#raguna x felicity
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runefactorynonsense · 1 year ago
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Cozytober - Day 3 - Home
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lilaroxa · 2 months ago
RF1: Year 1 - Fall 9
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I distinctly remember this full quote making me pick Felicity as a kid:
Lil’ Raguna, your skills make you a true swordsman! That’s great too, but you also look good when you’re holding a hoe or a watering can.
I love how she acknowledges his skills and praises him for them but also gently reminds him that fighting isn't everything. She's one of the few characters who acknowledges both sides of Raguna and it's certainly one of the main factors that made her my childhood favourite.
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milkymosaic · 2 years ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Rune Factory (Video Games), Rune Factory 1: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Felicity/Raguna (Rune Factory) Characters: Felicity (Rune Factory), Laura (Rune Factory), Raguna (Rune Factory) Additional Tags: Fluff, Surprises, Pining, Chronic Illness, RFSS2022, Rune Factory Secret Santa 2022 Summary:
Ever since Raguna helped lift the curse that had been afflicting her, Felicity has been trying to think of a way to thank him. After much deliberation and a little encouragement from Laura, she’s finally ready to give him his gift.
Happy Holidays everyone! This is my gift for @runefactorynonsense for the Rune Factory Secret Santa 2022. I hope you like it! It was a blast to write. ^^
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pxperhearts · 5 years ago
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@rcguna​ asked: ☽ Our muses having no choice but to share a bed. [ for Feli :^) ]
How had it come to this? Their bed was deemed ‘big enough for two’ but Felicity could feel Raguna’s arm press against her own even through the bedsheets. That alone made it entirely too small and she was having a hard time focusing on falling asleep.
They had gone back and forth about it, neither willing to let the other sleep on the floor and in the end decided that, while they would share the bed, they would have separate blankets. That was the current arrangement but Felicity hadn’t counted on being so hyper-aware of his presence. 
Pretending she was asleep, eyes closed, Felicity turned ever so carefully so that she was lying on her other side and facing Raguna. Opening her eyes would be impossible now, lest he saw through the dark that she was awake, but at least she wouldn’t have to worry about feeling him press up against her so much. 
Inevitably, unable to resist, her eyes did open, just a crack, enough to see that he looked asleep. The moonlight playing on his features, she realized how peaceful he looked.
Her thoughts drifted to an early morning in a farmhouse. Birds chirping outside their window, the smell of the earth permeating the air, embers from a late-night fire settling in the hearth. Her body cocooned in warmth from Raguna’s arms...
Felicity cut off her thoughts and closed her eyes, feeling her face flush in the dark. Eventually, she’d find that elusive sleep, and when she did the blanket barrier between them wouldn’t put up much resistance against a lonely heart yearning for another. 
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dcviated · 3 years ago
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roll the fuckin dice || [ are you feeling lucky ]
send in 🎲 and I will roll a d20 to decide how likely the chances are of our muses being in a ship || alternatively send in 🛌 and I will roll the d20 to see how likely our muses are to have sex
@shadowcatskey​ sent: 🎲The Rf1 otp, please! It could be hilarious! (Raguna x Felicity)
Dice Roll: 3 2-10 No ship at all
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“Nothing...? No ship at all? That means that Felicity and I won’t even be friends, doesn’t it.” The world is spinning, the darkness is creeping in. What chance did he have? A simple farmer? Her illness. The expectations of her father. The derision of the townspeople. Did it mean that it was too much to bear?
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“No... I’m not giving up on her!”
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runefactorynonsense · 1 year ago
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Cozytober - Day 30 - Campfire
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lilaroxa · 5 days ago
Draw Your OTP Challenge - Complete!
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It's been 1 year 7 months and 19 days since I started streaming Rune Factory every Wednesday. With it, has come a plethora of new perspectives of the series and its characters.
Learning how to draw has been a "one day" dream of mine that I decided to turn into a reality in 2025. While I feel so far from finding my "style" I wanted to capture my starting point to look back at in the future.
Here's to the start of putting my silly little ideas on paper!
Prompt list below the cut!
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lilaroxa · 6 months ago
RF1: Year 1 - Spring 18 [Spring Festival]
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As luck would have it, Raguna couldn't access the next cave immediately because it was the Spring Festival - with no cookies to give.
