#raevs sample reads
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raevenlyreads ¡ 9 months ago
What happens when you ask for a reading?
People have been asking: What is it like to get a reading from you, Raev? A lot of you are just as new to being read for as I am to having a shop front, so I wanted to pull back the curtain a little bit and let yall know what the process of requesting a reading is like. Many thanks to my lovely volunteers for allowing me to share snippets of our conversations.
Preliminary Chats
When a querent reaches out for a reading, we start with a little Q&A, as I help guide my querents to the right spread for them. Doesn’t have to be in real time, though the process does tend to go quicker when we’re both available to chat at the same time. Often, these exchanges involve me helping the querent narrow down what it is they want to know, since they usually come to me with a general idea but not much in the way of specifics. For example:
Querent: My question would be "What is the best way for me to love them", what do you recommend? Me: I think it depends on what kind of love you're trying to give. I think this might be an interesting one for me to read the Revealing Prism for, as it will show 1) something about them 2) something about you 3) something you don't know and 4) a truth you can act on Querent: Mm, love in a general sense I guess? Like, what is the best way for me to show this person I hold them in high regard / care for them etc. not particularly romantic or familial just.. love? Hard to articulate And yeah, okay! Revealing Prism it is then Me: Sounds good! What deck would you like? Querent: The shadowscapes one? Me: shadowscapes was a good choice for this one, it's a very patient and gentle deck. Very loving and nurturing. It will really understand the vibe you're going for, I think. Querent: That's what I'm hoping for yeah <3
Into the Queue
Once we have the question narrowed down, and the spread and deck decided upon, the appropriate commission is purchased and the querent is added to my queue. Usually the turn around is within a few days, no more than a week. I like to try to do my reading as close to the prelim chats as possible, so that the connection is still fresh in my mind.
The Reading Itself
I will spend some time with the chosen deck, asking it the question on behalf of the querent (“[Name] is seeking actionable advice on how to show them they love them. “They” will be the external card, [Name] will be the internal card, help me show [Name] what is Hidden and reveal to us they can act on.”). While I ask, I shuffle. With some decks, this involves rifling the deck like common playing cards. With others (like the oversized Nameless One), I will spread the whole thing out on the table and just shuffle it all around flat. Circle spreads get arranged in a circle (go figure :P), and Above and Below gets shuffled then turned face up as I search for the signifier card. Oftentimes, I’ll know it's time to stop shuffling and begin reading when a card jumps out of my hand, or the deck splits itself neatly in two in my grip, or the cards start sticking to themselves. I lay out the reading, sit with them for a bit to absorb the interpretation, then start snapping pictures.
The Final Product
Once I’m done with the reading it's time for the write up. Each card is interpreted individually, and in the case of multi-card spreads, a synthesis of what they all say together is also written up. For single cards, I tend to drop the image and the interpretation right into our chat. For longer reads, I send a link to your own personalized doc with all the pictures and write ups. You can see samples of those in my kofi Gallery or on my tumblr under the tag #raevs sample reads.
Follow Up
This is my favorite part. I always love to hear what my querents think of their readings, how it impacts the way they think about things, how it opens up their perceptions, the clarity my readings bring. It especially delights me when they come back after some time later, telling me about the ways they saw the factors described in my readings coming to life before their eyes. I love hearing from my querents and would love to hear from you, too! Come talk tarot with me and let's see what the cards hold for you.
Ready to commission a reading of your very own? Check out my ko-fi page!
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vylequinnewriting ¡ 3 years ago
Hello yes teleporting abandoned hospital??????
Hello, and thanks for the ask as always, Raev!
So in short, yeah. Wurmwhyle is Silent Hill if it could teleport. Plus a couple ghosts and anomalous beings.
In Telvan, there is an extremely rare monster called an Utteo. Basically a walking mouth with a skinless, vulpine body, Utteos are extremely intelligent with a penchant for information hunting. Especially "lost" information. "Lost" in this case is stretched pretty far, especially because of a certain Utteo that will be reffered to as Dr. Gerrand. One fateful day, Dr. Gerrand wandered into an old witch's atelier that was locked up for several decades. Since Utteos have the gift of language, they can read and translate anything. Unsuprisingly, you hand a monster and a magic tome that it can actually read, it'll end up using said magic. It just so happened that the teleportation spell was incomplete.
