#rai 2 did one (1) good thing nina
trashendence · 2 years
iri i need to know who jim the hot firefighter is. you can't just leave that in my tags and bounce i DEMAND ANSWERS
help why is this so funny. jim is the hot firefighter turned paramedic turned doctor who was married to the one and only melinda gordon (jlh) in ghost whisperer.
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he’s THEE malewife and he and au!buck should f-[lightning strikes me dead]
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twisted-tales-told · 2 years
15 Questions tag
Thanks @euphorial-docx for tagging me in this because I am bored out of my mind today
Nickname: Arik is my nickname people call me something else irl
Height: 5’6
The last thing I googled: the disparity here is hilarious so I’m doing the last two: “cm to inches” and “POTS symptoms and warning signs” I have health anxiety don’t judge me
# of followers: something in the 400s on here and 2000ish on TikTok. 16 on twitter, which is 16 too many.
Amount of sleep: varies so much, 8 on a good day 2 on a bad one
Dream Job: if I could bookbind for a living I would but that would drive me insane so my answer is psychometrist (the person who administers mental health tests, academic tests, autism diagnostic tests etc. usually for kids)
Wearing: snowflake pjs and hoodie because it’s freezing
Book/movie that summarizes you: I have no idea, this question is confusing me. So my favourite film is Pride (2014) about the lgbt community allying themselves with the coal miners in wales on strike in the 1980s
Favourite song currently:
This is going to be a list I’m sorry, and its a very specific “I have autism and you will never understand why I have to listen to these songs in this order every single day” list
1. Ferryman by Shayfer James and Will Wood
2. Tell Me You Love Me by Sufjan Stevens
3. Cold Cold Cold by Cage The Elephant
4. Mastermind by Taylor Swift
5. Chem Trails over Countey Clubs by Lana Del Ray
Aesthetic: I have no idea, legit no clue. It changes daily and with the temperature. Right now I’m somewhere around “tortured artist” take that as you will.
Favourite authors
I read by book, I don’t really have a favourite author, BUT
Alice Walkers book Living By The Word, There is something about the way she writes about her relationship with animals and nature that strikes deep in my core. Specifically the story “Am I Blue”
Also The Book Of Dreams by Nina George. It’s her 3rd novel and the only one of hers I’ve read but I don’t think I’ve had a novel pull on my heartstrings in the specific way this one did, and I never will again.
Random facts:
I’ve travelled to 28 countries and I read tarot cards, those are about as random as it gets.
Open tags!!
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kallypsowrites · 3 years
Shadow and Bone Overall Thoughts
I am...still dazed. It was honest to god so good. I have a few gripes here and there. A few small things I’m sad didn’t make it from the books and a few aesthetic details. But over all, I’m just so in love with it all.
1. The Crows. God the Crows. They worked so well together. They were so charming. Had so much chemistry. They were funny. Jesper, Kaz and Inej each had their great moments and I honestly can’t say who I loved most. But as far as nuance goes, I loved Jesper’s humor, Kaz’s intensity and love for Inej and Inej’s faith and moral conflict. All actors knocked it out of the park.
2. Mal. I need to do a side by side comparison of how they changed his lines because its almost like someone read every line of his that I critiqued in my book reviews and changed it to be the opposite. And honestly? Bless. I was never mad at him. Now was I invested in he and Alina’s relationship? At times. But more as friends, which I’ve always liked them most as. And apparently the show does too because they didn’t kiss???? Like dang, that was a twist. And I really liked his separate arc and his poor friends. I felt for him at many moments and wanted to give him a hug! So that’s great!
3. Helnik. God I love a good enemies to lovers. They were the most removed from the main story but I. LOVE. NINA. I love her. She’s so great and so funny and they had great chemistry. My heart breaks for them and I look forward to seeing more next season
4. Kanej. I already kind of mentioned this but the INTENSITY. The LOYALTY. She KILLED someone for him!!! He killed people for her and ransomed the Crow club!!! Amazing!!
5. The scenery/effects. Outside of a few effects, all of the aesthetic was gorgeous with ONE major detail I’ll get to in a sec.
6. Alina. Jessie is perfect as her. Human sunshine. Ray of hope. light of my life. I will never picture anyone else.
7. The Darkling. Ben was so............human??? And wonderful??? And badass??? And ruthless??? And we got backstory??? I love him so fucking much.
8. Darklina bitches. Every scene was a serve. The build up. The first kiss. The make out. Absolutely wrecked me every moment. I have never seen a hotter kissing scene. And it really was so soft. Obviously there are lots of moments of toxicity, lies, manipulation. But Ben made me BELIEVE those feelings were real. Not all of that shit was faked. Unfortunately, my guy the Darkling does not know what an apology is or how to voice his feelings so he goes all villain in the final episodes, but fuck it, that was hot too.
9. Greater exploration of the politics and the reasoning. I still think it was heavy handed at times and kind of makes an unfortunate case for ‘but consider maybe the Grisha are bad and people are right to be scared of them’ at the end, but the books kinda did that too. Weirdly the show gave him more of a reason (the enemy general) so that was nice.
A few nitpicks:
1. The amplifiers. Its just...ugly. They could have been so cool. Really aesthetic. But I think they changed it just to make the collaring scene more brutal which wasn’t necessary.
2. Some worldbuilding clumsiness but only in the first episodes. After that I just started rolling with it.
3. A few missing moments from the books. Darklina stuff mostly because I’m a slut for them. But i won’t complain.
Over all, I’m a happy fucking camper. Thank you Netflix. Thank you to the cast. Thank you everyone. I’m going to watch again very soon!
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lostysworld · 3 years
A healing touch – Kaz Brekker x reader
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (final)
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x reader
Warning: OOC, mention of touch avertion, mention of injury
Summary: it is the second time you touch Kaz to help him, and what if you intend to make it a ritual.
A/N: I promise, guys, there will be more romance in the next chapter
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– This is for you, guys!
You are welcomed with cheerful shouts in the almost empty Slat. Two boxes with pies and other different snacks land in the nearest table, and immediately Crows come around.
– Did you steal it from your dad's? - Jasper gives her a suspicious glare.
– Worse. My mum was hit by her midnight inspiration last night, so she spent that whole time baking.
They open these boxes with different things for each person inside. There are cheese pie for Matthias and blueberry cupcakes for Inej, along with dark chocolate for Jasper and-
– Waffles!
Nina cries happily unwrapping her own present, content like a little girl. You smirk.
– Yeah. I don't know if they are like your favorite ones-
– They are perfect! - she takes a small bite and gives Mattihas to taste.
– What's this?
Inej puts another pie out of the second box, that smell spreads across the whole place at the moment. Faint blush covers your checks.
– That one is for Kaz.
And there is a reason under your blushing. Not just anyone unknown is honored to receive such a present from your mother.
You know that recipe pretty well, she's cooked this for your whole life. The pastry is sweet, but apples inside are sour and covered with cinnamon, that usually takes your mind completely away.
But the slight worry starts capturing you. There is long past the hour Kaz usually coming back, and he's still nowhere to be seen.
Just the next moment you all see Brekker comes in almost falling through a door, and Jasper rushes to him.
His shirt is stained with blood and the coat is soaked from the constant rain outside. But Kaz is still trying not to black out right in front of the Crows.
– Kaz!
You instantly run to him cursing under your breath as his touch avertion comes to your mind.
Jasper extends his arms to help the man and catch him, but he only shakes his head flopping down on the chair. Inej rolls her eyes, being so stubborn in this situation won't end up well for Brekker.
Seeing like Kaz settles down his leg, you are sure all your previous manipulations are gone without a trace.
Kneeling in front of him you try to inspect his wounds, but the man throws his arms up to avoid the contact.
Anger starts overwhelming you.
– Kaz-
– It's just a stab.
– Just?! I wonder how your head is still on your shoulders.
He flashes a grim glance towards you, not ready to surrender yet. You remember, the man has a set of supplies in case of emergency, but it will be better for you to help himhim right here.
Watching you he realizes what your intentions truly are about.
– Don't even think about it. A thread and a needle are enough.
– We don't have time for stitching, - you help him out of his coat and now tear his shirt into two.
– What about my boundaries?
– Let's talk about them, when you stop bleeding to death.
