#radioactive boss baby
embarrasingmf · 22 days
₊˚ෆ | phone troubles | S.B
SUMMARY: After Butcher leaves you to watch Soldier Boy, you decide to teach him to use a mobile phone.
WARNINGS: not proofread, mention of drugs, implied drug use (it’s only ben doing it), swearing, maybe OOC ben???
A/N: changed the title layout to make it look nicer / neater! ALSO WHY IS THE GIF SO FUCKING BIG HJHJGJGJGJGJFJ
part two!
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To be frank, you thought that putting Soldier Boy on board was a bad idea, but Billy Butcher — the guy who was technically your boss — ignored your hesitance and released him from a three decade slumber.
You always stayed away from Soldier Boy, or Ben as you had soon found out, your mistrust and the fact that he was just slightly radioactive kept you away.
Ben didn’t seem to mind either, he never paid much attention to you.
But, the universe and Butcher seemed to have different plans other than you keeping your distance from Ben.
Because now you were standing in the middle of a motel room, Butcher in front you and the rest of The Boys standing near the door.
“I am not staying back to watch Soldier Boy.” You scoffed, crossing your arms across your chest like a petulant child.
Butcher barked out a laugh, “Well somebody needs to watch ‘im.”
“Why not make you or Hughie do it? He seems to trust you two the most.” You offered with a shrug.
“I’m the leader of this operation,” Butcher said simply. “So I needa be there on this little mission.”
You shook your head. “Nope. Not doin’ it.”
Butcher scoffed, “Oh come on, luv! Just do it!”
You shook your head again just in a more firm manner this time.
“If I tell you to do sumthin’, you do it.” Butcher said firmly, taking a step closer and pointing a finger at you.
You raised your hands in mock defense. “Okay, okay! Just don’t kill me..” You grumbled.
Butcher let out a triumphant huff before turning to the rest of the people in the room,
“Alright, let’s get outta here.”
You watched Butcher and the others fill out of the room before you turned to Ben, who was sitting on the bed while holding a The Seven merchandise cup in his hand.
“Can you believe men wear this pussy-gear nowadays?” He asked incredulously and pointed to the TV, you turned to the TV to see an ad for a baby carrier that a man just so happened to be wearing.
“It’s the 21st century Ben—“ You started, but Ben cut you off.
“Soldier Boy. It’s fuckin’ Soldier Boy you refer me to.” He demanded, shooting a glare in your direction.
“Crimson Countess used to call me Ben, the fucking bitch…” He muttered under his breath, moving to sit at the couch and crush some cocaine.
You stayed silent for a bit after that, eventually decided to just scroll through your phone.
After about thirty minutes of mindless scrolling on social media, you spared a glance in Ben’s direction; who was struggling to change a channel with the remote.
“Hey, Be— Soldier Boy.” You quickly corrected yourself, not wanting to face Ben’s aggressive wrath for fucking up what name he demanded you call him.
“Hm?” Ben looked in your direction, raising an eyebrow.
“Come here,” You patted the empty space on the sofa beside you.
Ben crossed his arms defiantly. “And why should I?”
“Because I want to show you something.” You rolled your eyes. “Now come here.”
Ben begrudgingly got up from the cocaine patch he had made himself after ‘the last batch was too weak’ on the table before walking over to the couch.
He plopped down on the space beside you, and you could’ve sworn you bounced a bit because of how heavy this man was.
“Here,” You shoved your phone into his hands, and he looked at your Home Screen.
“Why do I fucking need this?” Ben looked over at you with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.
“Because I wanna see if you can work a phone.”
“I obviously can’t. I couldn’t even work the shitty remote.” Ben grumbled, tempted to shove the phone back in your hands.
But then he accidentally swiped to the side, and he watched as the apps that previously showed up just slid to the side as new ones popped up.
“What the fuck..?” His eyebrows furrowed in barely visible awe.
“You got the hang of it already!” You said with a light laugh, making an up gesture.
“Now swipe up to see the apps I’ve had open.” Ben followed your instructions, swiping up to see what apps you had open previously.
“Huh, that’s so weird.” He mumbled, poking at the screen a bit before he eventually opened an app.
“What is this?” You looked over and notice he was in your messages.
“This is how you text and call people.”
“Like I can text Butcher or Hughie right now.” You continued, and Ben seemed to have an idea in his head before scrolling down a bit to find Hughie’s contact.
You watched as he started slowly typing with just one finger, soon spelling out the message: ‘Hey pussy-boy’
Shaking your head, you looked up to meet Ben’s mischevious gaze.
“Seriously? Don’t send that-“ But it was too late, Ben had already hit send as soon as you met his eyes.
You sighed. Yet, you knew that Hughie would know Ben sent it.
Ben was the only one that called Hughie pussy-boy.
Turning back to your phone, you swiped up again and picked another app for Ben to explore while you showed him how to work a mobile phone.
feedback is appreciated, especially since this is my first drabble after not writing for a while!
tags ! <3 : @ryvkkr
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a complete list of things women can do in the universe of christopher nolan's oppenheimer
be sultry and depressed
correct oppenheimer for misquoting marx
be one-upped by oppenheimer because actually he read das kapital in the original german. sorry you're so dumb lol
tell oppenheimer he needs to get laid
refuse to believe he can read sanskrit
challenge him to read sanksrit during sex
seem unimpressed by him reading sanskrit during sex
sit in a class with a bunch of physics dudes
tell oppenheimer you're too silly and ordinary to understand quantum physics but could he explain it to you in very small words
drink martinis
be married many times, but nobody gets you like oppenheimer
drink more martinis
ride horses in the desert
cheat on your husband with oppenheimer. nobody gets you like oppenheimer
babytrap oppenheimer
have psychological problems
have an affair with oppenheimer
cast a sulky, baleful gaze at oppenheimer's wife while having sex with oppenheimer in an interrogation room in a scene so hilariously bad i had to excuse myself from the theater to laugh and write down a funny note about it to myself on my phone
get drunk in the dark while the baby screams
ask your husband (oppenheimer) to get rid of the baby. just take him somewhere. just give him to someone else
yell at oppenheimer for putting country over pussy. who does this great man think he is
ask where the martinis are
tell oppenheimer that nobody else can do this nobody else in this whole wild world he is the Only Man for the Moment. hype him up girl he’s gotta build that bomb
move to the middle of nowhere for your husband's job
point out that none of the men thought to add a kitchen to the houses they built. a woman needs a kitchen
be pregnant
kill yourself
have another martini
damage your reproductive organs by handling radioactive material
put up the sheets
bring in the sheets
wreck oppenheimer's career by being a communist
throw a glass at a wall and scream because your idiot husband oppenheimer won't admit that his boss shanked him politically
snark at the guy interrogating your husband but in a kind of confusing way that achieves nothing. you did your absolute best with that scene emily you were not given much to work with i do not lay the blame at your door
not shake a man's hand
it's happy hour somewhere girl. treat yourself to a martini
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pixiekwixie · 1 year
The Observation - 1
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➺ Miguel O'Hara x Reader || Mature, 18+
➺ Summary - In which Miguel struggles to keep his hands and eyes off his lab assistant.
- Next chapter
➺ warnings - slow burn(?), kissing/making out(?), lot sexual tension, story night be long sorry, some choking, some biting, masturbating (nipple play, fingering, dildo usage, anal play, double orgasm), mentions of breeding
➺ words - 3.7k
➺ notes: i had to get this off my chest, there will be 2 more parts to this, i hope you guys enjoy it. this is also cross-posted to (depending on where you're reading this) tumblr, and ao3; let me know what you guys think; might also write some wholesome sunshine x moody stuff in the future if it works out :)
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"Hey" a voice said from the corner. Startled, you whip your head back to find Jessica caressing her tummy as she sat down on a chair, making herself quite at home. She was a couple of months along now and, by the looks of it, very comfortable in her pajamas.
"Jess, it's not safe for you and the baby...." you sigh, looking back at your computer to resume your work. Jessica urged you to take a break, to sit down and have a conversation but you only shrugged it off by mentioning you were almost done.
"You know, I'd thought you'd hate working here" she watched your back, waiting for a reaction. "There's a lot of wonderful technology here that my Earth doesn't have..." you trail off, focusing more on the work in front of you. You were so close to the end, and although Jess was wonderful, you just wanted to finish things before relaxing.
"I meant, I thought you'd hate working for Miguel"
You looked back at her with furrowed brows, pausing your work, she knew what made you tick and used that to her advantage. Miguel was your boss and there was nothing to hate except his attitude. Sometimes you couldn't stand him, but the combination of advanced technology, your own space, and a mini fridge- definitely outweighed any of his moodiness. It took a lot of convincing for you to join, and had you known he was this broody you probably wouldn't have joined.
At the beginning, you were stubborn on joining the Spider Society because you had thought it was a pity invite, given that you felt you were more intelligent than agile. Although you admit your body was pretty strong and durable- it was only because your parents had enrolled you in a strenuous amount of classes that ranged from dance to karate- and even cooking. The classes had helped with getting into a good college that allowed you to pursue your dream career, but you never sought out anything besides yoga.
When you got bitten by a radioactive Black Widow you thought it was the end of your story, that your years of classes and college were coming to an end, eventually you realized that you weren't actually dying. And as time went on you started to see the new things you could do, and you embraced them. You were excited, you began practicing moves and spent a lot of time learning how to use your webs properly. You felt like you could become a hero, save lives, and become a beacon of hope for your city.
After some rough events that left you feeling depressed, you decided that becoming a hero was no longer something you could pursue. You felt upset about your own decision for days, you felt useless doing nothing but you felt the same way doing something. The life of a hero felt emotionally, and physically, taxing on yourself and the people around you. With time you managed to overcome the guilt and began to understand that there were different ways save people.
Your new path was to be promoted at the Alchemax company in your world- they were good, you had deemed it so after hearing what they had done in other Earths. Eventually you wanted to lead a research department that could help hospitals, and homeless, worldwide.
Even though the current path was similar to that of a superhero, you still felt an immense guilt in your chest. You thought that your powers were a miracle that should be used, but you couldn't, it's not what you wanted anymore and if you went back now- it would only make things worse.
Miguel had spent many months sending Jessica to your dimension to convince you to join the Spider Society. Every time you gave a different reason to reject the offer, feeling as though you wouldn't bring much value to the team.
It only took the man himself showing up at your apartment, on a Tuesday at 3 am, for you to join. He explained thoroughly why he wanted you, although crude, you felt recognized for something other than your powers. It felt like he provided the missing reassurance you needed, you joined.
"He leaves me alone for the most part, the only interactions we have is him sending me emails, and me going to his 'office' to give him his drugs for the week," you let out a soft laugh, you had to admit, was very handsome under all of the stress, responsibility and arrogance. Despite his handsome looks, you still thought he was an asshole that needed to comprehend people better.
"He's demanding though, and... AND rude" rising from you chair, you scrunch your nose and walk to the coffee machine. There's only so much water could do for your nerves if you continued to speak about Miguel's attitude, as of recent it had been worse and you had no idea why. You tried to understand but he'd only shut you out and demand you leave him alone.
"He just want things to go accordingly for the multiverse... even if he's a little-"
"Harsh? Come on, he basically called me useless the other day because I misread the number seven- SEVEN" you raise your voice while adding stuff to your coffee. Holding the sugar container in one hand with a tight grip, it made you upset that he wasn't considerate of his words. You had worked hard to prove he could trust you, and that he hadn't made the wrong choice but his attitude made it hard to work with him.