It would be nice if Emmett put cookies on his menu during the first year's Spring. It feels awful to hear everyone so excited about exchanging cookies when Raguna has to wait until he can upgrade his house AND buy a large kitchen and oven from Ivan.
Even if you could somehow gather all the wood and G necessary for building a house in 7 days (+ 10 days for it to be built), you'd still be missing the large kitchen and oven to make the cookies! Ivan only sells the Large Kitchen on the 1st day of the month and Ovens on the 19th. ONE DAY after the Spring Festival! It's literally impossible to get cookies for the first Spring Festival unless you use the local connection gimmick and receive cookies from a friend.
Alas, Raguna being unprepared can't be helped. But still, I was feeling the FOMO!
Out of all the girl's dialogue, Felicity's stuck out to me the most. I love how she radiates such a wholesomely happy aura. She always seems the happiest on festival days! I theorize it's because she helps out her father the most during festivals.
I do have to admit, that in my childhood, I always went after Felicity - and I'm surprised to see her show up so "late" in the blanket! So it may be the nostalgia talking when I say that her line is my favourite one from the Spring Festival.
Similar to Tabatha, I like that Felicity usually "tests Raguna's waters". Instead of asking a more direct question like "Who will you be giving cookies to?" she asks if there is a "special someone" in Raguna's life.
Phrasing it like that, I'd imagine Raguna's facial expression would give away the answer more clearly than if she had asked directly.
So, row 18 goes to Felicity and how she lights up during festivals!
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lilaroxa · 1 month ago
RF1: Year 1 - Fall 17 [Moonlit Eve]
Before I get into what my Raguna did, I have one question:
As for my Raguna, he was stuck in a time loop/Groundhog Day and asked Melody, Sharron, Lara, Bianca, Mist, Felicity, and Tabatha.
Mei, Rosetta*, Tori*, and Lynette's events were saved for Year 2. *I had met their requirements but saved too late in the day and missed their "ask-me-out" window.
Overall, seeing the "old game" dialogue loop was so endearing. Raguna basically has the same conversations but with different themes between each girl.
Oh, this is so romantic -> Yeah -> [Something personal to the girl's personality/their romance, usually ending with "you/we should do this more often"] -> Say, Raguna do you like me? -> What? -> I have to go.
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In the end, Raguna officially asked out Felicity. I feel like her vulnerability makes her such a relatable/likable character. I love that she gently reminds Raguna to take breaks, as I'm sure she would have loved to have her own warnings before she got sick. Yet she doesn't pressure him to relax with her. She respects that he has his own life and cares about his well-being above all else.
Honorable Mention
I was very torn between Felicity and Tabatha at this point. Both because I enjoyed Raguna's interactions with each girl and because their Moonlit Eve events stood out to me the most.
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However, what I respect the most about Tabatha's event is that she's the only girl who admits outright that she likes Raguna.
...and then she says she has to go. I wonder if she got nervous, or if it was her just planting the seed in Raguna's head, still waiting for him to make a move? Which, seeing that he doesn't, makes Tabatha's proposal scene even funnier to me.
However, seeing that Tabatha was already at 10FP/10LP and Felicity's romance felt a bit more fitting towards what I felt matched Raguna best, he ended up asking out Felicity.
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lilaroxa · 4 months ago
RF1: Year 1 - Summer 19
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Felicity really knows how to tug at my heartstrings.
LOOK AT HER! The balance of her confidence in asking a question like this, dabbled with a slight fear of not hearing the answer she wanted, was the concoction that sold me on marrying Felicity (almost) every time in my childhood.
Firstly, I discovered that she only asks this once you cure her of her illness. Though I find this really cute, she clearly becomes smitten with her "saviour." I also think it's a shame Felicity's "mayor's daughter" personality gets overwritten.
What I mean by this is once you cure her, much of her dialogue gets replaced with her romance one-liners like this. For example, when you speak to her in her room, she only has one line: "Thank you I feel much better now." Before, she'd have doubts, worries, frustrations, and hope for a better future! But all of that disappears once she starts her recovery.
