skippingstonelife · 10 years
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Sunday night debate: concert or homework? Definitely concert. (Especially after a 23 hour work weekend!) This girl is so chill and sounds just as good in person as she does on her albums. Give her music a listen!
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
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Happy Monday!
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
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Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats
1/2 cup oats 1/2 cup almond milk 1/2 cup greek yoghurt 3/4 tsp pumpkin spice 1 Tbsp honey Mix all ingredients and leave in the fridge for several hours (preferably overnight). In the morning decorate with pecans and drizzle with honey.
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
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I wish I could! Come to the US... :)
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
Look, I answered questions!
Got tagged by my fab friendy-friend yogalarva. 
Replace with your own answers and then tag 10 people.
Name: Katrina
Nickname: KB
Birthday: September 11
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4"
Time zone: Central
What time and date is it there: Sunday night, homework time
Average hours of sleep I get a night: 7-9
Last thing I googled was: citalopram
Most used phrase(s): Perhaps
First word that comes to mind: yogurt
What I last said to a family member: $250 for the set.
One place that makes me happy and why: the house of the family with whom I lived the summer before this summer, because those people are my second family
How many blankets I sleep under: During the winter, as many as possible. I usually wake up sweating.
Favorite beverage(s): Monk's Mead tea with tapioca pearls from the Steepery, water, decaf Americano, Moscow Mule
Last movie I watched in the cinemas: I watched "The Fault in Our Stars" in the student center theater at school.
Three things I can’t live without: hugs, encouragement, my calculator
A piece of advice to all my followers: Don't tell yourself you're bad at math. That you can't draw. That you have a terrible voice. That you'd end up setting something on fire if you set foot in a chemistry lab. Don't limit yourself like that.
You all have to listen to this album: "Minnesota" by Mason Jennings, "Half About Being a Woman" by Caroline Smith
I'm actually tagging some people...be impressed! b-sean, ffionnn, ninjafallow, nirella, kelsybby
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
Reblog if you want your followers to anonymously ask you one thing they want to know about you.
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
Confrontational conversations are hard on my soul. Yes, perhaps it is good for me to have my views tested. But I always seem to leave discussions like this feeling deflated and torn apart. The conversation was about transgender individuals and society. I was kind of sticking up for people who identify as trans and gender appreciation in general and while I do believe the things I said, I hate opening myself up to be targeted for criticism or having what I say serve as fuel for someone else's point. I wish I had thicker skin about it. I feel attacked when people claw over one another in this type of conversation. I have opinions but I hate sharing them. Sometimes it feels like I have to go into a mode of defending myself and my views, and that's exhausting. I just want people to accept trans people as they are and not assume they are hurting, need help, etc. simply because they are trans. All people have some pain. That's true. But I think it's a mistake to associate trans individuals as a whole with emotional pain and in need of saving just as it would be incorrect to assume that all heterosexual people are stable and socially well-adjusted.
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
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I cut my brother's hairs!
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.
Vincent van Gogh (via awelltraveledwoman)
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
I'm 25. Weird.
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
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Aaaannnd a free mini blizzard!
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
It's 52 F here. ❄️🌀⛄️
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
You're very pretty and you look a lot like brittani taylor!
Thanks! She's super funny!
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skippingstonelife · 10 years
Hi lovely! I was wondering what I'm going to expect because I'm going on accutane in one week and I'm really nervous!!!
It's natural to be nervous about starting isotretinoin. How strong the side effects are will depend upon what dose you are prescribed. Make sure you take your pills with food because the chemistry of the medication is such that it is absorbed much better when in the presence of oil. As a result, it's a good idea to include some healthy fats in your meals - nuts or nut butter, olive oil, coconut oil, etc. Wash your hair as little as possible to help reduce dryness, frizziness, and breakage. I discovered Aveda deep conditioner for damaged hair toward the end of my treatment and it transformed the state of my hair. I highly recommend it. Carry a good lip balm with you at all times and drink plenty of water. Be gentle and treat yourself with a lot of grace as your body is going to be going through a lot. Feel free to ask if you have more questions or want advice for treating a specific side effect. You'll get through it! :)
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