"That's why I've been late on my reports, ideas, paperwork AND his serum. He needs to learn to respect people, especially me, who makes sure he doesn't go apeshit" Jessica raised an eyebrow at your statement, sure you could be late on paperwork but, being late to give him his liquid gold? The thing he needed to not lash out on his instincts? The thing that helped him keep his powers? She almost thought it was cruel, but she knew you felt stressed and didn't want to make it worst by making you feel bad.
"That sounds cruel but I promise it's not-"
Before Jessica could reply, a deeper voice spoke.
"Oh yeah? Let's talk about that"
It was Miguel and your heard started to pound faster, your hand gripped your coffee cup tight in hope that he hadn't heard what you said. Your nerves grew as you looked around and watched him emerge from a corner, his suit glowing bright with every step, even the way he walked spoke volume about his attitude.
Sure, you had problems with him but you sure as hell were not telling him about them, it's the last thing you needed. He had practically built this place from the ground up and could see everything that everyone was doing if he wanted to- even you, sometimes it creeped you but at this moment it felt erotic.
"Miguel she's stressed she probably didn't mean it, give her a break" Jess watched his back at he made his way towards you, "This isn't about you Jess" he spoke with a quick glance at her, her face dropped to a stoic expression that scared you and it wasn't even directed towards you.
"Miguel" you groan as you watched him walk towards you, hands on his hips as his eyes narrowed at you through his mask.
"I need to talk with you" he leaned down a little to your level, the eyes on his mask narrowed to mirror his face under it. Was he really that mad at what you had said? It's not like he hasn't said worse, except he usually doesn't feel bad about it.
Something about his proximity made you hot despite the growing tension, but it wasn't the nerves anymore, you suddenly felt hyper aware of everything around you but it all slowly led down to the man I front of you, something about him made you feel this way, something smelled so good and it was coming from him, was he wearing some type of cologne? What was so different?
"S-Seriously, you could at least tell me beforehan-"
"You wanna explain to me why-"
"Oh wow, I have to go to the gyno" Jess said abruptly while slowly getting up from her chair. You and Miguel turn to her with confused looks at the sudden declare but her eyes held the same expression as before.
She raised her hand to stop you from saying anything.
"I'm not gonna stick around for an argument, you two need to figure it out" she spoke with a look to Miguel. With a brief smile towards you she walked out the doors that shut behind her and the tension in the air became more obvious as the two of you were left alone.
"I give you one job, and it's to follow my formula, but instead you decide to be unprofessional and talk about me behind my back" Miguel's brows knit together as he looked down at you with glowing red eyes. You tried speak but nothing came out, not because you were intimidated, but because you felt your chest heave with heat at the sight of his crimson eyes.
Closing your eyes you take a deep breath to center yourself and shake off the feeling of imploding heat that was blossoming at your core. Looking back at him you found him pacing round while he muttered things in Spanish that made your tummy churn, pushing your feelings aside you take a deep breathe to center yourself.
Was this a hormonal imbalance?
"Why does it bother you so much this time? I told you 2 weeks ago I was backed up with stuff on my earth and that your-" You were abruptly interrupted with the speedy sight of him in front of you, his eyes were darker and held an intense look like he was analyzing your every feature. He was so close you could feel his breathing tickle the skin of your cheeks, it made the heat blossom inside of you again.
"I've been trying to hold it together and you think it's a game?" He seethed, inching closer until you could practically brush your nose against his, your heart pounded at the notion he was merely inches from being able to kiss you. Forgetting the coffee in your hand you attempt to raise a hand to his cheek but he stopped you by grabbing your wrist with a fast motion, the grip was tight but not hurtful. With a small wince you look up at him again only to see dark look wash over his features, were his eyes more vibrant now?
"Don't," he snarled, not breaking contact with your eyes. Why did you find his anger so attractive? There was something behind that look in his eyes that was pulling you in, the more you stood together the more your body felt attracted to him, so much so that you were starting to feel turned on with your walls pulsed in an erratic way that needed him.
Why the fuck is this happening?
"Y/n" he whispered in a way that made your back shiver, you noticed his eyes look relaxed and rather dazed like he was hot under his suit. Could he be feeling the same way as you? Did he want you as well?
"Y-Yes?" your voice was shaky, breathy, and basically pleading for him for him to do something.
His face slowly leaned down into yours, turning to the side only to brush his lips softly against yours w. Your eyes widened, you could practically hear your heart pounding in your ears as he finally pressed his lips against yours.
Moving against your lips slowly he lowered your wrist to the table behind you. The same hand he used now held your hip steadily as the kiss grew deeper, heavier, and wetter. His tongue prodded your lips and with a small squeeze to your hip you allowed for his tongue to explore your mouth.
Your head felt hazy, and your core pulsed more than before in anticipation. Pulling away from your mouth with a string of saliva connecting you both, you bat your eyelashes up at him with the hope that things progress into something more intimate.
His breathing was rapid yet heavy, and his eyes were full of lust and want with the way you looked up at him. His grip on your hip tightened as his eyelids drooped to admire the saliva on your lip that threatened to fall, before it could drip down to your chin he smashed his lips onto yours- licking the saliva into his own mouth.
His tongue lapped at your lips, and pushed through to feel every crevice within your mouth. With shaky hands you place your arms around his neck as you let him do whatever he pleased, weaving your fingertips into his hair you tug on them a bit which only earned a deep groan from him.
Pulling back from you, he stared intently into your eyes before abruptly wrapping a hand around your throat and applying pressure to the sides. Your eyes closed and your core pulsed repeatedly at the tightness of his hands around your neck, moaning softly into his face you open your eyes to find a droplet of sweat on his forehead.
"You like that, hm? Princesa?" He whispered into your ear, a whiny moan escaped your throat at the feelings of his lips on your ear, using the hand on your neck he maneuvered your face to the side- leaving your neck exposed to him.
You could feel your nipples were fully erect as they pressed uncomfortably against the material of your bra. Opening your eyes, you look down at him only see an intense, and hungry look on his face. Keeping his eyes locked onto yours he pressed his lips onto the delicate skin of your neck, planting small kisses that burnt onto your flesh in a savory manner that made your core gush with arousal.
"M-Miguel..." you mutter as you close your eyes to bask in the pleasure of his lips on your skin, tightening the grip on your throat he bit onto your neck unexpectedly. Gasping at the bite, your fingers held tightly at the hand he had wrapped around your neck- using it to stabilize yourself as he started sucking at your neck, the way his lips enveloped your skin and his tongue worked against you felt like he was trying to feed himself off you.
His actions came to a stop, the hand on your neck had gone too and you opened your eyes to be greeted by an empty view of your lab filled with bright-lit screens and papers scattered. Just like it was before Miguel appeared. Lifting your hand up to your neck you feel the marks of his teeth along with the saliva on your neck that left a warm spot at the touch. In a moment of heat and desperation you bring those fingers to your mouth and suck on them, he was gone for now and and the only trace you had of him was the remnants of his mouth n your neck. Sucking and licking the tips of your fingers making sure to intake any trace there was of him, moaning into your fingers you suck the tips before pulling them out and imagining they were his.
You were still in a hazy view of want and need for him, it would be hard to forget this moment if you saw him again. With blouse and slowly sat down on the floor, holding your chest with both hands you try to slow down your breathing.
"Where did you go..." you whisper to yourself as a pang of sadness hit your chest at the thought he left during a moment where you weren't arguing for once. It had all felt so good but to you, it would've felt better if he had stayed.
Calming down and regulating your breath you realized you would have to see him tomorrow to give him his dose for the next week. You didn't know if you wanted to see again after leaving you just like that.
You hated him for leaving you like that without a trace but you hated that you wanted so much more than just a couple nips to the neck.
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Back in your universe, you were laid in bed watching TV as you thought about the events of earlier, the things he whispered into your ear, the way he touched you, the way his lips felt on your neck and the tight embrace he held around your neck.
Throwing the blankets off you head off your dresser where your dildo was. You had never really used it before as you were always busy with work but today was different, there was a man that awoke something inside of you that had laid dormant. And that man was your boss, Miguel.
Kicking your bottoms off you lie down on your bed again and spread your legs open letting cool air hit your nether lips in a tantalizing way. Discarding the dildo to the side, you bring one of your hands down to your pussy, rubbing in an upwards motion that spread the wetness up to your clit. Groaning at the sensation you rub your erect clit in a slow circular motion, the feeling alone had you throwing your head back with a breathy moan.
You drew your legs up and in until it was just your core fully exposed to the atmosphere of your room, circling your clit faster you used your other hand to lift up your shirt and and rub at your nipples with a feathery touch. The simultaneous stimulation made you moan as you felt your walls clench fast, you had been so desperate to relieve yourself that you could cum at any moment.
Pulling and twisting your nipples you start going faster, your breathing becoming more erratic and you could feel the coil in your abdomen start to come undone but before you could finish you stopped. Your pussy quivered at the denial as your chest hiccupped from the intensity of being so close to the end, it felt like your entire body was spasming and dripping with heat from the denial.
You throw your shirt off quickly and lie back down to spread yourself open again. Rubbing your fingers up and down with a moan you slowly insert two fingers inside of your wet warm walls that quivered around the length of your digits. Pumping your fingers in and out slowly you moan at the idea of his fingers being the ones inside you filling up your throbbing pussy. Hooking your finger in a little you lift you back from the bed at the sensation of your softest spot, pumping in particularly hard at an angle that made you pussy drip more liquid gold onto your sheets.
Your walls pulsed erratically around your fingers as you sped up, your mouth contorting into an 'o' as you felt yourself growing closer. Bringing your other hand down to rub your clit at the same pace you moaned his name as you continued to imagine it was him driving his fingers into your wet hole.
"F-Fuck M-Miguel-" your clit quivered and the coil in your belly came undone, your insides gripped onto your digits harder trying to prevent them from leaving, your body secreting juices that trickled down your anus and sheets.
Pulling your fingers out reluctantly you slide them down to your anus and circle the rim in a slow teasing manner that aroused you again. Pushing a finger inside your eyes fluttered at the pressure- you began to pump in and out in a very slow motion using the wetness from before that made it easier to move in and out.
With your other hand you rub the head of the dildo on your clit in a fast circular motion, hooking the finger in your ass you pumped faster while your clit quivered into a second orgasm. The walls of your ass started to clench as your finger brushed on the soft spot that sent shockwaves to your pussy. You started panting heavily as your pussy and ass throbbed simultaneously, getting closer towards being tipped over the edge you went faster, until your pussy started dripping onto the sheets again.
Pulling the finger out of your ass with a small pop, you grab the dildo and line up the tip with your dripping hole, you felt anxious and excited to be filled up with something thicker than your digits. You slowly ease the tip in, and with a loud moan you began to push the rest of the length inside of you until it fit snuggly in your walls.
"Miguel... fuck me p-please..." you whined as your pulled the dildo all the way out only to smack it back in, pumping in and out with a steady speed where length brushed against every itch within your walls that needed to be filled. Your started getting faster as you thought about him pumping himself inside of your pussy to breed you and use you for his own pleasure.
Your tummy churned as you started to near the edge again, the images of him bent over you driving his cock inside of you, filling you with his cum and knocking you up was enough to to send you over the edge. You slowly rode out your orgasm with the image of him painting your insides full of his seed and filling you up until you were dripping onto the sheets. Coming down to a stop you sighed as you body shook at the intensity, no one had ever made you so wet just by thinking about them.
Your body ached and yearned for him, it was truly strange as you had never felt this way for anyone before. Miguel was different and something about him had set your body ablaze in a way you couldn't stop.
"How the fuck am I going to face him tomorrow..."