If Rune Factory 1 ever gets a remaster, I hope they keep building on Felicity's character. I want to see her fulfill her dreams with her newfound energy or maybe even reflect on how her recovery isn't going as smoothly as she hoped!
Felicity is a character I think is very critical of herself and the impact she brings on the town. I'd love to see that explored more outside of "I don't feel very well these days...".
However, one thing I do love about Felicity's romance is how she's not afraid to ask the big questions. "Is there a special girl in your life?" to Raguna sounds like the mayor's daughter is checking in on everyone in the town.
Obviously, we know that she's asking this for her own intel, but I don't think Raguna would pick up on that. I think he's a great listener, but clueless when it comes to interpreting how people feel about him.
Overall, I find Raguna and Felicity's dynamic adorable. Felicity will always be my "first Rune Factory wife"!
Oh, but to answer Felicity's question:
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At this point, Mist and Raguna were the closest romantically, with Melody already reaching "BFF status".
When asked this question, I remember thinking that Felicity, Melody, and Tabatha had the highest chances of being that "special someone" in Raguna's life with Tori lingering in the back of my mind.
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lilaroxa · 5 months ago
RF1: Year 1 - Summer 4
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In my opinion, the Clemens Cave era of Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon is a pivotal point in the story's narrative.
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At first, Godwin tells Raguna that he can't issue him the pass to Clemens Cave yet. This line had me scratching my head and wondering if Godwin's cave pass admission was being manipulated by someone else (a certain Sechs commander, perhaps?). He does not administrate the next pass because he wants Raguna "to settle down and live in our town". When the conversation started with "Wow there was another monster in Toros Cave? That's worrying." I don't think Raguna should be told to relax at a time like this!
Unless this is more about trust. Perhaps Godwin wants to lead his own investigations before throwing a poor young man with amnesia into another battle.
(We all know the real reason is so Cecilia has time to slip into Clemens Cave and go missing, adding another layer of danger to the caves). Regardless, I've always liked Godwin for his developing trust in Raguna throughout the game. Godwin seems like a character who thinks he can carry the world on his shoulders (huh, I wonder where Felicity gets it from), so it's nice to see him eventually let Raguna help out with some things.
When Cecilia goes missing, this is where the town's divided mentality is shown at its strongest. Half of the town is worried sick knowing that if Cecilia got lost in the cave, she could be in grave danger. The other half of the town laughs the situation off in a sort of "kids will be kids" manner. "She'll be back when she's hungry."
Turns out, the first half of town was right. Cecilia was trapped behind a locked trap door with no way out. When Raguna rescues her, there's a cute Raguna x Mist parenting moment which fueled my entire Raguna x Mist playthrough as a kid.
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Mist says she has a "sixth sense" for "these kinds of things", it's how she knew where to find Cecilia. But as usual, she brushes off her declaration with a laugh. I'm convinced Mist knows way more than she lets on and plays dumb to avoid bigger questions. What exactly this "sixth sense" is, however, I'm not sure yet. I think it has something to do with the caves and monsters since she knows a lot about them. Maybe her "sixth sense" was just an itching feeling that Cecilia might be trapped behind "that one trap door in Clemens Cave".
Regardless, thanks to Cecilia, Raguna can now start to explore Clemens Cave!
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runefactorynonsense · 2 years ago
Here's a query for YOU: who do you think Lynette befriends first outside Guna and Mist in Kardia? And who does she befriend first of HER own volition?
I love this ask so much you don't even know.
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For some clarity; for most Rune Factory games, when it comes to their protagonists and the possible love interests, I usually headcanon their ages as older than the game(s) hint at them being. So keep that in mind, and maybe add between 5 to 8 to even 10 years to your headcanon age. [I won't name any numbers, and that'll just lock me into my own math.] But treat these folks as their prime adult selves after the events of the first game, not ""kids""~
Mist is obviously the "friend whether (you) like it or not." Raguna is roped in by that genuine, adorable charm and Lynette would fall for it, too. Look at her, a second person so ready to extend care and forgiveness... And Lynn will just have to accept it and begin to move on into her new life. It's the easier choice. Better than feeling so goddamn sorry for herself (or worse, as we saw the lengths Ethelbard was pushing her to). Even if it feels strange being in such a tight knit and supportive environment, and even if she'll look for cracks that prove it's all a lie.