A slight chuckle rings from your behind, and Inej leads others from you, giving a bit of private space. She knows, Kaz is in good hands now.
Brekker greets his teeth, more in resentment, than in pain, and turns his head away from you.
When your anger passes, you starts feeling ashamed.
– I'm sorry, Kaz, but I need to do it.
Now you can see his wound, that is really nothing but a stab, but it keeps bleeding nonetheless.
The man still casts displeased glances at you, but they are more worried in nature.
You cover the wound with your hand, feeling blood slowly soaking through your fingers. Brekker flinches and freezes on his place.
You can't even imagine how disgusting it feels to him, but you really have no choice.
Kaz is watching your hands moving carefully. First, it's your veins that turns black once his pain starts flowing away, leaving only numbness around his wound.
The man tries to concentrate on that heat that radiates from your palm, than on the touch only.
You are not cold, not like his brother. Frankly, your palm even starts burning, and Kaz sees your lips whispering silently.
You are a true ray of sunshine in this place. Always here to help, even if no one asks you. Always cheering everyone up after heists. And pies that you parents bake are something to die for, though he's never told you this.
You suit the Crows, you suit him, the Bastard of the Barrel. But you'd better not. He's seen the Slat takes away the best people. Kaz doesn't want you to disappear from their lives.
When Brekker shifts uncomfortably on his chair, you only press your hand firmly.
– It may burn. Ignore it.
His brow goes slightly up, he doesn't see you so concentrated before, but the wrinkle between your eyesbrows makes you another person. Now Kaz realizes what power you do hold inside of youself.
He wants to say, that it's enough, but you only cut him off.
– Shut up and don't move.
The man barely holds the urge to roll his eyes at that. You are the only one, who isn't afraid of telling him off. Surely, because your life doesn't depend on him or his mood.
He doesn't notice you stop touching him, when the accident brush of your fingers runs across the bare skin of his side.
There are only blood stains on the previous wound, but you don't even leave a scar on it. The perfect work.
A smile crosses your lips.
– He's alive, guys, - you raise from your knees turning to others. – Very much alive.
The man intends to stand, but is stopped by your grasp on his gloved hand. You lean forward slightly, whispering to him only.
– You are worse that a child in the healing house, Kaz Brekker.
As soon as you and Jasper walk out of the Slat to walk you home, the boy wraps his arm around your shoulders.
– He likes you, - you almost choke on the air.
– Excuse me?
– Kaz, he likes you.
You look him over.
– Is it Kaz Brekker we are talking about, Jas? - but he only shakes his head.
– I mean, every time when I want to help him he threatens me with a gun, - Jasper throws arms up in amusement. – And look at yourself! A couple of words and Bastard of the Barrel sits calmly at you feet.
– Actually it's me, who was at his feet.
You smile, but it is fast to disappear. Jasper furrows.
– What?
– It's his touch avertion. It worries me.
– Well, you are a healer-
– I can't heal it, - the fact of your uselessness makes you angry. – It is in his head only. I can't help him.
Jasper takes a thoughtful pause and then lowers his gaze at her.
– But you've done well today, haven't you?
You don't respond, but his words settle down in your mind. Yes, you have feelings towards Kaz, strong feelings. But even if he doesn't let you in, you can help him.
By slowly making Kaz used to your touch. In the end you will not give up this easily.
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crowdvscritic · 3 years
round up // JULY 21
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‘Tis the season to beat the heat at the always-cold theatres and next to fans set at turbo speed. While my movie watching slowed a bit with the launch of the Summer Olympics on July 23rd, I’ve still got plenty of popcorn-ready and artsy recommendations for you. A few themes in the new-to-me pop culture I’m recommending this month:
Casts oozing with embarrassing levels of talent (sometimes overqualified for the movies they’re in)
Pop culture that is responding or reinterpreting past pop culture
Stories that get weEeEeird
Keep on-a-scrollin’ to see which is which!
July Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Double Feature – ‘90s Rom-Coms feat. Lots of Lies: Mystery Date (1991) + The Pallbearer (1996)
In Mystery Date (Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 6/10), Ethan Hawke and Teri Polo get set up on a blind date that gets so bizarre and crime-y I’m not sure how this didn’t come out in the ‘80s. In The Pallbearer (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10), David Schwimmer and Gwyneth Paltrow try to combine The Graduate with Four Weddings and a Funeral in a story about lost twentysomethings. If you don’t like rom-coms in which circumstances depend on lots of lies and misunderstandings, these won’t be your jam, but if you’re like me and don’t mind these somewhat-cliché devices, you’ll be hooked by likeable casts and plenty of rom and com.
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2. The Tomorrow War (2021)
I thought of no fewer movies than this list while watching: Alien, Aliens, Angel Has Fallen, Cloverfield, Interstellar, Kong: Skull Island, Prometheus, A Quiet Place: Part II, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith, The Silence of the Lambs, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and World War Z. And you know what? I like all those movies! (Okay, maybe I just have a healthy respect/fear of The Silence of the Lambs.) The Tomorrow War may not be original, but it borrows some of the best tropes and beats from the sci-fi and action genres, so much so I wish I could’ve seen Chris Pratt and Co. fight those gross monsters on a big screen. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 6/10
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3. Dream a Little Dream (1989)
My July pick for the Dumb Rom-Com I Nevertheless Enjoyed! I CANNOT explain the mechanics of this body switch comedy to you—nor can the back of the DVD case above—but, boy, what an ‘80s MOOD. I did not know I needed to see a choreographed dance routine starring Jason Robards and Corey Feldman, but I DID. All I know is some movies are made for me and that I’m now a card-carrying member of the Two Coreys fan club. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 6.5/10
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4. Black Widow (2021)
The braids! The Pugh! Black Widow worked for me both as an exciting action adventure and as a respite from the Marvel adventures dependent on a long memory of the franchise. (Well, mostly—keep reading for a second MCU rec much more dependent on the gobs of previous releases.) Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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5. Liar Liar (1997)
Guys, Jim Carrey is hilarious. That’s it—that’s the review. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10
6. Sob Rock by John Mayer (2021)
It’s very possible I’ve already listened to this record more than all other John Mayer records. It doesn’t surpass the capital-G Greatness of Continuum, but it’s a little bit of old school Mayer, a little bit ‘80s soft rock/pop, and I’ve had it on repeat most of the two weeks since it’s been out. Featuring the boppiest bop that ever bopped, at least one lyrical gem in every track, and an ad campaign focused on Walkmans, this record skirts the line between Crowd faves and Critic-worthy musicianship.
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7. Double Feature – ‘00s Ben Affleck Political Thrillers: The Sum of All Fears (2002) + State of Play (2009)
In The Sum of All Fears (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), Ben Affleck is Jack Ryan caught up in yet another international incident. In State of Play (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10), he’s a hotshot Congressman caught up in a scandal. Both are full of plot twists and unexpected turns, and in both, Affleck is accompanied by actors you’re always happy to see, like Jason Bateman, James Cromwell, Russell Crowe, Jeff Daniels, Viola Davis, Morgan Freeman, Philip Baker Hall, David Harbour, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Liev Schreiber, and Robin Wright—yes, I swear all of those people are in just those two movies.
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8. Loki (2021-)
Unlike Black Widow, you can’t go into Loki with no MCU experience. The show finds clever ways to nudge us with reminders (and did better at it than Falcon and the Winter Soldier), but be forewarned that at some point, you’re just going to have to let go and accept wherever this timeline-hopper is taking you. An ever-charismatic cast keeps us grounded (Owen Wilson, Jonathan Majors, and an alligator almost steal the show from Tom Hiddleston in some eps), but while Falcon lasted an episode or two too long, Loki could’ve used a few more to flesh out its complicated plot and develop its characters. Thankfully, the jokes matter almost as much as the sci-fi, so you can still have fun even if you have no idea what’s going on.
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9. Double Feature – Bruce Willis: Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995) + The Whole Nine Yards (2000)
Before Bruce Willis began starring in many random direct-to-DVD movies I only ever hear about in my Redbox emails, he was a Movie Star smirking his way up the box office charts. In the third Die Hard (Crowd: 10/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), he teams up with Samuel L. Jackson to decipher the riddles of a terrorist madman (Jeremy Irons), and it’s a thrill ride. In The Whole Nine Yards (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8/10), he’s hitman that screws up dentist Matthew Perry’s boring life in Canada, and—aside from one frustrating scene of let’s-objectify-women-style nudity—it’s hilarious.