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crazycatgirl420 · 2 years
The Fine Print
dpxdc universe travel fic part number unknown Who is Danny's mother? Helena Bertinelli - The Huntress of Gotham. Because I thought it was funny that one of Constantine's love interests lives in Gotham. Does this make Danny a Gothamite? Yes. Yes it does.
Danny loved his new mother. She was a complicated woman with hidden depths and a moral code only she could really try explaining. She was a Hero, but also a crime boss, and was friends with a few supervillains, Danny wasn't going to try wrapping his head around how that worked he just knew that it did.
The first time Danny did something magical adjacent, he was a baby. He didn't really remember it, how his new mortal body was adapting to his endless source of magic from the Infinite Realms. Mama got videos though, after the first time she found him floating near the ceiling of his nursery.
Then Danny got older, and the first demon showed up to claim him. Mama had been feeding him when it happen, a very inconvenient situation all things considered. The demon head was displayed in the parlor room, Mama's line in the sand so to speak.
Mama did her best to protect him. She killed anyone, from any realm, that thought to take Danny from her. She brought him along to meetings, criminally inclined and otherwise.
That was how Danny got a hold of Krypotine. He was three when he first stole a glowing rock, and found it was like candy. He'd been sitting on his mother's lap while she and a few hero coworkers discussed a recent metor shower of the dangerous rock, a few scattered on the conference table.
Danny had been overwhelmed with an impulsive need to put the glowing rock in his mouth.
Climbing onto the table. Crawling toward the center, where the rocks were. Picking one up.
It was pretty tasty, like a sour jaw breaker covered in cinnamon pop rocks.
"Did he just-"
Danny ignored the adults, as he vanished the candy rocks into his personal pocket demsion.
"And he just-"
The other Heroes looked to the baby's mother. Danny kept sucking on the candy rock in his hand, big blue eyes watching them with pure innocence.
"What do you have there Danny?" Mama asked.
"And is it safe for you to eat?"
Danny nodded, his eyes flashing green
"You can't just let him eat Kryptonite, Huntress, you know that stuff is -"
"My son is a powerful warlock of some sort, with the voice of a space God in his head or some such nonsensical magical bullshit. If the space divinity says Danny is safe eating it then it's fine."
The only 'space divinity' in Danny's head was his own conscious but it wasn't like she knew that, and it didn't make her statement false either.
"That doesn't make sense! It's radioactive!"
"Nothing about my kid makes sense."
Danny watched the very important meeting between Heroes devolve into petty arguments and rising old grudges.
Then Mama pulled out her crossbow.
☆|☆|☆|☆|☆|☆|☆|☆|☆|☆|☆| Tag list attempt 1
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ivystoryweaver · 6 months
Decadent chapter 14: FINALE
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prev || Fic Masterlist || My Masterlist
Summary: An accident in the lab - and Miguel has missed what was right in front of his face (that's you)
Pairings: Miguel O'Hara x f!reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Content: nsfw, 18+ , some angst, unprotected p in v, grinding, scratching, biting, blood consumption, bondage, rough sex, not beta'd
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PREVIOUSLY on Decadent...
“That’s why I want you to live here with me.” Seeing your eyes go wide, he squeezed your hands. "You can keep your apartment if you want. I'll even pay for it. But..." His eyes dipped almost shyly as he exhaled in a rush. "I love you. So...move in with me?"
"Of course I will. I love you," you confessed. "But..." Caressing his fingers, you swallowed hard, but held his gaze bravely. "First, I need you to tell me where you go all weekend."
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Spiderman 2099's unstable molecule fabric suit stretched itself across his defined muscles. His heavy cape unfurled behind him. With a sudden leap, he glided across New York - or at least this universe's version of New York, prepared to make sure this universe's timeline didn't somehow collapse.
"Uhhh, boss?" Lyla chimed, appearing in the air, near his head as he floated through the sky.
"Kinda busy, can't it wait?"
"No. You programmed me to let you know if your girlfriend were to ever be in danger, soooo she’s in danger," she fired back.
Miguel aimed for a low rooftop and came to a tumbling stop.
"Where is she? What's wrong?" Miguel had a timeline to attend to, but if you were in danger...
"There was an explosion in the lab - "
Lyla said nothing more before Miguel was quite literally tearing through the fabric of time to get back to you.
His virtual assistant may have overstated the danger you were in. When he arrived at the lab, he realized there had been a very small explosion. More of a misfire of sorts -
...which wasn't the major issue. The reason Lyla interrupted Miguel's mission soon became clear to him.
This was the part of the lab with the spiders. The explosion had destroyed some of the spiders and freed the rest. They must have scurried away. But you were lying on the floor amidst debris, unconscious, with a huge, angry spider bite on your hand.
You were bit by a radioactive spider.
"It can't be," he whispered, rushing to your side and checking you over frantically. Thankfully, you were breathing, but unconscious.
"Baby, what happened?" He gasped, pulling you into his arms and rocking you gently. Pressing a fierce kiss to your forehead, he murmured against your skin.
"This isn't supposed to happen. I'm Spider-Man here. I'm Spider-Man...how..."
Horrible dread filled Miguel's heart.
If this world already had a Spider-Man, that meant this spider bite wasn't going to turn you into a spider woman. It would most likely either kill you or turn you into a villain.
How could he possibly have missed this? How did he not see this coming?
First things first: he wanted to make sure you were okay. Which one of these spiders bit you? They were all radioactive, so in that regard, you were fucked. But it was nothing venomous...right?
Miguel placed you on a lab table and got to work, analyzing your condition and reaction to the bite, drawing your blood, watching you closely for signs of venom - rashes, difficultly breathing -anything to explain why you were unconscious.
He simultaneously had Lyla pull up everything on you - anything that could explain why you would have been bitten by a radioactive spider and he didn't see it coming, as some sort of canon event. Maybe it was just a freak accident. After all, you worked in a dangerous, experimental lab daily.
But Miguel knew the universe. The multi-verse, even. There were no accidents. Ever.
Your Aunt Jessina practically raised you, at least since your parents died at age 12. Miguel had even met Jess.
"Wait, what the hell?" Miguel gasped. Your Aunt Jess actually adopted you and changed your name. And her name.
As Lyla untangled well-hidden files, she discovered that Jess' name was Jessina May Parker. The sister of a scientist named Richard Parker.
Your last name used to be Parker?
Aunt Jess married a man named Ben, who also died. She took his name and completely abandoned the name Parker. You took Ben's last name as well. It was as if Jess wanted to erase any memory of her brother Richard, as well as the name Parker.
But Jess knew what she was doing. The paper trail was virtually nonexistent. One would have to know what to look for and exactly how to look, to find it. And Miguel simply wasn't looking for any spider-related canon events in this timeline because he was Spider-Man.
As Lyla dug deeper, the connections became obvious.
You were raised by your Aunt (Jessina) May. Your Uncle Ben died. Your parents - the Parkers, died behind a veil of secrecy.
Your friend's name was Gwen.
The guy with a crush on you? Jackson Watson. Mitchell Jackson Watson. He went by 'MJ' Watson as a child.
Your life read like a pretty common spider story. So...you were meant to be a spider. That meant he was the wrong spider in the wrong place. Typical. No wonder his entire existence felt...well, wrong. Until he met you...
Now he just had to wait for you to wake up.
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You eyes fluttered weakly, struggling to open. You inhaled sharply - shakily, feeling like your skin was on fire.
"Corazón?" Miguel gasped, gently tracing your jaw with his fingertips. "Hey..."
"W-what happened?" you croaked, your throat parched and your lips dry.
"You were bit by a spider. Scared me to death- how are you feeling?” He gently questioned.
"Everything hurts,” you coughed out, struggling to sit up. "Was it poisonous?"
"Take it easy. Just lie still. Let me take care of you,” he softly admonished. "I’m running some tests but you don't seem to be having an allergic reaction. I don’t think that’s what’s happening here."
You moaned in agony, pressing the heels of your hands to your eyes. "My head is pounding- my skin hurts, Miguel please...”
“It’s okay, baby - "
“Please take me home,” you whimpered. “I-I don’t feel good.”
Miguel explained to you that he wasn’t quite done with the tests he was running in the lab, not to mention the headache of dealing with the accidental explosion and confidential cleanup. So you endured nearly an hour of waiting on an uncomfortable lab table until Miguel felt satisfied with your test results.
Then he carried you to the car, held you close in the back seat, and took you to his home.
Well...hopefully soon to be your home. Miguel had asked you to move in, but you wanted complete honesty from him first. This was way more than working together, sleeping together, or even being exclusive. Miguel loved you and wanted to start a life with you.
He had asked you for one more weekend and then promised to show you all his secrets first hand. This gave you pause, but he explained it would be easier to show you than to explain it to you.
The Spider Society was meant to be a secret, so Miguel honestly wanted to let a few people there know what was going on - how serious he was about you, and how much he trusted you.
Now, it seemed you would not only learn of the Spider Society as Miguel's girlfriend, but as a spider yourself.
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Your transformation into a spider wasn't an easy one, but not atypical of other transitions Miguel had heard about and witnessed. Of course, his personal transition was a different type of lab accident, and he was quite the unique spider.
Still, your whimpers of agony tormented him all night as you clung to him, clenching his t-shirt in your firsts, begging him to hold you, to stay with you.
He groaned as you shifted against his body, pulling yourself on top of him.
"Why does it feel like this?" You cried, you lips brushing his throat. "Please make it stop, Miguel, please."
He must have whispered a hundred soothing Spanish whispers and pet names into your ear, promising you he was there - that you were safe, and this would pass.
As you drifted off into a fitful slumber, he wondered how you would ever forgive him for letting this happen to you - for not seeing it coming.
The next morning, you woke up in his arms, feeling much better. And bizarre. A trip to the bathroom later, and your new life started to make itself known.
You tried to brush your teeth, but accidentally snapped the thing in half. Next, you broke the toilet handle when you went to flush, which, made you flinch in surprise, sending your hand slamming into the counter's edge - taking the corner right off as it smashed to pieces.
"Oh my god!' you shrieked, "Miguel?" you called out, rushing back toward the bedroom, only to collide with his solid chest…
…which somehow sent him stumbling backward. All six foot, nine inches or your massive wall of a boyfriend almost lost his balance after you ran into him.
“Miguel? I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He grasped your arms to calm you down Damn, you were strong. “Let me explain, okay?”
So Miguel info-dumped absolutely everything about the Spider Society, the multi-verse and your spider powers. He even explained that you getting bit was apparently a “canon event” - a life and story similar to so many other spiders.
To say your mind was blown was an understatement. The fact that you had super powers now? Like super strength, amazing reflexes and possibly something called a spider sense, where you could sense danger coming?
Not to mention a lot other people had these same powers too but they were from other worlds.
You started to understand why it took Miguel so long to tell you where he went on weekends. It would have been difficult to grasp if it hadn’t happened to you personally.
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You couldn't believe your eyes when Miguel actually took your hand and led you through a portal to another dimension. A psychedelic, seizure-inducing, multicolored portal, which might have been terrifying if it weren't so amazing.
When you got to this so called Spider HQ, you clung to his hand as you passed by several other people in skin tight suits that looked like Miguel's blue one, but more of them were primarily red.
Each person knew Miguel and seemed to defer to him or acknowledge him as the two of you passed by.
Lyla was there as well, chirping away, updating him on all things multiverse.
The biggest surprise came when you got to what appeared to be the heart of the operation, or perhaps Miguel's...office, containing a rather dramatic elevated platform surrounded by several computer screens.
"So this is where you go every weekend?" You asked him, nodding around you.
"Nights too, sometimes. When we're not together." He winked down at you.