After Mist, though, once she forces herself to try and live in a new place...
Lara and Tabatha and Jasper wind up becoming nice to talk to.
[ With a bonus of Sabrina and Godwin, with the questions of Newmann and Felicity. ]
Lara likely puts up a furious air at first, How many people could have been hurt, how many HAD as those stupid things were put around town... (Not to mention those RUMORS that spread about how Raguna lost his memory....) but quickly comes to realize that Lynette was involved, but not solely, entirely responsible. Not to mention she sees Lyn as someone who is... Tired. Dragging themselves through every day. Lara gives a deep sigh. So. She aids this new member of the town under the promise that Lynette helps others as she tries to help herself. While those medical visits become less and less, both women can't help but cross the street and seek one another out to talk. They may not have much in common when it comes to interests or tastes, but. It's nice. Sometimes you don't need all that. A connection can just be there.
Tabatha and Jasper feel like easy conversation. Both are used to more sharp natured persons, so they wouldn't be offended. And both don't put stock in local prejudices, political lines, and the nonsense of governing bodies (Jasper with his ties to the Sainte-Coquille business affairs, and Tabatha connected to that+comparing to her original home). I feel like both would be very quick to see past where Lynette is from, and her previous "occupation."
Jasper is such a kind and happy fellow. I could see him just wanting to know about what it was like as a person in Sechs Aristocracy, if it's similar to what he's heard from x, y, z.... Asking Lyn about her life, not job, probably helps break some ice. Maybe Lynette gets to gossip about petty, tiny things that she hadn't gotten to enjoy before. And how about that line of meats from those critters native to the heart of the empire...? Oh Jasper NEEDS some of those cuts- marinated in a very specific way, Lynette swears on her life (and it's just a joke this time).
And Tabatha? She's so calm. So soothing. She won't force Lyn to talk, but will listen when the other dares to break the silence. She seems to know how to enter a conversation and could find the perfect, small gift to make someone's day. I've drawn Lynette before in alternate clothing before so she's not in her military gear, and I stand firm that Tabatha made that set. They're good for the local weather, they're made of comfortable, fine material... and it's got to feel better not being in something that made Lynette stand out so much.
Bonus in Sabrina and Godwin, who are names that wouldn't leave me alone when thinking about this.
Godwinnn. He's skeptical and rightfully so, but as everything calms down, he has to take a chance. It's either hold that grudge and be retaliatory forever, which would strongly influence those looking at him for his decision, or choose to trust this person and get back to some semblance of older life. He prefers the peace of the latter, and is rewarded- especially when she does find her own pattern in the town. In fact, he's able to, well, "forget" about her, in a good way. She's a face he'll greet with an "Oh-! Didn't know you were coming, how are things?" since he doesn't hear much about her. But it's a positive feeling. A hearty greeting. Not just a nod and a walk past.
(She has to be brought up in tangent given our affinity for her, as well, but Felicity was watching that decision- and she's. It's not that she didn't support the decision, and she doesn't think it was the wrong choice... but Felicity's going to need to see some effort and proof. This is a risk. Like Lara, but a deeper rooted feeling. Stronger if she's paired with Raguna, as she'd hear those rumors, and be disgusted by them. But she could be won over, if more slowly, as her patient FP/LP mechanic implies.)
I feel like, for some reason, Newmann would keep some distance, questioning Godwin's decision, while Sabrina would be able to immediately see this new townsperson means no harm. Sabrina keeps an open seat at the bar and the restaurant and could act as a conversation or a buffer- detract attention from some of those who haven't yet become comfortable with their new neighbor. Sabrina doesn't care for bullshit, and she's got a good example to set for her son. I almost wish Lynette were a jump older still, as these two could've been a fun freaking dynamic!
Double bonus; Ivan hates the living daylights out of her and there is absolutely no recovery, due to my headcanon of him having witnessed Raguna's abduction before his memory loss. Lynette also knows who Ivan really is, she'd done her research. This is a pact to act civil among civil people. That's it.
