#raiden shogun x gn!reader
noellefan101 · 5 months
I would let the world burn for you
They would do it in a heartbeat because without you there is no world. They don't care if it's wrong, all they care about is you, so don't you dare think they would ever let something harm you. Screams were heard all around you, and it wasn't very pleasant, they could tell, so they held you close and never let go. The danger was gone, nothing could harm you now and you were safe, all is fine... They swore to protect you and they will never break that promise. "I love you more than you could ever imagine" They said, trying to make you focus on them and not the fire behind you, "I love you too"
--: SCARAMOUCHE, Xiao, Acheron, CAPITANO, Arlecchino, Raiden Ei, Aventurine + Your Favs
I would let you burn for the world
They love you, they really do, but their Hero of a heart can't just let all those people die, they can't do it. They would rather kill the 'love of thier life' than watch so many innocent die. They cry as they hold the sword to your throat, they cry so much you would've thought you were dreaming. But you weren't, and the pain was real, so very real and you couldn't even cry. "I loved you..." were the last words they heard before your lifeless body fell into their arms.
--: Heizou, Diluc, GEPARD, Wriothesley, Bronya, CYNO, Arlan, KAZUHA + Your Favs
Two very different sentences, yet the same words are used, why did it turn out like this.
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abyssruler · 2 years
would they choose you over the world?
aether (traveler), dainsleif, scaramouche, raiden ei, lumine (abyss), venti, xiao x gn!reader
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AETHER thinks he can save both, no, he knows he can. The powers of this world rests at the tips of his fingers. He’s faced monsters and gods and come out alive and better than he was before. There’s no reason to hesitate, none whatsoever to consider his decision but—but. He has never been made to choose before. There was always another way, another choice, another something he could rely on. It’s a moral dilemma, like the situation with the train where you either save five people and kill one person, or kill five people to save one person. It’s easy enough to answer when it was simply that—a moral dilemma created to confuse him, not a world ending decision that lies on his shoulders. To choose one is to doom the other. Most people would choose the world, but while Aether is called a hero and the savior of nations, he is also a person. He looks at your resigned smile, like you already know which one he’ll choose, and he decides to prove you wrong.
DAINSLEIF clings to loss like a dying man does to the edge of a cliff. The inevitability of death and your mortality rests on his shoulders much like weight of his entire nation’s death. He wonders what it says about him that he’d rather have you safe and sound than have the world be saved. Five hundred years of aimless wandering, fighting against the remnants of his fallen nation and watching the world move on while he remains untouched by time, the ghost of a past that can never be returned to. Dainsleif isn’t a hero, he’s tired. All that’s left of him are fading memories of a time gone by and moments with you that he clings to like a lifeline. What has this world ever done for him except cause him pain and needless grief? What has it done to deserve his sacrifice? Nothing. And so he rests, hand in hand with you on withering grass and waits for the world to end. At least, this time, he won’t be alone in watching the heavens descend.
SCARAMOUCHE laughs, and laughs, and laughs until he’s sure even the gods that reside in Celestia has heard the scorn and mockery in his voice. It is so laughably easy to choose you and denounce the world. Let it be turned to ash and dust, let his body dance on top of a desolate world, let him pull you in an embrace and delight in the fact that no sun and no light (for none of these exist anymore) would ever outmatch the brightness in your eyes, the smile on your face, the tinkling sound of your laughter amidst the remains of a world that once threatened to snuff your life like a candle left in the dark. He is like a flame and you, the spark. There’s a tsunami gathering on the horizon, threatening to drown everything in its wake, but instead of preventing it, he revels in the ruin it will bring. It is either your death alone or yours and everyone else, and if you have to die either way, then he will die with you and drag the rest of the world along in his self-appointed destruction. You taught him what it felt to no longer be alone, so he will make sure you’re never lonely, even in death.
EI feels weightless, like a leaf adrift in the wind. It feels like she is back to that moment five hundred (a thousand) years ago, a dilemma, a decision, a choice—follow Makoto to Khaenri’ah, or defend her people from the monsters ravaging the lands? There was uncertainty there, a small seedling of hope that she would arrive not far from Makoto and see her sister alive and waiting, and so she had made the decision to stay—but this? Faced with an ultimatum, the world or your death, Ei finds that the decision is much more difficult, much more devastating but no less heartbreaking. Had it been before, in her lonesome at the Plane of Euthymia, the choice would have been easy, barely a thought in her mind, but everything has changed and Ei wants, in a way she has never wanted before, to be with you. You with your smiles and your laughs and the warmth you induce in her frigid heart—and she finds that she cannot make a choice… so you do it for her. For the greater good.
LUMINE doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t even flinch before she turns her back to the world and takes your hand. What good is the world if you’re not there in it? She won’t just stand by and watch as everything she holds dear is destroyed in front of her—not anymore. There is you, there is her, and there is the world burning, and Lumine finds that she can hardly care. Her heart has no place for faceless people, no love left for a world that has done nothing but spurn and trample on everything she had offered. Let it burn if it means having one more second, one more minute, one more lifetime with you. A choice isn’t truly a choice if the other option was never considered, and she will never consider a world without you. There are millions, billions, countless other worlds out there she could take you to. Damn this place, damn the heavens, and damn the consequences. Her brother would understand, he always has, and when Lumine meets him again in a new world, she’ll make sure to introduce you to him.
VENTI wants, like Icarus yearning for the Sun, but Venti is Venti, and Barbatos is Barbatos. Right now, he cannot afford to be that carefree bard who spun tales of your lovely hair and lovelier still lips (cannot be Icarus who flew too close to the sun and fell). Venti wants—but Barbatos knows the best option, the best choice, the least devastating one but the most heart-wrenching one. The situation is funny, laughable, hilarious, really, the kind that makes his stomach ache and brings tears to his eyes that drip down his cheeks and onto the ground and—oh, he’s crying. He’s crying and holding you close and apologizing, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, and he doesn’t deserve your forgiveness, doesn’t deserve the hand carding through his hair and the soft press of your lips on his forehead as you murmur, don’t cry, it’s alright, you’re doing the best you can. But the best means not doing this at all, the best means not having to make a choice at all, the best means not having to say goodbye. It’s okay, you tell him, I forgive you. But he never forgives himself.
XIAO thinks there must be another way, there has to be another way. He won’t accept this, won’t allow himself to choose between losing you or losing everything, because he knows, deep down, that the choice has already been made and it is not the one he wants. But he knows better than most that doing what he wants isn’t always what is needed, that certain sacrifices must be made despite his unwillingness, despite his entire body protesting against it. Rex Lapis once told him that being a god means making difficult decisions. If this is what it means to be a god, then he will accept a life of service, a life of war and fighting and breathing like every second is his last—because pain and suffering are infinitely better than having to wake everyday without your voice by his ear, giggling about how you finally caught him asleep. A world without your light, without your presence, without you is a desolate one. There must be another way, another sacrifice to be made that doesn’t involve you. Just—anything, anyone but you. Even if it has to be him.
