Shame is nonexistent as you try to feel more of him. Angling your hips and pressing yourself more on to the outline of his cock to feel more. Gojo is fighting the urge to throw you against the sofa and fuck you stupid. The noises you are making, the warmth from your core mixed with your movements have him almost coming in his pants. He’s helping you grind your hips even harder on him, drunk on every sound you’re making. Wrapping your arms around his neck you rest your lips on his — “more” you whisper.
A small grunt leaves his lips as he grabs both of your cheeks with his big hands. “Are you sure Angel?” Gojo asks in a hushed tone. Shaking your head up and down you think it’s enough of an answer for him. But as he presses his lips to your forehead to leave a fleeting kiss he murmurs “I need you to say it sweetheart” and you can hear a the touch of nervousness behind his tone. Always the worried one with you, treating you like glass. He just wanted to be sure you wanted this just as much as him —as if the events prior weren’t enough of an indicator— wanting everything with you to be as perfect as possible. “I’m sure Satoru, promise” you give him a bright smile.
Outside it has started pouring, the rain letting its presence known with small thuds against the windows. Everything feels serene, rain and your small whimpers are the only audible things in Gojos living room.
Drawing back from his place on your neck, he gently appreciates the slowly blooming marks coming to life around your throat. As Gojo runs his thumb slowly against them he swears your skin feels softer and better than any silk he’s ever touched. Admiring the purple and reddish marks leaves him with a sense of satisfaction. Finally after all this time, he can mark you like he’s always wanted to. Finally — he thinks —people will know you’re taken when he can’t be beside you. “You always look so pretty” he says says - cupping your cheek.
His hands tightened under your thighs as he gets up from the sofa holding you. “Let’s move to my room so it’s more comfortable, yeah?” he says in a hushed tone voice sweeter than honey. Carrying you deeper into his apartment, towards his room he lays you on his bed. The room is dimly lit, lamps casting a low steady warm light — Gojos preference —as you are familiar with. Since the last rays of the sun are hidden behind rain clouds the room feels even cozier. The sheets feel so soft you think; Gojo on the other hand is processing how to even start. He’s not a man that second guesses himself, always sure on what he wants. But when it comes to you, he always gets nervous and he feels something strange in him-doubt is trying to settle in. You’re the best chance he’s ever let himself take. Letting someone see who he truly is is something he thought he wouldn’t have the luxury of experiencing.
Before he can even react you’re pulling him down onto you and connecting your lips together. “What’s wrong, Satoru? We don’t have to do anything y’know.” you finish off with a peck to his lips. Looking down at you makes a sense of calm wash over him. You are really his home, the way you calm his nerves with just a simple question. So used to being told what to do and not being checked on afterwards—you really are his angel. “Sorry there baby, got lost in how gorgeous you look under me. Bet you’re thinking the same there.” that lopsided smile he’s giving you makes you melt. But you still want to wipe it off of him. If he isn’t teasing or poking fun it’s not Gojo. It’s part of him and something you’re used to.
You tug at the bottom of his t-shirt -signaling-for him to take it off. As soon as he does you reach up and run your hands over each bit of exposed skin you can reach from your position under him. Goosebumps rise on his skin as soon as he feels your warm hands touching him. “Okay, okay your turn” he says smiling while swatting your hands away.
Leaning more towards you he moves his large palms to the soft mounds of your breast, caressing and squeezing over the sweatshirt you are wearing. “Help me take it off,” he murmured looking at you. Bare chest exposed to his eyes has him biting back a moan as he watches your nipples pebble exposed to the cold in the room. His breath gets caught at the back of his throat as you lay back down. Strong hands grab your parted thighs so he can fix his position “How about this next, angel?”. Getting shy at his question you’re left nodding. Gojo raises a brow and gives your right thigh a small squeeze. “Y-yes” comes out your stuttering answer as you raise your hips to assist him in taking your pants off.
Left in just your underwear you feel his eyes run up and down your body. Making his way up your body he leans on his elbows leaving a kiss on your lips. Leaning down near your ear he whispers in a deep voice “I’ve been wanting you for so long, you have no idea and I’m gonna show you, Angel”. Leaning on his left arm he brings his right hand down to your breast taking your hardened nipple between his finger gently pinching and squeezing your tit. The kisses Gojo is leaving along your jaw down to the curvature of your neck are scorching your skin. You’re whimpering at the feeling of his soft lips running across the marks he had left earlier. Closing your eyes drowning in the feeling of his lips you open your eyes when you feel his warm tongue swirl around your hardened nipple. When your eyes meet with his he sucks harder while pinching your left nipple. A loud moan escapes your mouth and at that a sudden wave of possessiveness hits him. He’s reveling in the fact that no one else gets this view and as long as he’s alive no one else will. The way you’re squirming under him and he hasn’t even fucked you has him in a daze.
The noises you’re making has his cock painfully hard but he just wants to focus on you first. Wanting you to be ready to take his cock. Gojo removes his hand from your breast and starts dragging it down your stomach, calloused fingertips leaving a goosebumps in their wake. Fingers gripping and touching every bump and curve over your body, wanting to memorize you entirely. “You’re so perfect. Aren’t you, hm?” you can almost feel the vibrations of his voice against your chest.
He’s wearing that wolfish grin of his while looking at you. Leaving a kiss on your clavicle he back up and rests on his knees. Hands resting on your thighs his gaze fixes on the wet patch in between your legs. “What if I touch you here, Y/N?” hooded eyes not breaking contact from where he’s touching. He seems hypnotized, grabbing your panties he stretches them over your sensitive nub watching your pussy lips swallow the offending piece. Gojo is fighting the urge to rip it off, wanting to have have a little more fun with you. To distract himself he starts rubbing slow circles over your clit watching the material get darker the wetter you got. It’s a sin how good he’s making you feel when he still hasn’t taken your panties off. Looking at him you notice the way the dim lights seem to dance across his pale skin. Your hips are involuntary moving trying to feel more while he’s toying with you. “‘Toru come on” you whine at him. Heat pooling in your lower stomach.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long and here you are being impatient. But I can’t say no to you baby.” Warm hands grab the waistband of your panties and he’s pulling them down your legs. Palming his cock over his sweatpants he takes a real good look at you, and to him you look ethereal. A goddess walking amongst men in this pitiable world. He will worship your body, mind and soul.
Getting rid of his pants he's only left wearing his black boxers. “I bet you taste as sweet as you look” —“keep your legs here” he speaks in a raspy tone —placing them on his shoulders— words sounding a little breathless. The thumping of your heart is so strong you almost miss the feeling of Satoru trailing kisses on the inside of your thighs, nipping at your skin. The teasing glint in his eyes ever present looking at you become desperate for more of him. Making his way to your cunt, you feel his warm breath fanning over your folds, lips hovering over your wet cunt. He leaves a kiss before he's bringing one of his hands to spread you open. A groan left his lips as soon as he tasted you. Addicting is the first word that pops into his head. Strong hands pin your hips down to the bed so you don't move away from him. The only thing on his mind is your pleasure. Having his tongue against your clit he spells each letter of his name. "You're mine pretty girl" his sultry words combined with his actions has you whimpering his name.
Swirling his tongue around your clit he presses his face harder into you to suck at your clit. Dragging his tongue up and down your wet cunt teasing you before he buries his tongue in you. The thrusting of his tongue in and out of you, massaging your inner walls has you squirming under him. Stealing a look at your moaning trembling figure he sees you gripping the sheets under you. The noises you're making have him rutting his hips against the mattress searching for some type of relief on his aching cock. One of your hands reach out tangling your fingers through his hair pulling at his roots. A quick burning pain washes over him and he lets out a small hiss. Lifting his gaze he's met with your tinged pink face already looking back at him. "I-I'm sor-" before you can apologize -thinking you hurt him- he's pushing your legs up towards your chest, leaving your cunt even more exposed for his eyes. "Do it again if you want, Angel" he says licking his lips. Smiling he gives your clit a kiss, then another and another until you feel his soft lips dragging against yours. Every moan is like music to his ears and it's the sweetest melody he's ever heard. He doesn't want it to stop; wanting to know what other noises he could pull out of you. Trying to close your legs around his head as the feeling is getting a bit overwhelming as your orgasm is creeping up on you. Moving your legs you open them wider and grab his hair and you hold his head still. Gojo lets out a filthy moan feeling your clit pulsing on his tongue. Rising your hips to grind yourself against his mouth, you're reduced to a mess of broken moans and he lets you think you have control. Sliding his tongue frantically around your lips he flicks and sucks at your clit. The tightening you feel on your lower stomach has you feeling hot all over, a thin veil of sweat is covering the both of you. Your voice replacing the silence of the once serene room, now all that's heard is a mix of your moans and the sound of hard rain hitting the window. As you're about to fall off the edge of pure bliss he stops his movements. "I thought I told you not to move your legs" he taunts ripping your near orgasm away. He gives your cunt a gentle slap and you want to cry. "Gojo I was so close what the fuck." the pitch of your voice is higher than usual signaling your annoyance. Tears threatening to spill at your frustration.
"Oh I'm Gojo now" he says chuckling "don't break my heart like that you just looked so cute. I wanted a better view." Sitting on his knees a lustful shiver runs down his spine while he looks at you, eyes crinkling as he smiles. Dragging two of his thick fingers against your heated cunt to gathering some of your wetness. He gently starts prodding at your opening. Slipping one finger in to the first knuckle. You let out a small hiss at the intrusion- chills start prickling your skin. A sinister grin present as he watches you move your hips against his hand. "I don't think one is enough for you, angel. Huh?" sultry voice laced with a smile he adds a second finger. "I have to make sure you're ready, sweetheart" the white haired male says while changing his position to hover over you. His long thick fingers are reaching depths yours never have. Pumping his fingers in and out of your wet cunt the squelching sounds bouncing off the walls would have embarrassed you. But the way he curls his fingers, mercilessly abusing that special spot inside you has you in a daze. Pleasure creeping up again you feel the coil start to tighten. Gojo is desperately kissing you, wanting to see how you look coming for him. He's loved every minute, second of how your body has responded to his touch. Breathy moans escaping your mouth you look up at him "please let me cum, please, please" body quivering - voice desperate. His eyes widen at your words barely recognizing your voice. A new sense of urgency hits him, he has to make you finish and fast, before he's coming in his boxers without fucking you. Taking his fingers out of you, he moves them desperately over your clit. "My pretty girl, I know you're gonna feel amazing around me once I'm done here. Aren't you?". You're not processing his words blinded by the pleasure you're feeling. Just left a babbling mess of "Yes-yes-yes" and "I'm gonna cum". And then it hits you, the power of your orgasm flooding all your senses. Tremors wracking your body, breathing heavy. You hear Gojos tender voice saying your name and then you feel his warm lips over yours. "Are you alright, Angel?" covering your face with your hands you let out a small "yeah" with a low laugh.