I know I've joked about not absolutely adoring RF4's characters as much as most people, but one thing it did that I appreciate was those conversations you could trigger if multiple towns people are standing near one another in a scene/on a holiday/etc. It'd be fun to get others talking not to Raguna, but to each other, to hear what they'd think. Early game, invasion time, post game...
RF1s. Please. I'm begging you.
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runefactorynonsense · 4 years ago
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Valentines Day, 2021
Enjoy time with your various loved ones, or treat yourself to something nice, however you see fit♥
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runefactorynonsense · 5 years ago
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Childhood OTP!
I am definitely one of those who plays games like Harvest Moon/Rune Factory/Stardew Valley and marries the same person every damn time. Yup.
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rcguna-archived · 4 years ago
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@soulcluster​ sent:  Felicity is browsing for something she can enjoy the beach in and holds up a two-piece swimsuit. "I don't know if I could pull off something like this..."
Was it luck that placed Raguna with Felicity when she had decided to look for a swimsuit to wear for the summer? Maybe he had assumed she already had one at the ready, but her requesting his presence was enough already to throw him off guard. He wasn’t fool enough to refuse at least, but he never imagined that being here for the actual deed, seeing her gaze flit from piece to piece, humming thoughtfully (like a song he never wanted to end), and Raguna...
...what was he supposed to do right now? He’s already seen a few swimsuits that would look amazing on her, but being forward and suggesting as much could be taken the wrong way. Even if it was obvious how much he liked her, the last thing he wanted was for the mayor’s daughter to think that he was some sort of pervert. Fortunately he doesn’t have to think too long on this conundrum, as the brunette is now holding up a hanger with a two piece swimsuit in her hands.
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While not held over her chest, the swimsuit close enough that the amount of footwork that Raguna has to mentally perform to project it over and onto her form is easier than the walk up the hill to his barn. A slight ruffle at the trim, a cut along the top that would show more than a fair amount of skin. Not to mention her belly would be entirely exposed... and the bottom... her... and then... she would be... oh. Oh.
Raguna is staring. There’s no way around it. And whether a tilt of her head or a query or other sound, something snaps him out of it before it’s too late and he’s able to speak up. This is- Raguna should definitely encourage this, shouldn’t he?!
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“Ah, r-really? But I think it would look great on you. The color matches with your eyes... it’s really pretty.”
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rcguna-archived · 4 years ago
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@soulcluster​ sent: "Oh!" Felicity turned so that her back faced Raguna and then bent down to pick up the handkerchief she had dropped. On accident. Completely on accident. Was she doing this right?
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The shore at summer’s evening made for the most inviting place to walk together. Dim light over the mountain sent a sparkle across the rippling waves and the tide soaked the sand and glistened like stars. There’s plenty of sights to behold but it’s the woman which Raguna is walking beside that has captured most of his attention. There was still some time before they would make it back north to where the beach opened up with the stone steps that lead to the town center, and with it-- where they would part. Perhaps it was because of this that they took their leisurely time, spent chatting about crops and stories and animals.
Somewhat uncharacteristically, Felicity is a few steps of Raguna, allowing him to appreciate other aspects of the woman because dragons know there’s little to nothing about her he doesn’t hold silent appreciation for. Her summer dress is airy, thin, and when it flows with her step it adds accentuations to her curves . The wind only makes it clearer, and sweeps her hair like a stroke from a paintbrush. To say that Raguna is enraptured is putting it lightly. But what can he say now?! It’d be rude.
Breaking his focus is when she turns to look at him, a compliment on the evening and observation about a bird she saw in the distance. He flusters, a rapid blinking of his eyes as he tears his gaze from her body to look into hers and smile. Nod. Agree. And breathe a sigh of relief. Then suddenly she’s turned around again, remarking she’s dropped something. Raguna, needing an opportunity to save face reacts instinctively.
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“Oh, let me help you with that!” He exclaims, leaning in and being met all too quickly with the, ahem, heart of those curves. Her butt is right there. Right there. Even with the dress, there’s not much imagining necessary to think about what it may look sans the dress... and the image flares his cheeks, and in that half moment he remembered what he was doing- reaching- and the momentum sends his face right into the source of his attentions as it sticks backward towards him.
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And so he stumbles back from the impact. “S-sorry! I didn’t see you were... er, there.” Right... you didn’t see her...
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