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harmonysanreads · 2 years
Pressed Periwinkles
characters: scaramouche, venti, zhongli, raiden shogun (ei), yae miko, yelan, al haitham, kamisato ayato
cw(s) : none. just some very much needed comfort and fluff to all my stressed birdies. there... maybe some implications but don't worry your pretty head over it and enjoy being spoiled and spoiling them <3
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──⚝ scaramouche
Whenever something troubles Scaramouche, he seeks you out to press his ear to your chest and listen to you heartbeat. If you were to ever bring it up to him once he's recovered although, he'd never admit to literally have knelt for hours suffocating you in his embrace. Not like it affects him at all, he could stay in the position for days and weeks if he wanted, the only detriment would be you (ugh, the fragility of the mortal body). You cannot see his expression in moments like those but you feel every shift of emotions through the strength in his grip waxing and waning or from how closer and closer he buries his face in your clothes, desperate to not lose the timbre of your heart. Not even the hymns of the winds, streams, birds or fairies would rival to the simple marching of your soul ; the simple fact of your existence. He would be betraying himself if he never admitted to feeling envious of you, how lucky you were to be gifted with such a beautiful heart. His thoughts would wander to days long past, days painted in regret and blood, grip tensing so much it causes you pain but then, as if sensing his distress you run your hand through locks of the deep night, your free hand securing him and he curses himself. Wanting to slap the fool in him for even having that thought — because it is not the heart itself that is beautiful, it is the bearer and, he vows to eternalize its blessed prance.
Scaramouche is not a verbal person in terms of comfort, thus, his care is shown through the protective embrace he engulfs you in ; now, close to where his heart is supposed to be. It's a re-confirmation of your position, it's a reminder of your power over him, it's a beckoning that says—just say the word and I'll bring the world down to its knees. You hear it, loud and lucid and it intimidates you a little. The awareness that you hold such power over the Harbinger, over this being neither human nor divine, capable of any command leaving your lips — the absence of a heartbeat from such proximity intensifies your shudder. Worse, you feel the unadulterated sincerity behind this silent declaration. Doubt bubbles in your soul, were you even deserving of such love? Wouldn't it be just using Scaramouche if you were to confide? A stolen look to his eyes has you halt, taken aback by the significance barely contained in those cryptic orbs and you understand. Not uttering a syllable yet, you merely shuffle closer for ; what response proves itself appropriate to the man who gazes at you like you're the soul centerpiece of his world, rivaled by nothing bar the confines of it?
──⚝ venti
Venti knows you're feeling under-the-weather even before you do, all it takes is for you to release the first sigh after reaching home and he's already cradling and cooing you. You can't even find it in yourself to be bemused, melting in the bard's lulling embrace, the beat of the rocking of his body in symphony to the soothing lyrics leaving his lips. You let yourself sink further in that cocoon, far, far from the worries that were chasing you. For you know that as long as Venti's here, everything will be fine. If you're in the mood to rant, he's just the perfect person for it! No kidding, he matches every disbelief laced around your sentences, the dripping sarcasm and "can you believe this person's audacity?!" What you don't know is that he knows what/who's troubling you way beforehand (he's the wind, silly) but, Venti will still listen and be bewildered, annoyed, mad. His carefree smile hiding the schemes brewing in his head to teach annoyances a lesson. You'd never be notified of this shift of attitude though, much too smothered in his pampering.
“My dear Cecilia, why do you fret? You will get through it all, just like all the times before and then, you'll look back, smile and be proud of yourself. So stop worrying about something you've already won!”
And when he's certain you've drifted off to the land of dreams, he lets the muscles of his face relax, the shine of his emerald orbs fade in the slightest. The zephyrs cease their tunes and his grip tenses, firms and borders on desperation. He clings to you as if you'd be blown away like the dandelion seeds should he loosen his hold, he doesn't dare to think of that outcome. All things will wear out by the flow of time, even the strongest Cecilia will oneday take the wind's hand. He knows and Celestia, does he hate it. Despite the knowledge that only serves to burden him, he still indulges ; in hopes that you wouldn't leave him just yet, not so soon, not so suddenly. These momentary wisps of solace keep him sane : the warmth of your body molding in with his, your steady breaths and small mumbles of incoherence — all reminders that no, you're right here, safe in his arms.
So the winds rest, too.
──⚝ zhongli
Zhongli is his own genre when it comes to comfort. It's unpredictable yet never unwelcomed. There's a silver of sophisticated charm lining his actions, a touch of solemnity as you walk under falling autumn leaves arm in arm. Zhongli is not one to let any gesture of affection go to waste, specially if it were to be spectated upon by prying eyes. He considers every touch, every word and every moment shared with you to be exceptional. This sentiment materializes dutifully, too. You cannot think of a single memory with him proven trivial and neither can he with you. Liyue Harbor looks up to you two's unalloyed affections, too. Elders often seen smiling coyly, reminiscing their youthful day as children stare doe-eyed in curiosity, later re-enacting (or trying to) how tenderly the Consultant took your hand to his lips while playing house. You're the role-model couple of the City of Contracts, often analogized with the tale of the late Rex Lapis and his beloved and, whenever someone would bring the legend up, you two would share a shining gaze holding secrets between you two solely which instantly has the speaker feel perplexed. You two would simply dismiss it with the same smile and urge them to continue their tangent.
You, who always covers up Zhongli's blunders of leaving his wallet. Your disappointed sigh and stare doing nothing as he listens to your lectures, borderline enjoying the fiesty side of you. Arguments don't even occur between you two because of the level of mutual understanding you have with each other. You both value privacy, therefore, only show vulnerability in each other's sole company. Zhongli always cradles you in the firmest, safest embrace when your nightmares get too graphic to bear ; wiping your tears and whispering to you the tales of the days the Seelies pranced around every inch of Teyvat and the Moon Sisters would bless the land with their light. Every time, you drift away to sweet dreams of those days of peace. You love to comb and braid his hair, humming forgotten tunes as you do so and Zhongli never feels more at peace. At times like these, it's as if you're in your own little world of boundless serenity, safe from both the mortal and divine's scrutiny.
──⚝ raiden shogun (ei)
To Ei, you're the reason achieving Eternity is so important, so crucial. You're the reason she pushes through despite her grief, loneliness and despair. It's hardwired in the Shogun's constitution, too ; Eternity and You are beside each other. You're the lone candle lightening her darkened euthymia, one she will not allow to wane. Being the soul fuel of her actions might be a little bit overwhelming sometimes. Since she's always putting you before herself, you have to be the one to anchor her to the present and remind her that she's just as (if not more) important. Ei loves you, but you love her, too. It pains you to see her suppress so much pain, it frustrates you that she's not even giving herself the minimum care and how constantly runs from her trauma instead of learning to grow from it.
Which is why, sometimes it has to be her that's pulled away from her meditation to your arms, it has to be her laying on your lap with a hand loosening her braid in an inclining to let go, even just for an hour or so. Sometimes, she needs to forget about everything else and keep her attention on you as you lecture her non-stop. Often times, it flies over her head due to her stubbornness but since it's you... she tries her best. Eternity could wait, the Heavenly Principles be damned, right now, all that mattered was her and you.
──⚝ yae miko
You find it a little unfair, how the kitsune understands you even better than you do yourself. She effortlessly picks up on the slightest changes of your quirks to reach the conclusion that something is wrong. Once she's certain, she'd call you over to her side and pull you to her lap as a shrine maiden prepares tea. A stack of light novels set beside her along with all your favourite treats and you know you're up for a night of pampering and cooing. Your frustrations disappear quicker than electro seelies as she reads aloud the words to you in that smooth voice of hers, other hand occasionally shifting between running it through your hair or along your body and holding various treats for you to taste. When the night has deepened, the stack of light novels finished with and the lantern light has dimmed, she finally inquires of what (or who) exactly troubles you — if you haven't fallen asleep by then already. You, at rare times, want to refute to all her babying ; you cannot be blamed either, having Yae Miko's undivided attention can get a little overwhelming sometimes but the resistance is extinguished just as soon when you remember why you get this exquisite treatment. She's wasted no breath making it clear, too.