The spell specifically was to use Motivation magic to teleport you to the place that is the most important to you. Since Utteo's have an innate compulsion for knowledge, Dr. Gerrand used it to transport itself to the nearest source. An abandoned hospital, Wurmwhyle, just so happened to be the nearest source. Filled with texts of epidemics no longer seen and studied and samples upon samples of secret experiments, Dr. Gerrand had a veritable goldmine. Then the second teleport happened.
The spell was unstable and activated itself again at a random time. However, this time there was an overlap. Instead of moving Dr. Gerrand, the spell moved the building onto another. This time, an age-old bookstore. The third time, a blacksmithy where the forge has long since gone cold.
 Each time, the initial entrance would look and lead to Wurmwhyle, with the absorbed buildings altering the inside in unexpected ways. Since Dr. Gerrand is very protective of its knowledge, only the bravest of adventurers explore the newest appearances of Wurmwhyle. 
In addition to the new features in the basements, the spell usually brings along any nearby inhabitants. Dr. Gerrand is usually extremely thankful for all the new specimens. Each time Wurmwhyle appears, you can bet on hearing some new abberration appear in the local news.
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raevenlyreads ¡ 8 months ago
Seasonal Circle Read Sample
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For the Seasonal Circle Spread, the entire deck is spread out in a circle and key points along the wheel are read. Usually this spread is read from turn of season to turn of season (from start of spring to start of summer, for example), but it can be done at any time. I use my intuition to determine the best start and end points if this reading is done mid-season.
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For this reading (done mid-May), I read a teeny bit back to hit May Day, then forward for the 1st of June, Solstice, 1st of July, 1st of August, and the potential rewards to be reaped in the upcoming season thereafter.
Want your own Seasonal Circle Spread? Check out my ko-fi page
Read on for the full spread and interpretations
May Day
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May Day brought you the energy of the Hierophant. A good time to get things in order, you may already have felt this season bringing focus for new projects and building new habits.
First of June
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June comes in with the energy of the Ten of Pentacles. Goals you have been working towards for a long time are coming into fruition.
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Solstice (June 20th this year) will bring a shift in fortunes. If you've made good use of the Hierophant and Ten of Pentacles energy, you will be prepared to weather the storms and reap the rewards of fortune smiling upon you.
First of July
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The Four of Pentacles warns us to be careful of being miserly. Perhaps you put something away in preparation for the turning of The Wheel; now is the time to reevaluate using it. What is held onto is never lost, but it never grows, either.
First of August
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The Moon suggests that all is not as it seems. Beware of tricksters, or deals that seem too good to be true.
Upcoming Season
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If you play this season right, you will be rewarded with a new opportunity in the next. A new friendship or partnership is on the horizon, provided you've not stretched yourself too thin. This summer’s lesson is discernment, being able to determine true gold from all else that glitters. Recall the ant and the grasshopper, and remember that there is a balance to be had between work and play. While the ant may be full all winter, we are not ants. There is bounty enough to store some away for later and also to use some of your resources now to live your life and enjoy it.
Big thank you to all my volunteer querents for allowing me to use their readings for samples. You can find more samples under the tag #raevs sample reads, and can learn more about commissioning me for a read on my ko-fi page (or send me an ask here, I love answering questions about readings, decks, and all things tarot!)
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raevenlyreads ¡ 9 months ago
Above and Below
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For the ABOVE + BELOW Card Draw, a Signifier card is chosen to represent a key element of your query. I then shuffle and search for the Signifier, and read the cards above and below it. The cards below speak to negating forces, something holding you back, a struggle. The cards above offer help, advice, and a way forward.
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For this read I used The Nameless One tarot and Oracle deck by Xia Hunt. Querant asked for a reading regarding mental health, so I chose to seek out The Star, a card of quiet voices and small lights.
For this spread and more, check out my Ko-fi Commissions page
Read on for interpretations and card close ups
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For this read, I chose The Star to serve as the focus for your query about mental health. The Star is the quiet place within us, a light that can only be seen when all others are dim. It takes deliberate effort to listen to it, and hard work to get to a place where you can hear it. It is private, unique to you, and something only you can truly know.
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The Above position is that which assists, a force that aids you, a path through. The Six of Blades offers this blessing: “I am safe and protected during both my spiritual and physical journeys.” It eases the way forward, offers closure and the chance to put the past to bed.
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The Below position is that which hinders, what holds you back, what makes the path difficult. Normally, the Four of Blades is a respite, a chance to rest. Here it is reversed, indicating that perhaps you have not had time to rest, or a safe space to do so.