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10. This Is the End (2013)
On paper, this is not a movie for me. An irreverent stoner comedy about a bunch of bros partying it up before the end of the world? None of things are for Taylors. But with a little help of a TV edit to pare down the raunchy and crude bits, I laughed my way through and spent the next several days thinking through its exploration of what makes a good person. While little of the plot is accurate to Christian Gospel and theology, some of its big ideas are consistent enough with the themes of the book of Revelation I found myself thinking about it again in church this morning. (Would love to know if Seth Rogen ever expected that.) Plus, I love a good self-aware celebrity spoof—can’t tell you how many times I’ve just laughed remembering the line, “It’s me, Jonah Hill, from Moneyball���—and an homage to horror classics. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10
July Critic Picks
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1. Summer of Soul (…or, When the Television Could Not Be Televised) (2021)
Even director Questlove didn’t know about the Harlem Cultural Festival, but now he’s compiled the footage so we can all enjoy one of the coolest music fest lineups ever, including The 5th Dimension, B.B. King, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Nina Simone, Sly and the Family Stone, and Stevie Wonder, who made my friend’s baby dance more than once in the womb. See it on the big screen for top-notch audio. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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2. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Robin Williams takes on the bureaucracy, disillusionment, and malaise of the Vietnam War with comedy. Williams was a one-of-a-kind talent, and here it’s on display at a level on par with Aladdin. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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3. Against the Rules Season 2 (2020-21)
Michael Lewis (author of Moneyball, adapted into a film starring Jonah Hill), is interested in how we talk about fairness. This season he looks at how coaches impact fairness in areas like college admissions, credit cards, and youth sports. 
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4. Bugsy Malone (1976)
A gangster musical starring only children? It’s a little like someone just picked ideas out of a hat, but somehow it works. You can hear why in the Bugsy Malone episode Kyla and I released this month on SO IT’S A SHOW?, plus how this weird artifact of a film connects with Gilmore Girls.
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5. The Queen (2006)
Before The Crown, Peter Morgan wrote The Queen, focusing on Queen Elizabeth II (Helen Mirren) in the days following the death of Princess Diana. It’s a complex and compassionate drama, both for the Queen and for Prime Minister Tony Blair (Michael Sheen, who has snuck up on me to become a favorite character actor). Maybe I’ve got a problem, but I’ll never tire of the analysis of this famous family. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9.5/10
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6. The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)
This month at ZekeFilm, we took a closer look at Revisionist Westerns we’ve missed. I fell hard for Roy Bean, and I think you will, too, if for no other reason than you might like a story starring Jacqueline Bisset, Ava Gardner, John Huston, Paul Newman, and Anthony Perkins. Oh, and a bear! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
7. New Trailer Round Up
Naked Singularity (Aug. 6) – John Boyega in a crime thriller!
Queenpins (Aug. 10) – A crime comedy about extreme coupon-ing!
Dune (Oct. 1) – I’ve been cooler on the anticipation for this film, but this new look has me cautiously intrigued thanks to the Bardem + Bautista + Brolin + Chalamet + Ferguson + Isaac + Momoa + Zendaya of it all.
The Last Duel (Oct. 15) – Affleck! Damon! Driver!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (Nov. 11) - I’m not sure why we need this, but I’m down for the Paul Rudd + Finn Wolfhard combo
King Richard (Nov. 19) - Will Smith as Venus and Serena’s father!
Encanto (Nov. 24) – Disney and Lin-Manuel Miranda making more magic together!
House of Gucci (Nov. 24) - Gaga! Pacino! Driver! 
Also in July…
Kyla and I took a look at the classic supernatural soap Dark Shadows and why Sookie might be obsessed with it on Gilmore Girls.
I revisited a so-bad-it’s-good masterpiece that’s a surrealist dream even Fellini couldn’t have cooked up. Yes, for ZekeFilm I wrote about the Vanilla Ice movie, Cool as Ice, which is now a part of my Blu-ray collection.
Photo credits: Against the Rules. All others IMDb.com.
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my-infp-world · 4 years
INFP Music Collaboration Project: Complete!
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The INFP Collaboration Playlist Project is now complete! 
In total we had about 200 songs submitted and that completely blew me away! Thank you all so much for participating, I had no idea that it would get this many responses! 
Thank you especially to @rokokokokolores,  @stillnotknowing, @anypassingthought, @2nerd4this, @sonsoftie, @aseratreasures, @infp-relatable, @lunagirl0013, @idunno-justpicksomething, and @namhamjoon (please let me know if I accidentally forgot to tag you)
These are just the participants who were okay with being named but also thank you to all of the anonymous participants!
Here’s the final playlist from everyone’s suggestions, including some of mine that I threw in even though some of you beat me to the punch for a few songs.
Here is the INFP Music Collaboration Project!
Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2F8xgXYEKiJSBOo7g8IvON
I was thinking of doing another one of these in the future but just make up my own prompts and put them all in one form and leave it open for a while or forever and just update the playlist twice a month or something like that. If you have ideas, just drop a comment or an ask if you want it to be anonymous. 
For those who want to know what the playlist turned out to be, here’s the list of songs with their categories below this break:
Silver Dagger - Live at Cecil Sharp House - The Staves
Today I Sing the Blues - Aretha Franklin
Pink Moon - Nick Drake
White Flag - Joseph
Black Swan - BTS
Indigo - Origa
Everything Black - Unlike Pluto
Yellow Lights - Harry Hudson
Red Hill Mining Town - U2
.stage 4 fear of trying. - Frank Iero
Symphony No.5 In B-Flat, Op.100: 2. Allegro marcato - Sergei Prokofiev
One More Time with Feeling - Regina Spektor
100 Bad Days - AJR
R.I.P. 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood
+THNX190519+ - CL
100 Ways - Jackson Wang
Day 1 â—‘ - HONNE
18 - Anarbor
Two - Sleeping At Last
Three Tree Town - Ben Howard
Fumes - EDEN
Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey
T-Shirt Weather - Circa Waves
ME! (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco) - Taylor Swift
Dream - Priscilla Ahn
Carnival Hearts - Kayla Diamond
Yam Yam - No Vacation
Motivation - Normani
Wake Me Up - Avicii
Alligator Alley - Michael Daugherty
Because of You - Kelly Clarkson
Sincerely, Me - Mike Faist
Cheerleader - OMI
Viva La Vida - Coldplay
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Over You - Ingrid Michaelson
Shine A Little Light - The Black Keys
Dynamite - BTS
Prelude in E-flat minor - Dmitri Shostakovich
Sick of Myself - Matthew Sweet
Salute - Little Mix
Smother - Daughter
Ship To Wreck - Florence + The Machine
I Am The Best - 2NE1
Baba O'Riley - The Who
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
King - Years & Years
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) - Whitney Houston
I'm Coming Out - Diana Ross
Rain - MIKA
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) - Fall Out Boy
Jump in the Line - Harry Belafonte
We Are the Tide - Blind Pilot
I'm A Believer - Radio Edit - Smash Mouth
So Much More Than This - Grace VanderWaal
Open Road - Lost & Found Music Studios
Vasoline - Stone Temple Pilots
Walk in the Night - Kaori Kobayashi*
Fáinleog - Live - The Gloaming
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
Kiss - Prince
Olalla - Blanco White
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Whiskey and Morphine - Alexander Jean
Meds - Placebo
High - Sir Sly
June - Florence + The Machine
Here's to Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
Void - The Neighbourhood
Clouds - BøRNS
Love Wins - Carrie Underwood
Shukumei - Official HIGE DANdism
Boy With Luv (feat. Halsey) - BTS
The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
Love Come Down - Kalafina
Here Comes The Sun - Remastered 2009 - The Beatles
You Are the Best Thing - Ray LaMontagne
Pokemon Theme Song - The Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet
Someday - From "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"/Soundtrack Version - All-4-One
How We Love - Ingrid Michaelson
Everything You Ever - Neil Patrick Harris
Bluebird - Sara Bareilles
The Christmas Shoes - Newsong
Amen - Amber Run
Empty - Ray LaMontagne
In Dreams - Roy Orbison
The Beach - The Neighbourhood
Kimi Ga Hikari Ni Kaeteiku - Kalafina
Memories - Maroon 5
No Choir - Florence + The Machine
Should I Stay or Should I Go - Remastered - The Clash
Love On Top - Beyonce
Keep Your Head Up - Ben Howard
Fight Song - Rachel Platten
Samson - Regina Spektor
One More Sad Song - The All-American Rejects
No One - Alicia Keys
Poison Prince - Amy Macdonald
Love Story - Taylor Swift
7 Things - Single Version - Miley Cyrus
Rude - MAGIC!