You made a face. "Baby, when do you sleep?"
"He never sleeps," a familiar voice resounded behind you. "That's why he's so damn grumpy."
The multiverse got a lot weirder when you turned around and saw your neighbor's lookalike standing there in a black and white spider suit.
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Seeing your neighbor/friend's doppelgänger was shocking enough, but Miguel knew it was time to head back to your own universe when you discovered, quite by accident, that you were the proud, new owner of organic webbing.
You accidentally shot a long roped web out of your wrist and shrieked in surprise, inadvertently firing off a few more before Miguel could explain to you what was happening. He knew it could be a possibility - some spiders made their webbing in the lab and wore the tech on their wrists - while others, like you, had organic webbing as a part of your altered DNA.
There was really no way to know for sure until it happened. The thought of spiderwebs flying out of your skin freaked you right the hell out, so Miguel took you home.
After explaining things to you and making you some Mexican food, he noticed you hadn't spoken or even looked at him since he poured your first margarita.
"Mi amor?" He gently prompted, reaching for your hand. "Talk to me."
As if simply waiting on an invitation, you dove right in.
"Why didn't you tell me about all this - about the other spiders?" You whispered. "I mean...this is huge."
"I know." His gaze dropped. "I wanted to, but the Spider Society - we don't really...advertise."
"I get that," you nodded understandingly, "But I'm not just your girlfriend. I'm your research partner. Don't you think it's pertinent to our research - all those other spiders? Didn't you think maybe this information could help you?"
"There are no other spiders like me. No one had the accident I had and no one...drinks blood."
"But we don't know - there could have been something," you argued. "A-and the fact that I was working around radioactive spiders every day?"
"Well...you did know about the spiders, to be fair," he reasoned.
"Maybe, but not that I would turn into a spider-person - and that there were other universes with...us out there. And Gwen - there's another Gwen?" You pulled your hand away during your confused and impassioned speech, running your fingers over your wrists where your spiderwebs had shot out.
"And now like - I'm part spider and I am completely freaked out, Miguel, d-do you understand that?"
His scarlet eyes found yours and he nodded. "I think I do. I definitely do."
Your eyed him sympathetically, understanding his meaning. This was the whole point of your research together - the reason you met. Miguel didn't want to be part vampire spider anymore, and he never wanted to need to drink blood again. He'd spent most of his life vexed by his very existence.
"I didn't mean for this to happen to you, mi amor - you have to believe that."
"I know," you sniffled. "But what about me? Are you...friends with another me - somewhere out there? You and me - are we just carbon copies of - "
"No." Miguel's scarlet eyes swirled with uncertainty as his dark eyebrows arched pleadingly. "There is no one else like you. There never could be."
Seeing your hesitation and sensing your distress, he pushed off his barstool where you were seated at the kitchen island. Brushing his knuckles across your cheek, he struggled to find the right words as slivers of fear began to wind around his heart - a dread that somehow, he could lose you. "Corazon..."
"You're sure you haven't met a bunch of other me's?" You softly questioned, blinking up at him.
"Mi vida," he breathed, touching his forehead to yours as he stood between your legs - his hands spreading across your thighs.
With little effort, he lifted you off your barstool and set you on the counter top, easing closer until his body pressed against yours. Pulling your thighs around his waist, he shifted his hips before pressing his waiting mouth to yours.
You hummed against his lips, slipping your fingers around his neck to wind through his dark locks. He tasted you slowly, pushing his hands back up your spread thighs to grip your hips. Thrusting against you temptingly, he licked hotly into your mouth, but it didn't last long.
Touching his forehead to yours, the warmth of his breath enticed you closer, but he shook his head, murmuring your name. Miguel so often spoke through his body. Some of your wildest nights together stemmed from his anger and desperation.
One memory in particular came to mind - one Saturday in your apartment, when he admitted to you that his daughter had passed away. He tried to tell you more about it that day, but instead, he had pulled you against his body and kissed you so tenderly. You had taken him to your bed and that was the first time he was so sweet and deliberate with you.
Whispering his name, you brushed an errant lock of hair from his ruby gaze.
Shaking his head slightly, he inhaled, as if ready to speak, but somehow couldn't...stammering, instead, leaning into your touch. "I can't..."
"What," you murmured, twirling your fingers through the hair behind his ears.
"Lose you," he choked out, his gaze dropping to your lap.
Dragging your fingertips down his jawline, you lifted his face back up to yours. But you didn't answer - instead, sealing your mouth to his once more, pulling him closer still, and squeezing his torso with your thighs.
He responded hungrily, lifting you up to carry you to the nearest flat surface, which was the living room couch - his tongue tangling with yours urgently.
The two of you tumbled down, bodies pressed eagerly together as you rolled all the way down to the floor, grinding together for the friction you so desperately craved. So often, you searched for the connection needed through communication with your bodies.
It happened quickly - with both of you craving the intensity of your shared bond when your bodies joined. With only a few deliberate yanks of clothing off or aside, he pushed his way snugly inside you, the two of you a hopeless tangle of limbs and clothing.
But you wanted him closer stil. "Tear these," you pouted, pulling at your shoved-aside panties...
...but they ripped with the strength of your finger.
Before you could react, he obeyed your command, shredding the other annoying articles of clothing, easing down onto his back as your joined bodies continued a tantric rhythm.
He groaned as you worked your naked body over his cock, your tits bouncing, granting him his favorite view in all the universes he'd ever laid eyes on, or even imagined.
"Even if I met...another version of you somehow...it still wouldn't be you," he panted, running his hands all over your beautiful body.
Miguel had needed reassurance that he wouldn't lose you, but it was you doubting your uniqueness, and for the first time, you understood, even if only in part, why Miguel might feel like a freak or a monster.
A radioactive spider bite had altered your DNA and your body was a mystery to you now. You didn't know your own strength and the whole spiderweb thing really sent you...
But the biggest fear driving the vigorous use of his body beneath you was that he might discover another you somewhere.
"Tell me again," you whined, twisting your body down into his with brutal ferocity. "Tell me I'm the only one."
"F-fuck," he stuttered out - your newfound strength making his huge frame buck like a rag doll.
Wishing he could sit up and hold you while you came - to reassure you that you belonged to him, and that no one else ever could, Miguel instead found himself coming hard and instantly because he could not move - your strength rendering him incapable of lifting off the floor.
"Miguel, please," you gasped, digging your nails so hard into his chest that you drew blood, so close to your release but feeling that he'd already come inside you.
You kept on riding him even as he went soft, expecting his superhuman stamina to have him hard and ready for you soon, but you forgot one small factor:
He had to keep up with you now.
Your frustration and desperation came to a head and you finally stilled your movements, opening your eyes to find bloody streaks scraped into your boyfriend's massive chest.
Before you could even react or worry, Miguel trapped your wrists in his hands. "Está bien, cariño."
You gasped out his name, horrified, still unaware that you were literally pinning him down.
"I'm okay, it's okay," he assured you, pulling at your wrists. "Let me up."
"Oh god," you croaked, finally releasing him and staring at the angry red marks and trickles of blood. "I-I didn't mean to. I didn't even realize."
"Hey..." he caressed your cheek, readjusting as your bodies pulled apart. "Felt so good. I'm okay."
"But you're bleeding," you argued. "Look what I did..." You trailed off as he nodded, understanding, better than anyone, exactly how you were feeling right now. You hurt him - drew blood, surprising and horrifying yourself, only to have him come faster than ever, telling you how good it was.
Okay, so the tables had turned.
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Miguel suggested the two of you go upstairs to clean up and get more comfortable, promising to clean up the Mexican feast tomorrow.
You were quiet - perplexed, mostly, but the tiny slivers of fear slipped back into Miguel's mind over what his lack of candor might ultimately mean for your relationship.
"Mi amor," he started again, just the way he had right after dinner. The two of you had showered and changed into pajamas even though it was hardly bedtime.
Gripping you by the arms, he ducked down closer to your height. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for this."
"It's not your fault," you reasoned, resting your palms against his chest. "How could it be?"
He simply shrugged, pulling you close to his chest for a hug. "I promise there's no one else like you," he whispered against your temple. "There are other Parkers, and other spiders, but no one else is like you."
Easing back, he took your face in his hands. "Every single person I've met - other Peters and other Gwens - none of them are exactly alike - they're all unique."
Pressing a soft kiss to your mouth, he rested his forehead against yours. "You can't honestly believe I could love anyone else."
He kissed you again, slotting his mouth against yours as his strong arms wound around your back. Then he took you to his bed and made you believe it.
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Six weeks later...
Miguel turned out to be quite the capable coach - helping you understand your powers and practicing using them. He even encouraged the use of your spiderwebs outside the lab, reasoning that you needed to get used to them domestically.
A few pillows lost their stuffing and you shattered a teapot and a margarita glass, but, with practice, you adjusted.
This was an absolute must before working in the lab. Flying spiderwebs did not mix with delicate test tubes and beakers.
Your favorite part of training was when Miguel insisted you use his body for practice - testing your strength, agility and your webs while he taught you how to fight. It took you weeks to unleash your full strength on him. Your kick knocked him across a rooftop.
But when it came right down to it, he actually was bigger and stronger. Not by much. Your advantage came from your more powerful webs and your precognitive spider-sense.
Work had completely changed for the two of you, since you started focusing your time less on a cure for Miguel, and more on the needs of the Spider Society.
Miguel started to feel like maybe being a spider wasn't so bad. He used to feel alone, despite all the other spiders in the society - constantly wracked with guilt over the blood he took from others simply to sustain his life.
Then you came along - brilliant, beautiful and so full of life - challenging him at every turn - in the lab, in the bedroom. You knew what you wanted out of a career and you definitely knew what you wanted from a lover.
What started out as a wild bit of coworkers-with-benefits gave way to a twisted relationship of sorts - he used your body for pleasure and for feeding and -miracle of miracles - you loved it.
Craving the dark things he did to your body - the scratches of his talons, the puncture marks from his fangs, the weakness from blood loss and paralyzation - all while he used your body for his pleasure - it was a mirror to him of how much of a monster he really was.
But you showed him that person deserved love as much as anyone else. Miguel finally accepted your acceptance. He allowed you to love him and heal his heart. He still wasn't comfortable with hurting you, however, and remained determined to find a cure for his condition.
At least until a couple weeks ago.
The two of you were sparring and Miguel was pushing you pretty hard. He was still superior at hand-to-hand combat, simply from years of experience.
Sparring with an absolute tank of a delicious boyfriend like Miguel taught you a lot, but it also made you feral. He usually insisted the two of you calm down and cool off - keeping your training separate from your personal life.
But this particular night, you were having none of it.
Miguel had you pinned on the ground between his thick, gorgeous thighs.
"Ready for a break?" He nonchalantly and almost smugly questioned.
"No way," you huffed, firing webs to bind his ankles together.
You could feel a slightly condescending chuckle rumble through his body, so you fired another web right at his mouth, silencing him.
Your face was right next to his crotch and, as you ordered him to stop fighting you, his cock started getting hard.
Certainly not the first time that happened.
He reached for your hands to try to stop all your spiderweb nonsense, but you stuck his hand to the floor with another web.
He only squeezed his thighs together harder, keeping you trapped.
"Have it your way," you purred, mouthing him through the thin cotton of his joggers.
He mumbled out a protest, through the web covering his mouth, reaching for you with his other hand. While teasing his cock with your lips, you managed to stick his other hand to the floor and start to wiggle free.
Miguel really was stronger than you, but lost his concentration just enough to forget to keep clamping down with his thighs.