In this read, I found the sheer depth of The Star’s placement to be significant. Mental health is a journey, and this placement suggests that on this particular issue, you have a long road ahead of you. The Above says the way is clear, but the Below urges you to clear up whatever obstacle is keeping you from getting the rest you  need. Such a long journey needs places to stop along the way, a chance to put the burden down, to get away from it. Build yourself those safe spaces, those places to rest, and your healing can move forward.
If you're interested in a reading of your own, check out my ko-fi page, DM me, or send me an email at [email protected]
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raevenlyreads ¡ 9 months ago
Revealing Prism Spread
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This four-card draw helps shed light on a point of confusion or conflict. I shuffle the deck, draw three cards, and lay them at an angle around the center deck.  The first card speaks to how an outside force is influencing your perception. The second shows how an internal bias is at play. The third reveals something about the situation that is hidden to you. Finally, I flip a card from the center deck, which offers an objective truth about the matter.
For this sample spread, I used the Children of Litha deck. My querent asked for clarity regarding “a mental health situation (burnout and questioning if I'm on the autism spectrum) and stuff feeling very confusing”
I asked “Would you like me to focus more on the burnout and how to possibly relieve it, or more on the autism angle? Is it more important to you to alleviate the burnout or to know why you're burnout?”
Querent: “Autism angle please!”
Read on for card close ups and interpretations, and check out my ko-fi commissions page for info on this spread and more
Outside Influence
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The King of Wands in the external position indicates someone in a position of authority, someone whose opinion you trust.
Internal Factors
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The Internal position is the All Inverted. This suggests an imbalance internally, a sense that your internal world is literally upside down.
Hidden Aspects
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The Devil in the Hidden position speaks of an underlying cause, restless whispers that distract you and drain your energy.
Objective Truth
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(image rotated for ease of viewing)The Ten of Swords in the objective position says Enough is Enough, it's time to seek outside help.
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All together, these cards speak of an outside force suggesting to you to seek out solutions related to autism. Maybe a friend with autism, maybe research you've done on your own, maybe a family member or even a doctor. But someone who is able to speak with authority on the matter. You should trust them. Their advice resonates with the upside down feeling inside, a gut sense that something about your inner workings just isn't right or is out of balance. Whatever that something is is currently hidden from you, but it is very real. There is actually something inside your body that drains your energy faster than it should, that chips away at your ability to focus and meet your goals. You've felt it, even if you haven't been able to name it. These all support the Ten of Swords telling you it's time to seek out help. Whether that's seeking a diagnosis, or simply doing your own research for coping strategies and talking with friends and family, it's time to reach out to your support group, and build up new ones. You've suffered long enough. It's time to make life easier for you, in whatever shape that takes.
Interested in a revealing prism read of your very own? Check out my ko-fi commissions
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raevenlyreads ¡ 9 months ago
Hello and congrats on your grand opening! I hope your page grows well. I'd like a free draw from The Children of Litha set if you don't mind?
Thank you!
Thank you so much! Let's see what Litha has to say for you today:
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The abundance before me I've worked hard to achieve. Now I enjoy what I've got and have no reason to grieve. - Children of Litha
The Nine of Pentacles is a very "treat yo'self" type of card. The hard work you've been putting in is finally starting to pay off. Take a moment today to indulge in a little luxury, you've earned it!
Interested in a free reading? Come help me celebrate my grand opening!
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raevenlyreads ¡ 2 months ago
Body/Mind/Spirit Sample Read
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General Body, Mind, Spirit reading for [Sample]
For this read, I shuffle the Silhouettes deck, then search for each of the signifier cards, Body, Mind, and Spirit, which are unique to this deck. I read the cards above and below each signifier, as well as the “top” and “bottom” deck of the remaining cards. I read the signifiers relative locations to each other, as well as their spacing throughout the whole deck.
Deck Overview
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The first signifier card, Mind, came fairly early into the deck, with Spirit and Body coming at fairly even intervals thereafter. This speaks to an open and balanced character. This deck has some interesting extras, and I felt inspired to utilize those as well. It contains two variant Strength cards, as since VIII Strength was the first face up card in your draw, I searched for the XI Strength as well to round out this reading. So your five points of interest for this reading are:
Top Deck - VIII Strength
Bottom Deck - XI Strength
Top Deck: VIII Strength, Outward facing
The top deck of this read is the outward facing, the top level of your person, what you show to the world. It can be likened to the rising sign of natal astrology. This is what you are projecting out, the parts of your personality you use to navigate interpersonal relationships and outward interactions.