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Lean on Me - Bill Withers
Cat's in the Cradle - Harry Chapin
More Than a Feeling - Boston
Killing Me Softly - Frank Sinatra* 
How Sweet It Is - Michael Buble
This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) - Natalie Cole
I'm A Believer - Radio Edit - Smash Mouth
Hold You in My Arms - Ray LaMontagne
Never Stop (Wedding Version) - SafetySuit
Skinny Love - Birdy
That's the Way It Is - Cassidy Janson
Angel - Darren Hayes
Titanium - Madilyn Bailey
There Must Be An Angel - ORIGA*
Mr. Tambourine Man - The Helio Sequence
Rude - Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox
Bad Guy - The Interrupters
Africa - TOTO
Beautifully - Jay Brannan
Creep - Radiohead
Cupid - Sam Cooke
Your Favorite Thing - Sugar
Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi
I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
For Good - From "Wicked" Original Broadway Cast Recording/2003 - Kristin Chenoweth
Take Me or Leave Me - Idina Menzel
Something To Believe In - Jeremy Jordan
Dancing with the Devil - Wolf Gang
Holding Out for a Hero - From "Footloose" Soundtrack - Bonnie Tyler
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me) - Train
Waterfalls - TLC
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Memories - Maroon 5
Men Of Snow - Ingrid Michaelson
The River - Kyla La Grange
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
The Fear - Ben Howard
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine
The Good Part - AJR
Build It Up - Ingrid Michaelson
Freckles - Natasha Bedingfield
Happy Home - Lukas Graham
Barely Breathing - Duncan Sheik
The Road - Hurts
Lost in My Mind - The Head and the Heart
Love Like You (feat. Rebecca Sugar) - End Credits - Steven Universe
Esmeralda - The Hunchback of Notre Dame Company
West Side Story: Act I: Maria - Leonard Bernstein
Nina Cried Power (feat. Mavis Staples) - Hozier
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Roxie - Renae Zellweger
Grace - Florence + The Machine
Sukiyaki - Kyu Sakamoto
Fuckin' Perfect - Melanie La Barrie
Who's Got a Match? - Biffy Clyro
Into The Fire - Thirteen Senses
Bang The Doldrums - Fall Out Boy
I Was Here - Beyonce
Neon Gravestones - Twenty One Pilots
Danzon No.2 - Arturo Márquez
Most Girls - Hailee Steinfeld
(Finally) A Convenient Truth - Get Well Soon
Stand by Me - Otis Redding
Such Great Heights - Remastered - The Postal Service
To the Beginning - Kalafina
Here Comes a Regular - 2008 Remaster - The Replacements
Night Rather Than Day - EXID
Wonderwall - Remastered - Oasis
Waiting for the End - Linkin Park
All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
Human Nature - Michael Jackson
The Longest Time - Billy Joel
Love, You Didn't Do Right by Me - Rosemary Clooney
Before Our Spring - JONGHYUN
girls - girl in red
Conversations in the Dark - John Legend
Just like Heaven - The Cure
On The Street Where You Live - Frederick Loewe
Still into You - Paramore
Five Variants of "Dives and Lazarus" - Ralph Vaughan Williams
Black Woman - Danielle Brooks
Eyes Nose Lips (feat. Taeyang) - Epik High
Empty - Ray LaMontagne
Just a Dream - Carrie Underwood
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
Requiem - Laura Dreyfuss
Hurt - Christina Aguilera
So Much More Than This - Grace VanderWaal
Pretty Hurts - Beyonce
Just like Heaven - The Cure
i'm lonely - Luz
Skylark - Aretha Franklin
Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine
Ship To Wreck - Florence + The Machine
Going Under - Evanescence
Muddy Hymnal - Iron & Wine
Rush - Aly & AJ
Smooth (feat. Rob Thomas) - Santana
Who Let The Dogs Out - Baha Men
She Looks So Perfect - 5 Seconds of Summer
Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine
Vienna - Billy Joel
The Pros and Cons of Breathing - Fall Out Boy
In Dreams - Roy Orbison
Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots
Sweet Nothing (feat. Florence Welch) - Calvin Harris
Lonely Dance - Set It Off
*Could not be found on Spotify
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A reconstruction of how the Grace Field children were settled in the three bedrooms (revisited!!)
09/09/2019 Update: thanks to @temporoom, who kindly pointed out some manga panels that I hadn’t noticed, we were able to figure out more precisely the members of Ray’s room, as well as the complessive number of kids in his and Norman’s room!
18/04/'21 Update: Who would have thought I would have updated this post again yet here we are! Noticed a panel that shows Norman's room in chapter 30, so Hans has been confirmed to be in Norman's room.
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I was bored in the break between one chapter and the other so I tried to guess how the children were divided in the three bedrooms back at GF.
I was mostly curious about two things:
• To see if the children had been separated according to a particular scheme (dividing them according to their ages, for example)
• How the children within the same room could have influenced each other personality-wise, since at the end of the day not only they spent a little more time together than they did with the rest of the children, but we also know that the older ones were in charge of looking after the younger in their own room (I think I can affirm I was quite right about there being a connection: for instance in Emma’s room can be noticed the biggest concentration of perky children).
I think the results I came to are fairly close to the actual disposition so I thought I could as well share them!
Those marked by a star are the ones I’m 100% sure of, while the others are suppositions based on how the children are shown interacting both in the manga and in the anime. Besides from Emma’s room, whose members are all certain, the children from the other rooms are listed from what I personally consider more likely to be true to the less likely.
38 children in total (29 in rooms, 9 with mama) (including Conny)
Emma’s room (11 children) (In the order of the beds’ disposition)
First row:
*Phil ★
*Lani ★
*Chamberlain ★
*Marnya ★
*Chris ★
*Yvette ★
Second row:
*Thoma ★
*Tom ★
*Jasper ★
*Gilda ★
*Emma ★
Norman’s room (9 children)
*Norman ★
*Sherry ★ (her bed is the one on the right of Norman’s)
*Damdin ★
*Hans ★
Ray’s room (9 children)
*Ray ★
*Conny ★
*Alicia ★
*Don ★
*Eugene ★
*Anna ★
*Nina ★
Under the cut the details on which scenes made me come to each conclusion, together with some observations I made about the data!
Now, I just spent four hours trying to figure out how to make the “keep reading” thing show in the app too… If Tumblr will anyway decide to make this post appear in its full length, I’m terribly sorry for having polluted your dash with this.