Giving your forehead a light kiss he backs up, finally letting his cock spring free from the confines of his boxers. The view in front of you made your heart skip a beat. He bit his lip, holding back teasing remarks at your surprised expression. "I can't wait to have you cream all over my cock" he says. The admission made your throat go dry. eyes exploring every inch of pale skin. Giving himself a few pumps, he runs his cock against your cunt for lubrication. Bringing himself to hover over you, he aligns himself with your entrance. He wanted to go slow, but the desperation in him is winning; fully sheathing himself in you with one thrust. Both releasing a moan as your hips settle against each other you wrap your legs around his waist. You feel even better than he could have ever imagined.
You really are perfect he thinks. The strongest sorcerer in existence is just putty in your hands. You could mold him to whatever you want and he’d do it. But you always let him know he’s perfect being who he is. He plants both of his hands on either side of you and takes a look at you. Eyes locking together you’re softly smiling at him. And he really thinks he doesn’t deserve someone as perfect as you. But if anyone dares to even look at your direction in a wrong way he knows he’d end them. The room is silent for a moment, it’s as if you’d read his mind. You bring one of your arms to wrap around his back and tangle the other one in his messy hair. Pulling him down towards you to connect your lips together. Saliva connecting you both, eyes hooded in pleasure looking back at leaves him picking his thrusts back up. The sound of skin slapping and moans filling the room.
“This pussy was made for me. You’re mine, pretty.” Sucking in a sharp breath feeling your cunt get tighter around his cock at his words. “You like hearing that don’t you?” Trying to escape his intense gaze you try to look somewhere else but he quickly has your chin between his fingers making you look at him. Raising his brow he waits for an answer. “Yes, yes. I’m yours Satoru” you speak bashfully.
”I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you. And before you ask, yes I’m yours.” he says in his usual teasing lilt. You would laugh at his last sentence and question how can he sound sound so calm while he’s balls deep in you. But the way his cock feels - the way his pelvis is rubbing your clit steals any coherent thoughts you would have. Cock plunging deep inside of you dragging deliciously against your walls. Whispering sweat nothings in your ear, voice low and raspy. Sweat covered bodies moving in sync. The stinging you’re causing by dragging your nails down his back breaking his skin have him moaning into your mouth. He will only be this vulnerable with you, no one else will ever get this side of him.
Having his infinity on all day, everyday has left his skin so sensitive to touch. And being able to have those walls down around someone is something he’d thought he wouldn’t be able to enjoy. But here he has you under him, leaving angry red marks down his back, pulling at his hair and biting his lips in a passion filled frenzy. You really are his piece of personal heaven.
Every time he pulls his hips back you miss the way he fills and stretches you. Slender fingers holding you at your hips loving how soft you feel under his fingers. Kiss growing sloppier by the second while you grab fistfuls of his hair. He’s kissing his way down to your chest to swirl his warm tongue against your peaked nipple while he pinches the other one with his free hand. The feeling of his cock plunging into the soft plush of your cunt is driving him crazy. Languid rolls of his hips has you arching your back wanting to feel him go even deeper. “You don’t have to hold back. I’m not made of glass” you say feeling heat spread under your skin - fingers dancing over his back in a loving matter. The deep chuckle he lets out against the shell of your ear sent chills down your spine. As his strong arms tense holding him up he gives you a deep sharp thrust that steals you of your breath. “More like that sweetheart?” he says with a coy tone. Hips snapping against yours with such force that its forming ripples against your skin heavy balls slapping your ass. He’s intently watching your face contort into one of pleasure. He knows you’re getting near, orgasm building up, the way you’re clamping down on his cock has him struggling to focus. Your eyes snap shut and your head falls back into his pillows as the tip of his cock starts bullying that special spot inside of you. “Right there, right there. Ah-ah” you’re practically screaming out. He could feel his cock twitching, his own undoing nearing. His merciless rhythm combined with his sweet words pushes you over the edge. Eyes rolling to the back of your head, heels digging in his back. Strangled noises coming from you unable to form a coherent sentence. Gojo feels your walls fluttering and that’s the trigger to his orgasm. “Shit-shit” he pulls himself out of you at the last second he finishes on your stomach. Looking at the mess between your thighs and now on your stomach he gives you an apologetic smile for the mess. Coming down from all the events that have transpired you admire Gojos snow colored hair as it’s sitting wild against his sweat covered forehead. Drinking in how he looks. Pale skin tinged pink with the aftermath of his orgasm. His delicate voice shakes you from your thoughts “let’s go get cleaned up, sweet Angel. Well with the noises you were making I don’t think you sounded like one. I wonder if the neighbors heard you” he voices in an aloof manner. “Oh well free show for them.” he says looking at you with a lovesick look on his face.
You grab and throw one of his pillows at him.��“Shut up, Satoru. Let’s just go get washed up please. I don’t even want to think about that” you say sounding nervous.
“I’m just kidding baby” he smiles looking at you then faintly whispering “maybe”.
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myseungsunglove · 10 months
Hiiii I have a favor to ask! I'm on a bit of a drought of finding stuff to read. I've read all of your fics and I absolutely loved them btw! So do you have any recommendations it could be fluff, angst, smut, and comfort! You could recommend regular fics of blogs of people with good fics! I read about all of Stray Kids!! You totally don't have to! Its 110% okay if you don't! Thank you anyways!
-👀 anonnie
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Okay, so I did a thing. I spent some time going through my blog and labeling everything I've personally reblogged. If you search the tags "Mia Recommends" & "Mia's Favorites" you'll find a host of fics.
I mostly only read Han, Seungmin, Chan, and Lee Know so that will mostly be my recs.
I also hedge into some Poly Ot8! & other pairings with a reader, and I understand that isn't for everyone. So if it isn't for you, just skip over those.
I will also just straight up give you a list of my absolute favorites. Like changed the way I look at writing, favorites. *smiles* This took me about an hour and a half, so I hope you find something from it!
There are 12 personal recommendations below the cut.
Mia's Favorite Fics
Ditto by @hwajin - Seungmin x Reader, smut, agnst - This one utterly broke my heart. I don't often read angst, but this one just stuck with me even though it hurt my feelings so bad.
No Words by @jl-micasea-fics - Seungmin x Reader, smut, established fwb, fwb to lovers au This one is just beautiful and raw. Mica is probably one of my favorite authors on this platform. So much talent. You'll see a few of their fics here.
Rain by @jl-micasea-fics - Seungmin x Reader, angst, smut - Mica is kind of the queen of angst and hurting your feelings. Just understand that going into this one.
2min x Reader Fic by @rachalixie - Seungmin x Reader x Lee Know, fluff - One of my favorite friendships is 2min, so the idea of being absolutely adored and loved by both of them just melts my heart. I understand a poly fic may not be for everyone so please skip it if its not for you.
In My Dreams by @astraystayyh - Seungmin x Reader, enemies to loves, angst wrapped in fluff - Sahar is another writer that I love almost everything I read by them. This one is really relatable and just wonderful.
Connected by @sky-yuna - Poly ot8! Series - lots and lots of smut, angst, fluff you name it, this series has it. I absolutely adore this series and it's probably one of my favorite ones out there. Each relationship with the boys is so special, and they do a good job of spreading the love, literally and figuratively, between all of the boys and the reader in this series. I understand a poly fic may not be for everyone so please skip it if its not for you.
Back Burner by @astraystayyh - Han x Reader - angst - this one will just hurt your heart and it's so relatable, honestly. I claim to not read a lot of angst, but you can tell by this list that I clearly do. This one will hurt your feelings, I assure you.
ZIP - by @cb97percent -Chan x Reader - smut, fluff, fwb - This one is absolutely beautifully written. I'm a sucker for friends with benefits trope as evident in several of my recs so far. The writing in this one is just, *chefs kiss*
Catfish? - by @seungminheart - Han x Reader - smut, crack, fluff - this one is absolutely fucking hilarious. It's a rockstar! Han fic and it's just, you'll love it. This author recently stole my heart with this fic and a Seungmin one. They are so so so talented. They have a Lee Know one they just put out today that I can't wait to read! They have other pairings as well and I would recommend any and everything they write.
Go ahead and cry - by @hyunsvngs - Seungmin x Reader, smut - this one is part of a series called "Hot Bitch Summer" and the way I was absolutely so weak for this part in particular. It's just all smut all the time in this series. It's only "Poly-esque" fic series. You'd have to read it to really understand what I mean by the esque. - I understand a poly fic may not be for everyone so please skip it if its not for you.
August is a Fever - by @seungminheart - Seungmin x Reader, smut, fluff - This may well be one of my favorite reads I've read in the skz fanfiction world. The friendship between Hyunjin and the reader in this one is fucking hilarious. The dynamic with Seungmin, kind of enemies to lovers esque but isn't. You'll just have to read it to understand. The writing is absolutely immaculate. This writer really has something special.
Photobooth - by @astraystayyh - Seungmin x Reader, fluff - this one is just so precious. It's so sweet you'll melt.
As I wrap this up, I realize how much I absolutely love reading Seungmin x Reader fics. They have a special place in my heart. I was kind of surprised there was more of him on this list than Han. They are both my ults, but I feel like Seungmin has been trying to declare himself the top ult recently.
Hope you find something here you can fall in love with. Be sure to check out my mia recommends tag for more stories that I really enjoyed. There were just too many to put all of them here! Please also respect each writer's rules and regulations when it comes to reading their work and interacting with their blog!
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jhugas · 1 year
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Genre: fluff, suggestive
Pairing: Chilhood bsf! Crush! Jimin X f!Reader, childhood best friends to lovers.
Summary: Jimin, your childhood bestfriend and crush, has something in his mind at your birthday party, you decide to go up to him and have a nice conversation. Instead, something else occurs.
Word count: ~1,2k
Warnings/tags: kiss, lil make out 💋 + a small and chill playlist for free lolz.
It’s your birthday party, finally. It took you so long to find a date where all of your friends could come… just for you to stay the whole night with Jimin.
It just felt so nice being around him. He was so sweet. He was one in a world, no one could ever be like him. The way he smiled… talked and looked at you… you just felt so safe around him. It’s not just this, but when you were with him, he also made you feel like you two were all alone in a silent world. Like nothing else mattered.