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Strength VIII
This Strength Variant is what I’ve always called Strength Realized, a mature and developed partnership with yourself. It symbolizes someone who is in touch with their inner well, who knows what lies within their core.
For the top deck, I read the first two cards down and how they reflect back on the topmost card. For this read, Strength VIII is informed by  the Queen of Swords (inverted) and the Three of Wands (inverted).
Queen of Swords (inverted)
The Queen of Swords is known for her sharp tongue, words used with scalpel-like precision to achieve exactly the effect she desires. Upright, she is often perceived as too harsh, cutting, uncaring of how the truth might hurt. Inverted, I read her as more poised, able to use her expert command of words to speak hard truths in strong but nurturing ways. She pulls no punches, but she couches her deliveries in ways that leave the recipient more receptive to actually hearing her message.
Three of Wands (inverted)
The Three of Wands is often called the Leap of Faith, walking blindly but trustingly into the unknown, building on those that have come before you. In this reading, inverted, I read it more as looking inward, trusting the work you’ve done on and with yourself. You may not always know what tomorrow will hold, but you have faith in the systems you have in place to navigate the storms and sun alike.
The Queen and the Three inform Strength VIII as facets of how your inner strength serves you. You are able to trust yourself to speak from a place of kind authority, and know that your inner strength will back you. You project someone who can be trusted, who is knowledgeable, and who stands as an example as one who has gone through it. No matter how you might feel internally, external you project calm confidence, and it serves you well.
Your thoughts, perceptions, and mental health. These are the voices in your head, the logic that gathers evidence and presents neat, tidy facts. These are the cards that reflect your self talk, your coping systems, and the parts of you that inform your conscious thought.
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This card coming first of the three indicates that it’s often the first tool you reach for. Making lists, gathering your thoughts, using your words: these are your preferred ways to handle things. You like to have things in order, sorted and categorized. Whether you’re successful in this is another matter all together, but it’s your first go-to. You tend to tackle the mental aspect of a problem or goal first and sort out feelings and physical needs later.
[Sections continue as above with interpretations for each individual card and synthesis of how they all inform each other in this section of the spread]
Interested in a Body Mind Spirit Read of your own? Commission one here
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raevenlyreads ¡ 9 months ago
Lunar Cycle Read
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For the LUNAR CYCLE Circle Read, the entire deck is spread out in a circle and  key points are read, representing the moon phases. This reading gives timed guidance over the next lunar cycle. For this read, I began with the upcoming New Moon and carried on through to the next Waning Moon. Deck used was The Nameless One by Xia Hunt.
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Want a Lunar Cycle Reading of your very own? Come check out my ko-fi commissions page!
Read on for card close ups and interpretations
New Moon
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This new moon brings the energy of The Hanged Man. Waiting is a challenge, especially when that waiting is for an end of circumstances that are hard to endure. But remember that this time has a lesson to teach. Be patient and be aware; you are enduring for better things to come.
Waxing Moon
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As the moon begins to grow again, so too does your joy. Celebrate the happy things in this phase of the cycle, and enjoy them while they last. Appreciate the temporary while it is here.
Full Moon
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The first card I drew was one of The Nameless One’s special oracle cards, the King Cat. This card’s blessing is “I am my best self, and the sole sovereign thereof.” I was inspired to draw deeper for some clarity as to what this self-love was in reference to, and drew the 3 of Blades. Together, these cards speak of laying aside a sense of martyrdom, and possibly leaving a situation which is not best for you. Use the illumination of the full moon to uncover the truth of these feelings, and trust your own instincts. Celebrate yourself, champion yourself, uplift yourself. There is no glory in suffering, and those who love you want you to love you, too.
Waning Moon
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As the moon begins to wane, perhaps the glory of the full moon self-love wears a little thin, too. The 10 of Wands carries the weight of the word on its shoulders - not that the world is asking it to. Be wary of trying to take it all on yourself. Breaking your own back when a helping hand is right there is selfish and serves no one. A burden shared is a burden lightened - and sometimes, the act of accepting help is how love can be expressed. Let others show their love for you by accepting their help. They will appreciate it, and so will you.