You rolled away, laughing victoriously, but knowing he wouldn't stay trapped for long. So you straddled his waist, enjoying your few moments with him bound and silenced, rolling your hips over his length, grinding down temptingly.
"I wonder if I could make you come before you get free," you taunted, firing more webs to trap his entire arms - from shoulders to wrists - to the floor. You used more webbing to secure his legs as well, loosening his ankles just long enough to secure his legs all the way down, spread apart, just like his arms.
He didn't fight you.
Instead, his ruby irises flashed with lust as you pulled your sports bra over your head. He was already shirtless, so it felt incredible when you removed the web silencing him. You laid down, your breasts mashed against his muscular chest, grinding your core against his length as you kissed him hard.
You felt him shift and strain against the webs - he no doubt wanted to run his hands over your skin, but you nipped at his lips, tutting condescendingly.
"Be good for me," you teased, ripping his pants open with no effort. He groaned as you roughly pushed your own pants down and kicked them off, leaving you naked as you draped yourself back over him, rubbing your bare wet cunt up and down his stiff cock.
"Baby, please..." he panted as you undulated - your tits bouncing as you found the friction you sought for your clit, but left him desperate to push his way inside you.
You eased down again, lying on top of him, rolling your hips teasingly as your slid your tongue inside his mouth, purposely dragging it across his sharp fang.
Miguel moaned as the taste of your blood filled his mouth, sucking your tongue, drinking your sweet nectar as you kissed him and teased him endlessly.
You sat back up after a moment, licking your lips clean of blood as your tongue healed itself almost instantly. Bracing yourself with your palms on your boyfriend's huge chest, you locked eyes with him, smirking slightly as you continued rocking your hips just enough to rub your clit pleasurably but to leave him wanting.
"Fuck me," he panted, running his blood-covered tongue over his lips - his muscles straining against your webs.
Biting your lip coyly, you paused the movement of your hips. "Make me." And you continued the drag of your clit over his tip, panting as pleasure sparked up and down your spine.
You wanted his cock inside you as badly as he did, but it was just too fun to see him squirm. Back and forth you went, faster and faster, working yourself close to your release.
"I'm so close," you moaned, concentrating on your own pleasure and loving the flex of Miguel's muscles as he struggled. Soon enough, his warm laser webs, convenient talons and sheer strength freed his arms just enough to knock you off balance.
A bit of sparring ensued - the two of you hard and wet and naked - fighting for control and desperate to fuck.
You attempted to ensnare your boyfriend in your webs again, but he dodged you, rolling away and firing his own, which bound your ankles and made you trip. Before you could hit the ground, however, you ripped your ankles free and rolled to a stop...
...but Miguel was ready, firing his laser webbing to bind your hands. He grabbed you from behind, pushing you down to the floor and pinning you there with all his weight, pushing your bound hands up over your head.
You squirmed but he was pressing down on you with all his might.
"You're going to be still, little spider, while I fuck you."
"Doubt that - " You started, but weren't surprised at all as Miguel's webs covered your mouth. You wriggled against him, but were secretly thrilled that he was using his strength on you. He had shown some hesitancy bringing his powers and his full strength into the bedroom, aside from the way he would regularly drink blood from your tongue when you purposely sliced it on his fang.
Two strong hands gripped your hips, shifting you up just enough for him to thrust his thick cock into your dripping channel. Memories of him bending you over his desk flooded your mind - times when you would cry from how good he would fuck you.
And now, as he pounded into you, with all the power and speed in his beautiful body, you felt pressure but no pain. And he felt release with no guilt.
The webbing across your mouth muffled your screams of ecstasy as he shifted his hips to hit that spot so perfect.
"My beautiful girl," he breathed on the back of your neck. "You were made for me."
His fangs tore into your flesh and he fed - the feeling of his fangs inside your skin made you come instantly - your body convulsing with the wildest, hardest orgasm of your life.
Miguel's paralytic venom could no longer incapacitate you - it merely slowed you down for a minute or two, giving him just enough time to drink his fill, feel your body submit and give out, as he pumped his seed into you.
The two of you collapsed together on the floor, panting and spent. Miguel freed you from his webs, rolled you over to face him and pulled you against the warmth of his chest.
You melted against him, satisfied, accepting his lust-filled kiss.
He pulled back a moment later, amazed as the angry wounds in your throat closed and vanished as your body healed itself.
After two weeks of feeding on your new blood, and dozens of tests to make sure your blood wouldn't somehow hurt him, Miguel put to rest the idea of looking for a cure for his condition.
"I told you - you're perfect just like you are," you whispered one night, lying on top of his chest.
"Maybe I was just waiting on my cure," he murmured back, running his hands down the curve of your bare back. "You fixed me. You healed me."
"You fixed me too. I had no idea what I was missing before super powered sex," you teased him.
He playfully swatted your ass. "We're going to break everything in this house if we keep going like this, corazón."
You smiled to yourself. "I don't know. I think we're going to have to take it easy for a while."
"Why...did I hurt you?"
"No." You pressed a quick kiss right over his heart. "I'm pregnant."
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Thank you for taking this wild ride with me! It was fun to explore unhinged, blood-drinking Miguel. xoxo - Ivy
Miguel O'Hara Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Overwatch Headcanons (based on the canon lore and several in-game events and things) that I really want to be true.
A lot of it is Junkers, sorry.
☆ Ever since April Fools, I love the thought that Roadhog watches 'mom shows.' (Oprah, Bachelor, Bachelorette, etc.) I also love to think he gets really into it, like he's dead silent and perfectly focused on the episode or he'll mutter stuff under his breath during The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. Like, "... how dare that sludge talk like that..." or "... you go girl, tell him off..."
Tracer: Why do you sound like a prospector when you're angry, cad flabbit?
☆ Hanzo snorts when he laughs too hard... thats it. But he'll deny it if someone hears it. Hard deny.
☆ Junkrat is the equivalent of that one guy in Ratatouille ("I killed a man, with this thumb." Can't remember his name for the life of me.) when anyone asks what happened to his finger. From 'Extreme Thumb Wrestling Gone Wrong' to the simple one answer that is 'Koalas.' No one truly knows what happened to his finger.
☆ Odessa doesn't know how to write. (Junkertown Education System.) But she does know how to draw just a bit. So when doing autographs, she doodles a tiny version of her. With little stars.
☆ Speaking of Junkertown and Australia in Overwatch, the place is basically like Mad Max and Fallout had a baby. Even Junkrat sees the difference between normal dirt and radioactive dirt. And thats just facts. If you look at the Junkertown map, you'll understand what I mean.
☆ Sombra was an orphan, she hadn't felt a familial bond until Sigma. Come on, the man is like a science dad. He has that energy. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't see him as family. Sigma is the only (from my current research (not counting Doomfists 'jefe.' Jefe justs means boss.)) one that has a consistent nickname that translates (sorry if its wrong) to 'Old Man.'
☆ Moira knows how to dance every single anime dance... no no no, you don't understand. Every. Single. One. Will she ever show it? No. Definitely not.
☆ Tracer has adhd. Not because of her ability. That's a stupid reason. It's cause she just... seems like she does you know?
☆ Junkrat actually has a love of singing. As shown in the random chatter he has and the interactions with Lucio, Jamie likes to sing. Although, from when he's demonstrating to Lucio, it kinda seems like he's nervous. The "Sausage Roll and Batter Sav" tune he sings isn't bad. He's just a silly little guy.
☆ Speaking of my favorite silly guy, Junkrat is actually smarter than people give him credit for. He can keep a conversation with Sigma, he knows Xenos Paradox, he gets Winstons Periodoc Table joke, it's just that he expresses himself differently. I mean he was theoretically raised in the radioactive outback, you're gonna wind up a bit weird. I think he partly hides his genius so no one can take advantage of it.
☆ Opposite of Junkrat, Roadhog seemingly has made friends with a lot of others. They're more willing to talk to him than the rat man. I mean, come on, Mako gets along with D.Va, Ana, Junker Queen, Kiriko (i think), and Lucio. Maybe Mercy as well, but I couldn't figure it out. I have a feeling that Roadhog thought that no one would like him cause he's scary, but everyone on the team just sees him as a gentle giant (which he honestly is, have you seen his cute little interactions and the plethora of Pachimari things he has?)
☆ Mercy really cares about those around her. So much so, that she believes (if going by some of her chatter is anything) anyone can be saved. Even Widowmaker. I'm guessing from what she had done with Genji, she had proved to herself that she could save anyone.
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What would be the reaction of the skeletons, if the outside world is worse than the underground, Eg. Famine, Nuclear War, or even Zombie Apocalypse if that's what you want. Whatever it is, the outside world is worse than the inside, and it's on the brink of collapse.
Undertale Sans - Welp. They went outside the cave for like five minutes, woo, big sensations. Now time to go back Underground lol. He dealt with time-space shit for he doesn't even know how long because he can't remember reset, he's not going to add a nuclear war to the list thank you very much. Sans decides it's vacation time. He's done with the end of the world. He's going back to Grillby's now. Bye.
Undertale Papyrus - Hum. When he read things about the surface he kinda expected something else you know. Well, definitely not burned radioactive lands. Is this why they thought for? Damn, if he had known he wouldn't have put so much effort in it. What was the emergency to get out again? He missed his Mettaton's TV show for this! He's so mad!
Underswap Sans - Well... That's funny actually. They left a prison, and when they got out, there's just a gigantic ocean surrounding them because the waters rised. And now they are stuck as the only place not being an ocean is the Underground. At least they can still go see the sun when they want??? That's sort of an improvement???
Underswap Papyrus - He was too nervous to leave the Underground anyway. He is kinda relieved all there is is water around them to be honnest so he can go back in Snowdin and pretends nothing ever happened. They won't have to deal with more humans and he's very happy about it.
Underfell Sans and Papyrus - "boss, i'm not sure they're friendly" "BULLSHIT! UGLY GREEN FACELESS OVERGROWN CLONE OF FRISK, LEAD US TO YOUR CHIEF!" The guy lets go a "Grrrrah" and then jumps on him and bites his arm. "WELL THIS IS FUCKING RUDE. I HATE THIS PLACE. WHY DID WE GET OUT AGAIN???" The monsters are a bit... dubitative about the humans outside. They look a bit dead. And alive somehow. Oh well, monsters are immuned anyway to the zombie virus. Look at that, they literally have cities for them alone! That can't be bad.
Horrortale Sans - He was so hopeful that once they got out, they would finally have food. Except as soon they arrive on the Surface, they discover the humans are in the middle of a big famine as well. Oh. Well... Uh... At least there are humans outside so they're ok??? Oak tries to see the good sides you know.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's a bit angry. How dare you have a famine NOW? Is this some sick joke? He just killed his best friend to get out, and all for nothing??? That's bullshit! Clearly the Surface sucks. Well, at least they have some variety in food here. Maybe they can become vegetarian? Like eat grass or something? He has no idea dude.
Swapfell Sans - Aliens. After everything, aliens. Angry aliens that wants the world to die. The queen says that since he's the captain of the royal guard, he should be the one to go and meet them. Nox looks at her, terrified. What do you mean him? He's not going to talk to the aliens! What if they lay eggs in his stomach??? The queen tells him he has no stomach and kicks him out of the Underground. Nox wants to cry.
Swapfell Papyrus - Aliens are real??? Omg, he's so happy! He thought it was all stupid stories Undyne wrote! Though, why are the humans so scared??? Aren't they all supposed to have babies with each other like in the movies??? He's confused. Then the humans scream they are aliens and Rus is even more confused. Are they aliens???