When with him, nothing else went through your mind, you just lived the moment, and enjoyed it.
What made it even better, is that you associated all of the most beautiful and calmest songs to him. It’s due to a playlist you two participated in, and used to listen to almost every day.
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[ y/nMin’s playlist<3 ]
Now playing —> 505- Arctic Monkeys
Next —> I Wanna Be Yours- Arctic Monkeys
—> The Beach- The Neighbourhood
—> You Get Me So high- The Neighbourhood
—> Pride- Kendrick Lamar
—> Love- Kendrick Lamar
—> Les- Childish Gambino
—> Redbone- Childish Gambino
—> Nobody But You- Sonder
—> Someone New- Sonder
—> After The Storm- Kali Uchis
—> There Will Be Blood- Chloe Gallardo
( —> Rain- Bts )
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You had a huge crush on him for years now, but you were so scared of screwing up your friendship! What if he didn’t like you back…
He was so excited about all of your birthdays, asking you 10 months in advance what you want as a gift. And you always told him you didn’t need anything, but he always brought a lot of big gifts. The thing is, he wrote down everything you liked and mentioned in his notes, then bought them for your birthday.
When everyone arrived at your house, you stayed with all of them, put some random playlist on, and had fun. But then, Jimin caught your attention… he was acting a bit weird. He was distant, and somehow, looked sad? Lost?
You can’t handle seeing the love of your life like this. So you go up to him and he acts like he doesn’t see you until you really stood in front of him.
‘Jimin… what’s wrong?
You gently ask, trying to not rush him.
‘I’m alright, what do you mean?’
He answers, but his eyes say otherwise. Is he hiding something from you? You could assume but you don’t want to, you’d rather let him express himself. But this isn’t possible in front of everyone, you know he needs peace and to be alone to open himself. So you grab his hand and bring him to behind your house, on the balcony.
Once you arrived, instead of letting your hands go like it usually happens, he keeps your hand in his warm one, and doesn’t let you go. Blood rush to your cheeks but since it’s night he won’t see it.
You lean on the balcony with him, and before any of you speak, you just stare at the stars. Fortunately, the sky is clear today, so you can see all of the stars shine.
‘When I look at the stars, I feel so good. Like I’m weightless. One of the few times where I actually feel like I’m part of the universe. Isn’t that crazy?’
You say, expecting him to feel more relaxed.
‘What’s your favorite star?’
He asks.
‘I don’t have one. I watch all of them at the same time.’
‘I’m sure there’s a star named ‘y/n’ out here. It must be the prettiest out of all… And if there isn’t, I’ll make one myself.’
He giggles and looks at you to analyze your reaction. Your eyes widen in surprise and you start giggling with him. Your laughs and slight awkwardness being the only thing in the air along with the music in the background. You notice it’s a sweet song playing too, did someone put your playlist in?
After laughing a bit, you go back to normal but instead of carrying on with the conversation, you just look at each other, in silence.
But maybe silence spoke better than words. You find yourself getting your face closer to his, his hand behind your head, messing up your pretty hair for your birthday. Then your mind goes numb and empty as you feel for the first time, outside your dreams, his soft, plump and pink lips on yours. This moment stays like a picture in your memory.
And before you realize it, your lips are moving along, slowly, and carefully. It’s a romantic and filled with love kiss, and you’ll do anything to make it last forever.
The warm wind brushing your hair and guiding them towards him, as he pushes them away from your innocent face. Sucking on your top lip, keeping the lead as you keep his bottom ones in between yours. You don’t have a lot of experience, and neither did he.
Well… to be honest, the last time you kissed someone, was more than a few years ago, and with Jimin. Since you were childhood best friends, you grew up together. And curiosity pushed you two to kiss at a young age. You can’t lie though, you did already have a crush on him at that time.
Your love for him didn’t stop, or just stayed. It got bigger, stronger.
Everything was so perfect about him… his eyes, nose, lips, voice, thoughts, laugh… his everything. You hoped he thinks like this of you too. And after feeling his lips move against yours, eyes closed shut and eyebrows frowned, you couldn’t believe anything else but him being in love with you too.
His tongue finally brushes your lip, wetting them but you couldn’t care less. He tilts his head to the side, and gets even deeper in the kiss. You never thought your real first kiss and make out were going to happen in one night…and with Jimin…
Suddenly, stepping noises are getting louder and louder, disturbing you two. But you kept going until you realized they were approaching you.
When one of your friends gets to the balcony, you step back and look at your friend in surprise.
‘Hey y/n!! When’s the cake?’
Your friend asks before realizing he interrupted something and going back to the party immediately.
You look back at Jimin, just to find him staring at you, a smile drawn in his lips. It isn’t awkward, on the contrary, it’s comfortable. He brings back your hair behind your ear and takes your hand before bringing you back to the party.
Later, since he stayed to sleep, you talked together and he asked you:
‘Y/n… would you be my girlfriend?’
He said with a cute, shy smile.
‘Of course.’
And this is how you made it official… and don’t worry about the rest, everything went well :)
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Note: I see blond Jimin what about y’all?
Thank you for reading! Likes are very much appreciated but reblogs and comments truly help the creators to get more exposure. Thank you!
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snakeskins-world · 1 year
True love's kiss pt 3
"What do you mean 'you can't do it'?" Anemone asked, but Dovey was quick to reply. She didn't stand up. She looked down to the floor, feeling tears fall down her face.
"Everyone out!"
The teachers left. Dovey grabbed Lady Lesso'a hand, holding it tight, as if she might slip away if she let go.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, her voice breaking as she spoke, her emotions came crashing down on the good dean. Her exhaustion, disappointment, regret. Several more feelings she had ignored, they hit her like a train.
"I'm sorry I couldn't fix this. I'm sorry I ruined it, I wanted to fix this, but I can't." She choked on tears. She wanted to reverse this curse. She wanted to have her friend back, yet she wasn't willing to try the only cure for a fairytale curse.
"You know, it'll never easy to do what's right."
She turned to look at Agatha, she was stood by the door, the dark sky made it a little difficult to see her.
"Why can't you try?" Agatha asked, walking forward and crouching beside her dean.
"She, she wouldn't want it. She never believed in it." Dovey said, wiping her eyes.
"And? If it saves her, does it matter?" Agatha asked."I didn't want to argue with Sophie, yet it happened, and after everything, we're closer than before."
"What does that have to do with this?!" Dovey asked, feeling angry and sad at the same time
"Just do it without thinking?" Agatha suggested, shrugging slightly.
"Just imagine Lady Lesso as a handsome Prince." Sophie said as she entered the room."Then you'll be able to kiss her." She smiled.
"You do that, and you never get a kiss." Agatha muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes. "If you aren't ready, then don't. But, we'll be here, and so will the faculty." She said to Dovey.
The dean nodded. She looked back to Lady Lesso. The evil dean hadn't moved once, still asleep.
She closed her eyes and took a breath. She raised her hand to gently cup her cheek. She tilted her head slightly before leaning forward.
"Are....are you sure this would be right?" She asked quietly. She was hesitant, she didn't want it to ruin a possible friendship with the evil dean. Then she saw the others had left.
"Right..." she took a breath and leaned forward."Don't hate me... please."
She kissed her softly, she pulled back quickly, the evil dean didn't move.
"I knew it." She whispered, tears stinging her eyes."I knew it wasn't possible. Why did I even try?"
She stood up, her thoughts spinning, she started to walk away, leaving the headmasters tower, she was greeted with a heavy rainfall and strong winds, the night sky covered in dark clouds, thunder cracked loudly into the night.
The fairy godmother spun round, the sight that greeted her was one she couldn't have predicted.
"Why are you in the rain?" Lady Lesso asked quietly. She sat up, then rubbed the back of her neck. "And why does my neck hurt?" She muttered, standing up, taking her cane.
"YOU'RE AWAKE!" Dovey smiled, immediately running back and hugging her, Lady Lesso was stunned for a few seconds.
"I'm....awake?" She replied, confused. She didn't understand why Dovey was acting like this. "What happened?"
"Uh, w well, you fell unconscious, and it was like Sleeping Beauties sleep! And you wouldn't wake up! And the storian said you needed true loves kiss to wake you up! And then I did it, and well, you didn't, but then you did!" She explained quickly, rambling on
"You're drenched! Why would you go out in the rain - wait, you kissed me?" Lady Lesso asked, looking at the good dean.
"W, well, yes. But it was just to wake you up, I swear!" Dovey said, blushing she was rambling again, only to be silenced by Lady Lesso pulling her against her and kissing her.
"Stop rambling, you're giving me a headache." She pulled back, looking down at her with a smug smile.
"How long have you wanted to do that for?" Dovey asked quietly, feeling herself blush as she looked up at the evil dean.
"Longer than you've known for," She replied with a smug smile. "You're freezing, and you're gonna get a cold." She took her jacket off and pulled it around Dovey
"Now let's go back to the school for evil and out of this horrid room."
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kii-nami · 2 years
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And we have met yet again, Traveler. Greetings from Fatui's Handler, Innamorata. It is always a pleasant surprise to cross paths with you. Those fortunate accidents are truly a blessing. And for the both of us, I hope. Do not fret, I shall keep you safe, you are an important piece on this chess board, after all.
Sometimes the time stands still, and the moon becomes frozen. Let us watch her for a while.
The stars are supposed to shimmer like the verglas on the windows back in the Northern Snezhnaya. Those that we are aware of, however, are deceiving. What else do these skies hide from us?
Choices. Freedom. Have you ever wondered if your choices were your own, or if everything has been predestined by some greater power? Would you like to hear the truth? Or would you rather have a delusion instead?
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A good General will command to strike, a good Queen will keep her people safe. I wonder…
I had nothing to do with it. Maybe it’s Her Majesty Tsaritsa’s doing.
I much more prefer the greyish clouds that bring forth the snowstorm. Out of sight, out of mind. Or so the saying goes.
You are up early. Sága has prepared breakfast, so enjoy while it is still hot. I shall depart for my Fatui duties. May your day’s endeavors be fruitful.
The sun shines bright above us. Do you wish to take a break and share a cup of tea with me? A bit of rest is needed to continue working hard. A little dessert will keep us energized.
What do you wish to have for dinner? I cannot join you, but I can send Tartaglia to keep you company. Oh, you do not wish to see Ajax? Then maybe Sága's company will be to your liking? 
You may rest peacefully. The moon will keep a vigilant watch over us and nothing will dare bother you tonight.