This upcoming month offers you the chance to break old cycles. Try to see the bigger picture, and really examine why you take on what you do. Learn from the moments of joy, discover why they make you happy and what you can do to cultivate that energy in your life. Build a life that celebrates you, and remember that true strength comes from asking for help. Those that truly love you will love you even when you’re a “burden”. Let them show you love by accepting their service. Learn the lesson from your time on the hook and be wiser for the experience of it.
If you're interested in a reading of your own, or just want to know more about who I am and how I read, come check out my ko-fi page
You can also DM here, or email me at [email protected]
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raevenlyreads ¡ 9 months ago
Interested in one of my larger spreads? Take 20% at checkout with code: grandopening
And you can check out sample spreads I've already done with the tag #raevs sample readings
Grand Opening!
We're live! Come check out my tarot reading shop! There's tons of gorgeous deck selfies, loads of information about my spreads and pricing, and a fun goal for future growth.
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seedsofwinter ¡ 8 months ago
Raev is very very good, and very very queer and nerdy. Highly recommend for fellow queer nerdy types who need a little moment of reflection via tarot read.
What happens when you ask for a reading?
People have been asking: What is it like to get a reading from you, Raev? A lot of you are just as new to being read for as I am to having a shop front, so I wanted to pull back the curtain a little bit and let yall know what the process of requesting a reading is like. Many thanks to my lovely volunteers for allowing me to share snippets of our conversations.
Preliminary Chats
When a querent reaches out for a reading, we start with a little Q&A, as I help guide my querents to the right spread for them. Doesn’t have to be in real time, though the process does tend to go quicker when we’re both available to chat at the same time. Often, these exchanges involve me helping the querent narrow down what it is they want to know, since they usually come to me with a general idea but not much in the way of specifics. For example:
Querent: My question would be "What is the best way for me to love them", what do you recommend? Me: I think it depends on what kind of love you're trying to give. I think this might be an interesting one for me to read the Revealing Prism for, as it will show 1) something about them 2) something about you 3) something you don't know and 4) a truth you can act on Querent: Mm, love in a general sense I guess? Like, what is the best way for me to show this person I hold them in high regard / care for them etc. not particularly romantic or familial just.. love? Hard to articulate And yeah, okay! Revealing Prism it is then Me: Sounds good! What deck would you like? Querent: The shadowscapes one? Me: shadowscapes was a good choice for this one, it's a very patient and gentle deck. Very loving and nurturing. It will really understand the vibe you're going for, I think. Querent: That's what I'm hoping for yeah <3
Into the Queue
Once we have the question narrowed down, and the spread and deck decided upon, the appropriate commission is purchased and the querent is added to my queue. Usually the turn around is within a few days, no more than a week. I like to try to do my reading as close to the prelim chats as possible, so that the connection is still fresh in my mind.
The Reading Itself
I will spend some time with the chosen deck, asking it the question on behalf of the querent (“[Name] is seeking actionable advice on how to show them they love them. “They” will be the external card, [Name] will be the internal card, help me show [Name] what is Hidden and reveal to us they can act on.”). While I ask, I shuffle. With some decks, this involves rifling the deck like common playing cards. With others (like the oversized Nameless One), I will spread the whole thing out on the table and just shuffle it all around flat. Circle spreads get arranged in a circle (go figure :P), and Above and Below gets shuffled then turned face up as I search for the signifier card. Oftentimes, I’ll know it's time to stop shuffling and begin reading when a card jumps out of my hand, or the deck splits itself neatly in two in my grip, or the cards start sticking to themselves. I lay out the reading, sit with them for a bit to absorb the interpretation, then start snapping pictures.
The Final Product
Once I’m done with the reading it's time for the write up. Each card is interpreted individually, and in the case of multi-card spreads, a synthesis of what they all say together is also written up. For single cards, I tend to drop the image and the interpretation right into our chat. For longer reads, I send a link to your own personalized doc with all the pictures and write ups. You can see samples of those in my kofi Gallery or on my tumblr under the tag #raevs sample reads.
Follow Up
This is my favorite part. I always love to hear what my querents think of their readings, how it impacts the way they think about things, how it opens up their perceptions, the clarity my readings bring. It especially delights me when they come back after some time later, telling me about the ways they saw the factors described in my readings coming to life before their eyes. I love hearing from my querents and would love to hear from you, too! Come talk tarot with me and let's see what the cards hold for you.