Fellswap Gold Sans - The Earth is invaded by... Giant vegetables. That eat humans. What the hell. Wine is not paid enough for this. He quits the Royal Guard, wishes Toriel good luck and goes back to his home. That's enough for one day, he's done.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's so mad! Why vegetables??? Couldn't it be candies or something? He hates vegetables! He didn't escape Wine's vegetable tyranny to get out and eat more vegetables! This is the worst possible ending! Why does the world hates him so much?! Were resets not enough already?! Coffee is starting his edgy arc.
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quietbluejay · 4 months
Angel Exterminatus 9
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is he actually on the defensive here?
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that's not what you were mainly doing but this does successfully shift the conversation topic
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Oh, Fulgrim went full Nietzsche.
But also I don't actually know that Perturabo meant wrong in the moral sense here. but, then again, Fulgrim is also trying to go "i reject your reality and substitute my own"
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(eyes emoji)
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(eyes emoji repeated four times)
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I wonder if he knows that Fabius murdered Soulaka yet
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He's got a point you know
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WHEEZE How very 40k.
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whatever reason/plot he suckered perturabo into doing this for is still up and running
This is not going to go the way that Perturabo thinks it will.
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mood this is weirdly the most personally relatable perturabo has been in this entire book I realize saying that makes me come off like a maniac
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kroeger is just here for violence and i respect that just realized something kroeger would get along swimmingly with the combaticons aside from the whole fact that they're alien robots and he's as xenophobic as the rest of the imperium and he's human* and the Combaticons are as anti-organic as any given Decepticon *blah blah transhuman blah blah so the answer is simple: we trap vortex and kroeger together inside a get-along body bluejay you can't have sticking two people together inside a get-along body be the solution to everything
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forrix is the only one with any scintilla of common sense in this book well maybe wayland has some
anyways i think this was the bit that @krynnmeridia said was "one of the best scenes in the entire Horus Heresy"
OH the next interlude is baby fulgrim outsider POV this time
ah i figured out whither ferrus in the last interlude he's attempting to haunt the narrative but not doing a very good job of it you could say his flesh is his flesh was too
i will not apologize for bad jokes
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Perturabo is the guy on a dev team who avoids getting promoted like the plague the project manager is his nemesis a lot of the time he's also The Worst to have reviewing your code
he's repairing his limited edition transformers figure warhound titan automaton
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"what's giving up one more oath" vs "keeping my word is all i have" but also perturabo's lack of initiative strikes again "part of him looked forwards to it, because then he would be free of his debt to fulgrim" get help, please oh wait i forgot this was warhammer
okay if 40k Guilliman's song is Tongues by Joywave and Mortarion's song is Radioactive by Imagine Dragons I'm never going to let that one go either Sorrow by The National then Perturabo's is Sea Lion by Sage Francis, Or maybe Waterline.
Ma, Ma, look what I did, Ma Look what I did to my hands, I broke em You gave me the stone, gave me the chisel Didn't say how to hold em Didn't say give away every piece of the puzzle Till I was left with nothing But I took it upon myself to crush it up and distribute the dust Get in the bus, hop in the van Jump in the water, crawl to the land Build another castle out of the sand Break it down and then I get into the saddle again Going city to city I'm already lost, tell the boss Who is new in town I'm-a ride this horse till it bucks me off And I'm forced to shoot it down
come for the overused meme reactions, stay for the mid 2000s hip hop recs
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even in this freaking book i can't escape McNeill simping for Magnus
I'm pretty sure this is Ahriman's wine, ftr
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BAD especially since at the beginning of the scene it mentions how tired he is hey so like are their things that can drain your life force in 40k? ...what would Fulgrim even DO with his life force, though? eat it??? I still have a bad feeling about this though
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a lot, actually especially if he considers himself expendable or that his sacrifice would be worth it
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oh yeah a thought re: the entire play which is that mcneill, writing a book with no female characters, had to wedge in a spot so he could be weird about women
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Definitely some kind of life drain
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lmao is it though i think the one thing iron warriors do better than anyone else is no, perhaps i am being too mean. i shall remain silent.
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lmaooo that's the first time I've seen anyone call an Ultramarine a popinjay, that's not their usual type of epithet
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Help why is this so funny don't stare into the warp and drive, kids! it'll come back and bother you while you're trying to work
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I am feeling the Maoism in this Chilis tonight
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Methinks the primarch doth protest too much (re dramatics)
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i dunno i feel like the enemy you saw kills you a lot of the time in war but what do i know
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Hey remember all that dramatic irony with Lorgar back in the very long opening of Know No Fear? Yeah.
okay i know Perturabo survives this because he's at the siege of terra
Annnnd I hit image limit. To be continued next time!
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grailfinders · 1 year
Grailfinders #315: Habetrot
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today on Grailfinders, we’re finally getting the hell out of lostbelt six! we’ve just got one more faerie to go and we’re free until summer finally kills us. all we need to do is Habetrot, so let’s take a look at her kit, probably just another sewing servant….
wow, I just spoiled so much of this lostbelt for myself! everything past this point is going under a cut.
so! Habetrot! she’s going to be an Ancients Paladin to literally be an ancient paladin (as well as to sew some sick wedding dresses), and she’s also a Witherbloom Warlock because literally no one in this lostbelt can keep their hands off weapons that will kill them. realistically she should be a hexblade, but a) we literally just did a hexadin, and b) the black barrel strikes me less as a sentient weapon and more as just. a giant ball of radioactivity.
so with that out of the way, let’s get building!
(as usual, a character sheet can be found here, and next up: sword baby)
Ancestry and Background
Habetrot is obviously a Fairy, unless you spell it correctly, then she’s a Faerie. who has Fairy Magic including Faerie Fire at third level. make it make sense. that makes the creatures in an area glowy if they fail a save, giving everyone else advantage to hit them, it’s a big boost to your crit star generation. off the bat though you have access to the Druidcraft cantrip, which is a more themed prestidigitation, just a billion tiny effects rolled into a single spell. and at level five you can Enlarge/Reduce creatures, and if you grow larger you can hit harder than usual, because a person-sized baby hits harder than a person-sized person. you can also shrink, but then you deal less damage with melee attacks. your faerie fire and enlarge/reduce share a single free cast per day, but you can also cast them (using your Charisma) with your existing spell slots. you can also fly, which makes your dirigible kind of pointless but we’ll get it anyway.
oh right, almost forgot. as a faerie you have free reign over your ability increases, but I picked +2 Dexterity and +1 Charisma here.
while I could use Habetrot’s waybackground, I’ll keep things kind of recent and call her a Guild Artisan. that gives her proficiency in Insight and Persuasion, and also means she has to pay regular dues to her guild boss. Boggart runs a tight ship, better not be late.
Ability Scores
Boggart hasn’t eaten you yet for some reason, so I bet your Charisma is super high. that and your Dexterity. balancing on a giant balloon is hard, and you’re also a crack shot with a gun. we have to make your Strength the third highest for multiclassing, but if you can convince your DM to ignore this you should dump it instead. she is literally a baby. physically, anyway. that being said your Constitution is still above average, babies can bounce back from just about anything. that means your Wisdom and Intelligence are low, having trouble learning things was your defining trait for quite a while.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: I promise this will make sense in the long run, just go with me here. starting off you’re good at Wisdom and Charisma saves, because magic doesn’t work on faeries that well. you’re also good at Medicine, it’s kind of like how Carpenters also used to be Surgeons, and you’ve got Religion down pat. the closest thing to a god in this land is rotting in a pit. there, that’s religion. you still know more than most people, tbh.
you can use Divine Sense to detect a couple types of creatures around you, but uh, spoiler alert! they’re faeries. they’re all faeries, you’re surrounded by faeries for thousands of years.
you can also Lay on Hands as an action, mending someone’s dress to give them some HP. you have a pool of five times your level each day to use, and spending five HP can heal someone from a poison or disease. when you say debuff immunity, you mean it.
2. Paladin 2: second level paladins can pick a Fighting Style, and you’re not really into fighting that much, so I guess you’re a Blessed Warrior. with this you can pick up two cleric cantrips of your choice and can even swap them out on level-ups, though for my money there’s only two we need. grab Thaumaturgy for the second of the three “do what you want” cantrips, and Mending, because making a character whose entire thing is sewing without the ability to mend would be a crime.
while we’re talking about Spells, you can cast those now. you get some spell slots, and your Charisma powers them. I’d grab Cure Wounds for your first skill, and Ceremony so you can finally find a use for all these stupid dresses you keep making since nobody actually gets married in britain. if they refuse to marry, you will make them marry. and get a +2 bonus to their AC for a week to boot!
you can also add a Divine Smite to a melee attack by spending a spell slot, but you don’t really use melee weapons. the only smite that doesn’t care what weapon you use is Branding Smite, and we won’t get that until fifth level. stay strong, habbe.
3. Paladin 3: but enough doom and gloom, let’s talk subclasses! as an Oath of Ancients paladin, you have an extended spell list, which now includes Ensnaring Strike to tie up an enemy with sewing supplies, or Speak with Animals to speak with animals. fey animals seem to be able to talk anyway, but still.
you can also Channel Divinity once a short rest in one of two flavors. you can spend an action to incur Nature’s Wrath on a foe, forcing a strength or dexterity save or they become restrained by vines I mean thread. you can also Turn the Faithless as an action, forcing every fey/fiend in thirty feet of you to make a… Wisdom save, or they become turned for a minute and have to run away from you.
you are a fey. huh.
this is the closest I could get to the downside of Habetrot’s third skill, WotC still isn’t big on players hurting themselves, even if they can’t get enough of shooting themselves in the foot.
4. Paladin 4: use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Dexterity. if you have to pick up a weapon, you might as well be decent at it.
5. Paladin 5: fifth level paladins get an Extra Attack each attack action, as well as second level spells! as mentioned, Branding Smite is the only smite you get that is okay with ranged weapons, and it adds an effect to the enemy for up to a minute if it hits, preventing them from going invisible- kind of like faerie fire, in a way!
in a similar vein, your oath spell Moonbeam deals extra damage to shapechangers, and Misty Step is just a good utility spell to have. if you’re in a bad situation, stop being there.
you can also buff up your friends’ dresses with Aid to give them extra HP for the day, or you can Find Steed to get a balloon to ride on. it can’t fly yet, so I guess we’re still trying to find some helium.
6. Paladin 6: sixth level paladins exude an Aura of Protection, adding your charisma modifier to all saves you or nearby friends make, no limitations (aside from you being conscious). when you said debuff immunity, you meant it.
7. Paladin 7: seventh level ancient paladins finally get something that is 100% unequivocally useful- the Aura of Warding. you and all your nearby friends have resistance to spell magic. there’s a reason nobody in britain uses magecraft.
8. Paladin 8: I think we’re late enough in the build to break out the serious spoilers now. use this ASI to pick up the Squire of Solamnia feat and become one of Aesc/Tonelico’s most trusted knights. now you can mount or dismount for only five feet of movement, and you can make a Precise Strike when you attack with any kind of weapon, giving yourself advantage plus an extra d8 of damage. you can do this proficiency times per day, once per turn, though you only burn through uses if the attack actually hits.
9. Paladin 9: ninth level paladins don’t get much, but they do get third level spells! your freebies are Plant Growth and Protection from Energy, but I’d say your best fit atm is Crusader’s Mantle. it might not be crit stars, but it will make everyone’s weapons a lot shinier as they do radiant damage. this also works on ranged weapons, yay!
10. Paladin 10: if that’s not enough auras, here’s one more! with the Aura of Courage, you and nearby allies never have to worry about being frightened! I know, Morgan’s scary, but it won’t help any if her allies get frightened too!