Miko loves both your rebellious spirit and how well you take it all. To her, you're just the perfect partner to get through a dragging existence. There's not much she demands of you either ; you just have to be by her side when she calls you (which is..a lot, frankly) and let her take the lead. It's peak entertainment for Miko as she spies the green gazes from her peripheral, aww, look how envious everyone is of you two! While she finds mild entertainment in jealousy of other people, that cannot be said when the monster decides to probe her, too. Kitsunes are territorial and regardless of how much of a refined one Yae Miko is, she's still not completely immune to it. No one will know of these irritating feelings bubbling in her chest unless she wills it. For the most part, she's chill because, she of all people would know that a random mortal is no threat to her or the trust you two share. But do not be mistaken : should an actual threat occur, she'll make it very clear to who you belong to.
──⚝ yelan
Yelan does not even know where to start when it comes to you and neither does she know where to put an end. Yelan despises sweets, you cannot go a day without that additional dose of serotonin ; she prefers chillies in everything and you cry if there's extra dash of pepper in the curry ; Yelan dances with the danger, you love your inner peace more than anything and yet, somehow, both of you fit together like soulmates. It stirs mixed reactions among people, too. Some think you're undeniably cute together while others raise their eyebrows in appraisal. She could care less, but she knows that you care a lot about other people's opinions so, she tries her best so that you'd remain innocent from their unnecessary judgement. It isn't difficult for her either to pull the strings and everything, benefits of being in the shadow.
There's much people are ignorant to, for example, how ruthless you can get with your words should anyone insult your loved ones, how unfairly good you handle bitter things, how unafraid you're of breaking the rules should the occasion call for it and she could go on. Her favourite memory with you would always be that time a handful of nosy people were jabbing at your relationship with her, even going as far as to throw suggestive comments at you right in front of her. Trivial matters such as this don't bother Yelan on normal occasions but due to her mood being already sour that day she lost her temper, how dare they? She was one breath away from causing a carnage until you stopped her, looked them dead in the eye, pulled her to press a kiss just shy of her lips and told them to pollute the air somewhere else — the memory still makes her swoon. Of course, she didn't waste the opportunity to join in, leaning to your already flushed ear to whisper loud and intended for others to hear, "You missed, darling."
(Those idiots never bothered you two again.)
──⚝ al haitham
Al Haitham who is like your personal bed from how often you fall asleep sitting on his lap. You don't need to worry about falling or the cold because he never loosens his hold of you, pulling his cape over your form like a cocoon when he notices your shivers. The intimacy is wordless yet conveys so much more than words could hope to express. It's such a win-win for him, too. He gets to hold you while reading in peace? To say he loves it would be an understatement. People also tend to bother him less when they notice this act of intimacy— and by people, he means his annoying roommate who but gags everytime he sees you draped over Al Haitham and him holding you like you're the most precious thing in Teyvat.
(Kaveh's just salty because he's single and lonely.)
There's another thing Al Haitham adores, looks forward to even ; lazy mornings with you, plus points if it's raining and none of you can go to work. Even if you insist on going out in that weather, there is no way the Scribe would allow it. Trapping you in his strong arms and being so affectionate you have to check if it really is the Al Haitham or not. The Akademiya won't be obliterated if you two skip— took a break for one day, come on, love. Your resolve would break pretty soon, too. How can it not when he's being so cutely clingy? So you two stay in and ruminate the remnants of your night's dreams in each others arms, the pitter-patters of rain and rumbles of thunder but background noise. For a spilt second, Al Haitham remembers the two keys still in his possession and the door being locked : aha, no doubt his roommate would have a lot to say (scream) about that. He notices your shuffles and a quiet ‘what's wrong?’ which he dismisses through a chaste kiss atop your head and beckoning to return to sleep.
──⚝ kamisato ayato
It's basically hardwired in Ayato's brain to seek you out when things get a little too strenuous. He likes to lay his head on your lap and just... enjoy the feeling of your skillful hands combing through his hair, hum him a song too, won't you? He's all yours to spoil. In this position, probably the only thing that would make him get up is if the Kamisato Estate caught fire. You shower him in all the affection you have to offer without hesitation, your way of saying thank you for everything, thank you for your hard work.
Since Ayato was deprived of the fancies of an ordinary child, he has an affinity for mischief and the twisted entertainment from rule-breaking. Nothing would make him love you more if you were to just randomly sneak in his office and whisk him away for some minutes. Running away from his duties wouldn't lessen them, he's aware. But just the thrill that comes from these little rendezvous washes away his fatigue and lethargy. It's both of your little secret, it's dangerous and frankly just plain indulgence. That would never stop him taking your hand and smiling like a teenager in love every time he hears you sing, let's run away?
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fictoculus · 1 year
Could you do Alhaitham and Zhongli voice lines about reader?
౨ৎ their voicelines for you; part 3...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
part I┊part II┊part IIII┊part IIIII
FEAT... alhaitham, zhongli, ei
A/N... hellooo anon, thank you so much for the request! i apologise it took so long for me to get to you, i completely missed your request and then went on a "hiatus" of sorts, but hopefully i'll be writing more content soon ^^ i'm the opposite of experienced when it comes to writing for zhongli or al haitham, so i apologise if they're slightly ooc ♡ also, i just wanted to say thank you for all the attention and love that went towards my character voicelines ♡
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✧ alhaitham.
"hm? *he turns to face the doorway, throwing a towel over his shoulder* oh, good morning, traveller, i wasn't expecting any visitors today. [name] invited you? alright then... take a seat, i'm just finishing up breakfast, i'll go wake them up once everything is ready *a small smile creeps onto his face, his eyes softening at the thought of you curled up in the covers* w- what? no, of course i'm not blushing, ridiculous... just- make sure this pan doesn't burn, i've decided to wake them up now instead *he scoffs* unexpected visitors, they better have a good excuse"
✧ zhongli.
"where could they be... *he mutters to himself, pacing with a stern expression* oh, traveller, what a pleasant surprise. say... you haven't seen [name] around, have you? no? ah, that's alright. what i'm doing? well, i'm waiting for [name], hence why i was curious as to where they are, we planned to go for a stroll together along the harbour, then perhaps continuing along the coast to pick- *his eyes seem to light up as he catches sight of you, his stone-cold gaze softening* excuse me, if you will, traveller my date has arrived..."
✧ ei.
"ah yes... [name] *she smiles subtly, yet without restriction* their name brings me pure joy. tell me, traveller, how did you come across such a name? why yes, i do know them. in fact, me and [name] are quite close. it feels as if it's been an eternity since i've seen them last... *she sighs, not in sadness but more so at the wave of nostalgia washing over her* the plane of euthymia has felt emptier than ever without their visits, why don't you tell them to drop by next time you see them?"
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part I┊part II┊part IIII┊part IIIII
thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you'd like me to write next!
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© FICTOCULUS 2023; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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st4rshang0ut · 10 months
Genshin Sagau brainrot pt2
Sagau au, right? The characters all love you, they grovel at your feet. You want something? You'll get multiple of them at the foot of your bed. You like some kind of food? Those good in cooking will make them for you as long as you like!
But this doesn't come without its downsides. You have at least close to around 80 loyal acolytes, how are you supposed to divide your attention equally so brawls dont break out?
Now, I’m sure we've all heard of the sagau universe's Traveler, whether its Lumine or Aether, the npcs and playable characters only act so accomodating and sweet to the Traveler and Paimon is due to the fact that they know their divine creator is looking upon them with their heavenly gaze by controlling the Traveler's body.
Likewise, when you log off, your characters will come to life in place of the Traveler or your party members you control! Wriothesley has a character thats his assistant? The Administrator of the Fortress of Meropide is quick to snatch them away for himself, and shower and praise them with love. Furina earns a personal attendant thats there to be the relief to Furina's loud and dramatic personality? She'll make sure to always include that attendant during her tea time and give her those limited cake slices! They know that its not the divine creator they are caring and giving their love to, but they love them as well! Perhaps even more so, considering that this particular character is always with your devoted followers even when your online...