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Work is an important part of life, and I take my duties as the Right Hand of Her Majesty Tsaritsa seriously. Ruling a whole nation is a heavy task, and I must relieve My Lady of some burden by commanding her army with a cold and calculated mind.
To obtain something, you must lose something first. Just like with any power, something must be sacrificed to acquire said power. Names hold an important meaning, and I reserve this one for someone infamously special. A river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence.
Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but nothing is impossible. Fate can be merciful and it can also be cruel. Only your own decisions dictate the place this lightning will illuminate with its wrathful light. She has already sealed her fate a long time ago and she must pay the price.
What is it? I do not have much time. Oh, you wish to know about my day? There is nothing special about about my everyday life. I awake before the sun does, prepare for the day ahead of me, and set off to perform my duties of The Handler. I come home after the sun has already fallen asleep, and follow in its lead. Oh, you think I work too much? That is a childish notion you have, Traveler. Commanding any army takes a lot of your time. Being the Commander of Snezhnayan army takes even more than that. Her Majesty Tsaritsa's ideals must become reality.
What got you so contemplating, Traveler? You didn't listen to any word I've said. I see... So that's what has caught your attention. These flowers. These are called inteyvat, Outlander. There aren’t a lot of flora where I am from. Those flower fields were one of the only vegetation one could experience. Hard as stone and unbreakable as eternity, they still await the day I will bring them home, where they can finally find their rightful place. No need for any sorrowful discussions, however. Tell me how your day went, instead.
An activity to pass the time? I am a very busy woman, with little to no time on such frivolities. But I do enjoy a good stage play. I am even personally acquainted with my favorite actress.
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Must you look at me so? There will be no harm coming your way, I shall make sure of that. Mistaken be not, however. Abyss calls for you and you will answer, whether you want it or not. 
Sága is my loyal friend, whom I will not give up for anything or anyone. Dutiful and gentle, my handmaiden is my faithful companion and the most trusted ally. Do not be fooled by her mellow demeanor, she will not hesitate to dispose of you if she deems fit to do so.
You wish to know about Her Majesty? She is truly a benevolent god. The Cryo Archon is a god of love, and she strives for peace for all. I am happy to know our goals aligned and our paths crossed. Without Her Majesty’s kindness, I would not have been where I am now. I shall work restlessly to repay her.
Ajax? What a buzzing nuisance that boy grew up to be. All he does is look for fights and pick on my handmaiden. He is a useful tool for our cause, however, so the Fatui must endure a little chaos — Speak of the devil… Ajax, come here this instance.
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As Snezhnayan Army General, I often have to give out orders that do not please me personally yet are beneficial for the nation. Being a Commander takes a vast amount of courage and an immense sense of duty. Some sacrifices are necessary for the greater good of common people. Knowing that fact and utilizing it when the time calls for it, that is the most important trait that makes you an excellent leader.
Have you ever seen what happens when a god dies? Would you like to?
A gift such as this? I shall cherish the taste of it for days to come.
Sugar is good for the brain, or so the Doctor says. I am grateful for your kind offering.
I am very honored. However, please be so kind, and leave it with Sága. I will check upon it later.
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I am Queen [Name] of the House Einherjar, the Second of Her Name, Supreme Sovereign of Khaenri’ah, Lady of Vanaheimr, Seidkona of the Vanir, Liberator of the Æsir, Harbinger of Peace, Keeper of the Sessrúmnir, Defender of the Brísingamen, Wielder of Fólkvangr and the Vǫlva of Delusions. But do not mind the titles, Traveler. My friends should not concern themselves with unnecessary grandeur. Just call me [Name].
No, I refuse to consume that. Have you no consideration for my health? Or my preferences? Oh, it was prepared by Sága? Why didn’t you say so? There is nothing better than Sága’s cooking. 
You must not look at the sky for too long. You might see something that they do not wish you to notice. Oh, do not worry… Just talking to myself.
In my culture, it is customary to gift one a special star for their birthday. Once the person passes away, those stars are melted into a moon that lights their sky in the afterlife. I do not possess the necessary ore to craft you that star, however. So I must inquire about the traditions of your homeland and prepare the celebration accordingly.
I quite enjoy the taste of sugar. It reminds me of home. I remember Sága making us herbal tea before bed. She added a lot of sweetener to it, to mask the bitter taste of herbs. Teyvat’s tea isn’t bitter, but I drink it sweet out of habit.
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That woman needs to calm her attitude.
Someone needs to be more mindful of others.
Nostalgic, this sight is.
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I am well aware, I have taken you in as my new temporary companion at such a short notice, but do not worry about protecting me or seeking protection from me. No harm shall befall any of us as long as I breathe.
When the time comes, I will tell you everything you wish to know. But for now continue your journey with no worry in your heart. The both of you are safe. I give you my word.
That drunkard of a bard? His tunes are pleasant, yet the stench of him is something that I would very much like to avoid. Mondstadt’s dandelion wine is delightful, those who indulge in it, however, are not so much so.
The consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor? I don’t have much opinion on him, although Ajax seems to favor his company. He doesn’t strike me as a pleasant man, however. Not only he disregards any manners by constantly making others pay for him, but he also likes to talk too much about the history that has been biased by the perspective of the victors. Do keep it a secret, but whenever we meet, I tend to tune him out and enjoy the tea with Ajax instead.
Ah yes, Beidou, the Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean. I have heard of her, of course. How could I not, when people like indulging themselves in a bit of usually exaggerated gossip. Unfortunately for you, I am not acquainted with the Captain of The Crux, yet my handmaid seems to be. Maybe you should ask her instead.
There is not much to say about Inazuma’s ruler. A puppet cannot replace a human.
Dishonorable woman, that one. Do not associate yourself with her.
Stay clear of Zandik. It is not a suggestion but an order. You will gain nothing from the Wise Doctor.
The child god might be the most tolerable deity I have ever had a chance of meeting. It truly shows that wisdom comes not with age but with the trials and tribulations you must endure to gain it. 
Her head will be served to the Golden Wolf Lord. I promise you that.
Our little Aevum? Oh my, Traveler… Do not ask the question if you're not prepared to hear the answer.
There is nothing about Jöfurr Alberich that should concern you, my friend. We call him The Jester for a reason. My uncle is a fool, after all.
Jöfurr’s son? That boy has lost what is truly important to him. Yet I am glad he is as far away from my uncle as possible. As long as he does the job he was entrusted with, he will have an easy life. Yet something tells me he will have a tough choice to make. I hope it will not result in another brother lost.
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You wish to know more about me? Of course, anything in particular? Reading? I do enjoy a good book or two. However, I am more well versed in historical transcripts and anything that is related to the days-gone-by. I do not take pride in bragging, but I do have quite a library collection. That is unlikely that my catalogue has anything that can catch you interest, but you are free to borrow something if it does. Anything I am interested in the moment? There always is! There is this book I am actually looking for. An extremely important one. They say Sumeru holds all the knowledge of the world, maybe I should pay the Akademiya another visit. Would you like to accompany me?
You worry for your sister? That is only natural for an older brother to fret for his little sister's wellbeing. I had siblings too, you know. Where are they now? I am afraid this I cannot tell you, but I can assure you that your sister is in safe hands. I wouldn't have let her go if I had even a sliver of doubt in my heart that it might put her in harm's way. Oh, I see... You fear for what awaits her on this path of vengeance. I must apologize then. She and I share the same goal and have taken the two different routes of the same path. The both of us are well aware that revenge yields two graves, or so they say. Yet I hope when the day comes for those who wronged me to taste my pain, I will watch them all willingly fall in that very grave of mine. Only then I will be able to finally rest in peace. I am sure your sister shares this sentiment.
Traveler, will you do me a favor and look over these parchments for me? Reading so much is extremely taxing on one's eyesight, sometimes my vision fails me. I should try and get rid of the source of the problem, you say? Oh, my silly friend... There is nothing for me to do without my Fatui mask. Oh, you meant the curse... I see. Well, let me tell you that my moody vision has nothing to do with it. I worry about Sága a lot, however. Her peculiar bloodline is what is holding the effects of the curse back, yet time will always catch up to you no matter how fast you run away. I should worry more about myself? Do not fret about me like that. A wise Queen will endure anything for the good of her people.
Aevum keeps feeding my cats sweet things. Sugar is bad for their teeth. Do you happen to have any advice on how can I stop that disobedient child?
A blessed day to be born. May your sky be lit up with thousands of stars to shine up your way to happiness. And may nothing sway you from that path you paved for yourself. Happy birthday to you, my dear friend.
Oh no, Traveler! Do not listen to Sága, I am not picky about my food choices. I do not have much preference, and I will eat very much anything except Teyvat's vegetables. However, if I were to choose something that I would not get tired of, it would be Inazuman desserts. And now that I am thinking about it, Snezhnayan grandmothers put their souls into their homemade dishes. You should visit Ajax's family home to have a taste of his grandmother's borshch.
Vegetables. I am not used to eating those. Where I am from, we had only high maintenance fruit trees and rare grain fields. Our primary source of sustenance were fowl and fish. I am much more comfortable with keeping my diet void of any foods that I am not familiar with.
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Power comes not from the gods, but from the work one puts into getting stronger. It takes a year to harness the power of the elements to turn it into a Shard of Divinity. Delusions do not choose you, you choose your Delusion. Pyro, Cryo, Hydro, Electro, Geo, and Anemo. All tamed by the hand of a dedicated alchemist. Dendro is the only element that cannot be utilized for a Delusion.
It takes up to 15 days to create a single Delusion. You must give up yourself and be reborn as someone else, who the Shard of Divinity deems worthy. The process is tiring on the body and taxing on the mind. Yet the outcome is nothing short of a blessing. 
It takes years to master a Delusion. Those who are not granted a Vision have a harder time controlling the elemental energy within the Shard of Divinity. But those who manage, obtain way more power from their Delusion than any Vision they could have gotten otherwise. You cannot control more than one Delusion at a time, but you can try and become a god by mastering more than one.
It takes a will of stone and tremendous dedication to control more than one element. To know where your strengths end and weaknesses begin, that is the true extent of one’s power. You should focus on those strengths and when you do, the path to the Blade of Fólkvangr will open up before you.
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For honor!
Unveil the stars!
Disillusioned by winter!
Cloaked by the Crown.
Protected by the glacier stars.
Your fate has been sealed!
Come forth, the Blade of the Fallen.
By Her Majesty, Tsaritsa's will.
