#ragna replays: EO3
ragnar0c · 1 year
Happy pride month to these two
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chromaji · 5 months
i think ragna inadvertently invaded my brain bc now im like wow eo3 im excited to replay eo3 lets go eo3
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ragnar0c · 9 months
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How did I not see those.....
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ragnar0c · 1 year
Compilation of my EO3 guild eating shit for their own actions 🫡
OH AND TANK… He just dealt 18k last turn. Usually the AG follows a certain pattern… On turn 9 it’s supposed to use Dark Lightning… but it randomly just decided to wack Tank and I 100% think it’s his fault!!!
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ragnar0c · 1 year
I open up EO3 every once and a while just to look at my blorbos
I wasn’t kidding about Enid’s busted ass stats (They are the equivalent of about 3 retires I think)
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Even without the stacking medals, their attack is around 670 which is higher than Alope's and Tank's.
It's worse bc ... I don't really use them for offense. I only maxed out fist skills so they can try to land curse or paralysis. (Instead of buffing all the time) You know,, to pair with Hana's maxed wolf howl. Alope and Tank maxed Crushing blow and Smoke Bomb... But ailments don't always last long... so Enid got some!
I... can't help but imagine... Enid breathing heavily behind Tank and Alope who get the limelight. Enid is one Gladiator/Zodiac subclass from killing everyone. But... it's not like they can't now.
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ragnar0c · 1 year
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I’m getting Deja vu….
WE 100%ed EO3HD!!
(Technically I had last month, but you know… Overlord squid…. I’m still salty abt it.) As planned I’m going to scream about my guild and builds. So very long post.
You’d think since I used the same exact party as I did on my ds that maybe this post would be shorter. WRONG. I have OPTIMIZED THEM AND ADDED NEW MEMBERS. Switch Ragnarok>>> DS Ragnarok. On switch they do a lot more damage, and definitely have more tricks up their sleeves.
Mainly, I noticed wolf howl did crazy numbers and that each member, save Hana could cast an ailment. Then… caved in and tried a wildling for the first time and added a few other members. Which I’ll explain as we go on.
Anyway guild rambles GO!!
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This run Alope gets the shield!! Sorry Hana, Alope needs the stats more than you!!
My thoughts on her are kinda the same. Early game she wasn’t as good as I remembered on ds… She would suck, but when everyone else was struggling she’d land a confusion or take a hit… OR SOMETHING!! She came in clutch. Always!! Even if it was the craziest shit!!
She’s got a few more play styles besides b.vow+ charge +hit. Dropped wild swings, and some points in otori.
Instead, I’ve maxed crushing blow, she’s almost guaranteed to land confusion on something in battle if she doesn’t kill it before then. Paired with Hana’s WOLF HOWL makes her do numbers!! Also maxed freezing blow, I think she does 2k more against certain bosses compared to her ds counter part.
She’s subbed ninja, and I used it to make her a sort of phys dodge tank + double damage. Which I think I did on ds, but I really went into it the dodge tank this time. She’ll spawn DuAlope (her clone) and use otori on her, while DuAlope uses flight… Kinda makes the enemies with multihits not a problem… Also decided to also get her the reflexes skill. So TP regen WOOOOO.
Thinking of retiring her for the luck boost, but part of my strat with her is that she’s real slow. If her AGI is over 80 she’ll be crazy fast. So Idk.
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I got the parry skills early for him. AMAZING DECISION. Second stratum I had a rough patch with everyone except him… and he covered for them while they made up for their mistakes. AND HE PARRIED A WHOLE LOT…
I skipped a few skills i got him on DS (Vigilance, Shrug off) to max his defense ones and get farmer skills. (Persistence at a higher lvl, safe stroll, to market, lullaby)
He still makes exploration so easy for me, and can still take that nap that lets me get a free turn against abyssal god. He’s really good, but… I’ve notice he does nothing a lot more on my switch. Alope can soak most physical damage, Hana can predict a lot of the elementals, and I have a whole other hoplite I’ll get into later.
I don’t use him as much as I should 😭
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Mr. I’m the lowest level early game to Mr. first to hit level 99 🤪
His skill tree was/ always IS SOO MESSED UP the first half the game. Had to rest him, thought I ruined him. NOPE. He’s good!! The best even.
He’s what you expect, he’s an arbalist gladiator. He kinda mows everything down. The discovery of wolf howl + ailement changed his numbers a LOT. He can almost two shot superbosses.