They are eternally all grateful of these precious, living, breathing blessings that you provide. they are gifts from you, for each of them. Klee, Diona and the kids all get their own best friend or older sibling, the Archons get their mortal/immortal friends, the vision holders all get their own loverfriends and family to hold and stay dear to. Heck, you like an npc so much you give them an character? Those npcs will cherish them with all their life.
You may not be able to enter their world and be with them, the characters and personas you send their way to keep them company in your offline or online absence, they'll cherish them till the very end.
Who knows... they may even love their new companions so much that they wont even try to find a way to bring you into their world...
But they’ll always love you! Just- maybe not as much as the beloved characters you have made and blessed upon them..~
(Author's note) you know, i might expand on this idea. give me a character to write a oc for based on this!
(Second author’s note) I’m doing it, here the list to all the characters hehe
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akutasoda · 1 year
i look for your smile
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synopsis - things they do to see you smile
includes - venti, zhongli, kazuha, ei, tighnari, columbina
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, small hints of angst i think, maybe ooc, wc - 624
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venti ★↷
venti, the tone-deaf bard as he was more famously known. but somehow like magic itself didn't always seem that tone-deaf with his songs. especially when he wrote songs for or about you. normally they were for your ears only but you couldn't help but wonder how these songs sounded much better than his others. but nonetheless whenever your lover came to you with a new song for you, you couldn't help but a crack a smile and that was all the bard wanted and more.
zhongli ★↷
zhongli has experienced alot in his life, and now as zhongli not morax he just wants to live out the rest of his life in peace, alongside you. you were by far his greatest treasure and he loved the small domestic life you two had built for yourself. and ever so often zhongli would love to take you glaze lily picking. he knew the times where they were at their best in their cycle so he would take you to the fields and pick some lillies to remake the beautiful bouquet left central in your shared home as you two share smiles and laughs for years to come.
kaedehara kazuha ★↷
kazuha often wondered if you got bored of this life with him. i mean the life he had made for himself, with beidou's help, wasn't for everyone. but you always assured him with a syrupy sweet smile that you loved this and wouldn't trade it for the world. but often you would find small hand written poems from your lover that you would always thank him for later with yet another bright smile that always made him feel like the luckiest guy in the world. or even sometimes during longer stops at docks, kazuha would take you sightseeing to spots he often would visit.
raiden shogun ★↷
ei sometimes struggled with understanding how humans would go about relationships. but you were an exception and tried your best to help guide her through the steps until she could understand herself on her own, and boy was she trying. but one of the things that became a routine was you plaiting her hair. she didn't understand your insistent asks on you asking her to teach you how she likes it plaited so you could do it for her. but eventually she taught you, you always looked so happy when you asked she didn't want you to lose that smile, and now it became a routine. and she loved seeing your soft smile as you plaited her hair.
tighnari ★↷
small note : pink roses mean gratitude, blue hydrangeas mean thanks and white camellias mean adoration
tighnari, as the forest watcher and a botanist, he knew about all kinds of flowers and various botanical specimens. and he figured one way to show his appreciation of you and everything you've done he decided to give you a bouquet of pink roses, blue hydrangea's and white camellias. not only was it a gift to show his feelings but he hoped it would make you smile. and it did. taking the bouquet with a bright smile you graciously hugged your lover and if you ask about if his tail was subtly wagging your wrong(your not).
columbina ★↷
columbina doesn't normally leave snezhnaya, but since you expressed how much you love her small little singing performances for you she kind of felt like maybe she should try to get you two to performances outside of snezhnaya. although that may be a bit difficult considering her status as a harbringer but you found out about her effort in her plans you couldn't help but smile and told her that you wouldn't mind just hearing her singing. she was happy you felt that way and made a small subtle effort to starrt singing for you more until she could arrange your trip out of snezhnaya.
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nekotime · 2 years
🌸꒷ ~(´ε` ) ノ pillow princess ↪︎ ✦
╭₊˚ ๑︰ Soft!Dom Ei, Somnophilia, Afab!Reader, Pillow Princess, Size Kink, Gn!Reader, Fingering, Puppy Hybrid reader, Pet Play ( ? ) , Double - Space writing, Use of electro during sex, Dumbification, Reader is called Princess.
╰・୨ ❏︶ ⊹ ˚ ₊
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ꪆ୧ ᘓ︵ꪒ⑅ꪒ
You were Ei's sleepy princess, and she was obcessed with it. Obcessed with having you sleeping so dreamily on her lap, humming her name on sweet mental clouds! Your tail wagging side to side as her delicate hands brush your ears, sliding down trough your torso and meeting your laced panties accidentally . ― She didn't mean it! She swears on her sister! ―
Ei just wanted to check what kind of dreams were going on your dumb little mind, sliding your pink panties out of the way and touching your wet cunt. Her finger pads meeting your clit only to think twice and deciding not to do anything. .
But her plan backfired when a sweet moan slipped through your lips, a blushed and sleepy erotic expression on your petite face.
Her lips met your cheek to give a smooch on it, whispering small "thank you's" for knowing that you adressed earlier she can do whatever she wishes as you sleep. Especially when she moves you so easily, like you are just a feather with puppy ears and a interior who she loved to watch as her fingers deepen into it. Humming you a sweet lullaby as her fingers touch every spot she could find, yourself whimpering between dirty dreams. Ei swore she could go mad just by listening to your sounds, helping the tension increase with an third finger until your eyes open to see a blushing girlfriend babbling about how much she is gratefull for you.
― Love ... Hmmph ~ ♥︎ I had such a good dweam ! ― You say in a sweet giggle, making her sink deeper into you, fingers moving so quickly it made stars fly in your puppy eyes.
― Yeah? Did I happen to be in it? ― Ei whispers into your mouth, on a docile kiss who made your ears go down in embarrassment.
You tried to tell her all about the dream, but all your poor mouth could spill were incoherent babbling !´ᯅ`꒱ྀིა  But of course Ei wasn't mad, she loved to see you fucked dumb because of her, loved knowing that she will be eternally the only one who could make her pillow princess feel so good.
ㅤ ⪩꒰🌸꒱⪨ㅤㅤ˚ㅤㅤ⌣ㅤㅤ꒪ㅤㅤ⋂⋂ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
― Hmm.. I know, I know. ♥︎ ― Ei replies at your loud sounds as her fingers gives your core little shocks of electricity every time you drift away to sleep, you gushing and sobbing on her to stop and let you think for at least 12 seconds ! But she just "shh"s at your dumbly innocent face, making you whimper in a pout. Your hands meeting the fabric of her clothes as your legs tremble against her shoulders, tail hugging on her tigh tightly as you sob in a orgasm. But, oh no! Your girlfriend shows no sign of stopping。。꒰ ˚ 。´ ᵔ ` ꒱ ⊹.
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꒷︶ ̇ ̟ ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ︶꒷
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nqmonarch · 9 months
Hanahaki Disease
Hanahaki disease is where when one person has an unrequited love flowers grow inside their lungs and they begin to cough them up. In some versions flowers also start growing on their body. Eventually they die, unless if their love becomes requited, they go through surgery (which leaves them either emotionless or with no memory of the person they love, depends on the story), or (personally I'd say) if they fall out of love with the person.
As someone with self confidence issues (and some shit in the past) I can't really imagine people falling in love with me. So I'm always like damn if this is real and I got transmigrated I'd be dead in 5 seconds.
Characters: Raiden Shogun x Reader (onesided), Hu Tao x Reader, Baizhu, Traveller, Zhongli
Ever since the first time you'd seen her, she'd been a symbol of light, of beauty, of eternity. She was everything right in the world and you were simply made to follow her will. You enlisted in her army, followed her will stripping innocent souls of visions, yes, you felt guilt but... the Shogunate knew what was best. She had to. You'd seen her peerless genius, bared witness to her skills with the sword. She was terrifying and even more so beautiful.