38 children in total (ep 1, 04:32)
9 children in mama’s bedroom (chapter 7, page 1)
29 in the other three rooms (38-9=29)
Emma’s room (11 children)
All of the children except from Yvette can be seen in ep 1, 02:51 and 20:21, when Emma’s room is shown from above
*Phil ★
*Lani ★
*Chamberlain ★ (also confirmed by chapter 9 extras)
*Marnya ★
*Chris ★
*Yvette ★ (ep 1, 03:03: is shown running with Chris in the room immediately after Emma has woken everybody up)
*Thoma ★
*Tom ★ (also confirmed by chapter 9 extras)
*Jasper ★
*Gilda ★
*Emma ★
Norman’s room (9 children)
*Norman ★
*Sherry ★ (chap 15, page 6 / ep 5, 13:01: is shown waking up Norman; her name is also visible on the bed on Norman’s right at 13:07; chap 30, page 104: is waking up in Norman's room)
*Damdin ★ (chap 15, page 6 / ep 5, 13:01: is shown waking up Norman; chap 30, page 104: is waking up in Norman's room)
*Hans ★ (chap 30, page 104: is waking up in Norman's room; ep 1, 03:20: is shown in the cafeteria before anyone from Ray’s group has entered)
*Nat (chap 2, page 4: is shown entering the cafeteria together with Norman)
*Vivian (ep 2, 02:32: is shown entering the cafeteria together with Norman)
*Dominic (ep 1, 03:12: is shown following Nat)
*Mark (out of exclusion, since he and Naila are supposedly in the same room (are said to be good friends by chapter 9 extras, are often shown together in the morning scenes) and I think it’s more likely for Jemima and Rossi to belong to Ray’s room and not viceversa)
*Naila (See above)
Ray’s room (9 children)
*Ray ★
*Conny ★ (chap 13, page 16: Norman says that Ray and Conny where in the same room)
*Alicia ★ (chap 14, page 19: is shown in Ray’s room)
*Don ★ (chap 14, page 19: is shown in Ray’s room)
*Eugene ★ (chap 14, page 19: is shown in Ray’s room)
*Anna ★ (chap 14, page 19: is shown in Ray’s room)
*Nina ★ (chap 14, page 19: is shown in Ray’s room)
*Jemima (chap 2, page 4: is shown being already in the cafeteria before Norman enters) (chap 15, page 6: is shown being already in the cafeteria before Norman enters, and she also greets him, so chances are that that’s the first time seeing him in the morning)
*Rossi (ep 1, 03:12: is shown being assisted by Anna while he’s washing his face (this follows the rule: older siblings help the younger siblings of their respective room))
•As you can see, most of the children besides from Emma’s room were placed keeping in mind that in the early morning children of the same room are more likely to be together; this is in some way confirmed from how in episode one we see Emma exiting from her room and entering the cafeteria with all of his group, without mixing with the others.
•Differently from what I first thought, it’s evident that the children aren’t disposed in a way that equally distributes those of the same age across the rooms: Thoma and Lani for example are surely sharing the same room. Anyway on second thought a disposition of the kind couldn’t have been done in the first place: since GF receives 6 children per year, and they for sure survive till their sixth birthday, there must be at least two children per room of the same age till they start being shipped. I can assume then that either Anna-Nat, Gilda-Don and the trio were in different rooms since the very start, or that some sort of redistribution of the older children happens with the children that are 10+ years old (it would make sense since each room needs some old children to take care of the youngest).
•I still have no clue on why Emma’s room has more children than the other two, when the more logical disposition would clearly be 10/10/9. Maybe it’s because in hers the number of candidate to become mamas amounts to two; another guess is for the redistribution to not happen immediately after one’s shipment (this way if the previous shipments where from Norman’s and Ray’s rooms those would have stayed emptier than Emma’s).
•Turns out Norman and Ray’s rooms have the same number of children in their rooms (9)! Here’s how @temporoom ended up with that number (thank you again for this information!!!)
•As previously stated, Emma’s room seem to welcome those with a big energetic and cheerful inclination; other symilaries that I menaged to notice between the tempers of the children sharing rooms are that in Ray’s there’s this type of quiet and thoughtful children (Anna, Jemima, Rossi); I can also see some similarities between Norman and Nat but I can’t really seem to explain this one.
•Also, apparently Conny shared room with Ray, making everything even more angsty ;;;
•Ray also shared room with Jemima, so it’s nice to think about their interaction in ep 12 keeping this in mind; Jemima had probably been shocked (but in a good way) seeing the change in Ray: if I’m right it wasn’t the first time for him to take care of her, but she definitely must have noticed the difference in taking care of his siblings because that was his duty (that him had probably fulfilled in a very cold and distanced way, since he didn’t want to get attached to children he knew he would have later left to die) and taking care of them in a tender way because he actually did care a lot and he could finally allow himself to care about them.
•Lastly, to the delight of RayAnna shippers, these two supposedly shared room too, so they actually where a little closer than with the children from other rooms!!
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heartcravings · 5 years
50 Questions Tag!
@jongin-be-my-jagi​ tagged me for this a while ago, but I took my sweet time to answer. Here is my secret intel if you want to know me a little bit more!! Check hers as well, she’s an amazing writer and friend. 1. What takes up too much of your time? Tumblr, my stupid procrastination prone brain and my thesis. 
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2. What makes your day better? Friends and loved ones, music and these absolute dorks (Channie especially) 
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3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? I hopped on the mat today in the early hours of the morning, rain on my window and the neighbours cat peeking at me from his window across the street.
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4. What fictional place would you like to go to? Wonderland, bacause it’s “curiouser and curiouser!”
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'Who are you?' said the Caterpillar.  Alice replied, rather shyly, 'I — I hardly know, sir, just at present — at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
5. Are you good at giving advice? I think so. Not so good at following my own advice though.  I do always consider where the other is standing and if I don’t know how to proceed then I’ll just be honest and say I can’t help. But i’ll always listen with my heart. 
 6. Do you have any mental illnesses? Not diagnosed. I do think i might be going through something now. 
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7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? No, but i have a recurring nightmare: the world is made of black and white paper thin layers. I am a paper thin person walking along a street surrounded by paper thin buildings. I walk for a long time, looking up at the white sky. Until the street ends, there is no more building and i fall into the abyss of a blank page.  I have had this dream since the age of 8 or 9 years old. Fear of not being good enough, you say?! Ding, ding, ding!! We got a winner in the back!  8. What musician inspired you the most? I get inspired by music all the time!! One of my all time favourite songs is Spanish Sahara by Foals. Its sublime!
So I’d say I’m mainly inspired by these artists: Queen, Arctic Monkeys, Foals, Radiohead, Bowie, Daughter, Bob Dylan, Beirut, Yeah yeah yeahs, Arcade Fire, The National, Joy Division, Blur, Warpaint, Gorillaz, Sufjan Stevens, Bon Iver, Chet Baker, The Cure, Courtney Barnett, The Maccabees, Car Seat Headrest, Florence + The Machine, Editors, Kasabian, Crystal Fighters, Death Cab for a cutie, The Doors, Efterklang, Explosions in the Sky, Franz Ferdinand, The Horrors, James Blake, José Gonzalez, Los Campesinos!,  Metronomy, Nick Cave, Nina Simone, Patrick Watson,  Phoenix, Sharon Van Etten, The Shins, Simon & Garfunkel, The Smiths, St.Vincent, The Strokes, Toro y Moi, tricot, Tune-Yards, TV on the radio, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, The Vaccines, Vampire Weekend, The Velvet Underground, The War on Drugs, Wild Beasts and Yo La Tengo.
And the electro, pop and hip-hop groves of my heart: EXO, 2NE1, Janelle Monáe, Big Bang, Kris Wu,LCD soundsystem, SBTRKT, Childish Gambino, Frank Ocean, Kendrick Lamar and Daft Punk. 
And special mentions to the portuguese ones (learning from yixing and promoting when i can :P): Capicua, Joana Espadinha, The Legendary Tigerman, Linda Martini, Mayra Andrade, Noiserv, Ornatos Violeta, Paus, Samuel Uria, You Can’t Win Charlie Brown and The Silence 4. I know, tldr right? Sorry folks! 9. Have you ever fallen in love? Yes I have. I have mistaken a crush for love too. But i have definitely been very deeply in love. A wrecked kintsugi heart over here people! 10. What’s your dream date? I don’t think I have one. I’d love to do something unique with that someone special, something special for the two of us. It could be as simple as riding the subway while sharing earphones & listening to our playlist or walking the dogs out! Idk, I’m easy to please. But right now it would have to be with this handsome man :D pretty please?!
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11. What do others notice about you? I am very kind and warm hearted, so I think that’s what people first notice when meeting me. Although I maintain good eye contact, I am also timid and will be quieter if there are very energetic people in the group. When alone, I usually take the first step and try to meet people, but only if i really must.  12. What’s an annoying habit you have? It’s really hard for me to ask for help. I also like to tell detailed descriptions of everything... Couldn’t you tell? 13. Do you still talk to your first love? I’ll text him on his birthday and he does the same to me. We met when we were 10 years old and that childhood friendship remains. But regarding my one and truly deep relationship, no we do not talk, unless we randomly meet.
14. How many exes do you have? I have three exes. The first love who was just an idealized crush on my childhood friend: we dated for 2 weeks during summer break xD Then my first real boyfriend, we met in my first year at university, dated for quite some time, he really loved me and made me love myself a little more. Finally the one i loved too much. I mended his wounds and made him love himself as much as I did. I always say all the love we feel makes our hearts grow bigger. I do not regret loving any of them, I am me now due to them and I would not change it if I could. 15. How many songs are in your playlist? I have way too many playlists for each and every mood... But my favourite songs list on spotify has about 1500 songs! uwu!  16. What instruments can you play? Triangles and flute?! I had mandatory music classes in school... so in reality I can’t really play a instrument...