For the glory of Khaenri’ah!
Shine bright, the frosted moonlight!
To the stars and the Abyss!
Must we hurry?
Stars wait for no one.
I shall preserve these for those in need.
How... useful?
Fate has smiled upon us.
If that is that to your liking, you must keep it.
The wealth is built upon small findings.
…Stay unwavering.
…Avenge the wronged.
...Endure the tribulations.
Allow me.
Do not be foolish.
They shall pay for this.
Home… has never felt so distant…
The moon’s lullaby has reached my ears…
Forgive me, inteyvat…
Dignitas non moritur...
How interesting.
Don’t test my patience.
A crime against The Crown.
Awaiting briefing.
No harm shall befall you.
The road is long, beware.
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Re that last post about pleasure from art- I am an unhorny writer. I just am. Whether I'm writing about Rain Nutting while getting a tattoo or about idk, Sky domming him for fun- it's not about Horniness to me. It's about puzzle pieces and about what it means to want something.
Everything I've written is about want.
I have a friend in the previous Fandom I was in who sometimes recomments on those fics I wrote and is just like 'yes. I have nutted to this again. Thanks for the nut'
And I think it is the funniest friendship combo.
Every couple of months she rolls up on my dms with a concept and I'm just like 'yes I will play with the puzzle pieces of this idea and then you can nut to all the options. Enjoy your nut.'
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ala-baguette · 2 years
A Smile from a Friend
Here’s a short little missing moment of Hinny friendship fluff to put you in the holiday spirit. Dedicated to @niyatipr​​ for the inspiration.  Consider this a prequel to your happy Halloween headcanon.
Hope you Have a Happy Hinny Halloween
POV: Ginny Wesley, OotP missing moment 2k words;  Read it here on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42607698
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He was sitting on his own.  He was more often on his own these days.  Not that she was spying on him or anything, honest! But Ginny couldn’t help it.  Even now, she was just so… aware… of Harry. The library was fast emptying and those students who remained were packing up bags and putting away books.  The feast would be starting soon.  But Harry made no move to leave.  Ginny watched him, pretending not to watch him as she replaced a book on the shelf.  He was sitting at a reading table over by the window, a blustering downpour visible in the darkening patch of sky behind him.  The castle had been so chilly, most people were as far from the windows as they could get, and some had even taken to wearing their cloaks and scarves and dragonhide gloves inside.  But Harry had chosen what was probably the draftiest table.  Ginny wondered if it was just one more barricade erected to keep others away.   But surely, she could go and just say hi.  See how he was doing.  There was nothing untoward in that.  He was her friend, wasn’t he?  And there was something… lonely... about him, sitting there by himself.
Their shared summer at Grimmauld Place had been a pleasant surprise.  Hermione had been right.  Once she had started going out with Michael, she had found herself finally able to be calm and natural around Harry. Well… calmer, anyway, she thought as she tripped over absolutely nothing on her way across the reading room heading in his direction.  Thank Merlin he didn’t notice.  He was too busy staring out the window at the rain streaking down the glass.  A roll of parchment, a quill, and copies of Magical Herbs and Fungi and Intermediate Potion Making were all lying forgotten on the table before him. “Hey.”  She greeted him softly, but he still jumped and whipped around.  “How’s it going?” “Oh.  Hey, Ginny.”  His tone was rather disinterested.  She tried not to let it crush her.  It was nothing.  He was just distracted.  He had a lot on his plate.  “Alright. You?” “Alright.”  Ginny glanced around, feeling suddenly awkward.  Maybe she should have taken the time to think of something clever and witty to say before coming over here.  “Are Ron and Hermione not with you?” Harry shrugged.  “Left them back in the common room.  They were bickering as usual, and I wanted a little time alone.” He had turned back and was looking darkly out the window again. Heat flooded to Ginny’s ears.  What an idiot she was.  Of course, he didn’t want her around. Everything in his posture had said he didn’t want to be talk to anybody, and yet she’d come barging over anyway.  “Oh…” she stammered.  “Sorry. Of course.  I’ll leave you in peace.”  She hastened to turn away, hoisting her bag higher up her shoulder. “What?”  Harry blinked as he looked back around at her.  “Oh!  No!  I didn’t mean it like that.”  He smiled at her.   It was a brotherly sort of smile, but it was kind.  “You don’t count.” Ginny felt her face warm even further as she stood there awkwardly trying to decide if not counting was a good thing or a bad thing.  She hoped the blush wasn’t too noticeable in the dim light. “I had a really good time with the DA the other night,” she said after a silence that felt like an eternity but was probably just a few seconds.   Suddenly, Harry’s back looked a little straighter, his chin a little higher.  “Me too,” he replied grinning.  “It feels really good to be… you know… doing something.”  Harry ran one hand across the back of the other and Ginny caught the briefest glance of something there—a scar perhaps.  But before she could look properly, he’d removed his hands from the table and they were out of her line of sight. “Definitely,” Ginny agreed.  “I can’t wait for the next meeting.”  They’d only managed a couple sessions so far, but they’d been really good.  Even if she’d had to watch that Cho Chang girl batting her eyelashes at Harry through them all.  And, of course, Harry blushed every time she did it.  He tried not to look at Cho too much, but Ginny saw him gazing at her with longing whenever he thought no one was looking.  Ginny supposed it was just a matter of time before the pair of them started going out.   But otherwise, the DA meetings were great.  Harry truly was incredible at this defence stuff.  And it gave her a chance to spend a little more time with Michael—something that was tricky what with them being in separate Houses. “Same,” Harry was saying.  “But I think it’s going to have to wait until after the first Quidditch match next week.  Angelina has us out on the pitch almost every night, lately.” “Well, to hear Fred and George tell it, sounds like Ron needs to get in all the practice time he can.”  Ginny rolled her eyes, a small mocking smile on her lips. A small snort escaped Harry before he wiped the smirk off his face.  “Nah, he’ll do fine,” he said loyally.  “He’s actually really good when he’s on form.  He’s just too much in his own head.  Gets nervous.”  Ginny’s smile changed from mocking to affectionate.  Harry was such a faithful friend.  He would never actually admit it if Ron was rubbish.  “Mind you…” Harry continued, glancing back out the window.  “We none of us are looking forward to playing in this weather.” “Just think of it as a game of water polo instead of Quidditch,” said Ginny bracingly.  And Harry laughed.  The sound made her heart flutter.  Had he ever laughed at her jokes before?  She found herself wondering if Cho Chang made Harry laugh.  She hoped so.  Harry needed someone who made him laugh. Ginny licked her lips.  “Anyway…” she said.  She had to get that thought right out of her head.  Harry didn’t think of her that way.  She was just his best friend’s little sister.  And in any case, she was with Michael.  “I was just saying hi.  I’m on my way down to the Halloween feast.  Want to walk with me?” “Oh,” Harry glanced around at the nearly empty library, then to the exit.  “Actually, thought I might skip it this year.” “What?  Why?”  Ginny plopped herself down in the chair opposite him, leaning her elbows on the table as she looked at him.  “You’ve got to come.  It’ll be fun. Halloween’s one of my favourite holidays!” Harry shifted in his chair.  “I dunno…  I’ve got this essay to finish for Snape.  And I’m not really in the festive spirit.  Seems like nothing good ever comes from Halloween when I’m around.  Reckon I’d be doing everyone a favour if I just stayed well shot of it this year.” It was then that Ginny winced internally.  What an insensitive lout she was.  It was the anniversary of his parents’ deaths.  Of course he would be feeling that more acutely this year with everything that had been going on.  How could she not realise the significance of this day to him? They were quiet for a bit as Ginny tried to think of something to say.  Should she acknowledge what he hadn’t said?  Try to encourage him to open up about his parents or how he was feeling? No.  Harry already looked as though he regretted that comment and she didn’t think he’d really appreciate her prying that wound further open.  They didn’t’ have that kind of relationship, and even Ron and Hermione danced in terror around his temper lately.  Ginny didn’t blame him for being moody.  Not after everything.  But she still didn’t much fancy being on the receiving end. So instead she decided to try to lighten the mood.  “Well, now adays, Halloween is just an excuse to eat obscene amounts of sugar, lets’ be honest.”  Harry looked at her quietly, but a slow smile spread across his lips.  “But when we were kids… Oh, we used to have so much fun. Mum would bake pumpkin pasties and apple cake.  And she would help us make costumes.  Bill and Charlie always wanted to dress up as something scary like vampires or mummies. Fred and George of course always found something funny.  Ron was the least creative—I swear he dressed up as Martin Miggs the Mad Muggle at least five times.  Percy was the party-pooper, of course.  He was already saying he was too old to dress up by the time he was about six.  Should have known right then he’d grow up to be a total prat.” Harry was smiling as he watched her reminisce. “And you?  What sort of costumes did you pick?”  It was nice to see him looking relaxed and smiling when just a moment before he’d been sad and broody. “Me?  I think I usually favoured animals.  I remember being a crup once… and a fairy… a cat…” “A ginger cat?” Harry asked.  He teased her like one would a little sister.  But she still found she liked how attentive he was to her just then. “No… a black cat.  But now you mention it, a ginger cat would have probably made a lot of sense.”  They both laughed together.  Then Ginny continued, “Then we’d all bob for apples and carve turnips from the garden. The ghoul in the attic would sing every year at dusk—at least I hope it was singing… might have been crying… hard to tell— And we were allowed to stay up late that night and Dad would build a bonfire in the pasture out back.  And we’d leap over the fire to help encourage any lost spirits to find their way into the afterlife.”  Ginny stared out the window, lost in happy childhood memories.  They had all been so carefree and contented then.  Then her smile slipped as she thought of Mum’s strained and worried face as she’d said goodbye to them on Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters when they’d left for school two months ago.  She decided she preferred to think of happy childhood memories than dwell on that, so she turned back to Harry and smiled again. “How about you?  How did you celebrate Halloween growing up?” Harry seemed oddly surprised by this question. His eyebrows rose as he seemed to struggle to remember.  “We didn’t really,” he shrugged.  “I think maybe Halloween celebrations are more popular in the wizarding world than in the Muggle world.  I remember Dudley once trying to go Trick-or-Treating door-to-door like they do on American telly. But none of the neighbours were expecting it or understood what he was doing knocking on their door dressed up in a bedsheet like a ghost.  So almost none of them had any sweets for him.  So later that night, he went back and threw eggs at the doors of all the people who had turned him away.  Does that count as celebrating?” “You never dressed up or anything?” Harry shrugged.  “The Dursleys weren’t really the type to buy or help me make a costume.” They stared at each other quietly for a moment. Then Harry looked away.  Ginny wondered if Harry too was thinking about how very different their childhoods had been.  And wondering if they might have been more similar if a Halloween night fourteen years ago had turned out differently.   “Well, then,” she said at last.  “I stand by my previous assessment.  Let’s just say that Halloween is an excuse to eat an obscene amount of sugar.”  She rose to her feet.  “I’ll sneak some pudding up to the common room after the feast for you.”  Harry smiled, and she grinned back. “That’d be great.” “See you later then,” she said, reshouldering her bag.  “And good luck on your essay.” “See you.” Ginny turned toward the library door, but she’d only gone two steps before Harry called her name.  She turned back. And he was looking at her—really looking at her.  For a moment, it felt as though he’d never quite looked at her before.  And gradually, a soft smile turned up the corner of his mouth.   She loved that smile.  It was always a little lopsided, a little slow in forming.  But it was genuine and tender, and it felt like a beam of sunshine piercing through the rainy gloom.  And in that moment, it was shining on her.  Despite the fact that he had been the one to call her, for a moment, he seemed unsure what to say.  But then, tentatively, “It was good talking to you.”  And his smile widened. It wasn’t the sort of smile a boy would give to his best friend’s little sister.  It wasn’t even the sort of smile one would give to one’s own sister.  Nor the sort of smile to a lover.  It was the sort of smile one would give to a friend. And as Ginny walked alone down the stairs in the direction of the Great Hall, she found that she was not so envious of the looks Harry sent towards Cho Chang.  Because she wouldn’t have traded that smile he’d given her for anything in all the world.