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raevenlywrites ¡ 8 months ago
Happy Solstice! Today is an excellent day for a Seasonal Circle Read
Seasonal Circle Read Sample
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For the Seasonal Circle Spread, the entire deck is spread out in a circle and key points along the wheel are read. Usually this spread is read from turn of season to turn of season (from start of spring to start of summer, for example), but it can be done at any time. I use my intuition to determine the best start and end points if this reading is done mid-season.
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For this reading (done mid-May), I read a teeny bit back to hit May Day, then forward for the 1st of June, Solstice, 1st of July, 1st of August, and the potential rewards to be reaped in the upcoming season thereafter.
Read on for the full spread and interpretations
May Day
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May Day brought you the energy of the Hierophant. A good time to get things in order, you may already have felt this season bringing focus for new projects and building new habits.
First of June
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June comes in with the energy of the Ten of Pentacles. Goals you have been working towards for a long time are coming into fruition.
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Solstice (June 20th this year) will bring a shift in fortunes. If you've made good use of the Hierophant and Ten of Pentacles energy, you will be prepared to weather the storms and reap the rewards of fortune smiling upon you.
First of July
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The Four of Pentacles warns us to be careful of being miserly. Perhaps you put something away in preparation for the turning of The Wheel; now is the time to reevaluate using it. What is held onto is never lost, but it never grows, either.
First of August
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The Moon suggests that all is not as it seems. Beware of tricksters, or deals that seem too good to be true.
Upcoming Season
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If you play this season right, you will be rewarded with a new opportunity in the next. A new friendship or partnership is on the horizon, provided you've not stretched yourself too thin. This summer’s lesson is discernment, being able to determine true gold from all else that glitters. Recall the ant and the grasshopper, and remember that there is a balance to be had between work and play. While the ant may be full all winter, we are not ants. There is bounty enough to store some away for later and also to use some of your resources now to live your life and enjoy it.
Big thank you to all my volunteer querents for allowing me to use their readings for samples. You can find more samples under the tag #raevs sample reads, and can learn more about commissioning me for a read on my ko-fi page (or send me an ask here, I love answering questions about readings, decks, and all things tarot!)
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raevenlywrites ¡ 9 months ago
Check out more of my sample readings at @raevenlyreads
Revealing Prism Spread
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This four-card draw helps shed light on a point of confusion or conflict. I shuffle the deck, draw three cards, and lay them at an angle around the center deck.  The first card speaks to how an outside force is influencing your perception. The second shows how an internal bias is at play. The third reveals something about the situation that is hidden to you. Finally, I flip a card from the center deck, which offers an objective truth about the matter.
For this sample spread, I used the Children of Litha deck. My querent asked for clarity regarding “a mental health situation (burnout and questioning if I'm on the autism spectrum) and stuff feeling very confusing”
I asked “Would you like me to focus more on the burnout and how to possibly relieve it, or more on the autism angle? Is it more important to you to alleviate the burnout or to know why you're burnout?”
Querent: “Autism angle please!”
Read on for interpretations
Outside Influence
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The King of Wands in the external position indicates someone in a position of authority, someone whose opinion you trust.
Internal Factors
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The Internal position is the All Inverted. This suggests an imbalance internally, a sense that your internal world is literally upside down.
Hidden Aspects
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The Devil in the Hidden position speaks of an underlying cause, restless whispers that distract you and drain your energy.
Objective Truth
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(image rotated for ease of viewing)The Ten of Swords in the objective position says Enough is Enough, it's time to seek outside help.
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All together, these cards speak of an outside force suggesting to you to seek out solutions related to autism. Maybe a friend with autism, maybe research you've done on your own, maybe a family member or even a doctor. But someone who is able to speak with authority on the matter. You should trust them. Their advice resonates with the upside down feeling inside, a gut sense that something about your inner workings just isn't right or is out of balance. Whatever that something is is currently hidden from you, but it is very real. There is actually something inside your body that drains your energy faster than it should, that chips away at your ability to focus and meet your goals. You've felt it, even if you haven't been able to name it. These all support the Ten of Swords telling you it's time to seek out help. Whether that's seeking a diagnosis, or simply doing your own research for coping strategies and talking with friends and family, it's time to reach out to your support group, and build up new ones. You've suffered long enough. It's time to make life easier for you, in whatever shape that takes.
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raevenlywrites ¡ 5 months ago
New season coming up, come see what's in store!