It was by chance you met the traveler, someone on the run from the Shogunate and her army, someone you were supposed to capture at all costs. But you didn't. Instead you looked on with a quirked eyebrow as they tried hitting some electrocubes to make them all light up. They looked like an absolute idiot, you couldn't help but laugh. How could you kill someone like that? So you gave them a small hand to help them escape, thinking nothing of it. But they continued to make trouble. Until it finally happened, the Shogunate went back on her decree.
You felt relief, guilt, so many emotions flood you at the news. It appeared even the wisest could make mistakes. Then it happened. The traveler had spotted you while walking through the streets of Inazuma and invited you to join them on a walk. You obliged, willing to amuse the funny little blonde haired person. What you hadn't expected was for the Raiden Shogun herself to join you.
You were absolutely awestruck, her eyes looked even more alive up close, and the small awkwardness she showed at what normal people did was absolutely charming! Her love for sweet things was adorable, and you wished you could kiss her cheeks and lie on her lap as she sipped dango milk. You didn't say a thing when you were with her. Instead your eyes darted to her every few moments, with anticipation, and when they darted away a small blush normally graced the tip of your ears.
That was when it all went wrong. A day afterward you felt sick and couldn't contain your coughs. Your supervisor gave you the day off, telling you to rest and get better soon so you could return to fighting. You laid in bed, assuming that all of recent work you'd had to pick up was the cause of stress which lead to you being sick. But then with one particularly aggressive cough you felt as if a shock echoed through your body, and on the covers of your bed laid a strange looking flower.
It was light purple, soft to the touch, and shocked you slightly whenever you touched it. You'd wondered if you were hallucinating, it seemed beyond belief. But then it happened a day later and the frequency and quantity of these shocking flowers increased. They weren't even flowers. Amakumo fruit was their name, a rare plant that could only be found in Seirai island. Concerned, you visited doctor after doctor hoping to find a cure or reason that the plant was alive in your body. But you found nothing.
When the first stem began to grow out of the vein on your elbow you panicked. With anxiety and worry you sought out the traveler, they'd been to many places, perhaps they'd seen something like this? You had to get healed as soon as possible so that way you could return to serving her. So you could dedicate your life to her. Your heart throbbed painfully at the thought and you willed away any unsavory feelings. The Raiden Shogun was meant to be admired from a distance, feelings such as love and lust had no place for one of her soldiers. Not like you were on her level anyway.
The traveler perplexed at your condition suggested they bring you with them to Liyue where they knew of a skilled doctor named Baizhu; eager, to return to your life of servitude toward the one you love you followed them without a second thought.
The green haired man was peculiar, there was a white snake wrapped around his neck comfortably. But you could tell he knew what he was doing, from the minor touches to check your breathing and heart rate, to the line of patients outside his door he seemed like a professional. He was probably your best bet at this rate. He seemed confused as well and after the initial examination told you to come back tomorrow, where there'd be another one.
On your way out a short girl with long brown hair in two pony tails approached you, a friendly smile on her face. You would've had a positive impression of her if not for the card she handed you. Wangsheng Funeral Parlor...? 50% off your coffin if you order ahead of time?
You stared up at her with dead eyes and furrowed brows as she kept a welcoming smile on her face, "You won't find any other funeral services like it! Get 50% of your coffin if you order before you die!" Neither her voice nor wide eyes carried any malicious intent but--
"Is something wrong with you?" What the hell was with this girl? "Do I look like I'm dying?" Even if you were, that was still incredibly impolite of her.
"Well," She paused and leaned forward, elongating her neck and stretching her back to get a better look at you, "No glow, a bit ashy actually, straight posture but it's a bit stiff, not really healthy, and just exiting Bubu Pharmacy? You could be and I'm trying to poach customers from Baizhu."
Her nose crinkled ever so slightly as she continued voice slightly less upbeat, "Ugh, that guy..." Her voice was barely audible but either way her words made you upset.
You shoved the business card back in her hand, "Don't say such reckless things just because of some drama you have with him."
You felt a small shock in your ribcage, you didn't even flinch, you'd gotten used to such feelings. It made your body feel itchy and jumpy like every individual cell wanted to run out of your body and leave you with nothing. You let out a small cough, feeling the electricity jump up your throat leaving behind a small burning sensation, the smell of seared flesh faintly in your nose. A small petal landed in your hand but you were quick to close your hand around it.
You should leave before it got worse. Your expression wasn't pleasant, permanently furrowed eyebrows, and a scowl. You were stuck wasting your time trying to cure yourself so you could serve the Shogunate better. A shock of pain jolted through your body, nearly bringing you to your knees. It didn't. You were trained better than that. Yet here you were, looking like a fool, if the Shogunate could see you now she wouldn't let you serve a day in your life. You would always be classified as a disappointment to her.
Another jolt, even stronger, and with it came an onslaught of coughs. The girl from earlier looked on at you worriedly and approached again. You would've pushed her away if not for the continued assailants of pain, shock after shock, and cough after cough racking your body. You gripped onto your arms in a hope to stabilize yourself but found yourself kneeling on the floor, shaking, nails digging into your arms and drawing blood.
The girl was talking now, at the very least she seemed concerned, as concerned as someone that just offered you a deal on buying your own coffin could be. You couldn't hear what she was saying. Only the continued crackle of electricity. Why did it suddenly get worse? You didn't have time to ponder any questions as the pain overwhelmed you and the world went black.
Hanahaki disease. That's what Baizhu called it. The disease of unrequited love. You loved the Shogunate, something you never should've done, you reminded yourself. You'd voiced your thoughts once to the curious brown haired girl from the funeral parlor, Hu Tao.
She only looked at you quizzically, "You can't control love!" She objected, crossing her arms a smile still on her face, "Just live life to its fullest, enjoy it, and accept everything that comes over you!"
"Strong words from someone that isn't coughing up flowers brimming with electricity," You replied, but your words held no malice.
Baizhu couldn't find a way to cure it, his only hypothesis being that if the person you loved loved you back then it would end. As if the Raiden Shogun would ever love you in any way. You didn't want to show her this pathetic version of yourself, anyway. And where did that leave you? Surprisingly, at the funeral parlor.
Hu Tao had welcomed you with open arms, her employee, Zhongli was also fine with you staying. Of course, you didn't just free load you helped out, trying to do heavy labor where you could. You assumed you'd be the strongest because of your training but the sickness had taken it's toll on you, and vision users were freakishly strong. For such a small girl Hu Tao could lift, a lot.
She would often creep up behind you in an attempt to scare you, not that it had worked yet she was still trying to come up with a way to do so. You would scold her, and return to your work, which was often just basic maintenance of the funeral parlor now, dusting, cleaning, it was mundane but you didn't want to freeload. Then the three of you, Hu Tao, Zhongli, and yourself would eat dinner. Zhongli was normally quiet aside from a few sentences, those few sentences alone made you suspicious of him though. How could one person be so knowledgeable? Of course, once you saw his poor mora management all of your suspicions dropped.
Dinner mainly consisted of Hu Tao and yours banter. It was nice. You had to admit she was growing on you, in a different way to all of the Amakumo fruit. A few had begun to sprout out of your body now, you knew each day that passed you were lucky. Your coughs got worse and so did the electric shocks, it didn't help that your body was becoming more frail from lack of use.
Hu Tao kept you company though whether through asking you out for food, "Yo! Afternoon! Let's get lunch! Xiangling's got a new dish!" The dish ended up burning both Hu Tao and yours's tongues. Too spicy, apparently using the seeds of a Pyro Regisvine had that effect. Although, it was funny to see Hu Tao jump at the heat.