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17. Who do you have the most pictures of? Probably my cat, Sushi. With a second close of my doodles and sketches. 
18. Where would you like to go before you die? EVERY WHERE!!! But I really want to go to Japan and Scotland and Iceland and South Korea and New Zealand and i’ll shut up. 19. What’s your zodiac? Capricorn. 20. Do you relate to it? Sort of.
21. What is happiness to you? You know when it’s really cold outside in the winter and you manage to find a sheltered place where no wind can hit you and you still get to feel the warm rays of the winter suns on your skin? You hear the birds outside and you are contempt in that moment, at peace. That is happiness to me.   22. Are you going through anything right now? Yes, I am a bit lost. Trying to finish my thesis and trying to find what I want to do after. It’s liberating but also pretty scary. 23. What’s the worst decision you ever made? It’s a series of small decisions really. It started with going for a phd with the same people i worked in my msc. Should have gone to a different place. Then deciding to come home after a traumatic loss in the family. Should have kept my life going but I stalled it then. (I don’t regret helping my loved ones though).
24. What’s your favourite store? Probably Wishtrend for beauty stuff. Other than that I don’t have any favourite brands/stores. 25. (HALFWAY!) What’s your opinion on abortion? I think everyone is free to decide what they want or need to do. I couldn’t possible judge. If I would it? Probably not.
27. Do you have a favourite album? I don’t think so, I have favourite tunes for different moods and moments in my life. But if threatened with my life, I’d maybe say Total Life Forever from Foals.
28. What do you want for your birthday? It’s such a long time until my birthday comes! But maybe a real EXO ot9 reunion as a goodbye to Minseok?
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29. What is most people’s first impression of you? Friendly and easy to open up to, i think.
30. What age do you seem according to most people? In real life, people usually think I am way younger than I am.  31. Where do you keep your phone when you’re sleeping? In the crook of my bed, between the mattress and the bed frame.
32. What word do you say the most? No idea really! 33. What’s the oldest age you’d date? 40s? I don’t think too much about age actually. 
34. What’s the youngest age you’d date? 20s? Again not very important to me. Love is love, whomever, whenever and wherever <3
35. What job / career do most people say would suit you? I don’t know! People always say i don’t totally fit in anything... so there’s that. If you have an idea please let me know! 36. What’s your favourite music genre? Go back to question 8. I listen to everything! :D 37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be? I’d like to live around the world, every few months a different place and get to know different cultures.
38. What is your current favourite song? I’ve been obsessed with RM’s intro/teaser song, Map of the Soul: Persona. (I’m not even a bts fan, but this music and lyrics just touched me a lot.)
39. How long have you had this blog for? I think for about 6 years? It’s my personal space, where I dump all my obsessions.  
40. What are you excited for? I’m visiting some friends in Granada in a couple of weeks. Yay, tapas!
41. Are you a better talker or listener? Normally I am a better listener. But there are a few people to whom i open like a book. Either words flow right out of me without even thinking or they see throw me. Those truly are my people.
42. What is the last productive thing you did? Prepped meals and cleaned the kitchen. Open the folder and file of my thesis. Read the latest chapter I wrote.  43. What do you want for Christmas? Well, just like for my birthday, there is still such a long time to it! But let’s say i want to have already finish this part of my life and want to find my next adventure.
44. What class do you get the best grades in? No more exams! Ehehe! But I used to have good grades at everything. Physical Education was my lowest mark i think.
45. On a scale of 1-10 how do you feel right now? Right now, a 4? I have a headache.
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? Smiling? :D I want to be happy in my own skin. To feel contempt in my life, doing something that gives me a sense of purpose and having time to share and enjoy with my friends and family. 47. When did you get your first heartbreak? Oh my kintsugi heart has been broken quiet a lot. By friends and lovers and even by myself. I keep patching it up with gold dreams though.  48. At what age do you wanna be married? I will only want to be married if i find the one. So until then I guess. 
49. What career did you want to have as a child? I wanted to be an astronaut and a ballerina. Preferably both!
50. What do you crave right now? Just sitting somewhere and listening to Yeol play the guitar.
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Well i finished it! :D I’ll tag @thedeviousdo @ohsenhun @hongseok and @paepsi. I’d love to read yours! Feel free to dismiss it though, it is quite a lot.  Lots of love everyone!! <3 <3 <3
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Help me Obi-Ben-Lukeobi, you’re my only hope.
A/N: Thanks for the RP @benjaminschreave
I paced back and forth in my room after dance classes in panic. Crap I still suck so much at this. I’m gonna seem like a moron when it’s the actual ball. Suddenly I got an idea. I grabbed a note paper and scribbled out a message and had my maid Ruby deliver it.
Suddenly there was a knock on my door, “Obi-Ben-Lukeobi?” I heard Ben ask. It seemed he had gotten my SOS ‘Help me Obi-Ben-Lukeobi, you’re my only hope.’
“Oh! My only hope is here!” I walked over to my door with a smirk, “Your name has both Ben and Luke in it. It was asking for a star wars joke.”
“Very unfortunate choice on my parent’s part.” He said with a small smile and leaned against my door frame, “So what do you need my help with?” He asked.
“Oh right.” I looked back into my room for a moment to be sure that I had put away his birthday present which was still a work in progress. Hopefully he wouldn’t be able to smell it. I then opened the door fully, “You can come in. I need help dancing. I'm not sure if you've noticed but I'm not the most graceful person.” I explained.
He raised an eyebrow, “Seriously? I always thought you were the epitome of poise and grace.” He asked as he followed me inside.
I gave some quick finger guns and did a click of my tongue for a sound effect, “You'd be wrong. Meet Mr cuddles.” I said then gestured to my teddy bear who sat on my bed.
“and photos.” I added and motioned to my desk which was temporarily cluttered with photos from home that I hadn’t found a better place for.
He seemed to be holding back a grin as he walked over to Mr Cuddles. “I'm surprised Mr. Cuddles made the trip out here.”
“Be careful with him he's old. And Emma tried to stop him from coming but I persisted. I named him when I was three. It's very original, right?” I joked.
He set down Mr cuddles carefully, “Not quite as original as Mr. Rock, but I'll give you points for trying.” He replied with a half smirk.
I gave a quick laugh, “Mr Rock?” I asked with a smirk.
“Is it safe to assume that was a pet rock?”
“From a very fine collection. None compares.” He answered seeming a bit proud of his rocks.
I chuckled, “Do you still have this 'mighty fine collection'?”
He pressed his lips together as he seemed to think back to remember where his rocks were, “Stowed away somewhere.” He chuckled to himself, “My dad promised he’d take care of them.” Oh no. That normally means they were thrown away.
“I'm sure it's a difficult task, him taking care of your pet rocks. Y'know, since they're such demanding creatures.” I joked and rolled my eyes.
“They need to be placed very precisely and make sure to get enough sunlight. Important creatures.” He went along with it.
“Oh, I had no idea. Aren't you worried about damage from the UV rays?” I asked deciding to keep going along with this.
“They’re rocks.” He answered bluntly. Wow. Just gonna make a fool of me like that, Schreave? Cruel.
I chuckled, “Well now I feel silly thinking that rocks could get skin cancer.” I rolled my eyes for a moment before deciding to get us back on task.
“So, dancing?”
He gave a small laugh and nodded, “Dancing.” He then opened his phone and started to play some old classical music, “So what do you know?” He asked. A lot less than I should.
“So I'm pretty sure falling is not advised. You also should not twerk as the cool kids call it.” I answered.
“Both of these things would be frowned upon at a ball. I guess the first thing I can teach you will be a basic waltz.” He said and stepped closer to me and took one of my hands.
“We’ll be holding these out while your other goes on my shoulder, alright?”
“Alright. Good thing I can reach your shoulder, giant.” I said and placed my other hand on his shoulder.
He scoffed a bit at my comment, “I’ll choose to ignore the giant comment in light of me being your only hope.”
“Thank you oh great, obi-ben luke-canobi. Alright, what do I do now?” I asked.