11. Warlock 1: we’ve covered Morgan’s fall from… errr, “grace” doesn’t quite sound right, plus she actually became queen, so it’s more of a rise… whatever. she’s queen now, you’re hanging out with boggart when this pretty young thing walks in with a god-killing weapon on her back. it’d be best if you take that off her hands, right?
obviously the “best” fit for this would be making it a Hexbladepatron, but we just did that and it’s not sentient, so we’ll make do with Witherbloom. starting at level one you learn some Pact Magic, a separate set of spell slots you can cast using your Charisma. there’s not a lot of them, but they recharge on short rests!
right now you can cast Eldritch Blast for a quick burst fire, Prestidigitation to fulfill our “do anything” cantrip trio, and you can either Hex an enemy to further empower the black barrel against them or craft an Armor of Agathys to make a protective gown out of ice for a lucky maiden. oh this spell’s actually just for you. you look nice in it though, and we’ll get something else later.
you also get an extended spell list of Witherbloom Spells, including Spare the Dying and Cure Wounds for more dress patching. you also get Inflict Wounds, which both feels out of character and also is a melee attack.
of course the real reason we’re going to college is for Witherbloom’s Essence Tap. as a bonus action up to proficiency times per day, you can empower yourself in one of two ways for up to a minute. Overgrowth is nice, letting you spend your bonus actions healing yourself by spending hit dice, but we’re here to make a black barrel, and for that we need to make Withering Strikes. when you deal any kind of damage, you can turn it into necrotic damage while ignoring the typical resistances.
12. Warlock 2: at second level you get two Eldritch Invocations to help make your warlock levels tailor-made to your needs. we’re saving one for next level as usual, but pick up Armor of Shadows now for free mage armor… also on yourself though. darn. the warlock spell list is a little greedy, huh? Charm Person is nice though. that one’s barely magic, you’re just personable.
13. Warlock 3: at level three we’re taking the Pact of the Blade to make an Improved Pact Weapon. I would love to give you the heavy crossbow option for the black barrel, but sadly you’re too small and babyish for DND to let you use the big guns. so instead, you can spend an action to summon a light crossbow of any design you wish to your hand. it gets +1 to all attacks and damage rolls, deals magical damage, and can be used to cast your warlock spells. you can also turn magic weapons into your pact weapon if you like, so if you come across a real black barrel mid-adventure feel free to scoop it up.
speaking of spells though, you get plenty. as a witherbloom student you get Lesser Restoration and Ray of Enfeeblement for free, so… I guess giving an enemy weaker attacks is kind of like giving your friends defense buffs? we’re also stretching by grabbing Earthbind, helping you tie flying enemies to the ground with your sewing equipment.
14. Warlock 4: at fourth level you can bump up your Charisma with an ASI for stronger spells and auras. if your balloon is light enough, maybe Mage Hand will help it fly? if not, wait until next level. also, probably use Invisibility to stay safe in the meantime. it would be terrible to die right before a build comes together.
15. Warlock 5: at fifth level warlocks get third level spells. Fly will finally help your balloon leave the ground, while Revivify and Vampiric Touch… are free.
the real reason we stuck around this long was for the invocation Eldritch Smite, which finally lets your black barrel do the kind of damage you’d expect. it’s similar to divine smites, but they can only use warlock slots, deal force damage instead of radiant, and they knock stuff over instead of dealing extra damage to zombies.
16. Paladin 11: I don’t think that’s enough pain though. with Improved Divine Smite all your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage! all your… melee… attacks. dammit, not again.
17. Paladin 12: okay, okay, we can save this. we just need to make a gun that can kill a god no matter what their health is in four levels. I’ve got it. Use this last ASI to pick up Metamagic Adept for two sorcery points and two kinds of metamagic you can use. we’re here for Distant spell to make your gun have some proper range, but Careful is nice too. I don’t think you have many AoE spells, it just feels in character.
18. Paladin 13: you’ve finally got fourth level spells, congrats! Ice Storm and Stoneskin are nice, but we’re here for two things. Find Greater Steed will give you a flying mount so you can finally stop wasting concentration on a balloon, and Banishment will help you kill gods.
well, not so much kill is permanently relocate them back to their home planes, but tomato tomatl. you can also use this on creatures from the plane you’re already on, but that’ll only banish them for a good minute.
19. Paladin 14: you can now use your Cleansing Touch as an action charisma modifier times a day, ending one spell on you or a willing creature. there is a reason. faeries don’t use magecraft.
20. Paladin 15: our final level of ancients paladin turned you into an Undying Sentinel. when you drop to 0 HP without dying you can drop to 1 instead once a day. you’re Mash’s guardian faerie, after all.
also, you don’t suffer the drawbacks of old age and can’t be magically aged. I don’t think faeries really have a “natural” lifespan, but if they did you’ve long since exceeded it.
Pros and Cons
there’s a dearth of enemies in D&D with ranged options, so being a ranged fighter is always a smart move. a smarter move is being a ranged fighter who can fly. and you excel at that, with plenty of cool ways to pump out damage from a distance and keep even the winged bastards you have to fight from ever getting close. being able to ignore a semi-common resistance doesn’t hurt either.
you also come packing a ton of support options thanks to your auras and healing spells basically nullifying most-if not all- magical effects on your party, up to and including magical damage.
as a paladin faerie you’ve got plenty of tools in your kit for dealing with fae, demons, and undead, who tend to be the biggest troublemakers in the forgotten realms.
while you have plenty of damage options, the best are reserved for melee paladins, which you aren’t. unless you risk getting close, you straight-up cannot use divine smite, improved divine smite, turn the faithless, or inflict wounds.
speaking of your support, guess how much of that requires you to be right next to your party! just about all of it, that’s right! having a gun is fun, but actually using it hampers both your offense and defense.
your highest level spell slot is fourth level. Find Greater Steed is cool and all, but is it really worth your highest spell slot? none of these creatures have more than 60 hp, so they will last at best a round or two in a fight. the biggest benefit of greater steeds are their ability to fly, but you can already do that.
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bibiwrld · 1 year
ON HIS NERVES🩹| Miguel O’Hara
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★ Miguel O’Hara x Black spider woman oc
★ Content: Teasing, flirting
—Synopsis: Alice Bernard, also known as Spider-Lily, was recruited by Jessica Drew 3 months ago. She was one of her kind. She was easygoing, kind and knew how to get on Miguel’s nerves.
“Alice!” Ben Reilly called out dramatically against a wall.
I laughed and waved at him. “Hi Ben!”
“Oi! Alice!” Hobie waved from a table surrounded by Gwen, Miles and Pavitr.
They all waved at me.
“Hey guys!” I waved back and continued walking.
I am Spider-Lily. Named after the flower the radioactive spider that bit me, ingested.
It happened during a family vacation, while I explored the meadow. The spider escaped the unknown lab, finding its way to the meadow of various flowers, drinking the nectar of the red spider lily flower.
I was so stupid for crouching down to the flower, putting my finger out for the spider to crawl on it, but then again, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
My suit was full skin tight spandex. It was dark green, with red fingers and feet. Yellow webbing designs on my mask, arms legs and chest, with a matching yellow spider on my chest. My mask had red swirly designs and tiny yellow dots around the eyes, similar to the spider lily flower.
My abilities consisted of releasing poisonous pollen, shooting natural red webs with green tips from my wrists, that grow like vines and releases poison venom on command. I can grow the spider lily flower straight from the palm of hands, it’s a little party trick of mine. And like the flower, I bring death upon others— that’s if I felt like it.
It’s not like I haven’t killed before.
I was recruited by Jessica Drew 3 months ago, while defeating Doc Ock. She saw my potential. After joining this spider society, my life has been nothing but amazing adventures.
Then there was Miguel O’Hara, the boss. When I first came to HQ, I was blinded by his beauty, then there was that scary, gloomy and mean demeanor. After arguing with Jess for 15 minutes, he threw a watch at me and dryly said “Welcome to the club.”
A true asshole.
I’ve proved myself to him, but I went against protocol a few times, making me his second least favorite spider person, Miles being number one.
He is so fine, I’d jump at any opportunity to let him fuck me— keep it professional Alice!
My spidey senses went off and MayDay fell into my arms from the ceiling.
She giggled and looked at me. She was the cutest little thing. I cuddled her in my arms.
“MayDay!” I heard Peter B call.
I look at her. “How do you manage to always slip away from your Dad?”
She only clapped and smiled in response.
“She’s over here!”
Peter B hurried over. “Oh thank you, Alice. Your mom would kill me if anything happened to you Mayday.”
I handed her over to him and he placed her securely in the baby carrier on his chest. “It’s no problem.” I looked at Mayday and patted her head. “And you stay out of trouble.”
Peter B ruffled her hair. “Oh she will.”
I waved goodbye to them and continued walking, greeting all the other spider persons. They were all so sweet.
Walking backwards and waving, my spidey senses went off. I quickly turned around, but it was too late, bumping into what felt like a solid wall.
I backed up, rubbing my head. “My fault.”
His back muscles tensed before turning around to me. His tall stature was so intimidating, but so hot.
He glared daggers at me.
“Alice.” He looked me up and down.
“Miggy!” I greeted sweetly.
“Don’t call me that.”
“But you love it.” I twirled around him, he followed my every move.
“No, I don’t.” He replied.
Lyla appeared by his shoulder. “Alice! Hiii!”
“Lyla!” I waved. “Doesn’t Miguel love the nickname I gave him?”
“Yes he does.”
I enjoyed teasing him. I guess you could say I get on his nerves.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “No I don’t.”
“Aren’t I your favorite?” I laughed.
“No.” He stepped closer to me.
I stared up at him, a smile hiding underneath my mask.
“Yes she i—”
“Be quiet, Lyla!” He waved away the AI, but she reappeared again, laughing.
“Awwww, you care about me.” I gushed, hands on my cheeks. “You should let me take you out sometime pretty boy.” I winked.
He tensed up and walked away with no response.
“He’d totally love that.” Lyla whispered to me.
“Lyla!” He shouted.
She giggled before disappearing.
Next part: –two.
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the jedi council should have let anakin be the baby girl he was born to be (aka a playlist on my thesis “society if anakin got to wear pink”) 
// Side To Side - Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj // Tantrum - Ashnikko // My Head & My Heart - Ava Max // Literal Legend - Ayesha Erotica // Gimme More - Britney Spears // pink diamond - Charli XCX // Crazy - Doechii // Boss Bitch - Doja Cat // Love Again - Dua Lipa // Make It Naked - DYLYN // Pink (Freak) - Elliot Lee // Started - Iggy Azalea // Blow - Kesha // Treat Me Like A Slut - Kim Petras // Can’t Get You Out Of My Head - Kylie Minogue // Replay - Lady Gaga // Cola - Lana Del Rey // In My Feelings - Lana Del Rey // The Fear - Lily Allen // Boys - Lizzo // I’m So Humble - The Lonely Island // Baby - Madison Beer // Bubblegum Bitch - MARINA // Radioactive - MARINA // Her - Megan Thee Stallion // Cry Baby - Melanie Martinez // Can’t Be Tamed - Miley Cyrus // Brat - MoxiFloxi // Trouble - Neon Jungle // Dangerous Heart - Night Club // brutal - Olivia Rodrigo // No Control - One Direction // Fireball - Pitbull // When I Grow Up - The Pussycat Dolls // The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez // Alive - Sia // Crazy Fuckin’ Robot Body - Snowblood // Bad Blood - Taylor Swift // Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift // STOP! - UPSAHL // 
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
You've become my inspurration baby, my mewse, you've singlehandedly made me want to craft my very own Yan meownster blog, I want our blorbos to touch mouths and/or kill each other 🥺
I wanted to ask your opinion, p-pls, as I'm creating the starter content for it, writing drabbles if you will, on some of these ideas I'm juggling. I'm unsure which to do first, and I would just like to ask you what you think of these 😳👉👈
The first is a dream demon that obsesses over a lucid dreamer darling. Honestly I thought of this one because of a weird dream I had that I couldn't really remember but I could remember the feeling of being chased or hunted by something. Dreamer darling uses lucid dreaming as an escape from reality, sleeping and dreaming constantly, probably to an unhealthy degree. They don't really remember their dreams, or even remember how talented they are in lucid dreaming (in terms of crafting and controlling dreams) but they know that sleep is more comforting than any other past time. At least it used to be, until suddenly, rather than feeling rested and happy as usual, they wake up anxious, unable to shake the feeling that they've caught the attention of something dangerous. They start staying awake, some small voice in their head telling them that sleeping is dangerous now, and every time they do inevitably fall asleep, they wake up feeling more and more worried and scared each time, as something unknown gets closer and closer.