Then she would make you go to performances, "Yun Jin has a show today! I asked for some tickets, I'll introduce you to her too!" Hu Tao somehow knew everyone.
And as your friendship strengthened she read you poetry.
"You write poetry?" You were disbelieving at first, but she took no insult from your words instead placing her hands on her hips proudly.
She read some for you, the topics varying from the feeling of elation to death. The two of you knew you were dying soon. In a few days you were bedridden.
But you didn't want to leave so soon. It wasn't just about serving the Shogunate but the past few weeks, the dinners, the people you had met, the stories you had heard. You selfishly wanted more of that. You told Hu Tao you'd face your death honorably, that you would look toward the future, and wait for her to escort you to the afterlife. That you wouldn't fight death.
One night you cried though. You held her slender hands in yours, relishing in the warmth, and feeling guilt at each electric shock that went through your body and reached hers.
"I don't want to die," You confessed. "I feel like, only now, have I truly begun to live. Why is it that I barely had any time to enjoy this?" Your words were choked up and your shoulders hunched as you leaned toward her.
You looked into the usually lively amber eyes, which held a lighter star in them. They were the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. "I wish I could spend more time with all of you. I wish I could spent more time with you," You spoke quietly.
You didn't wait for her to reply and instead removed her hands from hers, and placed your hands on her cheek. Your lips touched hers, hesitant, cautious, exploring unknown ground. You could've sworn you were in love with Hu Tao. But your body was already bound by the flowers of the Shogunate, you'd long ago taken your vow and it couldn't be revoked.
Hu Tao kissed back though, she moved slowly at first before reaching a hand out to hold onto the back of her head. You didn't want to open your eyes and see her expression. You could feel the tears running down your face, you could feel her parched wet lips on hers, and for a moment you didn't feel any of the pain, any of the shocks.
And as you were immersed in the kiss of the woman who moved your heart you didn't notice as the flowers fell off your body, and landed on the ground softly without a sound.
I did not mean to make this so long.
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luxthestrange · 1 year
G.I Incorrect Quotes#19 Suck It
When Ei Took Our Wife Thoma and we rescued him...this is what really happen
Ei: Let me tell you how this is gonna work-
Y/n*Standing in front of her way motioning Lumine and Paimon to give Thoma his Vision*You ain’t gonna tell me or anyone else here sh*t*Opens arm to showcase their group and the rest of Inazuma*
Y/n: SUCK MY D*CK*Is slowly walking backwards*
Guards+Inazuma Citizens*Looking back and forth between the two of you*...
Y/n: SUCK MY D*CK YOU (Bleep) YOU (Bleep)
Ei: LISTEN*Actually losing her cool*
Y/n: YOU’LL BE HERE SUCKING MY D*CK*Middle fingers her as they grabbed Thoma in arms bridal style*
Thoma*Blushing and looks at Lumine and Paimon*...???
Lumine & Paimon*Give him a thumbs up*Plan "Rescue Princess Cinderella was a success"!!
Y/n: GO F*CK YOURSELF-*Already walking away with him and the girls*
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tarlas · 3 months
Thinking about Ei
she’s probably bad at hugs- like really bad
she tries to make up for her affection shortcomings with gifts
she would probably buy out all of Inazuma, if that’s what you wished.
You go against eternity, with your mortality. but she still love you the best she can, while she can.
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haruniki · 1 year
Can I request reader waking up to being big-spooned by Ei and trying to sneak away?
a/n: tysm for requesting!! i do apologize for the lateness of this request!! I've officially graduated highschool and was postponing yhe requests
a/n 2: I got sick and was barely writing my request, still kinda sick but I'm trying to finish these request as quickly as I can. I do apologize if there is mistakes
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The birds chirping tells you that it's morning, but still early. The room is still dark and that early morning coldness is still present.
As you go to move to stretch, you notice that you are not able to move...at all. Turning your head your met with a the top of Ei's head, nuzzled neatly into your chest. Her arms wrapped around your waist and a leg thrown over yours. You try to wiggle out of her grip but it doesn't seem to work, just causes Ei to tighten her grip.
Sighing, you try to figure something out. Maybe you can just wait until she wakes up or maybe she'll loosen her grip if you move enough? While going though a number of plans, you remember something. Ei had one time said that archons didn't really need the samee thing mortals did, such as eating or even....
"Ei, I know you're not actually sleeping. Can you let me go so I can go make breakfast?"
After a few minutes, you feel Ei's grip tighten and then loosen allowing you to get up and get ready for the day.
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
Hi it’s me here when you get the chance can you make a Drabble of ei, jean, Barbara, itto, zhongli, Kuki, diluc, keaya, Lisa, nilou, and Al Haitiam with a reader who has a toxic parent ( and I mean narcissistic) and the reader looks tired and drained from the emotional to mental abuse please my grandma is a really toxic person and we just got into a fight today so can you make it an angst to comfort type scenario sorry to bother you I just had a lot on my plate
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ toxic toxicity
a/n: sorry this is late! All of the stuff I'm going to be posting will be from old asks because of the event, I'm planning to answer them all hopefully don't worry!
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Raiden Shogun
"[Name], why do you look so tired? You shouldn't be tired, I should be tired. Actually, I can't be tired, never mind. Did someone do this to you? Your... parents? Well, what are you waiting for? Show me where they live, I'll get rid of them immediately so you and I can have a bit of alone time together before Ei comes back. Stupid mortals..."
"Dear, how are you? Oh, you look awful! My apology, I couldn't think of another way to word it. Are you okay? No? Oh, okay. Maybe you'd like some... sweets! O-or candy! We can eat candy together to make you feel better! Please?"
"You look stressed beyond belief, [name]. You really need to take a break, yes, a break from your parents I mean. If they're toxic for your healththen you need to stay away from them. That might be hard but its okay, I'm the Acting Grand Master of Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius. I can... kick them out of the city! Quite unprofessional but you're one of our best knights. We can't afford to lose you to them. Stay at the headquarters' dorms for the night."
"Oh no, [name]! You look terrible! Is it your parents again? Oh dear... You should get some rest, I really care about you, you know that right? Oh Barbatos, whatever will we do? Your parentsare going to kill you if this keeps up! I have some blankets, erm, neck pillows and oh-! I have all the ingredients we need for baking cookies? Would you like to bake with me? It'll make you feel good, I promise."
"Woah, woah, woah! [Name] you look... TERRIBLE! I won't stand for that! We're the Arataki Gang, you know? We're supposed to be all tough and cool looking: you're not looking like that right now! If something's come up, then don't you worry. Arataki, numero uno, Itto will come to your rescue. And no, I don't care that its your parents, if they're making you feel bad then they best be prepared for a fight! Trust me, it'll be okay, your big, badass, sexy boyfriend will protect you through and through!"
"Dear, have some tea. I know the past few days have been stressful, and your parents certainly aren't helpful, but please don't give up like this. Come, sit next to me. There there, I'm here."
"Hey... I know how you feel. My parents were really toxic too, especially my mom. But, I believe in you. Things will get better one way or another: even if it's not them being more accepting. Maybe... it'll be us getting even closer together... BUT that's just a suggestion, heh..."
"Maybe we need to get you away from your parents for a while... Elzer, prepare a room for [name] please. They look like they need a good night's sleep. Hush dear, it's going to be alright. They can't hurt you anymore. They wouldn't dare hurt you anymore. You're here with me, and Elzer, and Adeline."
"Oh, don't seem to be yourself today, hm? That's okay, everyone has their bad days. Even I do, believe it or not. Well, my beautiful significant other, I'm here with you, you're what's keeping me sane. Smile, it looks better on you."