I invested points in smoke bomb so he can land blind… Fun to do on turns where it’s too risky to attack or b.vow.
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All the big numbers? They are thanks to HER AND THE WILDLING I USE.
Early game, Hana was. Well, Hana. She actually fumbled a bit more than her ds counterpart. (Missed a lot more). As she leveled up, she evened out .
Hana has… Quite a lot of points to spare. Basically after level 70 she just has like 30 skill points to kill. Initially, I was against getting the prophecies (I mean I have two hoplites). So I invested it in wolf howl bc I saw it increased attack by a lot when an enemy was ailed.
So now Hana has like. 4+ play styles. Old reliable elementals with limit scrolls, Meteor, Wolf howler, and… I caved in and got the prophecies (Volt and ice for now, but plan to retire her so she can get fire too). I realized with her and Alope I could block all physicals and elementals… and I would be able hit harder without a hoplite.
She gets to mix and match so much now, and she caters to all the team offense, defense, support… she’s kinda the glue…!! More so than on ds!
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Okay, Enid is one that hasn’t changed much. I had tried to mix attack monk skills in their tree. Bc attack monks are good and I wanted to spice up the guild. But uhm it was not Alope and Tank level good. (To cut them slack, Alope is only good bc there are two of her and her defense is higher. Tank? Sorry Arbalists are s tier… Comparing them isn’t fair.) Enid would get in Alope’s way a lot, which is kinda funny to imagine.
So at the half way point, we swapped Enid back to his natural state. The over powered speedy monk sovereign. Realistically, it makes sense given their character arc I had planned…
Only difference I can think of is… I finally see the use in full heal. Regular healing when Alope regularly sheds 846 hp? NO. Full heal her, it costs less!! (EO1 taught me that) Also, Enid has… quite a lot of skill points to spare. Which I’d put into idk Monarch March, or Guard order. But I… don’t know. I feel bad for leaving their fist skills behind. I might invest in Kikoken for the ailment… and fist mastery if i retire them.
Okay lighting round:
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These 4 members I used when I didn’t feel like dealing with certain bosses with my main party. Their skills were junk at the time. (Anemone first try, Alraune first try, Kraken first try too.)
Caspian: The legendary hoplite ninja. Not to clone herself, but to dodge tank the hell out of everything and infinite regen tp. I think I used her for all first the super boss fights on switch, save for Abyssal God. She kinda makes Ignis look bad, Ignis can take more hits than her, but like. It doesn’t matter. She’s not getting hit!! She does what Alope does, but deals less damage. Decided to just make Alope do the work, or have these two work together. (They are unstoppable)
Ryouta: I really wanted to try attack monk. So I made him. HE’S VERY GOOD. Mainly used him when Alope and Tank were working on 9 smashes and Front Mortar. He did wonders against the 3 bosses listed above. But once Alope and Tank got their skills, I kinda benched him. Will feed him strength books and will see how long that lasts tho!! He’s not the 3 play style type guy like the rest, but hey! Being simple is in character for him!!
Ezra: Double action zodiac. Used him mainly bc Anemone… Also I wanted to use him to see if he could compare to Hana. But Uh. I don’t know what I was expecting BAHAHA. He’s still really good, just not against Elder, Kraken, or Abyssal God.
Izem: MY PRIDE AND JOY… DO YOU SEE HIS ATTACK??? THAT IS FROM COUNTLESS SLAUGHTERS OF THE ABYSSAL GOD WITH THE MAIN GUILD…! He hits very hard now, and I hardly use him compared to the ds version of his build. I used him against Kraken (5 ringed sword) Anemone (warriors might). But he’s so frail you need a hoplite staring him dead in the eye. I’ll work on it. I need one more AG kill to max his weapon and I’m thinking of taking him to do it with the guild.
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TBH… I didn’t like wildlings before her. The class’s designs rubbed me the wrong way. (No black people until the class is offense, or rooted in the wild 😟 and they are almost always naked I just make black EO ocs now *sigh*) They’re clunky early game… I can’t imagine using one a whole run tbh. I only started actually using her post game. I saw a friend chose another class portrait for their wildling and put a spin on it… So. Now we got a clown wildling!