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having-conniptions · 11 months
Love In The Air Special Episode) live reaction under the cut (long post)
Uhhhhh I watched the entire series on iQIYI and there's a special episode but it's just some behind the scenes commentary... I don't think that's it *proceeds to google* *finds actual episode on bilibili* aaaaaahhh bilibili my beloved
The quality is fucked tho, I can count the damn pixels
Ayyyyy besties hanging out <3
Lmao not Plerng trying to snatch Sky away from Pai hahahahaha
"Nong Sky, you should come this way or you'll go crazy like them" HAHAHA SHE'S ICONIC
"I didn't fight with P'Phayu. I'm just annoyed that he's attractive." Good to know our boys still have normal real-life problems
So... Sky's problem is that Pai's entire family is crushing on him and Rain's problem is that everyone is crushing on Phayu? They're so unserious omg but unserious problems are what they deserve after everything they've gone through
"No, it doesn't suit you. Take it off right now." So that's how it is huh Rain?
Hahaha my babies are so baby
"Have you ever called P'Pai 'Daddy'?" RAIN WHERE IS THIS GOING
The way he said "Daddyyy-uh!" Rain stoooppp I'm wheezing
Soooo... Phayu was acting like Rain's dad (telling him to get off his damn phone and read a book), Rain called him out on it and Phayu's brain short circuited - got it xD I love them so much
Hahaha Rain is so shameless istg
"Can I eat something else too?" 👀🍑
"Keep playing your game. I'm gonna play mine." OH MY 👀
Awwww Phayu and Prapai watching Rain and Sky being adorable and goofy 🤭❤️
Sky telling that girl to back off was too good - I absolutely love when he's being sassy 🔥❤️
He's so sassy and confident I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Besties going on a trip ayyyyy
And trying their hardest not to miss their respective boyfriends lmao
But can we please treat their friendship as just as valid and important as their relationships? Because it is 😭❤️
They didn't even tell their boyfriends?? Oh - they did. But our dumbasses still decided to look for them I guess lol
Oh poor Sig xD
Lmao Rain gave Sig the exact location and even the room HE WANTS TO BE FOUND 😂
Sig's "evil laugh" I can't- 😂
SKY IN LUFFY COSPLAY?? I mean I knew he was an otaku but I didn't know it was this bad 😂 the cosplay is 🔥🔥🔥 tho
Chilling at the pool, sipping cocktails, living the good life 😌❤️
...gets boring quickly I guess 😂
Good thing the bf's are on their way
"Don't say there's actually a ghost behind me" Rain so Baby
"You know I'll get angry if you drag me away like that, don't you?" - "You know I won't do anything against your will" THIS EXCHANGE ❤️❤️
Directly followed by "I told you not to followed me" well he's got a point lmao
HAVE I MENTIONED I LOVE SASSY SKY especially when he's bossing around his bf
Love how both of them are like "I'll forgive you but you have to do whatever I say" Rain is gonna put Phayu in a costume isn't he- HE CAME PREPARED IT'S IN HIS SUITCASE I CAN'T 😂
Oh my god Sky's rules for Pai are pure evil but like in the best way possible holy shit HAVE I MENTIONED I LOVE WHEN SKY IS LIKE THIS
"Then it must be when I punished you until you were sore. But i remember that you liked it" whyyy did we only see the other options (why Rain is angry) as flashbacks earlier but not this one? Not fair xD
Hahaha "next outfit. Get changed now."
The kisses in this series are seriously so beautiful - idk why but they're just so satisfying 😌❤️
Omg Sky with the candles & the bathrobe and the bubble bath and Pai isn't allowed to do anything or react - really testing his self control I could neverrrrrr
The power that Sky holds over Pai 👀👀👀 I am WEAK for him omg
"You've really got no idea how greedy I am" why is that so hot I mean what-
"We've made up, but I never said your punishment was over" Sky can be so scary you almost forget he is in fact baby
Awwwwww why is everyone so cute 😭❤️
"Shall we have a beach wedding?" PROPOSING ALREADY HUH
"You must've forgotten that same sex marriage isn't legalized in this country" I love how this line perfectly fits Sky's character while simultaneously bringing attention to one of the problems same-sex couples in Thailand face in real life, reminding viewers of the injustice that still exists
"But I believe there'll be changes in the future" aaaaaa i really see this exchange as something that's kinda breaking the first wall and this line feels like it's meant to give hope to same-sex couples in Thailand (and in other countries where it's not legal yet) ❤️❤️
Also can I just say Sky looks so freaking beautiful in this scene I want to print out every frame and use them as wallpaper 😍
Also the location and outfits are the same as in the photo on Pai's desk 😭❤️😭❤️
Awwww everyone running into the water, flip flops floating away into the ocean lmao
Shiiiiiiit they're all so cute omg that shot with both couples just standing there SO IN LOVE and Phayu and Pai with their wet (now see-through) shirts I don't even know where to look but this is art
And I'm sure a good part of that goofy ending was just BossNoeul and FortPeat 🤭🤭
This... this is it. It's over. Omg it's over. But it's not bc I'm not done yet. Time to obsess for a couple more weeks.
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Oct 9. 2023
Our time together feels like a movie, not because it was exceptional or anything, but because I remember the events, but I can't picture myself in them.
I see through a window, us in the kitchen, baking, kissing and then watching a movie, I see us holding hands, I see us sleeping together.
That's my face and my laugh and my tears, but I can't remember being in that moment, I just remember it from the outside.
It feels like it's been years since I've felt your touch, years since I felt what it was to be in love.
It hasn't, but you tattered me that much that I can't remember how it felt loving you, the only trace of you left in me is anger.
I think about how the world was trying to tell me we would never work out. Aside from literally everyone telling me I deserved more than you, it was the things that happened that were screaming at me: let him go.
How we were friends for 3 years and only when we started dating you got approved to move to another state
How when I went to visit the town you were going to move, I left it the same day you arrived.
How I always told you my dream was to be kissed under the rain, and you would leave my house dry, but the second you went away, the sky would pour like crazy.
How everytime we would break up, I would get everything I've always wanted and lose it as soon as you came back
We were meant to collide, crash and burn, because we bring that out from the other.
I let you be horrible, I let you indulge in your selfish traits no one can stand, I let you change your mind, ruing everything and then come back.
You gave me crumbs, just enough to keep me happy for a while, ignoring that I was completely mserable, giving blood out to someone who couldn't be honest with me.
"I can't forgive you this time" I told you when you ended me
I mean it, please, never think that I will heal and grow and forget or forgive, cause I won't; I've learned that with you, forgiving means opening a door to wreck me again.
Next time I'll see you, I'll be mean, I'll be rude, I'll be distant, I'll be cold, I'll be indifferent, but I will never be kind again, not to you, not ever.
I won't give you the chance, I won't even give you the opportunity to think you can be close to me again.
You lost that, you had it, and you disregard it.
You don't deserve that
You don't deserve me.
So no, I will not ever forgive you for killing the light in my eyes, I will never forgive you for making me hide my softness when it was so hard for me to trust it out.
I will never forgive you for ending the kindness in me
I will never forgive you for opening me up, make me love you and then leave
I will never forgive you for using me as you pleased
I will never forgive you for making me feel so disposable
I will never forgive you for making me doubt my love
I will never forgive you for making me cry to my favorite songs
I will never forgive you for making me feel like I was asking too much, when I wasn't even asking for the minimum
I will never forgive you for making me feel like I did something wrong
I will never forgive you for going away
I will never forgive you for coming back
I will never forgive you for destroying our friendship
I will never forgive you for breaking up with me on my birthday
I will never forgive you for making me cry myself to sleep
I will never forgive you for making me think you loved me
I will never forgive you for saying you loved me just wreck me again and again
I will never forgive you.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Hey ms Luta,
I don't get why do people compared rain and sky's friendship like how did they even decide that sky is a better friend then rain is like did they not see the love storm part of the story to see how hyper rain is or how diverse his mind can get at times. Why did they even expect rain to be like sky when thats literally not possible. Sky is not rain his dynamic with rain is different then rain's dynamic with sky. Sky is more of take charge kind of person while rain would literally start to panic if he is to take charge in a way. Sky is kind of a leader in their friend group while rain would actually do extremely well with given instructions. Why do people even compare their friendship its been a huge issue for me. Rain isn't going to give out relationship advices to sky its just not going to happen. While sky will coz sky knows rain and his inner turmoil etc. Sky gives advices because that is sky. Rain isn't going to do that. But rain will stick by sky's side, will be his support, will do whatever sky asks him to, help him in everything. Just because rain is a open book and sky can read him easily doesn't mean one is a better friend then the other. Sky is not a open book or even easy to read and rightfully so. He has guards a mile high and those are absolutely necessary for his character. But rain was able to get past that wall he was literally able to insert himself in sky tightly guarded world and its not a easy task. As a person with walls of my own i can definitely guarantee that. Rain is special to sky as sky is special for rain and they love each other.