The second is a royal obsessing over a commoner/ servant, I'm inclined to say gardener or knight cause I love the dynamic of, small man in power who has never labored in his life attempts to seduce/ intimidate bigger, work hardened commoner who is just mildly annoyed by their boss bothering them when they have things to do. The prince is bratty and spoiled but not much of a threat considering he's a long way off from ascending the throne and can't get away with anything too crazy until then. He always seems to be everywhere their favorite servant is though, talking their ear off about how when he rules he'd make it illegal to reject him so they'll have to come around eventually, why not make it easier and just come to his chambers with him now? When he overhears his favorite commoner telling other servants of their plans to travel, go far away from this kingdom and him with it, he decides its prudent to put a rush on that ascending to the throne thing, sorry dad, it's for love ❤
(I hope your weather is nice by your standards and that your food just hit Different today, love u pinnie🙏❤)
Hi, the first paragraph of this ask is so radioactive it fried some of my brain cells, I'll be holding you accountable for any gray mass leaking out my ears from henceforth. Eitherway, I'm extremely flattered and very happy to hear I motivate you in any way. <3
I like the first concept lots. Mostly because I'm big on creatures that are related to the mind. Monsters who always seem to have different features when you see them, they can't quite decide what you react best to yet so they're going to expose you to multiple versions of themselves until they hit the nail on the head. Do you ever wonder if dream demons (nightmares?) get lonely? Maybe some lucid dreamers have the ability to see/interact with them, but those are so rare... I can definitely see curiosity or loneliness as the basis of an obsession for a dream demon. Or may not. Maybe they're already so powerful they just sought you out to snuff the life out of you while you slumber, but you manage to impress them somehow, perhaps with your abilities to shape dreamscapes?
As much as I just eat up power imbalances, I'm probably not the best person to ask about for king/peasant or prince/commoner stories, since I don't really consume many of those, nor am I honestly cultured enough to make one minimally immersive. 💀 Though, if you're doing a kingdom of monsters, I can totally see humans being either discriminated against or glorified, and that's an interesting twist in my opinion. I definitely love the idea of a yandere character already showing signs of hysteria but not being taken seriously because of their appearance or their position in society, it makes their victory sweeter. You know what we don't see enough of? Royal darlings and yandere peasants. Maybe several yandere commoners at once! >:]
Ultimately, do what you feel works best for you! <3
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ravenouseyes · 2 years
Alright I've just finished the new the owl house episode and let me tell you a couple things(aka what I've got from it):
I've tried to keep it vague enough to not be considered spoiler but try not to read
1 Luz is the best mc ever for me that's my baby that's everything I wanted to see as a little girl growing up and I'm glad kid get to have her now! She's so relatable and the talk she and her mother had? Reminded me of a recent conversation with my mom so it hit particularly close to me.
2 the collector is baby and I can't wait for the backstory I need him to get adopted too.
3 I'm a trans Hunter truther now, it was a neutral hc to me before yes but not anymore. That kid is trans idk in what way.
4 Willow is the best, like favourite character of the episode and I hope more people realize that, she deserves everything. My brave girl with older sister syndrome pls let her be vulnerable again.
5 RAINE OMG PLS THE WAY THEY LOOKED AT EDA? I need someone to look, gaze, being totally mesmerized at me the way Raine was in that scene.
6 also they're living a non-binary worst nightmare which is being locked up in your own mind with your old bigot boss who tries to control your life.
7 Lumity forehead kisses Lumity forehead kisses Lumity forehead kisses Lumity forehead kisses Lumity forehead kisses
8 LUZ'S PALISMAN!!!! I was so tense and scared they were keeping the reveal for the final but no my girl got her moment looking like a mix of a dark/ghost type Pokémon trainer and a witch and a radioactive bomb (IN A GOOD WAY) and got the cutest palisman ever!!!! IT LOOKS LIKE A MIX OF HER SIBLINGS!!! SLING BEAN IS A MIX OF KING AND VEE!!
9 I wanted to see Darius more tbh, and Raine, and Eda, and Lilith, and Alador please
11(last one) I'm so so so glad everyone who said Camilla Noceda was gonna swing that bad at monster and look totally badass while doing that was right we've been blessed.
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svanwijk · 3 years
Album Review: Radioactive Boss Baby - Radioactive Boss Baby (2022)
The relentless musical shifts of Radioactive Boss Baby (2022) overwhelm the senses. The moment Stabscotch and Five Star Hotel get into any groove on this collaboration they change gears in delirious manner.
“I ABSORB🧬(D2F REMIXX)” starts off stomping in two-two time but devolves into chaos driven by complex rhythms. The frantic glitches and tempo shifts of tracks like “GLOMANIC_ADHD” or “FM consumjer studio (sounhd) GAZE {YOUTUBE RIP}” defy categorization. Meanwhile vocalist Tyler Blensdorf shouts in characteristic demented anger with the elegance of a Captain Beefheart background choir. The warped “[4K] Phantom Eye” where an ominous childish voice provides contrast to his resolute spoken word passes for calm.
The unstable sonic mutations that Radioactive Boss Baby indulge in successfully shape a sonic wasteland. It all feels downright dystopian, as if the musical equivalent of Nick Lands accelerationist essay “Meltdown”. Like that writing it reflects the runaway process of technological change as exhibited in information overload.
Yet Radioactive Boss Baby never ventures beyond such a reflection of a hyperactive world. Stabscotch themselves engaged in the pandemoniac noise rock cleansing of Uncanny Valley (2017) and Iglooghost sculpted a dreamscape of glitches with Lei Line Eon (2021), two accomplished albums that did explore ways out of meltdown.
Rating: Approach With Caution (+)
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jambud-universe · 7 years
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dateko · 3 years
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Satoru does not live with you, but he sure likes to act like does.
Over the years, he has gradually made himself a norm in your daily routines and disrupted all of the schedules you’ve made for yourself. After all, Satoru hates routine. And it’s obvious when he continues to casually invite himself over even when you’re not home. It no longer surprises you when you come home to the sight of him sprawled all over your couch, accompanied with various sugary snacks in his arms. Also, you’ve grown numb to his surprise visits into the bathroom while you’re using the toilet. 
“Can’t you wait?” You ask, embarrassed.
“No can do, sweets. Need to look at you while I brush my teeth.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Disgustingly in love with you.”
Well, you can’t even complain because you love him too much. At this point, the two of you practically live together. You can’t quite remember when you decided he could have a copy of your key, but because he was so excited that the two of you could have matching Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel keychains, you let him have his moment. Also, he pays for your rent.
You’re still not used to seeing your bathroom sink cluttered with both of your selfcare products or to the sight of his larger shoes neatly aligned beside your smaller ones. There’s a softness in your heart that you can’t quite pinpoint yet. You feel it when you’re working into the later hours of the night and you spot Satoru leaning against the doorframe, asking you when you’ll come to bed with him. You feel it when he reaches the top shelf just to get your favorite cup or when he stocks up your pantry with both of your favorite snacks. The domesticity of it all is getting to you. Maybe you should just get married and move in already, but that’s a thought for another day. 
Adoration is one thing in your heart that you’ve identified and you feel it every morning you wake up beside Satoru. You’ve got too much pride to tell him this yourself and you know it’ll just inflate that head of his, but you really love when Satoru wakes up before you or when he attempts to spoil you with breakfast in bed and you have to tell him that you can't eat anything radioactive until 6pm. 
This would not be a thought you’d be having if you didn’t include what kind of gracious morning the both of you have each day. Well, really, you don’t wake up glamorous at all. You’re groggy, stinky, and have a long trail of dried spit on the side of your face. But today’s morning is a good morning. Sort of. 
A pair of soft lips ghost their way across your shoulder, waking you up. You blindly place a hand on the owner’s cheek, sitting up a bit so you can squint at him properly. The room is silent except for the soft giggles and greetings you exchange with your boyfriend. His hands loosely lay on the side of your waist and he smiles, taking pride in the way you hold each other in the sheets as the morning light slips through the blinds. Whenever he looks at you, your breath hitches every time. They’re a particular blue you could never name. A sight you could never get tired of. It’s like swimming in the deep made entirely of him. Reflective of what it’s like to be in love with him. You like how it feels when you see your own self reflected in his eyes.  
“Like what you see?” He wiggles his eyebrows at you, causing you to throw a leg over his torso and roll your eyes.
You card your finger though his snowy locks with a sigh and he looks down at you with a slightly serious expression on his face. You’ve got an inkling on what he’s thinking about.
“Can I ask what’s on the menu for breakfast?” He jokes, his eyebrows dancing once again. 
Already used to this overused question, you pull yourself up to kiss the corner of his mouth gently. “Hmm… How about me n you?” 
Satoru chuckles softly at you, “You always come up with the best plans, babe.” He brings your hand playing with his ear to his lips, making sure to look at you lovingly as he kisses each of your fingertips and you can’t help but blush. For as long as you’ve known him, Gojo Satoru has always made you blush and you wonder if you’ll be falling in love with him over and over again for the rest of your life. A gasp leaves your lips after his last kiss and he shifts himself so he’s looking down at you in your love stricken expression. You settle back into the pillows with a sigh, thankful for a day off and finally having the time to yourselves in the white sheets and light. 
The blue eyes above you are studying, pleading without needing any words. He’s about to say something while you're eyeing his boxers when your phone rings from the bedside table. You groan, scrabbling for it before Satoru can pick up and tell whoever’s on the other line that he’s literally about to blow your back out and then some. 
It’s work. 
You and Satoru both groan, listening to your boss ask you to come in on your day off. When you end the call, Satoru is looking down at you with a pout. While you wish you could give yourselves ten minutes of indulgence, you rub his arm with a playful and reassuring smile. “Duty calls, baby. Besides, you’re a big boy right? You got it.”
When you kick the duvet off and move to change into your work attire, you’re half expecting Satoru to pull you back and ask you to call in sick, but your boyfriend has already left (teleported) and you wonder if he really did go take care of his little dilemma on his own. 
There’s a loud clunk that seems to be coming from the kitchen and you peer down the loft to find the boyfriend in question hurriedly make an easy lunch for you. Your heart melts. You could get used to this.
Hastily finishing the skincare routine and reaching for your coat, you run down the stairs to grab everything else. But before you can leave, a large hand pulls you back into the kitchen. “Forgetting something?”
“‘Course not.” You plant a chaste kiss on the boyfriend’s lips. “Have a good morning, baby.”
Before you could slip away for the third time this morning, Satoru makes sure to make an announcement in the hallway. “And don’t forget we’re continuing where we left off as soon as you come home, okay?”
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