“The basic count to the music is 1-2-3. I’ll lead and we just time our steps to that.” Great. This is where I mess up, they have to throw math into moving.
“Okay that's confusing.” I mumbled but tried to go along with him and clearly struggled as I focused all of my attention on my feet looking down at them. Ben stopped us after a moment, “Alright, so follow my steps and I’ll count out loud.” He said and tried to go again.
“Alright, alright okay. I think I'm doing okay. I haven't fallen or stepped on you.” I said allowed mostly to calm myself down since I was doing fine. It’s not like not being great at dancing was the worst thing on the planet. There are other things I’m bad at and that’s fine, dancing is just a new addition to the list.     
“I won’t let you fall. And my feet can handle being stepped on.” He said with a chuckle.
“Are you sure about that, Schreave. Are you really really sure? I'm in heels.” I said with full seriousness.
He looked down at me with the same level of serious, “The most important decision I'll ever make in my life.” Wow I’m sure. Out of his whole life this is the most important decision.
“Alright, Schreave. But I warned you. So even now they still play these songs at balls, I would think they would have gotten to like rap music by now.” Like shouldn’t time have made those old rap songs the classics by now?
“They do play cool young people music every so often. Waltzes are mostly to appease the older generation.” He answered.
I rolled my eyes, “Soon the older generation will need some dubstep to settle their nerves.” Give it time. I bet you.
“And you'd be the lucky Selected to introduce that to them?”
“Sure. Then they would force you to get rid of me so they'd never have to sit through the horrors of intense drops again.” I laughed at the idea of the outrage over dubstep.
“They'd adjust.” He said and suddenly twirled me which caused me to giggle. “Intense. Do people ever twirl you?” I asked when we were back together. It was fun to be twirled so I couldn’t help but wonder if Ben got that thrill.
“Not particularly.” He answered quickly with an amused and curious look. Hmmm, well given our heights I can not currently twirl him. My arm wouldn’t be able to reach. I looked around and got an idea. “hmmm....well. It's difficult to twirl a giant. makes sense.” I said before going to my desk and pulling a chair over. I stood up on the chair and took his hands again and gave him a twirl.
He laughed and looked up at me once the twirl finished, “Is this how I'm supposed to dance with you from now on?”
“Yup. I just stand on a stool. Twirl you the whole time.” I replied sarcastically with an amused look myself.
“We'd definitely make a statement.” He said before putting his hands on my waist and helping me get back down to a normal height.
“It'd be like a performance benny boy and gabby girl, the giant and the amazing, do the twirl.”
“We could go on tour.”
“Make millions so you can buy more rocks. Or better get a rock sitter to help your dad.”
“He really could use the help.” He said soberly.
I chuckled a bit, “Yeah must be tough being both a king and a carer of the rocks. Clearly the rock are the heavier load though.” That was the best pun I have ever made and it just gets glossed over.
“They're much prettier though.” Prettier than being king. I’m not sure how you compare the aesthetics of those.
“Are they cool rocks? I was picturing just a bunch of black sones.”
“I had a very diverse collection. Obsidian, igneous, sedimentary.” He ticked off the classes on his fingers with a wide smile. Gosh darn why does he have to be so cute. It was cute to see him so excited about his collection.
“Okay, so we went over those in seventh grade so I don't really remember what those mean. Can you explain them?” I asked. I recognized the name and even knew that sedimentary was the one with layers but that was as far as my memory went.
“Obsidian is a type of igneous rock, volcanic glass formed from lava. Sedimentary can be different types, mostly rock formed from the earth like the typical grey ones or sandstone maybe.”
“The volcano rocks sound cool! They're like hardcore badasses of the rocks.” I replied pretty astounded myself. Those cheap cool things always got me, like fools gold. I am the fool it was meant for. I assume Obsidian rocks are fairly common but they sound so cool.
He gave a short laugh, “I thought similarly as a kid.”
“Do you still not think the same way? I mean they seem pretty cool. Cooler than the rest.” I asked.
“No, I still like them. Just a different imagination from when I was younger.” He answered. Emma had said before I could be a bit kiddish on certain fronts. I suppose rocks was one of them. I just thought cool things were cool.  
“I suppose that makes sense. Have you ever gone back and re watched a movie that you used to like praise as cinema gold?” I asked suddenly remembering one way I had grown up.
“Do the Power Rangers count?” He asked.
“I never actually saw those. But I wanted to say that I did recently rewatch one of my favorites, it was teenage mutant ninja turtles it really bummed me out to see that it wasn't as good as I remembered. Adulting takes the fun out of things sometimes.”
“Even now it feels like the in between of adulting.”
I chuckled and looked up at him, “I get what you mean.” I mean I was living at home and still being cared for all the while I was stressing about my future occupation and trying to figure that out. Even now I can still find the kid in me to make twirling jokes and find rocks cool but we’re here as a trial run to marriage and to see who can be a capable queen. Even as legit kids we still dealt with adult things Emma was dealing with Anorexia, I was trying to be a strong older sister for my siblings while things at home fell apart with Riley and mom. Nina was...just a mess. It’s odd that we can still have times where we act like such kids even though the outside pressures are ones only adults should really deal with.
I looked up at Ben after the thought, “Should we try dancing again, Obi-ben-luke-canobi?” I asked to move along. I offered a hand and smirked a bit at the name.
“Probably. Need to make you into a dancing jedi, young padawan.” He replied. I chuckled a bit as we resumed dance practice.
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lipwak · 5 years
VHS #402
A good one. Old Weird America - Harry Smith's Anthology of Folk Music, Taj Mahal - Live in St Lucia, James Brown Live at the House of Blues, Nina Simone Live at the Montreal Jazz Fest 1992, Soundstage - Dan Fogelberg, Ray Charles: Live At The Olympia 2000 *** Old Weird America - Harry Smith's Anthology of Folk Music edited, no commercials, 2:06 Ovation Poor Boy Blues - ?, David Johansen live, Allen Ginsberg, Bill Ivey gives award to Harry Smith at the Grammy’s 1991, Hal Wilner, McGarrigles, Steve Earle, … Beck, Greil Marcus, Nick Cave, Phillip Glass, Elvis Costello - The Butcher’s Boy &  What Larry Did Last (https://youtu.be/NVWNEFfLsm0) This clip, Phillip Glass - Etude No. 10 (https://youtu.be/X7TJO_ThTX4) This clip, Brilliance Medley - Eck Robertson, Steve Earle, Buddy Won’t You Roll Down The Line - Uncle Dave Macon, Petra Hayden - Single Girl, Married Girl (https://youtu.be/yJNokh94ZOc) This clip, Lou Reed - See That My Grave Is Kept Clean (https://youtu.be/SRSZS9KpYVM) This clip?, John Cohen, three volumes, Eric Mingus with Gary Lucas - Oh Death, Bob Neuwirth & Liza Carthy - I Wish I Was A Mole in The Ground (https://youtu.be/ZbLQziswxns) This clip, Richard Thompson with Liza Carthy - ?, David Johansen - James Alley Blues, Robin Holcomb - A Lazy Farmer Boy, Roscoe Holcomb - Across The Rocky Mountains, John Cohen and Roscoe, Clarence Ashley, Eck Robertson, Son House - John The Revelator, Nick Cave - John The Revelator (https://youtu.be/uPmacnYVb6A) This clip, Alan Lomax in Greenwich Village apt, New Lost City Ramblers, John Sebastian live w/ a banjo, Fishing Blues w/ Van Dyke Parks, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, The Folksmen - Old Joe’s Place, folk and pop, Frankie - Beth Orton (w/ Syd Straw & Eric Mingus) (https://youtu.be/EUietpnUvCY) This clip, Chelsea Hotel, Allen Ginsberg cries talking about him, This Song Of Love - Percy