This seems like a rant i didn't realize how much this topic actually makes me angry. Sorry for the rant.
🐦(a lil birdie)
Hey Hey a lil birdie!!!
Sometimes we got to rant to figure out what we really want to say. Rain and Sky are not comparable. Their friendship is thick and important to them both. They are vastly different though and going to react different. Especially as they have a D/s friendship.
Hope you feel better now that you got it out. 💜💜💜
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thecrossoverwriter15 · 9 months
I'm Sorry I Wasn't Strong Enough - ROTTMNT ANGSTY Oneshot
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After watching The ROTTMNT Movie, I had to write a little angsty oneshot. This is set in the Krang Apocalypse which means PAIN will be present in this story. I guess this is considered a spoiler, so yeah, if you haven't since the movie and don't want to be spoiled, CLICK OFF!!
Music recommended:
Now that that's out of the way, let's get into this! One last thing, GET TISSUES, we're going down that rabbithole..
“And behold. From their perch atop New York City. The Krang ripped open the sky itself. What came out was terror and what rained down upon us was worst than death.”
It has been a few months since the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had destroyed the Kraang’s corrupt regime and future decimation, yet Casey still felt a sense of dread. Perhaps he was just struggling with the fact that he was in a whole new world, maybe it was just another crappy day, he didn’t know. While sitting on his new room Leo had given him, he contemplated on what to do about this strained feeling. Of course, Leo! He remembered, whenever he was struggling with a situation, he would talk with Master Leonardo. Talking with a friend or father usually helps with stress. With that, he decided to ask the brothers for a chat alone in the living room,
“Thanks for being here, guys,” Casey’s morose voice rang out. The four brothers sat on the couch, nodding with caring smiles.
“Casey, we’re always here for you. What’s going on?” Leo asked. Mikey jumped onto Casey’s side of the couch, asking in concern,
“Yeah, is everything okay?? If you ate a bad slice of pizza, I’m sorry! Oh my god, you did, didn’t you! I’m sorry! I swear, I didn’t mean-“
“No, no, no Mikey. It’s not that.”
“Whew!” Mikey sighed. Donnie rolled his eyes.
Casey took a deep breath, “Remember when I told you about yourselves in the future, but couldn’t finish when we arrived at Metro Tower?”
“Yeah?” Raph said.
“Well, I’ve been wanting to tell you what really happened. Just promise that it won’t affect our friendship, okay?”
“It won’t. We’re a family, a team. Whatever you say, we’ll understand.” Raph reassured.
“See…” Casey turned away and closed his eyes, “you die.”
Leo turned towards the floor in sadness, Mikey slightly gasped, Donnie’s expression turned to concern as his eyes grew and Raph gasped.
“W-what? How?” Donnie gasped.
“Donnie, when I said that you were the most innovated mind of all time? Well, you were. When Master Leonardo and I were trapped in a cave or in danger, you would use your brilliant ideas and tech to get out of it! You would use your tech to fix machines in the lair, or just make Master Leonardo trip on his own shell.”
Leo chuckled, “Just like Donnie!”
“Not helping, Nardo.” The Soft-shell groaned, before continuing, “So, what happened?”
Casey sighed as his eyes closed…
NEW YORK (2023)
“Casey, we need to retreat!” Master Leonardo shouted to the young Casey Jones who was finishing off a Krang monster. As the razor-covered hockey stick sliced through the monster’s guts, Casey turned around.
“But, we can take them!”
“Casey, listen to me. We’re outnumbered.” Master Leonardo started. The young teenager sighed and let his head sag in defeat, “I just want to save the world.”
The elder put his metal arm on Casey’s shoulder, “I know you do, but we have to focus on here and now.” Before tuning into his comn, “Donnie, can you find a way out of this?”
A particular Soft-shell turtle’s voice rang through the , “You bet I can! Meet me at the Lair. All of—“
Donnie’s voice went flat.
Leo’s heart started to race, “Donnie?”
“Wait, What happened? Where is he?” Casey asked with concern. When he got no answer, the teenager looked towards the broken city where Donnie last was. His face harden, he wasn’t about to lose another brother. Leo looked up at determined scholar with wide eyes, “Case?”
Casey Jones Jr. suddenly began to race towards the desolated carnage that was once their city.
“CASEY WAIT!” Master Leonardo shouted, just as a large explosion knocked him off his feet. He rolled a bit on the dirt, before conveniently hitting his head on a large stone. As his sight blackened out, he saw his scholar’s tiny slliouette racing towards the city on a mission of determination..
Casey had made it into the obliterated wreckage. Collapsed piles of brick, concrete and wood laid in rows on the earth. The building that were left had deteriorated, leaving cracks and a quite an unpleasant smell around the area. The air was unusually heavy, making Casey’s heart beat even faster. The teenager looked around, hoping to drive his attention away from the looming notion that something bad had happened to his brother. Maybe Master Donatello found shelter and hid, perhaps he fought off the Krang with everything he got, cracked a joke! Casey chuckled, Master Dee always played pranks on Master Leonardo and Michaelangelo. And he will when they get back, he just needed to find him. Casey’s thoughts scattered away when he saw the very thing he dreaded.
Leaning against a large stone and clutching his wound was Master Donatello. Each breath seems to be a struggle as his paling body produced more and more blood.
“No, NO NO NO NO!” Casey denied the sight and ran towards his brother and uncle, falling into his knees and clutching his face in his hands, “Hey, hey. It’s ok. Just deep breaths,” Casey whispered, hoping to comfort him despite the intense pain.
Donnie only looked at him, not having the courage to lift his hand to wipe the small stream of blood that dripped down the corner of his mouth. Speaking of blood, the hole in his stomach continued to pump out squirts of blood, staining his pants and broken plastron. Casey proceed to look down at the wound as Donnie pulled his hand away. The large hole was cut straight through the soft shell and plastron, creating a yucky mess of blood and other things Casey didn’t want to know about. His eyes diverted back to Donnie, sadness blanked them.
“Okay. No worries, Master Dee. I’ll call your brother.” He blurted out and yelled into his comlink, “MASTER LEONARDO! COME IN! MASTER?!”
Thankfully, Leonardo’s spunky voice answered, “Casey, Casey! Where are you?”
“I’m in the city with Master Donatello. He’s hurt really bad. He’s bleeding a lot and is turning pale.”
Leo’s heart almost stopped, “Listen to me, I need you to apply pressure on the wound. Make sure that he stays awake. We’re on our way.”
“Copy that.” Casey strongly replied, turning off his communicator and grabbed a towel from his bag. While he was unraveling it, Donnie painfully whispered, “Case?”
“Yes Master?”
Donnie let out a bloody cough and attempted to clear his throat, “I feel light.”
Casey looked up in fear, then back down at the towel, “Just keep talking. What’s it like?”
“I don’t feel any pain anymore.”
“I’m glad.” Casey replied. His voice was quick, “Look, Master Dee, I need to put this on the wound, so it might hurt.”
Donnie nodded. The teen slowly put the towel on the wound. With seconds, the towels begin soaking up the blood like a sponge. This was not good. With a growing panic, Casey began to scramble around, looking for something, anything to cover the hole. His eyes brighten as he found a needle and thread. He could stitch the wound, then they’ll find Master Leonardo and get Master Donatello to a Med Bay. When he crawled to Dee to tell him that he found something, his brows fused together in confusion. Donnie’s face was white as snow, his lips were a tint of greyish-blue. The blood that had soaked up was dry and dark. What’s worst of all, his eyes were party opened, with a relaxed expression on his face.
“Master Dee?” Casey asked, slightly shaking him. There was no answer. The teen tried again, “Master Donatello?”
When Casey went to shake him again, Donnie’s lax body fell sideways towards the ground, causing the boy to grasp his shoulders and neck. He gently set Donnie’s head in his arms, turning it so the turtle looked at him.
“Donnie, c’mon, this isn’t funny.” Casey said with slight frustration in his voice. Yet, the Softshell’s expression didn’t budge. Casey’s nose began to radiate a bright red as his eyes stung, “Please? Donnie?”
Once again, the lax body didn’t move. Casey was almost too scared to move him in case the stone cold arms cracked like glass. Despite the resistance, he gently set the body onto the floor, making sure not to move him too much. Once the corpse had been set on the floor is when Casey really started to break down. His broken and unclear voice whispered apologies and loving words as his mind accepted the loss. He couldn’t take it anymore and proceeded to rest his forehead against the still chest and hold the hand one more time. Desperate sobs and slight screams left his mouth just as Master Leonardo, Michelangelo and the Resistance arrived. Leo and Mikey’s eyes grew when they saw the sight, with Leo kneeling down. He set his hand on Casey’s shoulder.
He didn’t want to say anything that would hurt his young apprentice even more and softly asked, “Is he gone?”
Casey looked up, his eyes red and puffy. When he saw his master, he nodded with a whine. Leo’s eyes began to grow with tears as he wrapped his arms around his child, holding him to his chest, “I know. I know. I know it hurt, but you were so strong for him. You held it together. He knew it was time. I’m sure he was glad to be with you.”
Casey sobbed into Leo’s plastron, “But, he’s gone. He’s gone, he’s gone.”
“I know,” Leo’s voice cracked, “But you helped him. I love you so much and we’re going to get through this.”
“Leo, he was happy. He wasn’t in any pain.”
That sentence nearly made Leo break down. The two looked at the body and saw Mikey hugging the head into his shoulder. The Box Turtle sniffled, “He’s cold. I don’t want to leave him here.”
Leo sniffled once more and grabbed his cape, “Can you wrap him in this?”
“Of course. I think you should say goodbye first.”
The Red-Eared Slider let out a breath and sat down next to his brother, rubbing his head and holding his hand, “I love you so much. Don’t ever forget that Dee. I know you want me to continue and that’s just what I’ll do. I promise I’ll take care of Casey, April, Mikey and the rest and you go tell Raph about your crazy adventures. I love you.” and gave one last loving kiss on his brother’s head. Leo, Mikey and Casey all helped wrap Donnie’s body in the blanket like a baby. Casey sniffled as he covered the Softshell Turtle’s face and got up. Leo proceeded to put his arms underneath the body’s head and knees and carry him out of the area and into the light…
Donnie let his tears fall as Casey finished the heartbreaking story. Mikey clung into him like glue while Raph and Leo listened. Casey sighed as he finished. After a few moments, Donnie sniffed, “I’m glad you told me, Casey.” and got up, walking to his office where he sat in the chair and cried for a long time.