"Cutie! You scared me, oh no don't cry! Please, tell me. Mhm? Your parents. Ah. Darling you know how angry I get when people don't return a book, right? Well, I can be even more fierce than that. The Witch of the Purple Rose does not take those who mess with her darling lightly. "
"This society is messed up, the sages, your parents. They just don't seem to listen to us youths! They think we're young, that we're dumb! It makes me terribly sad :( It's okay, do you want a hug?"
You see, my guy doesn't say anything. He walks out and you don't see him for about an hour or so. On the contrary, you didn't come back home to your parents that day.
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nyxthejinx · 2 years
Yae Miko is woman of mystery who never tells you what she wants outright and keeps her true feelings hidden most of the time, however the moment her little one calls her Mama while tending to some duties with Ei , she cries. At first she doesn’t believe what she hears and asks Ei if she heard it too only for her little one to say it again, this time louder and Yae can’t help but to rush over and scoop them up and shower them in kisses. To make the moment even more sweeter they call Ei “Obasan” or aunty. Now the archon is crying as well
I'm so glad I had a chance to see my two of fave lesbians again while playing Inazuma quest, it gave me the brain juice I love them sm. Sorry for being atrociously late 🥲
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The night your presumed parents left you at the Shrine's gate, it was thundering as though the Shogun was trying to tear apart the sky. And Yae Miko, ever so attentive, was able to bring you in before you drowned in your own drenched covers.
She finds herself more intrigued than anything, wondering why such a small thing would be abandoned, so defenceless in a world so, so cruel. And by her door no less.
But she also knows that certain questions would never be answered, that it is a waste of time to ponder over something so meager. Instead, she focuses on tending to your basic needs and provides a home. Her home, for you.
You'd make a great devotee to the shrine, it's all she thinks at first.
And without realising it, a year or so goes by.
The Guuji doesn't sugar coat her words, but she also doesn't outwardly express her feelings. She's a skilled orator when it comes to pushing the conversation around as she pleases, the few who dare ask about her precious little one left with nothing but subtle hints to drop it.
Aside from the Shrine Maidens, who've been there long enough to figure things out themselves, nobody knows what is Yae's deal with you.
Even the mighty Shogun, presenting herself as Ei the first times she leaves her Plane, takes a bit too long to truly realise how smitten Miko is for you, human child, wobbly on your legs, who apparently has yet to utter a word.
Needless to say not even Raiden is immune to your adorable charm.
Both of them are quick to come to terms with this weakness of theirs, and devote as much time as possible to you, not noticing the second year of your life passing by.
But their profound affection also brings them -especially Ei- to frighten easily over the smallest things. You're a fragile being, after all, and they're not new to loss. If a god can die so easily in such a cruel world, what would it be of you?
This also means Yae silently worries over the fact that you still haven't spoken a world, despite growing at an incredible speed in the past two years. Is it a sign of physical and/or mental discomfort? Did she do something wrong, despite her best efforts on understanding deeper the human nature?
Miko lets you play with one of her Gohei's to entertain yourself, while both Ei and she voice their concerns to the Maidens. Some of them insist that kids grow and develop at different speeds, others remark that maybe grabbing a doctor would be best, just in case.
And never in the past five centuries the god and her pet had felt so distressed over someone they'd known for such a short period of time.
What is a couple years to endless beings such as them? What is two years to you? Too much? Not enough?-
"Mama! Mama! 'Basan! Look!!"
The Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine stills, barely able to take a look from the corner of her eye, as she sees you emulating one of their traditional dances at the best of your abilities.
It's wonky, mostly wrong, completely inaccurate and chaotic.
But her vision fogs up at how content and eager you are doing your little thing.
Ei lays a hand on Miko's shoulder, the other covering her mouth. The two share a quick look, then gaze back to your figure, utterly mesmerised.
"It good?" You pant, tired from the amount of effort you'd put into the performance. And the second after you're off the ground, in Yae's arms, as she covers your cheeks with affectionate kisses, Ei stroking your head with incredible delicacy.
Both smiling, uncaring of those around them. As the only thing that matters is you.
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DON'T copy/repost my work. REBLOG instead! ©nyxthejinx
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harmonysanreads · 2 years
Imagine... reincarnation au with yandere!raiden ei who just can't seem to have you in any life.
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Or well, any of your lives to be exact as fate had preordained an endless cycle of gain and loss for her, ever so saved from the chilly embrace of death, of erosion. That's not to say your first ‘life’ with her was exactly determined to have an eventual parting—far from that and this (self) assurance ultimately created the deathliest crack on her trust in immortality.
You were a little different back in those days splattered with blood and ichor but, what remained eternal was the humanity and the reflection of an undefiled soul in your eyes—and which, she fell in love with. Despite the surges of elemental currents flowing through your body and an aura that suggested a little more, you had a heart and a pair of [e/c] eyes more humane than any mortals' and every one of your glances that shook Ei to her core was directed at her.
It was only natural, she'd admitted. Only someone as gentle and peaceful as Makoto could hope to hold your attention, adoration and perhaps that beautiful heart, too? Only someone as true as Raiden Makoto could stand beside you, after all. Ei had not complained or allowed even the littlest of these feelings to escape ; the occasional conversations you shared with her and the accidental brushes of your hand against hers was enough to keep her satisfied. If it's Makoto, she didn't mind. If it's you, she would keep her desires locked for another five thousand years. But what is she expected to do or to feel when you end the promise of an eternity alongside her sister?
She searches for another, one unbound by the fleeting nature of the world, one unrestricted by the humane emotions, an unchanging, perennial eternity carved from the same dream. To achieve that she'd forsake anything : her body, her emotions and even take away her people's ambitions.
Following that, many things had transpired. One such day with the Sakuko Decree in effect, as she strolled through the almost deserted paths of Narukami on a rare break from her endless meditation and saw her sanctuary through the puppet's eyes, she noticed a tense figure draped in silks suggesting otherwise of being a foreigner. Upon advancing closer, the figure of you garbed in costly Inazuman clothing and the ever so luminescent pair of [e/c] threw her whole world upside down.
Had the icy heart of the Heavenly Principles finally thawed upon her tireless work to achieve Eternity? Was this the reward, the second chance she'd so begged to receive? Unable to control her excitement she practically leaped towards you and called out your name. You responded with a visage painted with confusion and startle, questioning how she knew but then you mirrored her earlier urgency, quickly adding that you were lost and in search of your husband.
Huh. It seemed like your endearing ditz remained unchanged, too. Though soon she found some less endearing things leaking through your posture ; your flighty glances around the vicinity, twirling of thumbs and a look of silent panic barely contained. She was confused now, what exactly were you so frightened for? Beasts and monsters? Or nobushis harboring ill intent? Or was it the Shogunate?
The answer to that could wait though. Right now, her top priority was to keep you safe and make sure not to repeat the same mistake this time. So, she offered you residency at the Tenshukaku and a promise to send a guard to find your...your.....husband?
The realization dawns on her along with a bone-chilling chime. In seconds your body is blocked by another and a reflection electrifies her stare. Her very own creation stands before her, with you in his grasp and the weight of your relationship with him resounds like a koto's broken string.
It seemed like the Heavenly Principles had a whole array of unfunny jokes set for her.
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good luck with everyone's wanderer pulls!
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sl33py-day · 2 years
An atheist reader with a yandere archon
Raiden Shogun/Ei Addition
So you’re an atheist? Don’t believe in the gods? Do you believe in something else? Whatever you believe in that’s fine, just depends on what nation you’re in that is.