Seasonal Circle Read Sample
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For the Seasonal Circle Spread, the entire deck is spread out in a circle and key points along the wheel are read. Usually this spread is read from turn of season to turn of season (from start of spring to start of summer, for example), but it can be done at any time. I use my intuition to determine the best start and end points if this reading is done mid-season.
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For this reading (done mid-May), I read a teeny bit back to hit May Day, then forward for the 1st of June, Solstice, 1st of July, 1st of August, and the potential rewards to be reaped in the upcoming season thereafter.
Want your own Seasonal Circle Spread? Check out my ko-fi page
Read on for the full spread and interpretations
May Day
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May Day brought you the energy of the Hierophant. A good time to get things in order, you may already have felt this season bringing focus for new projects and building new habits.
First of June
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June comes in with the energy of the Ten of Pentacles. Goals you have been working towards for a long time are coming into fruition.
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Solstice (June 20th this year) will bring a shift in fortunes. If you've made good use of the Hierophant and Ten of Pentacles energy, you will be prepared to weather the storms and reap the rewards of fortune smiling upon you.
First of July
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The Four of Pentacles warns us to be careful of being miserly. Perhaps you put something away in preparation for the turning of The Wheel; now is the time to reevaluate using it. What is held onto is never lost, but it never grows, either.
First of August
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The Moon suggests that all is not as it seems. Beware of tricksters, or deals that seem too good to be true.
Upcoming Season
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If you play this season right, you will be rewarded with a new opportunity in the next. A new friendship or partnership is on the horizon, provided you've not stretched yourself too thin. This summer’s lesson is discernment, being able to determine true gold from all else that glitters. Recall the ant and the grasshopper, and remember that there is a balance to be had between work and play. While the ant may be full all winter, we are not ants. There is bounty enough to store some away for later and also to use some of your resources now to live your life and enjoy it.
Big thank you to all my volunteer querents for allowing me to use their readings for samples. You can find more samples under the tag #raevs sample reads, and can learn more about commissioning me for a read on my ko-fi page (or send me an ask here, I love answering questions about readings, decks, and all things tarot!)
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raevenlywrites ¡ 9 months ago
Come see more sample reads at @raevenlyreads
Lunar Cycle Read
For the LUNAR CYCLE Circle Read, the entire deck is spread out in a circle and  key points are read, representing the moon phases. This reading gives timed guidance over the next lunar cycle. For this read, I began with the upcoming New Moon and carried on through to the next Waning Moon. Deck used was The Nameless One by Xia Hunt.
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Read on for interpretations
New Moon
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This new moon brings the energy of The Hanged Man. Waiting is a challenge, especially when that waiting is for an end of circumstances that are hard to endure. But remember that this time has a lesson to teach. Be patient and be aware; you are enduring for better things to come.
Waxing Moon
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As the moon begins to grow again, so too does your joy. Celebrate the happy things in this phase of the cycle, and enjoy them while they last. Appreciate the temporary while it is here.
Full Moon
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The first card I drew was one of The Nameless One’s special oracle cards, the King Cat. This card’s blessing is “I am my best self, and the sole sovereign thereof.” I was inspired to draw deeper for some clarity as to what this self-love was in reference to, and drew the 3 of Blades. Together, these cards speak of laying aside a sense of martyrdom, and possibly leaving a situation which is not best for you. Use the illumination of the full moon to uncover the truth of these feelings, and trust your own instincts. Celebrate yourself, champion yourself, uplift yourself. There is no glory in suffering, and those who love you want you to love you, too.
Waning Moon
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As the moon begins to wane, perhaps the glory of the full moon self-love wears a little thin, too. The 10 of Wands carries the weight of the word on its shoulders - not that the world is asking it to. Be wary of trying to take it all on yourself. Breaking your own back when a helping hand is right there is selfish and serves no one. A burden shared is a burden lightened - and sometimes, the act of accepting help is how love can be expressed. Let others show their love for you by accepting their help. They will appreciate it, and so will you.
This upcoming month offers you the chance to break old cycles. Try to see the bigger picture, and really examine why you take on what you do. Learn from the moments of joy, discover why they make you happy and what you can do to cultivate that energy in your life. Build a life that celebrates you, and remember that true strength comes from asking for help. Those that truly love you will love you even when you’re a “burden”. Let them show you love by accepting their service. Learn the lesson from your time on the hook and be wiser for the experience of it.
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