I didn’t think I’d like her, but after giving her some personality and seeing her ailments land so often… I decided to add her in Ignis’s place more often. Her debuffs (Primal drums, ailments, eagle eye) ABSOLUTE GAME CHANGER… She and Hana like quadruple the guild’s attack.
I’m adjusting the Abyssal god team to fit her on it… If she does her magic with Hana… Alope and Tank’s attacks reach 5 digits. Every other fight is so short I can’t even meet the circumstances to land the 5 digits…
Sometimes she misses or whatever, but I forgive her. She’s great.
So uh…
Playing HD made me pay more attention to the surroundings and enemy designs… Also gave me access to a lot more scenarios and characters for my guild… 🥹 Sometimes were as cool as my first times!! I’m really happy I got to 100% eo3 twice the same year. With the same party (yet different). AKDJDKAK Okay end blog post— if you got this far…. UHHHH love you. K bye.
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ragnar0c · 1 year
Me and a friend using the trade mechanic in EO3 to clone one darkstar bead 36 times so we both have 18!! 😭👍
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You guys know full well I could kill it 18 times but sometimes you wanna have a time loop cross over with another guild!!! (Comic soon maybe????)
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ragnar0c · 1 year
That... that parry.
This guild CANNOT KEEP cutting it this close and coming out okay!!
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ragnar0c · 1 year
I killed Abyssal God on expert…. It hasn’t changed much since the DS. So I took it on underleveled.
Since I was underleveled tho we didn’t quite meet the amount of damage!!! So it swapped back to defensive form preemptively, and well…. I got desperate, charged up Tank and set it up so he’d be the only one out alive. (I WANTED THE ACHIEVMENT…)
Good news, I got the achievement and Tank is not underleveled anymore bc MY GUY HAD ALLL 300,000 EXP TO HIMSELF…. He’s like on level 79-80 now when before he was lower than Hana and Alope.
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ragnar0c · 1 year
Also at the point where I... could fight abyssal god... I wonder how easy it would be on picnic compared to expert.
Cause I had been using picnic for grinding and fights are so easy 😭 but idk... abyssal god??? HMMM
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ragnar0c · 1 year
(True final boss spoilers!!!)
Chose to do true end first bc when I did it on my ds it was always after the other 2. So I was overleveled and got the boss out of the way quickly. Not this time!! I thought I would fight it fairly. On the same level!!
I spent the day kinda grinding, but then I… tried randomly after I maxed front mortar and got points in meteor!! But that’s not what saved us.
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She confused it twice, this battle and I’m CERTAIN. That is the only reason we won. first only lasted a turn, second lasted 6….
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Long enough so our girl Hana could kill them ❤️This is what I mean by “I am Alope’s biggest hater till I’m not” THAT WAS AMAZING GIRL WE HAD NO CHANCES OF WINNING WITHOUT YOU😭
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ragnar0c · 1 year
Who’d win? An all knowing Eldritch god who has wiped many species out of existence, can manipulate reality … OR!!! One alcoholic?
The Alcoholic ❤️
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In all fairness this took a couple hours + I had every possible offensive boost on Tank/ Every defense debuff on AG. This included wolf howl, which adds 55% attack while it’s ailed… Then + sleep (Double damage).
Landing that sleep the right turn + the double action proc was really lucky AJKDKJDJ
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ragnar0c · 1 year
I wanted to see if Alope could add a maxed wolf howl and crushing blow to her moveset if I maxed her luck... but even if I retired her at 99 she wouldn't have enough sp for that. Then...I realized half my party is subbed gladiator.
In particular. Hana always has like 30 extra skill points bc I do not like investing in the Prophecies for her late game (ironic, but I have two hoplites... so... I dont need them and they cost so much sp she can't even get all of them maxed... they're like 15 sp each+ 5 to max)
So Hana could max wolf howl FOR Alope... 🤔 it sounds interesting. But then I'd really have to keep them together. GAHHHH POST GAME GETS ME SO ANXIOUS ABOUT SKILL TREES!!!
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ragnar0c · 1 year
Okay, retired Hana leveled her back up... She has all the Prophecies and I don't really need our hoplites anymore- In the process, almost everyone with combat study hit 99 too. I maxed my Ameno Habakiri. Boss fights take less than 5 turns...
And uh. Wow I guess I really don't need to play this game anymore *twiddles thumbs*
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ragnar0c · 1 year
hmmmm.....I still don't know how blindsides and preemptives work in this game.
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ragnar0c · 1 year
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