Heath, Bill Frissell, Don Byron, Jean Richie - The Cuckoo, Elliot Sharp, Richard Thompson with Liza Carthy (https://youtu.be/sbil5sRqwbc) This clip, Jarvis Cocker, Roswell Rudd with Sonic Youth - Dry Bones (https://youtu.be/rZD9UsPB9ow) This clip, Mocean Worker with Harry film seen during Phillip Glass segment, DJ Spooky, Ommie Wise - McGarrigles (https://youtu.be/jFcoteI4uYQ) this clip, then Elvis Costello with them, Fishing Blues - David Thomas of Pere Ubu. David Johansen - Old Dog Blue (https://youtu.be/OrAqz8MZRo0) This clip in there somewhere, the beginning? *** Taj Mahal - Live in St Lucia1:26 Ovation (See also the BET version which has different shots!)2005 https://www.discogs.com/Taj-Mahal-And-The-Phantom-Blues-Band-In-Stlucia/release/6710546 Honky Tonk Think Ez Rider Hard Way The Hoochi Coochi Coo Queen Bee! - great organ work El Señor Blues! Going Up to the Country and Paint My Mailbox Blue Cruisin' Irresistible You Cheatin' on You Rain from the Sky Here in the Dark Down Home Girl! The Hustle Is On - mostly instrumental? - great organ solo! Mr. Pitiful, intro's band Further On Down The Road, encore Ooh Poo Pah Doo w/ Taj trying to get the crowd to sing it correctly intro I Need Your Lovin' Phantom Blues BandBass, Backing Vocals – Larry Fulcher Drums, Backing Vocals – Tony BraunagelGuitar, Backing Vocals – Denny Freeman Guitar, Harmonica, Vocals – Taj Mahal Percussion, Backing Vocals – Carey Williams Tenor Saxophone – Joe Sublett (Texacali Horns)Trumpet – Darrell Leonard (Texacali Horns)Organ - Mike Finnegan!! *** James Brown Live at the House of BluesVH-1 Classiccommercials edited out1:10:31, s 6/18/99, Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas See the whole thing here: https://youtu.be/4WVmYEiEPjQ setup and rehearsal, hotel guests, intro, Soul Generals, Bittersweets (Not sure if all of these were played in this version) Get Up Offa That Thing Gonna Have A Funky Good Time Living In America Popcorn Soul Power Soul Man (vocals – Roosevelt Johnson) I Got That Feeling Hot Pants Try Me Prisoner Of Love Georgia On My Mind If I Ruled The World Why Don't You Do Right (vocals – Candice Hurst) Papa's Got A Brand New Bag Funk On A Roll Payback I Feel Good (vocals - Amy Christian) Papa Don't Take No Mess Please Please Please Sex Machine (vocals – Roosevelt Johnson) I Still Care (vocals – Tomi Rae) Try (vocals – Tomi Rae) - one of these but not both *** Nina Simone Live at the Montreal Jazz Fest 1992Ovationcommercials edited out, 47:45 God God God (https://youtu.be/e59l4kvR4Ik) Not this clip.That’s All I Want From You (https://youtu.be/2_Tb8VU0wEs) Not this clip.Images (https://youtu.be/mMDQ6b_bEhs) Not this clip.See-Line Woman (https://youtu.be/gqB3V_MEKFc) This clip. Do you know it? You do know it. Make up your mind.I Put A Spell On You (https://youtu.be/Hn3FfH9jq3c) This clip.Mississippi Goddam (https://youtu.be/ghhaREDM3X8) Not this clip.Encore:Ne Me Quitte Pas (https://youtu.be/TI8F6DbB2cE) Not this clip. Also done at this concert but not on this version:Pirate Jenny (https://youtu.be/BB__mz4KGC8) This clip.Médiathèque Jazz (https://youtu.be/2qdpg_PPK90) This clip. percussion - Leopaldo Flemingdrums - Paul Robinsonguitar, vibes, synthesizer - Alvinl Shackman *** Soundstage - Dan Fogelberg9/9/04edited40:36 Part of the Plan (https://youtu.be/BoH6M87qQZI) This clip.Heart Hotels (https://youtu.be/3wAWTtNqqk4) Not this clip.Full Circle (https://youtu.be/N8pa4yfYq0A) This clip.Reach Haven Postcard (https://youtu.be/3ZI7qeTMJb8) This clip.Same Old Lang Syne (https://youtu.be/kmZ2VHSkVYY) Not this clip.Missing You (https://youtu.be/4iyXOEucrgc) Not this clip.The Power of Gold (https://youtu.be/H69ohsJOliw) Not this clip. *** Ray Charles: Live At The Olympia 2000edited 40:43(only with a trio) The back story of this concert: http://raycharlesvideomuseum.blogspot.com/2010/02/ray-charles-at-olympia.html intro tune shortA Song For You (https://youtu.be/HzhqENi_XpU) This clip!Hallelujah I Just Love Her So (https://youtu.be/x3T8yiwZPCI) This clip.Georgia On My Mind (https://youtu.be/Xzb_4BAyoQk) This clip.Stranger In My Own Home Town (https://youtu.be/bbc5tDSXQ_o) This clip.Baby Please Don’t Go/I’ve Got A Woman (https://youtu.be/LcvtUypT5xA) This clip.Hey Girl (https://youtu.be/d9iJVimIRqQ) Not this clip.What'd I Say (https://youtu.be/w_3i5SrJl6E) Not this clip.outro + 2 min of What’d I Say leftover...
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squaredcirclesirens · 7 years
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One to Watch 2018 | Charli Evans
Charli Evans made her debut in 2014 after training at Pro Wrestling Alliance in Australia.  ‘The Punisher’ Madison Eagles was one of her trainers, so you know she is good.  In 2015, she won the PWWA title along with her tag team partner Jessica Troy.  The PWWA title was defended by Charli and Jessica as a team as well as by Charli individually.  She co-held the title for almost 2 years, losing the title to former Champion Shazza McKenzie in June of this year.
In 2016, Charli was one of 4 women selected to represent IndyGurlz in the annual Global Conflict tournament.  2016 was IndyGurlz v Bellatrix and although she lost her singles match against Violet O’Hara, her team won the tournament including 4 on 4 match in the finals.  Evans made her first wrestling appearance outside of Australia earlier this year as a part of RISE 3: Medic, in Berwyn Illinois.  Charli and Jessica, The Blue Nation, competed against TNA Knockout Chelsea Green and indie standout Britt Baker, Fire & Nice.  The team impressed management enough for them both to earn spots on Shimmer volumes later in the weekend.  Charli had matches against Thunderkitty and Jessicka Havok and a tag team match with Troy against Delilah Doom & Leva Bates.
Her trip to Illinois, was not the end of her international travel however.  After the Rise/Shimmer weekend, Charli relocated to the United Kingdom.  She didn’t wait to make an impact in the UK, making a stop at Pro Wrestling EVE defeating Erin Angel and participating in a 4-way to crown a #1 contender for the EVE championship including Kay Lee Ray, Nina Samuels, and winner Leah Owens.  In September, Charli competed against Thunder Rosa at a BEW show for the AIWF Women’s International title. When RISE co-promoted a show with Bellatrix, Charli Evans participated on Team RISE again challenging Violet O’Hara.
In October, Charli received a big opportunity.  She was one of 8 women selected to participate in the Progress Women’s Championship #1 contender tournament.   In round 1, Evans defeated UK star Charlie Morgan.  In the semi-finals, she beat relative new comer Chakara.  In the final round of the tournament, Charli challenged the woman a lot of people thought would have been the inaugural Progress Women’s Champion, Jinny.  When Jinny was entered into this tournament, again, people thought she would be the eventual winner.  However, the Australian had other ideas earning the victory over one of the main women of Progress.  Later in October, Evans unsuccessfully challenged Champion Toni Storm for the title at Progress Chapter 56.
Charli, along with Jessica, would return to Berwyn for RISE 5: Rising Sun and Shimmer.  The Blue Nation made it known that they were not happy not getting matches in advance of the show and simply going over as “seminar talent”.  The pair earned an important spot on the show, teaming with the Legendary Aja Kong in the Joshi Warfare match.  Later in the weekend, The Blue Nation competed against the pairs of Solo Darling & Thunderkitty and Ashley Lane & Deonna Purrazzo as well as Charli getting a singles match against Candice LeRae.  After this outing, it was announced The Blue Nation were formally a part of the RISE roster.
2017 has been the beginning of big things for Charli Evans.  The Daily Mail did an article/interview about Charli and her career.  She has spent the year travelling winning big matches.  She is loud and isn’t afraid to yell at some fans.  While there isn’t much of her work on YouTube, if Charli Evans is wrestling on a show near you, it is going to be worth your time to get out to see her.  2018 is going to be her year.
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