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This would be a funny situation to be in. You can say you don’t believe in the Archons or gods even if Raiden Shoguns alive. You either think people think to highly of her or you don’t like the vision hunt decree she put out. I feel like a lot of people would also be like “Yeah, we don’t like her that much either.”
Once again small scenario
You were hanging out with Thoma as both Ayaka and Ayato were busy. He was doing laundry as you just talked about random things.
“I wonder if The Raiden Shogun has trauma…” you randomly said making Thoma stop putting the laundry up to dry. There was silence for a couple of seconds before Thoma let out a “what?” You continued with what you said.
“I mean she’s obsessed with eternity and keeping things the way they are forever. Kinda sounds like something you would do if someone you loved dearly died.” As you talked Thoma is just like ‘Yeah, sure, Yep totally normal.” Everything went back to normal after that talk. Until a few weeks later when you meet Aether and Paimon.
“Pardon? You’re gonna go against the Grumpy and traumatized god?” You asked him as he nodded and turned to Thoma. They talked while you were in your own world.
While you hanged out with Aether The Raiden Shogun sent out an order to capture you, yes you, and bring you to her. So now a lot of people are after you while you hid in a hole. Not really but I think you know what I mean.
“Care to tell me why the fuck I’m being hunted down?” Was what you asked every day.
This makes no sense but I think and hope you know what happened.
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orphic-musings · 2 years
Emotional & Elemental Reactions
Characters: Diluc, Ayato, Ei x gn! reader
Genre: Angst, distustingly cute fluff
Warnings: Diluc gets wounded (but what’s new)
Summary: Reader is a dendro user and an elemental reaction isn’t the only thing they cause with their lover. (denro vision! reader x various characters drabbles)
Notes: UHMM OK I GOT THIS IDEA FROM @desafinado THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INSPIRATION! hope u dont mind the tag I might do this for more characters i kinda wanna give this another try IDK we’ll see! also i finished finals so i may or may not be more active 👀 no promises
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The moment was more than magical, the cool breeze of Monstatd bringing the sweet scent of flowers. But the only scent you cared about was his. His secure grip on your neck and waist. His chapped lips on yours. His perfectly flawed kiss. He had wanted to be gentle with you, to keep you away from him. His dangerous lifestyle and his unperishable flame within. But it seemed fate decided for you to both be here in this moment, on a tepid night made warmer by this burning passion.
You pull yourself away just enough that your lips separate, puffing out hot air.
“I don’t want this moment to end, or this feeling to slip away,” you whisper, eyes still stuck on his mouth. Diluc tilts your chin up so your eyes meet his, and the life within them almost startles you.
“It doesn’t have to,” he presses another quick kiss against you, and you feel your heart swell, “this doesn’t need to end today, or tomorrow.” His hand on your neck moves to the top of your head, and he runs it down your cheek and to jaw. Featherlight but searing. You are so brilliant and gentle, and everything that defines stunning, to him.
You lean more into his touch, letting his palm overheat your already flushed skin. The feeling flows all throughout your body, setting you alight, but you’ve never felt so alive, so in love.
A week has passed since that night, and many more memorable nights were spent. He would often show up on your doorstep, wounded or exhausted from his nightly affairs, usually both. Everytime you would nurse him back to health, and the next morning he would leave better than new.
“It must be your dendro vision,” he would say, “that makes you have such an invigorating and healing touch.” You poured all your heart and soul into everything you do for him, so he can carry parts of you with him wherever he goes. You had never fallen so hard or fast before.
And now he’s back again on your carpet, wound glimmering in the dark. He has fire in his eyes, and danger in his presence. It entices you, but it also breaks your heart.
“Sit right there, I’ll be right back.” You leave him on your floor while you fetch some medical supplies. To your dismay, you catch your reflection in the bathroom mirror, and what you see is not someone in love. You see a star, already long burned out. And Diluc sees it too, when you return with some bandages. In silence you mend him, and when it’s done you can’t find the words to fill it. You long for his touch, the one that set your heart on fire. He reaches out.
“What must I do to witness your affections again?” He whispers. You’re not even sure if he’s really asking you. Suddenly, he pulls his hand away from its delicate graze. It was cold. You don’t even notice how you shake your head at the thought, how you crack a sad smile. It’s not cold, Diluc was never cold. If the sun died out he would still be warm.
“I’m worn out, I’m sorry,” you say, never meeting his eyes. It was your skin that had lost sensation, nerves burned out. He gets up abruptly, but pauses at the door. You finally look at him. The fire is still in his eyes, and you realize now that he had always been too ardent, burning anything that gets close.
»»————- ♡ -————««
“Come, take my hand.” His smile is gentler than the lick of waves on the shore. Ayato waits for your hand to be placed upon his, and you take it, gladly. In the warm tint of dusk his hair and eyes become a palette of pastels. Together you appear like a watercolour, striding across the beach below the Kamisato Estate.
“I’m so fond of you, you know that right?” He asks, voice ever mild but strong.
“Of course I do. And I’m rather fond of you as well.” You glance up at him, and are met with a genuine smile. He stops walking and twirls you around, letting his playful side show freely. You laugh and fall into his embrace. And he holds you.
“My dear gardener…” he coos, earning more giggles from you. It had all been so fast. Fast enough to make you believe in love at first sight. You weren’t really employed to him, but as a stray traveler, and a dendro user, Thoma had managed to pick you up. He really did have a thing for strays. Ayato didn’t need a reason for you to stay, it was all his pleasure, but the way you so tenderly cared for his garden to make it up made his heart grow even more.
It was the worst possible thing he could do, really. Since he found himself wandering the estate while you garden more often than not. He witnessed in wonder the way you used your vision to nurture and encourage the fauna, and it truly livened the whole place up. Instead of working he would indulge himself in your presence, with the excuse that if you were caring for the plants with your vision, he too wanted to try watering them with his. But he would never regret the way his time was spent.
Not even a month later and he had you in his arms, exactly where he wanted you. It felt glorious. The golden brilliance fading into blue dark, while the waves teeter ever closer on the sand. The lullaby of their rhythmic cascade and the choir of crickets made a peaceful harmony.
I love you, his eyes seemed to say, as he gazed into yours. I love you, you replied, with a perfectly sweet kiss. And perhaps, the garden was not the only thing that bloomed when you were together.
»»————- ♡ -————««
“Darling?” Ei’s brash voice calls out, and you turn your head immediately. She always appreciated your attentiveness to her, even when she often requires patience from you. “Would you like to go try that restaurant you’ve been talking about?”
“I would love to!” You reply enthusiastically, joining hands with her. Whenever you two touch it feels electric, and it still makes you giddy each time. She smiles at your devotion, your open-mind and your open-heart, just some of the things she fell in love with. How the electro archon fell for just some dendro user is a mystery, even to her. But she’s found herself doing more and more things with you. Trying new experiences and indulging in feelings she had never thought much about before.
“You’re so adventurous these days!” You remark as the two of you walk down the brightly-lit streets of Inazuma City.
“Only because you embolden me my dear. With you I feel such vigor and curiosity I never have before. There is so much more I want to do, with you.” Her blunt statenents makes you flush, and you swear you can feel tingles surge from your intertwined hands.
“Ei!” She turns, but gives a lighthearted laugh upon seeing your flustered expression. She pulls you even closer, wrapping one arm around your middle and leaning her head slightly on top of yours.
“Ei!” You cry out again, ready to melt away from embarrassment.
“I simply want to be closer to my love, is tjat not allowed?” You don’t reply, and she smiles. “Your company is both exhilirating and calming, and I can’t get enough of it. If anything in this world were eternal,” she interrupts herself to kiss you, forcing you both to stop in your tracks, “I would want it to be this feeling.” She gazes at you and the pure adoration in it makes you fall in love all over again, as you lean in to kiss her again.
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