magixfortis · 4 years
raimpire replied to your post: “It’s not like I’m the most attractive person out...
“Don’t know, man. Ya look like a snack ta me.”
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“...Really?” A little laugh. “W-well...thank you. It’s nice to hear that someone thinks that, at least.”
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spitefulgames · 4 years
Nibbles on Ailbe's ear.
A faint groan came from the shop keeper as he was laid out on the floor in the back room where his ‘office’ would be. A kotatsu covering his lower half as he laid on his stomach with his head resting on a pillow. He’d gotten tired while going through the inventory lists that were spread out on the table’s surface and dozed off. Leaving him vulnerable to this leech.
Swatting at him with a sleepy growl as he tried to cover his ears with his hands. 
“Go ‘way.”.
His words were a tired mumble that was barely coherent.
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taskfocused · 4 years
@raimpire​ asked: “So ya 'st sit 'ere in the dark an' wait for some poor bastard ta come waltzin' in so ya can scare 'em?” He asks while hanging upside down from landing upstairs, arms crossed. “Sounds borin' as all fuck.” Here he thought he'd found a quiet place to sleep the day away, but nah. He found a weirdo instead.
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“This place is notorious for its ‘haunting’ experiences. Because of me.” Like the other creature, Akaashi had his arms crossed. The odds of coming across a vampire of all beings... Wasn’t as entertaining as the centuries prior made them out to be. 
“Nothing much else to do. The cult that summoned me regretted their decision, so they cut ties. It was a good choice on their part.” Any supernatural being disliked getting disturbed the most due to these pesky humans. The lack of conviction to see their desires to the very end was pathetic cowardice. “And no one else seems to be interesting enough to follow around either.” 
Akaashi sat up from the floor, gazing out into the wilderness. He could blend into human society if he opted to. But somehow, he felt compelled to wait. Whether he had to wait for someone or something, he didn’t know. He had lived for who knows how long by the point. So, waiting for a few years wasn’t a big deal.
“And what brings you here, you damned immortal being?” His word choice didn’t mean to insult the vampire. Vampires were known as creatures of the damned by the mortals. It was that Akaashi’s use of language hadn’t been... “updated” as of late.
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sonderrow-moved · 4 years
🌻 hit me with a random fact?
new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
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Did you know that cats are potentially way smarter than dogs?
The usual thought is that cats are less smart, however, the studies that calculated it are really old and dated, and were found to be false, but general public’s idea had already been cemented.
The study involved paintingg a red mark on the animal’s face and showing them their reflection to see their reaction, this was supposed to say if the animal could recognize its own reflection or not.
The cat didn’t react at all, like not even acting like it was its reflection, another animal or anything. And was written off as “less smart”.
The reality was that, the cat recognized its reflection but didn’t give a fuck at all, like if I’d show you, a human, your reflection and have no reaction because “why the fuck are you showing me that it’s just me” and continue your day.
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rcpacity · 4 years
mWAH @ devin: u is a precious gold nugget!! ♡♡♡ with amazing characters, a stellar writing style and overall amazing attitude!! ♡♡ big admire!! ♡♡♡♡
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you come into my house and yoU SPREAD THIS POSITIVE GOOP ONTO MY DASH AND INBOX???  listen here u gonna get the tickle buT ALSO THANK YOU AND ILY 💖💖💖
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eloquentyrant · 4 years
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Meme (x)
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What does your writing process look like? 
[ Processing the reply section by section ( two-three lines at a time), making note of the scene that is set for reference if applicable. Next, defining segments that are clearly for follow up action. Finally, composing a response that addresses what I feel is necessary + checking to ensure sentence structure flows well + creating openings for the other writer, as well as make last minute tweaks. Interspersed with horror game breakthroughs for that good good adrenaline spike.]
How important is backstory and lore to you?
[ Semi-important. I view backstory and lore as guidelines to keep character consistency so I will segment and keep the ‘core structure’. However, I mostly view my muse as a person that is capable of growth. My challenge, as a writer, isn’t to ’keep him 100% original’. But rather, to explore different avenues of growth while making it believable. ] 
Does writing energize or exhaust you?
[It exhausts me.]
What is the most important thing to you in writing a reply?
[ That my muse’s ‘voice’ is consistent whilst still providing ample space for people to react/respond to.]
Do you prefer to plot or improv?
[ Lil bit of both! I’m perfectly fine with winging it when it comes to asks being continued on as threads bc context is often already there. But when it comes to plotting, I like for at least the beginning interactions etc to be addressed so I have a vague idea how to begin/what is expected ]
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naru-uzumaki · 5 years
@raimpire​ replied to your post
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viscousquxxn · 5 years
“Ya’re right, I’m an abomination. I’m filthy an' dirty. An' unbalanced. ”
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“...Now who told you that..?”
