cnladies · 3 months
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HANIKEZI 哈妮克孜 in La Raffinée Couture white dress | Honor of Kings Livestream Event
Hanikezi: more photos here brand livestream: more photos here
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my ocs
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order of the clock tower:
Robert Louis Stevenson
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none yet!
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Mise & Mani
Jacques Checkers
August Vert
@wishingstaruniversity for all the information!
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art-vortex · 24 days
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(via Coussin avec l'œuvre « "Élégance Vintage: Motif Répétitif Cyan Bleu Nuancé" » de l'artiste Art-Vortex-fr)
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fullnft-fr · 4 months
Chaussures haut de gamme - artisanat de luxe
New Post has been published on https://fullnft.fr/2024/03/03/766-chrsrc/
Chaussures haut de gamme - artisanat de luxe
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Découvrez l’excellence de l’artisanat dans notre image mettant en avant des “Chaussures Haut de Gamme – Artisanat de Luxe”. Chaque paire incarne un savoir-faire exceptionnel, reflétant le mariage parfait entre le design raffiné et des matériaux de la plus haute qualité.
L’image capture l’essence même de la sophistication avec des détails minutieusement travaillés, des finitions impeccables et un souci du détail qui définit le véritable luxe. Ces chaussures haut de gamme sont bien plus que de simples accessoires, elles sont une déclaration de style et d’élégance.
Plongez dans le monde du confort et de la distinction, où chaque pas est synonyme d’une expérience unique. Les chaussures haut de gamme présentées dans cette image transcendent les tendances éphémères pour devenir des pièces intemporelles, conçues pour durer et incarner l’essence même du luxe authentique.
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mdameninie · 9 months
5 raisons d'aller manger au Norma Monaco
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nappilla · 11 months
Les différents types de sucre et leur impact sur la santé
Le sucre est un ingrédient omniprésent dans notre alimentation quotidienne. Cependant, tous les sucres ne sont pas créés égaux et leur impact sur la santé varie. Dans cet article, nous explorerons les différents types de sucre les plus couramment utilisés, en mettant l’accent sur leur composition et leur impact sur la santé. Nous discuterons également du sucre qui est le meilleur choix pour une…
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art-vortex · 8 months
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(via Coussin avec l'œuvre « "Style Doberman Doré" » de l'artiste Art-Vortex-fr)
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happythebluecat · 1 year
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Living Room - Library Inspiration for a large, open, eclectic living room renovation with white walls, a stone fireplace, a regular fireplace, and no television.
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fullnft-fr · 5 months
Tarte aux citron meringuée
New Post has been published on https://fullnft.fr/2024/02/16/691-mvvnyc/
Tarte aux citron meringuée
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Plongez dans l’irrésistible tentation d’une tarte aux citrons meringuée, une œuvre gastronomique alliant l’acidité vive des citrons à la douceur aérienne de la meringue. Cette création pâtissière ravira vos papilles avec sa croûte croustillante, son équilibre parfait de saveurs acidulées et sucrées, et sa meringue dorée à la perfection.
Chaque bouchée vous transporte dans un voyage gustatif exquis, où la fraîcheur des citrons se marie harmonieusement avec la légèreté de la meringue, créant une symphonie de sensations en bouche. La tarte aux citrons meringuée devient ainsi l’incarnation d’un dessert sophistiqué, capable d’émerveiller les amateurs de pâtisserie les plus exigeants.
Que ce soit pour une occasion spéciale ou simplement pour s’offrir une pause gourmande, cette tarte est un délice visuel et gustatif à ne pas manquer. Laissez-vous séduire par l’élégance de cette création sucrée et succombez à l’expérience unique d’une tarte aux citrons meringuée, où chaque morceau est une invitation à savourer l’art de la pâtisserie.
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domiaddict-pa · 1 year
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litchivanille · 1 year
Madeleines coco citron vert
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Bypias...une marque que j'adore
Bypias…une marque que j’adore
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid07oLB1yRUcwvARXu2R7vn8qesYiZEjimxdUwEfXeDRaXnyN5dvZh9eFR1AKFF2g6ql&id=444583408886568&sfnsn=scwspmo L’esprit #suedois j’aime beaucoup et cette marque particulièrement. J’ai déjà commandé cet hiver et j’ai été entièrement satisfaite. La coupe. Les matières sont top. J’aime l’esprit bohème et en même temps minimaliste c’est un complet pour moi.…
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mybuddyjimmy · 2 years
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achat-cb · 2 years
Quels sont les aliments indispensables pour être en bonne santé ?