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That’s all folks. I said pain and I delivered. I really hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to my room to have a mental breakdown on what I just wrote.
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trashcanbutcute · 1 year
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Icarus Dark.
17 years old; Seventh year of Hogwarts.
April 18th; Capricorn; INTJ.
Pure Blood.
Manchester, England.
Slytherin. The sorting hat barely touched his head and it immediately screamed SLYTHERIN.
Black hair, piercing blue eyes, a perpetual serious expression and a very pale skin.
Very closed off, Icarus prefers to talk only when absolutely necessary. When he does talk, it's usually in a condescending tone, as if he knows he is better than you but doesn't feel the need to explain why. He has a very stern, no nonsense attitude. He hates beating around the bush, you either say what you want or don't say anything at all.
He absolutely despises wasting time. He values his time, it's basically the saying “Time is money”. So if you won't help him or be useful, you can see yourself out.
He himself isn't sure how he has a friend, he knows his attitude is not the most approachable. So imagine his surprise when a fellow Slytherin basically adopted him. He just took one look at him and said "oh poor thing" and yoink, adopted. I imagine their friendship to be like Manny and Sid have, from Ice Age? Where one is serious and just "leave me alone" while the other is stupid and “awn you don't mean that, you jokester”. (I'll make a post about him probably,,)
The Dark family is famous for almost preaching it's purity for all to hear. They will carry this to. their. grave. Beng the only son of the family, Icarus has been pressured to not fuck this up ever since he was little. His two older sisters ditched their family and left them behind immediately after they turned 18, marrying and running away with their spouses to never come back. Icarus then grew an intense hatred for his sisters, growing up with the assumption they left him behind to suffer in the hand of their family in their place. Because of this he has a hard time trusting people.
He carries the family name, so his parents pressures him into marrying immediately. Arranging dates, forming deals with other families, introduce their daughters to Icarus. But he doesn't care about marriage, he thinks it's pointless. Even if he succumbs to his family constant nagging and marry they will never leave him alone. He knows that the moment he marries, his family will pressure him to have children.
His name actually came before his backstory lol. I imagine that he will go so far to make his family proud that will "fly to close to the sun" and just hurt himself in the process. Stretch himself so thin to please his family there will eventually be nothing left.
I imagine his style to be a mix between Dark Academia and Royalcore.
He will never admit it but he is absolutely in love with muggle poetry. He adores the way muggles take such simplistic things such as the sound of the rain, the changing of colors in the transition between season, the sky and the stars and find a much deeper meaning. When muggles make mundane things seem straight out of a fantasy book. They make life seem so magical, which is ironic, because they don't even know magic exists!
He is VERY cynical. He acts in his own self interest and doesn't understand the way others will throw away everything they have for something so trivial like friends and family.
A lover of tea and an enjoyer of fine dining.
Wears only the most expensive of colognes. Likes scented candles, favorite scent being lavender (he is a basic bitch, fight me).
He would excel in Potions, Spells and Charms, History of Magic and, surprisingly, Care of Magical Creatures.
He doesn't care about flying lessons because, in his words, "It's utter rubbish, why learn to fly on a broom if we are perfectly capable of apparating?”
He absolutely hates Herbology and Divinations; Herbology is messy, the Mandrakes are so loud and his plants never grow so he got petty. Divinations is mostly because of Professor Trelawney, he truly believes she doesn't know what she's talking about and is making everything up on the spot, but also because he thinks it's stupid, because it's so difficult to get precise results, it's so open to interpretation you could say there isn't any, and it's just so trivial, like, why would we even have this as a class?
Songs that describe his ✨ v i b e ✨ is Reflections, by Toshifumi Hinata; Carol of the Bells, instrumental version; Merry Go Round of Life. .
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madhatterbri · 2 years
You and I | R.K.
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"Are you coming to the planetarium tonight?" Dr. Rajesh Koothrapali asked hopefully. He looked across from him to see Katrina Matthews. She was a professor in the Social Studies department at Caltech. He had only known her for a few months, but she was one of his biggest supporters.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she promised. "I hear the presenter is out of this world,"
Rajesh opened his mouth to speak yet closed it. He chuckled at her joke. She giggled softly at his reaction. Her soft giggle was the first thing he found attractive. He first heard it in the lunch line and he was smitten ever since. Unfortunately, she was dating a total jerk in the Math department.
"Well, I'll let the presenter know that he has a fan. Shall I tell him anything else?" he asked curiously. Raj grabbed the handle and turned to look at her one last time.
"Can you tell him he left his research paperwork here from the last time we had lunch together?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Katrina looked between him and the manilla folder. A look of realization appeared on the doctor's face.
"Thanks," he smiled and reached his hand out.
"Of course, Raj," she smiled and grabbed a manilla folder from her desk. "I'll see you tonight,"
The pair walked out of her office. They gave each other a hug. Katrina lingered in the hug. She wanted more, so much more with Raj. Dating her current boyfriend was a huge mistake. Fear of losing her friendship with Raj pushed her towards him.
She let him go and they went their separate ways.
Katrina could feel the tension in the car the moment she sat in the passenger seat. It was hard to miss. Her boyfriend, Jose, had barely spoken a handful of words to her. He didn't look at her or even kiss her cheek like normal. His eyes were focused on the road. The woman was greeted with a stiff hey when she entered the car. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. His normal tan knuckles started to turn white.
She sighed softly and placed her head on the window glass. Rain fell from the California sky and rolled down quickly. She wasn't in the mood to argue with him. Work sucked and she just needed someone to cuddle with. Maybe they could talk out whatever was bothering him in a normal, civil manner.
"Jo, I know you aren't happy. But you know, I am your girlfriend, right? You can tell me anything," she tried to assure him. "Is everything okay at work?" She  would open up to her. She reached out to touch his arm, but he jerked away from her. Well, this wasn't going to be civil.
"Oh, so now you know that you are in my car you my girlfriend," he spoke sarcastically. "Good to know that you have selective memory when it comes to benefitting you,"
"I'm sorry?" She questioned. Her face contorted in confusion. The woman faced the angry man in shock. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. Never mind," he spoke flatly. He was starting to stand down again.
"No, I am not allowing you to basically accuse me of something and then act like this. What is going on?"
"I saw you with him,"
"Him? Who is him?" She asked defensively. "Why were you watching me at my job?" Granted, they both worked for the university, but she worked in the Social Studies department. Jose worked in the Math department.
"That's not the point. I saw you with Rajesh. Why were you hugging him for so long? You told me I had nothing to worry about," he accused her of wanting more. A pang of guilt passed through her. Maybe he did have something to worry about. No matter she couldn't tell him to his face in the car.
"He is my friend. He is presenting another event in the planetarium. You should come with me. Besides, I had his research materials in my office and he stopped by to pick it up," she admitted truthfully. "Is this what has you upset?"
"Why was his research in your office? I'm not upset!" He countered. "Why are you hanging out with the losers from the Science department anyways?"
"He isn't a loser. He is my friend!" She yelled starting to lose her cool. "Why don't you trust me?"
"Be honest with me. If you could date him right now, would you?" He asked. She swore she heard his voice crack. Panic started to set in. There was no way she was going to tell the truth now.
"Pull over,"
"What?" He questioned.
"Pull over. I'm getting out and you and I are done," she answered.
"I guess that's my answer," He grumbled. As requested, he pulled the car over. She grabbed her belongings and walked out of the car. Katrina grabbed her umbrella from her bag and walked the rest of the way to her apartment.
Katrina clapped the loudest once Rajesh was done with his presentation. The rest of the audience crowded him to ask their questions. Fifteen minutes passed and they were finally alone.
"As your presenter, I heard you had positive things to say about me," Rajesh smirked. "Care to repeat any of those things?"
Once the lights came back on, Rajesh noticed her tear stained face. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot from crying.
"What happened to you?" He asked with worry.
"Jose and I broke up," Katrina sighed. "Well I told him we are over,"
"What? Why?" He asked.
"He saw you visit my office and he thought we were something more," she answered. "It's fine really. Let's not make this about me. You did wonderfully tonight,"
"No, he is in the wrong. Do you want me to talk to him? Maybe we can settle this between us. Tell him he has nothing to worry about,"
"No, Raj, really. It's fine," she sighed.
"Why not?"
"Because he did have something to worry about between you and I. I didn't want to ruin our friendship," she confessed. Katrina took a few steps and kissed him. Her hands placed themselves on his cheeks.
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severinwoolf · 2 years
would you mind telling us about the girl you like 👁️👁️I need more homoeroticism on my dashboard
I mean…which girl, anon? There are several.
I could tell you about my former professor who I was in love with for years. The way her black hair reached her waist. How her perfume always smelled like expensive citrus and wood. The one time she hugged me and I thought I was going to combust on the spot.
Or I could tell you about my dear friend of ten years. She’s twenty years older than me, not really a girl at all, married to a man I despise. And I love her more than almost anything, but it’s the deepest most passionate platonic kind of love I’ve ever known. One time I held her face in the rain and told her “You are exactly who I thought you were when I was thirteen years old.” She’s always been magic to me, like a brilliant alien who dropped out of the sky and knew exactly who I was before we even really knew each other because I was more unfinished archetype than human girl. I still get butterflies whenever I’m around her. I travel hours by train and then by boat to see her. And I hug her son as if he’s my nephew. She gave me a necklace for our tenth friendship anniversary, three silver daffodils on a stem with gold stamens. She said “Happy Anniversary, darling.” And every wretched bad thing in the past decade felt worth it to have her in my life. It’s hard to put how much she means to me into words. I don’t ~like~ her exactly. I love her, but she’s my friend before she’s anything else. It’s hard to explain.
Or I could tell you about a friend of mine, one of the kindest people I’ve ever known. When I see her she makes my whole day brighter. One time a mutual frenemy tried to set her up with some guy and I thought I was going to die that evening. I was miserable and I drank too much but everything was worth it in the end because she wasn’t interested in him. And I felt horrible for it. I can never tell her how I feel. Can barely even talk about it here. But without her my life would be lonelier for certain.
I could tell you about this girl I had the slightest crush on. We met at a party. She played guitar and I sang Rhiannon. She wears glasses and ironic tee-shirts and now she’s engaged to a really shitty girl. I barely got time to know her before she got engaged (it was…within a month. Lots of drama in my life right now, I have to say.)
I have other stories, of course. Actual relationships and things like that. But this is the current state of affairs. Hope I’ve added some homoeroticism to the dash, anon! God knows we need more of it out here ;)
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