Mina hissed under her teeth failing to hide her growing anger. How dare they. How dare they say that to her husband and get away with it. All she wanted to do was have a nice night out in the park with Rai. Pink hands gently caressed his cheek coaxing him to look at her clearly upset face, “You are not any of those things! You are wonderful and an amazing husband, and I will forever love you for being just you. And if anyone tells you otherwise, I’ll gladly uppercut them in their jaw so hard it’ll break.”
soul eater starters  //  accepting
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charredeyes · 6 years
Sinkcat attacks!! Claws snatch onto a passing by sock, thus pulling the cat out from underneath the couch.
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Oh no he’s been caught by the mighty sinkcat. A snort leaves Bakugou when his feline companion’s claws were stuck in the fabric of his sock. Undeterred, the teen continued shuffling forward slowly. “So that’s where you were, sneaky little brat.” He reaches down, gingerly scratching under Sinkcat’s chin before attempting to free their claws. @raimpire
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pasttorn · 6 years
@raimpire ♥︎ CALL !
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        -- ❝ tetsu ! ❞ he calls out as soon as he closes the door of his room, striding towards where he knows he’d find him at-- the living room. it was ALWAYS the same in the evening, be it on the couch watching a documentary ( he once even caught him watching a shojou anime ), or studying on the nearby table, or whatever other thing the other did on his free time. as soon as he spots him sitting on the couch, a glove, TATTERED almost beyond recognition, is tossed on the ex-captain’s lap.  
        leaning over the couch, he lightly TAPS the back of tetsu’s head, catching his attention, ❝ hey tetsu, i’m headin’ out to buy a new glove-- you wanna come with ? ❞
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spitefulgames · 4 years
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"I don' remember 'at my folks or home 'ere like. But if I had ta guess, I'd say I feel like I am home wheneve' I'm with ya." He's just mumbling, half-asleep on top of Ailbe bc why not have a nap on the fox... again.
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His pale lashes fluttered against his cheeks before parting to reveal sleepy golden hues. The cool nature of Rai’s body was lulling him into a relaxed state in the heat of the blossoming summer. A sigh came from him, his brows lifting once Rai’s words clicked in his head. Pink blooming across his face as he shifted under him. Puffing his cheeks out a little, he wrapped his arms around Rai’s shoulders. Petting his hair a bit as he looked away, staring out his living room window instead. 
He was squished under the vampire’s weight on his couch, making it hard to escape from the way his heart was beginning to beat harder against his chest. Ugh, he was pretty sure Rai’s head would be filled with the throbbing sound. His head was laying on his collarbone, dumb long legs hanging off the end of the couch. 
                                               “...Just go to sleep..idiot”.
An embarrassed muttering whisper as he draped one arm over his own face. How did this idiot say such embarrassingly sensitive things while drowsy but yet when conscious he was a complete menace agitating the hell out of him and making a mess in his shop.
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changeandmovingon · 6 years
continuation from here: x
                                        —— » [ @raimpire ]
⌈ —  Etsugo stayed where he was quietly, an annoyed look over his features as Ebumi began to freaking act like so high and mighty. But fuck it, he was hot doing so, not that he would so much as indicate how much of a turn on that damn smug look was. UGH.
He did his best to not shiver at the caress over his face, doing his best to not just fucking lean into the touch, on that warm hand, not to mention the scent from the alpha was making him dizzy with need.
Damn him.
His words hit hard because they were true. So what? He had a thing for wanting someone to take over him, to overpower him but he wasn’t about to voice it out loud, especially not to the idiot winger. So he gave the other a glare, feeling that hand on his neck and he knew that Ebumi would feel the shiver under his palm, “Tsk, you like the sound of your own voice, don’t you? Maybe I should go somewhere else.“⌋
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magicalshe-archive · 6 years
rai @ dot: “Ya can’t slap me if ya can’t even reach my face.”
tall/small starters || @raimpire
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  ⟣ 🔮⟢ ─────  ❝ Are you sure you want to say that to me right now!? Because even if I can’t reach your face, you tenders are at a good height! ❞ She was furious with him (even if her threats were empty ones)! How could he be so foolish as to put himself in that kind of danger!? Raimundo was driving the witch batty. At least he wasn’t seriously hurt this time. If he had been her threats would be followed with action not just more scolding. 
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rcpacity · 5 years
anon\ very precious, absolutely amazing, super creative, i love very much. a hugely bigly joy to follow and see on the dash!! /anon
✦      ANONYMOUS OPINIONS    /    accepting      &      @raimpire
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eloquentyrant · 4 years
what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and steve is the sun
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swimmingforthegold · 4 years
                    —— » [ @raimpire​ ] said:                                                 “ Leans over to lick Rin's lips, and bite the lower one. uwu ”
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♒️  — He was just resting his eyes for a moment, laying his head comfortably on Rai’s lap as they had cleaned themselves up after a good hunt. The night was warm, the few sounds of the forest was relaxing and tummy is full.
Feeling a soft pair of lips on his own, Rin grinned and parted his lips just a bit to tease Rai before moving his upward to grasped the other’s lips.
Two could play that game.
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