"Pour prendre soin de soi, l’OMS recommande un régime varié et équilibré, en réduisant considérablement la consommation de sucre raffiné, de sel et de produits transformés. Mais alors quels sont les aliments indispensables pour être en bonne santé et pour quelles raisons ? Découvrez sans plus tarder les grands principes de l’alimentation saine." Lechautsur.fr vous aide à avoir une meilleure alimentation !
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selineram3421 · 5 months
*stares into the void*
Dizzy For You
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Lovesick Alastor X Reader
⚠ blood/gore, reader is really into creepy alastor, kisses, consensual biting *cough*, cuddles, fluff ⚠
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You were in love with one of the most powerful Overlords in Hell.
The Radio Demon.
At the moment, he was in the process of courting you. Or in what the new generation calls it, dating.
Now you're not that old of a demon but you still use the term courting as it feels more genuine.
The way he spoiled you made you feel like the only demon in Hell. Of course there were limits but like any good relationship, you both communicated.
You knew he wasn't one for physical displays of affection out in public, unless it was holding you close or kisses on the back of your hand.
It didn't bother you one bit.
In fact it made you happier knowing that your affectionate actions were private. Only for the two of you.
You could only see him that way.
As you spent time working on a few orders, making nameplates and engraving names and or numbers on them, you even got an order from Alastor! He had wanted small but fancy door plaques for room numbers. Some in the hotel having been missing or needing touch-ups.
Quickly finishing the last plaque, you packaged them and set out to return to the hotel.
A fun little gift your lover added to your shop was the door in the corner of your back room, it being a portal to one of the hotel back rooms near the lobby.
He didn't like you being so far away after all.
When walking into the lobby, you didn't notice the commotion outside until you heard a familiar laugh.
It was filled with static.
Downright dark and sinister that got a chill to run down your spine.
As if hypnotized, you walked towards the sound and saw sinners being ripped apart, blood and guts covering the ground in front of the hotel. Your eyes widened when seeing the Radio Demon eat a demon whole.
Then he turned to face the door after finishing the carnage.
"Alastor.", you gasped, covering your mouth with your hand.
He was in his tall demon form, smiling and covered in blood. The metallic scent filled the area and you felt slightly dizzy at the smell but also couldn't help being drawn in by the sight.
Seeing you stagger back, Alastor rushed towards you, shrinking slightly to get through the door.
"Darling? Are you alright?", he asked, pulling you into his hold.
You shivered and hid your face in his chest, feeling the blood smear onto your skin. The room feeling a lot stuffier than before with your quick breaths.
"Take me to the room.", you whispered and tugged on his coat. "Please."
Using his shadows, both of you appear in your room and you quickly pull him into a rough kiss.
The deer made a noise of surprise, static buzzing as his grip on you tightened.
Moving away from his lips, you peppered his face with kisses, making sure to kiss under his jaw before making your way towards his neck. Blood now on your lips and hands, heart racing at the taste.
"Fuck.", you said shakily, looking up at the deer and finding his cheeks dusted bright red. "Alastor."
His ears perked up at his name and he held you tightly, hand rubbing up and down your lower back. "Yes my dearest heart?", he responded, leaning forward to place a peck on your forehead.
"Please bite me."
You shivered again with a blush as he leaned down with a chuckle, his sclera pitch black with a lustre from his glowing irises.
"₩¡+h pl€@sμre~"
Tilting your head to the side, you let him sink his teeth into the junction of your neck and shoulder. A small noise escaped from your lips as you clung onto his coat, whimpering when he pulled back and blood starting to run down your neck.
"Quel goût raffiné.", he kissed the bite mark. (What a refined taste.)
He gave you a gentle smile as he caressed your cheek and you leaned into his touch.
"Let's get cleaned up.", he said softly, guiding you to the bathroom.
After a refreshing bath, you both got dressed into nightwear and got ready for bed. Alastor being extra sweet and helping you get comfortable next to him under the covers.
Feeling absolutely content, you smiled and cuddled up against him.
"I'm sorry for pouncing on you."
"Nonsense.", he brushed it off as he glided his hand down your thigh, pulling it to rest your leg between his. "I enjoy your affection."
"Hmm..", you felt your eyelids droop.
"Sleep.", the deer demon whispered, kissing the top of your head. "I'll still be here in the morning."
You let out another hum before submitting to a pleasant slumber.
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*sees radio dials in the darkness* Oh shit.
~Seline, the person.
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @+?
ML for Alastor🎙
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